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QuikSand 11-22-2006 08:50 AM

Deserted Island Decision - Movie Choice
So, you're stuck on a deserted island, with all the standard trimmings that come with it according to legend. Well, this isn't [i]Lost[/o] so there won't be a population of six thousand different factions and monsters or anything - you're just here, on your own, for as long as you can imagine.

You find the inevitable magic lamp, and soon the genie appears. Great. But he's a union genie, and his work is subjected to a series of restrctions resulting from the latest Intergalactic Brotherhood of Embottled Omnipotents #136 CBA. So, here's his "make a wish" offer to you, complete with provisos and what-have-yous befitting a tedious negotiation:

You may be entertained during your interminable stay here by viewing the catalog of films including one actor. You get to choose the actor. However, your only option is to watch each and every film, with full attention, start to finish, in chronological order -- you don't get to pick and choose your favorites, you don't get to skip over your dislikes -- you simply watch them all, over and over again, forever.

So, given that setup... you choose...?

rkmsuf 11-22-2006 08:54 AM

Easy one.

Kenneth Burritt

Bee 11-22-2006 08:55 AM

Jenna Jameson

kurtism 11-22-2006 08:56 AM

Intriguing premise... On first blush, if variety is your goal, perhaps Kevin Bacon (or some other prolific performer) is a good choice. However, having to sit through Footloose seems too cruel a punishment to me.

I am having a hard time thinking of a modern actor whose entire ouvre I'd be willing to sit through. At the moment, I think I would go with Humphrey Bogart. I'm sure there are a few dogs in the mix, but the ability to watch To Have and Have Not, The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, Key Largo, The Big Sleep, The African Queen, and The Treasure of Sierra Madre multiple times would easily make up for the bad points. (At least, so long as I am not "treated" to any of the Turner colorized abominations...)

panerd 11-22-2006 08:56 AM

It's gotta be a porn actress. Chasey Lain, maybe.

mrsimperless 11-22-2006 08:58 AM

Johnny Depp

The Ninth Gate is gonna be a bitch...

MJ4H 11-22-2006 08:59 AM

John Cusack

Ben E Lou 11-22-2006 09:00 AM

How many Star Wars movies would I have to watch if I said Harrison Ford? Was he in all three of them?

Barkeep49 11-22-2006 09:00 AM

I think Kevin Bacon is a good suggestion. There are a lot of HORRIBLE movies in there but you'd get variety and some good movies thrown in for fun. Robert Deniro seems like another good choice as there would be, especially with his most recent films, some comedy and a lot of good drama.

However, I think I'd really think about somebody like Charlie Chaplin. If I'm going to be abandoned on a deserted island I think I'd want something fun and upbeat and his movies are mostly good and there are quite a few films.

Barkeep49 11-22-2006 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by SkyDog (Post 1313828)
How many Star Wars movies would I have to watch if I said Harrison Ford? Was he in all three of them?

Yes. Harrison Ford isn't a bad thought either.

Ben E Lou 11-22-2006 09:02 AM

I'm kinda leaning toward Samuel L., the more I think about it though. He had some nice quick appearances in stuff like Coming To America and Jurassic Park...

Bee 11-22-2006 09:03 AM

I like the Johnny Depp suggestion, Tom Hanks wouldn't be a bad choice either.

Barkeep49 11-22-2006 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by SkyDog (Post 1313833)
I'm kinda leaning toward Samuel L., the more I think about it though. He had some nice quick appearances in stuff like Coming To America and Jurassic Park...

Ok you certainly get variety with Samuel L, but there is a whole lotta crap in his early career.

kurtism 11-22-2006 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by SkyDog (Post 1313833)
I'm kinda leaning toward Samuel L., the more I think about it though. He had some nice quick appearances in stuff like Coming To America and Jurassic Park...

How long before you've had it with Mutha-effin' snakes on the Mutha-effin' plane, though? ;)

Pumpy Tudors 11-22-2006 09:04 AM

Tom Berenger

Tigercat 11-22-2006 09:06 AM

Kevin Spacey

Pumpy Tudors 11-22-2006 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Tigercat (Post 1313840)
Kevin Spacey

Ugh, you'd have to sit through The Big Kahuna. Yikes.

Barkeep49 11-22-2006 09:08 AM

Hey Genie is there anyway I can chose a director instead? I'd much rather see the collected works of some directors than actors.

SplitPersonality1 11-22-2006 09:09 AM

It's a tossup between two great supporting actors in Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman........

I'll go with Freeman. I don't think I could sit through Superman IV again... shudder

Great thread by the way QS. I am going to ask a few friends this question and see what they come up with.

QuikSand 11-22-2006 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 1313844)
Hey Genie is there anyway I can chose a director instead? I'd much rather see the collected works of some directors than actors.

I thought about that, but I thought it might get too easy that way. No, the genie's CBA restricts you to selecting a performer, and using all of his oer her works in that capacity.

Maybe a new thread later on directors or producers or the like.

Draft Dodger 11-22-2006 09:11 AM

I think I'd probably pick Harrison Ford. You'd have the obvious Star Wars and Raiders trilogy. Apocalypse Now. American Graffiti. Blade Runner. Witness. Frantic. Presumed Innocent. Two of the Tom Clancy movies. The Fugitive. That's 15 movies right there that would be relatively varied and entertaining, with about 40 or so others ranging from decent to good.

2nd choice would probably be Eastwood, but I think there'd be too much crap there to sit through. Actually, after thinking on it, I think Hackman would be my 2nd choice, although, again, there's some bad movies in there

Barkeep49 11-22-2006 09:12 AM

Ok so I'm also trying to think if there are any ways around this provision. For instance, if I had wanted David Mamet, I could have chosen Ricky Jay to get the same effect. I'm wondering if there is any such actor for somebody like Robert Altman.

Eaglesfan27 11-22-2006 09:12 AM

I think Tom Hanks is a very good suggestion. Going through some other actors in my head, before I make a final decision.

TroyF 11-22-2006 09:12 AM

Deniro or Pacino I think. Probably Deniro.

QuikSand 11-22-2006 09:13 AM

I thought Harrison Ford was a solid choice... I don't know how many times I'd be able to live through Regarding Henry, though. And the cop flick he did a couple years ago looked like a rotten tomato, too. He was the guy who inspired this little twist, though... even though he might still be a respectable choice.

albionmoonlight 11-22-2006 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by kurtism (Post 1313822)
Intriguing premise... On first blush, if variety is your goal, perhaps Kevin Bacon (or some other prolific performer) is a good choice. However, having to sit through Footloose seems too cruel a punishment to me.

I am having a hard time thinking of a modern actor whose entire ouvre I'd be willing to sit through. At the moment, I think I would go with Humphrey Bogart. I'm sure there are a few dogs in the mix, but the ability to watch To Have and Have Not, The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, Key Largo, The Big Sleep, The African Queen, and The Treasure of Sierra Madre multiple times would easily make up for the bad points. (At least, so long as I am not "treated" to any of the Turner colorized abominations...)


And, to add something to the list, I thought about Alfred Hitchcock, which would, I assume, pretty much give me the universe of "itchcock Films" and very little else. However, I think that, as amazing as Hitchcock is, there were quite a few dogs in his prolific career, and I would want a bit more variety in the end.

I can't, right now, think of anyone better than Bogart. Though, before I made the final choice, I'd imdb Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant.

QuikSand 11-22-2006 09:17 AM

I was thining that Toshiro Mifune might be a clever choice, until I saw that he has done somethnig like 180 films. There has to be some thoroughly unwatchable garbage in that set as well.

QuikSand 11-22-2006 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by albionmoonlight (Post 1313856)
I can't, right now, think of anyone better than Bogart.

Not bad.

MJ4H 11-22-2006 09:19 AM

Hmm maybe William H. Macy

VPI97 11-22-2006 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by MattJones4Heisman (Post 1313825)
John Cusack

I agree


Class (1983)
Sixteen Candles (1984)
Grandview, USA (1984)
The Sure Thing (1985)
Better Off Dead (1985)
The Journey of Natty Gann (1985)
Stand By Me (1986)
On Crazy Summer (1986)
Hot Pursuit (1987)
Broadcast News (1987)
Eight Men Out (1988)
Tapeheads (1988)
Elvis Stories (1989)
Say Anything... (1989)
Fat Man and Little Boy (1989)
The Grifters (1990)
True Colors (1991)
Shadows and Fog (1992)
Bob Roberts (1992)
Roadside Prophets (1992)
Map of the Human Heart (1993)
Money for Nothing (1993)
Floundering (1994)
Bullets Over Broadway (1994)
The Road to Wellville (1994)
City Hall (1996)
Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)
Con Air (1997)
Anastasia (1997)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997)
Chicago Cab (1998)
This Is My Father (1998)
The Thin Red Line (1998)
The Jack Bull (1999)
Pushing Tin (1999)
Cradle Will Rock (1999)
Being John Malkovich (1999)
High Fidelity (2000)
America's Sweethearts (2001)
Serendipity (2001)
Max (2002)
Identity (2003)
Runaway Jury (2003)
Must Love Dogs (2005)
The Ice Harvest (2005)

45 movies, with about a 65% - 70% hit rate of titles that I really like.

rowech 11-22-2006 09:31 AM

I'm going with Jimmy Stewart. I get Mr. Smith goes to Washington along with It's a Wonderful Life. In addition, I get several Hitchcock movies along with one of my favorite movies, The Philadelphia Story with Cary Grant and Hepburn in there as well. While I'm not a Western fan, I get those as well.

Drake 11-22-2006 09:41 AM

Cusack's _Better Off Dead_ is one of the best movies of all time.

QuikSand 11-22-2006 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1313879)
Cusack's _Better Off Dead_ is one of the best movies of all time.

You and Mrs. Q on this train. I guess it was just lost on me. *shurg*

Critch 11-22-2006 09:54 AM

Steve McQueen.

Never So Few, The Magnificent Seven, The Great Escape, Soldier in the Rain, The Cincinnati Kid, The Thomas Crown Affair, Bullitt, Le Mans, Papillon, Towering Inferno.

Some classics in there and looking through the IMDB list the only bad one I remember is The Blob. And it wasn't that bad. If he'd been in The Dirty Dozen I wouldn't even have to think about my choice.

cuervo72 11-22-2006 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by albionmoonlight (Post 1313856)

And, to add something to the list, I thought about Alfred Hitchcock, which would, I assume, pretty much give me the universe of "itchcock Films" and very little else. However, I think that, as amazing as Hitchcock is, there were quite a few dogs in his prolific career, and I would want a bit more variety in the end.

I can't, right now, think of anyone better than Bogart. Though, before I made the final choice, I'd imdb Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant.

Jimmy Stewart came to my mind too...right after thinking about Hitchcock.

(don't know if he'd really be my choice though)

cuervo72 11-22-2006 10:01 AM

Jack Nicholson might be good.

edit: though I guess there is a good deal of crap in his list too...

thesloppy 11-22-2006 10:05 AM

A surprisingly strong case could be made for Bill Murray

albionmoonlight 11-22-2006 10:10 AM

Other than porn actresses, we don't have any women on our list.

I wonder why. I know that my short list is all men. Interesting.

If I had to pick a woman, one that comes to mind is Parker Posey. I find her totally hot (which certainly helps). I think that she is a very good actress, and I would get to see all of the Christopher Guest/SCTV movies, all of which I love.

The only thing that gives me some pause is the fact that she probably has quite a few HORRIBLE and pretentious art house/independent movies on her resume from early in her career.

But I can't think of anyone else right now who I would pick as an actress.

What about others? Who would you pick out of non-porn actresses?

thesloppy 11-22-2006 10:21 AM

I considered Faye Dunaway, who is in a bunch of excellent flicks, but her bloated IMDB resume scared me off. Shelley Duvall also has a good number of classic flicks to her credit, despite the fact that she scares the bejesus out of me.

cuervo72 11-22-2006 10:24 AM workout videos count? ;)

Pumpy Tudors 11-22-2006 10:24 AM

Any answer that doesn't include Tom Berenger is invalid.

So, out of non-porn actresses, I'm going with Tom Berenger.

kurtism 11-22-2006 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by albionmoonlight (Post 1313900)
Other than porn actresses, we don't have any women on our list.

I wonder why. I know that my short list is all men. Interesting.

If I had to pick a woman, one that comes to mind is Parker Posey. I find her totally hot (which certainly helps). I think that she is a very good actress, and I would get to see all of the Christopher Guest/SCTV movies, all of which I love.

The only thing that gives me some pause is the fact that she probably has quite a few HORRIBLE and pretentious art house/independent movies on her resume from early in her career.

But I can't think of anyone else right now who I would pick as an actress.

What about others? Who would you pick out of non-porn actresses?

Actually, I'd much rather have Parker Posey's early arthouse flicks than suffer through crap like You've Got Mail and Josie and the Pussycats. (Posey would definitely be a consideration for my list of actresses as well.)

As for other actresses, I'd have to consider either of the Hepburns (although I'd hate to suffer through some of Audrey's musicals), Lauren Becall, Ingrid Bergman (although that would no doubt include a number of incomprehensible foreign films), and Jennifer Jason Leigh.

I have to admit to having a much harder time listing actresses...

Honolulu_Blue 11-22-2006 10:26 AM

Sigourney Weaver maybe? You get the first to "Alien" movies, though you get the last two as well. "Annie Hall", "Ghostbusters", "Dave", "Galaxy Quest", "The Ice Storm", "Death And The Maiden". A decent mix of comedy, drama, and action. . .

That was the first name that popped into my head as far as actresses go. I will think harder.

I agree with Albion about Parker Posey. I can't take my eyes off her when she's on screen and she's in a lot of great stuff, but there are quite few that leave something to be desired.

cuervo72 11-22-2006 10:30 AM

Hmm...I might consider Lois Maxwell.

Kodos 11-22-2006 10:32 AM

As much as I dislike him personally now, Tom Cruise would probably be a good option. I've liked just about every movie I've seen of his.

Or Tom Hanks.

Ingrid Bergman?

Billy Crystal?

Coffee Warlord 11-22-2006 10:34 AM

Tom Hanks subjects you to a LOT of chick flicks, remember.

And Joe vs the Volcano.

Depp or Cusack are two good ones.

Alan T 11-22-2006 10:36 AM

For me I would need to have one of my two favorite movies make the list (either Shawshank redemption or The Natural).. both of those are movies I can watch repeatedly, 50-60 times a year if I had the chance. Shawshank Redemption was one of my earliest DVDs, and I still stop and watch it any time I see it come on TNT.

So I then looked at the list there to find an actor who would get me that movie plus a bunch of other good ones I liked. I don't mind suffering through bad movies if I can get alot of good ones I liked.

So I would pick Morgan Freeman.

I would get movies I enjoy such as Lean on Me, Glory, Robin Hood, outbreak, Seven, Kiss the Girls, Amistad, Sum of all Fears, Batman Begins, Dreamcatcher, Million Dollar Baby, Bruce Almighty.

He is in a decent number of ok movies that I neither hated but also don't go jumping to see.. but I wouldn't mind sitting through his stuff like Hard Rain, Driving Miss Daisy, War of the Worlds, Deep Impact, etc.

I don't see too many of his movies that make me think I would want to put a stick in my eyes or anything from being forced to watch it. I am not familiar with alot of his early stuff however.

cuervo72 11-22-2006 10:42 AM

Jeff Goldblum could be an interesting choice.

rowech 11-22-2006 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Alan T (Post 1313925)
For me I would need to have one of my two favorite movies make the list (either Shawshank redemption or The Natural).. both of those are movies I can watch repeatedly, 50-60 times a year if I had the chance. Shawshank Redemption was one of my earliest DVDs, and I still stop and watch it any time I see it come on TNT.

So I then looked at the list there to find an actor who would get me that movie plus a bunch of other good ones I liked. I don't mind suffering through bad movies if I can get alot of good ones I liked.

So I would pick Morgan Freeman.

I would get movies I enjoy such as Lean on Me, Glory, Robin Hood, outbreak, Seven, Kiss the Girls, Amistad, Sum of all Fears, Batman Begins, Dreamcatcher, Million Dollar Baby, Bruce Almighty.

He is in a decent number of ok movies that I neither hated but also don't go jumping to see.. but I wouldn't mind sitting through his stuff like Hard Rain, Driving Miss Daisy, War of the Worlds, Deep Impact, etc.

I don't see too many of his movies that make me think I would want to put a stick in my eyes or anything from being forced to watch it. I am not familiar with alot of his early stuff however.

My reaction when I saw the thread title was Shawshank Redemption but it never really crossed my mind to think about Freeman.

Bad-example 11-22-2006 11:00 AM

Sean Connery.

Warhammer 11-22-2006 11:05 AM

Porn stars:
Avy Scott or Penny Flame

Regular stars:
Claude Rains
Peter Lorre
Alec Guiness
Cary Grant

I'd probably go for Grant or Rains though. Guiness is interesting, first three SW movies, Bridge over the River Kwai, and Lawrence of Arabia.

Rains gives you Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia, Notorious, The Sea Hawk, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and The Adventures of Robin Hood.

Schmidty 11-22-2006 11:15 AM

I think someone should start a thread where you strand someone else on the desert island and choose what movies they have to watch.

I pick Lloyd Carr to strand, and Pauly Shore for him to watch.

kurtism 11-22-2006 11:19 AM

Wow, hard to believe we are on page 2 of this thread and cuervo still hasn't suggested either of the Shannons! ;)

ntndeacon 11-22-2006 12:05 PM

Robert Duvall wouldn't be a bad choice. Several classics would be included

A Night in Old Mexico (2008) (announced)
The Last Full Measure (2007) (pre-production)
We Own the Night (2007) (post-production)
Lucky You (2007) (completed)
Thank You for Smoking (2005)
Kicking & Screaming (2005)
Secondhand Lions (2003)
Open Range (2003)
Gods and Generals (2003)
Assassination Tango (2002)
John Q (2002)
The 6th Day (2000)
A Shot at Glory (2000)
Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)
A Civil Action (1998)
Deep Impact (1998)
The Gingerbread Man (1998)
The Apostle (1997)
Sling Blade (1996)
Phenomenon (1996)
A Family Thing (1996)
The Scarlet Letter (1995)
The Stars Fell on Henrietta (1995)
Something to Talk About (1995)
The Paper (1994)
Wrestling Ernest Hemingway (1993)
Geronimo: An American Legend (1993)
Falling Down (1993)
Peste, La (1992)
Newsies (1992)
Rambling Rose (1991)
Days of Thunder (1990)
A Show of Force (1990)
The Handmaid's Tale (1990)
Convicts (1990)
Colors (1988)
Hotel Colonial (1987)
Let's Get Harry (1986)
Belizaire the Cajun (1986)
The Lightship (1986)
The Natural (1984)
The Stone Boy (1984)
Tender Mercies (1983)
The Pursuit of D.B. Cooper (1981)
True Confessions (1981)
The Great Santini (1979)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
The Betsy (1978)
The Greatest (1977)
The Eagle Has Landed (1976)
Network (1976)
The Seven-Per-Cent Solution (1976)
The Killer Elite (1975)
Breakout (1975)
The Godfather: Part II (1974)
The Conversation (1974)
The Outfit (1973)
Badge 373 (1973)
Lady Ice (1973)
Joe Kidd (1972)
The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid (1972)
Tomorrow (1972)
The Godfather (1972)
THX 1138 (1971)
Lawman (1971)
The Revolutionary (1970)
MASH (1970)
The Rain People (1969)
True Grit (1969)
Bullitt (1968)
The Detective (1968)
Countdown (1968)
The Chase (1966)
Nightmare in the Sun (1965)
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

timmynausea 11-22-2006 12:26 PM

John Goodman and Steve Buscemi would be a couple more guys that would give you a wide variety (plus several Coen brothers movies in the mix for each). They both have a lot of crap in the mix, too, though.

Really, you could just pick Alfred Hitchcock since he made a cameo appearance in all of his movies, technically acting in each. (Not sure if you get Lifeboat since his cameo was on a photo in a newspaper one of the characters was reading. At that point you're splitting hairs with this genie.)

I might consider Christopher Walken, too.

Johnny Depp, Robert De Niro and Bill Murray were among the best suggestions so far, in my opinion. Harrison Ford was decent, too.

sabotai 11-22-2006 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 1313811)
However, your only option is to watch each and every film, with full attention, start to finish, in chronological order

I'm already doing something like that ( :) (shameless plug)

I was thinking of going with Elijah Wood, since then I'd get the three LOTR movies, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Radio Flyer and Sin City. But then you also get Spy Kids 3-D....

Ok, Elijah Wood. Some pretty bad movies on his list, but the pain would be worth it for the awesome movies on it.

KWhit 11-22-2006 12:38 PM

The first name I thought of was Tom Hanks, but then it occurred to me that the LAST movie I'd want to watch on a deserted island would be Castaway.

How depressing would that be?!

KWhit 11-22-2006 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by sabotai (Post 1313983)
I'm already doing something like that ( :) (shameless plug)

I was thinking of going with Elijah Wood, since then I'd get the three LOTR movies, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Radio Flyer and Sin City. But then you also get Spy Kids 3-D....

Ok, Elijah Wood. Some pretty bad movies on his list, but the pain would be worth it for the awesome movies on it.

Ian McKellen might be a better choice. Some great stuff there.

Maple Leafs 11-22-2006 12:45 PM

I know I'm supposed to be clever here and I'll probably get flamed for this, but I think Tom Cruise would be a decent choice.

Aside from smaller roles early in his career (like any other actor), he hasn't really been in anything that was awful. There's a good variety there, from mindless action to decent drama, and nothing overly self-indulgent. You'd get A Few Good Men, Top Gun, the Mission Impossibles, Collateral, War of the Worlds, Minority Report... there's some good stuff there. And even an Austin Powers movie.

And if you hate the guy's personality, the rules don't say anything about having to watch his talk show appearances too.

sabotai 11-22-2006 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by KWhit (Post 1313985)
Ian McKellen might be a better choice. Some great stuff there.

I was thinking about that, too. But he has a much larger list (longer turnaround to get back to X-Men and LOTR) and I've never seen a lot of his earlier movies. At least with Elijah, I know I can stomach movies like The Faculty (actually kind of like this movie...sometimes) and Deep Impact.

But then again, a lot of his earlier stuff seems to be "made for TV" movies. Do those count as well? Or are we just talking theatrical releases?

oykib 11-22-2006 12:57 PM

Jimmy Stewart (you get Vertigo and Harvey as well as other classsics)

Gregory Peck (To Kill a Mockingbird, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, Gentleman's Agreement, etc.)

I thought of Duvall and Freeman as well.

Tim Robbins was in a lot of good shit too ( Hudsucker, Shawshank )

But I think I'd seriously consider Mel Brooks, too.

oykib 11-22-2006 01:00 PM

Oh, shit.

Jack Lemmon.

Great comedy and drama.

Draft Dodger 11-22-2006 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by KWhit (Post 1313984)
The first name I thought of was Tom Hanks, but then it occurred to me that the LAST movie I'd want to watch on a deserted island would be Castaway.

How depressing would that be?!

heck, I'll be watching Mosquito Coast AND 6 Days and 7 Nights

cuervo72 11-22-2006 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by kurtism (Post 1313961)
Wow, hard to believe we are on page 2 of this thread and cuervo still hasn't suggested either of the Shannons! ;)

Darned if I didn't think of it. :)

Out of the two I think I'd pick Whirry, btw. Even if it would mean missing out on Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death.

cartman 11-22-2006 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by KWhit (Post 1313984)
The first name I thought of was Tom Hanks, but then it occurred to me that the LAST movie I'd want to watch on a deserted island would be Castaway.

How depressing would that be?!

Actually, you could use Castaway as a "how to" guide for getting off the island!


Eaglesfan27 11-22-2006 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord (Post 1313923)
Tom Hanks subjects you to a LOT of chick flicks, remember.

And Joe vs the Volcano.

Depp or Cusack are two good ones.

Good point on Joe vs the Volcano and too many chick flicks. Very hard to come up with actor whose bad work doesn't taint the good work too much for me.

rkmsuf 11-22-2006 01:29 PM

Don't dis Joe vs the Volcano.

A classic.

Bee 11-22-2006 01:38 PM

Clint Eastwood might not be bad. There's a couple bad movies in there, but I'd guess the good outweighs the bad.

Warhammer 11-22-2006 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by oykib (Post 1313998)
Oh, shit.

Jack Lemmon.

Great comedy and drama.

Good one, plus Mel Brooks too, I like both these picks.

Schmidty 11-22-2006 03:03 PM

Hatcher Flaschen.

That is all.

rowech 11-22-2006 03:05 PM

If we go director's as well as being a choice, Steven Spielberg would be way up there.

Kodos 11-22-2006 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by rowech (Post 1314099)
If we go director's as well as being a choice, Steven Spielberg would be way up there.

Two words:

Uwe Bol.

Subby 11-22-2006 04:27 PM

De Niro gets me:

1. Goodfellas
2. Heat
3. Midnight Run
4. The Untouchables
5. Taxi Driver
6. The Godfather, Part II
7. Ronin
8. Casino
9. Cop Land
10. Angel Heart
11. The King of Comedy
12. Raging Bull

I just can't see a better case for anyone else. His best movies are so good that I would put up with Shark Tale and Analyze That and Meet the Fockers just to see them.

Schmidty 11-22-2006 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Subby (Post 1314138)
De Niro gets me:

1. Goodfellas
2. Heat
3. Midnight Run
4. The Untouchables
5. Taxi Driver
6. The Godfather, Part II
7. Ronin
8. Casino
9. Cop Land
10. Angel Heart
11. The King of Comedy
12. Raging Bull

I just can't see a better case for anyone else. His best movies are so good that I would put up with Shark Tale and Analyze That and Meet the Fockers just to see them.

You're gonna be unbelievably depressed on that island.

Raiders Army 11-22-2006 05:13 PM

I like all of Adam Sandler's movies (even Spanglish) and I like all of George Clooney's roles, but maybe I'd have to go with Bruce Willis.

TroyF 11-22-2006 05:28 PM

I've already said DeNiro and i think that's who I'd go with.

He fits most of the criteria I'd need. I don't like watching movies multiple times, so I'd need someone with a LONG list of flicks so i wouldn't get into the second set of them quickly. I have pretty diverse tastes and like the serious to the comical side of things. I can live with some garbage, but I don't want to get stuck with 10 chick flick movies (one or two would be fine). I can't think of anything more depressing than to be stuck on a freakin island without female companionship and still be forced to watch a chick flick. If I'm going to be forced into that, there'd better be some reward for me doing it after it's over.

So to me it's DeNiro. (I'd have considered Pacino, but I'm not sitting through Gigli ever, period)

Cusack could work and I can see a great case for Cruise if I actually liked him anymore.

Raven Hawk 11-22-2006 05:34 PM

I was thinking Clint Howard, because he's been in almost everything. But after reviewing the list, I don't think I could make it. There are some pretty bad movies on there.

2006 How to Eat Fried Worms
2006 Church Ball
2006 Curious George
2005 Taking Charge
2005 Customer of the Week
2003 Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat
2003 House of the Dead
2003 Heart of America: Homeroom
2003 The Missing
2002 Blackwoods
2002 Austin Powers in Goldmember
2000 Little Nicky
2000 Dr. Seuss's How the Grinch Stole Christmas
2000 My Dog Skip
2000 Ping!
1999 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
1999 EDtv
1999 Arthur's Quest
1998 Evasive Action
1998 The Waterboy
1998 The Dentist II
1997 Under Oath
1997 Body Armor
1997 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
1996 Barb Wire
1996 Santa with Muscles
1996 Rattled
1995 Forget Paris
1995 Dillinger and Capone
1995 Digital Man
1995 Fist of the North Star
1995 Apollo 13
1995 Baby Face Nelson
1995 Ice Cream Man
1995 Bigfoot: The Unforgettable Encounter
1994 Ticks
1994 The Paper
1994 Leprechaun 2
1994 Cheyenne Warrior
1993 Forced to Kill
1993 Carnosaur
1992 Far and Away
1991 The Rocketeer
1991 Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toymaker
1991 Backdraft
1990 Disturbed
1990 Silent Night, Deadly Night 4: Initiation
1989 An Innocent Man
1989 Parenthood
1989 Little White Lies
1989 Tango & Cash
1988 End of the Line
1988 Freeway
1988 B.O.R.N.
1987 The Wraith
1986 Gung Ho
1985 Cocoon
1984 Splash
1983 Get Crazy
1982 Evilspeak
1982 Night Shift
1979 Rock 'n' Roll High School
1978 Cotton Candy Actor / Screenwriter
1978 Harper Valley P.T.A. Actor: Corley
1977 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
1977 Grand Theft Auto
1977 Richie
1976 Eat My Dust!
1975 Huckleberry Finn
1973 The Red Pony
1973 Salty
1971 The Wild Country
1967 Gentle Giant
1967 The Jungle Book
1966 An Eye for an Eye
1965 Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree

Anthony 11-22-2006 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by SkyDog (Post 1313833)
I'm kinda leaning toward Samuel L., the more I think about it though. He had some nice quick appearances in stuff like Coming To America and Jurassic Park...

SLJ is in almost 150 movies. good choice, i go with SLJ too.

Subby 11-22-2006 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Schmidty (Post 1314150)
You're gonna be unbelievably depressed on that island.

What makes you say that?

TRO 11-22-2006 08:06 PM

El Chico Williams

His movie credits span just one movie: Bull Durham.

Easy Mac 11-22-2006 08:20 PM

Matt Damon

The negatives from his collection:
The Brothers Grimm
Stuck on You
All the Pretty Horses
The Legend of Bagger Vance
Courage Under Fire
Mystic Pizza

And even then, most of those are watchable... it'd take a while to get to the good stuff though.

Keep in mind I'm under 25.

Bee 11-23-2006 08:58 AM

I thought about Matt Damon too. I think he'd be a pretty solid choice.

cthomer5000 11-23-2006 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Kodos (Post 1313921)
As much as I dislike him personally now, Tom Cruise would probably be a good option. I've liked just about every movie I've seen of his.

He's at least in the running for me. Thought he doesn't hit the heights of some of my favorite actors, he has maybe 2 "bad" movies in his entire career. Very watchable stuff overall.

Harrison Ford is also in the mix for me, Cusack is pretty watchable but there is some painful stuff in there too. Need to think a little more on this, but if the Genie had also put a gun to my head Tom Cruise probably would have been the name i spit out.

cthomer5000 11-23-2006 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Subby (Post 1314138)
De Niro gets me:

1. Goodfellas
2. Heat
3. Midnight Run
4. The Untouchables
5. Taxi Driver
6. The Godfather, Part II
7. Ronin
8. Casino
9. Cop Land
10. Angel Heart
11. The King of Comedy
12. Raging Bull

I just can't see a better case for anyone else. His best movies are so good that I would put up with Shark Tale and Analyze That and Meet the Fockers just to see them.

You list Ronin as a positive? yeesh.

rafini 11-24-2006 08:37 AM

Edward Norton:

The Painted Veil (2006)
The Illusionist (2006)
Down in the Valley (2005)
Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
The Italian Job (2003)
25th Hour (2002)
Red Dragon (2002)
Frida (2002)
Death to Smoochy (2002)
The Score (2001)
Catch Her in the Eye (2001)
Keeping The Faith (2000)
Fight Club (1999)
American History X (1998)
Rounders (1998)
Everyone Says I Love You (1996)
The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996)
Primal Fear (1996)

Airhog 11-24-2006 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Bee (Post 1314025)
Clint Eastwood might not be bad. There's a couple bad movies in there, but I'd guess the good outweighs the bad.

He's got a few movies that were Good, Bad or Ugly

I've got nothing

JonInMiddleGA 11-24-2006 09:42 AM

I have to admit that I'm surprised to see this thread go into five pages without a mention of John Wayne.

You get a lot of B movies early on, but at least they're fairly short.

bulletsponge 11-24-2006 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Kodos (Post 1314105)
Two words:

Uwe Bol.

headtrauma 11-24-2006 06:16 PM

Larry Storch

Buccaneer 11-24-2006 07:57 PM

Excellent question.

My list probably includes Robert Duvall, Harrison Ford, Bruce Willis and Clint Eastwood. Hard to choose among the stars so I would research for a bit player that has been in as many of my favorite movies as possible.

TRO 11-24-2006 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 1315186)
I have to admit that I'm surprised to see this thread go into five pages without a mention of John Wayne.

You get a lot of B movies early on, but at least they're fairly short.

My wife mentioned him when I brought the topic up today. He was her choice.

Curly Howard is another solid option. All the good 3 Stooges movies without the Curly Joe and Shemp turds.

Crim 11-24-2006 09:16 PM

Jennifer Connelly. Do I get two more wishes? Cuz if so, they're both about her.

bbor 11-24-2006 11:08 PM

Arnie.....How can you pass him up.He sux as an actor....but he made some good movies.

SackAttack 11-24-2006 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by kurtism (Post 1313822)
I am having a hard time thinking of a modern actor whose entire ouvre I'd be willing to sit through. At the moment, I think I would go with Humphrey Bogart. I'm sure there are a few dogs in the mix, but the ability to watch To Have and Have Not, The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, Key Largo, The Big Sleep, The African Queen, and The Treasure of Sierra Madre multiple times would easily make up for the bad points. (At least, so long as I am not "treated" to any of the Turner colorized abominations...)

I didn't even have to think about that one. As much as I love James Cagney's work, Bogart was my immediate answer to this question.

kcchief19 11-25-2006 01:05 AM

My initial reaction was Harrison Ford or Tom Hanks. I actually like the Kevin Bacon suggestion, just for the variety. If I'm in a silly mood the day the genie shows up, I might go for Steve Martin, although I'd probably regret that at some point.

In the end, I'd go with Hanks. His chick flicks don't bother me, and I even like some of his sillier fare (Joe Versus the Volcano, most of the crap before Big). I'd only really regret that decision during Bonfire of the Vanities.

ntndeacon 11-25-2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by bbor (Post 1315583)
Arnie.....How can you pass him up.He sux as an actor....but he made some good movies.

Plus you get classics like the Villian. I giggle everytime I get to see that one. CAMPY campy western. with Paul Lynde as an indian chief.

Buccaneer 11-25-2006 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by ntndeacon (Post 1315958)
Plus you get classics like the Villian. I giggle everytime I get to see that one. CAMPY campy western. with Paul Lynde as an indian chief.

My college roommates and I saw that opening weekend. I remembered that because if you were to tell then that he would be a major star and Governor, I wouldn't have believed you.

Kodos 11-25-2006 09:41 PM

Just saw MI3 yesterday. Good movie. It's hard to argue against Tom Cruise.

ntndeacon 11-26-2006 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Kodos (Post 1316237)
Just saw MI3 yesterday. Good movie. It's hard to argue against Tom Cruise.

I think it is pretty easy to argue against tom Cruise. ithink he is not a very good actor in general. He seems to have only one expression in a lot of his movies. And being forced to watch Austin Powers in Goldmember is a horrible fate.

Crim 11-26-2006 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by ntndeacon (Post 1316362)
I think it is pretty easy to argue against tom Cruise. ithink he is not a very good actor in general. He seems to have only one expression in a lot of his movies. And being forced to watch Austin Powers in Goldmember is a horrible fate.

I'd agree with everything in your post... if this were opposite day!

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