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kcchief19 12-13-2003 10:11 PM

Out: kcchief19 (knee)
Well, I officially hate snow. We got about 4-5 inches of snow today on top of some snow/ice that we got the other day. The snow plows came through our neighborhood and blocked my driveway pretty good, so late this morning I went outside to shovel my brains out.

Got about 1/4 way down the drive way when I hit a patch of ice and my foot slipped. My knee then caught, and I went down immediately. When I hit, my knee was bent and I couldn't straighten it out. I had to straighten it out by hand. After a quick inventory, I discovered no bones extruding and I wasn't in that much pain, but I couldn't move my knee. I had first thought I had broken my leg, but once I realized that my bones seemed intact and it was only my knee, I started to hope that maybe I just had a real bad sprain or a twist.

Nobody else was home, and I didn't even see anybody else on the block outside. At this point, I figured I was going to need medical help, so I scooted into the garage and into the house, dragging my leg behind me. Luckily, my cell phone was inside the door and I didn't have to try and go upstairs. Nancy was working, so I called my mom to come pick me up in her wagon to take me the ER.

Long story short -- too late -- the early diagnosis is a ruprtured patella tendon. I meet with a surgeon on Monday to plan surgery. Apparently, I can look forward to 4-6 weeks of crutches, 3 months of a knee brace and 6 months of rehab.

Luckily, I have a great boss so I should be able to do a lot of work from home. I can't move my left leg, so I'll have to work to get some programs moved from my PC to my laptop. Luckily, I already have FOF2k4 setup, so that should eleviate some of the boredeom. But it's only been about 10 hours since the injury and I'm already stir crazy!

I was trying to draw some inspiration from Jason White tonight. Maybe I'll rehab, go back to school win the Heisman next year. :)

Ksyrup 12-13-2003 10:14 PM

Sorry to hear that. Good luck on rehab. I broke my ankle about 1.5 years ago while jogging (go ahead, laugh, no one at work lets me forget about it) and spent the hot summer months in some sort of metal cast/contraption. I still have yet to try running on it, for fear of breaking it again.

FBPro 12-13-2003 10:21 PM

Good luck :)

MizzouRah 12-13-2003 10:25 PM

Someone's going to get really good at FOF. :)

Glad you could make it back into your house and get some help. I almost went into a ditch today, we got about 2-3 inches here.

I think it's supposed to be around 50 on Tuesday... :D


Ragone 12-13-2003 10:26 PM

yucky chief.. to match jason white though.. you'll need to fall and rehurt yourself about 4 more times :)

its been pretty bad here i'll admit.. hell.. i had to drive home during the blizzard conditions wednesday morning.. MoDot sucks ass at plowing.. i saw 3 plows going south on 435.. all in a single file line.. wtf good does that do? north was completely unplowed

the_meanstrosity 12-14-2003 12:01 AM


Sorry to hear that man. As Mizz stated, you could write a kick@$$ FOF2004 strategy guide for the rest of us, lol. Get well soon man!

Glengoyne 12-14-2003 03:23 AM

A good friend of mine had the same injury during a High School football practice. The coach pulled up his pantleg, and absolutely turned green. Not much looks scarier than a badly dislocated kneecap. While waiting for the ambulance his best friend knelt next to him, and kept staring at his leg repeating "Oh Fuck".

I am sure it is much funnier when he tells it, but thought I should share. Oh and do get well KC.

ice4277 12-14-2003 06:45 AM

Ouch, sorry Chief, I had sort of the same thing happen a couple years back, I broke 3 bones in my foot and my knee also was dislocated and I had to pop it back. I guess I was jacked on adrenaline as I was actually walking around on the broken foot for a couple hours and it didn't hurt that bad. But boy when I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and put all my weight down on it, wow, worst pain ever.

Good luck with the rehab, it can be a bitch to do but the only thing that will make it totally better.

Ben E Lou 12-14-2003 07:07 AM

Ouch! Get well soon man.

Has anyone else considered what a bad break this for .400??? Kcchief in a bad mood, spending more time than ever on the computer. Somebody better get Joe a sedative. ;)

Alan T 12-14-2003 08:14 AM

Ouch.. sorry to hear about this kcchief..

The all important question though... Did you suffer any talent drops?

Get better soon!

kcchief19 12-14-2003 09:35 AM


Originally posted by Alan T
The all important question though... Did you suffer any talent drops?

I thinks its a CEI. Think I can get Swaggs to edit it to an 18-month injury and try and make a comeback? :)

Thanks, everyone for the kind thoughts. My 35-minute drive to work Wednesday took me 2 hours and 45 minutes. Too many semis were getting stuck going up ramps because MoDot had done such a poor job plowing, and I don't think I saw a bit salt that morning.

Ben, I'm going to try and be a a kinder, gentler, kcchief during my convalescene. Heck, with all my free time and mellower mood, maybe I'll buy TPF and leave FOFC so I can become a full-time fanboy. :)

Alan T 12-14-2003 09:40 AM


Originally posted by kcchief19
Heck, with all my free time and mellower mood, maybe I'll buy TPF and leave FOFC so I can become a full-time fanboy. :)

Did TPF come out while I was in Atlanta?

ice4277 12-14-2003 09:42 AM


Originally posted by Alan T
Did TPF come out while I was in Atlanta?

No, I think it is still scheduled for the end of the month.

Ben E Lou 12-14-2003 09:47 AM


Originally posted by kcchief19
Ben, I'm going to try and be a a kinder, gentler, kcchief during my convalescene. Heck, with all my free time and mellower mood, maybe I'll buy TPF and leave FOFC so I can become a full-time fanboy. :)
Sounds like that injury, or being out in the cold too long, might have modified your synapses. ;)

Swaggs 12-14-2003 09:50 AM

Sorry to hear that kcchief... :(

MizzouRah 12-14-2003 10:16 AM


Ben, I'm going to try and be a a kinder, gentler, kcchief during my convalescene. Heck, with all my free time and mellower mood, maybe I'll buy TPF and leave FOFC so I can become a full-time fanboy.

Am I stoned? :D


BigJohn&TheLions 12-14-2003 01:36 PM

Damn. Ruptuerd patella tendon. What will they build a new ACL with now?
Last year I tried rollerskating for the first time in years. Broke my wrist (requiring a plate and 6 screws) and L2 vertebrae.

sterlingice 12-14-2003 01:53 PM

OW! Man, that sounds like it hurts like a bastard. Tough break, man. Now I'm going to be even more leary walking around in Lawrence for my finals.


Godzilla Blitz 12-14-2003 02:02 PM

KC: Sorry to hear that. I hope the surgery goes well. Keep us updated.

kcchief19 12-12-2013 10:59 AM

I know this will be buried in the archive section unless I get the motivation to ask somebody to move it to the active forum.

So 9 years, 363 days after rupturing my left patella tendon, I'm going to the surgeon at 1 p.m. today to learn if I ruptured my right patella tendon. Got home late last night and went to retrieve the recycle bin. I apparently hit a patch of black ice from the melting the last 24 hours and went down. Once again, the knee was bent in a way it should not bend and I had to move it back into place.

In most respects it feels identical to the rupture of 2003, so I'm bracing for the diagnosis. I'm actually able to walk on it a bit easier than last time, so I'm cautiously optimistic that maybe it isn't the patella or it's not as severe.

Two hard things about this. One is that my mom had her left foot amputated in September and has not yet been fitted with a prosthetic. I'm an only child and I've been responsible for taking care of her, getting her to dialysis three times a week and everything else. That's not going to happen for a while.

Second is that after my job was eliminated in 2012, I've been an independent contractor. Cobra was $800 a month and just not in the budget. I signed up for Obamacare in early November and have my insurance cards, but coverage doesn't kick in until Jan. 1.

Bummed beyond belief. Will probably have to drain a good chunk of the 401k to pay for this. Ugh.

Subby 12-12-2013 12:46 PM

Fuck. Sorry to hear that. Such a bummer. Hang in there and good luck.

sterlingice 12-17-2013 09:24 AM

That is really damn awful. Sorry to hear about :(


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