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cartman 07-14-2009 03:43 PM

Here we go again. MBBF is going to bitch and moan about unfair attacks and how threads devolve into simply piling on him. At some point the light has to go off as to the root cause, don't you think?

gstelmack 07-14-2009 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2073229)
A $100 price drop coupled with the rumored release of Gran Turismo 5 this fall and Final Fantasy XIII in March will create a substantial surge in PS3 sales. The failings of the management in the past aside, it's not terribly difficult to see what's going to happen in the coming months. They should easily meet their goals in North America.

Last year they had MGS to drive sales as well. The only difference this year is the rumored price drop.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-14-2009 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by gstelmack (Post 2073259)
The only difference this year is the rumored price drop.

That's a pretty big difference.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-14-2009 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by cartman (Post 2073258)
Here we go again. MBBF is going to bitch and moan about unfair attacks and how threads devolve into simply piling on him. At some point the light has to go off as to the root cause, don't you think?

He admitted he was the one being the jerk in the first place. Best to ignore and return to discussion.

gstelmack 07-14-2009 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2073263)
Best to ignore and return to discussion.

... of you once again making broad sweeping predictions that only Sony believes. My point is that the new titles are cancelled out by last year's blockbuster release that drove sales then. The hope here is that a $100 price drop means 70% more sales than last year, in a horrible economy. That's a pretty big leap o' faith.

But who knows, maybe you'll get this one right. Shoot enough bullets and eventually one will hit the target...

spleen1015 07-14-2009 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2073244)
My apologies. I was hoping you'd show respect to another poster despite your tone if I replied in a respectful manner the first time. If your solely interested in being a jerk, move along. The thread was relatively flame-free until your post.

Dude. Don't you know that no one here fucking respects you?

JonInMiddleGA 07-14-2009 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by gstelmack (Post 2073265)
That's a pretty big leap o' faith.

Given the massive sales figures for the category overall despite the drop in sales volume for virtually everything else on the planet, including food, I'd say it's hard to completely write off any projection as too over the top optimistic.

"We may not eat well but by God we're going to have the next whatever-comes-down-the-pike game that's released" certainly seems to be a prevailing attitude among a lot of consumers.

stevew 07-14-2009 04:12 PM

Video games are still a very economical form of entertainment, even in a shitty economy.

So yeah, nothing suprises me.

RainMaker 07-14-2009 04:28 PM

If you're looking to play Battlefield 1943 on the 360, the servers are still shit. Maybe next week I'll be able to play the game I paid for.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-14-2009 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2073295)
If you're looking to play Battlefield 1943 on the 360, the servers are still shit. Maybe next week I'll be able to play the game I paid for.

I heard about that. PS3 servers are running lag-free. I was surprised to hear the 360 servers weren't handling it well.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-14-2009 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by spleen1015 (Post 2073267)
Dude. Don't you know that no one here fucking respects you?

Sorry you feel that way. It's certainly not accurate, but I hold no ill-will against you.

RainMaker 07-15-2009 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2073534)
I heard about that. PS3 servers are running lag-free. I was surprised to hear the 360 servers weren't handling it well.

They were till Coral Sea was unlocked and everyone went on to play it. I got on later that night but am still not real impressed. As a sniper, items in the distance tend to be real choppy.

Mustang 07-15-2009 10:52 AM

I'd comment on 09' games, but I'm still stuck in 08' (mainly because those games are cheaper now and I've had a hard time justifying a $50-$60 tag on new games.

SirFozzie 07-15-2009 03:23 PM

And another PS3 game, the much bally-hooed MAG (Massive Action Game) has been put off till 2010.

MAG Reloading For Release In 2010? - Mag - Kotaku

Mustang 07-15-2009 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 2074380)
And another PS3 game, the much bally-hooed MAG (Massive Action Game) has been put off till 2010.

I'm out of the loop.. Massive Action Game was the title of a game? What, was A Bunch of People Blowin' Shit Up taken?

RainMaker 07-15-2009 03:26 PM

I'd rather have games delayed than come out early and suck.

SirFozzie 07-15-2009 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Mustang (Post 2074385)
I'm out of the loop.. Massive Action Game was the title of a game? What, was A Bunch of People Blowin' Shit Up taken?

Well, it was a play on Massively Multiplayer, it's going to support 256 player maps/

Big Fo 07-15-2009 03:42 PM

Even Sony doesn't want to release their big shooter that close to Modern Warfare 2.

JonInMiddleGA 07-15-2009 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Mustang (Post 2074385)
I'm out of the loop.. Massive Action Game was the title of a game? What, was A Bunch of People Blowin' Shit Up taken?

Made me :lol:

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-15-2009 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 2074380)
And another PS3 game, the much bally-hooed MAG (Massive Action Game) has been put off till 2010.

MAG Reloading For Release In 2010? - Mag - Kotaku

It was 'much bally-hooed'? By who? Outside of PR releases from Sony, I don't think anyone is expecting much of this game. There are far bigger games on the release calendar.

Out of the Sony presentations, MAG was easily one of the weakest. It's probably a big reason it was delayed. They'd be much better off releasing a second Warhawk instead of MAG.

rowech 07-15-2009 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2074500)
It was 'much bally-hooed'? By who? Outside of PR releases from Sony, I don't think anyone is expecting much of this game. There are far bigger games on the release calendar.

Out of the Sony presentations, MAG was easily one of the weakest. It's probably a big reason it was delayed. They'd be much better off releasing a second Warhawk instead of MAG.

I think they touted this game quite a bit actually. They've been doing it for almost two years if I'm not mistaken. This is not going to be a massive blow but it hurts yet again.

SackAttack 07-15-2009 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by rowech (Post 2074536)
I think they touted this game quite a bit actually. They've been doing it for almost two years if I'm not mistaken. This is not going to be a massive blow but it hurts yet again.

I don't think it does, though. Or if it does, it hurts because it's a promise they couldn't deliver on - but that's a tightrope all developers/hardware manufacturers have to walk. It's not exclusive to Sony.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-15-2009 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by rowech (Post 2074536)
I think they touted this game quite a bit actually. They've been doing it for almost two years if I'm not mistaken. This is not going to be a massive blow but it hurts yet again.

"They've" being the key word. I agree that it was hyped by Sony, but no one considered it a AAA title. I'm not trying to downplay the effect of the delay specific to the game itself, but it's not a serious situation in any way. That game isn't going to sell units. It's just a nice complimentary game at best.

SirFozzie 07-16-2009 07:17 PM

U.S. Console Sales Take Another Big Hit In June - Console Wars - Kotaku

"On the other end of the scale, without the help of Metal Gear Solid 4 and Grand Theft Auto IV, PS3 sales dipped from 405,500 last June, to 164,700 this June."

That's a near 60% drop in sales. Yes, a price cut will help slow the bleeding, but Sony's dreams of 30% more fiscal year over year in sales is just that at this point. A pipe dream. They don't have the horse power, and they will not be able to get the view that it is a luxury item in a horrible economy to change. Their main opponent, the 360, is the only sales unit to be going up in sales at this point. The gap is not shrinking, it is widening.

Sony has to realize at this point they are not only going to be #3 this generation, they are going to be a DISTANT #3. Well, I doubt they're smart enough to realize that, they are still thinking in terms of a ten year cycle, yadda yadda yadda... it's pride only keeping them from admitting the truth.

Atocep 07-16-2009 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 2075598)
U.S. Console Sales Take Another Big Hit In June - Console Wars - Kotaku

"On the other end of the scale, without the help of Metal Gear Solid 4 and Grand Theft Auto IV, PS3 sales dipped from 405,500 last June, to 164,700 this June."

That's a near 60% drop in sales. Yes, a price cut will help slow the bleeding, but Sony's dreams of 30% more fiscal year over year in sales is just that at this point. A pipe dream. They don't have the horse power, and they will not be able to get the view that it is a luxury item in a horrible economy to change. Their main opponent, the 360, is the only sales unit to be going up in sales at this point. The gap is not shrinking, it is widening.

Sony has to realize at this point they are not only going to be #3 this generation, they are going to be a DISTANT #3. Well, I doubt they're smart enough to realize that, they are still thinking in terms of a ten year cycle, yadda yadda yadda... it's pride only keeping them from admitting the truth.

This is the same company that desperately needs to move more PSPs and they finally come out with the PSP Go which looks interesting, but they decided to price it at $249 even though it costs less to make than current PSPs. Reason?


When you introduce a new piece of hardware you have the opportunity to say there is a certain premium that is associated with it, and we took that into account.

They seem to be happy with their position as long as they're milking as much money out of the people that are buying their consoles as possible.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-17-2009 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 2075598)
U.S. Console Sales Take Another Big Hit In June - Console Wars - Kotaku

"On the other end of the scale, without the help of Metal Gear Solid 4 and Grand Theft Auto IV, PS3 sales dipped from 405,500 last June, to 164,700 this June."

That's a near 60% drop in sales. Yes, a price cut will help slow the bleeding, but Sony's dreams of 30% more fiscal year over year in sales is just that at this point. A pipe dream. They don't have the horse power, and they will not be able to get the view that it is a luxury item in a horrible economy to change. Their main opponent, the 360, is the only sales unit to be going up in sales at this point. The gap is not shrinking, it is widening.

Sony has to realize at this point they are not only going to be #3 this generation, they are going to be a DISTANT #3. Well, I doubt they're smart enough to realize that, they are still thinking in terms of a ten year cycle, yadda yadda yadda... it's pride only keeping them from admitting the truth.

So two consoles selling at a price point 40% cheaper are outselling the PS3? Some ground-breaking stuff there. :D

As has been mentioned several times already, there's little reason to get caught up in the numbers until the PS3 price drop occurs. Until then, it's not tough to figure out what will occur regarding sales.

gstelmack 07-17-2009 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2075882)
As has been mentioned several times already, there's little reason to get caught up in the numbers until the PS3 price drop occurs. Until then, it's not tough to figure out what will occur regarding sales.

When you say "we will increase sales 30% over last year" and yet each month goes by you sell many fewer than the year before, you're getting farther and farther behind and better pull something big out of your butt to meet your projection. At the rate they are falling behind last year, a $100 price cut may help them MATCH last year's sales, but it's going to have to move an awful lot of consoles to be 30% better than last year. They are so far behind that projection it's not even funny anymore.

And keep in mind all those cheap Blu-Ray players coming out will eat into that side of the business...

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-17-2009 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by gstelmack (Post 2075979)
When you say "we will increase sales 30% over last year" and yet each month goes by you sell many fewer than the year before, you're getting farther and farther behind and better pull something big out of your butt to meet your projection. At the rate they are falling behind last year, a $100 price cut may help them MATCH last year's sales, but it's going to have to move an awful lot of consoles to be 30% better than last year. They are so far behind that projection it's not even funny anymore.

And keep in mind all those cheap Blu-Ray players coming out will eat into that side of the business...

No question about it. They need to come through with that projected price cut in August as has been rumored. Any further delay beyond that will severely cripple their ability to make up the difference in their goal.

With that said, no one thought they would make the FY08 goals when they announced them, yet they managed to do so without a price cut.

I'm not sure that the drop in BR player prices will make much of a difference. People searching for the $99 (or lower) BR players likely weren't going to buy a PS3 until it was $199 or lower anyway. I'm sure there are a few exceptions, but it would be a pretty small number.

Big Fo 07-17-2009 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 2075647)
This is the same company that desperately needs to move more PSPs and they finally come out with the PSP Go which looks interesting, but they decided to price it at $249 even though it costs less to make than current PSPs. Reason?

Since the PSP Go doesn't have a UMD drive, many games will be sold as downloads. According to Sony part of the PSP Go's increased price is to give a bigger cut to retailers since those retailers won't be selling UMD games to PSP Go owners.

IMO they would have been better off releasing a brand-new handheld in a year or two, maybe with a touchscreen and the device could double as a phone or something, I dunno. PSP Go looks like a failure before it's even been released.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-18-2009 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Big Fo (Post 2076293)
Since the PSP Go doesn't have a UMD drive, many games will be sold as downloads. According to Sony part of the PSP Go's increased price is to give a bigger cut to retailers since those retailers won't be selling UMD games to PSP Go owners.

I'm keeping my PSP just because it has the best of both worlds. UMD, downloadable games, and bigger screen. I don't see much advantage to the PSP Go personally.


Originally Posted by Big Fo (Post 2076293)
IMO they would have been better off releasing a brand-new handheld in a year or two, maybe with a touchscreen and the device could double as a phone or something, I dunno. PSP Go looks like a failure before it's even been released.

I'm confused by your statement. I'm assuming you know that it's widely rumored that Sony will release an all-new portable in 2011, but maybe I'm wrong in that assumption. The PSP Go isn't anything more than a niche product to hold over until the new portable comes out. I'd also expect the next portable to play all PSP games and likely be able to download the already purchased games, much like the PS3 and PSP now. They'll all have a common network.

Calis 07-18-2009 03:30 PM

Are they going to be discontinouing the PSP's apart from the Go?

I'd still like to pick up a PSP at some point, because there's some nice strategy games on there I want to try, but I think I'd prefer the current to the new Go and was wondering if there'll be trouble getting the others later.

I would imagine they're not stopping it, but haven't heard anything.

Big Fo 07-18-2009 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2076728)
I'm confused by your statement. I'm assuming you know that it's widely rumored that Sony will release an all-new portable in 2011, but maybe I'm wrong in that assumption. The PSP Go isn't anything more than a niche product to hold over until the new portable comes out. I'd also expect the next portable to play all PSP games and likely be able to download the already purchased games, much like the PS3 and PSP now. They'll all have a common network.

I figured one would come eventually but hadn't heard about a true PSP successor coming out that soon. If so then why even bother with the PSP Go...

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-18-2009 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Calis (Post 2076815)
Are they going to be discontinouing the PSP's apart from the Go?

I'd still like to pick up a PSP at some point, because there's some nice strategy games on there I want to try, but I think I'd prefer the current to the new Go and was wondering if there'll be trouble getting the others later.

I would imagine they're not stopping it, but haven't heard anything.

No, they will continue to sell both according to their announcement at E3.

RainMaker 07-19-2009 12:02 AM

Why do you guys keep arguing about this PS3 shit? They lost the console war. They're a distant third and will remain that way till the next generation of consoles. Even if a price drop happens and they take a bigger hit on each sale, they've still lost.

JonInMiddleGA 07-25-2009 04:50 PM

AAA Lucha Libre headed for US - News at GameSpot

While wrestling fans may have qualms with THQ's WWE SmackDown vs. Raw and Midway's TNA Impact!, they may be happy to know they're guaranteed at least one "AAA" title in the near future. Upstart publisher Slang has announced AAA: El Videojuego, the first Mexican wrestling game for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PSP, and DS.

The Xbox 360 and PS3 editions of the game are being developed with the Unreal Engine 3 by Immersion Software, with offices in Guadalajara, Mexico, and Bogota, Colombia. An Immersion representative today confirmed for GameSpot that the game should arrive on both those platforms in late 2009 or early 2010, with launches targeted for Latin America and the United States. Argentine developer Sabarasa Studios is handling development on the Wii, PSP, and DS editions of the game, with those editions set to trail Immersion's efforts to retail.

AAA: El Videojuego will feature the league's familiar six-sided ring, as well as a number of international stars, including ex-WCW wrestlers La Parka and Konnan. Other AAA stars who could be included but are not yet confirmed for the game include Octagon, Abismo Negro, Jack Evans, Teddy Hart, and Silver King. One issue not addressed in the teaser is whether the game will feature the company's "mini" division of diminutive wrestlers like El Guapito and Mascarita Sagrada.

Official trailer is at
YouTube - Lucha Libre AAA El Videojuego En HQ

MJ4H 07-27-2009 01:14 PM

Preliminary sales numbers show Wii Sports Resort is a huge hit

Wii Sports Resort has already sold nearly 1.5 million copies worldwide and like Wii Fit, Wii Play and Mario Kart Wii is expected to be a strong seller for the remainder of the year.
When comparing Wii Sports Resort to previous Wii openings, the title is only beaten by Super Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Kart Wii and Wii Fit. With Wii Sports Resort releasing on Sunday in America, “week one” will be a whole seven days which we are estimating from the strong day one sales (~300,000) to be around the 700,000. The ten largest debuts for Wii titles are shown below.
Title Japan Americas Others Total
Super Smash Bros. Brawl 842,536 1,593,621 286,949 2,723,106
Mario Kart Wii 580,510 1,212,795 579,136 2,372,441
Wii Fit 252,510 729,598 644,865 1,626,973
Wii Sports Resort (Estimated) 349,411 700,000 330,000 1,379,411
Wii Sports 181,902 529,658 361,526 1,073,086
Super Mario Galaxy 260,993 619,379 180,754 1,061,126
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 146,367 432,504 236,882 815,753
Animal Crossing: City Folk 306,986 219,653 98,074 624,713
Mario Party 8 282,003 309,705 28,383 620,091
Wii Play 178,367 180,390 123,388 482,145

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-28-2009 07:18 AM

Not a big surprise, but worthy of note. Sony has doubled their purchase orders for PS3 components, likely confirming that either a new PS3 Slim and/or a price cut will occur in the August/September timeframe.

Also, it was leaked that a PS3 version of Star Ocean 4 is on the way.

Mustang 07-28-2009 09:23 AM

Oh NOES!!1!!!!!1!1!

Games maker EA has incited a wave of backlash over the latest marketing ploy for their upcoming action game, Dante's Inferno.

In an effort to promote the title at last week's San Diego Comic-Con event, EA decided to run a contest asking showgoers to "commit acts of lust" with any models working at the convention's myriad booths. They were then instructed to submit photos via social networking sites like Twitter or Facebook. The winner would receive "dinner and a sinful night with two hot girls, a limo service, paparazzi and a chest full of booty," while five runners-up would have to make do with a copy of the game, a $240 gift card and assorted game merchandise.

Of course, EA gave themselves an out, noting on the official rules page that "...judges reserve the right, in their sole and absolute discretion, to disqualify any Submissions that are inappropriate for any reason, including without limitation, for depicting or mentioning sex, violence, drugs, alcohol and/or inappropriate language." In other words, don't get crazy while you commit your "acts of lust."

Unfortunately for EA, the gaming community hasn’t responded well. Twitter posts about the marketing effort have been largely negative; tweets to #EAfail have spiked, with many accusing the company of being tasteless, immature and sexist. In turn, those responsible have issued a respectful if unapologetic tweet right back:

"'Commit acts of lust' is simply a tongue-in-cheek way to say take pictures with costumed reps," it reads. "Also, a ‘Night of Lust’ means only that the winner will receive a chaperoned VIP night on the town with the Dante's Inferno reps, all expenses paid, as well as other prizes."

It's just the latest EA marketing stunt to go awry. Back in April, the company got in hot water for sending journalists illegal brass knuckles to promote their game based on The Godfather II. And at the E3 trade show in early June, EA angered Christian groups after making waves with a viral marketing campaign for -- you guessed it -- Dante's Inferno, this time featuring fake protesters.

Tweets to EAFail spiked... that is like noting posts on the KKK message board spiked after Obama was elected.

wade moore 07-28-2009 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mustang (Post 2083573)
Unfortunately for EA, the gaming community hasn’t responded well. Twitter posts about the marketing effort have been largely negative; tweets to #EAfail have spiked, with many accusing the company of being tasteless, immature and sexist. In turn, those responsible have issued a respectful if unapologetic tweet right back:

I'm not sure how they jump this conclusion. I absolutely cannot see the "gaming community" having an issue with this. I would bet money that the "#EAFail" posters are not gamers.

Big Fo 07-28-2009 09:31 AM

Little King's Story is great so far, I'm well on my way to world domination. I like the combination of RTS, adventuring, and some light RPG elements. The music and graphics are some of the best I've seen and heard on the system as well. Overall it's living up to the hype so far, give it a shot if you like strategy games.

Mustang 07-28-2009 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by wade moore (Post 2083578)
I'm not sure how they jump this conclusion. I absolutely cannot see the "gaming community" having an issue with this. I would bet money that the "#EAFail" posters are not gamers.

I'm sure people that are at EAFail hate EA anyways so, just posting some mock anger over anything EA would do anyways. Kind of like our political threads...

Mustang 07-28-2009 09:37 AM

Playing Ghostbusters right now on the 360. Definitely a rental. Good for the nostalgia value since it is like I'm watching Ghostbusters III, but gameplay is little light.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-28-2009 01:49 PM

Just a heads up to PS3 owners that Fat Princess will be released on Thursday. Really excited to get this game. 32 player battles to stuff cake down the throat of a princess. It doesn't get any better than that. Early reviews have been very good.

MikeVic 07-28-2009 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2083758)
Just a heads up to PS3 owners that Fat Princess will be released on Thursday. Really excited to get this game. 32 player battles to stuff cake down the throat of a princess. It doesn't get any better than that. Early reviews have been very good.

Looking forward to this too. But will probably wait until the fall/winter to buy it.

MJ4H 07-28-2009 01:55 PM

Got to admit that sounds effing epic.

Calis 07-28-2009 02:03 PM

Got a chance to spend Sundat afternoon playing Wii Sports resort with a friend. Very impressed. Tiger Woods had me convinced of Motion Plus already but this game really hammers it home.

Standouts are the ones you'd expect with Bowling and Table Tennis both being extremely well done. Was surprised how much fun we had with the basketball. It is simplistic but challenging and there is some strategy involved.

Archery feels great also. Really impressed with the feel of that one.

There is some filler crap as expected. The water sports are boring, and the dogfights are nothing special. I can't see bicycling or canoeing holding up either.

Swordfighting is a blast also and I can't wait to see a game flesh this out.

This was how I enivisioned the Wii controllers working from the start. I think we are finally there.

MikeVic 07-28-2009 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Calis (Post 2083770)
and the dogfights are nothing special.

lol what!

Atocep 07-28-2009 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Calis (Post 2083770)
Got a chance to spend Sundat afternoon playing Wii Sports resort with a friend. Very impressed. Tiger Woods had me convinced of Motion Plus already but this game really hammers it home.

Standouts are the ones you'd expect with Bowling and Table Tennis both being extremely well done. Was surprised how much fun we had with the basketball. It is simplistic but challenging and there is some strategy involved.

Archery feels great also. Really impressed with the feel of that one.

There is some filler crap as expected. The water sports are boring, and the dogfights are nothing special. I can't see bicycling or canoeing holding up either.

Swordfighting is a blast also and I can't wait to see a game flesh this out.

This was how I enivisioned the Wii controllers working from the start. I think we are finally there.

I picked it up for my son on Sunday. It's a very good upgrade from the original Wii Sports and, as always, Nintendo did a great job with the controls. Archery is really nice and even the frisbee game is pretty cool and shows off just how accurate the motion plus controls are.

I want to see someone other than Nintendo actually use the controls in a way other than just simply waggling the controller when the screen prompts you to, though. Wii motion plus is cool, but Nintendo should be embarrassed it took them this long to get the controls as promised when the system launched.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-28-2009 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Calis (Post 2083770)
This was how I enivisioned the Wii controllers working from the start. I think we are finally there.


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 2083778)
Wii motion plus is cool, but Nintendo should be embarrassed it took them this long to get the controls as promised when the system launched.

I found these comments to be interesting. I listen to a few podcasts each week covering the industry and these sentiments popped up on more than one podcast. The CAGcast was specifically one that discussed this issue where they felt like the release of WiiMotion+ hammered home two points......

1. Nintendo was admitting with the release of WM+ that the original design wasn't up to snuff as had been mentioned by many consumers.

2. Nintendo always finds a way to make you feel good about buying more plastic add-ons that really should have never been needed in the first place.

I did hear one other podcast that even brought out the conspiracy card (i.e. Nintendo underdesigned the original controller knowing they could release the WM+ later and get more money). I'm not buying that in any way, but I'm somewhat amazed at how willing some Nintendo users are to purchase more accessories that are little more than charging $20 per controller to 'patch' the existing controller.

gstelmack 07-28-2009 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2083786)
...I'm somewhat amazed at how willing some Nintendo users are to purchase more accessories that are little more than charging $20 per controller to 'patch' the existing controller.

And many of us were amazed at how many Sony users were willing to pay $200 just to get a Blu-Ray player added on to their console ;)

Every manufacturer has their accessories and add-ons they want to sell. Don't make like Nintendo is somehow "special". The initial controller they released worked very well and took the industry by storm; any attempts to turn that into a failure are just flying in the face of the facts.

MJ4H 07-28-2009 02:28 PM

lol @ "controls as promised"

Atocep 07-28-2009 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by gstelmack (Post 2083791)
And many of us were amazed at how many Sony users were willing to pay $200 just to get a Blu-Ray player added on to their console ;)

Every manufacturer has their accessories and add-ons they want to sell. Don't make like Nintendo is somehow "special". The initial controller they released worked very well and took the industry by storm; any attempts to turn that into a failure are just flying in the face of the facts.

I think the point MBBF is trying to make is no console has ever been successful at getting customers to buy addons for their system. Even Nintendo tried before with the NES with disastrous results. For whatever reason, they've found the magical formula with the Wii and people are forking over money left and right to get addons.

The control system did pull people in, but even the best games on the system made the controls optional or they felt tacked on. The fact is there's been very few games on the Wii that actually built the game around the control system and succeeded. I don't see how anyone could really argue that the control system that shipped out of the box with the Wii was revolutionary when it wasn't much more than flicks of the wrist. Nintendo did a great job of covering its flaws and avoiding the bad PR that's plagued Sony and Microsoft at various points this generation.

Atocep 07-28-2009 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by MJ4H (Post 2083793)
lol @ "controls as promised"

Sorry, I must have missed the point where they promised motion controls that couldn't tell the difference between a flick of the wrist and a full swing of the arm.

EagleFan 07-28-2009 02:46 PM

I'll chime in a bit on Wii Sports Resort. Picked it up Sunday to play with the family and it is a great extension to the original Wii Sports. The girls absolutely love it.

Sword play - very fun

Wakeboarding - My oldest loves this, I find it entertaining

Archery - VERY cool

Bowling - more of the same from the original, like the 100 pin game

Canoeing - actually kayaking with a canoe paddle, okay for a once in a while diversion but I can see it getting old if done too often

Biking - I can see this getting old really quickly, like the canoeing it may be nice once in a while

Jet Ski - this one can be annoying

Air sports - skydiving get be repetitive, dog fighting can be fun once in a while (once you find each other)

Table Tennis - very cool

Basketball - I like the 3 point shootout the best but the 3 on 3 is actually fun as well

Golf - haven't tried yet

Frisbie - Also very cool

Samdari 07-28-2009 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2083786)
Nintendo underdesigned the original controller knowing they could release the WM+ later and get more money

Not sure how that works. I am sure they aren't making profit on the hardware - its dirt cheap.

To sell more new software? Wii Sports was a huge hit with the "inadequate" original controls, and Wii Sports 2 would have been a huge hit with or without WMP. This is flying off the shelves due to the software, not the hardware.

gstelmack 07-28-2009 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 2083801)
I think the point MBBF is trying to make is no console has ever been successful at getting customers to buy addons for their system. Even Nintendo tried before with the NES with disastrous results. For whatever reason, they've found the magical formula with the Wii and people are forking over money left and right to get addons.

The control system did pull people in, but even the best games on the system made the controls optional or they felt tacked on. The fact is there's been very few games on the Wii that actually built the game around the control system and succeeded. I don't see how anyone could really argue that the control system that shipped out of the box with the Wii was revolutionary when it wasn't much more than flicks of the wrist. Nintendo did a great job of covering its flaws and avoiding the bad PR that's plagued Sony and Microsoft at various points this generation.

Well, he was trying to spin it as "people are paying $20 to get what they should have got in the first place". The Wii has been successful at selling additional controllers because it's a huge hit as a party system. The control system has been wildly successful at getting the console into the hands of people who would never have ordinarily bought a console. Sure, most games are designed to take advantage of traditional control schemes, but there are plenty of good party games that take advantage of the control system to make it worthwhile (see BoomBlox for example).

To try and claim people have been ripped off on this control system is patently absurd. To try and claim that once it was a wild success work would not be done to improve it is patently absurd. It's been a couple of years folks.

MJ4H 07-28-2009 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 2083807)
Sorry, I must have missed the point where they promised motion controls that couldn't tell the difference between a flick of the wrist and a full swing of the arm.

The point is they didn't promise you jack.

Big Fo 07-28-2009 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 2083801)
I think the point MBBF is trying to make is no console has ever been successful at getting customers to buy addons for their system. Even Nintendo tried before with the NES with disastrous results. For whatever reason, they've found the magical formula with the Wii and people are forking over money left and right to get addons.

The control system did pull people in, but even the best games on the system made the controls optional or they felt tacked on. The fact is there's been very few games on the Wii that actually built the game around the control system and succeeded. I don't see how anyone could really argue that the control system that shipped out of the box with the Wii was revolutionary when it wasn't much more than flicks of the wrist. Nintendo did a great job of covering its flaws and avoiding the bad PR that's plagued Sony and Microsoft at various points this generation.

The IR pointer worked fine out of the box and a lot of good games have used that. For motion controls I'm with you in that I've only liked the way it was implemented in a few games (Wii Sports, No More Heroes, some of the earlier golf games were decent but not great, a couple of levels in Super Mario Galaxy) before Motion Plus. I'll get Wii Sports Resort soon but I'm already convinced of what MP adds from playing Tiger Woods 10 and Grand Slam Tennis.

Atocep 07-28-2009 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by MJ4H (Post 2083847)
The point is they didn't promise you jack.

If you want to be picky, no they didn't openly say they promise something, but they mislead people starting with E3 '06.

Atocep 07-28-2009 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Big Fo (Post 2083857)
The IR pointer worked fine out of the box and a lot of good games have used that. For motion controls I'm with you in that I've only liked the way it was implemented in a few games (Wii Sports, No More Heroes, some of the earlier golf games were decent but not great, a couple of levels in Super Mario Galaxy) before Motion Plus. I'll get Wii Sports Resort soon but I'm already convinced of what MP adds from playing Tiger Woods 10 and Grand Slam Tennis.

I agree. The IR pointer was probably the best part of the Wii controls out of the box.

MJ4H 07-28-2009 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 2083882)
If you want to be picky, no they didn't openly say they promise something, but they mislead people starting with E3 '06.

Big difference between imply and promise. I totally disagree that pointing that out is being picky.

Atocep 07-28-2009 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by MJ4H (Post 2083886)
Big difference between imply and promise. I totally disagree that pointing that out is being picky.

Yes, because there's a huge difference between being led to believe something about a product based on its demos and then find out it was wrong than have them promise it and it turns out to be wrong.

Nintendo should be above all criticism on this because they simply misled everyone.

MJ4H 07-28-2009 04:03 PM

No, I didn't say they are above all criticism. I have criticized them for this misleading in the past. I said it was not a PROMISE. THAT is seriously a ludicrous idea that anything was ever promised.

If they misled someone, you say they misled someone in your criticism. If they promised something and didn't deliver on it, that is a different matter entirely. For what it's worth, I agree that some of the stage demos were misleading, but not that much so. Anyone that thought it was a 1 to 1 controller had simply not looked into it. It was in Nintendo's best interest to show as much immersion as possible in the stage demos so they did it. Whatever people took from that is their own interpretations. Nintendo certainly never *promised* a 1 to 1 controller.

Atocep 07-28-2009 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by MJ4H (Post 2083896)
No, I didn't say they are above all criticism. I have criticized them for this misleading in the past. I said it was not a PROMISE. THAT is seriously a ludicrous idea that anything was ever promised.

If they misled someone, you say they misled someone in your criticism. If they promised something and didn't deliver on it, that is a different matter entirely. For what it's worth, I agree that some of the stage demos were misleading, but not that much so. Anyone that thought it was a 1 to 1 controller had simply not looked into it. It was in Nintendo's best interest to show as much immersion as possible in the stage demos so they did it. Whatever people took from that is their own interpretations. Nintendo certainly never *promised* a 1 to 1 controller.

Misleading everyone with tech demo after tech demo starting with the Tokyo Game Show and E3 in '06 and continuing up until launch isn't all that different from promising it. To debate that is getting picky about it and arguing over semantics. WM+ is a patch that was necessary because the motion controls just didn't deliver the experience everyone was expecting based on what was shown.

Cringer 07-28-2009 07:04 PM

Eh, I kind of agree that Motion Plus is what the original controller should have been, and I thought it would be until we got one. Maybe I didn't research enough, but it does seem like a joke of an add-on to me. An example of how well it the original controller worked given above was Boom Blox, a very fun game which we own. The controls are far from great on it, good yes but could be much better IMO.

gstelmack 07-28-2009 07:20 PM

I suspect that of the people who bought a Wii, 0.0000001% were actually aware of all those specific tech demos (I heard about some of it but never saw the details), 1/3 bought it because it was Nintendo, and the remaining 2/3 or so bought it after playing at a friend's house, at some public venue (like our local WiiBounce), or after seeing all the news stories about its awesomeness.

So if we are to assume they broke promises and are finally delivering what they promised, it was to a tiny fraction of their customer base.

Cringer 07-28-2009 07:24 PM

I never saw "all those specific tech demos" and still expected more. At the same time, and I should have said this above, I don't feel like I was lied to. I just expected it to be a little better and was somewhat disappointed. My life has gone on. I don't use it anyways, my daughter does once in a while though.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-28-2009 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by gstelmack (Post 2083791)
Every manufacturer has their accessories and add-ons they want to sell. Don't make like Nintendo is somehow "special". The initial controller they released worked very well and took the industry by storm; any attempts to turn that into a failure are just flying in the face of the facts.

Certainly it wasn't a failure nor was I trying to make it out as such. I just noticed that similar things were being said on this board that had been voiced in the community. Consumers have demonstrated a short memory when it comes to being burned with extra costs by hardware and software developers, so they're able to get away with it in general. I definitely agree with you that there's far too plastic being sold by all parties.

Calis 07-28-2009 07:51 PM

I'm in the same boat as Cringer. I don't feel like I was lied to by Nintendo, I just assumed the motion controller would function like motion plus does. That's what I pictured a motion controller doing.

I didn't see any tech demos, and I don't have a problem with them selling an upgrade now. Obviously wish that Motion Plus was the way it worked from the start, because now we're going to see a fractured base. Now Wii Sports Resort is going to sell like hotcakes as we've seen, but we're still looking at a large portion of the base not having the device. How much are devs going to focus on building for it? That's the biggest issue I have with it. We're now splitting dev time into creating two modes.

The Wii is what is though. I can actually say in the last 6 months I've played it exponentially more than my 360, but it also sat for a good 9 months without being turned on once before that.

I really want to try out Grand Slam Tennis as well, anyone here played it much? How complicated is it?

Big Fo 07-28-2009 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Calis (Post 2084015)
I'm in the same boat as Cringer. I don't feel like I was lied to by Nintendo, I just assumed the motion controller would function like motion plus does. That's what I pictured a motion controller doing.

I didn't see any tech demos, and I don't have a problem with them selling an upgrade now. Obviously wish that Motion Plus was the way it worked from the start, because now we're going to see a fractured base. Now Wii Sports Resort is going to sell like hotcakes as we've seen, but we're still looking at a large portion of the base not having the device. How much are devs going to focus on building for it? That's the biggest issue I have with it. We're now splitting dev time into creating two modes.

The Wii is what is though. I can actually say in the last 6 months I've played it exponentially more than my 360, but it also sat for a good 9 months without being turned on once before that.

I really want to try out Grand Slam Tennis as well, anyone here played it much? How complicated is it?

Yeah, Nintendo will push Motion Plus with some key games like Wii Sports Resort and probably the next console Zelda game but I do worry that third parties will be slow to develop games with WMP in mind.

Grand Slam Tennis isn't much more complicated than tennis in the first Wii Sports, you swing to hit the ball, timing determines direction (early on a forehand goes to the left, late to the right, etc.) and you do a flat shot, top spin, or slice depending on how you angle your swing. Even with Motion Plus you press a button and swing to do drop shots and lobs which does work fine though I would rather everything were controlled by the swing.

You can choose to connect the nunchuck and control player movement with the analog stick or go Wiimote only and have the AI move your player around.

There aren't a lot of bells and whistles, you play tournaments and increase your stats and can win special abilities off the pros you beat. The career mode isn't as deep as the one in the Virtua Tennis series. I haven't played online but that is available. The main draws are the on court gameplay (if you use the Motion Plus) plus having all the Grand Slam venues was cool for me at least.

MJ4H 07-28-2009 08:16 PM

I strongly disagree that "expected more" and "was promised more" is a nit-picking semantic difference.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-29-2009 08:24 AM

Street Fighter IV (PS3/360) for $20.

Street Fighter IV for Xbox 360 or PS3 $23 -

BigDPW 07-29-2009 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2084313)

Seems like false advertising to me.... Promising a game for $20 only to find out it is $23... LOL :p :lol: :D

sterlingice 07-30-2009 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Big Fo (Post 2083582)
Little King's Story is great so far, I'm well on my way to world domination. I like the combination of RTS, adventuring, and some light RPG elements. The music and graphics are some of the best I've seen and heard on the system as well. Overall it's living up to the hype so far, give it a shot if you like strategy games.

I'd be curious to hear more of a fleshed out review or at least some more comments :)


sterlingice 07-30-2009 03:07 PM

I was at the Nintendo World Store in NYC last week and would have pulled the trigger if Wii Sports Resort was out but, alas, it was not. :(

They had lots of people playing it in store, however- it just was not available for purchase. I also would have bought a DSi if they had a Nintendo World special edition but no luck there, either. :(

Ended up getting a mug, tho :)


TargetPractice6 07-30-2009 03:43 PM

Count me as one immensely disappointed with Wii controllers. Sure the console itself was cheap, but the controllers are $40 each. They are basically useless without a nunchuk so we're up to $60. Now I gotta pay $20 more for something it should have done out of the box? And then if we want to play with friends (and really that's all I even care to use the Wii for) I have to pay this four times over. Yeah I'd say I'm disappointed in having to pay $320+ just on the controllers for the system (plus an extra $40 since one of them already stopped detecting motion).

stevew 07-30-2009 03:58 PM

I need to get into wii sports resort. Traded in a bunch of stuff for it the other day, and haven't opened it yet.

I think I got like 32 bucks out of Punch Out, due to some 20%+ promo they were running. That plus a bunch of old DS games made me feel like maybe the first time in forever I didn't get raped by the GameStop trade in process.

I mean, yeah, you can get more by selling them on Ebay, but this is just the easier way to do it.

SnowMan 07-30-2009 07:30 PM

I'm jonesin for a good baseball game for the 360. Since The Show is ps only, any suggestions? I tried the demo for mlb2k9 and wasn't all that impressed with the pitching/batting interface. The Bigs seems a bit too arcadey for my taste. Any others out there?

rowech 07-30-2009 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by SnowMan (Post 2085710)
I'm jonesin for a good baseball game for the 360. Since The Show is ps only, any suggestions? I tried the demo for mlb2k9 and wasn't all that impressed with the pitching/batting interface. The Bigs seems a bit too arcadey for my taste. Any others out there? on 360 sucks.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-31-2009 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 2085562)
Ended up getting a mug, tho :)


How much did charge you for the add-on handle? :D

Samdari 07-31-2009 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by stevew (Post 2085591)
I need to get into wii sports resort. Traded in a bunch of stuff for it the other day, and haven't opened it yet.

I think I got like 32 bucks out of Punch Out, due to some 20%+ promo they were running. That plus a bunch of old DS games made me feel like maybe the first time in forever I didn't get raped by the GameStop trade in process.

I mean, yeah, you can get more by selling them on Ebay, but this is just the easier way to do it.

Try Goozex.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-31-2009 02:29 PM

We need more parents in the U.S. like this.......

'Guitar Hero' whiz aiming higher - D Arts & Living - News & Observer

stevew 07-31-2009 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Samdari (Post 2085960)
Try Goozex.

Yeah, I'm sure that's better. I am just super very lazy.

SnowMan 07-31-2009 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by rowech (Post 2085720) on 360 sucks.

Thanks, that's kinda what I thought. Someone needs to remedy this.

Epi_862 08-05-2009 06:09 AM

Guess this is as good a thread to ask as any...

Regarding Colin McCrae DIRT. Is it really so that you cannot play local multiplayer in any shape or form? Im not even talking about splitscreen stuff, just hot seat stuff. Thats the meat & bones of old Colin games for me, and i bought Dirt on sale just for that, but so far i cannot find any indication that local multiplayer is supported...

Please tell me if you know better.

vex 08-06-2009 01:09 AM

Goozex is awesome btw.

And Tropico 3 is coming out for the 360, can't wait!

SackAttack 08-06-2009 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by SnowMan (Post 2086492)
Thanks, that's kinda what I thought. Someone needs to remedy this.

They can't, unless Microsoft decides to publish it.

2K Sports is the exclusive third-party publisher of MLB products at this point in time, so...

whomario 08-06-2009 05:02 AM

First substantial Information on NBA 2K10 released and it sounds extremely promising :

NBA 2K10: Exclusive First Look - GameSpot Sports Beat - Gaming News and Videos For Sports Video Games - Football Video Games - Baseball Video Games

summer league - check
d league - check
training camp - check
draft class creation - check
career mode - check
player spacing - (alleged check)
new double team engine - check
82 games tendencies - check

seriously this sounds as promising as any gamepreview i´ve read in recent memory. Seems like they are making a huge jump with this one, assuming this doesn´t turn out to be a bug-fest.

also, they are going to release a DLC game in early september called NBA 2K10 Draft Combine ( NBA 2K10 Draft Combine: 2K's DLC Gamble - GameSpot Sports Beat - Gaming News and Videos For Sports Video Games - Football Video Games - Baseball Video Games ) which is also going to be full game later. Going to cost about 5 $ and lets you create a player and guide him through the draft workout process including drills as well as games with other rookies, basically just like the real draft combine.
You can determine your position and player style (f.e. Pass First PG, defensive SG or Face-Up PF) and you are going to have to reach objectives relative to that to move up in the mock draft and boost your overall rating. You can later use that player in the full version (you can actually create as many players as you want but only register one at a time i think)
Definitely an interesting idea, basically an enhanced demo for little money.

RainMaker 08-06-2009 07:19 AM

Damn, going to have to preorder NBA 2K10.

Big Fo 08-06-2009 08:11 AM

I haven't bought a basketball game since NBA2k6 on PS2, maybe this will be the year.

Big Fo 08-06-2009 09:36 PM

There is a competition to see who can do the best job programming an AI to make it through randomly generated levels of Super Mario World. Here is one entry:

The wall jump in the first video (ala 3D Mario and NSMB) is apparently something that has been coded into this Java program (called Infinite Mario Bros.) in case you were wondering. The video goes too fast for me to see what is going on when Mario takes out the piranha plants, whether it's a fireball or some other new move added into the game like walljumping.

Pretty awesome.

MikeVic 08-06-2009 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Big Fo (Post 2090226)
There is a competition to see who can do the best job programming an AI to make it through randomly generated levels of Super Mario World. Here is one entry:

The wall jump in the first video (ala 3D Mario and NSMB) is apparently something that has been coded into this Java program (called Infinite Mario Bros.) in case you were wondering. The video goes too fast for me to see what is going on when Mario takes out the piranha plants, whether it's a fireball or some other new move added into the game like walljumping.

Pretty awesome.

I was wondering about the wall jump, and the piranha plants after watching the first one! Is Mario hitting the bottom of the plants or something? Pretty cool AI.

sterlingice 08-10-2009 11:47 AM

Great?!? So, now we don't just have to compete with people who play XBox Live 24 hours a day and people in other countries who farm loot for a living, now we have to compete against computers, too ;)


Neon_Chaos 08-16-2009 09:28 AM

Anyone else with a PSP download Holy Invasion of Privacy Badman! What did I do to deserve this? ?

Very fun game.

Ironhead 08-22-2009 04:05 PM

The new Batman: Arkham Asylum game was nowhere on my radar because games based on things like this are usually pretty terrible. I saw it got a really great review so I downloaded the demo. Wow, this game just jumped to the top of my list after playing the demo.

Doubt I would buy it because it sounds short. Seems like a perfect game to rent though.

samifan24 08-22-2009 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Ironhead (Post 2100428)
The new Batman: Arkham Asylum game was nowhere on my radar because games based on things like this are usually pretty terrible. I saw it got a really great review so I downloaded the demo. Wow, this game just jumped to the top of my list after playing the demo.

Doubt I would buy it because it sounds short. Seems like a perfect game to rent though.

I've been trying to download the PS3 demo for this all day. I guess everybody else is, too. Do you use Gamefly to rent? I heard that it's tough to get good games from them, that they usually send games from lower in your queue. Have you found this to be the case?

RainMaker 08-22-2009 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by samifan24 (Post 2100518)
I've been trying to download the PS3 demo for this all day. I guess everybody else is, too. Do you use Gamefly to rent? I heard that it's tough to get good games from them, that they usually send games from lower in your queue. Have you found this to be the case?

I used Gamefly for about two months and that's my experience. Wasn't able to get any newer games.

MrDNA 08-22-2009 11:26 PM

Agree with gamefly sending stuff that was around 5th or 6th on my queue continually. Very aggravating and the reason that they're not getting my money anymore.

samifan24 08-22-2009 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2100539)
I used Gamefly for about two months and that's my experience. Wasn't able to get any newer games.


Originally Posted by MrDNA (Post 2100547)
Agree with gamefly sending stuff that was around 5th or 6th on my queue continually. Very aggravating and the reason that they're not getting my money anymore.

Good to know. Thanks.

Calis 08-23-2009 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ironhead (Post 2100428)
The new Batman: Arkham Asylum game was nowhere on my radar because games based on things like this are usually pretty terrible. I saw it got a really great review so I downloaded the demo. Wow, this game just jumped to the top of my list after playing the demo.

Doubt I would buy it because it sounds short. Seems like a perfect game to rent though.

Same here on everything. I really let this one fall off my radar because it seemed like one that was destined to be an absolute mess. It's gone through several iterations and push backs. I don't try demos often either but got bored this morning and fired it up. I had a blast with it. Seems extremely well done.

They did a great job of capturing the feel of being Batman. You're an absolute wrecking crew hand to hand, and it is very satisfying sneaking around for stealth kills. A guy with a gun can end your day very quickly though. Great voice acting, and seemed like a decent focus on story, and I'm curious to see how the full game builds up. I kept thinking about Bioshock while playing it also. Something about the look of things reminded me of it.

Probably wait and rent it as well, because I don't see it having legs but I'm really looking forward to a play through.

As for the Gamefly talk, from what I've read the trick is people remove stuff from their queue. If you have a bigger list they have no problem sending you one further down, and they prioritize sending out games to the people who only want the new one. Not sure if that's true, and a weird way to do things but I've heard it several times.

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