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Telle 08-11-2020 09:38 PM

Huh.. well that takes care of that theory of mine.

timmae 08-11-2020 09:39 PM

Wow... will post more later but...

Coffee Warlord was a werewolf. Down to 1 wolf village! Let's hunt this day!!

RendeR 08-11-2020 10:08 PM

EagleFan: Shortest WW entrance and exit in history, didn't last a full 24 hours....

RendeR 08-11-2020 10:12 PM

So our choices tomorrow are:


I know I'm just a villager, I have no role I have nothing special

one of those three is the hunter, one is the other Wolf.

After Crimson's attitude during the last game, he's positively morose in this one, I'm leaning his way to start. if anyone has anything to move that let me know.

timmae 08-11-2020 10:29 PM

Whew, that was crazy. Ok, it is down to 1 ww and 4 villagers. I truly think our seer was autumn. There was almost nothing to go on but I think someone caught the possible hint. We can discuss if needed but if the seer is still alive then claim and we win this. If not, please believe me that the sorc and one wwrewolf is down. My guess is that I am alive because the last werewolf figured they could create doubt today. We are in great shape.

Does an all claim clear this up? The werewolf knows I am what I say I am now. Maybe they thought I was the sorc but nope. I am almost assuredly dead during the NK. Worst case is the hunter is dead. Then we have 3 vanilla villagers and there could be 4 claims of vanilla
We need to figure this out without an all claim I think.

CrimsonFox 08-11-2020 11:07 PM


autumn is always the first night kill here
another reason it is less fun :(

CrimsonFox 08-11-2020 11:09 PM

hi timmae

CrimsonFox 08-11-2020 11:23 PM

world 1:
Priest - Timmae
wolf - Coffee
sorc - brit
dead v's = ef, autumn did ef claim? I need to go read him

world 2:
wolf - timmae
vv or good spec - coffee
brit could still be the sorc in timmae wolf world
he could also be wolf but less likely.
granted we'd need to figure out if bussing existed
If brit good, then lynch 1 was wolf?

WOrld 3
if timmae wolf and other wolf and sorc still alive...
9 minus 4 dead villas = 5 people left
this is worst case
but wolves don't know sorc
timmae could have just said "hey sorc vote with us and we win" but he doesn't know
so in the case of timmae + wolf still alive they would still have to assume it was 2 wolces vs 3 villas worst case.
so unfortunately we can't rule this out either

However there was no priest counterclaim.
So I am still siding with timmae being the real deal. The only other alternative i think was autumn or inactive brit was priest and he just yoloed saying he was priest

but there is absolutely zero way we can know this at this point.

timmae 08-11-2020 11:30 PM

No yolo crimson. I am the real deal. I need to reread in the morn but village has this dominated.

CrimsonFox 08-11-2020 11:48 PM

there's no such thing as dominating a no reveal game, realdeal
and seriously i'mma just calling you realdeal for now and evermore

i would definitely like to hear some of your analysis realdeal
any topic will do

CrimsonFox 08-11-2020 11:50 PM

isn't there actually an fofc member called realdeal?

timmae 08-11-2020 11:59 PM

Real deal - Autumn may be seer, almost a lock as there wasn't an immidia-claim today.

Real deal - brit was the sorc

Real deal - Coffee was an evil, foaming werewolf.

Real deal - People find reasons to call someone evil rather than give them credit for trying their ass off to find evil.

Real deal - My allies that I love vs our axis of evil.

Real deal - JAG musing during every step of this nightmare he has perpetuated.

timmae 08-12-2020 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by CrimsonFox (Post 3295352)
isn't there actually an fofc member called realdeal?

Wow, there is. And he was a ww player. Spooky.

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 3295236)
1) read the rules ;)
2) as i just mentioned in the post above, in a game in which people have been fairly quiet/reserved, it was the most sorcerer-y move I could see at the time

i never read rules

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by timmae (Post 3295354)
Wow, there is. And he was a ww player. Spooky.

hahaha i THOUGHT i rememberedd seeing him before reading through old games :)

maybe jackal knows him?

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by timmae (Post 3295252)
I feel more like coffee is a wolf and crimson is village based on the past few hours. Render's response to my no hunting post read good.

you still think this?

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by CrimsonFox (Post 3295155)
i don't think coffee/telle are wolves together.

render could be with either i guess. This is based on page 1 arguments

reminding myself that i said this. granted i was really wrong about you timmae so i could be wrong here

but if of telle/render I think render might be the woofer

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by CrimsonFox (Post 3295160)

i like this post actually

this was to render's I"M NOT INACTIVE.

i liked it but meh

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 01:29 AM

check out this post, realdeal2

Front Office Football Central - View Single Post - Werewolf Xtreme III --- Day 3 Deadline Wednesday 10:00pm EST

render quoting timmae 3 times then quoting coffee once and then declaring timmae is a wolf

timmae 08-12-2020 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by RendeR (Post 3295339)
So our choices tomorrow are:


I know I'm just a villager, I have no role I have nothing special

one of those three is the hunter, one is the other Wolf.

After Crimson's attitude during the last game, he's positively morose in this one, I'm leaning his way to start. if anyone has anything to move that let me know.

Render, can you explain why you think the hunter is still alive? I think it is possible that the hunter was NK'd (or lynched if you don't believe me yet).

timmae 08-12-2020 07:06 AM

ok, for today let's talk this thing out and get our wolfy. The roles in bold are hard claim from me. You don't have to believe me 100% but please take a moment to reread the posts with my claim in mind.

WOLF 1 - Coffee Warlord
WOLF 2 - ???
SORCERER - Britrock

SEER - The seer is almost certainly Autumn. It is possible it may have been EF but the right play was absolutely to come out with their scans yesterday when I claimed priest. He was away maybe when I claimed so wouldn't be able to claim at the last 15 minutes. That was my bad about not giving as much time as possible near the end. However, I think the seer was Autumn. It is possible that the seer is still alive
PRIEST - Timmae
HUNTER - Either EF or still alive
VILLAGER - Render claim. Need to clear this.
VILLAGER - Telle claim. Need to clear this.

Jackal and Crimsonfox haven't claimed yet.

timmae 08-12-2020 07:08 AM

I reread the game with the knowledge that CW is a wolf. It is quite clear to me who the other werewolf is but I'd like some discussion before I throw my thoughts out there.

Telle 08-12-2020 10:26 AM

Just taking a quick break at work to catch up on where things are since last night.

What does everyone think about timmae being the priest and NOT getting night killed? If he's telling the truth then there's only one wolf left and that wolf is in a desperate spot. Would it have made sense for the remaining wolf to let timmae live to cause confusion, while knowing that timmae would reveal that a wolf was just lynched so that we then all know that there's only one wolf left?

If timmae is telling the truth then we're at 4 villagers and 1 wolf with no sorcerer to muck things up. We're in a as good of a spot possible without having already won and have both tonight and tomorrow to find the wolf.

If timmae is lying then we're potentially at 3-2 and this is it.

The Jackal 08-12-2020 11:26 AM

I'm slammed at work today, will get back to give my thoughts later this afternoon. Initial read is that's great news about CW being a wolf -- I feel like the real priest would have countered by now if timmae is lying, so the only snag is if timmae is a wolf who got lucky with picking a role of someone who was already dead. But signs point to him telling the truth so far -- more later as I have a chance to catch up

timmae 08-12-2020 12:08 PM

Just checking in... I'll add more musings mid to late afternoon. I have done a thorough read through and have some feedback to share. My gut feel is 2 are cleared through key posts and the other through gut feel. I'd like to see more from a few of you though! Let your thoughts roll!!

JAG 08-12-2020 03:35 PM

Day 3 Voting as of Post 375:

No votes yet.

timmae 08-12-2020 04:00 PM

Ok, I guess the time is now. I'll post a wall of text on my 2 in depth reads and then post a quick blurb on my gut feels based on those reads. I'll be around to discuss off and on.

timmae 08-12-2020 04:00 PM

Thoughts on Telle.


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord (Post 3294687)
Vote Telle

Someone always has to break the ice. :) And I have a VERY good reason this time! I don't trust people with spreadsheets. They are the tools of Lucifer. And probably wolves too. But definitely Satan.

Early D1 Wolf CW votes Telle. Likely doesn't happen if she is a wolf partner.


Originally Posted by Telle (Post 3294861)
So who among us has played one of these kinds of games before? Any insights that'll help?

With no reveal upon death we'll have no way of knowing how the votes went until the Seer or Priest out themselves. And we have to hope we don't accidentally vote either one and that they both survive night kills.

Three botched votes ends the game in favor of the wolves, and each botched vote increases the odds that we hit the See or Priest with the next one. Should the Priest and Seer stay quiet until Day 3 and then reveal all they know? Or should the Priest come out Day 2 and the Seer Day 3? I'm leaning towards the latter because I want to know more sooner and not cross my fingers that we don't fuck up Day 3 but I'm not sure if that's the smart move or not. Thoughts?

A bit of hunting. A good sign overall for villagers.


Originally Posted by Telle (Post 3294877)
Well thanks for your gut-led vote of confidence, timmae. Of course if you're a wolf then you know I'm a villager, so you could just be blowing smoke to get in my good graces.

My problem is that I'm the very first vote-getter, so I lose any ties unless Coffee decides to go elsewhere. I can self-defense vote for Render, but then he'll do the same and I die. I need more movement to survive.

This is end of D1 near lynch. I don't think that Wolf Telle points out strategy for Wolf CW because if he moves his vote to save her from Villager Render then it looks quite bad.


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord (Post 3294953)
Okay ... Telle. Again.

On one hand, I get it. Complete survival move, and got a last second push to vote someone else.

On the other hand, I hate that it was such a simple, easy target.

On the other other hand, she herself points out a few hours prior that she believes the wolves are highly unlikely to be either of the inactives. (I personally don't buy into that all that much - I've played many games where a wolf was an idle one, but it's a reasonable theory.) So she's saving herself as a vanilla villager by moving to the vote to someone else she believes it a villager ... and thusly upping the odds of hitting a role.

On the other other other hand, idle players are a pain in the ass.

On the other other other OTHER hand, it was a day 1 vote. Shit happens.

This bugs me, though.

Early D2 would Wolf CW push Telle for being wolfy when she just escaped the lynch? Likely not.

End of D2 when I claimed Wolf Telle could have been silent as I was in the lead and under pressure. Instead she was pushing a possible vote move.

KEY POST is #329.


Originally Posted by Telle (Post 3295308)
Did you unvote first? I have you as being on EagleFan post #304

At that point Render jumped from me to Coffee Warlord making it 3 votes each. If Telle was a wolf then no way would she point out to CF that his vote on CW doesn't count because he didn't unvote. Wolf Telle would let it ride and hope no one else catches it. Thus saving CW due to LHV. That act cause CW to be lynched and not me. Could a wolf pull this move, possibly. Would there be any incentive to though is the key item. Going into D3 with 2 wolves is way more important.

I read Telle as exactly what she claimed. Vanilla villager.

timmae 08-12-2020 04:00 PM

Thoughts on CrimsonFox.


Originally Posted by CrimsonFox (Post 3294711)
vote render

he needs the player experience

This was the vote that wasn't D1 since he didn't unvote. This happens again with the Telle catch on late D2. I think it is truly villager CF not checking rules.


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord (Post 3295130)
Look who's in the thread now.

Late D2 Wolf CW points out the CF appeared when he was mentioned. I don't think a wolf says that about a wolf and drawing attention to them.

Then crimson starts his walls of posts and throwing thoughts out there. This is a villager move in my mind. He doesn't care how he reads or by whom it would appear.

Both Crimson and Coffee are voting for me early D2. In a no reveal game that may happen but still unlikely for 2 wolves to vote onto 1 player so soon. If CF was wold then he jumps off of me, who he would know is a wolf, to Jackal who has no votes, thus thinning the votes out. For no reason. This reads village to me. He pushes the fact that the game may be over late in D2 when I am hung up. A wolf probably just lets it happen without saying much of anything. Crimson then jumps from EF, to wolf CW. The unvote thing happens and when Telle points it out he unvoted immediately and votes CW. I don't see a wolf doing that to his partner. Again, for no reason.

I read CF as villager.

timmae 08-12-2020 04:04 PM

Thoughts on Render.

I have a tough time overall with him as past games we have been at odds almost from D1 both times. I think it was 2. Anyways, he seems to me like a player that goes by tone, feel and syntax if that makes sense at all. Less Data Geek and more "aha, gotcha". Probably not fair but that's my take. Anyways, my reads on him have been absolutely more gut feel from my side because of that. When he pushed I pushed type thing. At the end of it all, I get the sense he is villager. He has pushed for info, stated hwhen something doesn't seem right and hasn't seemed to care much about how he has been viewed.

Leaning village here.

timmae 08-12-2020 04:06 PM

Thoughts on Jackal (in this world view our wolf).


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 3294754)
I feel like there was another version we played where the seer nailed wolves with their first two scans and dominated it, though I've played so many rule sets I could be mis-remembering

Feels like an ok entry post. Village tone.

Mid day D1 has a few middle of the road posts with gameplay thoughts.


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 3294857)
I'm always torn with people who say nothing on d1. They're asking for attention, but on the other hand, what if they're genuinely busy and have an important role?

Sticks in the middle here.

He is ok with a train on brit or mau at the end of the day. As wolf he could be protecting render or telle here but unlikely as that would draw some attention. Ending up voting on inactive player in brit which is a vote on the unknown sorc.


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 3294999)
so, looking at things from last night, it seems to me more likely that Telle is telling the truth and made a risky (i.e. could be nailing an inactive seer unintentionally) VV decision, and I can't fault self preservation even if you may want to genuinely make the sacrifice as a VV in this small a game. Plus, it's nice having people alive that participate!

that said it's not out of the realm of possibility that she was slow playing it -- render had less to be concerned about because of the oldest vote being on telle, but I likely would have expected an earlier fake reveal from a wolf on the chopping block, rather than waiting until the last 5-10 minutes to plea for pushing onto someone inactive. I see both sides of things, but at the moment I lean towards VV naivety.

D2 he starts by staying in the middle of whether telle is villager or not and leans villager.


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 3295063)
It's really hard to say anything about CF at this point. Is it a wolf hiding in inactivity or are we picking off inactive villagers? Being this was my first game in awhile, I definitely forgot about it for a few hours yesterday while I was working, but it's been a long time since CF's last post

Honestly not sure what to make of CW, I see what you're saying about the jokey vibe, but it also feels like what I recall of CW's playstyle.

Also, not sure anyone is worthy of being a "trusted ally" at this point with 0 trusted reveals/trusted information :D

This is another middling post with no concrete stance of good versus evil.


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 3295133)
the CF bat signal worked perfectly

This post pushes more suspicion onto CF and votes CF.


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 3295235)
I pulled my vote off CF because

1) I asked him to contribute and to his credit, he did
2) his weird actions (the vote that didn't count, the self vote) would be more of a sorcerer than a wolf move, if he's a baddie

Over explains when he pulls his vote off of CF.

I took note during my read through he never mentions whether he thinks I am good or evil but places a 4th vote on me late in D2. Overall he has not pushed anyone too hard and has played middle of the road. I truly think he is our wolf that was reading me as the sorc.

This read has more to do with being sold that Telle and CF likely are not wolves based on daily interactions with CW. Both of them absolutely could make a super awesome play and be wolves but I feel like that is unlikely. My gut tells me Render is village and Jackal is wolf.

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by RendeR (Post 3295189)
Thank you,

This is exactly where I was going as well. Something about Timmae Smells, like dog fur....



Originally Posted by RendeR (Post 3295306)
I'll bite. if he's lying then he got me and i will repay him in some future game ;)



hmmmm render DID do THIS
coulda been insurance but that was at a time when I think the wolves could have won

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 04:36 PM

oops didn't mean to include the first post in that. must have accidently multiquoted

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 04:36 PM

grrrr every time i find a good post i want to quote i lose it again...

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 04:43 PM

anyway telle isn't a wolf
i had several reasons but now i can't find them

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 04:44 PM

it's render of jackal

and that last second render vote on
if that's a wolf then they are seriously bussing.
on the other hand you DID call yourself the priest then and that's a good reason to flip

but jackal hasn't been stellar

vote jackal

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 04:44 PM

i'mma read realdeal's stuff some more

timmae 08-12-2020 04:48 PM

Thanks CF! Any feedback and discussion is good for the village right now.

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 04:51 PM

okay cool we're on the same page....there was a great render post long and detailed that i liked and then there was that post about you realdeal.

but he did vote off coffee after i did
or maybe at the same time

50/50 i think on that

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 04:54 PM

i guess the answer to "why didn't the wolf kill timmae" is because that means he would be confirmed priest instead of wibblywobbly priest

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 05:09 PM

if i can't have you...I don't want nobody baby

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 05:12 PM

hello world there's a song that we're singin
to make you happyyyyyyyyyy
a whole lotta lovin is what we'll be bringin
to make you happy

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 05:13 PM

it's almost halloween so i am making a jag o lantern

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 05:14 PM


CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 05:15 PM

little ditty bout jag and diane
two american wolves eating a bowl of marzipan

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 05:16 PM


CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 05:19 PM

telle come on in and give us your charts and graphs

CrimsonFox 08-12-2020 05:19 PM

i resurrect chief rum to solve this for us

The Jackal 08-12-2020 05:29 PM

I'm a VV, re: timmae's quote thread above, it's been ages since I've played so I'm sure my posts have probably come off fairly neutral as I'm figuring things out

The Jackal 08-12-2020 05:30 PM

to be fair I did not throw much suspicion on CW and my voting record doesn't do me any favors assuming he is a wolf..

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