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sovereignstar 09-21-2005 01:33 PM

Lost, Season 2
Season premiere starts at 9pm eastern on ABC. Tune in or catch a glimpse of it later on a Live Links commerical.

gottimd 09-21-2005 01:40 PM

For those of you who want to be spoiled, go to

rkmsuf 09-21-2005 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
For those of you who want to be spanked, go to my house


kingfc22 09-21-2005 03:09 PM

gottimd and his spoilers. BOOO!!!!

Can't wait for tonight.

gottimd 09-21-2005 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
gottimd and his spoilers. BOOO!!!!

Can't wait for tonight.

Want to be spanked?

Hey I don't post them on here, just let the curious know where to find. I can also tell you the ending to many movies that are out as well if you would like?

Raiders Army 09-21-2005 03:18 PM

What's the deal with Rosebud?

gottimd 09-21-2005 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
What's the deal with Rosebud?

His pet name for his gay lover.

NoMyths 09-21-2005 03:49 PM

My girlfriend decided that we needed to watch all of the episodes and catch up with the show, and is thoroughly hooked. Looks like season 2 will have it's claws in me as well.

Fwiw, there's quite a bit of skill at work with this show, and it's pretty watchable (in part because they focus so much on character, which is one of the reasons Twin Peaks was so successful as a cult hit despite the mysteries eventually being unraveled). Guess I'll be along for the ride now.

Oh, and another fwiw: since Sawyer was reading Watership Down the similarities between the bunnies and the castaways predicaments were mentioned. Didn't see anyone mention that he was later shown reading A Wrinkle in Time, which makes me think we're in for some time related hijinks. My guess is that the eventual mystery of the show revolves around the issue of time.

gottimd 09-21-2005 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by NoMyths
My girlfriend decided that we needed to watch all of the episodes and catch up with the show, and is thoroughly hooked. Looks like season 2 will have it's claws in me as well.

Fwiw, there's quite a bit of skill at work with this show, and it's pretty watchable (in part because they focus so much on character, which is one of the reasons Twin Peaks was so successful as a cult hit despite the mysteries eventually being unraveled). Guess I'll be along for the ride now.

Oh, and another fwiw: since Sawyer was reading Watership Down the similarities between the bunnies and the castaways predicaments were mentioned. Didn't see anyone mention that he was later shown reading A Wrinkle in Time, which makes me think we're in for some time related hijinks. My guess is that the eventual mystery of the show revolves around the issue of time.

There are many different speculations I have read on the Lost forums. Many people have analyzed in so much detail, it is ridiculous. (Yours above is one of the many speculations noted).

sovereignstar 09-21-2005 07:42 PM

Man, no cable = the sux0rs

I could get better reception by rubbing two sticks together.

amdaily 09-21-2005 07:49 PM

This is one show I'm not getting suckered into this year. Not worth the time, I doubt the plot moves any further this year than it did last year.

sovereignstar 09-21-2005 07:51 PM

sourpuss sourpuss

duckman 09-21-2005 07:52 PM

Somebody has a little sand in his vagina.

kingfc22 09-21-2005 08:00 PM

damn you east coasters. I want to watch Lost NOW!!!

Poli 09-21-2005 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by sovereignstar
Season premiere starts at 9pm eastern on ABC. Tune in or catch a glimpse of it later on a Live Links commerical.

Looking forward to seeing this after missing the first season.

cthomer5000 09-21-2005 10:10 PM

Fantastic episode tonight. I was especially fond of the opening, thought it was a very, very cool.

samifan24 09-21-2005 10:33 PM

I watched the one hour recap of the first season to prep myself for tonight's season two premiere. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am now hooked on this show!

Honolulu_Blue 09-21-2005 10:35 PM

It was very cool and very spooky. Good stuff.

Easy Mac 09-21-2005 10:36 PM

that was a horribly disappointing episode.

jbmagic 09-21-2005 11:19 PM

there another thread already started.

gottimd 09-22-2005 05:24 AM

I think this show needs another thread, needs to start catching up to the werewolfs.

Either that or more cowbell.

cthomer5000 09-22-2005 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by jbmagic

Personally, I refuse to start posting in an already 10 page thread about the new season.

cthomer5000 09-22-2005 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Easy Mac
that was a horribly disappointing episode.

did you want everything to wrap up in one show?

gottimd 09-22-2005 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
did you want everything to wrap up in one show?

Those are my thoughts exactly. Then the rest of the season would be boring. That would be like in the 6th sense if you knew Bruce Willis was dead, or Memento in the right direction, or if I had any clue what the hell Mullholland Drive was about.

ice4277 09-22-2005 06:21 AM

I was actually surprised there was that much stuff 'revealed'.

Easy Mac 09-22-2005 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
did you want everything to wrap up in one show?

I'd like anything to happen... but I'll make sure not to post on a messageboard again so I don't disrupt anyone's ideas about anything.

Raiders Army 09-22-2005 07:14 AM

As I thought last season's finale was woefully bad, the first episode of the second season was good. At least we're getting somewhere.

cthomer5000 09-22-2005 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Easy Mac
I'd like anything to happen... but I'll make sure not to post on a messageboard again so I don't disrupt anyone's ideas about anything.

How did nothing happen in the episdoe though, that's what i'm not grasping? If anything, they covered more ground in this epsidode than I expected.

Cuckoo 09-22-2005 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
How did nothing happen in the episdoe though, that's what i'm not grasping? If anything, they covered more ground in this epsidode than I expected.

Agreed completely - loved the episode. Gave me chills a couple times, and I was hooked.

Samdari 09-22-2005 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
If anything, they covered more ground in this epsidode than I expected.

Me too. To jump right in and show you - in the first scene - that someone is living with the comfort of modern conveniences in the hatch showed quite a bit IMO. The fun of this show is speculating/discussing what might be the secret of the Island. If they revealed that, then this show becomes nothing more than a soap opera set on an island or a dramatic Gilligan's Island with better production values. I have no problem with the answers they reveal leading to even more questions. In fact, I rather enjoy it.

cthomer5000 09-22-2005 10:52 AM

Going back the introduction, I really thought it was outstanding. I assumed it was a flashback, as did everyone I imagine, up until the point where you heard the bang/saw the rumble... then I realized "wow, this is inside the hatch!!"

Completely unexpected, and it now raises a zillion questions of its own. How long has that guy been in there? Was that setup built before him (it had a late 70's/early 80's vibe with the old-school computer and vinyl records), how much time has passed between Jack's surgery flashback and now?

I think the show has really done a good job of bringing us along slowly while keeping me hooked and wanting more.

sovereignstar 09-22-2005 11:00 AM

Ending up *cough* "taping" the show, since I had such bad reception. Will have to watch it later tonight. Will post some thoughts then.

John Galt 09-22-2005 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Going back the introduction, I really thought it was outstanding. I assumed it was a flashback, as did everyone I imagine, up until the point where you heard the bang/saw the rumble... then I realized "wow, this is inside the hatch!!"

Completely unexpected, and it now raises a zillion questions of its own. How long has that guy been in there? Was that setup built before him (it had a late 70's/early 80's vibe with the old-school computer and vinyl records), how much time has passed between Jack's surgery flashback and now?

I think the show has really done a good job of bringing us along slowly while keeping me hooked and wanting more.

But one odd thing that stuck out to me was that he had what looked to be a very modern (front loading) washer and dryer. 70s style overall and ancient computer technology, but recent appliances. Very odd (unless I was imagining things).

marshall881 09-22-2005 11:38 AM

I saw the same thing. The washer and dryer appeared to be new. They looked like the Duet washer and dryer.

gottimd 09-22-2005 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by John Galt
But one odd thing that stuck out to me was that he had what looked to be a very modern (front loading) washer and dryer. 70s style overall and ancient computer technology, but recent appliances. Very odd (unless I was imagining things).

Yeah, my wife said the same thing. When they first showed the hatch dwelling, she said it must be the 70's, and then I said "No way, look at some of those appliances, they seem fairly modern".

Maybe he ventures out of there every few years? Or has an internet connection and gets them delivered?:rolleyes:

John Galt 09-22-2005 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Maybe he ventures out of there every few years? Or has an internet connection and gets them delivered?:rolleyes:

Someone might know better than me, but I believe it is improper rolleyes etiquette to roll eyes at your own suggestion. ;)

gottimd 09-22-2005 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by John Galt
Someone might know better than me, but I believe it is improper rolleyes etiquette to roll eyes at your own suggestion. ;)

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

jamesUMD 09-22-2005 06:07 PM

I talked with people at work and here are our observations:
  1. The vial he injected had the familiar string of numbers on it
  2. the number entered into the computer had the same numbers
  3. I believe the button that Walt said not to push is the one Jack almost did
  4. The island is the quarantine-not the shaft (as others have said here)
  5. The guy that Jack's wife/slash fiance hit in her accident (he died) had the same last name as Shannon
  6. the graffti in the tunnel had 108 in it which equals the sum of the string of numbers

Honolulu_Blue 09-22-2005 07:26 PM

Well the Europeans are and have been far more advanced than the US in washers and driers, so maybe that explains the "modern" looking appliances.

cthomer5000 09-22-2005 07:47 PM

Any thoughts on the passage of time between Jack performing that surgery and them being on the island? I could see as many as 10 years being in the realm of possibility.

Also, I've decided that if there isn't some additional backstory with the "brother" guy (the one in the hatch), then it was pointless to have mave made the character someone Jack had met before.

gottimd 09-22-2005 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Any thoughts on the passage of time between Jack performing that surgery and them being on the island? I could see as many as 10 years being in the realm of possibility.

Also, I've decided that if there isn't some additional backstory with the "brother" guy (the one in the hatch), then it was pointless to have mave made the character someone Jack had met before.

Desmond is in other peoples backstory's as well, so I'm sure there will be many connections to be made with this guy.

Also, go to and click on the barcode on the bottom. Enter "theislandiswaiting" all one word and read the script.

kingfc22 09-22-2005 07:54 PM

I did not catch that the guy's last name in the accident. Probably is her dad if you are correct.

kingfc22 09-22-2005 07:55 PM

Any thoughts on the magnet found in the hatch? Possible radar jamming?

gottimd 09-22-2005 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
I did not catch that the guy's last name in the accident. Probably is her dad if you are correct.

Rutherford, which is Shannons last name. He died at 8:15pm as well.

Honolulu_Blue 09-22-2005 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Rutherford, which is Shannons last name. He died at 8:15pm as well.

Damnation! Why did I delete this episode off my TiVO. I knew I shouldn't have done that.

kingfc22 09-22-2005 08:08 PM

Going to have to watch this episode again.

gottimd 09-22-2005 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
Damnation! Why did I delete this episode off my TiVO. I knew I shouldn't have done that.

Hey JamesUMD, how did you know what walt said from listening to the episode? Apparently you are correct but he said it backwards and people on the internet have captured it from the audio and reversed it and posted it and that is what he said.

jamesUMD 09-22-2005 08:37 PM

That one I actually have to credit to the radio. A girl on my team at work, heard that one. I do remember Walt also saying that same thing to Locke before they left on the boat though, in the season finale. He told Locke out of the blue, "don't press the button", and Locke looked at him, like "huh", and then shrugged it off.

I am 99.9% certain that they will meet up with the other people from the back of the plane sometime this season. In my mind it was cemented in the recap show when they showed the scene with Rose (I think she only appeared in the first 2 episodes) where she said that her husband is still alive, and he happened to be in the portajohn at the time that the plane broke up.

My thought on the magnet that attracted Jack's key is that, it powers up (kind of like the Death Star), and the magnet , becomes powerful enough to bring down airplanes/drag ships ashore (kind of like a tractor beam).

Desmon minus 1 letter spells what?

Name 2 people that were apparently paralyzed from the waist down and miraculously were able to walk again? There is another connection there but I am not sure what it is yet.

I refuse to look at any of the websites that have "supposed" spoilers. I like the show because it makes me think. It's like watching a puzzle. Obviously I think through the plot too much.

Last thing. In the season finale when they showed everyone getting on the plane they showed Jack sit down on the plane and in the corner, somewhat blurred, they showed another person, that I swear was staring at Jack. In any other show I would not have thought twice about it, but I almost swore that it meant that there was some sort of meaning behind it. The writers think too many things through to believe otherwise.

Just my thoughts. By the way I love the show lol!

gottimd 09-22-2005 08:43 PM

There is no doubt they will meet the other people from the back of the plane. They wouldn't have brought Michelle Rodriguez on for that small part at the airport bar if she wasn't going to appear again.

I am Lost (no pun intended) on at the beginning of the episode it seems like Desmonds underground lair has windows and light (when he is lying in the bed and in the kitchen).

Also did you notice that he was sleeping in a bunk bed? Who sleeps on the bottom? Ethan?

Joe 09-22-2005 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by sovereignstar
Man, no cable = the sux0rs

I could get better reception by rubbing two sticks together.

Word. My cable got disconnected today. Fucking cable company wanting money. Reception sucks ass. :mad:

kingfc22 09-22-2005 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Desmond is in other peoples backstory's as well, so I'm sure there will be many connections to be made with this guy.

I don't recall seeing him in season 1. Would you mind telling me whose flashbacks he was in?

kingfc22 09-22-2005 09:52 PM

Check out this link. Not much of a spoiler, but recaps almost everything regarding the numbers. Pretty interesting.


sovereignstar 09-23-2005 01:23 AM

Just got done watching it. And wow, I agree that the first scene kicked ass. Watching the episode in the pitch dark on my laptop definitely added to the suspense. Anyways, I don't have much to add at this point. Hope the season remains this strong.

Schmidty 09-23-2005 01:38 AM

I was forced to watch the episode by my wife, and my opinion of the show has nit changed one bit. Guess I'm a sour-puss too.

gottimd 09-23-2005 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
I don't recall seeing him in season 1. Would you mind telling me whose flashbacks he was in?

Good things come to those who wait.

cthomer5000 09-23-2005 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Good things come to those who wait.

Well, if you're going to toss out spoilers, I (and others) would apprecaite you labeling it as such in the future.

gottimd 09-23-2005 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Well, if you're going to toss out spoilers, I (and others) would apprecaite you labeling it as such in the future.

Its not a spoiler, its just advice.

panerd 09-23-2005 07:12 AM

Yeah I never understood the enjoyment people get from...

A) Reading what is going to happen on a show they enjoy before it happens


B) Thinking other people care that you know AND want to know what is going to happen on a show before it happens.

The only television viewing phenomenon that irratates me more than this is the calling lines one. Unless me and my buddies are sitting around all calling lines because we love a movie than don't quote lines. I don't care that you can tell me the next line Teddy KGB is going to say it is really annoying.

Samdari 09-23-2005 07:24 AM

I have had that damn song going through my head for two days.

gottimd 09-23-2005 07:25 AM

I read a forum where people discuss the show and offer possible theories and discuss what has happened and tell about things that happened in the episode that maybe I missed, after I watch the episode.

Occassionally there will be a spoiler that is revealed but not confirmed, but it doesn't really reveal anything about the plot, just a minor detail to stir up thoughts and theories. Believe me, there is a thread out there where an ending has been revealed apparently, and I refuse to press on that link.

samifan24 09-23-2005 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Believe me, there is a thread out there where an ending has been revealed apparently, and I refuse to press on that link.

Why would anyone want to know the ending? That'd ruin the fun.

gottimd 09-23-2005 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by samifan24
Why would anyone want to know the ending? That'd ruin the fun.

The same reason why people always go looking for presents on Christmas or other holidays. No patience, and want to know rather than finding out in due time or being surprised.

cthomer5000 09-23-2005 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Samdari
I have had that damn song going through my head for two days.

You can't stop The Mamas & The Papas, you can only hope to contain them.

edit: or is that song technically Mama Cass, solo?

DanGarion 09-23-2005 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Good things come to those who wait.

Um did you answer the question?

sovereignstar 09-23-2005 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
I am Lost (no pun intended) on at the beginning of the episode it seems like Desmonds underground lair has windows and light (when he is lying in the bed and in the kitchen).

I don't think that's worth thinking about too much. With the right type of light shining in (or because we're talking about a TV show), I'm sure something could be set up to make it look like he's really above the ground.

BigDPW 09-23-2005 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by sovereignstar
I don't think that's worth thinking about too much. With the right type of light shining in (or because we're talking about a TV show), I'm sure something could be set up to make it look like he's really above the ground.

It seemed when Jack was walking in the room with the computer just before Locke reappeared that he was in some sort of glass atrium that could easily have been above ground... Anyone notice that??? So I think part of that hatch complex does get light from above ground...

DanGarion 09-23-2005 04:15 PM

Oh yeah, we rewatched the show last night and you can FAINTLY here a female screaming when Jack enters the room and the music is blasting.

gottimd 09-23-2005 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by dangarion
Oh yeah, we rewatched the show last night and you can FAINTLY here a female screaming when Jack enters the room and the music is blasting.

Wouldn't that be Kate, since she was the first to go down the shaft but something came up?

Raiders Army 09-23-2005 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Wouldn't that be Kate, since she was the first to go down

Heh heh.

rexallllsc 09-23-2005 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by BigDPW
It seemed when Jack was walking in the room with the computer just before Locke reappeared that he was in some sort of glass atrium that could easily have been above ground... Anyone notice that??? So I think part of that hatch complex does get light from above ground...

It also seemed to me that the opening scene was daylight shinign through to the bunker, and then there was the explosion...but it was nighttime up above, no? Hmmm. Unless the explosion was a different incident entirely.

gottimd 09-23-2005 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by rexallllsc
It also seemed to me that the opening scene was daylight shinign through to the bunker, and then there was the explosion...but it was nighttime up above, no? Hmmm. Unless the explosion was a different incident entirely.

That is what I was talking about. But when the explosion happens, he turns out all of the lights I noticed and there doesn't seem to be any daylight anymore.

cthomer5000 09-28-2005 09:13 PM

Less intersting episode tonight (in my opinion). I personally find Michael to be the most annoying character in the show, and feel semi-bored when watching his backstory.

SPOILER (from this episode, so dont read if you havent seen it yet)


Did y'all catch the logo on the shark as it swam past?

gottimd 09-28-2005 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Less intersting episode tonight (in my opinion). I personally find Michael to be the most annoying character in the show, and feel semi-bored when watching his backstory.

SPOILER (from this episode, so dont read if you havent seen it yet)


Did y'all catch the logo on the shark as it swam past?

Logo on the shark? What crack are you smoking? I need to watch it on tivo in slo-mo.

cthomer5000 09-28-2005 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Logo on the shark? What crack are you smoking? I need to watch it on tivo in slo-mo.

It wasn't anything I was looking for and I caught it easily on the first watch. Same logo as all the other stuff Desmond had.

samifan24 09-28-2005 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
It wasn't anything I was looking for and I caught it easily on the first watch. Same logo as all the other stuff Desmond had.

Yes I saw it too. I don't have Tivo or anything like that so I have no way of double checking the scene but at least now I know I'm not the only who one saw a logo on the shark.

timmynausea 09-28-2005 09:27 PM

I saw the logo also.

Swaggs 09-28-2005 09:30 PM



Do we all think that the "others" that were chasing Jin were the other plane survivors or did anyone else think otherwise?

samifan24 09-28-2005 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs


Do we all think that the "others" that were chasing Jin were the other plane survivors or did anyone else think otherwise?

Yeah I was thinking about this also. I could be the group vs. the mysterious others only flipped so that Jin and the cast are the "others" to the other people on the island.

panerd 09-28-2005 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by samifan24
Yes I saw it too. I don't have Tivo or anything like that so I have no way of double checking the scene but at least now I know I'm not the only who one saw a logo on the shark.

Ah... Tivo. Anyone else with Tivo rewind and watch Kate's cleavage in the AC Vent in slo mo. Or am I just too much of a pervert?

samifan24 09-28-2005 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by panerd
Ah... Tivo. Anyone else with Tivo rewind and watch Kate's cleavage in the AC Vent in slo mo. Or am I just too much of a pervert?


(Just kidding)

Yellow5 09-28-2005 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by jamesUMD
My thought on the magnet that attracted Jack's key is that, it powers up (kind of like the Death Star), and the magnet , becomes powerful enough to bring down airplanes/drag ships ashore (kind of like a tractor beam).

That would explain this:

Unless it was a glitch in the special fx department.

cody8200 09-28-2005 10:05 PM

I saw the logo. I loved Kate's cleavage. I liked the episode...can't wait for next week's episode.

cthomer5000 09-28-2005 10:12 PM

Rousseau could potentially be playing both sides, telling each that the others are "the others." But, I personally do think we're going to see some new faction emerge, some group who's been there longer than the crash survivors.

sachmo71 09-28-2005 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by panerd
Ah... Tivo. Anyone else with Tivo rewind and watch Kate's cleavage in the AC Vent in slo mo. Or am I just too much of a pervert?


she's smokin', man.

Sublime 2 09-28-2005 10:48 PM

Anyone know when they replay episodes? i missed tonights.

timmynausea 09-28-2005 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Sublime 2
Anyone know when they replay episodes? i missed tonights.

They've been replaying them at 8 pm on Wednesday so immediately before the new episode. I don't know of any other replays.

Raven 09-28-2005 11:13 PM

Looks like next weeks episode has the potential to be really good.

VPI97 09-28-2005 11:47 PM

I liked how the bear Michael gave Walt as a toddler was a white polar bear.

rexallllsc 09-29-2005 12:18 AM

I liked tonite, but I'm kinda bummed that each episode is a baby step. Give us something!



Yes, I saw the logo!

kingfc22 09-29-2005 12:46 AM

That episode was sweet. First, I did not see the logo but I'm going to rewatch my Tivo right now. Secondly, I don't think this "new" group is the other half of the plane because they show Michelle Rodriguez' character locked up with Mike in the previews. Why would the other half lock up their own.

So what happens when the timer hits 0? It is back up to 108:00 now and I should have posted that the numbers would be inputed into the computer because I had a huge feeling that would happen.

timmynausea 09-29-2005 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
Secondly, I don't think this "new" group is the other half of the plane because they show Michelle Rodriguez' character locked up with Mike in the previews. Why would the other half lock up their own.

That's what I was thinking, too.

kingfc22 09-29-2005 12:51 AM

"What did one snowman say to the other snowman?" Anyone else interpret what Desmond said other than this when he asked Locke the question to find out if he was "him"

kingfc22 09-29-2005 12:52 AM


kingfc22 09-29-2005 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
So what happens when the timer hits 0? It is back up to 108:00 now

And why would Walt not want them to push the button if this execute command is the button he is talking about?

BishopMVP 09-29-2005 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
So what happens when the timer hits 0?

I'd guess it's a timer that has to be reset every 108 minutes, or else the underground place blows up. So maybe if Jack pushed the button without putting in the numbers that would blow up the place as well?

BishopMVP 09-29-2005 01:41 AM

Dola: The episode really pissed me off. The backstory and raft parts were fine, but it really annoyed me how they ended at exactly the moment Jack recognized Desmond for the 2nd week in a row. The 15-second preview for next week probably revealed more than the episode itself.

kingfc22 09-29-2005 01:47 AM

Somebody already mentioned that it should have been a 2-hr season premier, but I guess they had to break it into two parts. I enjoyed though and they did reveal more stuff even while showing part of last week's story line.

rexallllsc 09-29-2005 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by BishopMVP
Dola: The episode really pissed me off. The backstory and raft parts were fine, but it really annoyed me how they ended at exactly the moment Jack recognized Desmond for the 2nd week in a row. The 15-second preview for next week probably revealed more than the episode itself.

Yeah. I really like the show but drawing it out so much is getting ridiculous I think.

Raven 09-29-2005 02:15 AM

Found this for those that missed it.

cthomer5000 09-29-2005 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
Somebody already mentioned that it should have been a 2-hr season premier, but I guess they had to break it into two parts. I enjoyed though and they did reveal more stuff even while showing part of last week's story line.

The certainly could have made it a 2-hour premier (and probably should have for our sake), but for ratings they're going to want to drag this out over as many weeks as possible. I guess I can't blame them, it's all in the game. Still, I'll admit some weeks can be pretty frustrating. I would rate this episode a C , after rating the season opener an A+.

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