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albionmoonlight 08-22-2023 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs (Post 3409551)
Trump's PAC trolling the upcoming debate by calling it the Vice Presidential Debate: Vice Presidential Debate 2024

Credit where it's due. That's pretty funny.

Edward64 08-22-2023 02:23 PM

Yes, deserves a good chuckle

Atocep 08-22-2023 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs (Post 3409551)
Trump's PAC trolling the upcoming debate by calling it the Vice Presidential Debate: Vice Presidential Debate 2024

And pretty sure they have the fly on Pence's head. The fact that so many of them are so spineless and cannot believe that he will burn it all down before letting anyone else run is hard to fathom.

He's skipping a debate on fox News. Refused to sign a pledge promising to support whoever wins the nomination while everyone else has to play by a different set of rules. Yet fox and the RNC will continue to support him with everything they have.

It's honestly amazing how much control he has over the party at every level and how he's setting them up for headaches for years to come. He's set the precedent within the party that if you're far enough ahead in the polls you can skip the debates and give them the middle finger on any pledges.

albionmoonlight 08-22-2023 03:15 PM

This is 10 years after Nixon resigned.

The GOP is probably right that dumping Trump will likely mean short term pain for the party as his supporters take it out on them in 2024. But voters have short attention spans. The GOP will be in a much stronger position in the medium and long term if they just take their medicine now.

cuervo72 08-22-2023 03:31 PM

Because we don't have a thread for the nomination for lower ranks:

The Bonkers Conspiracy Theorist Running For N.C. Governor | HuffPost Latest News

(wtf is going on down there??)

Atocep 08-22-2023 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by albionmoonlight (Post 3409565)

This is 10 years after Nixon resigned.

The GOP is probably right that dumping Trump will likely mean short term pain for the party as his supporters take it out on them in 2024. But voters have short attention spans. The GOP will be in a much stronger position in the medium and long term if they just take their medicine now.

100% accurate IMO

It would be very painful in the short term, but breaking up with Trump and rebranding the GOP as something closer to something moderate Republicans would like to see would absolutely trounce the dems. Or, at the very least, potion them to be competitive as Gen Z ages without all the need to gerrymandering suppress voting.

JPhillips 08-22-2023 04:29 PM

Trump said he's going to put a 10% tariff on every imported product.

Cause things just don't cost enough.

GrantDawg 08-22-2023 06:38 PM

People act like the GOP leaders can just decide to pull support from Trump, and the rank-and-file voters will follow their lead. Except that is what the leaders did in 2016, he still won the nomination, and all of those leaders have bowed to the Great Orange Messiah or they are no longer in leadership.

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Silver Owl 08-22-2023 07:00 PM

I have a bad feeling about trump, I have a feeling he is going to win the election.
A lot of my down south trumper family has said that all the indictments are making them support him more. I can see it happening.

sovereignstar v2 08-22-2023 07:06 PM

What does support him more mean though? Like going out and voting when they hadn't previously or does it mean wearing a Fuck Biden cap in 2023?

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GrantDawg 08-22-2023 07:09 PM

I think he will win because there will be at least one third-party candidate that is going to pull 2% of the vote. That is all it is going to take.

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Brian Swartz 08-22-2023 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by GrantDawg
People act like the GOP leaders can just decide to pull support from Trump, and the rank-and-file voters will follow their lead. Except that is what the leaders did in 2016, he still won the nomination, and all of those leaders have bowed to the Great Orange Messiah or they are no longer in leadership.

Agree with this completely. The voters wanted Trump badly in 2016. That's why he won then, and almost won in 2020. They are the only ones who can say 'nope, we don't want this guy anymore' and so far they aren't saying that.

Disagree on him winning this time though. I don't see any indications that his support is as strong as it was. There's still quite a bit of it for sure, but I think he loses even to Biden and it's not particularly close this time.

Edward64 08-23-2023 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Brian Swartz (Post 3409602)
I don't see any indications that his support is as strong as it was. There's still quite a bit of it for sure, but I think he loses even to Biden and it's not particularly close this time.

I agree on first sentence. And if it was a Joe vs Trump, also believed on second, but am more concerned now.

Current pictures of Joe remind me how hold he is. And yeah, with age also comes degradation of mental acuity. There were times when I thought the same back in 2020 but then he shows up with a good debate performance or speech. So I do believe he can do the same in 2024 but Father Time is catching up with the guy ...

And I would feel a lot better if I had more confidence in Kamala. She's probably doing what VPs always do, stay out of the limelight etc. But she is more "heart beat away from the Presidency" than any other VP in recent history.

Bottom line. Joe wins it unless he's stumbles in debates, speeches etc. (e.g. he really shows his age).

larrymcg421 08-23-2023 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by albionmoonlight (Post 3409565)

This is 10 years after Nixon resigned.

The GOP is probably right that dumping Trump will likely mean short term pain for the party as his supporters take it out on them in 2024. But voters have short attention spans. The GOP will be in a much stronger position in the medium and long term if they just take their medicine now.

GOP leaders don't care about the long term future of the GOP. They care about their own individual short term futures. Dumping Trump or doing anything to undermine him could cost them their own positions/seats. And Trump would still win the nomination.

albionmoonlight 08-23-2023 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by larrymcg421 (Post 3409607)
GOP leaders don't care about the long term future of the GOP. They care about their own individual short term futures. Dumping Trump or doing anything to undermine him could cost them their own positions/seats. And Trump would still win the nomination.

And I guess that's the rub. Not a lot of Senators/Governors/Reps willing to do what is in the medium/long-term interest of the GOP (or the country from their point of view) if they have to personally sacrifice literally anything to make it happen.

Brian Swartz 08-23-2023 07:50 AM

A few have tried. They are now out of politics basically. If more did, that would mean more of them out of politics and replaced. I still wish they did, don't get me wrong, I think we'd better off if there were a lot more Justin Amash/Liz Cheney/pick your other examples and fewer Lindsay Grahams.

It wouldn't change where we are in terms of Republican voters favoring Trump though. People forget easily how opposed the establishment was to Trump in 2016. It didn't stop his candidacy.

It's also almost always the same people who want more Republicans to do the right thing who get upset when politicians don't do what their voters want them to do on various issues. But ... what Republican voters want their representatives to do is to support Trump. By large margins. So what do we want? Do we want politicians to do what their voters think they should do, or do we not want them to do that? If we're going to cheer when some random politician gets voted out for not doing what their constituents want, we can't very well rightfully complain when Republican politicians don't do that en masse.

Edward64 08-23-2023 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3409545)
I believe the Atlantic reporter has publically released the audio.

See below video starting at about 1:10.

They were talking about Jan 6 (not 9/11) initially. There was a second followup question about Jan 6 and that's when he veered off an talked about "how many police, how many federal agents were on the planes .."

I don't think he was misquoted and taken out of context. But I can easily believe he flubbed and conflated the 2 topics.

Fact check: Audio debunks Vivek Ramaswamy's false claim that he was misquoted about 9/11 | CNN Politics

To be clear, my understanding of what Ramaswamy is saying about 9/11 ... he does not believe it was an inside job by US government or Israeli's etc. He does believe that 9/11 report has not divulge the depth of Saudi involvement and subsequent coverups. This involvement may or may not include the SA government at the highest levels, but lower levels, sympathetic princelings etc. I lean towards agreeing with him here.

On Jan 6, the debate tonight should have the direct question to all participants - do you believe that Joe Biden was legitimately elected in 2020.

albionmoonlight 08-27-2023 11:48 AM

The other candidates are still constrained—even subconsciously—by the need to be grounded in reality. Or at least to stay in sight of it. Trump and Ramaswamy are the only two who understand that that’s not what the base wants. The other candidates are offering cocaine and heroin. And 10 years ago, that was enough. No more. Trump and Ramaswamy are offering uncut fentanyl. They understand what the base needs to get high these days.

I really hope someone other than one of those two wins the nomination. This country needs a serious conservative party, and if the GOP is not willing to be that then we are all poorer for it.

Thomkal 08-27-2023 12:17 PM

Sadly none of them with the exception of Hutchinson maybe? would be anywhere close to the what the conservative party should be. The Party kicked almost all of them out or they ran out the door themselves. I think the only way we get back to them is for the Republican Party to lose very badly in the next Presidential election and the moderates come back and kick the radical right out of the party.

Lathum 08-27-2023 01:30 PM

They will need to lose the next several elections. They currently operate under the excuse any election they lose is stolen. Until they get away from that mentality and start focusing on candidate quality they will lose badly.

GrantDawg 08-27-2023 01:43 PM

Experts after 2020 were saying it would take 12-16 years to reform the GOP out of the q-crazy state it is in now. And that is only if they lose.

Swaggs 08-27-2023 03:29 PM

But the takeaway for them is not that they need to change themselves or their approaches, but that the voting parameters need changed.

bronconick 08-27-2023 04:29 PM

Ramaswamy would fail the civics test he wants 18-25 year olds to take to vote. Told Chuck Todd Pence should've demanded Voter ID, single day voting, and paper ballots before he would certify anything on Jan 6. I didn't know the VP got 3 free wishes every 4 years.

Ksyrup 09-22-2023 08:27 AM

Thought I'd resuscitate this thread since the most recent thread for discussions was a poll regarding the 1st debate.

Speaking of resuscitation... or the lack thereof, this article paints a pretty bleak picture not just of DeSantis the presidential candidate but potentially as governor.

‘Waiting for him to drop out’: DeSantis’ influence nosedives in Florida - POLITICO

Thomkal 09-22-2023 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 3412526)
Thought I'd resuscitate this thread since the most recent thread for discussions was a poll regarding the 1st debate.

Speaking of resuscitation... or the lack thereof, this article paints a pretty bleak picture not just of DeSantis the presidential candidate but potentially as governor.

‘Waiting for him to drop out’: DeSantis’ influence nosedives in Florida - POLITICO

Yeah I guess the rest of the US doesn't want to be Florida. I don't know how he could have looked at the rest of the country and convinced himself that Dems, liberals and some indpendents would want a Trump "re-do" when Trump himself will be on trial for what he tried to do to our country.

The worse news for Florida however is the stories are starting to circulate that Matt Goetz is considering running for Governor to replace him. As much as a relief as it would be to get him out of Congress, enough is enough Florida.

Edward64 09-22-2023 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 3412531)
The worse news for Florida however is the stories are starting to circulate that Matt Goetz is considering running for Governor to replace him. As much as a relief as it would be to get him out of Congress, enough is enough Florida.

I saw that a couple days ago and wondered if you had to pick one (no trout option), who is the lesser of two evils.

Thomkal 09-22-2023 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3412538)
I saw that a couple days ago and wondered if you had to pick one (no trout option), who is the lesser of two evils.

I would have to say DeSantis at this point-he will (or should be) humiliated and surprised that so few people in his party and state wanted him to be President. He's pretty much lost/is losing against Disney and most of the people/companies he went up against. He may be under federal investigation for what he and the Texas Governor did with busing immigrants to other states, etc.

I think Gaetz is just totally crazy and has issues with the federal govt over sex trafficking that he was lucky to walk away from, I think he would close Florida's borders from immigrants on day 1, throw out the Democratic Party in the state and any who opposed him. So I guess the less crazy/far righter that we know, or the one who likely would go even further than DeSantis has done so far.

flere-imsaho 09-22-2023 11:18 AM

DeSantis wrote checks his lack of charisma couldn't cash.

GrantDawg 09-28-2023 04:05 PM

Matt Drudge says there is about to be a surprise person throwing their hat in the ring for the GOP nomination. The rumor is it will be Glenn Youngkin.

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RainMaker 09-28-2023 04:21 PM

Youngkin probably stands the best shot, but that would only be if all the other candidates dropped out. Trump still likely wins by 10% or more.

They're basically all jockeying for second place and hoping Trump has a heart attack or something.

albionmoonlight 09-28-2023 05:11 PM

Youngkin should keep his powder dry. This race is eating every non-Trump candidate alive.

JPhillips 09-28-2023 05:17 PM

If Yougkin gets in Trump will end his political career. I know the laws and timing in VA make it difficult to wait, but he'll get Lil Marcoed just like DeSantis did.

albionmoonlight 09-28-2023 05:40 PM


Youngkin seems like a really good candidate--the MAGA in moderate clothing that people wanted DeSantis to be. I think that he can make huge inroads with the suburban conservatives that Trumpism lost.

But he need to wait until whatever the hell is going to happen in 2024 actually happens.

GrantDawg 10-07-2023 08:24 AM

Somehow I feel this is a trap to get Democrats on board with his independent run. There is a reason Kennedy is being funded by Republican fundraisers, and it is not that they hope he or Biden will win.

CrimsonFox 10-07-2023 08:35 AM

QB Field for Prez

I can hear his first State of the Union..."It wasn't my fault. It was my coaches"

Ksyrup 10-07-2023 08:36 AM

I find it hard to believe he would siphon votes from Dems based on his positions which seem to almost fully align with QAnon-adjacent GOPers. This headline makes sense to me, that he would siphon a portion of the crazy vote from Trump.

GrantDawg 10-07-2023 01:48 PM

No one voting for Kennedy to win. They will be voting because they do not like the two other candidates. And my opinion is there are more Biden voters disillusioned with Biden than Trump voters disillusioned with him. Mainly because Trump support is pretty baked in, but there are many that voted Biden last time that didn't particularly like him.

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Ksyrup 10-07-2023 03:30 PM

But if you voted Biden over Trump, you more than likely had pretty sane positions on stuff like Covid. So why would a disillusioned Biden voter who likely was independent or conservative vote for a crackpot?

I'm not saying there might not be a third party candidate who gets the "disillusioned Biden voter" vote in 2024, I just find it hard to believe that would be Kennedy.

bronconick 10-07-2023 03:59 PM

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is going to a CPAC event in Vegas. He's going to get 7 total Democratic votes by mistake. A disillusioned Biden voter will stay home, not vote for RFK Jr.

Atocep 10-08-2023 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by GrantDawg (Post 3413719)
No one voting for Kennedy to win. They will be voting because they do not like the two other candidates. And my opinion is there are more Biden voters disillusioned with Biden than Trump voters disillusioned with him. Mainly because Trump support is pretty baked in, but there are many that voted Biden last time that didn't particularly like him.

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The Biden voters that are disillusioned aren't voting for Kennedy. There's nothing in common there. They'd vote for Bernie or someone similar if they would run, but Kennedy isn't a threat to Biden.

cuervo72 10-08-2023 08:45 PM

Yeah, I don't know how the Kennedy angle works in favor for the GOP. I remember Ben talking about his FIL going all anti-vax when COVID came around, and was basically buddying up to RFK2 (I believe actually communicating with, though I could be wrong). It didn't sound like his FIL was anyone who would ever be tempted to vote for Biden (or any other D).

Atocep 10-09-2023 02:59 PM

I doubt this gets the attention it deserves, but this should be disqualifying for the presidency. It's easy to sit back and think nothing big comes from intel leaks because we're unlikely to find out about agents being pulled from a region, an agent dying or, like in this instance, it can take years to see the result of the leak.

The only questions the media should be asking Trump from here on out is about his intel leaks and his handling of classified documents. Everything else is a distraction and plays to his hand.

GrantDawg 10-09-2023 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 3413971)
I doubt this gets the attention it deserves, but this should be disqualifying for the presidency. It's easy to sit back and think nothing big comes from intel leaks because we're unlikely to find out about agents being pulled from a region, an agent dying or, like in this instance, it can take years to see the result of the leak.

The only questions the media should be asking Trump from here on out is about his intel leaks and his handling of classified documents. Everything else is a distraction and plays to his hand.

I really feel like this is 2+2=6 kind of thing. He gave intelligence to Russia that came from Israel, BUT the intelligence was in relationship to Isis possible using planes as weapons. I don't know how that information could give specific details of curtailing the Iron Dome or help in these wall breaches.

Could his sharing it possibly burn an Israeli agent or assets? Maybe. Could that asset possibly been the one that could have caught this plot before it happened? Possible, but not likely. This is about as factual a cause as the $6billion from the hostage trade being the reason behind the attack. It is an American eccentric point of view of something that really has very little to do with the US.

Atocep 10-09-2023 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by GrantDawg (Post 3413975)
I really feel like this is 2+2=6 kind of thing. He gave intelligence to Russia that came from Israel, BUT the intelligence was in relationship to Isis possible using planes as weapons. I don't know how that information could give specific details of curtailing the Iron Dome or help in these wall breaches.

Could his sharing it possibly burn an Israeli agent or assets? Maybe. Could that asset possibly been the one that could have caught this plot before it happened? Possible, but not likely. This is about as factual a cause as the $6billion from the hostage trade being the reason behind the attack. It is an American eccentric point of view of something that really has very little to do with the US.

There isn't a direct line between the two events, but based on the 2017 incident and what we now know of Trump, all Putin or anyone at Mar-a-Lago would have had to do is ask Trump if he knows anything about the Iron Dome and he wouldn't have been able to shut up.

My overall point is when you see things like this its a reminder of how serious intelligence leaks are and when you're the President of the US, one is enough to potentially be disqualifying IMO.

GrantDawg 10-09-2023 04:17 PM

I don't disagree that Trump is an intelligence risk, but I am going to disagree about another point in that post. Do you really think Trump is smart enough and pays attention enough to understand anything really substantial about the Iron Dome and a way to circumvent it? I mean simple things like he gave away to the owner of Pratt, how many nukes are on a sub and how close they can get to a Russian sub undetected, sure. But I would believe the operation and weakness in the Iron Dome defense system I would guess is pretty complicated.

Edit: I'm just saying this attack most likely had little to do with Trump or Biden, and I will believe that unless there is hard evidence orherwise.

Edward64 10-16-2023 06:00 AM

Great work Ron. I’m surprised that FL needed to do this vs US State Dept but okay.


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) announced Sunday that state-funded flights from Israel brought home nearly 300 Americans, who he said were stranded due to commercial flight cancellations.

… but you really didn’t need to show up, arguably a little too gimmicky


One plane carrying seven evacuees touched down in Orlando and the other in Tampa, where DeSantis was on hand to meet with over 270 evacuees.

Atocep 10-18-2023 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by GrantDawg (Post 3413698)
Somehow I feel this is a trap to get Democrats on board with his independent run. There is a reason Kennedy is being funded by Republican fundraisers, and it is not that they hope he or Biden will win.

Home of the Marist Poll | Polls, Analysis, Learning, and More

Kennedy as a 3rd party candidate is killing Trump according to this Marist poll.

GrantDawg 10-18-2023 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 3415167)
Home of the Marist Poll | Polls, Analysis, Learning, and More

Kennedy as a 3rd party candidate is killing Trump according to this Marist poll.

I saw that. Of course there is zero chance that he going to get that kind of vote in the election. I would be shocked if he breaks 3%. My guess is he will get less than the "No Labels" candidate gets.

RainMaker 10-18-2023 05:06 PM

He will probably only be on the ballot in 10-15 states if he even bothers to go through with it (which I still doubt). I think his audience will be DeSantis voters who just won't vote for Trump.

Edward64 10-18-2023 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3414812)
Great work Ron. I’m surprised that FL needed to do this vs US State Dept but okay.

Answer to the question in today's Politico ...

DeSantis feuds with Biden admin over chartered Israel flights - POLITICO

The State Department has begun chartering flights to help U.S. citizens leave Israel, which passengers will have to repay. But Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says it should be free — and has chartered his own.

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