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sabotai 06-09-2005 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors
Am I the only one who plays (or will play) strictly as a GM? I admit that I choose which players dress and which don't, but I don't set lines or strategies. I let the head coach handle that. Hell, I don't even watch the games. I just look at the boxscore and stats. I was tempted to ask whether I was really missing the way the game was "supposed to be" enjoyed, but since I'm having fun, it doesn't really matter if I only choose to do certain things. I just want to know if anyone else has decided to do this the same way, out of curiosity.

When I did my old EHM Moose Jaw dynasty, I played strictly as GM, even letting the coach decide who sat and who dressed. I haven't decided if I will play this way in the new game. For the dynasty, I probably will at least start it out that way and maybe take on a little more control from time to time.

jbmagic 06-09-2005 07:10 PM

you guys do your own practice setup or let the coach do that too?

Bee 06-09-2005 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by RPI-Fan
If/when I get the game, this will be the way I play.

me too

RPI-Fan 06-09-2005 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
you guys do your own practice setup or let the coach do that too?

For me, that is ABSOLUTELY a coach thing.

I love the idea of being a true GM, unlike FM, or really any other text sim.

Not saying I don't like FM, it's just that there is a lot more to do management-wise in hockey. In addition to being the GM, I like to think of myself as a financial guru, scouting director, and staff manager. Coach, however, is not something I enjoy doing in these kinds of games as much. Glad that EHM gives you the opportunity to pass things off.

jbmagic 06-09-2005 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by RPI-Fan
For me, that is ABSOLUTELY a coach thing.

I love the idea of being a true GM, unlike FM, or really any other text sim.

Not saying I don't like FM, it's just that there is a lot more to do management-wise in hockey. In addition to being the GM, I like to think of myself as a financial guru, scouting director, and staff manager. Coach, however, is not something I enjoy doing in these kinds of games as much. Glad that EHM gives you the opportunity to pass things off.

yep. i like playing that way sometimes and sometime si like coaching and doing my own tactics, etc

do you guys know how to make the coach handle the practice?

i playing the gold demo, no manual. just to get a feel for it before i make the purchase.

RPI-Fan 06-09-2005 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
yep. i like playing that way sometimes and sometime si like coaching and doing my own tactics, etc

do you guys know how to make the coach handle the practice?

i playing the gold demo, no manual. just to get a feel for it before i make the purchase.

Goto "General Manager", or whatever that main drop-down menu for your team is, and there's "General Manager Options"... from there, just say "Do NOT Coach Games", and if you want the coach to handle basic roster moves, etc. say "Do NOT use current lineups, etc."

Let me know if you have any problems,

sabotai 06-09-2005 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
do you guys know how to make the coach handle the practice?

Got to General Manager on the menu bar, click on General Manager Options.

There is an option there that says "Head Coach takes control of practice?". Set that to YES and the Head Coach will control the practices.

If you want the Head Coach to handle everything, set the options to this:

Coach Games Yourself? - NO
Head Coach takes control of Exhibition Games? - YES
Head Coach takes control of practice? - YES
Use current tactics? - NO
Use current team selection when possible? - NO
Use current lines when possible? - NO

Right now I just have the demo, so if I got any of these wrong, hopefully someone will correct me. But that's how it looks to be if you want the Head Coach to control as much as the game will let him.

JeffR 06-09-2005 10:14 PM

Yeah, I think those settings will turn over the maximum amount of control to your staff. I guess you could also use the vacation mode and set the AI not to make any deals for you while you're away, but that wouldn't be too practical if you wanted to look at the results of each game you played.

klayman 06-09-2005 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors
Am I the only one who plays (or will play) strictly as a GM? I admit that I choose which players dress and which don't, but I don't set lines or strategies. I let the head coach handle that. Hell, I don't even watch the games. I just look at the boxscore and stats. I was tempted to ask whether I was really missing the way the game was "supposed to be" enjoyed, but since I'm having fun, it doesn't really matter if I only choose to do certain things. I just want to know if anyone else has decided to do this the same way, out of curiosity.

That's how I play, unless I get to the point where I can't find a head coach to run the team, then I will take over that role as well.

MizzouRah 06-09-2005 11:41 PM

I'm just digging into the manual, but I plan to (I think) setup my team... lines and all. I often get ticket at the lines the current coach of the Blues sends out there. If I stink, I may let my coach take more of an active role with the team.


Logan 06-10-2005 01:07 AM

Back when I played (the free) EHM, I used to set up my own lines just because I wanted certain guys playing together. For example, I would always put a tough/semi-goon wing on the side of one of my young developing centers. And I would always have a line of all kids. If/when I pick this up, I'll do the same.

jbmagic 06-10-2005 01:52 AM

thanks guys. i got my coach to handle the practice.

this game is so fun.

only part i don't understand is waivers. i read the nhl rules. i playing NHL league, and i went to waivers section and i see some players have a check mark for waivers, but it wont let me unmark it and pick who i want to go on waivers.

there some good players i dont want to lose to waivers. but they have a checkmark for waivers and cant take it off.

not sure how waivers really works in EHM or in the NHL. who gets eligible for it, etc. kinda confusing :)

jbmagic 06-10-2005 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by sabotai
Head Coach takes control of Exhibition Games? - YES


so if i set to yes, my head coach will schedule the exhibition games for me and accept invitation too?

JeffR 06-10-2005 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
only part i don't understand is waivers. i read the nhl rules. i playing NHL league, and i went to waivers section and i see some players have a check mark for waivers, but it wont let me unmark it and pick who i want to go on waivers.

there some good players i dont want to lose to waivers. but they have a checkmark for waivers and cant take it off.

not sure how waivers really works in EHM or in the NHL. who gets eligible for it, etc. kinda confusing :)

You can't change the waiver status - that depends on their age and how many games they've played. The NHL waiver rules are dozens of paragraphs long (they're at if you want to read the whole thing), but, generally, as soon as a guy has played a couple of seasons or is out of his early 20's, he has to go through waivers before he can be sent down to the minors. The idea is to give veteran players a chance at getting picked up by a different team rather than getting stuck on the farm forever.

jbmagic 06-10-2005 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by JeffR
You can't change the waiver status - that depends on their age and how many games they've played. The NHL waiver rules are dozens of paragraphs long (they're at if you want to read the whole thing), but, generally, as soon as a guy has played a couple of seasons or is out of his early 20's, he has to go through waivers before he can be sent down to the minors. The idea is to give veteran players a chance at getting picked up by a different team rather than getting stuck on the farm forever.

thanks JeffR

so the only time i have to worry about waivers is if i send the eligible waiver players to the minor.

i wont have to worry about the waiver draft either unless i send them to the minors.

makes a lot of sense now. thanks

MizzouRah 06-10-2005 08:35 AM

One thing to riz..

58 pages of reading is quite appreciated! I thought the days of a decent manual to help familiarize yourself with a game were over quite some time ago, but you have restored my faith.. and I thank you for that!

I'm reading this thing from cover to cover and actually I've learned quite a bit I didn't know.


Booj 06-10-2005 10:51 AM

WOO HOO! Got the game today... will get my dynasty started soon...

sachmo71 06-10-2005 10:55 AM

Any more news on the download version?

Marc Vaughan 06-10-2005 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by sachmo71
Any more news on the download version?

Still waiting for the people in suits to finish eating their donuts ...

(ie. stalled awaiting approval ...)

sachmo71 06-10-2005 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Marc Vaughan
Still waiting for the people in suits to finish eating their donuts ...

(ie. stalled awaiting approval ...)

Damn it! Why do they always do that?

sachmo71 06-10-2005 11:02 AM

Dola, are donuts big in England?

jbmagic 06-10-2005 11:06 AM

hey guys i found some tutorial for EHM.

some are updated for ehm 2005 and some are from ehm 2004.

it gives you a good guideline to understand the game better.

sovereignstar 06-10-2005 11:43 AM

uh-oh someone got their EHM 2005 in under 19 hours making the baseball team thread a moot point...

BigDPW 06-10-2005 11:52 AM

Is there anyway to get a scouting report like your scouts give you on players not on your team and you prospects but for your own players on the roster (like Jeff Oneill is a more talented version of "BLANK") This would really help me understand my players better but all I get is the coaches opinion which is not as much detail as the scouts!

RPI-Fan 06-10-2005 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by BigDPW
Is there anyway to get a scouting report like your scouts give you on players not on your team and you prospects but for your own players on the roster (like Jeff Oneill is a more talented version of "BLANK") This would really help me understand my players better but all I get is the coaches opinion which is not as much detail as the scouts!

I'm not sure if this will work, but try going to the scout menu, then scouting a "Team", and just scout your own team (and/or your affiliates).

I know the game lets you do this action, but not sure if it will give you the same scouting report as for guys not on your team.

Speaking of which, I just messed around with the scouting last night and had no idea how good it was! Really an ideal set-up for scouting. If the digital download is available anytime before Monday, I think I'm definitely going to end up buying it.


jbmagic 06-10-2005 12:06 PM

the more scouts you hire the better.

how many trainers, assistant coaches, scouts, etc can you have?

Assistant GM
Head coach
5 assistant coaches
15 scouts including head scout
3 physios

here a good tip i read:

"Head coach: I always want a really high adaptability rating foremost. High tactics, determination, motivation, man management and working with youngsters. Actual coaching for defensemen, forwards and goalies isn't important to me for my head coach. I also like to find coaches with a preferred style that fits my team (usually a direct attacking style with the teams I tend to build).

Assistant coaches: I am similar to Borlag in that I get asst. coaches that specialize. I want at least one coach that is highly rated (18+) in one of each of the following categories: Coaching defensemen, coaching forwards, and coaching goalies for my 3 position assistants (as well as "technique-based"). I would look for motivation/discipline/determination in my conditioning coach, and also for the line "conditioning-based" in the "coaching style" field. Determination, Motivation, Adaptability and working with youngsters are all great fields to be good at.

Trainers: 20 in Physio. That's all you need... though a good reputation might help too. Nothing else matters.

Scouts: Judging Potential and Judging Ability are the only things that matter. I tend to permanently assign scouts to leagues:
--1 to each of the CHL Junior leagues (WHL, OHL, QMJHL)
--1 each to the NHL, AHL, ECHL
--1 each to the US, Canada, Scandanavia, Central Europe, Eastern Europe
--a free floater that does temporary and rotating individual country searches in Eastern and Central Europe (Germany, Russia, Slovakia, Czech Rep., rinse and repeat)
--1 scout for next opponent
--1 to rotate through the US college leagues
--Finally a head scout that gets assigned to all the international games and to NHL entry drafts. I'll also pull the guys off of Canada, US and ECHL/AHL searches to do these international games and entry draft searches too.

For scouts that are going to be permanently in a junior league or NCAA US college league floaters, I want a 18+ in judging potential. Judging ability can be in the low teens. For all others, I want at least 16+ in both judging ratings. For my head scout, I settle for nothing less than 20/20 in both judging ratings. If any scout falls below 14 in their required rating, I fire them on the spot (you don't owe them money for the rest of the contract like you would in FM). I also try and get scouts from the country that they are going to be scouting (ie. a swedish scout for the Scandanavia search, a Russian or Czech scout for the Eastern Europe search, US guys for US leagues, Canadian for Canadian searches, etc etc)

For best effect in training, don't assign any of your coaches to more than 3 different fields (ie. tactics, off. skill, def. skill, etc) in practice."

riz 06-10-2005 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by MizzouRah
One thing to riz..

58 pages of reading is quite appreciated! I thought the days of a decent manual to help familiarize yourself with a game were over quite some time ago, but you have restored my faith.. and I thank you for that!

I'm reading this thing from cover to cover and actually I've learned quite a bit I didn't know.


I'll forward your thanks to Phil (Juni on our boards) who is our research database mastermind. He also wrote the manual as one of his tasks working on the game. So kudos to him :D

jbmagic 06-10-2005 01:08 PM


the game is excellent.

enjoying the gold demo so far. trying to get familar with everything before i buy it. my first time ever playing EHM. i never ever play FM before either. so the SI interface is all new to me.

i see SI has great support for there games. if something is wrong they will patch it up quickly. that awesome.

if you change your tactics a lot, does that hurt the players and team to do well because they have to learn a new tactic?

does great training and practice makes a differnce in the team and player performance?

i hope there no super tactic that does well with any team in ehm 2005 and its unstoppable.

if i let my head coach the team, is there a way after the game to see what tactic, team order,lineup, etc they use if i have it setup not to use my current tactic and lineup? if so where?


Honolulu_Blue 06-10-2005 01:17 PM

So, I just finished my third season with the Caps. Finally made the play-offs, but lost and lost badly to New Jersey in the 2nd round, 4-1.

Just finished the draft. I didn't have a pick until the third round because I went on a trading frenzy. I got caught up in the heat of things I started trading like a mad man at the deadline. Did bring in Justin Williams and Henrik Zetterberg, so I can't complain too much.

Anyway, it's July first and I check my finances. The payroll is right around US $40 million. Almost perfect, given that's been the team's personal "cap" since I started. But then I get some message about the team buying the arena and another one about a payout to shareholders. Then, all of a sudden my payroll budget has ballooned to a whopping US $56 million! :eek:

I guess the short, but exciting playoff run and the young, exciting team I have managed to put together has paid off. And there are a lot of free agents just waiting to join the NHL's best, most exciting up and coming franchise!

MizzouRah 06-10-2005 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by riz
I'll forward your thanks to Phil (Juni on our boards) who is our research database mastermind. He also wrote the manual as one of his tasks working on the game. So kudos to him :D

Yes, please do! :D

Balldog 06-10-2005 01:30 PM

Is this game available for download?

sabotai 06-10-2005 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by sachmo71
Damn it! Why do they always do that?

Because they get paid by the hour.

scooter 06-10-2005 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Balldog
Is this game available for download?

Not yet. I wouldn't expect anything before Monday at this point.

klayman 06-10-2005 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
thanks JeffR

so the only time i have to worry about waivers is if i send the eligible waiver players to the minor.

i wont have to worry about the waiver draft either unless i send them to the minors.

makes a lot of sense now. thanks

Not quite. At the beginning of the season there is a waiver draft, where you can only protect 20 players (18 skaters and 2 goalies) that are waiver eligible. Regardless of their status (pro team or minors). Therefore if you hold on to 3 goalies (for example) which are all qualified under the wavier rules, one of them would have to go unprotected during the draft.

That said, there are different qualifications for the waiver draft and regular season waivers, but the player profile tells you if the player is exempt from either one or not.

jbmagic 06-10-2005 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by klayman
Not quite. At the beginning of the season there is a waiver draft, where you can only protect 20 players (18 skaters and 2 goalies) that are waiver eligible. Regardless of their status (pro team or minors). Therefore if you hold on to 3 goalies (for example) which are all qualified under the wavier rules, one of them would have to go unprotected during the draft.

That said, there are different qualifications for the waiver draft and regular season waivers, but the player profile tells you if the player is exempt from either one or not.


but there already mark after i created the new league for my team.

we dont get a chance to unmark and mark who we want to protect?

Honolulu_Blue 06-10-2005 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by jbmagic

but there already mark after i created the new league for my team.

we dont get a chance to unmark and mark who we want to protect?

You do. You will be prompted to protect 2 goalies and 18 skaters prior to the waiver draft which happens shortly before the season begins. Certain players are excluded from the waiver draft, so you can't/there is no need to protect them.

This only pertains to the waiver draft, however. If you want to send a player to the minors during the regular season and they are eligible for waivers, they must clear waivers before being assigned.

jbmagic 06-10-2005 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
You do. You will be prompted to protect 2 goalies and 18 skaters prior to the waiver draft which happens shortly before the season begins. Certain players are excluded from the waiver draft, so you can't/there is no need to protect them.

This only pertains to the waiver draft, however. If you want to send a player to the minors during the regular season and they are eligible for waivers, they must clear waivers before being assigned.

ahh thanks so much.

this game is very deep. loving it.

JPhillips 06-10-2005 04:24 PM

Fantastic game. If OOTP7 gets this kind of treatment I'll cry like a little girl.

I love the team report and team needs sections. I finally feel like my coach has a personality. Great scouting and the draft is even better. Congrats Riz on a super product.

BigDPW 06-10-2005 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by RPI-Fan
I'm not sure if this will work, but try going to the scout menu, then scouting a "Team", and just scout your own team (and/or your affiliates).

I know the game lets you do this action, but not sure if it will give you the same scouting report as for guys not on your team.

Speaking of which, I just messed around with the scouting last night and had no idea how good it was! Really an ideal set-up for scouting. If the digital download is available anytime before Monday, I think I'm definitely going to end up buying it.


I tried what you recommended but have yet to get a scouting report on my own players... At the NHL level this is not so much a concern but I feel like at lower levels when the players are less known to me I would like to know what their projection is for the future who they play like what there strengths are just like the guys I scout from other teams without having to distill all of their ratings down myself... Anyone else feel this way or know a way to do it??? Maybe Riz can comment on this... I am waiting for the download version to come online eagerly and this is the only complaint I have about the game so far on the gold demo...

sovereignstar 06-10-2005 08:50 PM

Could someone provide a little background info on the four American minor leagues? I know a little about the AHL and that it's considered to be the 'AAA' hockey league, but not very much about the other three leagues. How would you rank the leagues? Is the style of play different in each league? Is each of them affiliated with the NHL (and if so how)? Anything else unique about the leagues?

Thanks in advance

JeffR 06-10-2005 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by BigDPW
I tried what you recommended but have yet to get a scouting report on my own players....

Scouting your own team will get the report for all your players eventually - you may have to wait a couple of weeks for them to show up, though. The Assistant GM's team report will also give you a depth-chart breakdown of everybody you own the rights to, and highlight the best players for certain skills.

JeffR 06-10-2005 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by sovereignstar
Could someone provide a little background info on the four American minor leagues? I know a little about the AHL and that it's considered to be the 'AAA' hockey league, but not very much about the other three leagues. How would you rank the leagues? Is the style of play different in each league? Is each of them affiliated with the NHL (and if so how)? Anything else unique about the leagues?

Thanks in advance

Replied to you over in the SI forum - there's already a thread there going into a bit of detail about the minor leagues.

sovereignstar 06-10-2005 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by JeffR
Replied to you over in the SI forum - there's already a thread there going into a bit of detail about the minor leagues.


Joe Canadian 06-10-2005 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by JeffR
Scouting your own team will get the report for all your players eventually - you may have to wait a couple of weeks for them to show up, though.

This really should be the responsibility of the Ass. GM... and at the very least you should have an option to scout "All Contracted Players" & "All Unisgned Prospects". The scouting in EHM is fantastic... but if there was an area of improvement this would be it.

klayman 06-11-2005 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
ahh thanks so much.

this game is very deep. loving it.

Yeah, the checkmarks are just to show you who is eligible for each waiver.

jbmagic 06-11-2005 12:18 AM

i posted this at SI

maybe some of you guys will know.

i see we have tactics, team order and individual order.

what order does the game look at?
because all three have some things the same.

for example Hitting

if i set tactic to hard hitting, team order to easy hitting and individual to normal hitting.

which one will it use?

JeffR 06-11-2005 01:22 AM

Individual tactics first, then line, then team.

JeffR 06-11-2005 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
This really should be the responsibility of the Ass. GM... and at the very least you should have an option to scout "All Contracted Players" & "All Unisgned Prospects". The scouting in EHM is fantastic... but if there was an area of improvement this would be it.

Yeah, makes sense. There are a few options for scouting targets that are still CM holdovers and could probably get changed/removed, too.

Maple Leafs 06-11-2005 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
This really should be the responsibility of the Ass. GM... and at the very least you should have an option to scout "All Contracted Players" & "All Unisgned Prospects". The scouting in EHM is fantastic... but if there was an area of improvement this would be it.


It just seems silly that you have to specifically ask someone to tell you if the players on your own team are any good. And the "ask coach" function holds very little use -- the reply you get is so basic that I suspect most people stop using it after the first two or three times.

samifan24 06-11-2005 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs

It just seems silly that you have to specifically ask someone to tell you if the players on your own team are any good. And the "ask coach" function holds very little use -- the reply you get is so basic that I suspect most people stop using it after the first two or three times.

My frustration with this game is that I would sign a guy from Switzerland and he'd be a 9th round NHL pick and would come in and tear up the league. I saw a couple of guys do it in my career and it became frustrating. Sure, there are times when that will happen to guys, but it seems to happen too frequently in EHM. When I'd use the "ask coach" the 9th rounder would be listed above my star winger, Steve Sullivan. I stopped using it for the reason you mentioned above.

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