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klayman 03-04-2004 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
No, I haven't. I've basically assumed his been shite since that Belarus game in the Olympics. I watched the Sweden/Finland game during the World Championships last summer. He was brutal.

Also, rumor has it, that Salo knocked-up his girlfriend. When his wife found out about this, she responded by telling Tomi that she had been hooking up with Comrie for months before he was traded. Poor guy has a lot on his mind right now...

He's fighting the puck and losing the battle. He hasn't really been the same since the Olympics. It's been so long since he's put a string of solid performances together, I'm begining to wonder if he was ever good at all or it was just an illusion.

That Comrie...what a team player. Apparently Rich Winter told some people at the Coyotes/Oiler game the other night, that if we knew all the stuff the Comrie had to put up with while in Edmonton, we wouldn't be booing him. Of course, Winter didn't say just what all those horrible things were (I'm sure one of them was being criticized for his poor playoff performance...the horror :eek: ), but they'd have to be pretty bad to prevent me from booing him. Like we're talking anally raped bad...

Blade 03-04-2004 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
Don't be so negative. So long as you don't play Dallas you may have a shot.

I think it's good move for the Oil. It means the team isn't giving up hope and adds Nedved adds some offensive punch, which the Oilers definitely need. Ryan Smyth is good and all, but he shouldn't be any teams best offensive player. He's a great winger to have play along side your best offensive player, but shouldn't be carrying the load. Nedved's been arguably the Rangers best player all year. He's been a real trooper. He's slightly more matured now than back in the past. Maybe after Nedved arrives the Oil will actually have a power-play. Rumor has it that they have started refusing the man advantage completely...

I have to agree, I think it is a good move. When I first heard about it, I was pretty pissed, but I have had more time to check out the details and digest it a bit more. In essence, we got Nedved and Markkanen for a goalie who was never going to play for us, a prospect who was far down on our list to ever play for us, and a 2nd round pick. I was a little pissed that we gave up a 2nd round pick, but the pick was actually from the Rangers in the first place for us signing Leetch last year and having him resign with the Rangers, so it was a free pick anyway.

The kicker for me in this deal was the fact that the Rangers are going to pay Nedved's salary for the year, so he is a free player. He is an upgrade for us at Center, has a good history with Dvorak, and should help our powerplay. We gave up very little, and did not send anyone from the current roster, and he is free. What else can we ask for? He as an option year next year worth $5 million, so the Oilers can simply let him go without it ever costing us a dime. Or, they can try to resign him for less. Either way, it is not hurting us financially.

I think this is a very good deal, and could be what we need to get into the postseason. And if Salo is still playing shakey, hopefully Markkanen can step in until Conklin is back.

Blade 03-04-2004 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by klayman
That Comrie...what a team player. Apparently Rich Winter told some people at the Coyotes/Oiler game the other night, that if we knew all the stuff the Comrie had to put up with while in Edmonton, we wouldn't be booing him. Of course, Winter didn't say just what all those horrible things were (I'm sure one of them was being criticized for his poor playoff performance...the horror :eek: ), but they'd have to be pretty bad to prevent me from booing him. Like we're talking anally raped bad...

Heh, well the fact that Comrie called us a Communist organization after the morning skate solidified me on booing him...

Welcome back, Mike...just don't be caught on the street without protection from the Edmonton fans...

sachmo71 03-04-2004 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Blade
Welcome back, Mike...just don't be caught on the street without protection from the Edmonton fans...

I know you are kidding, but come on...

klayman 03-04-2004 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Blade

I think this is a very good deal, and could be what we need to get into the postseason. And if Salo is still playing shakey, hopefully Markkanen can step in until Conklin is back.

Oh, there is no doubt it is a good deal for the Oilers. You can't go wrong when the other team is paying the salary in most cases. But it's hard to get excited when the answer to the question on how we're going to become a good team again is Peter Nedved. Yes he is an upgrade, and yes he does fill a need. But that only points out the fact that our team was crap to begin with. It certainly isn't a WOW trade like Kovalev was.

If Lowe hadn't wasted so much time on the Comrie deal, maybe we could have upgraded some areas earlier, and not be on the outside looking in right now. Then we could be trading for a playoff run, instead of trying desperately to just make the playoffs. This trade might help us into the playoffs, but that is a big maybe, and there is no way this current team and the way they are currently playing makes it past any of the top 4 teams in the West. Like Travis said, it's hard to get excited about being a Oiler fan, so you'll have to forgive me if I don't grab my pompoms and cheer Nedved and the Oilers on to yet another 1st round playoff loss, if we are lucky.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope Nedved lights the West on fire and we march to victory after victory. Just don't see it though...

klayman 03-04-2004 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by sachmo71
I know you are kidding, but come on...

Comrie got it pretty rough while he was 'holding out'. I don't think relations have improved any recently :)

klayman 03-04-2004 09:51 AM

The Bruins just grabed Nylander for a 2nd round pick.

Maple Leafs 03-04-2004 10:21 AM

At this rate, the entire NHL draft will just consist of the Caps and Rangers alternating picks.

Maybe they can have all the draft-eligible players just line up against the gym wall, and have Sather and McPhee take turns picking guys. When you hear your name, you go stand behind the guy who picked you.

klayman 03-04-2004 11:17 AM

A trade not involving the Caps:

St Louis sends Brent Johnson to Phoenix for Mike Sillinger.

bbor 03-04-2004 12:56 PM

Methinks TSN/Sportsnet/Headline sports are gonna have a hardtimefillingup 3 hours of airtimeon march 9...All the trades will be over by then.

Blade 03-04-2004 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by klayman
I hope I'm wrong. I hope Nedved lights the West on fire and we march to victory after victory. Just don't see it though...

I agree with you that I don't think the Oilers have a prayer when it comes to doing anything in the playoffs. The best we can hope for in a given year is an upset in the first round, then getting knocked out in the second round. I have been pretty jaded for a while now about the Oilers, because Lowe really screwed up the Comrie trade big.

It just seems that we are afraid to mess with chemistry this year, but the fact is, the current team does not have the ability to make a serious run. We can get into talks about economics, the system the team plays, and all that other stuff, but I am sick of hearing it lately. Yes, things need to be fixed during CBA negotiations, but the fact is, the Oilers spent too much time this season 'hoping' that things would work out, and the team would get on a role. Just won't happen with the current roster, and that is a shame.

sterlingice 03-04-2004 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs
At this rate, the entire NHL draft will just consist of the Caps and Rangers alternating picks.

Maybe they can have all the draft-eligible players just line up against the gym wall, and have Sather and McPhee take turns picking guys. When you hear your name, you go stand behind the guy who picked you.

Wonderful visual, ML :D


samifan24 03-05-2004 09:45 AM

TSN is reporting that the Devils have acquired Jan Hrdina from Phoenix for Mike Rupp and a 2004 second rounder. Link

sachmo71 03-05-2004 10:05 AM

Leetch did well in his first game as a Leaf...

Honolulu_Blue 03-05-2004 11:40 AM

Happy birthday, Karim. So, exactly how old were you the last time the Flames made the play-offs?

klayman 03-05-2004 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
Happy birthday, Karim. So, exactly how old were you the last time the Flames made the play-offs?


Low blow

Pyser 03-05-2004 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by samifan24
TSN is reporting that the Devils have acquired Jan Hrdina from Phoenix for Mike Rupp and a 2004 second rounder. Link

can anyone tell me about hrdina?

this trade scares me. i guess rupp wouldnt amount to much, but he had size, and packaged with a 2nd rounder, seems like we paid a lot when no one else is paying anything for anyone...

klayman 03-05-2004 03:16 PM

I always get Jan Hrdina confused with Jiri Hrdina, who played for the Flames way back in the late 80's. And then when I hear his name, (like in the recent trade) I think "Hrdina?!? That guy must be about 50 by now."

Not that that helps you Pyser, but I thought I'd share.

klayman 03-05-2004 03:19 PM


On a side note, I just noticed that IHDB is now keeping track of trades on the player cards. That's pretty cool.

sachmo71 03-05-2004 09:06 PM

Well, I don't know how much offense Corson is going to bring to the Stars, but he just beat the *SHIT* out of the Calgary defenseman Green.

corbes 03-05-2004 10:43 PM

Flyers/Senators tonight was a total brawl in the wake of that Havlat slash a week ago. The game ended with five consecutive brawls -- by that I mean, on five consecutive faceoffs, there was no attempt made to play the puck.

Each team ended the game with 2 or 3 players left on the bench. Havlat never came on the ice during all this -- probably the reason for the extended brawls.

Be interesting to see the fallout from this.

bbor 03-06-2004 03:50 PM

Holy crap..Flames made a play off trade

Simon for Mclennan...and assorted DP's

Preds pickup Bombadir and Zholtok from Minny.

Karim 03-06-2004 04:00 PM

Wow! Thanks for the head's up bbor.

samifan24 03-06-2004 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Pyser
can anyone tell me about hrdina?

this trade scares me. i guess rupp wouldnt amount to much, but he had size, and packaged with a 2nd rounder, seems like we paid a lot when no one else is paying anything for anyone...

As far as I know, Hrdina is pretty much a faceoff guy and powerplay guy. Have a look at TSN's scouting report, maybe that will help you get a better idea of what sort of player he is.

Maple Leafs 03-06-2004 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by corbes
Flyers/Senators tonight was a total brawl in the wake of that Havlat slash a week ago. The game ended with five consecutive brawls -- by that I mean, on five consecutive faceoffs, there was no attempt made to play the puck.

Random thoughts on the brawl(s), from an unbiased Leaf fan (unbiased because I hate both teams):

- The whol thing started with a Rob Ray vs. Brashear fight in which Ray was destroyed. Brashear busted him open big time. Is there anyone other than John Muckler who still thinks Ray can play an enforcer's role in this league?

- There was a goalie vs. goalie fight. Lalime took his mask off before the fight, on his way down the ice. Esche saw it, but didn't lose his. Cheap.

- There were lots of fights, but the fact that this game set the NHL record for PIM in a game is a disgrace. The refs went looney at the end, piling up penalties for no reason. For example, Jason Spezza dropped his gloves with some kid named Sharp. They wrestled around a bit, though a couple of punches, and fell down. For that, Spezza got five, ten and two game misconducts. I'm sorry, but 35 PIM on one play for barely fighting? And this was happening through the whole thing. I guess sometimes the refs like to get their names in the record books too.

- Shaun Van Allen attacked some European kid who'd probably never fought before in his life. This is the same Van Allen who cried for suspensions when Domi punched him. I guess it's OK to jump guys, as long as it's not him.

- Where was Federenko or whatever his name is during all this?

- Mike Fisher is a tough kid. He threw Handzus around pretty good. Fisher is a guy who any team would love to have.

- Finally, Martin Havlat should wear a dress for the rest of the season. Simple as that. As mentioned above, he never touched the ice. In fact, the Sens sent him to the penalty box to serve one of the minors so that nobody could touch him. Weak. It's one thing to be a dirty player. It's another to be a dirty player who runs away and lets his teammates fight his battles for him. It's the difference between being Darcy Tucker and Claude Lemieux. Havlat looked like a scared little girl, sitting in the box by himself while all the fights were going on. Just pathetic.

Karim 03-06-2004 04:59 PM

Actual Deal:

To Rangers:
F Blair Betts
F Greg Moore
G Jamie McLellan

To Flames:
F Chris Simon
2004 7th Rd. pick

Plus, the Rangers pick F Josh Green on waivers.


The trade is a wash in terms of salary which is part of the business of being a small-market team. Turek has obviously cleared waivers without any interest and Sutter doesn't want to carry three goalies.

Betts is a very good faceoff-man and defensive centre projected to be at best a 3rd line centre. The problem he has faced since junior is major shoulder problems. As a result, he may just never pan out.

McLellan is a warrior. He played two games for us with a broken sternum when we had no NHL calibre goalies. He is a solid backup and well liked by everyone. A great addition to a locker room.

Moore was a 5th round pick and was on the US World Junior Team, beating out higher-ranked players. From what little I've heard he's got offensive potential, scoring 14 goals in 30 games with Maine as a sophomore this year, but he's not very fast.

No one is sorry to see Josh Green go. He's got all the tools but no toolbox. The fact that Sather is in love with the guy is fine by us.

Simon is an UFA after this year but after that disgrace in Dallas last night with Dimaio and Morrow taking uncontested shots at Iginla and Gelinas, we needed someone now with tough games down the road. Oliwa is decent but can't take a regular shift; he's slow, gets knocked off the puck easily and is a liability defensively. Simon is +14 on the Rangers.

I'd be surprised to see anything else from the Flames. Look to see Simon on the 1st line with Conroy and Iginla.

klayman 03-07-2004 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Karim
Oliwa is decent but can't take a regular shift; he's slow, gets knocked off the puck easily and is a liability defensively.

Unless he is playing against the Oilers, where he looks like the 2nd coming. Sigh :(

Maple Leafs 03-08-2004 10:22 AM

Chief, any thoughts on the Gerber to Toronto rumors?

Chief Rum 03-08-2004 02:48 PM

The rumors are real. They were talking about the possibility during the Ducks' loss to Pittsburgh Saturday. And since the Ducks lost (to the friggin' Pens?!?), they are even more inclined to deal.

Gerbs has been trapped behind Jiggy, and that doesn't look to change. Guigere has started every game since the All Star break, which is around 13-14. Now, a lot of that is simply because he's hot right now (stupid soft goal against Pittsburgh besides), but Gerber has been talking to Murray for some time now about being moved to get an opportunity at a #1 spot.

I don't want Gerber to go--they ain't lying when they say he's the best backup goaltender in the biz--but I also want the guy to be a success. If the Leafs get him, that would be a great trade for them. I realize you would probably balk at this, but I would seriously let Kidd and Belfour go (because of money issues, as well as Gerber's skill) and just start Gerber. Imagine how you could upgrade your roster if you have a quality guy being paid less in net?

The Ducks have had a great prospect goalie in Ilya Bryzgalov sitting in the minors as well. Moving Gerber will finally get him up to the bigs. He has reportedly been ready all season for the move, even out of training camp.

I put a lot more credence in these rumors than those Carney rumors you were talking about a couple weeks ago. But, please, for the love of God, don't send us Tucker. Ugh!


Maple Leafs 03-08-2004 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum
I realize you would probably balk at this, but I would seriously let Kidd and Belfour go (because of money issues, as well as Gerber's skill) and just start Gerber.

Kidd's a bum and will be run out of town after the season, if not before. Belfour is a question mark. He's a free agent at the end of the year, and if there's no 2004/5 season, who's to say Belfour even plays another season in the NHL?

Ksyrup 03-08-2004 07:53 PM

Anson Carter to LA for...Barry Melrose's hair stylist? (sorry I didn't catch the name)

samifan24 03-08-2004 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup
Barry Melrose's hair stylist

Otherwise known as Jared Aulin.

sachmo71 03-08-2004 08:21 PM

Wow. Aulin is a decent prospect, but Carter fills a big hole for them. Unless Huet which case, they are sunk.

Draft Dodger 03-08-2004 08:41 PM

so, essentially the Caps trade Jagr for Jared Aulin, and paid a ton of money for that opportunity (they are paying some of Jagrs contract).

Aulin isn't bad (a former 2nd round pick for the Avs sent to LA in the Blake trade), but he is just like Sachs said - a "decent" prospect, no more.

Caps are looking stupid in several trades this year, IMO.

bbor 03-08-2004 08:56 PM

CR...if you see Tucker play for your team you will like him a lot more than seeing him play against you.

sachmo71 03-08-2004 10:08 PM

Stars acquire Chris Therien for a couple of picks. Good stay at home D-man...exactly the sort of guy who should fit right in with Dallas.

Hmmm...let's see what we have now....


Not a huge transitional game there...but we should see more trapping! WHOO HOOOO!

Karim 03-08-2004 10:15 PM

Flames acquire Marcus Nilsson from FLA .... looks like for a 2nd round pick this year.

Draft Dodger 03-08-2004 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by bbor
CR...if you see Tucker play for your team you will like him a lot more than seeing him play against you.

I agree.
Tucker is the guy I hate most in all of the NHL.

I'd love to see him play for my Avs.

Draft Dodger 03-08-2004 11:22 PM

Todd Bertuzzi is a classless fucking pussy. hope he's suspended for a long, long time.

samifan24 03-08-2004 11:41 PM

What happened?

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by samifan24
What happened?

a couple weeks ago, Steve Moore hit Markus Naslund hard.

Todd Bertuzzi's idea of manly retribution was to hit Moore from behind and slam him face first into the ice. Moore was down in a pool of blood for a long, long time and was carried off in a stretcher.

Moore had already risen to the challenge tonight - he fought Matt Cooke earlier and did well. The rest of the night any Canuck on the ice who wasn't attacking David Aebischer was trying to goad Moore into another fight. When Moore ignored Bertuzzi's attempt and was skating away, Bertuzzi hit him from behind like the gutless wonder that he is. Moore never saw it coming.

think Marty McSorley, but without the stick.

samifan24 03-09-2004 12:05 AM

I knew about the hit on Naslund and saw from tonight's boxscore that he fought Cooke. This disgusts me. Bertuzzi's actions were gutless and spineless. He should be done. The harder the penalty the less likely you are to do something so ridiculously stupid.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by samifan24
I knew about the hit on Naslund and saw from tonight's boxscore that he fought Cooke. This disgusts me. Bertuzzi's actions were gutless and spineless. He should be done. The harder the penalty the less likely you are to do something so ridiculously stupid.

I like rough stuff - there was a lot of fighting in the game (which was a blowout for the Avs almost from the get go). The Canucks were after Avalanche players all night long (after each of his goals, Brad May went after David Aebischer, and 2 other Canucks got penalties later for running at him as well). And that's all fine. There were a lot of good, hard, mostly-clean checks the Canucks put on the Avs all night (including a hit from Sami Salo on Alex Tanguay that was almost identical to the Moore/Naslund hit).

But a cheap shot like that is just terrible. It was gruesome to see - and just sickening to see him lying there on the ice. Marc Crawford also showed a complete lack of class during this as he had a visible smirk on his face as trainers from both teams were attending to Moore.

Kudos to the Canucks fans though - once they could see Moore was badly hurt, they seemed pretty respectful. Considering all of them wanted his head coming into the game, that showed a lot of class.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 12:19 AM

in other (and related) news...

the Avs get Matt Barnaby for Chris McAllister, some former 1st rounder they haven't signed (David Liffiton) and a 2nd round pick.

seems like a bit steep of a price, but McAllister sucks and I guess Liffiton wasn't someone they were going to get to play, so I can live with it.

I'm sure they aren't done - undoubtably after Sunday's game they will be acquiring a backup goalie to replace Phillipe Sauve.

Sauve's had a tough year - he started off slowly, but had a nice stretch in the middle of the season, but the wheels have come off of late. He just looked awful in the Calgary game - not a guy you can count on even to be a backup in the playoffs.

samifan24 03-09-2004 12:20 AM

I don't mind a good scrap but hits like this one and the Brashear-McSorley incident continue to make it on national news broadcasts and give hockey a bad name. For all the good the league and its players do, replays of these hits will be shown 100x over on the national networks, networks whose coverage of the NHL is usually an afterthought except in times like these. If the NHL drops the ball on this incident, I will really be upset. It will be interesting to see the repercussions of this incident.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 12:22 AM

oh, and if the Canucks didn't finally see tonight that they need a real goalie and that the team has no confidence in Cloutier...they never will.

Honolulu_Blue 03-09-2004 04:34 AM

I couldn't agree more on Cloutier. I have never had faith in him as a goalie. He's just not right... in the head.

Some interesting deals, especially Barnaby heading to Colorado. I was a bit surprised by that, but Barnaby has been putting together a decent year offensively, for Barnaby at least.

As for the Bertuzzi thing. Unbelievable. What was he thinking? Moore did his part, he fought Matt Cooke, that really should have been the end of it. But to sucker a punch a guy in the back of the head and drive his head into the ice? Unbelievable. This is equally as bad as the McSorley thing, if not worse. This had been brewing for weeks, not over the course of a few minutes. Moore's career could be in jeopady. If you recall, Jeff Beukeboom (great player, fantastic name) had his career ended when Matt Johnson slugged him in the back of the head. He was knocked out, got a concusion and never recovered. Bertuzzi should be out for the rest of the regular season at least. As for play-offs, I don't know. I forget how long McSorley was banned for (it was a long time), but Bertuzzi's punishment should equal it. Without Bertuzzi the Canucks chances of going anywhere in the play-offs are severly diminished. What was he thinkg? I understand that payback had to happen for the hit on Naslund and I don't mind it at all. Hell, perhaps the best regular season NHL game I ever watched was the March 27, 1997 game between the Wings and Avs, when McCarty took it to Lemieux for the hit on Draper. Classic game. 6-5 win in OT (McCarty with the game winner). Plenty of rough stuff. Some great hockey played. No cheap shots. Lemieux wasn't sucker punched, he just turtled, face-shield and all. But to sucker-punch a guy like that... That's not honorable. That has no place in hockey.

Wonder what Brian Burke thinks now. Or Crawford.

Interesting line on Brad May: 2 goals, 47 penalty minutes. I wonder if that is a record, most penalty minutes in one game in which a player scores 2 or more goals? Hmmm....

Honolulu_Blue 03-09-2004 04:36 AM


I was also surprised to hear that Cloutier didn't try to fight Aebischer. Cloutier likes to fight and is pretty good at it, if I recall. Then again, Aebischer is Swiss, there's no way he was dropping the gloves.

Honolulu_Blue 03-09-2004 05:17 AM

Double dola (only because I am the only one awake at this late hour. Well, late for you people, it's lunch time here).

Looks like the Derek Morris era in Colorado has come to an end. TSN reports Morris and a prospect were shipped to Phoenix for Chris Gratton and Ossi Vaananen. I like the name Ossi Vaananen. Morris never seemed to become the player everyone hoped he would in Colorado. Interesting deal. Colorado gets one more "tough" forward to go along with the likes of Cummins, Worrell, Barnaby (in his own way), etc.

klayman 03-09-2004 06:36 AM

Let the games begin. Hope the GMs haven't tired themselves out before the deadline.

Stars picked up Valeri Bure for Drew Bagnell(?) and a draft pick from Florida.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue

I was also surprised to hear that Cloutier didn't try to fight Aebischer. Cloutier likes to fight and is pretty good at it, if I recall. Then again, Aebischer is Swiss, there's no way he was dropping the gloves.

Cloutier, being a crappy goalie, was pulled in the 1st.
his replacement Johan Hedberg DID try to fight with Aebischer - when all the players squared off after the Moore hit, Hedberg skated to center ice. Aebischer just pointed at the scoreboard.

Ksyrup 03-09-2004 07:09 AM

I wonder how many times Florida is going to sign Bure, trade him, then sign him again. Pretty good racket. I was in South Florida over the weekend, and they discussed trading him at this deadline and signing him again next year (whenever next year comes...).

I watched the Avs game last night. I didn't know the history there, but the fighting was intense, early and often. I loved Peter Worrell from his Panthers days. Mo-fo just looks like he was born to kick someone's ass.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
Double dola (only because I am the only one awake at this late hour. Well, late for you people, it's lunch time here).

Looks like the Derek Morris era in Colorado has come to an end. TSN reports Morris and a prospect were shipped to Phoenix for Chris Gratton and Ossi Vaananen. I like the name Ossi Vaananen. Morris never seemed to become the player everyone hoped he would in Colorado. Interesting deal. Colorado gets one more "tough" forward to go along with the likes of Cummins, Worrell, Barnaby (in his own way), etc.

I wondered if he (Morris) was going to go - you're right, he really isn't the guy they thought they were going to be getting. and now that Liles has blossomed into a good point guy on the power play, and they've brought in guys like Suaer and Boughner, Morris was expendable.

damn, I wish we had Drury back instead though.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
Interesting line on Brad May: 2 goals, 47 penalty minutes. I wonder if that is a record, most penalty minutes in one game in which a player scores 2 or more goals? Hmmm....

it was a little amusing to watch - after his first goal, he hit Aebischer, and probably should have received a minor penalty for that. a couple minutes later, he scored again, and again skated right over to Aebischer. that time, he got a 10 minute misconduct - I can only imagine what penalty he would have drawn for himself if he'd pulled off the hat trick. :D

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 07:18 AM

damn - TSN.CA is getting hammered it seems. is there another good site with trade stuff as it's happening?

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup
I watched the Avs game last night. I didn't know the history there, but the fighting was intense, early and often. I loved Peter Worrell from his Panthers days. Mo-fo just looks like he was born to kick someone's ass.

yeah, I've liked Worrell from the beginning. But it's funny - for all his size and toughness I don't really think he's a great fighter; I think his height and clumsiness (on skates) works against him a bit and he ends up being a being a decent fighter, but not a great one.

Ksyrup 03-09-2004 07:24 AM

I just pulled up the trade tracker, and it's showing Tommy Salo to Colorado, but TBA on who they gave up.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup
I just pulled up the trade tracker, and it's showing Tommy Salo to Colorado, but TBA on who they gave up.

damn, TSN, nice server...

I can live with Salo. I'm assuming Lacroix didn't give up the farm to get him.

Ksyrup 03-09-2004 07:39 AM

Salo and 6th rounder in 2004 for Tom Gilbert.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 07:49 AM

I'd assume the Avs are mostly done now...
they've got their goalie and their size and toughness up front.
now they just need their Forsberg.

sachmo71 03-09-2004 08:00 AM

Oh crap.

Val Bure? The most un-Stars type player in the league. Crap.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by sachmo71
Oh crap.

Val Bure? The most un-Stars type player in the league. Crap.

I raised an eyebrow at that as well.

Maple Leafs 03-09-2004 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
Colorado gets one more "tough" forward to go along with the likes of Cummins, Worrell, Barnaby (in his own way), etc.

Cummins? As in Jim Cummins? Don't tell me that punching bag is still in the league?

Barnaby has to be one of the most over-rated players in the league. He's a sideshow. And I give him credit for being willing to drop the gloves, but the guy loses every fight he's in, and usually loses badly. You have to wonder if he doesn't actually hurt his team by going out there and getting pummeled all the time.

Haven't seen the Bertuzzi hit yes, but it sounds awful. My guess is 16 games, which would be the rest of the season plus three playoff games. That would be enough to cost him a fortune and seriously damage the Canucks playoff chances without completely derailing them.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs
Haven't seen the Bertuzzi hit yes, but it sounds awful. My guess is 16 games, which would be the rest of the season plus three playoff games. That would be enough to cost him a fortune and seriously damage the Canucks playoff chances without completely derailing them.

it also might galvanize them into playing a bit better. but unless they are getting a goalie today and maybe some more scoring, none of it matters.

Honolulu_Blue 03-09-2004 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs
Cummins? As in Jim Cummins? Don't tell me that punching bag is still in the league?

I was as shocked as you were to learn this. He hoped on board during training camp (when Worrell was injured) and just sort of stuck. I think he's still with the team as far as I know. I can't stand him. He is in a very special circle of hockey players "Players H_B hates even when playing for the Wings." There haven't been that many (thank god), but there are a few...

corbes 03-09-2004 08:13 AM

Crazy Bob's Latest Trading Flurry:

-Got D Vladimir Malakhov from the Rangers for prospect Rick Kozak and a 2005 2nd rounder.

-Traded D Chris Therien to Dallas for a 2004 8th rounder and a 2005 3rd rounder.

-Planning to acquire D Greg de Vries from NYR this afternoon.

-No immediate truth to the rumor that he was going to send St. Louis' 5th round pick back to them for Eric Weinrich. This was actually, SERIOUSLY, a rumor yesterday.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 08:14 AM

Cummins is indeed still with the Avs...and gets a great seat (press box) for every game.

klayman 03-09-2004 08:24 AM

Well, crap. Who am I going to rag on now while watching the Oiler games?

henry296 03-09-2004 08:24 AM

Rumor in Pittsburgh is Alexi Morozov to Vancouver for former 1st round pick RJ Umberger (a Pittsburgh native) who is basically holding out.


Honolulu_Blue 03-09-2004 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by klayman
Well, crap. Who am I going to rag on now while watching the Oiler games?

Might I suggest... Cummins? Or if you want to rag on an Oil... How about Eric Brewer? Make him the new Poti.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by henry296
Rumor in Pittsburgh is Alexi Morozov to Vancouver for former 1st round pick RJ Umberger (a Pittsburgh native) who is basically holding out.


is Morozov a goalie now? :D

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 08:27 AM

damn TSN...

klayman 03-09-2004 08:28 AM

I like Brewer. That won't do. I think I'll stick McTavish and Lowe as my new scapegoats.

samifan24 03-09-2004 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger
yeah, I've liked Worrell from the beginning. But it's funny - for all his size and toughness I don't really think he's a great fighter; I think his height and clumsiness (on skates) works against him a bit and he ends up being a being a decent fighter, but not a great one.

Worrell could not skate backwards until midway through juniors.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by samifan24
Worrell could not skate backwards until midway through juniors.

I can't skate backwards now.
or forwards for that matter.

samifan24 03-09-2004 08:41 AM

You should try. Once you get the hang of it it's like riding a bike or driving a car and you never even think about it. Seriously, you should give it a shot sometime.

klayman 03-09-2004 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger
I can't skate backwards now.
or forwards for that matter.

Sad. When I was young, I had to skate to school in the morning, and backwards just to get home. ;)

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by samifan24
You should try. Once you get the hang of it it's like riding a bike or driving a car and you never even think about it. Seriously, you should give it a shot sometime.

it's a goal. I've kicked myself repeatedly for not learning when I was younger living in Canada. Had a friend who played and was willing to teach me to skate - just didn't have the patience.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 09:03 AM

finally can get to TSN. the Avs gave up Keith Ballard along with Morris in the Gratton/Vaananen which makes it seem like way too steep a price...

oh well.

Maple Leafs 03-09-2004 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by samifan24
Worrell could not skate backwards until midway through juniors.

If anyone is wondering, this isn't a joke. Worrell really couldn't skate in junior (he played in Hull, which is just outside of Ottawa).

Full credit to the guy, he worked hard and turned himself into enough of a player that he's made a living in the NHL.

MikeVic 03-09-2004 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger
finally can get to TSN. the Avs gave up Keith Ballard along with Morris in the Gratton/Vaananen which makes it seem like way too steep a price...

oh well.

I've always liked Morris.. I think this is too steep a price too.

Ksyrup 03-09-2004 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup
Salo and 6th rounder in 2004 for Tom Gilbert.

Apparently the 6th round pick is in 2005, not 2004 as originally reported.

Travis 03-09-2004 09:47 AM

Please, somebody tell me this Gilbert kid is an upcoming phenom. I mean, I know Salo hasn't been on the top of his game, but considering we couldn't get the kid for him straight up and had to toss in a draft pick to get the deal done, I'm really hoping Lowe is seeing something here.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Travis
Please, somebody tell me this Gilbert kid is an upcoming phenom. I mean, I know Salo hasn't been on the top of his game, but considering we couldn't get the kid for him straight up and had to toss in a draft pick to get the deal done, I'm really hoping Lowe is seeing something here.

former 5th round pick.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 10:04 AM

Canucks looking at Ron Francis?
that would be a great fit, IMO.

Leafs too...

Maple Leafs 03-09-2004 10:13 AM

First the Leafs get Calle Johnansson, now they're looking at Ron Francis?

I guess someone gave Ferguson a copy of NHL 95 for his birthday.

Draft Dodger 03-09-2004 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs
First the Leafs get Calle Johnansson, now they're looking at Ron Francis?

I guess someone gave Ferguson a copy of NHL 95 for his birthday.

you forgot Brian Leetch

bbor 03-09-2004 10:49 AM

The Leafs sign.......Calle Johansson...AHAHAHAH...that is funny....purely a depth move...he may not even get into a game.

Bertuzzi will be suspended for at least the remainder of the season...if not longer.

What's the story on Morris.....Why did the Avs give up on him?

Honolulu_Blue 03-09-2004 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs
First the Leafs get Calle Johnansson, now they're looking at Ron Francis?

I guess someone gave Ferguson a copy of NHL 95 for his birthday.

Old players are the way forward. 37+ are the key. That way, when you actually sign or trade for a player who is say, 33, you feel like you're getting a young kid, just ready to enter his prime. You're all like "33? Damn, he's still got another good 8-10 years left. What a steal!"

MikeVic 03-09-2004 10:58 AM

What is this Bertuzzi thing? I haven't seen it.. or even heard about it.. :(

bbor 03-09-2004 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by samifan24
Worrell could not skate backwards until midway through juniors.

Rob Ray STILL can't skate backwards.....or forwards for that matter:)

samifan24 03-09-2004 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by MikeVic
What is this Bertuzzi thing? I haven't seen it.. or even heard about it.. :(

Click here for footage of his attack on Colorado's Steve Moore.

bbor 03-09-2004 11:07 AM

we need a trade thread .this one takes too long to load

MikeVic 03-09-2004 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by samifan24
Click here for footage of his attack on Colorado's Steve Moore.

omg... did Moore do anything to Bertuzzi before that? If he didn't, Bertuzzi should definitely be suspended for the rest of the season and part of the playoffs too.

If Moore did something to Bertuzzi, Todd should still be suspended.. but maybe just the regular season. Must suck for Moore to glide his face on the ice like that too... :(

Maple Leafs 03-09-2004 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by bbor
Rob Ray STILL can't skate backwards.....or forwards for that matter:)

Actually, I bet the next time he sees Brashear coming Ray will be skating backwards very quickly.

Pyser 03-09-2004 11:24 AM

all stems back to moores hit on naslund 2 weeks ago that gave him a concussion.

bertuzzi should be suspended until well into the playoffs. that was awful, and embarassing for the sport.

MikeVic 03-09-2004 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Pyser
all stems back to moores hit on naslund 2 weeks ago that gave him a concussion.

bertuzzi should be suspended until well into the playoffs. that was awful, and embarassing for the sport.

I heard Marc Crawford yelling about that hit. Moore didn't get punished much for it, did he?

bbor 03-09-2004 11:25 AM

Leafs claim Chad Kilger off waivers

MikeVic 03-09-2004 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by bbor
Leafs claim Chad Kilger off waivers

Hah! Kilger! One of the men involved in the Selanne trade with the Jets... I remember putting Kilger on my 1st line in NHL 97 (or maybe 98?), trying to make him something special... it didn't work. :(

Pyser 03-09-2004 11:32 AM

no, moore was never punished.

well, until yesterday...

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