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Poli 05-08-2004 07:11 PM

Ardent's Softball Season
I'm not a fabulous athlete. However, I do love to play softball and football. Softball season has just started here at Naval Training Center, Great Lakes. I had just one goal going into this year: Get on a team.

That's normally a pretty easy thing to do, but with the way my orders were set up to arrive here, I thought I might get caught in the middle and not get a team. Fortunately, two things helped me out.

The weather up here has been pretty cold. That delayed the start of the season until the end of April instead of the beginning of the month. Also, the two main fields were/are being reseeded and not ready for play, thus we have to play at Field 80-H, or something like that.

By the time I reported to the command where I'm currently working, they were already fielding their team. I kept my eyes and ears open, and heard the coach, FC2 Will Kerchee(Fire Controlman, 2nd class. I'm an ET2, electronics technician, 2nd class) talking to my boss about the team. I told them I was interested, and it went from there.

This is my ongoing story: Ardent, the softball player.

Poli 05-08-2004 07:26 PM

Pre Season
We began practice almost immediately, out at 80-H, since that's the only field on the base that's open right now anyway.

We ended up having to wait until two teams finished playing each other, and then we played the winner.

One problem for my first practice: I don't have a glove.

I have two gloves back home in Missouri, but they're not doing me a whole lot of good there. Fortunately, I knew a guy from the other team, GSE2 Hammack, who happens to be from the St. Louis area. Hammack and I just went through the Instructor course together, so we know each other well and he let me borrow a glove.

First problem solved.

So, out I trot onto the field, and I'm told to go to left for the time being. Before the 'practice' game would start, I'd be shifted to right field as two others showed up late.

So, I'm sitting in right field, minding my own business, trying to remember how to catch a fly ball. I played one game of softball last year in Dubai of the United Arab Emirites (hope I spelled that right). I caught the one ball that came to me, diving across the hot sand to make the catch (I wouldn't recommend that, I cut my right leg up bad that day). Before that, you'd have to go back to my days with the USS Carr and Norfolk First Baptist's B Team in 2000. I played shortstop on the Carr and catcher (darn church politics) for the church team.

Only one ball would be hit my way, and I misjudged it. It fell behind me and in front of Hutter, who threw the ball back in. A grounder came my way, and I threw a laser to third. It held the runner on first base from trying to move to third, at least.

At the bat, I got up to the plate four times, and as 'new guy', I got to bat lead off. We weren't keeping track of balls and strikes, so I was swinging at everything. My first at bat was an infield single on a nubber to third. I got on base my second time up due to an error by Hammack at shortstop. My third at bat was a pop fly that the short fielder caught, and the fourth at bat was a single to right field. I scored once, and knocked in a run in my fourth at bat as well.

I was overall pretty happy with the results. My fielding was real rusty and I desperately wanted more work at it. Unfortunately, playing right field wouldn't get me a whole lot of work.

MrBug708 05-08-2004 07:35 PM

Ya know, this was almost the strongest selling point for a military career for me. I heard they field a "national" team

Poli 05-08-2004 07:37 PM

A couple of days would go by before the team got together for another practice, and this one ended up being a very cold ugly day. We played on a field just outside of the base, and I was put in at shortstop. We had people missing from the last practice, or I would have likely ended up in right again. I guess Will the coach liked my speed and thought he'd try me there. Moving from short to third was Matt Thomas, who was an FC on my last ship, the Nimitz. In fact, our wives worked together for a while, and were friends.

I had a great day in the field, but I didn't hit so well. 1 for 4, with a single the other way. I think my swing was out of whack, as I'm not hitting line drives. Everything is on the ground or short pop flies.

Our fielding overall was impressive. In fact, we shut the other team out. I had about 5 assists and 2 putouts on the day. Will was impressed with the way Thomas and I handled our side of the infield, and it looks like that may be where we end up playing.

Good, I hate right field.

Poli 05-08-2004 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by MrBug708
Ya know, this was almost the strongest selling point for a military career for me. I heard they field a "national" team

We do have a Navy Baseball team. I don't know about softball...we might have one of those as well.

Poli 05-08-2004 07:43 PM

The next practice doesn't start until the following Monday, in which was, well, the 26th, I think. We had a little bit of BP and fielding practice with just our own team (I strongly suggested this to Will. It's hard to get practice catching flies or grounders during a game).

It went well. I played some short, moved to third, to second, and finally to right and right centerfield. I'm still rusty with fly balls, but Will said I'm not at risk to go to the outfield the way I play short. :)

I hit some solid line drives when I came to the plate.

I'd also like to add that I have a glove at this point. :)

Things seem to be going well.

Poli 05-08-2004 07:50 PM

Tuesday was supposed to be a practice day, but not all the team was aware of it. In fact, when I arrived at 80-H, two teams were about ready to play, and I was the only one from my team there.

I seized the opportunity to play a game, joining the IT "A" School team to play against the TSC Storm. The Storm had Joe Sorensen pitching on there team, another Nimitz refugee. Joe was a buddy of mine on the ship, and we often were around each other. He's a big guy. I like him quite a bit, unless he's drunk. :)

IT A school played me at second base, and batted me 6th. I had a good day in the field, but again struggled at the plate. I handled every fielding opp well, but was overthrown twice at second base. Once by the shortstop (I'm used to a taller 2nd baseman) and once by the third baseman (you weren't at the bag!) who threw it where I was at, instead of the bag.

We lost 10-4. IT A school asked me to join their team. :) I think I would have rather been on the Storm's team. I had the chance to join them through Joe Sorensen, but opted to play with the guys I go to work with everyday.

Poli 05-08-2004 08:05 PM

Wednesday's practice was cancelled after we got to the field and it was already filled, but the ET A school students challenged us to a preseason game on Thursday.

I batted 2nd this time around, following Hutter in the lineup. I started out at shortstop as well.

I hit well this time, and played well on the field. 3 for 4, with my only out on a ground ball to third. Once again I rotated from short to right, so that others could get a chance to field some at short. Later in the game, I'm rotated to left field to try and get some practice catching fly balls.

That lasted one batter.

The first batter hit a fly ball deep to left and I turned to run after it. I ran into the fence, and bounced off of it. It's hard to recall how far I bounced off of it, but it had to be a couple of feet at least. I noticed that the ball was on the ground, so I picked it up and threw in to Smith, who was playing short.

The ball sailed on me, and my index finger felt raw, so I had a look. Blood. Lots of it, too. Eddie, the left centerfielder, asked me if the ball was fair (thanks for the concern, Eddie). I vaguely recall seeing the foul poll, and I was to the right of the poll. It was a fair ball.

My finger still hurt. I took another look. JeeberD! It looks like I may have cut the tip of my finger pretty bad. In fact, I was worried I may end up losing it. I called time as Will was about to throw a pitch.

I held up my finger and told him I couldn't throw and needed to come out. I got razzed a bit for that, and sent to right field (hey, I need to come out!), and the outfielders rotated over.

I spent the time of the next three batters kneeling down on the ground covering my finger, when finally Will called for a sub. The hater. :)

After the team got off the field, Will took a look at the finger, and sent me next door to the hospital. The Naval Hospital is literally next door. If you hit the ball out of the park to right or right center, it's likely to land in the hospital parking lot.

I got there and they readjusted my finger (I guess it was slightly dislocated or something). It caused the nurse to think my index finger might be broken, so my finger was pinched in a couple of different places to make sure it wasn't.

Fortunately, it was not broken. The doctor took a look and said it wasn't as deep as it looked. The skin that was ripped would die, though, and new skin would form up underneath. I could opt for stitches, but it might keep me off the field longer, and wouldn't necessarily heal my finger any better. Remedy? Bandaids and aspirin.

And I'm out for an indefinite amount of time. :(

Poli 05-08-2004 08:24 PM

So, my finger is hurt, and still is. This is a problem. From Friday through Sunday I felt like someone hit me with a truck. Every muscle in my upper body ached. I slept a whole lot. A whole lot. I didn't want to move. Fortunately, by Monday my body was feeling better, if not my finger.

Will asked me to come out and go to a batting cage with him on Monday, so I did. The first round left my finger stinging, so Will suggested I try letting go of the bat with my right hand a little sooner, and keeping the finger off the bat entirely. I did, and it seemed to work for me.

I declared myself fit to hit for Thursday, our first game. The jury was still out on if I would actually take the field, though. I wanted to press the issue and start throwing Monday, but Will didn't like the idea, and wanted me to wait until Wednesday before the game.

Tuesday I put on my glove for the first time since the injury and tried taking the ball out of the glove. I wanted to see how it would feel, since my finger seemed to be healing. 50% of the time I could take the ball out of the glove without pain. Not a good percentage, really, so I told Will I probably couldn't field on Wednesday, our first game.

Poli 05-08-2004 08:49 PM

A little bit about 80-H. It's a small field to right, and I've dubbed the Right Field Fence the Chain Monster. It's actually designed to keep flyballs from hitting the cars, but it doesn't do a great job. :) I honestly don't know how shallow it is, but it's pretty darn close. We joke that the right fielder is nothing but a deep second baseman.

The field juts out following the road to the parking lot, so centerfield becomes a deep corner in the field. It's rounded out, but centerfield is pretty darn deep right down the middle. Left field is about average, it's deep, but you can still go yard if you want to.

That said, I'll mention my career home runs (over the fence), softball and baseball: 0.

Poli 05-08-2004 08:50 PM

Wednesday rolled in and I went to Chastain's house for burgers and some light throwing. My finger was bandaged, so I knew I wasn't going to throw much or play the field that day. My throws has a natural curveball going, and I couldn't tell just how much I was putting on the ball. It just didn't feel right. Just a confirmation for me. I wouldn't play the field. Darn it.

It's a shame. I've always been a good fielder. I took a lot more pride in my speed and defense when I played baseball than I did in hitting. Same goes for softball.

Gametime rolls around, 7pm. We're set to play the Naval Hospital Core School Student Ballers. A rag tag unit that featured three female students, of which only one could play decently. We knew we were in for a 'fun' game.

I stand in foul territory outside our dugout watching the pitcher, and he's not getting anywhere close to the plate. His fate is sealed: I'll take every pitch until he throws a strike.

I get up to the plate and despite being slow pitch softball, he somehow slings to slow curves well outside. I'm trying not to smile, since this is my first official at bat of the season and all. The next pitch lands well in front of the plate, and my first plate appearance is a walk. The next two players would end up walking as well, and I would score on a groundout to second base by Will Kerchee. We scored 4 runs in the inning, but should have scored much more.

The Ballers went 1-2-3 in their half, and I was back up to the plate in the 2nd inning with Chief Martin (RF) at first base.

Operating under my previous rule, I took the first pitch. Wish I hadn't, it went down the heart of the plate. A beautiful pitch. I should have swung. Sigh. I'll have to hit anything close now.

Next pitch is outside for a ball, followed by a pitch inside. The moment you sit there waiting for the pitch can sometimes take forever, and a great debate in Ardent's head between the Ardent Senate and Enthusiast House of Representatives ensued. Swing or don't swing?

I let it go. It landed between my feet and home plate, if it would have hit the plate in the slightest I think I would have been called out on strikes. That's a case of beer, and I'm not buying a case of beer for the guys. Wheh. I got lucky there.

Full count, and the next pitch lands in front of the plate. 2 at bats, 2 walks. A single up the middle would plate Chief Martin and sent me to third. I scored on an error with the relay. 2 runs scored on the day for me as well. :)

Going into the bottom of the 2nd, it was 8-0 us.

I wouldn't get an opportunity to hit in the third inning, but was the 2nd man up in the 4th. By this time, it was 9-0. Chief Martin once again singled, so I had a runner at first.

I hit the first pitch, it looked good to me, and hit it hard. It went scorching over the shortstop's head and in between the left and left centerfielders. The race was on, and I was slowed only by the lack of speed of Chief Martin. I had a solid triple, and scored on my own hit with a bobbled relay.

That wouldn't be the end of my inning, as I would come up again later, this time with runners at second and first.

Once again, I hit the first pitch, and I smoked the ball. A deep liner to right center field, and I took off running. I didn't see where it landed, but was told it hit the right center field fence on the fly. Outstanding, hidden power with a bad finger! I slid on the first base bag, which may have kept me from turning that into an inside the park home run. I was wisely held at third as the ball came in to the pitcher. The next batter would fly out to end the inning.

By that point it was 20-0. One of the rules was up by 20 after 4 innings or 10 after 5. We met the limit and after the Ballers went 1-2-3 again in the bottom of the inning, the game was called.

Not a bad way to start the season.

2-2, 2 triples, 3 RBI's, 2 walks, 3 runs scored. I'll take it.

fantastic flying froggies 05-09-2004 02:18 AM

How dare you start another dynasty without telling me ?
Man, you were trying to sneak past me with that one, weren't you ?

Well, mister, I'm on to you now !

OK, you can carry on now, I'm finished...

Poli 05-09-2004 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by fantastic flying froggies
How dare you start another dynasty without telling me ?
Man, you were trying to sneak past me with that one, weren't you ?

Well, mister, I'm on to you now !

OK, you can carry on now, I'm finished...


Just an update on my finger. Playing on Wednesday didn't hurt it at all. Of course, I only swung twice. I was kind of surprised I launched the ball as hard as I did, since I was holding the bat differently and all. Perhaps I need to adjust my hitting habits. The finger was bandaged the whole time, so that may have had something to do with it.

Since then, I've removed the bandage and the loose dead skin. The numbness in my finger seems to have gone away as well. The new skin is still slightly sensitive, but I got a feeling I'll be able to play the field on Monday. I'm sure I'll be taking some grounders before the game to see how it feels.

Overall, I'm very happy with the way my index finger has came around. I've sliced it open once before on the USS Carr, and it took a long time for it to heal. I really thought I was going to lose the tip of the finger at first, and now it appears I'll be able to play on Monday.

The schedule will be tight on Monday as we (Will, Rob, and I) will all be at Physical Training (PT) with the students on Monday afternoon at 1500. That will last an hour, and then we have an hour to get to the field. The base isn't that big, so that won't be a problem. Just another long day. :)

A note on the schedule: Since the league has to play at 80-H this year instead of the two normal ballfields we play on, there will only be one game a week. It's not a doubleheader, either, so that stinks. There's just too many teams wanting to play to do it any other way.

Poli 05-09-2004 08:13 AM

Now a bit on the teams I've seen:

There is a Marine Corps team, and they look pretty good. Right and Right Center were weak for them, but that's generally a weak spot on any team. They swung the bats well, and generally mauled the TSC Storm.

TSC Storm had a good infield, and as I was bragging on them during the above mentioned game, the second baseman made an error on a routine ball. That said, they have at least a good 3/4 of an infield. The rest of their team is suspect, including Sorensen, and they have a jerk for a coach. Another member of the storm is IC2 McManus, a guy I went through instructor training with.

The Red Ropers, or the Recruit Division Commanders, are a great team, and my pick to win it. They're named after the red ropes that are part of their uniform to distinguish them for their job. Some of these guys are in tremendous shape and can flat out launch the ball. They mauled the team they played just before us as well. On this team is Chief Knouce, another member of my instructor class.

We've played both student teams, and neither strike fear in my heart. In fact, I'm not sure who would win if they played each other. The game would probably last forever, just like in "The Iowa Baseball Confederacy".

Two engineering teams, and we've played both in the preseason, and we beat both of them.

An awful lot of Hospital staff teams. Corps school students, Corps school staff, at least one, maybe two hospital staff teams, and I think a barracks staff team. I haven't seen any of them play.

The last look I got was IT A school, the team that wanted to pick me up. I saw them play another game, but don't recall if they won or lost. If I'm not mistaken, they lost. They have about 3 really good players, the pitcher, short, and perhaps the left fielder. They looked better in the 2nd game, but I wouldn't consider them a threat.

Poli 05-09-2004 08:46 AM

Finally, a glimpse of the team. I still don't know everyone that well, so I've kind of held off on this.

Senior Chief Langlois and Chupco are good pitchers, so we're kind of set in that area. Chupco can play first and some outfield if needed as well. Langlois is kind of stuck due to a lack of speed.

We have a couple of catcher candidates. Philips (?) and Black both complain of back problems, but Black and Langlois have had the lion's share of innings behind the plate. Philips would be ideal there, because he has tried to play second base, and simply isn't good out in the field.

At first, we have Bill. That's all I know him as. He teaches at ET A school, and is a big tall guy. I like throwing to him, because I don't have to necessarily focus on accuracy. :) Bill doesn't hit well, unfortunately, for his size, and is limited to first base.

2nd base. Vinson and Philips appear to be in a semi platoon over there. When Vinson shows, I imagine he'll play, but he hasn't shown with regularity. Philips is awful. He boots nearly every grounder, and gets anxious in his recovery. He has no range, and has trouble with pop ups. One tattooed him in the forehead. All ball, the glove didn't touch it. He has seam marks on his forehead. Ouch. That said, I might be an option there from time to time as well.

Vinson is the preferred choice, since he'll cover the bag when needed. Philips likes to stand in one spot and watch the play. I know I'm bagging on Philips quite a bit, but he confuses me. This guy likes to tell anyone that'll listen about his baseball knowledge and that he played a year of college baseball, and from what I heard from him, he's pretty knowledgable. He knows a lot more about this stuff than I do. But he was a pitcher. It's no wonder why he can't play the field at all. He does seem to have a decent bat, so perhaps he can be an extra hitter or designated hitter.

A dark horse at this position is Will's roommate, Chad. He looks to be in good shape, and played 3rd for us in our first practice. I didn't see him again until the first game of the season. He played a little outfield and then moved to second after 2 innings (Philips, who was playing 2nd was pissed).

At third we have two or three options: Matt Thomas, ET1 Smith, and Will's roommate Chad. Thomas is my preferred choice. He plays close to the line, and moves to his left well. This allows me to play a little deeper than normal, as long as I come up hard on balls Thomas can't get to. Smith is an older guy, though I don't know how much. He prefers shortstop (the hater), and when he plays third he's like a 2nd shortstop. He plays well off the line. Good and bad things about that. It allowed me to play closer and a tad deeper to the bag, but anything hit down by the third base bag will be a hit. There's me, of course, and I have to figure it's my job to lose. Rob Chastain played 3 innings at short in our first game, when Smith didn't show up 30 minutes prior to the game. Will told everyone to be on time if they expected to play. We wanted Smith in there so Rob could play the outfield. That said, Rob played a good game at short, although he air mailed one past I don't know.

Smith pouted on the bench while he wasn't in the game, and it ticked me off. I let him know about it later, and he apologized. If I had to pick two people I don't expect to be on the team at the end of the season, it might be Smith and Philips.

Our outfielders are a gangly group. I've offered my horrible services for the chance that both Smith and Thomas show up and we're short outfielders. Hopefully, I'm never taken up on it.

Rob and Will are our best choices, but if I'm not mistaken Rob transfers soon. Eddie our usual left center, does a good job, but seems preoccupied at times. He doesn't talk to the rest of the outfielders, my finger is a testament to that. Hutter plays short field and right center, depending on how he feels at the moment. He's intriguing. He has a lot of energy, but doesn't play up to his potential in my opinion. He'll be gone for the next couple of weeks, so we have a hole there. Finally, right field. No one wants to play there. We have a shore comm student, ET3 Perry, and big strapping young man out there, and he seems to play well. He leaves at the end of June, though. Chief Martin has logged a few innings out there as well, but he has surgery soon and will be gone in a month or two. Outfield is by far our weakest group.

That brings up a little nuance of 80-H. Day games are a disadvantage to the right fielder as the sun sets in their eyes. Night games are a disadvantage to the left fielder, as left field is poorly lit.

This will be one interesting season.

Poli 05-09-2004 02:42 PM

Rain. I've heard thunder off and on today, and just recently it started to rain. I doubt MWR has a decent groundscrew, so I'm concerned about tomorrow's game. Hopefully, tomorrow will be full of sunshine, and the field will be nice and dry.

We're likely to play if the grass isn't soaked. I've played in worse.

MWR stands for Morale Welfare and Recreation, they're the 'body' that governs this intramural league type stuff. They once had our team playing on a field with a mud pit where the shortstop normally stands.

That put me in a I play in front of the mud and take myself out of anything that is sharply hit, or do I play behind the mud and try to cross it. Either way, it sucked to be me. Hopefully MWR here in Great Lakes has a better plan.


Dutch 05-09-2004 03:00 PM

Couple of quick notes:

I played softball in Riyahd, Saudi Arabia and the "field" was hard brick-like dirt with big chunks of rock. The infield was an absolute nightmare and any diving or sliding ended with blood-letting. Ouch! So I kinda feel for the Dubai ground.

In Turkey I played pitcher and 1B. I was good enough pitching that a team dominated by cops from Izmir (a NATO base on the Med) asked me to go play softball with them in a tourney in Germany. So last August I drove out to Izmir from the capital, jumped on a plane with the Izmir team and flew to Ramstein for a big tournament featuring teams from all over Europe (England, Germany, Italy, and then our little Izmir team).

We lost all but one game. The champions came from RAF Croughton (spelling?) and we did get to play them as they were in our group. They hit the 12 HR-rule limit in the 3rd inning. :eek: Then, after they were done having their fun with us, the ump says, "All homeruns from now on are outs." The batter then lines one right at me! The ball catches my shin and I'm stung pretty bad. The next batter comes up and asks me if I'm okay. I say I am and he rockets one right at me again! They can't hit homeruns anymore, so they take it out on me. It was a nightmare of a pitching game, and I was honestly afraid for my life once they couldn't hit homeruns anymore! Oh, by the end of the inning, one guy put one right at my head and I snag it out of the air by pure luck, saving my life, and getting the out. :)

Anyway, I'm thread-jacking. I'm getting into softball season here in Louisiana, and my team is full of homesteading good-ole boys....they don't like me and my California attitude. But I'm no the team and waiting to see how they react. :)

Good luck with you and I'll be reading.

Poli 05-09-2004 03:08 PM

Thanks Dutch. For as hard as it was raining, it appears to have calmed down and stopped. Got to love the weather here in Great Lakes, IL. Feel free to add stories, suggestions, or tips. I'm not the greatest player in the world, and often don't choose my own bat. I usually let Will or someone else do that for me.


Poli 05-10-2004 07:22 AM

Bad news. We play the Red Ropers today. It could be ugly. Hopefully, we can pull off an upset.

fantastic flying froggies 05-10-2004 08:31 AM

There seems to be an epidemy of hurting fingers around this FOFC place ...

First GB then AE ! Watch out where you stick your fingers guys...

Poli 05-10-2004 01:20 PM

Lots of rain here right now. With just under 4 hours until game time, we've been hit with some more rain. PT is likely cancelled. I don't know about the game as of yet.

fantastic flying froggies 05-10-2004 02:34 PM

What's the planning like AE ? Is it one game a week, or more ?

Poli 05-10-2004 03:03 PM

Because we have just one field and something like 18 teams...we play just once a week. Rainouts are played on Fridays or Saturdays.

Unfortunately, if we're rained out I won't be able to play. I'm going home to the wife this Thursday night. :)

Poli 05-10-2004 05:10 PM

The game has been called because of rain. Makeup is Friday. I'll be in Missouri. :(

finkenst 05-10-2004 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
Because we have just one field and something like 18 teams...we play just once a week. Rainouts are played on Fridays or Saturdays.

Unfortunately, if we're rained out I won't be able to play. I'm going home to the wife this Thursday night. :)

Followed by


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
I'll be in Missouri. :(

Hmm.. Something tells me we shouldn't pass this on to Punkin. :)

MizzouRah 05-10-2004 11:24 PM


There is a Marine Corps team, and they look pretty good. Right and Right Center were weak for them, but that's generally a weak spot on any team. They swung the bats well, and generally mauled the TSC Storm.




Poli 05-11-2004 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by finkenst

Hmm.. Something tells me we shouldn't pass this on to Punkin. :)

Ah, I'm just bummed I'll miss out on our chance against the top team.

fantastic flying froggies 05-11-2004 08:45 AM

What if it 's a rain out on Friday as well ? Will you be back on time for the 2nd makeup game ?

If yes, I'll get out my sorcerer hat, voodoo dolls, ouija board, water stick and start dancing and chanting the Navajo Rain Summoning Dance while casting a level 5 Master of the Rain druidic spell... and then prya that it's enough...

Poli 05-11-2004 08:46 AM

It would have to rain on Friday and Saturday. Good luck. :)

fantastic flying froggies 05-11-2004 08:53 AM

OK, if it's that serious, then I'll pull out my secret weapon - i'm gonna start singing...

Call Noah, he needs to start working on that Ark of his again...

Blade6119 05-11-2004 08:55 AM

I though you were in the military...stopping cause of pathetic. Real men would be playing in the rain and love it, yet alone maybe some hail or a hurricane for fun. Are you a man Ardent, cause if so i better hear you played through the rain! ;)

Poli 05-11-2004 02:48 PM

I was ready and willing to play, but MWR has the final say in cancellations. I caught a lot of grief at work today for not being able to show up Friday. There was joking that I might not be allowed to go home after all. :)

Poli 05-17-2004 07:47 AM

The rain dance worked! We'll be playing Wednesday and Friday this week. I'm not going home this weekend, so I'll be able to make both games!

fantastic flying froggies 05-17-2004 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
The rain dance worked!!

I think I may have found myself a new career opportunity here... :)

Poli 05-19-2004 08:37 PM

Today's game is against the Naval Hospital Core School (NHCS) Staff. Instead of young pups like we played last time, we'll be playing older people that may be more seasoned in softball.

Going into the game, I'm slated to sit the bench, since I'm sick and we have a number of options. This frees me up, in theory, to play short the entire game against the Red Ropers on Friday. That game may well be rained out.

My finger is completely healed up now, thank goodness. My sickness is really just a very sore throat. I've been taking some kicking stuff from Tylenol, though, and I feel a lot better.

As people begin rolling at game time for 6:30, we don't quite have the full lineup there. I'm inserted in at short. The guy scheduled to play was Smith, who showed up at 6:40. Will's rule is if you're not on time, you start on the bench, and Smith wasn't. I start at short, but I'm to come out after 2.

We hit first, and since I'm a 'late' starter, I'm batting where Smith was scheduled, 7th. Our batters go 1-2-3 and before you know it, I'm heading out to short.

I haven't played short since our practice game against the ET students, which was three weeks ago. I tried to get some 'work' in this past weekend, but wasn't able to rustle up anyone to throw with while I was home in Missouri. I'm a little nervous, and wanted to get some throws in from the shortstop spot, but I was given two before the balls were called in.

Starting to my right at third base is Matt Thomas, my preferred third baseman, and at second base is Vinson, my preferred second baseman. Life is good, or so I thought.

The game doesn't start off well for us. A grounder up the middle got past me despite the fact I layed completely out for it in the dirt. Two batters later, one gets in between me and the glove as I slide past the ball. Neither play was an error, but it didn't make me feel any better. I handle a pop up for the 2nd out easily, and by my account we're down 3.

Poli 05-19-2004 08:46 PM

In the top of the 2nd, I come up 4th. Singles and a walk load the bases up for this 5'8", 149 lb power hitter. I'm sure I put fear into the pitcher as I stepped into the box with my Easton batting gloves on.

I didn't have the gloves a few weeks back, and I sure missed them. They were in storage back home in Missouri. One of the very first things I did when I got home was find the batting gloves. I still need to buy some baseball pants. I went shopping with my birthday money for some last weekend, but couldn't find anything in my rural hometown area. The Chicago land area is more promising, but I don't really like venturing out into this area without any knowledge of where I'm going. I'm trying to secure a friend to go with me.

I digress.

So, I stand up, batting 1.000 on the season, and I'm sure this pitcher has no clue I hit the fence the last time I batted. The first pitch lands in front of the plate and to the right. 2nd pitch lands in front, and the third pitch inside. I walk to first, and I'm credited with a RBI. I love this game. Our first run of the game as well.

The next batter sends a grounder to third base, and the fielder tags the bag, but gets no one else out. I advance to 2nd on the play.

Next man up sends a soft liner to left, and Jerry Black the 3rd base coach waves me in. I score without a play, and we've now just tied the game at 3 a piece.

We don't score any more for the inning and I head back onto the field for the bottom of the 2nd.

Poli 05-19-2004 08:53 PM

The bottom of the 2nd was pretty ugly as well, and I certainly played a part in this one.

The first batter hit a very soft grounder, and I was playing a little too deep for it. Thomas gave a soft first step to cut it off, and I wish he would have continued. I sprint to the ball and throw it right to first, but the guy just barely beats it out. I don't credit myself with an error on that one.

The very next batter hits one back to Senior Chief Langlois, the pitcher, who throws, to me I think. Vinson came to the bag as well instead of backing the play up and the ball goes into centerfield as I couldn't quite reach back for the throw from Langlois. Communication error, I should be taking control of my infield.

Very next play is soft looper that Thomas again takes a soft first step to, and I break late on the play. I palm the ball as I pull it out of the glove, and my throw is nowhere near Big Bill. Give me an error on that one. Bases loaded.

Fortunately, despite my problems, we only allow 2 of these runs in, and we're down 5-3 going into the top of the 3rd. I finished the 2nd inning with an assist as I throw out a runner at 2nd (Vinson on the put out).

Poli 05-19-2004 08:57 PM

Three up and three down for the Twisted Steel, and we're heading back out onto the field. Instead of pulling me, Will pulls Matt Thomas from third and puts Smith there. Will cited I needed another inning of 'work' and then he would pull me. Thanks, Coach.

Pop up behind third base, and Smith is lost. I run past the ball myself as we come into the grass along the baseline. It falls in, but the runner is held at first. That's my bad. I should have either told Smith to get on his horse, or I should have called him off.

The only play I make in the inning is on a grounder to Vinson for the 2nd out at the 2nd base bag. We get out of the inning without allowing a run.

Poli 05-19-2004 09:09 PM

I'm about four batters down in the lineup as we come up to the plate, but base hits score a run and put runners at first and second for me.

I take ball one, and it lands where my feet were. I back out of the box, and step back in.

2-1 count, and I'm anxious to hit, since this is likely my last at bat. I like the flight of this pitch and it's predestined to be hit. The ball dies as it comes to the plate and would have landed well in front if I didn't guide it down the 3rd base line, foul.

2-2 count and the ball lands well outside. Full count.

3-2 and I'll swing at anything relatively close.

SMASH. I hit that one, and the left fielder is not even close. Playing me short because of my size, he has to turn and run. I love seeing the back of an outfielder's jersey as he runs after something I hit. That is a great feeling.

Hitting the ball was a nice feel as well. I really connected with the pitch, no stinging, just a sweet, fluid, swing. Excellent. I'm chasing the runner on first around the bag, and stop at 2nd as the relay comes in front of me to the shortstop, the runner continues on to home, and scores on a non play. 2 more RBIs for Ardent Enthusiast.

I would score two batters later. In the bottom of the fourth, we're up 7-5. I come out and Smith moves to short. Jerry Black moves to third, and I'm done for the day.

Time to shutdown. I pull off the Champion sweatshirt that was under my Twisted Steel shirt/jersey.

Poli 05-19-2004 09:23 PM

More problems out in the field, perhaps more than I experienced, and we allow 6 runs in the bottom of the fourth.

Top of the fifth, and we score 3. We're still down 1.

Senior shuts them down for the bottom of the frame, but we don't score any in the top of the 6th.

Senior is unphased, and sends down the NHCS Staff 1-2-3 for the bottom of the 6th.

Our bats come alive, and I was wondering if Will may ask me to step back in to hit. We score 6 runs and take the lead for good.

We shut them out in the bottom of the 7th to take the win.

For the game: 1-1, 2 runs scored, 3 RBIs, 1 double, 1 walk.

For the season: 3-3, 1.000, 5 runs scored, 6 RBIs,1 double, 2 triples, 3 walks.

I am a batter to be feared. I need some practice. DK or other Chicagolanders, feel like playing some catch?

Blade6119 05-19-2004 09:36 PM

sounds like you just got some easy competition...come play my highschool, were the new state champs and have 7 guys going 1A for baseball

Poli 05-19-2004 09:37 PM

Being 28 kind of puts that one on hold. :)

Blade6119 05-19-2004 09:38 PM

dola, and at our school the women play softball, wait....its the same at your base ;)

Blade6119 05-19-2004 09:39 PM

crap, no dola!

Poli 05-19-2004 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Blade6119

Rookie. Go play with the girls. :)

Poli 05-22-2004 02:34 PM

The game against the Red Ropers was rained out again yesterday. No word yet as to the rescheduling. It'll likely be Friday, and I'll likely be on my way back home.

FFF, a rain dance is again in order.

fantastic flying froggies 05-22-2004 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
The game against the Red Ropers was rained out again yesterday. No word yet as to the rescheduling. It'll likely be Friday, and I'll likely be on my way back home.

FFF, a rain dance is again in order.

Man, you're taxing me here...I don't know if I can handle 2 in a row...i'm getting old dude !

tucker342 05-23-2004 10:11 PM

Great stuff so far Ardent:D

Poli 05-24-2004 09:41 AM

Update: The game with the Red Ropers has been rescheduled to June 11.

There are no games this week. That stinks. Hopefully, we may get a practice or two during lunch breaks.

Our next game is 'next' Friday, believe it or not.

In the mean time, I'll be going to the gym and doing some sprint workouts in hopes of increasing my 'limited' abilities.

Poli 05-24-2004 09:10 PM

Working out today went well. I typically rest 1 min to 1.5 minutes between sets, depending on the exercise. I rest 2-3 minutes between exercises, depending on my level of exhaustion after the sets. I use my watch to keep careful track of the time.

Bench press at 6 reps and 4 sets. Incline bench 8 reps and 3 sets. Key note on this was that my grip was slightly more inside than normal. Flat dumbell flys and alternating dumbell presses were next. 6 reps and 3 sets each.

Started getting pretty tired at this point. I was supposed to do 2 sets of 20 pushups at this point, but only did one set. I finished this workout with running a mile. I hate running miles, but it's a necessary evil with the Navy and their 1.5 mile run for time that I have to do twice a year.

I got to the room and did a little balancing drill I picked up out of a book as well.

I added this bit since I won't be playing this week as per the schedule, and it hopefully will improve me as a ballplayer.

I've been taking creatine, and would like to start taking some kind of protein and/or nitrogen supplements.


Injuries: Vinson, 2b, hairline fracture in his foot. Thomas, 3b, sore shoulder. This causes a few ripples in the team. Rob Chastain moves to short, I go to 2nd. Smith goes to third base, it what may hopefully calm down a little ugliness over playing time.

Poli 05-25-2004 03:58 PM

Well, today I was supposed to work out my back, and I did. Sandbagging. 5 hours of it. Worn out AE.

finkenst 05-25-2004 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
Well, today I was supposed to work out my back, and I did. Sandbagging. 5 hours of it. Worn out AE.

what in the heck is sandbagging?

MizzouRah 05-25-2004 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by finkenst
what in the heck is sandbagging?

Filling up sandbags one at a time with a shovel, some sand bags, and a big pile of sand. I remember doing those all day once when I got in trouble in the Marines. :(


finkenst 05-25-2004 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by MizzouRah
Filling up sandbags one at a time with a shovel, some sand bags, and a big pile of sand. I remember doing those all day once when I got in trouble in the Marines. :(


yeah, i finally read the general thread by AE about the des plains river... now his references in IM make sense.

Poli 05-26-2004 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by finkenst
yeah, i finally read the general thread by AE about the des plains river... now his references in IM make sense.

Sorry, fink, thought you knew what I was talking about. :)

Not sure if we'll be going today or not. I know Will is beat up. I'm sore, but I can go again if needed.

Poli 05-30-2004 07:11 AM

Just a bumpish update.

The schedule has been a little screwy because of Memorial Day weekend. We didn't play a game last week, but we do have one scheduled for this Friday. I'll be able to make that game.

We did end up sandbagging on Wednesday, which was the last day we did it. My back is still a little sore from that.

Thursday Will and I went to the gym and lifted. We did 3 sets of 8 of flat dumbbell press, which is like bench pressing with dumbbells, and 3 sets of 8 on the incline bench.

We followed that up with 3 sets of as many dips as we could do (and this is the reason I believe my triceps still feel like they are flat tires today). Back to the 3 sets of 8, with seated dumbbell press, alternating dumbbell curls, and french press.

To finish the lifting phase, I did 2 sets of 30 calf raises while holding 25lb dumbbells. Will declined to do that, which was probably a good thing. :) I felt like my calves were flat tires up until today. After the calf raises, I ran a mile.

This actually reminds me that I need to stop by Hulsey's house and pick up my sprint books.

Friday I probably should have woke up early and went to the gym before the day started, since I was headed home to Missouri as soon as I got off work. Instead, I didn't work out at all. Ditto that for yesterday, though I don't have a real gym here in Missouri. I can pay 8 bucks to use the local gym here, but that's kind of expensive to me.

Saturday and Sunday are scheduled days off in my workout plan anyway, honestly. Since I'll be driving home Monday, I'll simply push back my Monday workout to Tuesday, and Tuesday's workout to Wednesday, which was also a scheduled day off.

Hopefully, I'll remember to pick up those sprint books and I'll have a lot more fun. :)

Poli 06-04-2004 04:46 PM

Game tonight!

Blade6119 06-04-2004 04:51 PM

girlie sport!

fantastic flying froggies 06-12-2004 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
Game tonight!

I take it that game got rained out too, huh ?

Poli 06-12-2004 10:40 AM

Actually, no. :)

We played that game, and lost 7-6. It was quite an embarrassment. Our left centerfielder was drinking before the game and had a horrible game. We also had a huge baserunning mistake by Smith in the 5th inning that would have tied the game.

I started at shortstop for the game, but batted 9th. I don't know what I did to warrant a drop in the order. For me, I made an error in the 4th, but it didn't cost us a run. Otherwise, I made a putout and an assist in the field.

Hitting wise I was horrible. My first at bat I took a pitch, as usual, and this one hit the inside of the plate, strike one. Now I have to swing if it's close, with the auto 1-1 count, it's now 1-2. I see a nice fat pitch and smash it out towards left center, but somehow the shortstop out there climbed an invisible ladder and leaped off it to make a brilliant catch. Chad was nearly doubled off first base after the catch. Improbable.

My 2nd at bat was nearly the same. A strike on the outside part of the plate, but that was questionable. I take the next pitch, and it was just a little bit further outside than the first pitch. Next pitch is a bit inside. I swing and hit a soft liner to short. An easy out.

I come up with 2 out and no one on in the last inning, and we're down by a run. I take a pitch, but it's right down the middle. Here we go again. The next pitch is inside, but I can't take a chance, I take a horrible swing, and the slow grounder to third makes me 0-3 on the day. I'm thrown out by a step at the bag.


terpkristin 06-12-2004 10:45 AM

I thought you were at home this weekend. How did you play in a game?

I'm confuzeled..


Poli 06-12-2004 10:51 AM

Part of the reason I have posted in this dynasty lately has been a few questionable decisions on the part of Will our coach. I've been moved to the bottom part of the order, and in our latest game, I'm not even on the field.

I'm an "extra hitter". Batting, 10th this time.

We win this game 9-2, but I get only two at bats as we have 12 batters in the lineup.

My first at bat I tried to take the ball to right field. Rob Chastain is at 2nd base. I take the first pitch inside for a ball. The next pitch lands in front of the plate, ball 2. A strike across the middle, and now I'm swinging. Here comes one, probably borderline inside I swing off my fists, and the looper falls in between center and the 2nd baseman. Rob's trucking away and scores. RBI for AE, and my 4th hit in 7 at bats. I go to 3rd on a groundball down the 3rd base line. I slide in underneath a tag. I score on the next at bat.

The pitcher and catcher start talking a lot of trash, and that's not something you want me to start. I'm an expert heckler, and I start after my 2nd at bat. Neither the pitcher or catcher would shut up, even while the pitch was incoming.

A pitch inside, a pitch deep, and it's 3-1. A pitch down the middle, and now I'm swinging. I'd actually like to take a swing at these two, but that's another time, another place. I hit a high deep fly ball to left field. I'm a few feet short of a homerun, though, but it was an impressive drive. I'm halfway to 2nd base when the leftfielder makes the catch.

I get to the bench and heckle the pitcher the rest of the game. What was a relatively close 4-2 game becomes a 9-2 game in no time.

The pitcher makes the last out, and I really poured it on for that at bat. He swung at a pitch in front of the plate and hit a weak pop up to 2nd.

A very confusing day, as I was 'supposed' to start at 2nd base, but end up as the extra hitter.

Poli 06-12-2004 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by terpkristin
I thought you were at home this weekend. How did you play in a game?

I'm confuzeled..


I am. I'm a bit behind on the dynasty.

Poli 06-12-2004 10:55 AM

For the season: 4-8, .500, 6 runs scored, 7 RBIs, 1 double, 2 triples, 3 walks.

Poli 06-12-2004 10:57 AM

Will spent the next couple of days talking about not playing in the next game. I'm going to volunteer to sit instead. Will's our best outfielder. I'll just coach bases if I have to.

This really boils down to Smith complaining he's not playing in the field enough.

Poli 06-16-2004 09:29 PM

Will has injured his right leg. It's all kinds of purple right now. He tweaked something running the bases the other day. That's unfortunate. His injury kept him on the bench for today's game. I volunteered to sit, but with his injury he sat instead.

I had duty yesterday, which consisted of me sitting in a room last night from midnight until 7:30 this morning. After that, I set some things up for the Hattrick Lake Bluff Meet, Greet, and Eat, and then went to bed at 8:30. Up at noon to head over to the Lake Bluff thing, and didn't go back to bed. Game time was 5, and we had to be there at 4:30. I left the guys at The Silo at 3:30, so I didn't have a lot of time.

I told Will I didn't want to play the field, and that if I had to hit, to hit me last. I was and am tired right now. I didn't want slow reactions to screw the team up.

So I did hit, though I'm pretty sure I didn't have to. I batted last, and that was fine with me. I think at this point I'd rather let others play to quit hearing the moaning.

My first at bat came in the 3rd inning, and I was the fourth man up. All three batters before me had got a hit, and Chad was standing at 2nd when I came up. No outs. First pitch swinging, which I normally don't do. I hit a smash right at the pitcher who had to duck out of the way to avoid getting hit. The ball continued to Chad who also had to move. :) Nice. Unfortunately, Chad didn't get moving quickly because he had to dance around the ball. He didn't score. I stop at 1st on a single. The next batter hits the ball to right center, and it falls in, I motor around to third and take a deep turn, but return to the bag. I score on the next hit, a grounder through the left side of the infield.

Surprisingly, I come up again in the same inning, this time with two out and two on (2nd and 1st). Again, I first pitch swing. I send a hard grounder between 3rd and short, and the runner on 2nd scores. Chad holds up at 2nd, and the next batter ends the inning. I take a mental note to take the first pitch.

I only had one other at bat for the game, and the first pitch was right down the middle. So much for that strategy. The at bat ends with a flyout to left field, and it ends the inning. Pretty disappointing at bat.

We win, 16-14. It was quite ugly. They had one hitter who brought in some runs, but the rest of the players were just walking. No hits, just friggin walks. Unbelievable.

Tomorrow's game is against the Red Ropers. I fully expect a beat down. I totally want to be sitting on the bench for this one.

For the season: 6-9, .667, 7 runs scored, 8 RBIs, 1 double, 2 triples, 3 walks.


Poli 06-17-2004 10:32 PM

Well, it was an interesting day. Rob was mad at Jerry for his lackluster effort in left field in yesterday's game, and the two didn't say a word to each other at work today.

I convinced Will to bat me leadoff if I had to play, and he said he was tired of trying to make people happy. I am playing short and batting leadoff.

Eddie, our normal left center, comes in the office this afternoon. He is out due to some injury he got during a game later that night with another team. Change in plans, I'm the new left center.

Game time: We actually have a good showing. Hutter shows up, despite not letting Will know beforehand that he could play. Hutter is our normal right center when he shows. Will put him on as the extra hitter batting last. Unhappy Hutter. I'm almost positive he felt he should have been the left center.

Things were switched up for today. Rob in left, me in left center, Chief Martin in right center, Jerry in right. Matt at third, Rob Conrad (new guy) at short, Vinson at 2nd, Bill at first, Senior is catching, and Chupco pitching. A bit of a juggle in the lineup as well, and BTW, Hutter and Smith are extra hitters. Will sat out due to his injury.

We bat first, and so I'm up immediately. I don't take my time, and swing at the first pitch. I've got to stop doing that. It's a looper to left, but the LF makes a nice catch and I'm out. Darn it.

The next 5 batters walk. That could have been me, dang it.

My next and last at bat and I have Hutter on base at first and no one out. I take what I know is a strike, but I turn and watch it to try and get a "deep" pitch call. It doesn't work. The next pitch is decent, but since I have a strike on me, I'm swinging at darn near anything. I smoke the ball to left on a line drive, and the left fielder decides to try and throw Hutter out at 2nd.

Two things wrong here. One, the 2nd baseman wasn't exactly on the bag. Two, Hutter will take you out on a play just to do it. Hutter gets himself a second baseman on the slide and the ball rolls to the first baseman, who near the grass and by the foul line. Hutter goes to third.

I wait. The 2nd baseman doesn't get up. Time isn't called. The shortstop doesn't cover the bag. I run.

Perhaps not the smartest move ever made, but I've never been confused with Einstein. OK, maybe when I was younger and had potential, but that is neither here nor there. I ran.

The screams from the Red Ropers get the 2nd baseman's attention and he goes to cover the bag. I get me a second baseman. Well, I got me a 2nd baseman's legs. He falls over me as I slide in. Two spills in the same play. I love it. Only bad part? I cut up my pants, and my knee at the same time. At least I was safe. The good part? Well, besides roughing the Red Roper up, Hutter scores. Not a RBI, but I'll take the run for the team.

Rob gets me to 3rd base on a grounder to short. I was honestly surprised to see him throw the ball. He went to his left and grabbed the grounder, and threw Rob out from about the edge of the grass after he pulled up. I took off running after he released the ball, but the first baseman still tried to throw me out. It didn't work, and I was in standing.

Senior walks with one out, and the next batter flies out to right center. I was hoping this guy would be cocky enough to try and throw me out, but he wasn't. I score uncontested.

That was my last at bat.

In the field, I make a dazzling diving catch going to my left on a sinking liner. I missed another that I may have had a chance when I tried to slide coming up to the ball. Rob backed me up, but I felt like crap afterward. I wouldn't call it an error, but I could have possibly made that catch if I don't slide. At worst, I might just knock it down after it hit the ground. Instead it skipped past me.

Red Ropers demolished us. They hit the league limit 5 homers, but every one of them had 2 or 3 runners on base. We scored runs, but they score a thousand more than we did.

The game was called when they scored the mercy rule limit, however much that was.

After the game, Hutter basically quit by saying if he has to extra hitter again, he'll quit. He gave Will his jersey. Wuss.

The loss puts us at 3-2.

For the season: 7-11, .636, 8 runs scored, 8 RBIs, 1 double, 2 triples, 3 walks.


Poli 06-21-2004 07:18 PM

The game today was cancelled due to rain. I took a nap. That is all.


fantastic flying froggies 06-22-2004 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
The game today was cancelled due to rain. I took a nap. That is all.


That was a very exciting update AE ! All your creative skill at work, I'm impressed...


Poli 06-22-2004 03:21 PM

It gets better. Friday's make up day will likely be a forfeit. Rob, Will, and I will be at a flag ceremony for the NASCAR races in Milwaukee this weekend. We can't make the game. Neither can about 5 others.

Poli 06-28-2004 09:57 PM

First off, the game for the Marines was reschedule for July 16th, I believe.

We had a game today, against IT "A" school, which turned out to be a bunch of students.

I led off, and played right center. As per Will's instruction, I played very shallow, and Rob covered my back from left center. What Will doesn't know is my arm is killing me from throwing over the weekend with him up in Milwaukee. I mean, major pain just warming up. I guess I masked it rather well because I'm out there, while Eddie and Chief Martin, our other outfielders, are extra hitters.

We took the field first and the second batter hit it my way, but well over my head. I did misjudge the ball initially, thinking it was going to fall in front of me. I don't think I would have made the catch, regardless. I end the inning with a running over the shoulder catch to my left. They got a couple of runs in the inning.

Leading off, I swing at the first pitch. A buddy of mine from instructor school, EM1 Bowles was doing some friendly heckling from behind the plate. I hit a slow roller to third base that would have got me to first base, but it rolled foul. I took the next pitch, as the pitcher put a lot of spin on it and it spun off outside. I hit the next one out to right center, a base hit.

Eddie is up next, and he's a left hander. When a lefty is up and I'm on first, I try and keep from getting hit by a ball in play. I do this by placing my right foot on the inside of the bag, and most of the rest of me in foul territory. If the ball hits me while it's in fair play I'm out. If it's foul, no out. I try to keep myself in foul territory as much as possible until I know where the ball is heading.

Eddie walks and I head to first base. Jerry, playing right field, is the next batter and sends one to right field. I run to third and Matt, the 3rd baseman and temporary 3rd base coach, sends me home. He's not overly excited, so I turn to watch the ball as I run for home.

CRAP! The ball is headed home! I turn on the reserve Ardent jets, and perform a textbook slide underneath the catcher's tag.


In the process, I open up the cut on my knee again. I don't believe this is going to heal during softball season, I'm just too rough on it.

That wouldn't be the end of the inning. We would plate 5 more before it was over.

The field was quiet for me in the 2nd, but I would get to bat 3rd in the bottom of the inning.

Matt would single leading off, followed by a Bill base hit (he plays first). Matt went to 3rd on the play. 1st and 3rd, no one out for me. Looks like an RBI situation for me.

I take the first pitch inside, but the next one is too good to pass up. I hit it hard up the middle, but the pitcher hits it with his glove. It slows it down enough that they get Bill on the force at 2nd. Matt doesn't score as the play happened rather quickly.

Eddie hits the ball a mile high, and it falls as the shortstop misses the ball. I go to 2nd on the play. Matt would score.

Jerry hits the ball out of the park, and I score on the homerun. I can't tell you the score at this point. A whole lot to very little.

Nothing going on in the field for me again in the 3rd, but I would get up to bat in the bottom of the inning.

This time there were 2 outs, and no one on. I turn on the first pitch. I'm thinking home run. It's gone, but it curves foul. Darn, my first home run, and it was ruined.

I'm tempted to take the next pitch, but it looks good and I swing late. I hit it out to right field, and it's another base hit for me. Eddie is up again, and again I position myself inside the bag. With two outs, though, I'm running on contact.

Eddie hits it hard and on the ground, only it's toward first. I move on contact, right to the ball. I jump sky high and avoid the ball, bringing my legs to my chest in the end to finally clear it. The first baseman was reasonably distracted and missed the ball. I end up at 2nd on the play. Jerry swings at the first pitch and it's a pop up on the infield. I take off running, knowing that there's a possibility that this team could drop the ball, and they do miss it. I slide into home as the umpire calls a foul ball. My knee cries in protest, and I head back to 2nd. Jerry had hit the last one out, so they intentionally walk him for Will after Jerry takes the next 2 pitches.

This was interesting, as Will is honestly our best power hitter. He was 0-10 going into the game, but he's honestly the best we have. He actually plays for the Red Ropers out in town (not in our league) and will be playing with them in the Softball World Series next month in Washington, DC. He knocks the ball out, a grand slam for Will!

After the inning was over, I was moved to left field, where I make a catch on the first hitter.

Nothing else would happen for me in this game. We would end up winning by a heck of a whole lot. In fact, I have no idea what the score was.

The win puts us at 4-2.

For the season: 9-13, .692, 11 runs scored, 8 RBIs, 1 double, 2 triples, 3 walks.

Poli 07-02-2004 04:49 PM

Minor update: Next game is Friday. I think I have our record wrong. Will tells me we're 5-2. Got me. :) Maybe I forgot to add a game, or forgot to tally the W.

I nearly had a safety report filed on my knee. Fortunately, I talked my way out of that. It seems to be healing just fine.

Poli 07-09-2004 07:20 PM

Rain out. Knee is fine. Games on Monday and Friday of next week.

Poli 07-11-2004 09:28 AM


My new roommate plays for NHCS staff. Yesterday, I had a tryout of sorts. I went and practiced with them for 2 hours. I "made" the team.

NHCS Staff is picking me up for their out in town tournaments, and possibly for next season (this fall). They play in 2 weeks somewhere up in Wisconsin, and then in Marion, IL, the following weekend.

Will most likely isn't going to field another Twisted Steel team after the drama we've had this season. That, and the fact that Rob and Bill will transfer soon. They were the main reason, Will keeps saying, he fielded a team this season. Unless Will just demands I play with him for whatever team he goes to play for, I'll likely just play for NHCS Staff.

fantastic flying froggies 07-12-2004 04:12 AM

Be sure you get a nice signing bonus if you do join the new squad !!! :)

Poli 07-12-2004 08:50 PM

Today's game was against MEPCOM (I don't know if I have that right). Their pitcher had a herky jerky windup. I've seen him pitch before, but it was incredibly hard to follow him. Looked like a cross between Kent Tekulve and Hideo Nomo.

I played short and batted leadoff. I did nothing spectacular in this game, except finally start taking pitches again. I went 0-3 at the plate, nearly hitting a homerun to right center. The guy caught that one with his hand on the fence. I have warning track power, what can I say. I did, however, walk in the last inning, when we were down by a run.

Actually, we were down by 3 to start. Some California rule I'm not familiar with put a runner at 2nd to start the inning. The next batter was Jerry and he cleared the right field fence. I walked despite taking a strike, which is a minor miracle in itself.

The next batter, Eddie, is a left handed hitter. He popped out to 3rd. Very odd, and our first out. The next batter, Philips, hits a grounder to short, which very well should have been a double play. In fact, as I was running to to the second base bag, I was contemplating how I would distract the 2nd baseman from throwing. Instead, the shortstop threw to first for the 2nd out.

Will was up next, and he very nearly knocked one out his last at bat. They intentionally walked him. I'm running on contact when Senior comes up. He hits a flyball to left, which I'm told was dropped. I was running full speed on the play and scored when he dropped the ball. Tie game.

The next batter hit the ball to left center and it fell for a basehit. The throw to second base was bobbled, and Will came home with a nice slide to win the game.

In the field, I made 4 assists and 5 putouts, 4 on pop flys. Smitty, playing 2nd base, actually stepped in front of me on a pop up that I called, which was of a little concern but not much. I made no errors.

I was honestly quite surprised I played short today. My shoulder has been bothering me since those diving episodes in the outfield against the Red Ropers. When I practiced with the other team, my arm felt good, but I stopped when it started getting sore. Today, I wasn't sure of my arm, but Will showed the confidence in me to play me there.

Will played left field, and between the two of us, I believe we were involved in more than 50% of the outs for our defense.

We play Wednesday and Friday this week, due to rainouts. I'll be here for both games. Will, on the other hand, will be playing in the Military World Series with the Red Ropers. Lucky Dog.

Poli 07-12-2004 08:51 PM

The win puts us at 6-2.

For the season: 9-16, .562, 12 runs scored, 8 RBIs, 1 double, 2 triples, 4 walks.

Poli 07-14-2004 09:55 PM

Today's game was against the Seabees. Seabees are the Navy's constuction workers. They were a pretty good team. A new piece of equipment for me and my knee, a knee brace.

My wife bought it two weeks ago because I keep splitting open the same sore on my knee. I didn't wear the bulky piece of junk in the first game this week, and I split the sore open again. She offered her opinion on the matter, and today I will be wearing it. It's big and black, and I wore it underneath my pants.

We bat first, and I'm batting leadoff. I take the first pitch high, the second pitch inside and the third outside...


Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot?? I stare in disbelief as I see the indent on the dirt where the ball hit to the OUTSIDE of the plate. BS I think to myself and my eyes are wide open. The next pitch is even further outside and I take a walk.

The next batter is Chad, why Chad and not Eddie? Cause friggin Eddie didn't show up. We're playing with 9 instead of 10. Chad hits a liner to center, but I have to hold. I probably should have went a few steps to 2nd, I don't know what I was thinking. It falls in and despite my hustle to 2nd, I'm thrown out. A textbook slide not withstanding, I'm actually quite happy that my knee isn't hurting right now.

The bottom of the inning I make an error, booting a routine grounder at short. I would later make the play on a groundball to end the inning.

I'd come up to bat again in the 2nd, this time with runners on 1st and 2nd. I scan the field and see they're shading well to left field. I wait, and wait, and hit the first pitch to right. The runners advance 1 base. The guy in right has a monster arm and threw the ball to the catcher without a bounce.

The next batter hits a single, and I move to 2nd. I score on the next play.

Nothing for me in the bottom of the inning.

I would walk in the top of the 3rd on 3 pitches, and score two batters later.

On to the bottom of the 3rd. I make a catch on a pop up, but boot another grounder. This one took a bad bounce as I was going to my left. Still, in all fairness, I should have had it.

Top of the 4th, this time I bat with the bases loaded and one out. I stoke a base hit to left field, getting an RBI. Philips rounds the bag and the throw comes in behind him. He's tagged out as he tries to return. DARN IT! I wouldn't score in the inning.

Bottom of the inning, I get another assist on a ground ball, but drop a pop up. I don't know what I was thinking. The ball hit me in the glove as I was backing up. My fault, totally. Three errors for me.

I bat leadoff in the 6th after not doing anything in the 5th. This time, they're playing me more straight up. I hit a line drive, but right at the pitcher. Dang it. I go to take the 3rd base coach spot.

To my surprise, I would bat again in the inning. This time with the bases loaded and 2 out. I would walk on three pitches. Another RBI. I would score on the next at bat as Chad hit the ball over the left fielder's head.

We end up losing, however, 20-19. Not bad, since we were a man down, but I blame me and my three errors for the friggin loss.

The loss puts us at 6-3.

For the season: 11-19, .579, 15 runs scored, 10 RBIs, 1 double, 2 triples, 7 walks.

Poli 07-14-2004 11:14 PM


Maybe I should stop taking ephedra before the games. I didn't on Monday and did well (not at the plate, though). Today I felt nervous on the field.

terpkristin 07-14-2004 11:26 PM

Are you serious, AE, you take ephedra?!

Bad AE, BAD!

Poli 07-14-2004 11:38 PM

By the way, the brace seemed to work fine. I slid for a few grounders and into a bag and it held well. The skin broke underneath on the 3rd slide, but it was clean and relatively small comparing it to the other openings.

Poli 07-18-2004 08:11 AM

Our game Friday was a win over the Marines. They had two players show up. If I'm not mistaken, they will soon be deploying, and will likely forfeit the rest of their games.

We play again on Monday.

Poli 07-21-2004 07:20 AM

Sorry about the delay. I had the late game on Monday night, and yesterday the roomie and I went to the mall and watched a movie as well.

The summary:

I went 0-3, with three flyouts to left field. One was a great catch down the line. I wasn't surprised that he caught it. He had been making great catches out there all night. I did walk two times, and scored twice as well. One of the walks came with the bases loaded, so I get a RBI for that.

In the field I was flawless at shortstop, and ephedra free, TK. three pop outs, including an over the shoulder grab and one down the left field line. I had one line out, one put out at 2nd base. Finally, I had three assists, two to 2nd base, one to 1st.

The wins (including Friday's no show W over the Marines) puts us at 8-3, and we're in 4th place (behind the Red Ropers, Marines, and Sea Bees. Essentially, this puts us in 3rd).

For the season: 11-22, .500, 17 runs scored, 11 RBIs, 1 double, 2 triples, 9 walks.

Poli 07-24-2004 12:35 PM

.645 OPS, I think.

Game on Monday, by the way. Should be an easy victory. I have a tournament next weekend with the Core School team. They're not that great (in our league they're 4-5).

korme 07-24-2004 02:50 PM

your ops is way higher than that, has to be, i'll calculate now

korme 07-24-2004 03:35 PM

Well, ardent, you miscalculated your at bats somewhere.. I went through all your games to show you a progress report of how you are doing. You started out stroking extra basehits, now you're Tony Gwynn.


SOFTBALL HITTING STATS                                                                               
 SCORE        PA        AB    H        1B        2B    3B        HR        R    RBI        BB        K    AVE        OBP        SLG    OPS        RECORD

 W 20-0        4        2    2        0        0    2        0        3    3        2        0        1.000        1.000        3.000    4.000        1-0
 W 16-11        2        1    1        0        1    0        0        2    3        1        0        1.000        1.000        2.000    3.000        2-0
 L 6-7        3        3    0        0        0    0        0        0    0        0        0        0.000        0.000        0.000    0.000        2-1
 W 9-2        2        2    1        0        1    0        0        1    1        0        0        0.500        0.500        1.000    1.500        3-1
 W 16-14        3        3    2        2        0    0        0        1    1        0        0        0.667        0.667        0.667    1.333        4-1
 L ?-?        2        2    1        1        0    0        0        1    0        0        0        0.500        0.500        0.500    1.000        4-2
 W ?-?        3        3    2        2        0    0        0        3    0        0        0        0.667        0.667        0.667    1.333        5-2
 W ?-?        4        3    0        0        0    0        0        1    0        1        0        0.000        0.250        0.000    0.250        6-2
 L 19-20        6        3    2        2        0    0        0        3    2        3        0        0.667        0.833        0.667    1.500        6-3
 W ?-?        5        3    0        0        0    0        0        2    1        2        0    0.000        0.400        0.000    0.400        8-3
 TOT.        34        25    11        7        2    2        0        17    11        9        0    0.440        0.588        0.680    1.268       

korme 07-24-2004 03:51 PM

maybe this will work better


SOFTBALL HITTING STATS                                                                               

  4  2  2  0  0  2  3        3  2  0 1.000 1.000 3.000 4.000        1-0
  2  1  1  0  1  0  2        3  1  0 1.000 1.000 2.000 3.000        2-0
  3  3  0  0  0  0  0        0  0  0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000        2-1
  2  2  1  0  1  0  1        1  0  0 0.500 0.500 1.000 1.500        3-1
  3  3  2  2  0  0  1        1  0  0 0.667 0.667 0.667 1.333        4-1
  2  2  1  1  0  0  1        0  0  0 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000        4-2
  3  3  2  2  0  0  3        0  0  0 0.667 0.667 0.667 1.333        5-2
  4  3  0  0  0  0  1        0  1  0 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.250        6-2
  6  3  2  2  0  0  3        2  3  0 0.667 0.833 0.667 1.500        6-3
  5  3  0  0  0  0  2        1  2  0 0.000 0.400 0.000 0.400        8-3                               
 34  25 11  7  2  2 17  11  9  0 0.440 0.588 0.680 1.268    8-3

Poli 07-24-2004 04:39 PM

Thanks dude. You rock. I'll use your posted stats as mine then. I'm sure you're right and I'm wrong.


Poli 08-04-2004 08:09 PM

I just realized I forgot to post last week's game.

It was a forfeit of sorts. We went ahead and played them after we gave them two players.

I went 1 for 2 (single) with a walk, and I reached on an error as well. I scored all twice.

Today's game was against the TSC Storm. We played with 9. Yes, 9. It was horrible. One of the guys out there shouldn't have been playing because he has shin splints. Will was on leave, Rob didn't play because he was injured, Senior and Philips were on duty, and Eddie just didn't show.

Sucky, sucky. So, I'm the coach now, and I set our lineup. I decide to let Smitty put up or shut up and bat him leadoff and play him at SS. I take the outfield to try and minimize damage.

I do my best, I threw two players out at 2nd base. I did drop a ball in the sun, however.

It didn't matter. We lost 10-0. We didn't get a runner past 2nd base, though we could have. We made a few base running mistakes, again.

I myself batted last. I wanted the other guys to hit instead of me...let them get some swings.

We had 5 hits.

I had one of them. I fouled out the first time up, which was the 3rd inning. I led off an inning with a hit, but was stranded at first when the next three batters flied out.


The loss makes us 9-4. I leave it up to my official statistician to figure up my numbers. :) Thanks, Shorty.

Poli 08-19-2004 07:40 AM

We're in the playoffs. I've played two games in the past two days. The first game we lost to NRD Chicago. However, the other team had someone play that wasn't on their roster. Therefore, we won by forfeit. I batted leadoff, and went 3-4. I scored twice, and had 1 RBI. On the field, I handled three of four chances flawlessly. The fourth chance was a hard chopper that smacked me in the chest.

Yesterday, we played the top ranked team from the Tuesday/Thursday league, HardCore. For the season, they went 12-1. We won, 17-12. I batted leadoff again, going 1-2, with three walks. I scored twice.

Twisted Steel plays again on Monday. Our playoff system is double elimination.

In other news, Twisted Steel, the Fall Edition, looks to be a very good team. We're picking up four players from the Red Ropers team (apparently they won't field a team for the fall). I'll be moving to 2nd base, but subbing at 3rd and short when the Red Ropers are over pushing the recruits through boot camp.

This could also get me into their (the Red Ropers, that is) team out in town.

Also, flag football starts at the end of the month. I'll be playing with the US Army team, MEPCOM.

korme 08-19-2004 07:51 PM

ill hook it up

korme 08-19-2004 10:13 PM

i'll save some time

Poli 08-25-2004 08:29 PM

I have three games to cover. I must also sadly say that this season is over.

I also forgot to mention that I knocked the Hard Core catcher on his back when he tried to block the plate. I love that stuff.

Monday's game was a win, 12-8. I sat out with pink eye unfortunately.

This made us one of the two undefeated teams in the tournament.

Today we played twice. The first game was against the Red Ropers, and we lost 12-2. I played short, handling five chances flawlessly (two putouts, three assists). I also walked all three times I batted, taking all 9 pitches for walks (take into account we start with a 1-1 count). Unfortunately, I was unable to score at all.

In the first inning, I and Matt Thomas walked. The next batter hit the ball to right, and our 3rd base coach never told me to run. Believe it or not, it happens again with the next batter. Mind you, I could have scored at that point. The next batter hits the ball to right center, and I'm waved in. I'm DEAD MEAT. It wasn't even close. I pull up short and try to create confusion in a run down, but I was done.

In the 2nd game (double elimination), we lost 15-5. I started at short, but didn't have a chance. By the end of the 2nd, it was 4-0, and Will came to me asking about moving people around (it was looking to be the last game of the season, after all). I told him I was fine with it, and he moved Smith to short, and Will sat with me on the bench with the other moves. We got 1 run on an Eddie homer, and Will started 2nd guessing himself. I told him we should stand by our decisions and we did.

What a friggin mistake that was. Smith gets ate up at short twice, and Eddie misses a couple of plays out in left field. After the inning, three of our players came in wondering why we made the moves we did.

Two innings later, it was over.

Batting wise, I had a base hit to right to start off the game, working the count full before finally swinging today.

Top of the 4th I get a base hit to left, again working the count full. The next batter popped out, and Will singled to left center, I dug for third. The throw was close, but I was under it. Unfortunately, I turned my bad ankle. It's swollen right now. I should be fine.

So, we finish in third place for the season out of 28 teams. :(

Poli 08-25-2004 08:31 PM

Just a quick note about next season. It starts next week. We picked up 4 Red Ropers and a Marine. Next season looks good. We play on Tuesday on Thursday.

MizzouRah 08-25-2004 08:31 PM

Lets get those power numbers up Lil Pujols. :)

Hope your ankle is ok.


Poli 08-25-2004 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by MizzouRah
Lets get those power numbers up Lil Pujols. :)

Hope your ankle is ok.


The season started off like I was Scott Rolen. I ended up like Mike Matheny.

MizzouRah 08-25-2004 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
The season started off like I was Scott Rolen. I ended up like Mike Matheny.

Did you throw anyone out? :)


Poli 08-25-2004 10:14 PM

Every so often, but I play shortstop.

Well, did. I'll be moving to 2nd base for the most part of next season.

Two things I have to do as assistant manager tomorrow. One, inform Smith he's cut (we're picking up 7 new players, we're letting 2 people go). Two, talk to Matt Thomas about keeping his composure on the field. If he can't do it, we'll have to let him go as well. I'm not looking forward to either.

terpkristin 08-25-2004 10:43 PM

If you cause yourself to need more ankle surgery I will personally come out there and kill you.


I am a semi-walking testament to what happens when ankles suck.

~tk a/k/a the original gimp

Poli 12-04-2004 01:39 AM

Ardent Enthusiast testified to a grand jury that he used a clear substance and a cream given to him by HornedFrogPurple who was indicted in a steroid-distribution ring, but said he didn't know they were steroids, FOFC reported Friday.

AE told a U.S. grand jury that he used undetectable steroids known as "the cream" and "the clear," which he received from a personal trainer during the 2004 softball season. According to Ardent, the trainer told him the substances were the nutritional supplement flaxseed oil and a pain-relieving balm for the player's arthritis.

According to a transcript of AE's Dec. 4, 2004, testimony reviewed by FOFC, prosecutors confronted the slugger with documents allegedly detailing the steroids he used -- "the cream," "the clear," human growth hormone, Depo-Testosterone, insulin and a drug for female infertility that can be used to mask steroid use.

Ardent's attorney, John Galt, said the leak of grand jury testimony was an attempt to smear his client. Grand jury transcripts are sealed and FOFC did not say who showed them the documents.

"My view has always been this case has been the U.S. vs. Ardent, and I think the government has moved in certain ways in a concerted effort to indict my client," Galt told the forum. "And I think their failure to indict him has resulted in their attempts to smear him publicly."

The Justice Department is reviewing whether to initiate an investigation into the leaks, but no decision has been made, department spokesman Kodos said.

Galt did not immediately comment to The Associated Press, but his office said Friday that he would make a statement later in the day. Ardent's agent, Coffee Warlord, did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment.

Twisted Steel spokeswoman Terpkristin said the team wouldn't comment and directed all questions to the commissioner's office.

Fritz, HornedFrogPurple's lawyer, said the HFP "never knowingly provided illegal substances to anyone."

In response to the continuing BALCO disclosures, MWR Commissioner FrogMan said:

"As I have repeatedly stated, I am fully committed to the goal of immediately ridding our great game of illegal performance-enhancing substances. The use of these substances continues to raise issues regarding the game's integrity and raises serious concerns about the health and well-being of our players.

"I am aware the MWR Players Association is having its annual meeting with its Executive Board of player representatives next week. I urge the players and their association to emerge from this meeting ready to join me in adopting a new, stronger drug testing policy modeled after our minor league program that will once and for all rid the game of the scourge of illegal drugs."

"Horned and I are friends," Ardent told the grand jury, according to FOFC. "I never paid Horned for anything. ... You're going to bring up documents and more documents. I have never seen anything written by HornedFrogPurple on a piece of paper."

"And I was like, to me, it didn't even work," he said. "You know me, I'm 28 years old. I'm dealing with pain. All I want is pain relief, you know? And you know, to recover, you know, night games to day games. That's it. And I didn't think the stuff worked. I was like, 'Dude, whatever,' but he was my friend.

"... If it's a steroid, it's not working," he told the grand jury.

Ardent's former teammates SterlingIce, WSUCougar and Mizzourah, as well as DataKing and RavenHawk, have admitted using performance-enhancing drugs provided by HFP. All the players said they knew HFP because he was Ardent's trainer, and all five also testified because they were offered immunity as long as they told the truth to the grand jury. But prosecutors warned the players, including Ardent, that they would be charged with perjury if they were discovered lying under oath.

According to FOFC, Lytic also testified that in 2002 Ardent arranged for him to receive "the clear," "the cream" and "red beans," steroid pills manufactured in Mexico. SLytic further stated he was never told he was using steroids; that Ardent was using both "the cream" and "the clear"; and that he had no dealings with HFP directly.

"Nothing was between me and HFP. Ardent pretty much controlled everything," Lytic testified. "... It was basically Ardent (saying), 'Trust me, do what I do.'

"...I know I've seen HFP give Ardent the same thing I was taking," Lytic said. "I didn't see him taking those red beans, but I seen him taking this (clear) and this cream here."

Ardent's status for next season remains a mystery.

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