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miami_fan 09-22-2015 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by korme (Post 3043369)
Will he still be able to have someone like Cousin Sal on?

It seems so. We shall find out by next week.

Logan 10-01-2015 08:16 AM

Listening to the first Simmons podcast with Cousin Sal now. Already a small shot at Chris Berman at the 2 minute mark.

Arles 10-01-2015 10:59 AM

If you can handle the extreme Patriot fanboyism, Bill is actually fairly entertaining and I'm glad he's back on podcasts. Releasing him from the ESPN "shackles" should also make for some interesting comments this fall.

panerd 10-01-2015 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Arles (Post 3056861)
If you can handle the extreme Patriot fanboyism, Bill is actually fairly entertaining and I'm glad he's back on podcasts. Releasing him from the ESPN "shackles" should also make for some interesting comments this fall.

Yes the guess the lines podcast is probably my favorite sports podcast. I also enjoy most of his non-NBA stuff.

I would add his over the top defense of Tony Kornheiser/MNF to his negatives. I love him on PTI but his Monday Night Football announcing was disastrous and cringe worthy. Are most things at ESPN likely influenced by company politics? Absolutely. Was him being let go of Monday Night Football? Highly unlikely, he just sucked in that format.

miami_fan 10-06-2015 03:06 PM

Jason Whitlock lashes out over his end days at ESPN - The Washington Post

Missouri folks: I vaguely remember the first Explanation. Was this when he killed Joe Posnanski and other writers at the KC Star?

The Simmons-Whitlock podcast will be awesome.

Arles 10-06-2015 03:51 PM

ESPN is certainly shedding some talent lately. Cowherd, Simmons, Whitlock, Olbermann, the men in blazers (soccer guys from grantland now with NBC) and even Wesley Morris announced he is leaving Grantland for the NY Times. Having Simmons and Whitlock specifically off their ESPN shackles should make for some interesting water cooler talk over the next few months.

Grover 10-06-2015 03:59 PM

Men in Blazers is just the best.

Arles 10-12-2015 12:29 PM

Seems like more is coming out on Grantland and people leaving. According to SI, Sean Fennessey, Juliet Litman, Mallory Rubin and Chris Ryan are leaving Grantland to join up with Simmons in some capacity:

How local MLB announcers handle the national spotlight - More Sports -

Also, it appears Dan Fierman (senior Grantland Exec) has left Grantland as well. Here's how SI is reporting it:

Dan Fierman, the founding editorial director of Grantland and one of its key behind the scenes executives, has left ESPN for a job as the Vice President and Editorial Director of MTV News. Fierman had worked for Grantland since the site was founded in 2011 and was a close confidant of Bill Simmons.
This is kind of a shame as I enjoyed Chris Ryan and Andy Greenwald's podcast together - I hope they don't end up being split up. Whatever the result, it appears even more talent is leaving Grantland and I am not sure what ESPN does with it. It looks and smells like a sinking ship and I can't see too many established guys joining up at this point to replace the guys lost.

stevew 10-12-2015 06:38 PM

RIP Food News. :(

Wolfpack 10-12-2015 09:49 PM

There ought to be a 30 for 30 on the rise and fall of Grantland just to create an ironic coda.

PilotMan 10-12-2015 09:56 PM

Alright, so I've totally missed this whole Grantland thing. Can anyone give me the TL;DR version?

stevew 10-12-2015 10:02 PM

Basically Simmons claimed ESPN wasn't doing enough to promote the site, somewhere along the line they suspended him as he was entering the last year of the contract. He wasn't fined immediately, ESPN did decide to dock him pay right before xmas. Then eventually they announced he wouldn't be offered a new deal, and he left. Now other people are following course.

and the TL:DR to all of it is that Grantland is not that popular apparently.

albionmoonlight 10-13-2015 08:44 AM

I really like Mayes, Barnwell, and Lowe. It will be a shame if there isn't enough of a market for those guys for them to remain on the ESPN platform.

Seems like ESPN might be trying to wind down its "smart talk" guys.

panerd 10-13-2015 08:57 AM


Love his sense of humor and the guess the lines podcast but man on man is he not only a huge homer that won't get over the Brady thing but his vitriol aimed at ESPN is insane. How exactly does he think he got his exposure? Why was he able to rub elbows with all these athletes? Definitely a case of both sides thinking they are more important than they really are.

Logan 10-13-2015 08:58 AM

I get Simmons' complaints about publicizing the site but from what others have written, Grantland staff and writers were paid well above industry norms and had large travel/expense budgets. I'm guessing ESPN quickly realized that they weren't going to generate the type of traffic to warrant all the overhead and they threw in the towel pretty early.

I think combining sports and pop culture makes plenty of sense but in hindsight, maybe they should have gone with either the smart writers on their own (or combined them with Silver's site) or taken a more traditional, but fun sports writing approach still mixed with pop culture. Basically a staff of mini-Simmonses. He loved guys like Barnwell, Lowe and Keri but none of them wrote anything like him.

albionmoonlight 10-13-2015 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by panerd (Post 3059403)

Love his sense of humor and the guess the lines podcast but man on man is he not only a huge homer that won't get over the Brady thing but his vitriol aimed at ESPN is insane. How exactly does he think he got his exposure? Why was he able to rub elbows with all these athletes? Definitely a case of both sides thinking they are more important than they really are.

I think that Simmons would easily be one of the most annoying and insufferable celebrities to know in real life. Love his stuff with Klosterman. Love guess the lines. But you would think after 15 or so years, he would not need to keep pointing out that he hangs out with famous people.

And the Brady stuff has gotten almost weird. Of course Simmons is a homer; that's always been part of his package. But at some point over the last few months, Brady became the greatest QB of all time, and a federal judge saying that the NFL did not follow the CBA guidelines in imposing punishment meant that all of the substantive findings regarding the deflation had been invalidated.

Personally, I am of the I-wouldn't-trust-the-NFL-to-say-if-water-is-wet camp, so I have no idea what really happened with the balls. But it has gotten to the point where I hope that tomorrow some undisputed smoking gun comes out proving that Brady deflated balls while taking steroids and paying off refs, just so that Simmons will stop talking about him.

Arles 10-13-2015 10:51 AM

In order to enjoy Simmons, you have to get past the New England homer-ism. I've been able to do that, so I enjoy most of his stuff now. I like their sports coverage and enjoy reading/listening to Mays, Barnwell, Lowe and Jonah. I've also enjoyed Greenwald and Ryan on TV/pop culture. I think their problem is they tried to do too much with established people. Bringing in guys like Wesley Morris (who I enjoy), Connelly, Klosterman (also enjoy), Alex Pappademas and a few other well established guys who ended up being 3rd/4th in the pecking order for their area seemed a little wasteful. Bring in a few stars (Greenwald, Simmons, Jonah Keri, Jalen Rose) to give credibility - but then fill the rest in with young, somewhat unestablished talent like Rembert, Barnwell, Lowe, and Mays to do the heaving lifting. They signed too many high-priced guys to come off the bench and gave everyone the site too much of a budget (while not fully marketing it).

It's a shame this site will probably end up failing over the next two years given the quality it provided at its apex. Hopefully Simmons can restart it with a better vision and somewhat leaner staff/budget.

Logan 10-13-2015 11:33 AM

I'm with you there...a couple years back I just learned to enjoy and laugh at all his annoying things. It's all entertainment.

panerd 10-13-2015 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 3059438)
I'm with you there...a couple years back I just learned to enjoy and laugh at all his annoying things. It's all entertainment.

I definitely enjoy him. The guess the lines is must listen to radio for me every week. His suspension really left a void last year and the beginning of this year. I just think the ESPN "corporate monster" angle is pretty tired already and is only going to get worse. Berman held people down, I get it. My guess is Simmons is unaware but likely played politics and screwed some people over as well.

Arles 10-13-2015 12:21 PM

Yeah, I do agree that it's hard for Simmons to play the "disenfranchised little guy" angle here. They help build him into a media mogul and decided to bail when he was getting too big/expensive. The landscape is littered with guys like that (Howard Stern, Dan Patrick, Glenn Beck, and even Cowherd is close to that situation). It happens, get over it. He will land on his feet, make a ton of money and have a new challenge now - which is often what the big names constantly say they want.

I think the truth of the situation is part of his shtick is to rip other commentators/sports people. And, for 10 years, he had to hold his tongue on all the ESPN guys. Now that restriction has been lifted and its open season on ESPN talent from his perspective. I don't see him being too hard on the powers that be at ESPN as time passes, but I can see a lot of shots coming the way of Berman, Mike and Mike, the first take guys and so forth.

JonInMiddleGA 10-13-2015 02:18 PM

There's a certain irony about this old Grantland piece I think

The Greatest Paper That Ever Died «

Arles 10-13-2015 02:42 PM

Wow, that is a great find and very appropriate.

Draft Dodger 10-13-2015 06:28 PM

really miss The National

Wolfpack 10-13-2015 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 3059474)
There's a certain irony about this old Grantland piece I think

The Greatest Paper That Ever Died «

Yep. Remembered reading that, which is what inspired my thinking about the irony of doing a 30 for 30 about Grantland as an epilogue of its own creator's relationship with the media giant that gave him all the resources to not only have his own column, but a team of columnists under his banner and a documentary series that he helped produce.

stevew 10-14-2015 12:34 AM

That national piece was my first thought as well but I was too lazy to dig it up

bob 10-22-2015 10:41 AM

ESPN to Lay Off 300 Workers, Reacting to Shifts in Sports Viewing

ESPN plans to lay off about 300 employees as it reacts to the shifting ways that sports are consumed and as it devises new ways to market and distribute its vast array of sports programming.

“The demand for sports remains undiminished,” John Skipper, ESPN’s president, wrote in a letter to employees on Wednesday, “though the landscape we operate in has never been more complex.” He added, “No matter how many times we’ve adjusted course to lead the industry over the years, the decisions affecting our employees are never made lightly.”

Draft Dodger 10-22-2015 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by bob (Post 3061000)
ESPN to Lay Off 300 Workers, Reacting to Shifts in Sports Viewing

ESPN plans to lay off about 300 employees as it reacts to the shifting ways that sports are consumed and as it devises new ways to market and distribute its vast array of sports programming.

“The demand for sports remains undiminished,” John Skipper, ESPN’s president, wrote in a letter to employees on Wednesday, “though the landscape we operate in has never been more complex.” He added, “No matter how many times we’ve adjusted course to lead the industry over the years, the decisions affecting our employees are never made lightly.”

I assume it won't be any of the blowhard idiots they have in front of the camera *cough* Stephen A Smith *cough* that make ESPN largely unwatchable

bhlloy 10-22-2015 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger (Post 3061006)
I assume it won't be any of the blowhard idiots they have in front of the camera *cough* Stephen A Smith *cough* that make ESPN largely unwatchable

If he wasn't in front of a camera bringing us the hottest takes every day, the NBA would cease to exist, didn't you hear? :banghead:

JonInMiddleGA 10-22-2015 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger (Post 3061006)
I assume it won't be any of the blowhard idiots they have in front of the camera *cough* Stephen A Smith *cough* that make ESPN largely unwatchable

USA Today columnist says hi :)
Stop complaining about Stephen A. Smith, Skip Bayless and ‘First Take’ | For The Win

*only shared that 'cause that column actually appeared yesterday afternoon, hours apart from your comment.

BishopMVP 10-22-2015 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by bob (Post 3061000)
ESPN to Lay Off 300 Workers, Reacting to Shifts in Sports Viewing

ESPN plans to lay off about 300 employees as it reacts to the shifting ways that sports are consumed and as it devises new ways to market and distribute its vast array of sports programming.

“The demand for sports remains undiminished,” John Skipper, ESPN’s president, wrote in a letter to employees on Wednesday, “though the landscape we operate in has never been more complex.” He added, “No matter how many times we’ve adjusted course to lead the industry over the years, the decisions affecting our employees are never made lightly.”

They should start by firing whoever was involved in designing and approving the new website layout. 2nd worst redesign of the year after the Clippers logo.

JonInMiddleGA 10-22-2015 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by BishopMVP (Post 3061026)
They should start by firing whoever was involved in designing and approving the new website layout. 2nd worst redesign of the year after the Clippers logo.

Amen to that.

Chief Rum 10-22-2015 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by BishopMVP (Post 3061026)
2nd worst redesign of the year after the Clippers logo.

Don't get me started haha.

Dr. Sak 10-22-2015 01:06 PM

Hopefully Maple Leafs isn't one of the people who loses their job.

Honolulu_Blue 10-22-2015 02:20 PM

I'm usually pretty forgiving when it comes to website re-designs, but the new ESPN one is really awful. It just made everything harder to find and more unwieldy. It sucks.

Other than live sports - college football and MNF - or when I'm at the gym or a hotel, I never watch ESPN. Then again, I don't watch Fox Sports One either. If anything, for sports news and/or highlights, I may watch the NHL Network, but that's pretty much it.

I still miss NFL Primetime.

bhlloy 10-22-2015 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 3061021)
USA Today columnist says hi :)
Stop complaining about Stephen A. Smith, Skip Bayless and ‘First Take’ | For The Win

*only shared that 'cause that column actually appeared yesterday afternoon, hours apart from your comment.

I don't think I've watched more than a minute of first take in my life, but when Stephen A. Smith is the second item on sportscenter talking about how he is more important for the game than Kevin Durant and how Durant should be worshipping the ground he walks on, I think I'm perfectly justified in wanting him to go die in a fire

miami_fan 10-22-2015 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 3061059)
Other than live sports - college football and MNF - or when I'm at the gym or a hotel, I never watch ESPN. Then again, I don't watch Fox Sports One either. If anything, for sports news and/or highlights, I may watch the NHL Network, but that's pretty much it.

I thought it was just me when it comes to FOX Sports One. I have tried to watch their sports highlight shows a few times and it is just horrible IMO.

BishopMVP 10-22-2015 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 3061036)
Don't get me started haha.

I assume you read the story going around about how they rushed it and farmed it out to the Heat? Some of those fan ones were actually really cool too - save your million and just buy the design of the 2-3 best for 100k then touch them up a little.

Maybe it's my adblocker settings but the absolute worst part of the ESPN redesign is that top bar. If I try to read an article and hot spacebar for page down I have to scroll back up 2 lines that get blocked out by the dumb bar.

I think that might be the reason I still go to Grantland first, even as it does become more pop culture centric than I'd prefer. That layout is just so clean and easy to read whether on a computer or a phone.

MikeVic 10-23-2015 08:22 AM

So it seems like Grantland's YoutTube channel's content is all gone. I don't know what ESPN is doing, but I only really visit the Grantland site and enjoyed at least some of the YouTube vids. I rarely go on, especially since it seems like all my fantasy sports leagues have moved to Yahoo and other sites.

Does it make any sense to anyone here why they would delete all content on their YouTube channel??

albionmoonlight 10-23-2015 08:27 AM

Seems like, for whatever reason, they are killing Grantland. Barnwell and Mayes have not had their podcast for a week and a half now. Apparently the Youtube content is now gone. Death by 1,000 cuts.

My guess is that there are high-up people at ESPN who have never liked Grantland, and now they have the power to pull the plug. My uninformed guess is that most of the staff will be let go, and the ones who remain will be folded into 538 and other ESPN properties.

bob 10-23-2015 08:32 AM

Can't remember where I saw it, but supposedly the Grantland / YouTube stuff has something to do with YouTube Red, not the immediate death of Grantland.

cuervo72 10-23-2015 08:34 AM

ESPN's YouTube Channels Are Going Dark (UPDATE)

JonInMiddleGA 10-23-2015 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by cuervo72 (Post 3061151)

ESPN had YouTube channels?

(No, I'm not being purely sarcastic. I had no idea such a thing existed, Grantland or otherwise)

Arles 10-23-2015 03:11 PM

Looks like they are targeting 6-figure earning producers/editors/behind the scenes people. The "on-air talent" has contracts so they can't be laid off.

digamma 10-23-2015 03:14 PM

The Richard Deitsch SI Media Podcast with Jim Miller is pretty informative on the Grantland/ESPN issues. Interesting listen.

AgustusM 10-23-2015 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Wolfpack (Post 3059348)
There ought to be a 30 for 30 on the rise and fall of Grantland just to create an ironic coda.


AgustusM 10-23-2015 03:34 PM

I love Simmons because his approach is so different from the everyday mundane content most sports media gives us.

His Boston homerism doesn't bother me either, because essentially we are all homers for our teams. I am a SF guy, but I get him being so myopic about his teams because I am about mine.

I think his podcasts are usually entertaining, but it was his columns I liked best. I never really thought his TV work was that good because his style didn't fit the give us a 30 second "take" that the medium required. He was much better in a 10,000 word column.

I also thought Grantland was outstanding and I give Simmons a lot of credit for introducing me to alot of people I follow now like Chuck Klosterman, Zach Lowe and Jalen Rose.

as for ESPN in general it went from a daily need to something I avoid for the most part. I am a huge fan of Dan Patrick, I loved the new Keith Olberman show and I thought most of what grantland did was excellent despise the running into the ground every Farve, Teebow, Manziel... story. ESPN has just turned into TMZ Sports at this point.

stevew 10-23-2015 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 3061203)
ESPN had YouTube channels?

(No, I'm not being purely sarcastic. I had no idea such a thing existed, Grantland or otherwise)

Mostly video podcasts.

miami_fan 10-23-2015 08:45 PM

First I've heard of YouTube Red.

nol 10-30-2015 01:05 PM

Well here's a nice Friday news dump from ESPN oh by the way Grantland is dead. ESPN Statement Regarding Grantland

Subby 10-30-2015 01:19 PM

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