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Honolulu_Blue 11-13-2003 03:47 AM


Originally posted by sterlingice
Aw, nothing like a game against the Hawks to get the Wings healthy again. And then they go and beat the Stars silly by hanging a 6 spot on my fantasy goalie. *sigh*


Nice to see the Wings put together a nice little winning streak, especially against the upstart Hawks and villainous Stars.

Way to go Stumpy! A goal a game pace. Keep it up, old man!

sachmo71 11-13-2003 07:40 AM

F the Wings....

Anyone want some of my grapes? :D

ice4277 11-13-2003 07:48 AM


Originally posted by sterlingice
Aw, nothing like a game against the Hawks to get the Wings healthy again. And then they go and beat the Stars silly by hanging a 6 spot on my fantasy goalie. *sigh*


Well there goes your hockey season down the drain :p

bbor 11-13-2003 11:21 AM

Interesting that the Pens have decided to keep Fluery with the big club all season.I wonder if they will let him go to play in the world JR championship.

chrisj 11-13-2003 11:44 AM


Originally posted by bbor
Interesting that the Pens have decided to keep Fluery with the big club all season.I wonder if they will let him go to play in the world JR championship.

Well... they can still send him back to Junior. They've just used up the first year of his contract.

I highly doubt they'll let him play in the World Jr's unless they decide to send him back.

sachmo71 11-17-2003 10:28 AM


Dallas trades defenseman Stephane Robidas to Chicago for defenseman
Jon Klemm. Stars assign Antti Miettinen to Utah; call up Steve
Gainey and Rob Valicevic.

Ok, we've established that the Stars are taking the New York Rangers approach to hockey...great on paper, shit on the ice. But to go and trade on of the few guys who shows up and plays hard every night is downright evil!

Honolulu_Blue 11-17-2003 02:08 PM


Originally posted by sachmo71
Ok, we've established that the Stars are taking the New York Rangers approach to hockey...great on paper, shit on the ice. But to go and trade on of the few guys who shows up and plays hard every night is downright evil!

John Klemm was everyone's hero a few years back. The most unheralded free agent signing of the year. The stablizing force of the Chicago blue line. The +/- leader on the team. He's a winner. Been on Stanley Cup teams. A leader. A worker. He's got two "Ms" in his name when one would suffice. His first name and last name are both one sylable long. The Stars called up Rob Valicevic. That's a pretty cool name, Valicevic. Then again, so is Antti Miettinen. Looks like a wash now...

Chief Rum 11-17-2003 02:56 PM


After the bad start, the Ducks have finally gotten things together somewhat and have moved into a tie with the first place Kings. Of course, we're still a game or two ahead of most teams in the NHL, and I am sure that will eventually come to bite us. Hopefully, we have a good run coming here. Giguere still hasn't really heated up yet the way he can (although he has been playing much better).

And we stopped the Blues' win streak. :)


sachmo71 11-18-2003 01:59 PM

Don't forget that the Heritage Classic will be played this weekend. First outdoor NHL game...ever? Anyway, looks like hockey doesn't rank high enough for this sporting extravaganza to be shown on regular TV, so it's CBC or Center Ice for you. Unless someone knows something that I don't?

Honolulu_Blue 11-18-2003 02:34 PM

Also, the Oilers went out and signed ex-Red Wing Adam Oates. Not a bad pick-up by all accounts. Clearly at over 40, he isn't the same player he once was, but he's still a threat. A great, great playmaker, especially on the power-play. It's interesting because he doesn't fit the "skating" mold of your typical Oiler team. He was never fast and is even less so today. Still, he wont hurt and steps in on the 1PP and can fill the role of the 2nd/3rd line center. He's also ace on faceoffs.

There was some talk of Oates ending up back in Detroit. The Wings went with Stumpy which isn't too surprising. Oates was traded years and years ago because (allegedly) he didn't get along with Steve Yzerman. It was really the worst trade in Red Wings history (since I've been following them) Adam Oates and Paul MacLean for Bernie Federko (an aged Bernie in his last year in the league) and Tony McKegny. It sucked.

sterlingice 11-18-2003 03:19 PM


Originally posted by sachmo71
Don't forget that the Heritage Classic will be played this weekend. First outdoor NHL game...ever? Anyway, looks like hockey doesn't rank high enough for this sporting extravaganza to be shown on regular TV, so it's CBC or Center Ice for you. Unless someone knows something that I don't?

Oh, that sucks. I really wanted to see the game. Sounded like a very cool idea.


Chief Rum 11-18-2003 03:29 PM

Tonight, the Ducks play the Avalanche in Colorado. Of course, Kariya is hurt and won't play. :(

Oh possible meeting is one I have circled on the ole calendar: Dec. 19, Colorado at Anaheim, Kariya's return home.


sterlingice 12-01-2003 09:48 AM

Ok, boys and girls. We have some serious issues here. I found this all the way down on page 18. I know hockey takes on an unreal significance in the post season and I tend to watch a game or two every single night then (if possible) but the regular season has its moments, too. Plus, I keep seeing hockey threads but nothing in here. Shape up, folks

(The preceeding was brought to you in sarcasm-vision)


Maple Leafs 12-01-2003 11:11 AM

It's panic time here in Ottawa. Apparently the fans have realized that the league doesn't plan to just hand the Cup over the Sens, and that maybe just maybe the team was overrated heading into the season.

My inside sources (cough) are telling me that Bonk and Havlat have become cancers on the team. Apparently Bonk is the last guy in and the first guy out for practices and games. The team would love to move him, but can't find anyone who wants to give up anything for him.

Meanwhile, Havlat is still pulling a suck routine after the contract negotiations and aborted hold out. He apparently tried to pull himself out of the Rangers game with a phantom injury, forcing Alfreddson to slap him in the head and tell him to smarten up. Unlike Bonk, there are still some teams out there who haven't figured out that Havlat is a passenger, so he's likely the one to get moved.

The rumor now, for whatever it's worth, is that Havlat will go to the Coyotes for Shane Doan.

Honolulu_Blue 12-01-2003 01:29 PM

Havlat for Doan sounds like a decent deal for the Senators if Havlat is the turd he seems to be. Doan is tough, big, strong which is exactly what the Sens seem to be missing.

On the Wings front they are back in first place in the Central Division where they belong. They beat Blues in St. Louis 2-1 and have played decent, but by no means great, hockey. Stumpy Thomas has been a godsend. Playing really well so far.

bbor 12-01-2003 01:36 PM

We had a Stanley cup parade last nigth here in Toronto.It was nice.....although i choked on some rice:)

Seriously,it seems the closed door players only meeting the Leafs had after the loss to the Oilers has turned some things around.Still need a big D-man in Toronto,but a rumour swirling around herenow is the Leafs kicking the tires on the Isle to see what it would take to get peca in the blue and white.

Nice move by Barnaby last night to nod to the linesmen during a fight that he was ready to end it,so Nolan drops his hands and Barnaby labels him with a haymaker.Look for retrebution tonight when the rematch is played in Toronto,unless Barnaby gets a mysterious *illness* .

Chubby 12-01-2003 02:07 PM

Branaby is a punk, he was when he was in Buffalo and he always will be.

I'm happy with the Sabres season so far, they are hanging around .500 and 7th/8th place in the conference and Miro seems to have gotten his head out of his ass (for now). All we need is to trade a goalie for some more O :)

sterlingice 12-01-2003 02:27 PM

When he came to Chicago, I thought Thibault was overrated and a liability. A couple of years ago, I decided he was neutral- an average goalie who didn't hurt the team but also didn't win games. Two years ago, he finally won me over. Now, I'm starting to think he's invaluable.

I don't think it's any coincidence that the Hawks have an 11 game winless streak and that the last game Jocelyn played in was 12 games ago. That 6-5-3-0 record was so long ago as they are now 1 point ahead of the Blowjackets for last in the conference with 2 more games played.


Chief Rum 12-01-2003 03:05 PM


Originally posted by bbor
We had a Stanley cup parade last nigth here in Toronto.It was nice.....although i choked on some rice:)

Good to see the NHL is trying to get the Cup to Toronto anyway it can. :D

Out in the Pacific Division, everything is screwed up. All five teams are hovering at or just above .500, including the Stars. The division lead and the entire set of standings seems to change daily. I have no idea when someone is finally going to put it together and pull away. Right now, the Sharks are listed in second, ahead of both the Stars and the Ducks (although they all have the same number of points).

The Ducks have been playing this maddening game. Maybe you noticed. It's called "let's see how many overtime losses we can have this year!" We have 5 overtime losses, far more than anyone else. It's extremely annoying to see the team come so far in a game, only to lose it in overtime. Yes, we get a point, but the other team (usually a key Western Conference foe) gets two points.

I am loving having Federov around right now. He is playinbg very well now after a slow start. The entire offense is clicking pretty good. Andy McDonald is showing the playmaking skills I said he would. Guys like Neidermayer and rookie Lupul are being more offensive. Rucchin is staying on the ice (albeit barely). I am annoyed that Chistov can't find a way to score a goal (although he has a ton of a winger), and we really need Petr Sykora to get on track--he hasn't been the goal scoring machine we need. And then there's Jiggy, who still hasn';t really gotten into the full flow of the season yet, although he's playing much better now than he was earlier in the season. He is developing a reputation as a slow starter.

Big game coming up on Dec 19. Avalanche vs Anaheim at Anaheim. Paul Kariya's return home. I just hope he doesn't get hurt least before he gets to Anaheim. Just kidding. ;)


Maple Leafs 12-01-2003 03:07 PM


Originally posted by bbor
Nice move by Barnaby last night to nod to the linesmen during a fight that he was ready to end it,so Nolan drops his hands and Barnaby labels him with a haymaker.
I think Barnaby could take as many free shots as he needed at Nolan and not do much damange. He always has been more sizzle than steak.

Although it was hilarious to watch Nolan laugh at him, continually asking him if he was done. You could read Nolan's lips... "Are you done?" (weak Barnaby punch) "OK, now are you done?"

Karim 12-01-2003 05:15 PM

I went to the Canucks/Flames game on Saturday. OMFG! Sold out, playoff atmosphere. It was freakin' awesome! I can only imagine the atmosphere if we had a team like Ottawa, but Sutter definitely has them on the right track. Even with Iginla only having four goals, and Conroy only 1 or 2, everyone else is picking up the slack, especially Donovan and Lombardi.

One of the chants heard at the game:

Who ate all the pie?
Who ate all the pie?
Todd Bertuzzi, you fat bastard,
You ate all the pie.


Honolulu_Blue 12-02-2003 07:01 AM

The Anaheim Mighty Ducks are in Detroit tonight. On any other night, this wouldn't be newsworthy. However, the Ducks unceramoniously dumped the Wings in the first round of the playoffs last year, sweeping them 4-0. And, much more importantly, this marks the return of Sergei Fedorov to Detroit.

There has been some debate as to how the fickle fans of Hockeytown will respond to his return. Well, to use Jim Rome lingo, here is my take:

Being in Brussels, I certainly wont be at the game. But I will be seriously, no, SERIOUSLY disappointed if Fedorov is jeered or receives anything less than a standing ovation for this 12 glorious years in Detroit. What did he do for the team? Lead the team, nay, the league in play-off scoring during that time? Check. Win a Hart Trophy? Check. Win a Selke? Check. Help bring three Stanley Cups to a city who hadn't seen one in 42 years? Check. Check. Check.

He may have taken games off from time to time, he may have been a bit flighty, he may have had a most unfortunate obessession with a certain Russian tennis star. All these things may be true. That being said he was at the core of perhaps one of the greatest runs in Red Wings history, the winningest team of the decade, and the beforementioned three Cups.

He didn't bolt the town for money. He bolted the town to get out from under Yzerman's shadow and try his shot at being "The Man." It's a perfectly understandable human response after being #2 for over a decade.

The mercurial forward played his heart out (the best he knew how, I think) for this team and brought results (THREE FREAKING CUPS) and some very, very good and exciting times for us all.

Shame on all those who boo the man when he returns tonight.

It's time to put wounded pride behind us all, reflect back on the last twelve years and realize much of the success would not have been possible without good, ole #91.

sterlingice 12-02-2003 07:08 AM


Originally posted by Honolulu_Blue
he may have had a most unfortunate obessession with a certain Russian tennis star.

Oh, but who in the NHL hasn't? I believe Jim Rome calls her "the NHL Pegboard" or something like that.


Honolulu_Blue 12-02-2003 07:10 AM


Originally posted by sterlingice
Oh, but who in the NHL hasn't? I believe Jim Rome calls her "the NHL Pegboard" or something like that.


Poor girl. It's been what? Two players? (Bure and Fedorov) who have gone out with her and all of a sudden she's "the NHL Pegboard"? That's nice. That's real nice. I guess there's a reason I don't listen to Rome.

sterlingice 12-02-2003 07:16 AM


Originally posted by Honolulu_Blue
Poor girl. It's been what? Two players? (Bure and Fedorov) who have gone out with her and all of a sudden she's "the NHL Pegboard"? That's nice. That's real nice. I guess there's a reason I don't listen to Rome.

And I would have thought it's because he's a pompous ass.


Honolulu_Blue 12-02-2003 07:24 AM


Originally posted by sterlingice
And I would have thought it's because he's a pompous ass.


Eh, that too. I would imagine that goes without saying though.

Draft Dodger 12-02-2003 07:34 AM

well, I'm happy with my Avs

bbor 12-02-2003 11:13 AM

WHo's winning the bet...I think it was between CR and...??? Who?

I forget...iknow last year it was DD....who is CR's victom this season?

Chief Rum 12-02-2003 03:26 PM

Jim Lynch. :)

It's borderline right now, though. The Ducks are on the fringe of the playoffs, and I need them to make the playoffs to win the bet. :)

Go Ducks!


Honolulu_Blue 12-03-2003 03:50 AM

Well, looks like Mr. Domi paid Mr. Barnaby back the old fashioned way...

chrisj 12-03-2003 07:28 AM

Looks like Fleury make give up his bonuses in order to remain in the NHL...

Maple Leafs 12-03-2003 08:24 AM


Originally posted by Honolulu_Blue
Well, looks like Mr. Domi paid Mr. Barnaby back the old fashioned way...
Twice. Three ass-kickings for Barnaby in two games, not bad.

P.S. Didn't Chris Simon used to be a tough guy? Since when does he go with midcard guys like Marchement while his teammates are getting smoked by Domi? Did he decide he was too good for the job after he had his 20 goal season, or did he just lose his superpowers when he cut his hair?

Honolulu_Blue 12-03-2003 08:31 AM


Originally posted by Maple Leafs
Twice. Three ass-kickings for Barnaby in two games, not bad.

P.S. Didn't Chris Simon used to be a tough guy? Since when does he go with midcard guys like Marchement while his teammates are getting smoked by Domi? Did he decide he was too good for the job after he had his 20 goal season, or did he just lose his superpowers when he cut his hair?

I think it's the latter.

Simon was one of the most feared tough guys for a short spell. He had that breakout 20 goal year in Washington when he became all the rage. Then he suffered numerous shoulder injuries. I think that hurt his physical style of play and toughness. He was critized earlier in the year for not taking on his roll as team "enforcer". Seems like that's still the case.

bbor 12-03-2003 11:32 AM

Have you seen Simon recently?

They interviewed him last night......he looks like a nancy-boy all coloured and stuff...Bring back the hockey hair pussy:)

All hockey players should have hair like Mike Ricci :D

Chief Rum 12-03-2003 05:32 PM

Sergei back in Detroit...ETA 1 hour. Looking forward to the fans' reaction as much as H_B is.


Draft Dodger 12-03-2003 08:09 PM


Originally posted by Chief Rum
Sergei back in Detroit...ETA 1 hour. Looking forward to the fans' reaction as much as H_B is.


6-1 after 2. ouch.

so, what was the reaction like?

Chief Rum 12-03-2003 08:20 PM

Can you believe I got a phone call and had to turn the TV off for a minute? And wouldn't you know it was that minute where they finally did introductions? Ugh. I turned it on again and it was just over a minute into the game. :(

And then I watched the Wings take my Ducks apart. Ouch.


Sloan 12-03-2003 08:27 PM

7-1 now,Federov has the Ducks goal. Federov gets booed everytime he touches the puck. :D

Draft Dodger 12-03-2003 08:45 PM


Originally posted by Sloan
7-1 now,Federov has the Ducks goal. Federov gets booed everytime he touches the puck. :D

that's too bad. similar to the Rob Blake in LA thing.

except that Detroit fans have a clue about hockey and really should know better.

sachmo71 12-03-2003 08:55 PM


Originally posted by bbor

All hockey players should have hair like Mike Ricci :D

But then they wouldn't mate, and we would have no hockey for our childrens! :eek:

bbor, when we start our EHM:FE league, I am going to trade Simon to you for a first round pick. Would you take it?

Sloan 12-03-2003 08:55 PM

He probably deserves better, but it isn't really a suprise. Hell, there were many times during his Red Wings career the fans wanted to boo him.

sachmo71 12-03-2003 08:55 PM


Originally posted by Draft Dodger

except that Detroit fans have a clue about hockey and really should know better.


bbor 12-03-2003 10:11 PM


CR....Jiggy is a shadow of himself.What is going on with him?

Does he miss Kariya or something?

Chief Rum 12-03-2003 10:41 PM

Every now and then, Jiggy has a night like this. He got blown out by Dallas last year, for instance. The guy just picks a night every now and then to implode. I saw Roy do it a few times, too (Jiggy's bad nights remind me of Roy's bad nights).

Jiggy has actually been playing very well for the past month or so after a poor start. The only time recently he has been bad is in overtime (five overtime losses? God Lord...). So I don't know what got into him. I would normally say nerves, but after last year's playoffs, I don't think nerves affect this guy. I think he just had a bad night.

I know he doesn't miss Kariya. Kariya's absence means he has a better fedensive group in front of him most of the time. Kariya was simply too small and offensive-minded to be as much of a factor as he needed to be on the defensive end (although I think for what he is, Kariya does a decent job defensively).


bbor 12-04-2003 01:11 AM

Anyone besides me think that the Penguins are slowly shutting down operations and will cease to excist after this season?

May be a good bargaining chip for the owners to retract a team as they go into the cba negotiations.

Honolulu_Blue 12-04-2003 01:20 AM

Well, I am very happy with the result. 7-2. Very happy. This doesn't make up for the first round sweep, but it's a start. We must pay them back tenfold!

As for the reaction Fedorov got. Bah! It's ridiculous. It just goes to further lower my opinion of Joe Average Red Wing fan, which, to be honest, was pretty freaking low to begin with. I have never been more enraged watching a hockey then being at Joe Louis Arena or a Detroit sports bar. The things I hear from the people around me... Rage.... building.....

sachmo71 12-04-2003 08:38 AM

Uh oh...Chief is comparing Jiggy to Roy...


Karim 12-04-2003 06:03 PM

Pittsburgh looks like the first team to go. I know Winnipeg people are really hoping for a team after a new CBA. There were actually quite a few Winnipeg fans in Jets gear at the Flames' game the other night.

I miss the Jets and Nordiques.

bbor 12-04-2003 07:05 PM

i would love to add another Canadian team,but i just don't see it happening.

Why is Winnipeg so big for hockey yet they could'nt support their team?

Honolulu_Blue 12-05-2003 03:13 AM

Phew, thanks to a four goal third period, I can rest easy.

Hasek. This word. You keep saying it. I do not think it means what you think it means...

Well, he still hasn't shaken off the rust, that's for certain. The groin injury didn't help, but he needs to improve. Hopefully he will.

Datsyuk has been on fire. Playing exceptionally well right now. He's got good chemistry with Hull. I remember watching him in an NHL prospect tournament many years ago. I pegged him as a potential NHL regular very quickly. Outside of Heatley and Kovalchuk he was by far the best player in the tourney. Can't say enough about Stumpy either. The guy's been just fantastic since coming aboard. Solid acquisition.

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