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Young Drachma 02-17-2004 03:00 PM

It's not the NFL or anything, but...female quarterback
Here is a story about her here
I love how in this story, they say, she started playing football on the "streets of suburban Chicago," 'cuz they couldn't just say she played with friends or at the park. Nope, in da streez...besides, it doesn't sound nearly as gritty as they want it to, with suburban Chicago after it.

In Pop Warner, no less

The most attention will be focused on the Jr. Pee Wee games tomorrow morning during the Harvey Colts (IL) first round game against the Southeast Apaches (TX). The Harvey Colts are led by female quarterback and scholar-athlete Jasmine Plummer. Jasmine, who wears number 1, is the first African-American quarterback to lead her team into the Pop Warner Super Bowl as the starting quarterback. While the media frenzy around this amazing young girl has created quite a stir, the Colts are guided by long-time Pop Warner coach Jim Stovall, who also saw Antwaan Randle El and Barry Gardner begin their careers in the Harvey Pop Warner program.

Poli 02-17-2004 03:08 PM

Well, I coached a Pop Warner Midget team two years ago, and we were told then females could play football and guys could cheer if they wanted.

Heck, with our QB play, we may have wanted one.

Franklinnoble 02-17-2004 03:08 PM

Great. Before long, we'll be suffering the embarassing spectacle of the WNFL.

cthomer5000 02-17-2004 03:09 PM

Did anyone have any female players on their high school teams?

We played against a team that had 2 girls on the JV squad, I don't know if they ever got any serious playing time...

We had 1 girl in our high school who I honestly believe could have been on the team, and maybe even gotten some legit playing time. Probably at wide receiver.

Young Drachma 02-17-2004 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Franklinnoble
Great. Before long, we'll be suffering the embarassing spectacle of the WNFL.

Shudders, I hope not. The WNBA is bad enough. The women's league that would actually work, the WNHL, won't get off the ground ever because the real NHL might die before long. Bettman....its like a swear word, only worse.

Franklinnoble 02-17-2004 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Did anyone have any female players on their high school teams?

According to my high school coach, we were all a bunch of girls. ESPN wasn't interested at the time.

MacroGuru 02-17-2004 03:12 PM

Down in Texas, didn't they have a girl playing MLB for a team?

She was big, and brought it, and did some amazing things her senior year, I just can't remember her name.

Desnudo 02-17-2004 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Did anyone have any female players on their high school teams?

We played against a team that had 2 girls on the JV squad, I don't know if they ever got any serious playing time...

We had 1 girl in our high school who I honestly believe could have been on the team, and maybe even gotten some legit playing time. Probably at wide receiver.

We had a female player on our varsity hockey team. I would say she was mediocre, although certainly capable of playing on the 3rd or 4th line, which she did. She did go on to star at a local university's women's hockey team. I remember seeing a blurb about it in the Boston Globe.

Eaglesfan27 02-17-2004 03:18 PM

Like I said in the other thread, we had a female kicker on our football team. She was a All-State Soccer player, and an honorable mention for all county place kicker in high school. She didn't go onto play in college because she wanted to focus on academics and she was worried about the possible reaction of college players to her being on the team (least I always felt that was part of her reasoning - she never explicitly stated that.) Now, she is a doctor specializing in sports medicine and we'll still keep in touch from time to time. This thread, and the CU thread have prompted me to email her and ask her for her thoughts on both of these topics.

Young Drachma 02-17-2004 03:25 PM

In my county, back in the early 80s, there was this girl (then) who played women's tennis for two years. She won the county title at first singles both years at the women's level and apparently did well at the state tournament - if not won it, I dunno.

Anyway, she decided and was allowed to play boys tennis. She was on the boys team for the last two years, made the final of the county tournament her junior year at 2nd singles and I think won the title at 3rd singles the next year or something crazy like that.

It was a funny story, my coach would tell us about people who would literally throw fits for losing to this girl. But yeah...that's my contribution to the thread. :)

Noop 02-17-2004 03:35 PM

If I wanted to play basketball for the WNBA can I? I mean if females can play in most men sports why can men play in their's? I would own the WNBA at this age....

Poli 02-17-2004 03:36 PM

The Afoci was a female football player.

sabotai 02-17-2004 03:39 PM

There was a girl who joined the football team when I was a freshman (she was a freshman too). Actually, there were supposed to be 3 or 4 more girls who wanted to join, but their parents would not sign the permission slip for them to play, so we only got one (and out of the bunch, she was the ugly one...)

She lasted until a few days before our first game and she quit.


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Did anyone have any female players on their high school teams?

We played against a team that had 2 girls on the JV squad, I don't know if they ever got any serious playing time...

We had 1 girl in our high school who I honestly believe could have been on the team, and maybe even gotten some legit playing time. Probably at wide receiver.

nilodor 02-17-2004 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Did anyone have any female players on their high school teams?

We played against a team that had 2 girls on the JV squad, I don't know if they ever got any serious playing time...

We had 1 girl in our high school who I honestly believe could have been on the team, and maybe even gotten some legit playing time. Probably at wide receiver.

That brings back one of my worst high school memories. I was creeping in from my corner spot looking like I was going to blitz and just as the ball was snapped I pulled out of the blitz and camped 4 or 5 yards off the left side of the line. Before the QB realized I had pulled back he threw a pass to the upback releasing into the flat. The second they caught the ball I was going damn near full tilt and just creamed them. Good ol' fashion decleater, the ball must of gone 15 yards backwards from impact. I stood up and was going to help them up when I looked down the back I just layed a lick on was a womyn and she wasn't doing so good. They had to pull her off on a stretcher and I found out a while later that she had broken 2 ribs. I was damn near mortified. I hated injuring people but hurting a girl, damn near made me sick.

sabotai 02-17-2004 03:43 PM

When you saw it was a girl, you should have said "Welcome to football". Then whe would gotten up and kicked you in the groin.

Quick, name that movie!

Noop 02-17-2004 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by nilodor
That brings back one of my worst high school memories. I was creeping in from my corner spot looking like I was going to blitz and just as the ball was snapped I pulled out of the blitz and camped 4 or 5 yards off the left side of the line. Before the QB realized I had pulled back he threw a pass to the upback releasing into the flat. The second they caught the ball I was going damn near full tilt and just creamed them. Good ol' fashion decleater, the ball must of gone 15 yards backwards from impact. I stood up and was going to help them up when I looked down the back I just layed a lick on was a womyn and she wasn't doing so good. They had to pull her off on a stretcher and I found out a while later that she had broken 2 ribs. I was damn near mortified. I hated injuring people but hurting a girl, damn near made me sick.

That right there is the reason why women should not play with men. In little they had a few girls play but if I remember correctly they were not to play anymore because the guys would gang tackle and cop a feel.

Ksyrup 02-17-2004 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Dark Cloud
Jasmine, who wears number 1, is the first African-American quarterback to lead her team into the Pop Warner Super Bowl as the starting quarterback.

OK, pop quiz time!

The above demonstrates that:

(a) Plenty of white quarterbacks, female or not, have lead their teams into the Pop Warner Super Bowl.

(b) It's really, really, difficult to lead your team into the Pop Warner Super Bowl as an African-American backup quarterback.

(c) It's even more difficult to lead your team into the Pop Warner Super Bowl as an African-American quarterback, when you are playing a position other than starting quarterback.

(d) Something about trouts and rectums.

Young Drachma 02-17-2004 03:57 PM


I thought it was interesting that this "trailblazer" was a women, to boot. What's that saying about the affect all those black quarterbacks in the NFL is having on the little leagues? Not much?

Poli 02-17-2004 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by sabotai
When you saw it was a girl, you should have said "Welcome to football". Then whe would gotten up and kicked you in the groin.

Quick, name that movie!

Ehm, Necessary Roughness.

Easy Mac 02-17-2004 03:59 PM

Man I wish I was the center on that team... I wouldn't be able to wear a cup after having that girl stick her hands up my a... sorry, porn moment.

Tasan 02-17-2004 04:00 PM

There was a female offensive lineman that played for the team down the road from us, on the Varsity too. Big fat chick, and she didn't see much time.

TLK 02-17-2004 04:12 PM

I went to a high school of about 300 students tops (anyone familiar with the Detroit/Dearborn area... it was St. Alphonsus) Anyways, my senior year of high school, they decided that although our soccer team hadn't won a game in two years and that there was no intrest in fielding a team.... to try soccer for one more year. We had six guys show up for our first practice, so they decided to fill the team out with five girls. Needless to say, we didn't win a game all year. There were games that were close, but close for us was five goals down. It was pretty funny though, although we were losing games by the mercy rule, three of our four defenders we rewarded with all-league honors. The girls tried, but three out of the five were just plain bad. The other two were completely passable when compared to the rest of the team.

We took a lot of crap from the other schools. I forget who we were playing but after their JV had gone up on us 8-0, they put their freshman team, who scored the two final goals to mercy us..... just humiliating. Five years later the scars are still with me (:)) and the school was closed down last year...... good times

edited to include pic :)

BigJohn&TheLions 02-17-2004 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Did anyone have any female players on their high school teams?

We had a girl in H.S. who could have played DT. She was about 6 ft 280. Unfortunately, she was a cheerleader (blech!) Luckily, she was always at the bottom of the pyramid...

tucker342 02-17-2004 04:38 PM

TheLionKing, that's a great story:D

There was a girl who played football as a Freshmen when I was a Freshmen... she didn't play much...

WSUCougar 02-17-2004 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Noop
I would own the WNBA at this age....

I'd actually like to see this played out. How tall are you?

sabotai 02-17-2004 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
Ehm, Necessary Roughness.

Best. Football Movie. Ever.

Franklinnoble 02-17-2004 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by sabotai
Best. Football Movie. Ever.

Dude, that's not funny, not even if you're being sarcastic.

Poli 02-17-2004 05:29 PM

Blow the whistle!

sabotai 02-17-2004 05:35 PM

I'll just add that I've yet (and I have not seen them all) to see a football movie I actually like, so me calling it the best football movie ever is equivalent to me saying it's the one that sucked the least. For some reason I just don't really like football movies...

The Afoci 02-17-2004 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
The Afoci was a female football player.

I just told you that so you would be my friend.

Noop 02-17-2004 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by WSUCougar
I'd actually like to see this played out. How tall are you?

5'10 159 but I got alot of speed when I'm I got a mean crossover and a deadly jumper...

ageofquarrel 02-17-2004 06:12 PM

When i was a freshman in high school. We had a girl who played linebacker and kicker on the varsity team. I dont know how much playing time she got though. I think she got a soccor scholarship. Also Ron Dayne was the running back if anyone cares.

Leonidas 02-17-2004 07:32 PM

Mama don't let your babies grow up to play for Colorado

Fritz 02-17-2004 07:43 PM

JeeberD 02-17-2004 08:17 PM

UTEP had a former soccer player walk on to the football team as a kicker this past season. She never made it into a game, though. Probably because Katie Hnida had already kicked a field goal for New Mexico by the time the Miners played thier first game of the season...

Franklinnoble 02-18-2004 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Fritz

I never cease to be amazed at your capacity to know these things. It's an odd sort of genius... like you're a "Bizarro QuikSand" or something.

cuervo72 02-18-2004 10:21 AM

There are/have been a number of women's leagues, take a look at all of the helmets at the Helmets, Helmets, Helmets site.

Fritz 02-18-2004 10:43 AM

cuervo likes helmet

DanGarion 02-18-2004 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by TheLionKing

You know there is a really funny perverted comment someone could say about this picture but I'm choosing to stay away from it.

Raven Hawk 02-18-2004 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Dark Cloud
Here is a story about her here
I love how in this story, they say, she started playing football on the "streets of suburban Chicago," 'cuz they couldn't just say she played with friends or at the park. Nope, in da streez...besides, it doesn't sound nearly as gritty as they want it to, with suburban Chicago after it.

How close is Snoozeville to Chicago? Just curious. From my recollection, Harvey, IL does qualify as 'da streetz.' But then again, I grew up in 'The Suburbs.' Nothing street about where I grew up.

ScottVib 02-18-2004 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Did anyone have any female players on their high school teams?

We played against a team that had 2 girls on the JV squad, I don't know if they ever got any serious playing time...

We had 1 girl in our high school who I honestly believe could have been on the team, and maybe even gotten some legit playing time. Probably at wide receiver.

We didn't but I coached a football team that had a girl come out for it. She made it a couple of weeks but quit before the first game and became our manager. She wasn't very fast, couldn't catch the ball very well, and was very timid, (we had her set up for WR and DB) ultimately she probably made the right decision.

There were other girls that signed up, but they normally didn't ever show for practice, Stephanie (the girl noted above) was the only one to actually take part in any of the season.

Young Drachma 10-04-2011 12:12 AM

Pinckney's Brianna Amat Kicks Winning Field Goal after being Named Homecoming Queen

'Kicking Queen' Hits Game-Winning Field Goal:


PINCKNEY, Mich. (WJBK) - She's the first girl to kick on Pinckney's varsity football team. On Friday night, Brianna Amat kicked a 31-yard game-winning field goal and was crowned homecoming queen on the same night.

Amat was already a soccer star at Pinckney High. She told her soccer coach she wanted to kick footballs as well. Head football coach Dan Burholder was impressed, so he put her on the team. Friday night was Brianna's biggest game against Grand Blanc, who was ranked No. 7 in the state.

Young Drachma 10-04-2011 12:15 AM

Dola --

I remember posting this thread. There's no way in hell I thought it was seven years old.

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