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Buccaneer 02-28-2008 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1671824)
Why is that breaking news? Who gives a shit

Because DUI is a totally uncool thing to do?

Joe 02-28-2008 06:39 PM

I think shorty means who gives a shit because she's about to be eliminated in an hour.

Eaglesfan27 02-28-2008 07:40 PM

Shocking results so far.

Edit: I've never seen Mrs. E actually angry at the results before this. She really liked who just went home.

Lathum 02-28-2008 08:09 PM

Yeah, that one chick was totaly losing it. That was nice of the pther girls to help her. Women can usualy be caddy bitches.

Lathum 02-28-2008 08:11 PM

dola= shocked Amanda didn't go.

did anyone see Dany Noriega bawling after Alaina got the axe?

RedKingGold 02-28-2008 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by RedKingGold (Post 1670751)
I get the feeling it'll be Alexandrea and Ramiele.

I think Ramiele's performance is the most forgettable of the evening, and nothing really sets her apart from the other contestents.

Alexandrea was just bad and knew she was bad.

I think Asia'h will be close, but she'll likely get enough of the sympathy vote for getting sick and being the last one to perform is an advantage (whether good or bad).

Right on one, but wrong about the other. However, my reasoning still holds true. The girl who left was just plain forgettable.

RedKingGold 02-28-2008 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 1671951)
dola= shocked Amanda didn't go.

did anyone see Dany Noriega bawling after Alaina got the axe?

Nah. I think she may even be this year's Sanjaya.

Remember, what gets you eliminated in this round is not lack of talent, but lack of being able to stick out.

Joe 02-28-2008 08:19 PM

what males were eliminated?

RedKingGold 02-28-2008 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Joe (Post 1671961)
what males were eliminated?


Jim G. 02-28-2008 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 (Post 1671911)
Shocking results so far.

Edit: I've never seen Mrs. E actually angry at the results before this. She really liked who just went home.

My wife had the same reaction. She was furious. I told her to vote next time.

It was far too early for her to go, though.

korme 02-28-2008 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Buccaneer (Post 1671839)
Because DUI is a totally uncool thing to do?

Right, and unfortunately a shit ton of people have had it happen to them. It's not like it said "Breaking news: Amanda molested a child in 1989!"

Now I'd give a shit about that.

Ksyrup 02-28-2008 09:56 PM

DialIdol seemed messed up on the guys, so the guys who went made sense even though they placed highly on DI. And DI had Amanda as #1 (believe it or not) and Alaina dead last, so that didn't shock me. Lushington was in the middle, and none of them got a lot of votes, so I really wasn't shocked by her, either. The voters eliminated one of each of the similar couplets - Kady/Alaina (Kady's hotter), and Lush/Asia'h (Lush's look was horrible and Asia'h's got the better backstory).

I hope at this point anyone who thought Amanda deserved to be here has changed their opinion. She was even horrendous during the group sing tonight. She just flat-out cannot sing, period.

Toddzilla 02-28-2008 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 1671949)
Women can usualy be caddy bitches.

great UIC there...

MizzouRah 02-28-2008 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by MattJones4Heisman (Post 1670019)
Also, David was phenomenal last night. I honestly am in shock that some people didn't see that.

Best vocal by far. In fact, much to my wife's dismay.. I think he could EASILY win this thing.

Ksyrup 02-28-2008 10:57 PM

Oh, I definitely will be shocked if he DOESN'T win at this point. Doesn't mean I buy into him.

I'm still holding to my Disney/Hannah Montana demographic theory - he's been placed in this competition to create the male brand equivalent to Miley Cyrus. Between HSM and HM, that demo is exploding and spending tons of cash. So much so that HM's 3D movie put U2 on hold it was making so much cash. He solves the AI problem of having winners who are commercial failures.

lordscarlet 02-28-2008 10:58 PM

Finally watched the girls. Amanda is fucking terrible. I too agree with everything MJ4H (and the rest) have said about the girls.

cuervo72 02-28-2008 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by RedKingGold (Post 1671952)
Right on one, but wrong about the other. However, my reasoning still holds true. The girl who left was just plain forgettable.

My wife and I were trying to guess who would be the second girl out, and I figured it would be one of the blondes. She agreed, as they were too similar. So we weren't surprised when they narrowed it down. What is funny is that when they said who would go home and there was no clear reaction from either girl, we went to each other: "wait...which one is that again?" :)

korme 02-28-2008 11:52 PM

Kady... you'll be staying

Yea Kady's expression of sadness looked like she had just been sent packing

mtolson 02-29-2008 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1672147)
Kady... you'll be staying

Yea Kady's expression of sadness looked like she had just been sent packing

I think she really thought she was going home. She most likely had prepared herself to that fact and was shocked like hell when they told her she was safe. By all rights, she should have gone and she knew it.

rowech 02-29-2008 04:47 AM

The chick went home because she was TOO MUCH like Carrie Underwood. People don't want another Carrie Underwood. They already made a girl like that win.

Neon_Chaos 02-29-2008 05:02 AM

The Filipina is going to last until the final 3 or 2 women, just based on Filipino votes alone.

Thomkal 02-29-2008 06:04 AM

well even though I predicted Alexandrea would go home, I'm saddened she was the one to go when it was just down to her and Amanda. Amanda is definitely another Sanjaya in the making it seems, but Sanjaya actually had a decent singing voice at least at times. I liked Alexandrea after week 1, thought she had a nice vibe to her performance, but completely lost it this week with a bad song choice. So not too shocked she went home, just shocked she went over Amanda.

Disappointed Alaina went home over Kady. Kady has shown nothing in her two performances, Alaina showed some potential in her first one at least. But song choice doomed her this week.

Jason leaving for the guys was expected, its too bad in a way, I thought his "going away" performance was a lot better than the first time he sang that song. A bit surprised Robbie went over Luke, but again not being able to reach that rocker image he wanted doomed him. And the rumors are that long hair of a wig.

Ksyrup 02-29-2008 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by rowech (Post 1672215)
The chick went home because she was TOO MUCH like Carrie Underwood. People don't want another Carrie Underwood. They already made a girl like that win.

Then explain Pickles, in the next season no less.

I guess she had calamari, and this chick had OCD?

I think they all expected Kady to go home, and when Alaina got sent home, I think it was that shock that caused her to breakdown like she did. She probably didn't feel totally safe, but if she had been up there with Carly, I doubt she would have been as unprepared for what happened as she was.

Ksyrup 02-29-2008 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 1672219)
A bit surprised Robbie went over Luke, but again not being able to reach that rocker image he wanted doomed him. And the rumors are that long hair of a wig.

Yeah, TMZ quoted one of the backstage people as saying his hair was the "blonde elephant in the room."

IrishHand 02-29-2008 07:27 AM

Is it just me, or have the last two weeks been wholly without suspense? They just started off with SO many mediocre singing talents and forgettable characters that you could have axed half of them almost at random (set aside 2-3 of them) and not diminished my interest one bit. Indeed, I'd have been grateful they saved me a few weeks. :)

I'm glad Kady stayed over the forgettable blonde (Alaina). Kady's got that "I am the devil" evil look and her video clips are highly entertaining.

Ksyrup 02-29-2008 07:35 AM

This season is no different than any other. They could axe 18 people the first night and we wouldn't miss much, but they wouldn't get 4-5 months of ratings out of it, either.

I'm going to miss next week's performances, so I guess that's the bright side of Amanda coming back.

Subby 02-29-2008 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Neon_Chaos (Post 1672216)
The Filipina is going to last until the final 3 or 2 women, just based on Filipino votes alone.

Fillipinos have like...eight phones per capita! Imelda Marcos had over 500!

Subby 02-29-2008 08:35 AM

hmmm...or was that shoes?

Ksyrup 02-29-2008 10:17 AM

Couple pieces of info from the "oh boy!" department:

Ruben Studdard is back on “American Idol’s” radar.

The Season 2 winner will perform the “farewell song” used to play off contestants as they are eliminated from the top 12. This year, the song will be a cover of Kenny Loggins’ “Celebrate Me Home,” in a new version produced by Terry Lewis and Jimmy Jam.

We can now confirm the rumors that have been swirling about Blake’s return to American Idol…he will in fact appear on the March 6th results show to perform his new single, “How Many Words.”

Rizon 02-29-2008 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Subby (Post 1672279)
hmmm...or was that shoes?

Shoe phones.

Mustang 03-04-2008 08:06 PM

After tonight's batch, Luke needs to go and Danny, but I doubt Danny will go anywhere given the VFTW crowd so it will probably be Chickezie (sp?).

David Cook made me actually not hate that song.

David A really needs to do something other than a ballad, I agree with Simon about the whole gloomy thing. Plus, I'm watching AI, I don't care about any social commentary really.

adubroff 03-04-2008 08:14 PM

I thought this was one of the better whole episodes in a good long while. I was not completely displeased with anybody...

David Hernandez - he's got bigtime game and he brought it tonight. I think this is by far his best and he's in the lead thus far
DavidC - by far most original of night. He "put his own stamp on it". No major flaws and changing it that much buys you a lot of latitude.
DavidA - bigtime voice, pacing a bit weird but he's got pure natural skills.
Mike - Great Song again. Not his finest work but I could still see Judd NElson in detention
Gen Noriega - Great song and I actually thought he pulled it off which is a rarity for him.
LukeM - lacks the force - are we in a rush here? Voice sounds better than it has but he's butchering the song
JasonC - C might stand for C ya later. That song is so distinctive and I think he failed on it. Major difference for me and the judges here. I love the song so maybe I'm biased.
Chikeze - average and tonight average won't do.

korme 03-04-2008 08:25 PM

Who originally sang "Tainted Love"?

GrantDawg 03-04-2008 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by adubroff (Post 1675491)
I thought this was one of the better whole episodes in a good long while. I was not completely displeased with anybody...

I agree. By far the best night for the guys. I think they just all made good song choices (except for one, but I have a feeling no one is going to agree with me). A true break-out performance by David Cook. He has a good rock-voice, but he is still a poor mans Daughtery. He just doesn't have the charisma he needs to really pull it off. I think he needs a band.

My first statement that will get me killed...Micheal just didn't pull that song off to me. He has been completely underwhelming to me. He would be in my bottom three (with Luke and Chikkie) and might actually be who I'd kick. His vocals aren't impressive to me at all.

Second Statement to get me killed...I really don't want to like Danny, but I do. He's just fun, or something.

kurtism 03-04-2008 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1675501)
Who originally sang "Tainted Love"?

Soft Cell

Joe 03-04-2008 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1675501)
Who originally sang "Tainted Love"?

Originally Gloria Jones, but tonight was a cover of Soft Cell's version.

GrantDawg 03-04-2008 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1675501)
Who originally sang "Tainted Love"?

I wanted to say The Fixx, but it was Soft Cell.

kurtism 03-04-2008 08:35 PM

S'ok, Randy apparently thinks Mike Hutchence was in Simple Minds

GrantDawg 03-04-2008 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by kurtism (Post 1675518)
S'ok, Randy apparently thinks Mike Hutchence was in Simple Minds

Yeah, that was pretty funny....or sad. Either way.

rowech 03-04-2008 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by GrantDawg (Post 1675520)
Yeah, that was pretty funny....or sad. Either way.

I think he was just comparing Aussies.

Joe 03-04-2008 08:47 PM

he really has a strong resemblance to Michael Hutchence, or I think so at least

EagleFan 03-04-2008 09:19 PM

David A sucked ass big time. He was off key most of the song and had no clue how to pace the song.

Gay boy Danny needs to go home!!! His whole demeanor is enough to make me sick.

David H and David C ruled the roost tonight, and the Ausie guy did well too.

MJ4H 03-04-2008 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 1675548)
David A sucked ass big time. He was off key most of the song and had no clue how to pace the song.


oh jeeeeeez

korme 03-04-2008 09:47 PM

Cook & Castro FTW!

Solecismic 03-04-2008 10:16 PM

Column posted at the Frontier:

Overall: It was a solid night for the guys, with no disasters, and, as usual, the three Davids setting the mark. All three will be hard to beat down the road.

Arles 03-04-2008 10:36 PM

Wow, what a fantastic episode. Easily the best in a long while. Right off the bat, I would buy two of the singles from that show (David Cook and Jason Castro). Of course, I agree with Simon in that the Jeff Buckley version of the song is one of the better "lesser known" performances of all time. Here's the overall ranking:

1. David Cook - Great idea, nearly flawless performance and the sound was great with the arrangement.
2. Jason Castro - Very difficult song to nail and he did just that. The mood and band was setup perfectly as well.
3. David Hernandez - Another high degree of difficulty and he is beginning to grow on me (and no, it's not because I found out that he danced at a gay bar 40 minutes from where I live).
4. Michael Johns - The Michael Hutchence comparisons are somewhat legit. I was a huge INXS fan growing up, so he's certainly a "poor man's" version - but he has the same style and his voice could be in that mold. Still, I enjoy his performances and while he wasn't as technically strong as the top 3, it still was a solid job.
5. David A - Without last week, it may have been top 4. Still, he went to the well one too many times with the "lovers lament" crying ballad. He did a nice job and would have been a top performance on most nights, but it was just average tonight.
6. Chikeze - I actually like the Luther Vandross version of this song - so it was a good song choice for me. Still, he wasn't as strong as the others, but he should be good enough to be OK.
7. Danny - He did OK with it, but it was a little corney. Like with David A (but a few levels below), on some nights this would be a mid-level performance. But, tonight, it's bottom 2.
8. Luke - I liked him when he did Queen, it was a great song choice. Tonight was blah, especially when such strong performances followed him. Easily the worst.

Overall, I thought 6 of the 7 performances were not half bad (with 2 being very good). Good showing for Idol - I also think Luke and Danny should be gone. Still, I think Danny has a bit of a following and may end up pulling it out (with Chikeze sliding in his spot). My guess, though, is that it is Luke and Danny - which would be the right choice.

Rizon 03-04-2008 10:54 PM

Best part of the night was when our signal cut out for 3 seconds. Gave me a chance to wipe the blood from my ears.

Arles 03-04-2008 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Rizon (Post 1675637)
Best part of the night was when our signal cut out for 3 seconds. Gave me a chance to wipe the blood from my ears.

Honestly, if you didn't like tonight - why even watch the show? Morbid curiousity? I hate it to break it to you but there probably won't be a much better show for the rest of the season.

Swaggs 03-04-2008 11:21 PM

I like the show, but I really did not enjoy tonight's performances either.

When Noriega puts on one of the more masculine performances in, that really says something about the rest of the crowd. Two songs made popular by female artists (Celine and Whitney) and a song by Wham? Archuleta singing a Phil Collins song didn't fit well to me, either. I thought Cook was very good and I enjoy Michael Johns' voice and performance, but he is rough around the edges as a singer. I don't like Castro because he seems way too fabricated to me, but I suppose he did alright.

All in all, I thought the performances were brought way down by the song choices for the most part.

rkmsuf 03-05-2008 07:38 AM

I almost shit myself when that wham song came on. All he needed was the Choose Life shirt. Man these people are morons.

Danny is just spectacular. He has to win.

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