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MJ4H 02-27-2008 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by GrantDawg (Post 1670512)
Honestly, I think you and Wade have him prejudged, and there is not much he could ever do to open your minds. My wife sat beside me a cried as he sang that song. No emotion? Maybe to you, but my guess is you're in the small minority. He strikes me as pretty genuine, honestly. He has skill, which comes from experience, but he also seems to enjoy what he is doing. He'll never be my cup-of-tea, but I can at least credit him for being what he is, and that is performer who is head-and-shoulders above every other guy in this competition.

lordscarlet 02-27-2008 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by GrantDawg (Post 1670512)
Honestly, I think you and Wade have him prejudged, and there is not much he could ever do to open your minds. My wife sat beside me a cried as he sang that song. No emotion? Maybe to you, but my guess is you're in the small minority. He strikes me as pretty genuine, honestly. He has skill, which comes from experience, but he also seems to enjoy what he is doing. He'll never be my cup-of-tea, but I can at least credit him for being what he is, and that is performer who is head-and-shoulders above every other guy in this competition.

I don't have him prejudged at all. I had no problem with his first performance I don't believe. I was rather fond of his Hollywood performance. However, I got nothing from his Imagine performance. My wife didn't either. Wade's fiance did. I am not trying to say David is not talented or that he was not vocally superior last night to the rest of the group. I believe (feel free to quote me if I've forgotten something I said) that all I have said is that he butchered Imagine by taking the feeling out of it, in my opinion.

wade moore 02-27-2008 07:21 PM

I'm sure I'll love future performances and I too liked him in his previous performances.

I do, however, thing he needs to can the "aw shucks" very quickly - just like Melinda. You're good, you know it, don't act like you're shocked every time they continue to tell you that you're good.

kurtism 02-27-2008 08:23 PM

Watching on delay...

Kudos to whomever introduced Brooke to conditioner and a hairstylist. Very cute look for her tonight.

adubroff 02-27-2008 08:29 PM

I could have flipped this off after Carly and been happy. I'm hoping we can lose Amanda this week, I just don't think there's anything there, not even comic relief.

Carly - great song choice and strong leadoff.
Ramiela - I liked this performance, she nailed a few of the bigger moments here.
Alexandrea - controlled and solid. simple and melodic.
Asia - she hit the high parts of the song quite well...
Alena - solid performance of a really good song. I think it fit her well. Judges were unneccessarily harsh.
Kristy Lee Cook - I love the song she chose but she didn't nail it.
Brooke - unimpressive. didn't hit the big moments
Syesha - very average, good on the finish
Kady Malloy - She picked a power song and bunted.
Amanda - creepy. Reminds me of someone brett michaels would have gotten rid of on the first night

RedKingGold 02-27-2008 08:30 PM

The two that go home tomorrow have to be from the group of Ramiele (#4), Amanda (#6), Alexandrea (#8), or Asia'h (#10)

I'll give Kady (#9) a pass, but she's starting to wear thin on me too.

RedKingGold 02-27-2008 08:34 PM

I get the feeling it'll be Alexandrea and Ramiele.

I think Ramiele's performance is the most forgettable of the evening, and nothing really sets her apart from the other contestents.

Alexandrea was just bad and knew she was bad.

I think Asia'h will be close, but she'll likely get enough of the sympathy vote for getting sick and being the last one to perform is an advantage (whether good or bad).

Easy Mac 02-27-2008 08:37 PM

Quick thoughts:
1. Brooke - i was wondering if i was the only one who noticed her passing off the bigger notes in the song to the backup singers.
2. Irish McLassie - Much better than last week, but she just irks me in an "I'm the Leprechaun" sort of way.
3. Syesha - I honestly don't remember her, which is probably good, since after the first 2, it was absolutely horrible.
4. Alaina - I didn't think she was bad, just boring... but totally jailbait if not for the gap-tooth.
5. Polynesia - She was much worse than last week... and her pants were about to explode.
6. Kady - She wasn't good, but she wasn't the worst this week.
7. Horsegirl - She looks totally hot in a baseball cap, but barely average glammed up, much like her singing.
8. Alexandrea - A confusing name for a confusing performance, totally butchered the song. If you're outsung by Chicago, something is wrong, she just needs to sing the lipgloss song... but otherwise, I totally loved her last week.
9. Asia'hhhhhhhhhh - Horrible, she may have been sick, but horrible.
10. Scratchy - Kill her and Archuleta, please.

My voting off:
Kady and Scratchy, though I wish they could just take one of the boy's spots out the door for Kristy

Drake 02-27-2008 08:40 PM

This may have been the worst night in reality television history...just horrible performances from start to finish.

kurtism 02-27-2008 08:43 PM

I thought Kristy Lee Cook's clingy silver shirt gave a bravura performance...

lordscarlet 02-27-2008 08:44 PM

I probably won't get to watching the girls tonight. :(

Easy Mac 02-27-2008 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by kurtism (Post 1670761)
I thought Kristy Lee Cook's clingy silver shirt gave a bravura performance...

I wanted to be one of her horses and go neighhhhhhh

Thomkal 02-27-2008 09:08 PM

well the second half of the show was pretty awful and the first half was only above average for me, not great. I actually like Kristy the best tonight-not the best voice, but I liked the attitude and confidence in the performance. I'd put Brooke, Carly, and Syesha (I really liked the way she sang the words Me and Mr. Jones, not so much the rest of the song) a notch below her.

And the rest except Amanda in a pick your own spot for the "best of the mess." Amanda deserves the bottom spot all to her own and will no doubt be the subject of the "vote for the worse" site. She goes home for sure, and I wouldn't be disappointed to see any of the "best of the mess" go home except Alaina. I'll go with Alexandrea though.

Subby 02-27-2008 09:09 PM

I hope Kady gets it together. She is extremely likeable and obviously has talent in there somewhere.

Oh right and she's hot.

korme 02-27-2008 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by RedKingGold (Post 1670751)
I get the feeling it'll be Alexandrea and Ramiele.

I think Ramiele's performance is the most forgettable of the evening, and nothing really sets her apart from the other contestents.

a) shes cute
b) shes like 4'5
c) shes asian


korme 02-27-2008 09:33 PM

Kady is much hotter than her comparable half, Alaina

Anyone who doesn't agree with me has the Danny Noriega gene

GrantDawg 02-27-2008 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Subby (Post 1670813)
I hope Kady gets it together. She is extremely likeable and obviously has talent in there somewhere.

Oh right and she's hot.

Subby has my poxy. :D

GrantDawg 02-27-2008 09:52 PM

Girls were not great tonight. Amanda bombed, which is sad because she does have an interesting voice. She should be gone unless she gets that "keep her in to make the show bad" vote. I can't put a finger on who else really should go. A number of bad performance, but I still say the girls have much better talent than the guys overall. It was just not a great week for several.

I will say that so far none of the girls have really had a "wow" song yet. Usually by this time you've had at least one that impresses you. David so far has been the only memorable performance this season. Carly has to be the favorite on the girl side, but she's not way over the other girls like David.

Schmidty 02-27-2008 09:55 PM

Who's Scratchy? I haven't watched since they got to Hollywood.

Jim G. 02-27-2008 10:06 PM

Tonight's column is up. Ugh. Hard to do the rankings when there wasn't a lot to pick and choose from.

Overall: A night where nearly everyone struggled, and descended into a mosh pit of pedestrian performance art. Poor song choices abounded, and too many of the girls confused random pacing for individuality.

Ksyrup 02-27-2008 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by GrantDawg (Post 1670512)
No emotion? Maybe to you,

Well, duh!

Look, we'll just agree to disagree here. Obviously, music's effect on people is a personal thing. I know people who get emotional at hokey patriotic country songs, too, and the only reaction they get from me is eye rolls. I don't even remember what I said about his first performance, if anything. He's a very good singer. I just don't find his performance style to be genuine, but that's my problem, not his.

I'll stick to my opinion of his performances and end up buying his records for my girls, and you can quit your day job and manage Amanda's budding rock star career. Deal?

Ksyrup 02-27-2008 10:13 PM

BTW, I don't mean to pour salt into the wound, but I'll be damned if Amanda didn't exceed every expectation I had of her when I saw what she was singing and her look for the night. She was the complete package of flaming horribleness, and proved that she is really nothing more than a Joplin impersonator. She has absolutely no voice outside of the Joplin Wail. And worse yet, she looked a bit like Rosy O'Donnell at Glamour Shots.

Quite possibly the worst, most limited top 24 contestant ever. I appreciate her authenticity, but she is so overmatched it's somewhat sad. But funny, nonetheless.

zums 02-27-2008 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1670855)
Kady is much hotter than her comparable half, Alaina

Anyone who doesn't agree with me has the Danny Noriega gene

I concur.

Also, my favorite girl is Asia'h. Love her voice, and she's cute when her hair is short & curly, not so much like tonight though

Ksyrup 02-27-2008 10:24 PM

If Brooke could choose a Tori Amos song one week, I'd be extremely happy. I don't hear the Melissa Etheridge thing that Jim mentioned, at all. She has that adult contemporary, slightly off-kilter, independent, brainy thing going on. She looks like she works in an independent book store and plays coffeehouses at night. Totally wrong for this competition, but probably the best of the girls.

MJ4H 02-27-2008 10:26 PM

Hilarious to see that joke that was Amanda finally exposed. Ludicrous that she was put through (and I said as much every time I saw her).

Best tonight:

Carly, Brooke, Syesha.

After that there were a couple of also rans and a lot of bombs. Kristy and Alaina were aight. Well, Alaina. Hmm. She did miss pretty badly a couple of times. Still she seems like she could hit a homerun at least once so you get the urge to keep pitching to her.

Amanda and are gone for sure. I dunno, Alexandrea? Ramiele? As good a guess as any, I suppose.

I spent most of the night punching my dog from that and the worst performance by an Arkansas basketball team I've ever seen.

Ksyrup 02-27-2008 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by MattJones4Heisman (Post 1670897)
Hilarious to see that joke that was Amanda finally exposed. Ludicrous that she was put through (and I said as much every time I saw her).

See, I knew you and I could find common ground! :D

korme 02-27-2008 11:53 PM

Agreed about Asia'h, I'm also a fan of Syesha in those departments, both those two resemble each other alot in that they are always smiling

Ksyrup 02-28-2008 06:27 AM

I thought the first 2/3rds of Asia'h's song was terrible, but she finally found the right notes towards the end. I don't like her voice, though. Too husky and hoarse. Even when she's not sick, she has a difficult time singing the beginning of lines - her voice is just not there. It's almost like it has to "warm up" for a couple of notes in each phrase before sound will come out.

She was a big disappointment, because of how off-key she was for pretty much the entire first part of that song, and the fact that she wasted the prime performance position.

Ksyrup 02-28-2008 06:35 AM

BTW, has anyone else picked up on Simon's strange "half a moose antler" thing he does while talking this season? It's driving my wife nuts for some reason. He leans his one arm on Paula's chair, puts his thumb on the side of his head, and his hand hangs out there like antlers while he talks. Between that and the microphone issue (which it appears they thankfully fixed this week), my wife has been going crazy. They changed the judges' mics this week, but the last couple of weeks you could hear a slight bang every time one of the judges put his/her arm or hand down on the table. It was driving my wife crazy.

Ksyrup 02-28-2008 07:34 AM

If Amanda's still around, and it's only early songs, then I guess Helter Skelter is out. Which is about the only thing she could probably pull off...

American Idol’ to feature Beatles songs when Top 12 finalists perform
“When the Top 12 sing for the first time this season, it will be the music of Lennon and McCartney,” he told Seacrest. “We’ve given them a list because it’s all of the early songs — from ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’ to ‘Got to Get You Into My Life.’ These fantastic songs. It’s one of the few areas that everybody knows.”

Idol’s ability to secure the songbook’s usage apparently happened fairly quickly. During a December conference call with reporters, Lythgoe said Idol still didn’t have the rights to the songbook.

“If that Lennon/McCartney songbook were open to us, I would love that,” gushed Lythgoe. “At the same time, I would really like it when we have got our best singers. I would hate to ruin Beatles material. I really would.”

During his conversation with Seacrest, Lythgoe allegedly that the talent level of Idol’s seventh-season contestants is the reason why Sony/ATV made the songbook available.

Ksyrup 02-28-2008 07:38 AM

Holy moly...the DialIdol predictions are, um, interesting.


cuervo72 02-28-2008 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1670893)
If Brooke could choose a Tori Amos song one week, I'd be extremely happy. I don't hear the Melissa Etheridge thing that Jim mentioned, at all. She has that adult contemporary, slightly off-kilter, independent, brainy thing going on. She looks like she works in an independent book store and plays coffeehouses at night. Totally wrong for this competition, but probably the best of the girls.

I wonder how she'd do Tom's Diner or What I Am.

Ksyrup 02-28-2008 08:39 AM

Yes, that Edie Brickell song would work for her, too.

IrishHand 02-28-2008 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1671013)
Holy moly...the DialIdol predictions are, um, interesting.
Apparently VFTW is working overtime.

If they were working overtime, wouldn't they have done more for their "guy" choice the day before?

Ksyrup 02-28-2008 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by IrishHand (Post 1671051)
If they were working overtime, wouldn't they have done more for their "guy" choice the day before?

Just so I don't get accused of spoiling anything...


INDalltheway 02-28-2008 10:30 AM

Local radios around here are saying someone in Indiana is selling nudie pictures of Amanda Overmyer to the highest bidder... haha I am not kidding. Also she has had several DUI's etc, etc.

Ksyrup 02-28-2008 10:53 AM

Talk about a fucking spoiler. No way I'm eating lunch after reading THAT!

korme 02-28-2008 11:02 AM

How many get voted out tonight? 2 or 4?

rkmsuf 02-28-2008 11:02 AM

She's a triple threat. A 'BBB' if you will.


Ksyrup 02-28-2008 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1671180)
How many get voted out tonight? 2 or 4?

Four - 2 of each.

Same next week.

IrishHand 02-28-2008 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1671075)
Just so I don't get accused of spoiling anything...


Yeah, those numbers are hard to explain. I think it's pretty obvious that she's the least talented/able singer of the current 20. One-trick pony, melodically inept, etc, etc, etc.

My first thought was that there might be a disproportionate number of DialIdol users who are VFTW adherents, but that was squashed by their "guy" predictions.

My latest theory is that a significant % of Idol voters didn't bother to vote due to a lack of inspiration on the part of the female options - unlike the day before, when Archuleta's performance (and the judge's subsequent promotion of it) was far more likely to inspire a large "turnout", if you will. It just seems to me that the guys are a lot more dynamic (though I would still argue that this is the weakest Idol cast in several seasons).

IrishHand 02-28-2008 12:19 PM



Originally Posted by INDalltheway (Post 1671143)
Local radios around here are saying someone in Indiana is selling nudie pictures of Amanda Overmyer to the highest bidder... haha I am not kidding. Also she has had several DUI's etc, etc.


Originally Posted by rkmsuf (Post 1671181)
She's a triple threat. A 'BBB' if you will.

Is there any way we can restrict the words "nudie" and "bush" from appearing in close proximity to the name of a non-hottie? At least during mealtimes? There are some mental images that should only be conjured up by more deviant forums imo.

rkmsuf 02-28-2008 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by IrishHand (Post 1671295)

Is there any way we can restrict the words "nudie" and "bush" from appearing in close proximity to the name of a non-hottie? At least during mealtimes? There are some mental images that should only be conjured up by more deviant forums imo.

look on the bright side. odds are that she doesn't have vd.

Eaglesfan27 02-28-2008 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1670461)
I'm hoping that was his way of trying to entice people to look at the spoiler.

I mean, really, really hoping.

I'm just catching up, but I hope so as well. Also, I think she was in the bottom 2 of the girls last night and deserves to go based on the composite performances of the last 2 weeks. I agree with Ksyrup that she has her fans and probably won't go, but she deserves to. My wife wants Kristy to go. I don't think she liked my reaction to her initial dance when they introduced the top 24..


Originally Posted by GrantDawg (Post 1670512)
Honestly, I think you and Wade have him prejudged, and there is not much he could ever do to open your minds. My wife sat beside me a cried as he sang that song. No emotion? Maybe to you, but my guess is you're in the small minority. He strikes me as pretty genuine, honestly. He has skill, which comes from experience, but he also seems to enjoy what he is doing. He'll never be my cup-of-tea, but I can at least credit him for being what he is, and that is performer who is head-and-shoulders above every other guy in this competition.

Agreed. I think he sings with emotion and is a strong performer. I think this kid is going to be a huge star.

Eaglesfan27 02-28-2008 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1670989)
BTW, has anyone else picked up on Simon's strange "half a moose antler" thing he does while talking this season? It's driving my wife nuts for some reason. He leans his one arm on Paula's chair, puts his thumb on the side of his head, and his hand hangs out there like antlers while he talks. Between that and the microphone issue (which it appears they thankfully fixed this week), my wife has been going crazy. They changed the judges' mics this week, but the last couple of weeks you could hear a slight bang every time one of the judges put his/her arm or hand down on the table. It was driving my wife crazy.

Yes, I've picked up on that and it is also annoying me.

Ksyrup 02-28-2008 12:52 PM

Once again, last night, my wife says in the middle of Kristy Lee's performance - "She's really pretty." That was at least the third time. I immediately said, "OH YES SHE IS," and kept staring straight forward, eventually doing one of those slow head turns about 10 seconds later to see her glaring at me.

"What? I was just agreeing with you!"

Eaglesfan27 02-28-2008 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1671334)
Once again, last night, my wife says in the middle of Kristy Lee's performance - "She's really pretty." That was at least the third time. I immediately said, "OH YES SHE IS," and kept staring straight forward, eventually doing one of those slow head turns about 10 seconds later to see her glaring at me.

"What? I was just agreeing with you!"

My wife usually makes comments like that about pretty girls, but she hates Kristy. Like I said, I may have overreacted to her opening dance.

Also, those predictions from dialidol are insane.

Ksyrup 02-28-2008 01:00 PM

The one chick I can think of that my wife absolutely hated and I kept egging her on about how good looking she was, was that Janelle chick from Big Brother. Oh the fun I had watching that show!

Easy Mac 02-28-2008 04:52 PM

from tmz

Amanda Overmyer pleaded guilty to DUI back in October 2006 near her hometown of Mulberry, In. She received a suspended sentence of 60 days and was placed on 180 days probation, which ended in August 2007.

korme 02-28-2008 05:54 PM

Why is that breaking news? Who gives a shit

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