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spleen1015 10-21-2005 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
I think before everyone keeps saying that the "Others" do not make tracks, it is my thought as stated before, that Ecko meant that the Others do not make shoe prints because they do not wear shoes, they make foot prints. I don't think he meant the others float or somehow leave no tracks.

I think this is the case. Echo and Jin were looking at a shoe print, not a foot print.

gottimd 10-21-2005 04:35 PM

Okay people have way too much time on their hands. When you see Jins resume in the last episode, you see a yahoo email address for him. People have been investigating that too, and apparently there is a member profile that people are trying to "decode" but its all in korean.

Joe Canadian 10-21-2005 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
I think before everyone keeps saying that the "Others" do not make tracks, it is my thought as stated before, that Ecko meant that the Others do not make shoe prints because they do not wear shoes, they make foot prints. I don't think he meant the others float or somehow leave no tracks.

I didn't think that he meant they could float or fly... I think that they don't leave tracks because of what they are. Last time I checked a footprint is a type of track. If he meant they don't wear shows then he could have said, "that isn't theirs, they don't where shoes they walk barefoat."

The word "tracks" as used in Lost does not mean the samething as a shoe print. Unless the Boars on the island wear Air Force One's or something, because Locke & Kate followed Boar "tracks" through the jungle.

Joe Canadian 10-21-2005 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Okay people have way too much time on their hands. When you see Jins resume in the last episode, you see a yahoo email address for him. People have been investigating that too, and apparently there is a member profile that people are trying to "decode" but its all in korean.

I think the Riddler wrote it!!!!


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gottimd 10-21-2005 05:13 PM

As for the footprints, I found this:


I don't think that whether or not they are wearing shoes has much to do with how easy they are to track. When Mr. Echo said "They don't leave tracks." I think he meant they are just very stealthy and know how to leave very little or no signs of their past presence. Go walk in the mud or sand barefoot. You left tracks. Now try it with shoes on. You left tracks. So would the others. So what this means is, regardless of footwear, they know better than to walk in places where they would leave obvious tracks. Long story short: The 'Others' know they're way around, probably because they have been there a long time.

Joe Canadian 10-21-2005 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
As for the footprints, I found this:

Ok, so either way... Ethan leaves tracks & "the others" don't, right?

BishopMVP 10-21-2005 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
Ok, so either way... Ethan leaves tracks & "the others" don't, right?

Ethan was dragging/carrying Claire with him. Makes it a bit harder to avoid leaving a trail.

Joe Canadian 10-21-2005 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by BishopMVP
Ethan was dragging/carrying Claire with him. Makes it a bit harder to avoid leaving a trail.

He was also wearing shoes even when he came back for Claire... "the others" appear not to wear them.

Raiders Army 10-21-2005 05:22 PM

Weren't all of the others in their bare feet as well?

gottimd 10-21-2005 05:31 PM

Well if Ethan was trying to infiltrate the survivors, he would've been wearing shoes. I think the others don't leave foot prints when they don't want to be tracked, not all the time.

I still think there are the "Others", which may or may not include the Degroots and some other scientists that survived some horrible experiments, and then survivors, whether it be someone from Oceanic Flight or Rouseau's group or some other crash.

Joe Canadian 10-21-2005 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Well if Ethan was trying to infiltrate the survivors, he would've been wearing shoes. I think the others don't leave foot prints when they don't want to be tracked, not all the time.

But when he came back for Claire he was wearing shoes... and I think the shot from this weeks episode of them all walking barefoot was to show us they didn't wear shoe's.[/quote]


I still think there are the "Others", which may or may not include the Degroots and some other scientists that survived some horrible experiments, and then survivors, whether it be someone from Oceanic Flight or Rouseau's group or some other crash.

I have no doubt that there are others... I just don't think Ethan is one of them, at this point anyways.

gottimd 10-21-2005 05:39 PM

If you were barefoot, and found shoes to wear, wouldn't you want to wear them?

Also, as noted below...

So what this means is, regardless of footwear, they know better than to walk in places where they would leave obvious tracks. Long story short: The 'Others' know they're way around, probably because they have been there a long time.

So with or without shoes they know the island and how not to leave tracks.

How come none of the survivors has made friends with a volleyball yet?

Raiders Army 10-21-2005 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
How come none of the survivors has made friends with a volleyball yet?


Joe Canadian 10-21-2005 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
If you were barefoot, and found shoes to wear, wouldn't you want to wear them?

Well yes... but were these people born without shoes? At one point they had to have them, and I really doubt they all lost their footwear, and with all the people we think they killed or have died on the island that Ethan was the only one to find a pair of shoe's.

Anyways I guess we'll have to disagree on the Ethan thing for now.

kingfc22 10-21-2005 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
Well yes... but were these people born without shoes? At one point they had to have them, and I really doubt they all lost their footwear...

I lean towards the theory that these are all kids like Alex and they have outgrown their clothes and shoes, etc.

gottimd 10-21-2005 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
I lean towards the theory that these are all kids like Alex and they have outgrown their clothes and shoes, etc.


Joe Canadian 10-21-2005 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
I lean towards the theory that these are all kids like Alex and they have outgrown their clothes and shoes, etc.

Good point... but what about the other part of my paragraph that you didn't quote? Is Ethan the only "other" smart enough to find shoes from all the dead people? The rest of them were smart enough to scavange for clothes (they had clothes on), but they left the shoes on the bodies?

But for arguments sake lets say you guys are right... we know that Ethan has left tracks & that "the others" apparently don't. You guys are saying that they decide to leave tracks sometimes and\or their footwear or lack there of decides if they leave tracks or not... I'm really going to enjoy watching the show when they show the backstory of "the others" explaining their footwearing tendencies! :D

^That's a joke, I know that will never happen.

Bearcat729 10-21-2005 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
Well yes... but were these people born without shoes?

How many people are born with shoes?

But, yes the idea that if they came to the island with shoes and outgrew them makes sense.

Joe Canadian 10-21-2005 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat729
How many people are born with shoes?

You know what I mean... if these people came to the island has adults they would still have shoes.


But, yes the idea that if they came to the island with shoes and outgrew them makes sense.

Yes... but it doesn't make sence to me, at least, that while they all scavenged for clothes... only Ethan was smart enough to put on the shoes. Unless they wear their shoes as a hat or something and just wear them on their feet when strange people get lost on the island. :)

gottimd 10-22-2005 09:34 AM

So to beat a dead horse here, here are some other observations/comments about the footprint discussion.


They appeared to be walking on the balls of their feet and in single file.
Of course, since they have weight, they would have to leave tracks, but by walking on the balls of their feet, their tracks would be obscured among indentions in the dirt made by rocks and any number of other things. Also, walking in single file would muck up the works as well.
They probably could be tracked, but it would be very difficult.


Native Americans knew a way to walk and not to leave tracks....


when they were tracking ethan, charlie supposedly dropped one of his finger tape things on the ground in one direction while there were footsteps in another. locke and boone followed the footsteps and found the hatch, but jack and kate followed the path charlie left and found ethan and charlie. however later on locke and boone find claire out near where they ended up normally going... so maybe ethan was not one of the others at all? thoughts?

Honolulu_Blue 10-22-2005 10:00 AM

I think people are taking this whole "they don't leave tracks" thing a bit too literally. I think the explanation above is a good one. They wouldn't leave tracks like Michael did, because they walk lightly and don't appear to wear shoes. While I am sure an expert tracker could probably pick up their trail, it would be hard for anyone on the plane to do so. Locke might have a chance. And maybe Mr. Ecko, because he's a bad ass, but he didn't seem able to.

I think that the "trust issues" thing probably does mean that someone (like Ethan) likely infiltrated the tail end of the plane and started killing folks. Either that or one or two people quickly fell prey to the "illness" and turned on the other survivors.

OldGiants 10-22-2005 10:53 AM

Interesting theory about Ethan. I've thinking about the feral Rousseau, and have a question or two:

1) Didn't she go after Claire because she thought she could trade Clare's as yet unborn baby for her son, Alexander?

2) Could the hole in the ground she's living in (and took Said to) be another project bunker? I can't really remember what it looked like in the first season. Since the Others don't seem to know where the project bunkers are, despite living on the island possibly since pre-project days (another thing that bugs me almost as much as Locke not telling anyone about his seeing the monster, to say nothing of his Lourdes-like miracle cure) that could be the reason she's remained safe.

3) How does the crew of the Black Rock fit in? They are pre-most everything. Could they be the Others?

4) I like the idea of Alexander being recruited into the teenage Others. But they have a lot of time on their hands. Surely they have found the Black Rock. Teenage boys and dynamite anyone?

I'm willing to go along with all this because the writers have left lots of clues and "ah ha!" moments (mostly notably the character interconnections). In this way they are J. K. Rowling-like in their story telling ability. Hope it continues.

Joe Canadian 10-22-2005 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
I think people are taking this whole "they don't leave tracks" thing a bit too literally. I think the explanation above is a good one. They wouldn't leave tracks like Michael did, because they walk lightly and don't appear to wear shoes. While I am sure an expert tracker could probably pick up their trail, it would be hard for anyone on the plane to do so. Locke might have a chance. And maybe Mr. Ecko, because he's a bad ass, but he didn't seem able to.

I think that the "trust issues" thing probably does mean that someone (like Ethan) likely infiltrated the tail end of the plane and started killing folks. Either that or one or two people quickly fell prey to the "illness" and turned on the other survivors.

One thing I need to point out is that it wasn't just Mr. Ecko that said the others don't leave tracks. This was mentioned in season one as well when Sayid & Charlie came apon the black smoke and said that there were no tracks...

I understand what everyone is saying, but I just think to explain that "tracks" didn't really mean footprints or they walk on the balls of their feet or whatever... is going to be very awkward to explain on TV. But anyways it's a theory... I think we've beaten it to death, lets move on.


Originally Posted by OldGiants
Interesting theory about Ethan. I've thinking about the feral Rousseau, and have a question or two:

1) Didn't she go after Claire because she thought she could trade Clare's as yet unborn baby for her son, Alexander?

2) Could the hole in the ground she's living in (and took Said to) be another project bunker? I can't really remember what it looked like in the first season. Since the Others don't seem to know where the project bunkers are, despite living on the island possibly since pre-project days (another thing that bugs me almost as much as Locke not telling anyone about his seeing the monster, to say nothing of his Lourdes-like miracle cure) that could be the reason she's remained safe.

3) How does the crew of the Black Rock fit in? They are pre-most everything. Could they be the Others?

4) I like the idea of Alexander being recruited into the teenage Others. But they have a lot of time on their hands. Surely they have found the Black Rock. Teenage boys and dynamite anyone?

I'm willing to go along with all this because the writers have left lots of clues and "ah ha!" moments (mostly notably the character interconnections). In this way they are J. K. Rowling-like in their story telling ability. Hope it continues.

1) It hasn't been explained that Rousseau went after Claire, it was just Claire remembering that she scratched Rousseau in the jungle. We don't know if Ethan & Rousseau are in cohoots, or if Rousseau was saving Claire, or if Rousseau tryed to take Claire from Ethan. We do not that she took Claire's baby after it was born to trade for Alex.

2) Rousseau explained that her and the crew of her boat dug the trench out... so it wasn't a project "hatch".

3) Good theory...


Regarding Alex & the others... I was thinking of this today. If Alex was the one holding the bear, where did he get it? He was born on the island as Rousseau explained... so did he find it, did Rousseau have it on the boat just in case she gave birth?

Poli 10-26-2005 08:19 PM

I'm actually happy to catch the repeat episodes of Lost again. Now that I've seen the first season things make a little more sense.

Poli 10-26-2005 08:24 PM

Probably been hashed through...but Desmond asked Locke if it was "him." I can't recall, was he expecting someone? Did he explain it?

RailsFS 10-26-2005 08:51 PM

I thought this was supposed to be a NEW episode.......

Poli 10-26-2005 08:57 PM

Nah, two more weeks.

RailsFS 10-26-2005 09:02 PM

Hmmm, well you're obviously right. I seem to remember them saying that this week's episode was the one you couldn't miss. Then they ran the same promo following this week's. Hell, even TV guide says it was supposed to be a new one tonight.

Joe Canadian 10-26-2005 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by RailsFS
Hmmm, well you're obviously right. I seem to remember them saying that this week's episode was the one you couldn't miss. Then they ran the same promo following this week's. Hell, even TV guide says it was supposed to be a new one tonight.

After last week's episode the preview said... Lost will return in 3 weeks. So one more re-run and the new one's are back.

RailsFS 10-26-2005 09:09 PM

Well, I don't remember seeing that. At least good ole TV Guide has my back.

samifan24 10-27-2005 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
Probably been hashed through...but Desmond asked Locke if it was "him." I can't recall, was he expecting someone? Did he explain it?

This was explained in "Orientation," when Jack and Locke watch the Dharma orientation video. Desmond thought Locke was his replacement. Remember that the man Desmond replaced in the hatch thought Desmond was his replacement but the real replacements never came.

Poli 10-27-2005 10:18 AM

Ah, that's right. But what about the "code word"? Was that part of the video, I don't remember it. Or should we assume that is was "passed down" from the first guy to Desmond?

samifan24 10-27-2005 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
Ah, that's right. But what about the "code word"? Was that part of the video, I don't remember it. Or should we assume that is was "passed down" from the first guy to Desmond?

I believe we are just to assume that it is passed from one guy to the next.

Pyser 10-27-2005 07:14 PM

heres some cool news.

darren aronofsky called up lost's producers and aked to direct an episode, and they said yes. it should air in may.

aronofsky did "pi" and "requiem for a dream", and his style on "lost" should be a really amazing episode.

QuikSand 11-08-2005 10:37 AM

Just got caught up on the show (this morning) and this thread.

I must be among the minority who misses nearly all these little clues and references. I notice the numbers (since we've been clubbed over the head with that) but I am just not attuned to paying attention to every name, every face, and every background image to look for connections back to other storylines.

But since we're engaging in so much speculation... I wonder if Desmond turns out to be the central character in this whole story, once the many parts are revealed. Anyone else get that vibe? Maybe he's a character a bit like the ever-present guy in Neil Stephenson's novels... (blanking on the name there).

Joe Canadian 11-08-2005 11:07 AM

New episode tomorrow night...

Swaggs 11-08-2005 12:36 PM

Who do we think will bite the dust tomorrow?

I'd be shocked if it were Jack, Locke, Kate, Sawyer, Charlie, or Hurley. They all seem to have backstories that need to be completed.

And reasonably surprised if it was one of the other "main" characters (Sun, Jin, Claire, Shannon, Sayid, Michael, Walt). If it is one of the folks from this group, I would guess Sun or Jin OR Michael or Walt, so that the other member of the pair can flashback (a la Shannon with Boone). If I had to pick one of the main characters, I would go with Jin.

I'm guessing it will be more along the lines of another bit character like Rousseau, Desmond, or one of the newly introduced flight survivors.

moriarty 11-08-2005 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs
Who do we think will bite the dust tomorrow?

I'd be shocked if it were Jack, Locke, Kate, Sawyer, Charlie, or Hurley. They all seem to have backstories that need to be completed.

And reasonably surprised if it was one of the other "main" characters (Sun, Jin, Claire, Shannon, Sayid, Michael, Walt). If it is one of the folks from this group, I would guess Sun or Jin OR Michael or Walt, so that the other member of the pair can flashback (a la Shannon with Boone). If I had to pick one of the main characters, I would go with Jin.

I'm guessing it will be more along the lines of another bit character like Rousseau, Desmond, or one of the newly introduced flight survivors.

I think it will be a bit player, but Sayid's story line has been very quiet so far this year ....

kingfc22 11-08-2005 12:44 PM

I'm going to go with Echo. That would suck since he is a badass, but that would be more interesting than just killing off one of the bit characters.

moriarty 11-08-2005 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
I'm going to go with Echo. That would suck since he is a badass, but that would be more interesting than just killing off one of the bit characters.

Yeah, by bit I meant one of the back of the plane characters (not one of the random no-namers).

QuikSand 11-08-2005 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs
Who do we think will bite the dust tomorrow?

In the preview from the last new show, they explicitly mention that "one of these survivors will be gone" or something like that, and they show faces of several of our regulars, along with the fairly non-descript blonde-haired woman from the tail section survivor group. My immediate thought was -- "well, I think we have our Ensign So-and-so from Star Trek."

Since then, I guess there have been "confirmations" that this is a major character... so that wouldn't add up. But if push came to shove, I'd still guess that it's her.

rkmsuf 11-08-2005 12:56 PM

just stop having these annoying 3 week breaks. that's all I ask.

Daimyo 11-08-2005 01:06 PM

Based on storyline I bet its Jin or Sun (which I think would be a shame). They're both main characters who sort of operate outside of the main storyline and would thus be expendable.

I could see Shannon though... the actress was just in a movie and made comments along the lines that Hawaii wasn't a good place for a budding actress to be. Maybe she somehow thinks she can do better and wants out...

moriarty 11-08-2005 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Daimyo
I could see Shannon though... the actress was just in a movie and made comments along the lines that Hawaii wasn't a good place for a budding actress to be. Maybe she somehow thinks she can do better and wants out...

Man I hope so. She's annoying as hell.

Anthony 11-08-2005 01:32 PM

i believe it's Echo as well. not a faceless character, but prominent enough to be a big sacrifice.

my wildcard is Clara (i think that's the name of the mother of the baby). she serves no purpose other than to cry every episode. just cuz her baby is important (glad the writers have kept up that story :rolleyes: ) doesn't make her necessarily so. besides, there's always charlie to look after the baby, so i'm not thinking the mother is necessary to move the plot along.

Joe Canadian 11-08-2005 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by moriarty
Man I hope so. She's annoying as hell.

Agreed. She's become a bit less annoying since Boone's death, but she's easily my least favourite character. Her backstory doesn't seem crucial to the development of the plot, except for Jack's wife killing her dad in the accident... but like some have said these connections quite possibly might be just that, simple connections not really important to the central story.

However, something in my gut tells me that it won't be Shannon and will be someone I consider more important... like Sawyer, Jin, or Sun. I had the same feeling before Boone died, as he seemed 'important' at the time of his death.

But going by the preview Sawyer & Echo seem the most likely canidates... Sawyer's wound is getting infected & from the text preview on Lost's website it says the wound is becoming life threatening, and Echo is leading Michael & Jin around with "the others" close by.

Oh, how I missed pointlessly speculating about my favourite show! :D

Honolulu_Blue 11-08-2005 05:36 PM

I think Sawyer's pretty safe.

I think Shannon should be safe. She seems to be acting as Walt's "conduit" or something. Remember when Walt picked her to watch Vincent (his dog)? And then came to her in her "dream"? I think he's established some sort of psychic/mystical connection with Shannon some how. I think that will need to be played out a bit further...

I have a feeling it will be Jin or Sun too, which would really suck. I really like both of them and their story.

Draft Dodger 11-08-2005 06:07 PM

QS and I really must be in tune. My wife and I just caught up this weekend, so I can finally read this thread (I'm only going to bother with this page though).

I too feel it would be one of the Koreans, and that would really bum me out. I don't think it's going to be Eko or Michelle Rodriguez. I could see Bernard (or Rose), though, especially since Rose is not a full time castmember. It certainly won't be Sawyer.

I agree with HA that Claire could be a darkhorse candidate.

EDIT: but yeah, if I was choosing, Shannon would be toast. or the Michelle Rodriguez bitch.

NoMyths 11-08-2005 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand
In the preview from the last new show, they explicitly mention that "one of these survivors will be gone" or something like that, and they show faces of several of our regulars, along with the fairly non-descript blonde-haired woman from the tail section survivor group. My immediate thought was -- "well, I think we have our Ensign So-and-so from Star Trek."

Since then, I guess there have been "confirmations" that this is a major character... so that wouldn't add up. But if push came to shove, I'd still guess that it's her.

Ding. Same thing I was thinking. :)

Raven 11-08-2005 10:00 PM

I agree with QS. My guess was the blonde from the tail end would be the one to die.

On another note - Anyone see Kate and Michelle Rodriguez butting heads when the groups come together?

Joe Canadian 11-08-2005 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Raven
Anyone see Kate and Michelle Rodriguez butting heads when the groups come together?

Was thinking the exact same thing myself... perhaps another love triangle with Kate & Michelle fighting over Jack or Sawyer.

cthomer5000 11-08-2005 11:28 PM

I really hope Michael dies. I hate the character and find every single element of him boring and annoying.

ThunderingHERD 11-08-2005 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
I really hope Michael dies. I hate the character and find every single element of him boring and annoying.

Walt!!! WAALT!! WAALT!!!

bryce 11-09-2005 08:31 AM

I'd bet on someone who has contract dispute issues, movie aspiriations, or other similar grumblings, as that's usually the cause for people to leave hit shows, but I came up empty.... Saw the post about the Shannon character - is that the only one who fits that mold?

Guess we'll know in about 13 hours, though...

Subby 11-09-2005 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
I really hope Michael dies. I hate the character and find every single element of him boring and annoying.

Really? Are you sure? If so, that's the first I've heard it.


Raiders Army 11-09-2005 08:55 AM

My first choice is for Shannon to bite the dust since she seemingly has no redeemable qualities. Mike has redeemable qualities, as he built the raft and loves his son.

I'd like to see Michelle Rodriguez's character bite it too. Her range as an actress is pretty minimal as she plays the same character in every movie or TV show.

cthomer5000 11-09-2005 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Subby
Really? Are you sure? If so, that's the first I've heard it.


After I posted it I realized i've probably posted that exact same sentence like 5-6 times in this thread. :)

QuikSand 11-09-2005 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
After I posted it I realized i've probably posted that exact same sentence like 56 times in this thread.


cthomer5000 11-09-2005 09:16 AM

It can't be stated enough though. ever.

Swaggs 11-09-2005 12:41 PM

What is the more annoying repeated quote on Lost?

"Walt! Walt! I need to find my boy!" -- Michael

"My baby!" (in a crappy Austrailian accent, by a crappy Austrailian actress) -- Claire

Draft Dodger 11-09-2005 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs
What is the more annoying repeated quote on Lost?

"Walt! Walt! I need to find my boy!" -- Michael

"My baby!" (in a crappy Austrailian accent, by a crappy Austrailian actress) -- Claire

I'd also put in an honorable mention for any line from Sawyer that he delivers while clenching his teeth.

Raiders Army 11-09-2005 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger
I'd also put in an honorable mention for any line from Sawyer that he delivers while clenching his teeth.

No way! Sawyer rawks!!!

Draft Dodger 11-09-2005 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
No way! Sawyer rawks!!!

I agree. He just needs to stop the talking-through-his-teeth-when-he's-REALLY-angry routine.

JasonC23 11-09-2005 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger
I agree. He just needs to stop the talking-through-his-teeth-when-he's-REALLY-angry routine.

It does get tiring, but as far as I'm concerned, he can keep doing that as long as he keeps calling Kate "Freckles" and comes up with a good nickname for Michelle Rodriguez. :)

Pyser 11-09-2005 04:59 PM

"youre in my lightsticks."
"what the hell is a lightstick?"
"youre in my light, comma, sticks."

gotta love sawyer. i cant wait for michelle rodriguez to die. i hope its horrific when she finally bites it.

gottimd 11-09-2005 05:03 PM

Hey Sov, thread needs a new title. Your 3 weeks is up!

Raiders Army 11-09-2005 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger
I agree. He just needs to stop the talking-through-his-teeth-when-he's-REALLY-angry routine.

Oh. Agreed.

Draft Dodger 11-09-2005 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Hey Sov, thread needs a new title. Your 3 weeks is up!

SPOILER FREE though, please. I won't see it until tomorrow.

gottimd 11-09-2005 08:08 PM

Did Walt just tell her to "swallow and like it"?

Poli 11-09-2005 08:11 PM

Someone PM me that first bit (what happened before the first commercial), please? My brother called me with some important news...I had to take the call.

Bearcat729 11-09-2005 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Did Walt just tell her to "swallow and like it"?

Hmm Lost on the Spice channel eh?

The folks on totalfark say that he said They're coming and they're close.

That last scene leads me to believe that she is going to die.

jbmagic 11-09-2005 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
Someone PM me that first bit (what happened before the first commercial), please? My brother called me with some important news...I had to take the call.

get a tivo, you can pause live tv :)

Poli 11-09-2005 08:20 PM

:) I'm hoping for that for Christmas.

Poli 11-09-2005 08:31 PM

Don't everyone jump at once. :)

Poli 11-09-2005 08:53 PM

Thanks, bearcat.

jbmagic 11-09-2005 08:58 PM

i have to wait 2 hours more to start here in the west coast :(

Bearcat729 11-09-2005 08:59 PM

That was one hell of a meeting

Poli 11-09-2005 09:01 PM


VPI97 11-09-2005 09:01 PM

I hope someone slaps that bitch upside the head.

sachmo71 11-09-2005 09:02 PM

Holy shit!

Poli 11-09-2005 09:02 PM

I've got my pimp hand ready.

Joe Canadian 11-09-2005 09:07 PM

Best episode since the premiere IMO... my thoughts on you know who were clear prior to this episode, and throughout the show I was saying, "man, they really are developing this story nicely, I'm starting to change my mind on this character... I bet this is the one they're going to kill." I was right...

If this person had of died last week I wouldn't think twice about it, but after this episode I actually didn't want the person to die.

And I hope Sayid gets all Republican Guard on her ass!!!!

gottimd 11-09-2005 09:08 PM

Tell me you saw Jack in Shannons flashback in the Hospital hall. He runs by while the doctor is telling Shannon and her step mom about Mr. Rutherford dying.

Poli 11-09-2005 09:10 PM

Nah, dude. I saw Walt.

Joe Canadian 11-09-2005 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Tell me you saw Jack in Shannons flashback in the Hospital hall. He runs by while the doctor is telling Shannon and her step mom about Mr. Rutherford dying.

Well yeah... that was kind of expected. When they did Jack's backstory a few weeks ago and his future wife came into the ER, Shannon's dad came in right after her. Jack's wife was the one driving the SUV that killed Shannon's dad... and Jack choose to take care of his future wife over Shannon's dad.

Raven 11-09-2005 09:11 PM


sachmo71 11-09-2005 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
And I hope Sayid gets all Republican Guard on her ass!!!!

If you mean to go into a defensive position completely out in the open using methods that were tactically sound in the revolutionary war, throw away any mobility you have, and get destroyed piecemeal by a technologically superior force, I agree!

Poli 11-09-2005 09:13 PM

Nice title change.

gottimd 11-09-2005 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
Well yeah... that was kind of expected. When they did Jack's backstory a few weeks ago and his future wife came into the ER, Shannon's dad came in right after her. Jack's wife was the one driving the SUV that killed Shannon's dad... and Jack choose to take care of his future wife over Shannon's dad.

Yes, I knew that, I was just wondering if anyone noticed him run by.

cthomer5000 11-09-2005 09:13 PM

Good episode, not great. Anyone know what they mean by "extended" episode next week? 90 minutes? 2 hours? 1.15? what?!!

gottimd 11-09-2005 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Good episode, not great. Anyone know what they mean by "extended" episode next week? 90 minutes? 2 hours? 1.15? what?!!

108 Minutes.
or an episode that loops for 16 years.

Joe Canadian 11-09-2005 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Good episode, not great. Anyone know what they mean by "extended" episode next week? 90 minutes? 2 hours? 1.15? what?!!

I'm assuming it's like 70 mins... when network's say extended that's usually what the mean. If it was 2 hours or 90 mins they usually say so... But next week's episode looks fantastic.

gottimd 11-09-2005 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
I'm assuming it's like 70 mins... when network's say extended that's usually what the mean. If it was 2 hours or 90 mins they usually say so... But next week's episode looks fantastic.

Probably an advertising gimmick. A regular 60 minute show contains 40-45 minutes of real show approx. So, IIRC, this is sweeps week and with a large fan base, many companies probably want ad time on this show. Extend the time of the show to fit more commercials in, and maybe an extra minute or so of show than normal.

Joe Canadian 11-09-2005 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Probably an advertising gimmick. A regular 60 minute show contains 40-45 minutes of real show approx. So, IIRC, this is sweeps week and with a large fan base, many companies probably want ad time on this show. Extend the time of the show to fit more commercials in, and maybe an extra minute or so of show than normal.

Yup, usually that's how it goes... there will be more added commericials then added Lost. NBC usually does the same thing during sweeps on Thursday extending Friends/Joey and Will & Grace an extra 10 mins.

Subby 11-09-2005 09:58 PM


The Others scare me.

jbmagic 11-10-2005 12:08 AM

my tivo shows next week episode is only one hour.

i think what they meant by extended episode, is that its about the other survivors only. they get a whole episode about them.

thesloppy 11-10-2005 12:19 AM

They TOTALLY got me with this episode. I was all "CINDY?!?! Who the hell is Cindy? You bastards have screwed me again!", but really I was expecting that it was going to be a minor character to bite it, and then *POW*, the ol' switcheroo! Totally played into my expectations and then turned me on my ear. Fantastic.

jbmagic 11-10-2005 12:25 AM

i dont think Ana really did it at the end. it might look like it, but i dont think she did it.

i dont think this person that died tonight, is actually dead.

i guess we will find out in 2 weeks, because next week is about the tail section only.

cthomer5000 11-10-2005 12:39 AM

Walt's backward speaking is (quite clearly) "They're coming, and they're close."

Swaggs 11-10-2005 12:52 AM

I thought the person it happened to was about the least surprising, with the way the episode was going. I almost thought it was going to be the person with her, as that would have been a more emotional impact and less expected, in my opinion.

But... at least it wasn't Vincent. :)

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