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TazFTW 05-22-2006 12:17 AM

Poor kids.

Hey look, Joey was cancelled.

cthomer5000 05-22-2006 08:40 PM

It's not saying much, but I thought it was probably the best episode of the season. I didn't mind the Carmela stuff, it was a much less heavy-handed equivalant of what was going on in Tony's coma.

molson 05-23-2006 01:07 AM

I'm still enjoying this season. The whole fat NY capatain kililing was fun, and would seem to continue to lay the seeds for the NY-NJ confrontation.

Another thing that stuck out was Silvio's comment about needing to call exterminators, because there were rats at the bada bing. That was about as subtle as Phil "coming out of the closet". Has someone else flipped?

stevew 05-23-2006 08:31 AM

I haven't gotten to see the episode yet, i think its on tonight. I did hear that they brought up Adriana yet again. You almost have to think that her body will turn up(if it wasn't destroyed....I didn't see the episodes around when she dies) in the final episode of this season.

QuikSand 05-23-2006 08:40 AM

The end of the Vito story is fine... but it certainly didn't merit the time spent on him while he was away. I'm not sure what we really gained from the whole side-plot with him (other than the nickname "Johnnycakes" which may live in pop culture infamy forever) that really advanced much of anything. Much the way I feel about the whole (misguided, in my view) extended coma plotline.

For my money, Carmela in Paris was handled well -- we get the idea, it gives the character a chance to develop a bit, and now we're done with it. To me -- that's a good example of a productive "side light" as opposed to the other drudge that we have seen too much of this season.

I did think that the scenes with Tony and A.J. were probably the best we've seen between them in the entire series, but the bar wasn't set very high there. I never thought they developed either kid very well (Meadow's...uh...development... has been of a different variety, really) and neither one's plotlines have proven very entertaining to me.

Bee 05-23-2006 08:41 AM

I thought this episode was better than most of the ones this season. My wife was trying to figure out what was wrong with Tony when he was driving the stripper home...she thought he was having a stroke or panic attack. She couldn't figure out why I was laughing the whole time until the girl's head comes up. :D

Anthony 05-23-2006 08:53 AM

the entire Vito subplot was necessary (I don't agree it should have had such a long story arc, for the record) to show the contrast between his two worlds. Stay in quiet NH in a forced exile yet live the life he's been keeping in phil's closet all those years. Staying in NH would mean a life as an ordinary guy, hard work - but he'd be accepted as they guy he really was. or, he could back to Jersey and try to resume The Life. he'd be shun by his mob family, but have closer access to his real family. he chose The Life. obviously both locations had their ups and downs. the writers felt it was necessary to bludgeon us over the head with the other life he was living in NH. i think a quick 3 episode arc would have sufficed. one episode to show him fleeing Jersey. one episode to show his NH life, the 3rd and final episode to show him throwing caution to the wind and returning to certain death.

cthomer5000 06-04-2006 09:03 PM

just when you think they're going somewhere...

Qwikshot 06-04-2006 09:05 PM

I think it shows that Tony has grown, but man, it went from "bang" to "whimper"...use of Moonlight Mile was nice.

QuikSand 06-04-2006 09:16 PM


I honestly think I would, in retrospect, have been just fine if I had skipped this entire season, and just tuned in for the first episode of the final stretch (next year) and watched the 3-minute "Previously, on the Sopranos..." segment.

Logan 06-04-2006 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand

I honestly think I would, in retrospect, have been just fine if I had skipped this entire season, and just tuned in for the first episode of the final stretch (next year) and watched the 3-minute "Previously, on the Sopranos..." segment.

You know're right. There's not one part of this season where I can honestly say "I'm really glad I saw that and didn't just hear about it at work the next day."

EDIT: I was wrong. Julianna Margulies half-naked. :)

cthomer5000 06-04-2006 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand

I honestly think I would, in retrospect, have been just fine if I had skipped this entire season, and just tuned in for the first episode of the final stretch (next year) and watched the 3-minute "Previously, on the Sopranos..." segment.

I think someone could have watched last week's episode to basically capture everything. It was basically the only good episode of the season.

It's becoming increasingly clear that when all is said and done, season 1-3 will have been the only ones truly worth watching.

Deattribution 06-04-2006 09:36 PM

Definitely a completely missable season, and probably the most boring season finale I've watched of any show. No reason to be excited over next year.

bosshogg23 06-04-2006 09:48 PM

I watched a bit of the finale. That should basically say everything. I wasnt really doing anything and did tape it. But it was ON and I watched a BIT of it.

I hope the last 6 or 8 epsiodes or whatever it is, are better. If not the 1st 5 seasons will always be remembered, and maybe not the last one(1.5).

rexallllsc 06-05-2006 01:49 AM

I didn't think they could top the mediocrity of the beginning of the season.

Tonight, they did.


cthomer5000 06-05-2006 05:39 AM

Dead serious question for the writers: How many times do they think they can get away with the Christopher on drugs/off drugs storyline? It's simply not compelling any more.

Qwikshot 06-05-2006 06:34 AM

Yes it was a disappointment, in fact, there is no way it'll be explosive next year, you just can't, not in eight episodes.

When all is said and done, I have a feeling, that no one will get whacked.

But I did like that each character see Tony with glee at Phil's heart attack, but then realizing there are worse things that could happen. I think when he talked to Phil; it was a heartfelt as one could be.

Chris is a wreck, but really I don't see anything happening with it. If anything, he may be the most vulnerable, I could see his wife whacking him. He's disillusioned with the mob but he's not being honest to himself why...if I recall, the whole reason he sold out Adrianna was seeing the family in the car...and deciding a family wasn't for him, he's now balking with the reality of it. Adrianna is a ghost he won't be able to get rid of.

A.J. has grown, sex is a potent thing. Again, Tony and Carmella have to be careful what they wish for. "At least she's Catholic" BWAH. Still, he's gone from slacker to hard working joe, which amazingly, is what Tony always wanted to be. You see he doesn't get any slack at the yard like the made men, he's working hard...Paulie barely notices him.

Tony wised up to Carmella, I loved how he got Silvio to get the spec house back into play.

The truth is, Jersey could never beat NYC. To have a mob war would basically end probably 3/4 of the characters.

It's a shame we didn't get another glimpse of the "Sack". But it was nice to see Uncle Junior, even it's a sad one.

The end though, where they're all at the fire, strikes me of the decadence of Roman Times, the emperor and his family, oblivious to their falling stature. Bobby Bacala's son munching away was so audible over the music.

I kept waiting for something, but I think it's all going to be quite sluggish.

And I hope there isn't a movie tie-in, I think it would suck.

QuikSand 06-05-2006 08:15 AM

Solid analysis, Q.

Cringer 06-05-2006 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Dead serious question for the writers: How many times do they think they can get away with the Christopher on drugs/off drugs storyline? It's simply not compelling any more.

8 more times. ;)

That's probably not a joke actually. Even I am getting tired of it and I am not exactly Mr. Critic here.

I enjoyed the episode, but it is not exactly what is expected in a season finale, to say the least. It seemed pretty fitting for this season though.....It was a story I enjoyed watching, but nothing real memorable I guess.

Anthony 06-05-2006 08:51 AM

i kinda thought the ending scene was a "calm before the storm" type deal. almost like a "this is the last you'll see this family meeting together like this" sendoff. i expect bombs and fireworks for the last 8 episodes.

cartman 06-05-2006 09:16 AM

I wonder if part of the lull in the storyline was the late addition of the extra 8 episodes? If I recall, there are only three of the main actors that have signed on so far, Tony, Carmella, and Christopher.

Anthony 06-05-2006 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by cartman
I wonder if part of the lull in the storyline was the late addition of the extra 8 episodes? If I recall, there are only three of the main actors that have signed on so far, Tony, Carmella, and Christopher.

technically they could film the last 8 shows without Paulie and Sil. paulie could have died by cancer, and Sil could go MIA as a result of a hit from the NY mob who're looking to retaliate for the explosion. technically. plot-wise it'd be a cheap way to go about it, but the pieces are theoretically in place.

Qwikshot 06-05-2006 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Hell Atlantic
i kinda thought the ending scene was a "calm before the storm" type deal. almost like a "this is the last you'll see this family meeting together like this" sendoff. i expect bombs and fireworks for the last 8 episodes.

I was thinking that, but when Tony made peace with Phil, it was like, this whole thing could have ended right there.

The whole series doesn't need complete resolution. If you look at it like reality, Tony never is going to escape his mother's torment. A.J. will always be a slacker but at least he's not going down the road of Tony and joining the mob. Chris will never be free of Adrianna and thus will always be a disillusioned mobster thinking about that chance he could've got out with his love but didn't because like Vito found out, the real world is no place for a mobster (even if it's closing in to the likes of JambaJuice and Starbucks).
Carmella is always going to want to be free of Tony's control, she found her means by bringing up Adrianna. Meadow is still going to be the smart one but neurotic. The rest are psychopaths with no real chance for redemption (even Bobby B).

If anything, we saw that Tony went from violence of last season, to becoming more human. He didn't react to things with violence, he tried his damndest to keep in check, even with A.J., it was only after he exhausted with words, he steered A.J. with a modicum of fear. He's not able to help Meadow resolve with Finn, but Lord knows, he's not gonna whack him. Even with Vito, he tried hard to keep it from being explosive, he was even considering keeping him alive. And in the end, with Phil in the hospital, the old Tony was enjoying it, but the new perspective kicked in, and he realized that he needed to make peace.

That being said, Phil isn't like Tony. And that moment of weakness could be used against Tony. Remember, Phil hated seeing Johnny Sack cry. When Tony told Phil to stop crying, I thought that might have been too much to say (just like when Little Carmine brought up Phil's brother) and Phil might want revenge to show from being as weak.

Chris may be the biggest storyline, but I think they may have A.J. get into the thick of things (Paulie seemed quite chummy with A.J.'s girl). Carmella and Tony may also try to passively resist A.J. new relationship too providing a new type of friction. I'm sure Carm's spec house will further complicate things.

Back to Chris, the drugs will catch up. I kept waiting for him to get whacked, or Juiliana (spelling). But I liked the drug culture of it, they weren't even sleeping together anymore, it was just the drugs. You gotta admit though, Chris was smart enough to come clean (mind the pun) to keep Tony from snooping, shame he's not brilliant enough when it comes to other things. I really think the whackings will be minimal next season, if anything, Phil may have a hard time keeping control of his crew (they seemed bloodthirsty and more hungry) in check with his health issues (if anything I think that doctor who I've seen in previous episodes I think may want to worry about his health).

Meadow and Finn will be a dead end regardless of it being a wedding or breakup (the road to nowhere to eat up time).

Paulie's health issues are boring and dull. Sil is great but there is no real story to him, he can't handle Tony's job. The rest of the group is just fodder.

Uncle Junior is in stasis much like Johnny Sack, I think if anything, Junior somehow getting out may be the only new conflict, he sounded very desperate and demented and was chattering up a storm ("See that guy over there, he's a lawyer..." to Bobby B.).

Of course, some storylines weren't cleared up. The two Middle Eastern men hanging out at the Bada Bing pose to me the biggest mystery (are they Feds, are they terrorists?). Will someone try to turn (if Chris gets nabbed will he deal?). Will A.J. go straight or will he take the easy way...I liked how he dealt with the thugs with trade rather than violence (he realized that he's not like his dad, he can't resort to violence, he's no good at it). Progress A.J. Progress...

Just like Tony, with Melfi, nothing's changed, but there has been progress (no panic attacks I recall this season). It just may be too late though.

Something is brewing but I don't think it's extreme. I doubt mob war, but the Feds are ever present.

gkb 06-05-2006 10:58 AM

I think rather than buying this season on DVD when it comes out (I don't have HBO), I'll just continue to read Qwikshot's analysis. :)

Qwikshot 06-05-2006 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by gkb
I think rather than buying this season on DVD when it comes out (I don't have HBO), I'll just continue to read Qwikshot's analysis. :)

For once, I might believe I have something worthwhile to add to this board.

I agree, this season was "meh".

The only excitement is if Phil recovers or not (I hear he's renewed for next season). If he dies or gets worse, NYC captains make take things into their own hands and further progress the unraveling of peace.

Which in case, would make for a few whackings until Phil recovers enough to ease the peace, I feel that Tony may give to that.

I'm still waiting for the ducks to return.:D

Dodgerchick 01-19-2020 11:00 AM

So far this season blows. I'm on episode 2 and there's been a lot of dreaming going on. It's lazy writing, imo, but I can't pull the plug, I'm too far in. Gaaah, I hope it gets better ��

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