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DaddyTorgo 04-30-2009 10:03 PM

no, this last one was the celtics final one

Jas_lov 04-30-2009 10:03 PM

Watch Scalabrini here for a wide open jumper.

DaddyTorgo 04-30-2009 10:04 PM


and the celts fail to get a shot up there and now rose is on the FT line with 3 seconds left

Easy Mac 04-30-2009 10:04 PM

rondo definitely goal tended.

But then he gets blocked. That's karma

whomario 04-30-2009 10:04 PM

Rose makes 2, then scalabrine from midcourt, book it ...

Edit : Finally ...

DaddyTorgo 04-30-2009 10:05 PM



hoopsguy 04-30-2009 10:05 PM

A defensive play - let alone by Rose, who has been getting killed on that end all year long - is a much more stunning result than anything predicted in this thread.

DaddyTorgo 04-30-2009 10:05 PM


chicago wins by 1

hoopsguy 04-30-2009 10:05 PM

Hope Neuqua is getting his action tonight :)

Easy Mac 04-30-2009 10:05 PM

Nice to see Rose remembering his FT days at Memphis

sterlingice 04-30-2009 10:05 PM

That was fun :)

(still mad about the timeout thing, but it was a fun game)


DaddyTorgo 04-30-2009 10:06 PM

C's had it to win there with 16 seconds left but couldn't get a shot

SirFozzie 04-30-2009 10:06 PM

Game 7. Best series ever.

(and if Rondo had hit that, the Celtics wouldn't have gotten out of the building alive.)

whomario 04-30-2009 10:06 PM

Hou-Por 2nd half allready running btw ...

No interviews, goddamn !!!

Big Fo 04-30-2009 10:06 PM

Awesome, another 40 minutes or so from Allen and Pierce before the likely series v. Orlando. The Bulls winning would be even better.

sterlingice 04-30-2009 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Easy Mac (Post 2008656)
Nice to see Rose remembering his FT days at Memphis

Again, greatly appreciated those FTs in the NCAA Championship :)


whomario 04-30-2009 10:15 PM

Go Rockets !!! That spin should be illegal for a 7ī6 guy, niiiice move and finally an assist by brooks to Yao :)

Roy/Aldridge = 38 points on 16-29

Rest of blazers = 11 on 4-20

now Aldridge with 4 fouls. Just take the game Rockets !

And Artest going to the basket, wow !

sterlingice 04-30-2009 10:18 PM

I love this balanced scoring. If we do that, we can beat anyone. I just don't know if it can be consistent.


whomario 04-30-2009 10:22 PM

Roy is limping, too. Hasnīt touched the ball on 3 straight possessions.

whomario 04-30-2009 10:33 PM

I still hate Brooks play at the point right now. Heīs got no business there right now really ... 1 more quarter ...
Yao is still terribly overlooked on offense but boy does he anchor that defense.
Oden looks terribly overwhelmed too by Yao, panics everytime he has him on his back in the post and seems shocked that he canīt move Yao (suprise, meet the strongest guy on the block mr oden ;) ) . And that missed dunk sums up his PO debut. Does a good üplay by running the court and then blows it.

Still think heīll be great though.

sterlingice 04-30-2009 10:42 PM

Yeah, a PG should be on the offseason shopping list. Skip wasn't really the answer either.


whomario 04-30-2009 10:49 PM

That has to be it now... Yao ! Cleans up the mess (literally, Artestīs shot/drive selection is atrocious, iīm cringing everytime he touches it) and then the great extra pass for brooks.
And his defense is phenomenal, he works so hard and moves his feet better than iīve ever seen him late in the game.

Iīd love to see Hinrich in a Rockets uniform somehow ...
Iīm almost sad that McGrady will come back and it will be hard to shop him under any circumstances as well ...
Anyway, 5 more minutes and then iīm just enjoing the moment :)

bulletsponge 04-30-2009 10:53 PM

only a choke of Oilers perportions can cost the Rockets the victory. McGrady finaly gets out of the 2nd round. it will be nice not to hear that stupid stat get thrown around

sterlingice 04-30-2009 10:55 PM

A 1st round win is just sweet after many years of futility :D

I still don't think we're quite good enough to beat the Lakers since I don't see how we steal a game in LA. But I'm definitely feeling better about the team- it seems to be gel'ing nicely here in the playoffs.


sterlingice 04-30-2009 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by bulletsponge (Post 2008694)
only a choke of Oilers perportions can cost the Rockets the victory. McGrady finaly gets out of the 2nd round. it will be nice not to hear that stupid stat get thrown around

That game still hurts. We could have won the AFC that year :(


whomario 04-30-2009 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by bulletsponge (Post 2008694)
only a choke of Oilers perportions can cost the Rockets the victory. McGrady finaly gets out of the 2nd round. it will be nice not to hear that stupid stat get thrown around

it wonīt. All articles will say that Yao finally did. And Battier.

Win or loose against LA : This team is just straight out likeable. Despite Artest. That says a lot ... ;) Artest has now taken 25 bad shots to my counting misses :D

Yao with stout defense here and all series, underrated defender. And not just "presence", thereīs more to it. Plus he played the whole 2nd half and again 40+ minutes. Thatīs just a lot and that he still moves as well with that much effort is admireable.
Yeah, iīm a homer. Today iīm glad i am :D

sterlingice 04-30-2009 11:05 PM

Artest really is an ass. (paraphrase) "Wow, I was tired of playing defense and it was hard to play defense and offense."


whomario 04-30-2009 11:07 PM

Artest is delusional, that interview should be an instant youtube classic. Heīll be there speaking as long as the Bos-Chi game if you donīt stop him :D

Roy/Aldridge just didnīt get any help tonight, Houston played them straight up and dared the role players to beat them which didnīt happen.

RainMaker 04-30-2009 11:23 PM

Just got back from the Bulls game. My thoughts:

- I didn't see what happened with Rondo and Hinrich. I saw Hinrich get up and go after him but didn't see what happened before. They would not show the replay on the jumbotron either. I have yet to even see a highlight of it.

- I thought the officiating was brutal. On the last play it looked like Hinrich fouled Rondo on the ground during the loose ball scuffle. The refs refused to call a 6th foul on Pierce for awhile. He was literally allowed to do whatever he wanted to. There was zero consistency in the game. For awhile they'd let the teams just hammer each other and then they'd start calling ticky-tack fouls.

- I don't know how it came across on TV but that place was jumping. The loudest I've ever heard the United Center in person (had season tix for about 5 years). Probably the best game I've ever been to and the most fun I've ever had at a game.

- Ray Allen was a God. I actually thought the defense on him was pretty good at the end and he still drained everything.

- Rose had some bad turnovers and really needs to work on that moving forward.

- Vinny Del Negro is a horrible coach. Coming out of timeouts they don't run anything. I didn't understand keeping Miller in on defense late when you have a shot blocker like Thomas available (who is a better rebounder and quicker).

stevew 04-30-2009 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by bulletsponge (Post 2008694)
only a choke of Oilers perportions can cost the Rockets the victory. McGrady finaly gets out of the 2nd round. it will be nice not to hear that stupid stat get thrown around

McGrady hasn't played in 2-3 months. I hardly think this counts for him.

stevew 04-30-2009 11:37 PM

Lakers-Rockets is monday/wednesday
If the Hawks close out tomorrow, they'll play the Cavs on sunday.

RainMaker 04-30-2009 11:54 PM

Just saw the Rondo/Hinrich incident. How did Rondo not get thrown out of the game? Flagrant 2 is for intentional flagrant fouls which this clearly was.

And I know the NBA won't suspend Rondo for a Game 7, but isn't what he did the same as what Howard did?

DaddyTorgo 04-30-2009 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2008733)
Just saw the Rondo/Hinrich incident. How did Rondo not get thrown out of the game? Flagrant 2 is for intentional flagrant fouls which this clearly was.

And I know the NBA won't suspend Rondo for a Game 7, but isn't what he did the same as what Howard did?

ummm nope

Neon_Chaos 04-30-2009 11:55 PM

Rondo is turning out to be a punk.

RainMaker 05-01-2009 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2008734)
ummm nope

What was the difference? Besides he plays for Boston.

Neuqua 05-01-2009 12:29 AM

Just got home.

I don't know how Rondo is still continued to allowed to do what he does. You have to be a hardcore Celtics fan to not see that he shouldn't even be playing in game 7.

Agreed on the atmosphere at the United Center. Just WOW.

What a series, I can't wait for the finale. Should be a good time.

I'm drunk.

Lathum 05-01-2009 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Neuqua (Post 2008771)
Just got home.

I don't know how Rondo is still continued to allowed to do what he does. You have to be a hardcore Celtics fan to not see that he shouldn't even be playing in game 7.

Agreed on the atmosphere at the United Center. Just WOW.

What a series, I can't wait for the finale. Should be a good time.

I'm drunk.

who went to the game with you?

Neuqua 05-01-2009 12:54 AM


I dare one of the Boston folk to tell me this wasn't a flagarant 2. Just a complete punk move. Can't stand Rondo.

Neuqua 05-01-2009 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 2008774)
who went to the game with you?

Ha, I forget abt FOFC, no worries gentlemen, I ended up inviting someone other than that lady friend to really enjoy the game.

No regrets.

Groundhog 05-01-2009 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Neon_Chaos (Post 2008736)
Rondo is turning out to be a punk.

Rondo has surprised me these past two games. I think he's been channelling a little too much of Garnett's "energy" off the sidelines.

Chief Rum 05-01-2009 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Neuqua (Post 2008804)

I dare one of the Boston folk to tell me this wasn't a flagarant 2. Just a complete punk move. Can't stand Rondo.

Didn't really see nothing on that video except Hinrich and Rondo trying to jump around the ref at each other. Not saying I saw what transpired, and believe it was nothing, but that the video didn't really show what I think you're trying to show.

I was unfortunately away from the TV. I still don't know exactly what happened, but would love for a video that more clearly focuses on this one, to see what triggered the back and forth.

RainMaker 05-01-2009 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Neuqua (Post 2008804)

I dare one of the Boston folk to tell me this wasn't a flagarant 2. Just a complete punk move. Can't stand Rondo.

For the record, I want to see Rondo in Game 7 because I think it's best when the best players are out there fighting.

But the NBA looks horrible if they don't suspend him. They warned him after Game 5 about his antics (not just the Miller foul but also tripping Hinrich). Then he goes and throws Hinrich into the scorer's table and also takes a swipe at his head with his elbow. Since Howard got suspended for that exact same act minus the throwing a guy into a scorer's table, and Howard wasn't warned about his behaivor, the NBA essentially says the rules don't apply to certain guys.

I think if the Celtics had won tonight, Rondo would have been suspended for Game 1 in the 2nd round.

RainMaker 05-01-2009 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 2008814)
Didn't really see nothing on that video except Hinrich and Rondo trying to jump around the ref at each other. Not saying I saw what transpired, and believe it was nothing, but that the video didn't really show what I think you're trying to show.

I was unfortunately away from the TV. I still don't know exactly what happened, but would love for a video that more clearly focuses on this one, to see what triggered the back and forth.

You can see the full video at Hinrich boxes out Rondo and pushes him back pretty far. Rondo grabs his arm and throws him into the scorer's table. I'm assuming there was probably some jawing and maybe rough play leading up to it since Rondo tripped Hinrich in Game 5 which required some stitches.

JeeberD 05-01-2009 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 2008688)
Yeah, a PG should be on the offseason shopping list. Skip wasn't really the answer either.

Haven't you heard? Morey is somehow going to trade for CP3 because the Hornets are extremely cash strapped and are looking to dump salary!!!


Originally Posted by bulletsponge (Post 2008694)
only a choke of Oilers perportions can cost the Rockets the victory. McGrady finaly gets out of the 2nd round. it will be nice not to hear that stupid stat get thrown around

It's still going to be said about him, and rightfully so.


Originally Posted by stevew (Post 2008724)
Lakers-Rockets is monday/wednesday

Sweet...I have both of those nights free. :)

Chief Rum 05-01-2009 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2008816)
You can see the full video at Hinrich boxes out Rondo and pushes him back pretty far. Rondo grabs his arm and throws him into the scorer's table. I'm assuming there was probably some jawing and maybe rough play leading up to it since Rondo tripped Hinrich in Game 5 which required some stitches.

Don't suppose you could provide a link, could you? I went over there, but all I found was the game highlights (which focused on the game itself and the overtimes and all). There was an article up about the elbow, but that's it.

DaddyTorgo 05-01-2009 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2008816)
You can see the full video at Hinrich boxes out Rondo and pushes him back pretty far. Rondo grabs his arm and throws him into the scorer's table. I'm assuming there was probably some jawing and maybe rough play leading up to it since Rondo tripped Hinrich in Game 5 which required some stitches.

looked to me like the two were tangled up and in the process of getting untangled and trying to run back and gain an advantage on each other rondo (obviously) was trying to throw him off. i'd probably do the same thing. it's a "get the heck off me and let me get back down the floor" move

RainMaker 05-01-2009 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 2008823)
Don't suppose you could provide a link, could you? I went over there, but all I found was the game highlights (which focused on the game itself and the overtimes and all). There was an article up about the elbow, but that's it.

The ones on ESPN aren't great, but do show what happened. Here's a YouTube clip of it:

YouTube - Rajon Rondo Tosses Kirk Hinrich Into Scorers Table

I recorded the game so I ran the replays in slow-mo. I'm sure it'll be discussed a lot on sports sites (except ESPN) tomorrow. I guess what's tough to see in the far away clips is Rondo throwing an elbow at Hinrich's head when they bump chests.

In an unrelated story, Turkoglu got thrown out of the game tonight for getting in the face of Dalembert. No punches, no fight, just getting in his face and touching chests. Go figure.

Chief Rum 05-01-2009 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2008827)
The ones on ESPN aren't great, but do show what happened. Here's a YouTube clip of it:

YouTube - Rajon Rondo Tosses Kirk Hinrich Into Scorers Table

I recorded the game so I ran the replays in slow-mo. I'm sure it'll be discussed a lot on sports sites (except ESPN) tomorrow. I guess what's tough to see in the far away clips is Rondo throwing an elbow at Hinrich's head when they bump chests.

In an unrelated story, Turkoglu got thrown out of the game tonight for getting in the face of Dalembert. No punches, no fight, just getting in his face and touching chests. Go figure.

Thanks, Rain. Wow, that was a pretty cruddy move. Completely agree. That's indefensible. A flagrant 2 is the least of what Rondo should have gotten. Thrown out possibly (unsure, if Hinrich fell it would have been a certainty).

RainMaker 05-01-2009 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2008826)
looked to me like the two were tangled up and in the process of getting untangled and trying to run back and gain an advantage on each other rondo (obviously) was trying to throw him off. i'd probably do the same thing. it's a "get the heck off me and let me get back down the floor" move


Chief Rum 05-01-2009 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2008826)
looked to me like the two were tangled up and in the process of getting untangled and trying to run back and gain an advantage on each other rondo (obviously) was trying to throw him off. i'd probably do the same thing. it's a "get the heck off me and let me get back down the floor" move


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