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MizzouRah 01-16-2010 10:31 AM

MLB 2k10
Yeah I know.. but it's all we X360 folks have! :)

Art Direction,.. great read.

Looks like they really did a graphics overhaul this year, stadiums are beautiful!

markprior22 01-16-2010 12:54 PM

I am going to try very hard to wait on purchasing this. Everytime late Feb-early March rolls around, I can't hardly control the impulse to buy almost anything baseball related (magazines, yearbooks, etc). I really want this game to be good but I'm not counting on it.

MizzouRah 02-23-2010 11:22 AM

Demo is out! Impressions are favorably good from over at OS.

I'll download when I get home and post some impressions.

JetsIn06 02-23-2010 11:23 AM

Just finished my first game with the demo. I do have a PS3, so I won't be getting this, but 2k10 has definitely improved. Tough to say how much it's improved with just a 3-inning demo, but I walked and threw balls, which is something I rarely did at 2k9.

The overall feel is definitely better. Game runs super smooth.

Mizzou B-ball fan 02-23-2010 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by MizzouRah (Post 2229382)
Demo is out! Impressions are favorably good from over at OS.

I'll download when I get home and post some impressions.

The yearly cycle begins anew..........


MizzouRah 02-23-2010 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2229390)
The yearly cycle begins anew..........


So games can't get better?

Mizzou B-ball fan 02-23-2010 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by MizzouRah (Post 2229393)
So games can't get better?

We need to start a MizzouRah PS3 fund and save you the beating that this game delivers to you each and every year. It's painful to watch as a friend. :)

Sun Tzu 02-23-2010 11:39 AM

The 2k Baseball series has been terrible...just terrible. I'd rather play Roger Clemens Baseball on the NES.

MizzouRah 02-23-2010 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2229410)
We need to start a MizzouRah PS3 fund and save you the beating that this game delivers to you each and every year. It's painful to watch as a friend. :)

I can easily afford a ps3 and I've bought a psp before just play The Show and honestly.. the game is boring - damn good, but boring (I'm not big on the meter pitching)

There is nothing about the ps3 that makes me want to go out and get one, not even blue ray movies. The X360 is played non-stop by my family and 99% of all my friends who play online have an X360. We do have 2 ps2's though that still get use as well as a Wii.

I like the pitching and hitting of the MLB 2k games, and it seems from early impressions they really spend time fine tuning it to work very smooth.

It took EA awhile to finally get the NHL franchise were it's at today - and I hoping 2k gets there with MLB.

If it's not, I have ootpx and puresim 2 for my baseball fix.. but like every year, I'm willing to give it a shot.

Mizzou B-ball fan 02-23-2010 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by MizzouRah (Post 2229420)
I can easily afford a ps3 and I've bought a psp before just play The Show and honestly.. the game is boring - damn good, but boring (I'm not big on the meter pitching)

I'd agree with that. The Show on the PSP is pretty boring.

Sun Tzu 02-23-2010 01:02 PM

Yeah, I'm gunna side with MBBF on this one. Comparing The Show on PSP to the one on PS3, is like comparing Mario World on Gameboy to the one on NES. Not only is it not a realistic comparison, it's just flat out unfair.

MizzouRah 02-23-2010 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Sun Tzu (Post 2229507)
Yeah, I'm gunna side with MBBF on this one. Comparing The Show on PSP to the one on PS3, is like comparing Mario World on Gameboy to the one on NES. Not only is it not a realistic comparison, it's just flat out unfair.

I did play the demo on my neighbor's ps3 and I still like the way pitching and hitting are handled in MLB 2k. Now, the rest of the MLB 2k9 game is fubared.. but to put it another way, The Show isn't so good that I want to run out and get a ps3.

I'll never play 162 games and luckily there are good baseball text sims out there - I just want something fun and I've always said, much like Madden, if it sucks.. I'll trade it in on something else.

TroyF 02-23-2010 02:57 PM

FWIW, I haven't played 162 game season on the show with a single team yet.

Now with my created player? I went through 12 full seasons last year. From the minors to 10+ years in the majors. Reminds me, I need to pull out the game sometime this week and sim myself to the hall of fame. :)

k0ruptr 02-23-2010 03:07 PM

it is all we 360 folks have, and I do like the look this year, and I heard they are introducing a career mode similar to the show's mode. I'm sure it won't be nearly as cool or good, but its the right direction, so that helps. I will most likely be picking it up. Cause its either that or no realistic baseball at all.

DanGarion 02-23-2010 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by MizzouRah (Post 2229606)
I'll never play 162 games

What? You don't have the time to play 162 games? Or even a career for that matter?!?!?!?

heybrad 02-23-2010 04:51 PM

I've played them both and strangely enough they haven't got nearly the amount of time that I put into MLB Power Pros.

Maybe I'm weird.

sooner333 02-23-2010 04:53 PM

Question: Which one of these games is more like MVP Baseball (with Manny Ramirez). I loved that game for Xbox and just want to play something as fun as that.

Sun Tzu 02-23-2010 05:20 PM

Hey Brad.

RainMaker 02-23-2010 05:32 PM

Those stadiums look really sharp. They may have The Show beat when it comes to Wrigley (which is actually poorly done in The Show).

k0ruptr 02-23-2010 07:11 PM

Some impressions of the demo: I haven't played the 2k series for baseball since 2k5. So I haven't been through the rough period most have. Anyway, I truly enjoyed the demo. Graphics are real real sharp (not that I really care much, but its nice to see) and as far as the pitching and hitting mechanisms, I really like them. its awesome. As far as I can tell, I think I will really enjoy playing the game on my 360. Hopefully there are no horrible bugs, but I had a fun game of baseball with the demo. I pitched well as Pettite from the yanks allowing a double to utley and a triple to victorino in 3 innings. had 2 k's . At bat I had a single with Jeter, and a Solo Homer from Arod. (that was cool!) I walked once and K'd twice. All in all pretty realistic, but small sample size. Still had a fun time with the 1 game I've played so far. Looking forward to picking up this game on release day now.

JetsIn06 02-23-2010 07:39 PM

One thing I noticed...I'd like to know if you all agree. Those pictures make the stadiums look great. But in the demo, Yankee Stadium looks terrible.

DaddyTorgo 02-23-2010 07:40 PM

i might enjoy it, unfortunately 2k are in my shit-house because they STILL haven't released a pc-patch for NBA

k0ruptr 02-23-2010 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by JetsIn06 (Post 2229854)
One thing I noticed...I'd like to know if you all agree. Those pictures make the stadiums look great. But in the demo, Yankee Stadium looks terrible.

I didn't think it looked terrible, but it didn't look as good as it could of. but still pretty damn good i thought.

MizzouRah 02-24-2010 08:51 AM

I thought Yankee stadium looked just fine, in fact the game as a whole looks great.

It's the pitching and hitting that really makes me love that part of this series. Pitching is harder, but works just like they intended it too - much tighter this year.

Game runs very smooth... in all, I like what I see thus far - it's only a demo, so I'll put the real game through paces when I get back from Jupiter, Florida.

CraigSca 02-24-2010 10:38 AM

From what I'm reading, it looks like 2K10 has pre-10 Show disease when it comes to doubles. No balls hit over the outfielders heads nor shots down the line that rattle in the corner for doubles.

Terps 02-25-2010 01:53 AM

Hopefully an outfielder speed slider can fix that.

Mizzou B-ball fan 03-01-2010 07:46 AM

GameShark | Features | Major League Baseball 2K10 Conference Call Recap

k0ruptr 03-01-2010 04:01 PM

still semi optimistic for this. really want to pick this up tomorrow.

DaddyTorgo 03-01-2010 04:09 PM

i might pick it up if they'd fucking put out a single patch for nba2k10 for PC. but if they won't they're not getting another dollar from me. fuck them.

k0ruptr 03-01-2010 04:17 PM

Saint_Aequitas on

streaming mlb2k10 right now...

MizzouRah 03-01-2010 11:02 PM

My copy shipped today along with BC 2 - but I'll be on vacation for week starting Wednesday. :(

MizzouRah 03-01-2010 11:34 PM

MLB Today... wow...

Major League Baseball 2K10 Video: MLB Today

Terps 03-01-2010 11:54 PM

Early impressions over on OS are positive. Only big negative so far seems to be the fielders arms are too strong. Hopefully 2K can fix this either with a patch or a roster update.

Mizzou B-ball fan 03-02-2010 09:49 AM

Pretty good impression listing here since there hasn't been much. Seems like there's more posts about the lack of impressions than anything else.


CPU pitchers vs human batters are nice. They pitch to you very well and mix up pitches and locations.

Presentation is good. I hit a walkoff home run with Brad Hawpe and the game immediately cut to a different camera angle as soon as I swung to show it in all it's glory.

CPU batters still seem much too aggressive. I read they said the walk ratings in the IE screens are wrong, but I don't think so.

Pinpoint pitching remains. You can still hit your spots time after time, even with a tired pitcher. Your pitcher being rattled is the only time you will have a problem throwing strikes.

The pitching fatigue slider seems to only work for your pitcher, the CPU pitcher seems unaffected. And because of this they seem to be able to throw all night w/o getting tired. Twice I worked the opposing starter to over 120 pitches by the 7th inning and they remained in the game. This was while I set the fatigue slider to 70 and my pitcher was tired after 60 pitches. Bad.

Also bad, pitcher's fielding. They hoover up everything hit to them up the middle, and yet...worst of all....they are horrible at covering first base. I mean really horrible to the point it can ruin the game. One game I played, the pitcher screwed up 4-5 times covering first base. They don't get there fast enough and you wind up racing the runner to the bag. In most cases, the pitcher tried to tag the runner which caused him to stop instead...missing the runner completely. It might be possible you need to wait for him to reach first base before you throw, but you can't see the pitcher from the camera view so you don't know when he's there.

Rocket arms. Fixable maybe with updated rosters?

Player of the game is hit and miss. Sometimes it's appropriate, and other times it makes no sense. Same with the Top 3 Plays. The game I hit the walk off, that was #1, but another game, the #1 play was Tulo making a routine play on a ground ball.

Animations need some work. Even stuff like rounding first to goto second can look jerky and disjointed.

I saw the CF make maybe the worst gaff I've seen in a baseball video game. I hit a high fly to deep CF with Tulo, and the CF tracked back and should've settled under the ball easily.....BUT! Instead he turned his back to the ball and just stood there. And as I waited to see what would happen....the LF comes out of nowhere and makes a diving catch! Bad x2.

Overall...disappointing, sort of. It's better than 2K9, but there were so many small things that don't seem to work right that it distracts you from enjoying what could be a fun game. If 2K is able to patch some things this game could be worthwhile and enjoyable....worth waiting a month or two and see what happens and maybe pick this one up used.

MizzouRah 03-02-2010 05:58 PM

Who stole MBBF's logon credentials?

RainMaker 03-02-2010 09:42 PM

If I was the developer of this game, I would set it up so that with 2 outs and 2 strikes in the 9th of a perfect game, the computer would always hit a slow roller and barely beat it out.

Pumpy Tudors 03-02-2010 10:20 PM

I'd set it up with a "bug" where Ben Davis would magically become the batter in the 8th inning of a perfect game.

GoldenEagle 03-02-2010 10:47 PM

Good news.

Terps 03-02-2010 11:45 PM

Played a few games tonight. Really liking it so far. Only downside I have right now is the strength of the OF arms, but I'm hoping that will be fixed.

I turned the OF Speed Slider to 0, and I'm seeing a good variety of hits. Doubles in the gap, down the line, bloopers over the infield (I use classic hitting, no swing stick for me.) Just won an extra inning game against Detroit in 11, had 2 HR's with Reimold, and a 3-run shot by Wieters. Just a press of the A button on all 3 HR's, no using the left stick to influence.

Commentary and presentation is top notch. Love all the stats and splits. MLB Today is awesome.

Simmed a season, Phillies won the World Series against the Tigers. The Tigers really got hot in August and came from 12 games down to win the division. No weird trades or anything. CPU offered me trades 1-2 times a month, but I declined all of them to just quick sim. But none involved superstar players.

Sim stats weren't out of line at all. Would have liked to see more marquee players leading the categories, but I'll have to check this out a few more times.

Some people on OS mentioned a bug where a reliever would come in and be listed at a position other than pitcher, but any reliever I brought in was listed correctly.

There is no foul ball slider in the game, and IMO, it doesn't need one. I saw plenty of foul balls. A few 8-9-10 pitch AB's with me or the AI fighting them off.

Just some random thoughts. Definitely a big improvement over the past, and a solid title to pick up as a 360 baseball fan.

SegRat 03-03-2010 12:05 AM

I picked up the game today, and only got to play 3 innings. What little I played it was fun and an improvement from 09.

MizzouRah 03-03-2010 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Terps (Post 2235285)
Played a few games tonight. Really liking it so far. Only downside I have right now is the strength of the OF arms, but I'm hoping that will be fixed.

I turned the OF Speed Slider to 0, and I'm seeing a good variety of hits. Doubles in the gap, down the line, bloopers over the infield (I use classic hitting, no swing stick for me.) Just won an extra inning game against Detroit in 11, had 2 HR's with Reimold, and a 3-run shot by Wieters. Just a press of the A button on all 3 HR's, no using the left stick to influence.

Commentary and presentation is top notch. Love all the stats and splits. MLB Today is awesome.

Simmed a season, Phillies won the World Series against the Tigers. The Tigers really got hot in August and came from 12 games down to win the division. No weird trades or anything. CPU offered me trades 1-2 times a month, but I declined all of them to just quick sim. But none involved superstar players.

Sim stats weren't out of line at all. Would have liked to see more marquee players leading the categories, but I'll have to check this out a few more times.

Some people on OS mentioned a bug where a reliever would come in and be listed at a position other than pitcher, but any reliever I brought in was listed correctly.

There is no foul ball slider in the game, and IMO, it doesn't need one. I saw plenty of foul balls. A few 8-9-10 pitch AB's with me or the AI fighting them off.

Just some random thoughts. Definitely a big improvement over the past, and a solid title to pick up as a 360 baseball fan.

Awesome! Can't wait to play it when I get back from vacation.

Terps 03-03-2010 12:30 PM

I play on Pro defaults right now other than the fielder speed turned down, and the pitch meter slider maxed since I play on classic. Classic hitting and pitching, I'm not a fan of right stick mechanics.

Pitch counts are good. The AI doesn't swing at everything. I walked a few batters, and hit a few when I messed up on my pitch meter. I got up to over 70 pitches in the 5th with Matusz, and had the AI over 80 in the same time.

I hit a 2 run homer with Luke Scott and the AI pitched around him the next time he came up, and walked him.

I said this earlier but the MLB Today is awesome. I simmed to a game late in the season, and there's so many stats and overlays about what's going on in your season, with appropriate commentary. Players/teams leading in different categories, the wild card race, division standings, talking about how the players performed last night or even in the last week.

I read about another bug where the player of the game is usually someone that shouldn't win it, but I've not encountered this one either. All the games I played the player was deserving. Reimold was 3-4 with 2 HR, he was the player of the game. Luke Scott had a RBI double and a eventual game winning homer, and he won it.

I don't think there's any warnings or ejections from beanballs, because I hit a few guys, and the AI got revenge, but didn't see as much as a warning for any of them.

The 2K devs are also looking for patch feedback over on their forums, so hopefully the issue with the laser arms gets fixed. He said they're shooting for mid-April.

DaddyTorgo 03-03-2010 12:55 PM

fuck the 2k devs...the shitheads still haven't released a PC patch for nba2k10...despite saying that they were bundling the 2 console patches for pc into one and that's why they were waiting.

they're not getting another red cent of my fucking money until they remedy that fucking situation. bunch of shit-eating motherfuckers.

Pumpy Tudors 03-03-2010 12:58 PM


Dr. Sak 03-03-2010 12:58 PM

What the fucking fuck?

SegRat 03-03-2010 02:46 PM

fucking fuckers fucked ya!

k0ruptr 03-03-2010 07:56 PM

umm fuck yea. i just bought this fucking game, im gonna be online later on my fucking avatar. k0ruptr.

fucking a

JetsIn06 03-03-2010 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2235584)
fuck the 2k devs...the shitheads still haven't released a PC patch for nba2k10...despite saying that they were bundling the 2 console patches for pc into one and that's why they were waiting.

they're not getting another red cent of my fucking money until they remedy that fucking situation. bunch of shit-eating motherfuckers.

I'm right fucking with you on that one. Still waiting for that fucking patch.

DaddyTorgo 03-03-2010 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by JetsIn06 (Post 2235840)
I'm right fucking with you on that one. Still waiting for that fucking patch.

hell yea!!

k0ruptr 03-04-2010 05:17 PM

who has this and is online? I wanna play some online games, but against fofc people so at least its not a complete random. I'm on now if anyone wants a game - k0ruptr on xbox live.

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