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k0ruptr 07-11-2009 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by stevew (Post 2070810)
How many times has the hitter in question bunted this year?

damn hard stat to find, I know the kid has some speed though, but I'm looking it up.

JetsIn06 07-11-2009 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 2070799)
New unwritten rule regarding no hitters:

In the 9th inning of a no hitter the defense must allow any ball hit into foul territory to land without making a play on it to prevent a cheap out from being made.

If the team being no hit has to "earn" their hits then the team in the field should have to "earn" their outs.


k0ruptr 07-11-2009 09:04 PM

ahh its too much work to find, but hes had at least a few

INDalltheway 07-11-2009 09:19 PM

6 infield hits, 1 via bunt in 99 PAs

RedKingGold 07-11-2009 09:20 PM

Wow, one of the more improbable Phillies victories in awhile. Down four runs in the bottom of the ninth, Stairs hits a homer to bring it to 7-4, then Rollins and Utley get on base for Howard to hit a game-tying bomb to center-field. Ibanez hits a double on the very next pitch, intentional walk to Werth, and base-hits by Feliz and the game winning hit by Bako. Great win (glad I didn't stop watching).

Florida down 5-1 too. If we can win tomorrow, and Arizona can hang on tonight and win tomorrow, the Phils will have a five-game lead heading into the All-Star break.

Not bad considering a little over a week ago we had lost 13-of-18 and had three teams less than two games behind us.


stevew 07-11-2009 09:46 PM

Matt Craps is pretty good about throwing BP fastballs on non save situations.

tucker rocky 07-11-2009 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by RedKingGold (Post 2070839)
Wow, one of the more improbable Phillies victories in awhile. Down four runs in the bottom of the ninth, Stairs hits a homer to bring it to 7-4, then Rollins and Utley get on base for Howard to hit a game-tying bomb to center-field. Ibanez hits a double on the very next pitch, intentional walk to Werth, and base-hits by Feliz and the game winning hit by Bako. Great win (glad I didn't stop watching).

Florida down 5-1 too. If we can win tomorrow, and Arizona can hang on tonight and win tomorrow, the Phils will have a five-game lead heading into the All-Star break.

Not bad considering a little over a week ago we had lost 13-of-18 and had three teams less than two games behind us.


I had put the game on mute, as I was disgusted mainly with the terrible pitching by the Phillies tonight.

I stepped outside for the bottom of the ninth, and saw that Stairs hit a solo homer to make it 7-4. Then saw that Howard had a chance, and low and behold, Howard crushed one.

I came inside all giddy(in disbelief mostly), then estatic when the unlikely hero, Paul Bako?!? wins it with a single.

I always watch the Phillies 'til the end whenever they are losing, cause I never know when they'll pull out an amazing rally in the ninth inning.

tucker rocky 07-11-2009 09:49 PM


Hamels was awful early, but settled down some later.
3 homers early didn't help though.

sterlingice 07-11-2009 10:07 PM

Just saw the Phils-Pirates highlights on MLB Tonight on MLBN. Very nice


larrymcg421 07-11-2009 10:08 PM

Dear Pirates,

Fuck You.


sterlingice 07-11-2009 10:13 PM

Nice win for the O's tonight, too

(do we have any O's fans here?)


stevew 07-11-2009 10:16 PM

Dear Georgia.

Fuck you for producing Matt Capps.

He's like Todd Jones without a pron stache.

terpkristin 07-12-2009 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 2070893)
Nice win for the O's tonight, too

(do we have any O's fans here?)


I follow the O's and the Nats...not as closely as I do my Red Sox, but I do try to support and know what's going on for my hometown teams (and as long as they're not playing Boston, they're who I cheer for).



hoopsguy 07-12-2009 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 2070893)
Nice win for the O's tonight, too

(do we have any O's fans here?)


They are the team I pull for in the American League.

Chief Rum 07-12-2009 05:44 PM

Awesome. Can't say enough about this Angels team. They have had injury and death attack them through out this year. They missed three-fifths of their rotation through two months, and now they're missing perhaps their three best hitters. Their bullpen has been a shadow of what it was in the past.

Despite all that, they sweep the Yankees and are certain to finish the first half in first place in the AL West.

larrymcg421 07-12-2009 05:47 PM

Another choke job by the Braves.

DaddyTorgo 07-12-2009 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 2071206)
Awesome. Can't say enough about this Angels team. They have had injury and death attack them through out this year. They missed three-fifths of their rotation through two months, and now they're missing perhaps their three best hitters. Their bullpen has been a shadow of what it was in the past.

Despite all that, they sweep the Yankees and are certain to finish the first half in first place in the AL West.

thanks Angels!!

Chief Rum 07-12-2009 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2071209)
thanks Angels!!

Heh...obviously, helping you guys isn't high on the Angels' to-do list. That said, you're welcome! :D

DaddyTorgo 07-12-2009 05:56 PM


JetsIn06 07-12-2009 06:28 PM

Just got back from the Phillies game. Had an absolute blast.

Anyone watching the futures game?

samifan24 07-12-2009 09:08 PM

Exciting finish to the Futures Game. Too bad it was shortened to 7 innings though.

k0ruptr 07-12-2009 09:39 PM

Sean Marshall just played Left Field for a batter in the cubs game. it was awesome.

Ksyrup 07-13-2009 10:55 AM

So Jim Riggleman gets to play the Dick Motta role this year, huh? Find the guy who has tons of experience managing crappy teams and give him the crappy team who just fired their manager. Enjoy!

sterlingice 07-13-2009 11:13 AM

Well, that was a banner weekend

1) The GM made a really stupid ass trade that makes everyone question if he even knows what he's doing. You don't take on someone else's payroll problem *and* give them prospects for doing it. As has increasingly become the cliche this weekend, we needed a SS before the trade and we still have a need for a SS after the trade.

2) Meche is now officially hurt, tho he's actually been hurt ever since being thrown 115 and 132 back to back.

3) Greinke's great season gets bypassed for Halladay to start the All Star Game. Yes, Halladay would be deserving in any other season but Greinke has been better this season. By no measure is Halladay better except less losses and a couple more BB in over 100 IP.

Halladay: 10-3 2.85ERA 123.0IP 106K 17BB 1.10WHIP 2.86FIP 4.2 WAR 39.0VORP
Greinke: 10-5 2.12ERA 127.1IP 129K 21BB 1.08WHIP 1.97FIP 5.8 WAR 45.5VORP

4) Our GM was on the radio this morning, repeatedly talking about his payroll constraints for the first time. It's a problem- we get it and we've heard it. But you can't come to us, as a fanbase, and expect that to wash as an excuse right now when you just added payroll.


samifan24 07-13-2009 11:52 AM

I can't believe the Royals traded prospects and took on Betancourt's salary. He's terrible but I didn't realize how terrible until I read Poshanski column about him.

FWIW Joe Maddon said he gave Holladay the AL starting nod because of his "body of work," which I guess is Maddon's way of saying Halladay's been a top flight starter longer than Greinke. I wished Greinke would get the start, especially because Halladay is likely to switch leagues very soon after the game.

sterlingice 07-13-2009 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by samifan24 (Post 2071656)
I can't believe the Royals traded prospects and took on Betancourt's salary. He's terrible but I didn't realize how terrible until I read Poshanski column about him.

Between Posnanski referencing Neifi and Rany referencing Berroa, it's just been a traumatizing trade and weekend for Royals fans.


MizzouRah 07-13-2009 03:26 PM

My friend calls me and says, "I have HR derby tickets".. I say.. nice! ..expecting a free ticket.

He tells me you can go, the cost is $205. Damn you!

Think I'll stay home and watch it on TV.. :)

lordscarlet 07-13-2009 04:17 PM

Well, I don't think firing Acta really makes a difference at this point in the season, particularly if you're pulling in someone already in the clubhouse. But, we'll see. With the record the Nats have, what does it really matter?

samifan24 07-13-2009 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by lordscarlet (Post 2071982)
Well, I don't think firing Acta really makes a difference at this point in the season, particularly if you're pulling in someone already in the clubhouse. But, we'll see. With the record the Nats have, what does it really matter?

I think it's pretty stupid to fire Acta now. What does it accomplish?

lordscarlet 07-13-2009 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by samifan24 (Post 2071989)
I think it's pretty stupid to fire Acta now. What does it accomplish?

Appeasing the critics is it. But it does nothing, IMO. Even if they have a 50% better record, does that really mean it's because Acta is gone? I doubt it. I think the manager DOES play a role, but to fire a manager who was out at the end of the year (his contract was up) and replace him with his bench coach, that just seems silly.

samifan24 07-13-2009 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by lordscarlet (Post 2072035)
Appeasing the critics is it. But it does nothing, IMO. Even if they have a 50% better record, does that really mean it's because Acta is gone? I doubt it. I think the manager DOES play a role, but to fire a manager who was out at the end of the year (his contract was up) and replace him with his bench coach, that just seems silly.

I guess it gives the impression that something is being done to turn the franchise around when, in my opinion, nothing is actually being done. Ken Rosenthal of Fox Sports pointed out in a column today that until Rizzo and Kasten are given more power the franchise will continue to drift aimlessly. Washington has many long term deep rooted problems that stem from the front office, problems which could never be corrected by firing the on-field manager.

Schmidty 07-13-2009 05:49 PM

Curtis Granderson is probably my favorite MLB player, but why in the heck is he in the All-Star game? Inge should have been in before him.

Logan 07-13-2009 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Schmidty (Post 2072076)
Curtis Granderson is probably my favorite MLB player, but why in the heck is he in the All-Star game? Inge should have been in before him.

You're gonna be real excited when you watch the HR derby tonight.

Schmidty 07-13-2009 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 2072091)
You're gonna be real excited when you watch the HR derby tonight.

Yeah, Inge is more out of his element in the derby than Damien Easly was in it back in the early 2000's. I mean he has power, but not like Prince and Puljos, etc.

lordscarlet 07-14-2009 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by samifan24 (Post 2072061)
I guess it gives the impression that something is being done to turn the franchise around when, in my opinion, nothing is actually being done. Ken Rosenthal of Fox Sports pointed out in a column today that until Rizzo and Kasten are given more power the franchise will continue to drift aimlessly. Washington has many long term deep rooted problems that stem from the front office, problems which could never be corrected by firing the on-field manager.

Rosenthal kinda bugs me. But, anyway...

Having said that, is that all the Lerners fault? I'm not saying they're not a problem, but can those deep rooted problems be cured in 2.5 years?

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-15-2009 09:42 AM

LOL..........As much as Zack has struggled personally with media and fan attention, he can be a quote machine at times..........


This is before the All-Star Game, underneath the Busch Stadium stands and away from public attention. Barack Obama walks into the visitors’ clubhouse to shake hands with all the players, and everyone’s got a thought about the free world’s leading White Sox fan.

Curtis Granderson wants to talk about their Chicago connection. Ichiro Suzuki asks for an autograph on a baseball.

And the Royals’ ace pitcher is hoping to get cussed by the President.

“Because none of the White Sox guys like me,” Greinke says. “So I was hoping that he’d (Obama) recognize me, and be like, ‘You punk, I hate you.’ But he didn’t do that.”

And regarding being lifted for a pinch hitter, the eventual MVP:

“I was like, ‘Crawford? Are you serious?’ ” Greinke says. “But he got a base hit, so it’s acceptable. And he robbed a homer, so I guess that worked out all right. It could’ve been me. That pitch was probably right down the middle. I would’ve crushed it.”

ISiddiqui 07-15-2009 09:59 AM

I would have crushed it, LOL!!

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-15-2009 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by ISiddiqui (Post 2073958)
I would have crushed it, LOL!!

He's only had 18 plate appearances in the major leagues, but he does have two doubles and a homerun in those appearances. He's by far our best hitting pitcher during intraleague games. He's got a pretty good swing.

But yeah, the dripping sarcasm is a regular feature of Zack interviews. I've never missed a post-game show after a Greinke start for that reason. I watched one post-game interview where Olivo was standing next to Greinke after a win and the interviewer ask Zack how important Olivo was to keeping the opposition to 3 hits. Zack proceeded to say that Olivo was personally responsible for two of the three hits based on the pitches that Olivo called. He said he was only personally responsible for one of the hits.

Ksyrup 07-15-2009 10:30 AM

That SI article about Greinke talked about when he started having his issues a few years back, he seriously considered (not that the team agreed) dropping pitching and becoming a hitter, to the point where he was sometimes preoccupied by it. Sounds like he's still pretty enthusiastic about it.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-15-2009 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 2073987)
That SI article about Greinke talked about when he started having his issues a few years back, he seriously considered (not that the team agreed) dropping pitching and becoming a hitter, to the point where he was sometimes preoccupied by it. Sounds like he's still pretty enthusiastic about it.

He still takes batting practice quite a bit even outside of intraleague play. He was a helluva hitter in high school. Honestly, he'd be a great NL pitcher for that reason. He'd fill the 9 hole very well.

You definitely know when Greinke steps into the batting cage. The early arrivers love it.

lordscarlet 07-15-2009 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2073998)
He still takes batting practice quite a bit even outside of intraleague play. He was a helluva hitter in high school. Honestly, he'd be a great NL pitcher for that reason. He'd fill the 9 hole very well.

You definitely know when Greinke steps into the batting cage. The early arrivers love it.

Ok, is this intentional? You did it twice now. :)

Sun Tzu 07-15-2009 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 2070893)
Nice win for the O's tonight, too

(do we have any O's fans here?)


Born and raised baby. I'm displaced out here in Giants land, and I've been following them for a few years. I've become attached, but I'm still an Oriole fan to the bone.

molson 07-15-2009 12:27 PM

Pedro Martinez is a Philly. Or is it Phillie?

Phillies sign 3-time Cy Young winner Martinez -

sterlingice 07-15-2009 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 2073987)
That SI article about Greinke talked about when he started having his issues a few years back, he seriously considered (not that the team agreed) dropping pitching and becoming a hitter, to the point where he was sometimes preoccupied by it. Sounds like he's still pretty enthusiastic about it.

I think one of the articles posted here earlier in the year had the story about Zack showing Alex Gordon a video of his home run and saying "do that" or something to that effect.


sterlingice 07-15-2009 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Sun Tzu (Post 2074049)
Born and raised baby. I'm displaced out here in Giants land, and I've been following them for a few years. I've become attached, but I'm still an Oriole fan to the bone.

Seems like a pretty cool fan base from what I've seen. Camden has become my new favorite place to see a game (at least in the non-Wrigley/Fenway category) after going a couple of months ago. I still haven't seen one at Fenway but Wrigley is its own beast and I imagine Fenway is the same.

I'll be visiting Baltimore again here in about a week and a half


samifan24 07-15-2009 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2073934)
LOL..........As much as Zack has struggled personally with media and fan attention, he can be a quote machine at times..........

I really like Greinke as a player but he can be a little strange.

MikeVic 07-15-2009 04:41 PM

So does the NL suck or what? This is a long All Star Game dry spell.

Atocep 07-15-2009 07:42 PM

Some comments by Kevin Goldstein about Bryce Harper that caught my eye.


Kevin Goldstein: I imagine he'll be pretty damn good. Here's the thing, he's WAY overrated. He's not the greatest thing since sliced bread. He's probably the best player in next year's draft, but he's not a historic talent. The hype machine is just way out of control.

I've talked to a lot of scouts, scouting directors and front office people who have seen Harper. His power is absolutely friggin' unreal, no doubt about it, but there are questions about his barrel control, the length of his swing, and his ability to be anything more than a 1B down the road. Again, top player in the draft next year, but not a once-a-generation type.

If he's limited to 1B then his value goes waaaaaaaaaaay down.

JPhillips 07-16-2009 09:37 AM

Saw this on Red Reporter and wanted to make sure the Cincy contingent knew:


Joey Votto and Brandon Phillips are going to make sandwiches at Subway on Saturday from noon to 1. The Subway they will be gracing is at 6491 Bridgetown Road

Lathum 07-16-2009 06:30 PM

At least Olli hasn't walked anyone yet

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