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Honolulu_Blue 10-06-2005 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Yes, but that is because the first season, we as the viewers were being introduced to the island, now we are beginning to learn its secrets. The only thing I hope they do not do is reveal too much too fast where the mystery portion of the show is eliminated and it becomes just another sci-fi series or something like that. Just reveal as much to keep you reeled in and wondering and talking about it.

Yeah. It's a delicate line they walk and so far they have done very well. They have moved things forward quite a bit, but have also opened up quite a few mysteries and questions as well.

Speaking of which, I have now watched the frist three(?) episodes of "Invasion." I think I'm out. The show isn't doing anything for me, especially when you compare it to "Lost." Lost goes by in what feels like 5 minutes and Invasion just drags and drags...

gottimd 10-06-2005 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
Lost goes by in what feels like 5 minutes and Invasion just drags and drags...

I think I watched the first 10 minutes of the Invasion premiere and lost interest (no pun intended) and never watched it again.

Honolulu_Blue 10-06-2005 09:57 AM

Just found this over on Supports some theories thrown around here.

My fellow "Lost" addicts have an ongoing debate each week about practically every issue on the show and a couple of them thought the driver "killed" by Jack's future wife (Julie Bowen) in the season premiere flashback might have been Locke. Like, maybe he was revived later and that would explain his paralysis. So I reviewed the episode on tape and they're wrong: The other driver is Shannon's dad. The EMS guy who wheels him in says the patient is "Adam Rutherford, 57 ..." Well, if you check the official Web sites, Shannon's last name is Rutherford. And remember, one of her problems is that after her dad died, her stepmom (Boone's actual mother) cut her off financially. So, depending on how you look at it, either Jack's wife killed him in the accident, or Jack killed him by choosing to treat the girl instead. Dun-dun-DUNNNNNN!

gottimd 10-06-2005 10:00 AM

I also hope that the show doesn't end up that its just some experimental island or some sort of "occoms razor" type explanation.

rkmsuf 10-06-2005 10:02 AM

There's a definate coolness to the show they've achieved. Don't f*ck it up Abrams.

I thought last nights episode was top notch.

mauchow 10-06-2005 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
I also hope that the show doesn't end up that its just some experimental island or some sort of "occoms razor" type explanation.

The thing is, even if it is something stupid such as that, I'd still be happy just because of what the show has done to me. It makes me think like no other show. I don't suspect that it will be something like that; besides I wouldn't be surprised if we were a few seasons off from 'the end'.

Honolulu_Blue 10-06-2005 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
I also hope that the show doesn't end up that its just some experimental island or some sort of "occoms razor" type explanation.

I don't think it will. I think, based on what we've seen, that some part of it all will be that the island was some sort of "experimental island" set up by psychologists (who are from THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, BABY!!!!) to studay various phenomenon (as explained in the film). But I also think there are likely to be "forces of unknown" origin that existed on the island prior to the experiments. I certaintly don't think there will be an "occom's razor" explanation.

jbmagic 10-06-2005 10:51 AM

Just hope its not one big dream by Hurley.

Cuckoo 10-06-2005 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
Just hope its not one big dream by Hurley.

You know, I think that no matter what they ultimately do for an ending when all the secrets are revealed, there's a pretty big chance that a large number of people will be unsatisfied with it. People will either think it was too obvious or too wacky. By the time the show runs its course, every possibility will have likely been mentioned.

Don't get me wrong; I love the show. And I'm in for the entire ride. I just think that people looking for something profound and/or wholly original when it ends are going to be sorely disappointed.

rkmsuf 10-06-2005 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Cuckoo
You know, I think that no matter what they ultimately do for an ending when all the secrets are revealed, there's a pretty big chance that a large number of people will be unsatisfied with it. People will either think it was too obvious or too wacky. By the time the show runs its course, every possibility will have likely been mentioned.

Don't get me wrong; I love the show. And I'm in for the entire ride. I just think that people looking for something profound and/or wholly original when it ends are going to be sorely disappointed.

I said from day 1 that it would be impossible to come up with a universally satisfactory matter what they come up with.

Love the show though, in for the duration.

moriarty 10-06-2005 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
Just found this over on Supports some theories thrown around here.

My fellow "Lost" addicts have an ongoing debate each week about practically every issue on the show and a couple of them thought the driver "killed" by Jack's future wife (Julie Bowen) in the season premiere flashback might have been Locke. Like, maybe he was revived later and that would explain his paralysis. So I reviewed the episode on tape and they're wrong: The other driver is Shannon's dad. The EMS guy who wheels him in says the patient is "Adam Rutherford, 57 ..." Well, if you check the official Web sites, Shannon's last name is Rutherford. And remember, one of her problems is that after her dad died, her stepmom (Boone's actual mother) cut her off financially. So, depending on how you look at it, either Jack's wife killed him in the accident, or Jack killed him by choosing to treat the girl instead. Dun-dun-DUNNNNNN!

One of the writers confirmed this a while back that it was Shannon's father. The fact that the writer actually revealed something makes me think it wasn't too important ... just another indication that everyone one the island is somehow linked.

On another note, I still think there's a reason the mystery Dharma benefactor was fuzzy in the movie. If it's not Locke's dad, it's got to be someone we've seen and/or will be seeing soon.

NoMyths 10-06-2005 12:03 PM

I don't know that it's Locke's dad, but I am harboring a certain suspicion that Locke's dad is the con-man who Sawyer's been looking for.

moriarty 10-06-2005 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by NoMyths
I don't know that it's Locke's dad, but I am harboring a certain suspicion that Locke's dad is the con-man who Sawyer's been looking for.

Ohh, that's a good one.

gottimd 10-06-2005 12:05 PM

Another interesting speculation post....not spoilers...just speculation based upon what we already know from the most recent episode.

We know that the 'hatch' is station #3 and has something to do with electromagnetism.. We also, through the video hear the narrator say that they are conducting studies in...

"meteorology, psychology, para-psychology, zoology, electro-magnetism, and utopian social ."

then you can go to the Hanso Foundation website and see that they are also involved in..

Life-Extension Project, Electromagnetic Research Initiative,
Quest for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence,The Hanso Mathematical Forecasting Initiative, The Hanso Cryogenics Development Imperative, The Hanso Juxtapositional Eugenics Development Institute, The Hanso Accelerated Remote Viewing Training Facility

I believe now that there is one station (or hatch) on the island for each of the main projects (the video says 3 of 6 so lets assume there are 6 projects). I think that the Zoology experimenters created the polar bears and the shark. I think that the whispering voices we hear in the woods are people involved in the Remote Viewing project (parapsychology), and I think that someone forgot to enter the numbers in the Swan station (electromagnetism) about 44 days ago causing the plane to crash.

I think that we will see every single person in that video here on the island (or at least the DeGrotes and the lead scientist). I wouldnt be surprised if THEY were in fact the Others.

The creators of this show have just kind of written themselves a blank check as far as the number of directions they can take the show (and the island).

moriarty 10-06-2005 12:07 PM

I must have missed something, what's the Hanso Foundation and what does it have to do with anything?

gottimd 10-06-2005 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by moriarty
I must have missed something, what's the Hanso Foundation and what does it have to do with anything?

Alvar Hanso is that Blurry guy they showed in the shadows during that film, the head guy of the Dharma Corporation I think.

EDIT: See post #176

Glengoyne 10-06-2005 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by NoMyths
I don't know that it's Locke's dad, but I am harboring a certain suspicion that Locke's dad is the con-man who Sawyer's been looking for.

Damn! I was hoping to toss out that tid-bit today, but you beat me to it. As soon as the Father said that Locke wasn't the first person to be conned, I went straight to Sawyer. Of course....on the downside, I'm usually too obtuse to notice subtle hints of this type. So that means I've probably ascribed too much meaning to it. Probably nothing.

Bearcat729 10-06-2005 01:01 PM

Someone on totalfark posted this picture.

I thought it was an interesting idea.

gottimd 10-06-2005 01:14 PM

Maybe??? Good Catch. Wonder if the other guy across from the blond in the video is the bearded guy? So would that make the "Others" the original scientists that started these labs and everyone else has crashed there since them.

The Scientists went crazy.

French Ladies ship and crew crashed there because of Electro Magnetics.

Her crew went crazy from the voices and experiments.

Drug plane crashed because of the Electro Magnetics as well as Oceanic Flight 815.

Question is, if Electro Magnetics plays such a huge role, I would think that in this day and age governments can somehow see a large Electro-Magnetic disturbance there.

EDIT:OOPS, forget first part didnt scroll over to the right in the picture.

Raiders Army 10-06-2005 02:14 PM

Nice, but why would they want Walt?

Joe Canadian 10-06-2005 02:15 PM

Ok, I just watched last night's episode... and here are my thoughts:

- After looking at the picture of Hanso & Locke's father about 50 times... it has to be either the same person, or someone we've never seen before. They look way to much alike.

- I tend to agree with gottimd's theory about the different scientific labs... it would explain alot. See next point regarding the boat people...

- Ana's "others" I don't believe are infected by anything... I think they think that the original survivors are the "evil" others. It's more likly the boat people are infected with something... why would they be so hostile, if they were just scientists?

- Jin's scene where he speaks english is either a backstory segment, or in the hatch... which would then lead me to believe that he has something to do with the project. The scientist on the film was Asian, wasn't he. I know I'm being simplistic with that, but who knows...

gottimd 10-06-2005 02:20 PM

I wonder, since Hanso seemed to be big into the medical fields, if in a future backstory there isn't some connection between Jack and/or his father with the guy. But then why didn't jack recognize him or his name?

I am going with Jin speaking english as a dream sequence. I just don't see how that could fit in anywhere. Like when it looked like Locke was shot last season.

Maybe those others need Walt for some genetic studies??? They need a young person to test long term effects? Who knows, maybe that is why Ethan was going after the baby?

More importantly, I wonder what Sov will change the title to each week?

Joe Canadian 10-06-2005 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
I am going with Jin speaking english as a dream sequence. I just don't see how that could fit in anywhere. Like when it looked like Locke was shot last season.

By dream sequence do you mean backstory? Because it seems, from the preview, that there is alot of Hurley in next weeks episode... which leads me to believe next week is his turn.

gottimd 10-06-2005 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
By dream sequence do you mean backstory? Because it seems, from the preview, that there is alot of Hurley in next weeks episode... which leads me to believe next week is his turn.

No, Dream Sequence. There maybe a portion of the show, for instance next week, that his wife is having a dream of what has happened to Jin, and she is picturing him saying that, speaking in perfect english.

It is a hurley centered episode I believe.

dunkem 10-06-2005 02:31 PM

Regarding Jin, I coulda sworn in season one he tipped it off that he could speak English through one of his backstories. Gotta pull out my DVD's for season 1.

One thing that kind of bugs me is the loose attachment of the backstories to the current stories now though. Locke's "leap of faith" story with the leap of faith pressing the button to me seemed like just an excuse to show more of his story. While in the past, the backstories were kind of like what the character was thinking about at the particular time, I didn't think the whole Locke story in this episode had quite a direct relationship to what was probably going on in his mind in quarantine room.

They're kicking ass in the ratings. Too bad that the cast members are getting discouraged about the relative lack of attention they're getting though. Guess it's because they're looked at as sweaty and stinky unlike the sexual image of the housewives...

Honolulu_Blue 10-06-2005 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Nice, but why would they want Walt?

Because the kid has super powers!

Joe Canadian 10-06-2005 02:33 PM

BTW... has anyone done a google search on the book that the film was behind? There was a movie losely based on it... and it has an interesting title. I'll let you guys figure it out... :)

Joe Canadian 10-06-2005 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by dunkem
They're kicking ass in the ratings. Too bad that the cast members are getting discouraged about the relative lack of attention they're getting though. Guess it's because they're looked at as sweaty and stinky unlike the sexual image of the housewives...

I was getting annoyed with this as well... I've never seen an interview with anyone on the show besides Fox or Meriadoc Brandybuck. While the cast of Housewives are on TV like every two seconds...

Joe Canadian 10-06-2005 02:47 PM

Double Dola,

Does anyone have a screen capture of the picture Desmond had in the hatch that Jack was looking at? My video of that screen is extremly dark...

rkmsuf 10-06-2005 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
Double Dola,

Does anyone have a screen capture of the picture Desmond had in the hatch that Jack was looking at? My video of that screen is extremly dark...

Here you go.

Joe Canadian 10-06-2005 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf
Here you go.


Not exactly what I was looking for...

gottimd 10-06-2005 03:03 PM

Not sure what you are referring to? What picture?

Bearcat729 10-06-2005 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
Double Dola,

Does anyone have a screen capture of the picture Desmond had in the hatch that Jack was looking at? My video of that screen is extremly dark...

This is the best i've found

gottimd 10-06-2005 03:07 PM

ah okay, now I remember. Did he look at the picture because maybe its somewhere in LA he recognized, and he was thinking he knew desmond from somewhere?

rexallllsc 10-06-2005 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
I think that someone forgot to enter the numbers in the Swan station (electromagnetism) about 44 days ago causing the plane to crash.

Yeah! And that's why Desmond seemed so set back when told they plane crashed 44 days ago. :) "44 days?"

gottimd 10-06-2005 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by rexallllsc
Yeah! And that's why Desmond seemed so set back when told they plane crashed 44 days ago. :) "44 days?"

Well he could just be shocked that they have survived up there for 44 days without a virus killing them, but you could be correct as well.

So Desmond should be losing his mind if he has had to reset that thing every 108 minutes. So he hasn't slept for more than 1 hour and 48 minutes at a time for god knows how long. If that was me, and I was down there by myself, I wouldve moved my bed ALOT closer to that thing so I could just roll over and type the numbers in and fall asleep. Or just figure out some system that would hen peck the numbers itself.

Raiders Army 10-06-2005 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
So Desmond should be losing his mind if he has had to reset that thing every 108 minutes.

Not to mention no sex.

Raiders Army 10-06-2005 03:29 PM

Dola, or beer

rkmsuf 10-06-2005 03:29 PM

I was pleased they worked the Commodore Vic-20 into the show.

rkmsuf 10-06-2005 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Not to mention no sex.

He had porn stored on the Vic 20. Every 87 minutes he gets busy.

Raiders Army 10-06-2005 03:32 PM

Ah, then I would hope that he keeps the lotion close by as well.

rkmsuf 10-06-2005 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Ah, then I would hope that he keeps the lotion close by as well.

that's why he was so pissed that someone opened the hatch. it was minute 79.

rexallllsc 10-06-2005 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Well he could just be shocked that they have survived up there for 44 days without a virus killing them, but you could be correct as well.

So Desmond should be losing his mind if he has had to reset that thing every 108 minutes. So he hasn't slept for more than 1 hour and 48 minutes at a time for god knows how long. If that was me, and I was down there by myself, I wouldve moved my bed ALOT closer to that thing so I could just roll over and type the numbers in and fall asleep. Or just figure out some system that would hen peck the numbers itself.

The reason I think that portion may just be a social experiment is because even those computers could be programmed to run those #'s. Why else would they have to be entered so frequently?

gottimd 10-06-2005 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by rexallllsc
The reason I think that portion may just be a social experiment is because even those computers could be programmed to run those #'s. Why else would they have to be entered so frequently?

Like a Pavlov experiment?

Glengoyne 10-06-2005 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
BTW... has anyone done a google search on the book that the film was behind? There was a movie losely based on it... and it has an interesting title. I'll let you guys figure it out... :)

Turn of the Screw by Henry James. It scared the bejesus outta me when I read it in High School.

As for the movie based on it. I've heard that "the Others" was loosely based on Turn of the Screw, but as I haven't seen the movie I can't be possitive. The name of the movie is definately food for thought.

Raiders Army 10-06-2005 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by rexallllsc
The reason I think that portion may just be a social experiment is because even those computers could be programmed to run those #'s. Why else would they have to be entered so frequently?

To give them a break from jerking off? Anything over 108 minutes and you definitely need a break.

Joe Canadian 10-06-2005 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Glengoyne
Turn of the Screw by Henry James. It scared the bejesus outta me when I read it in High School.

As for the movie based on it. I've heard that "the Others" was loosely based on Turn of the Screw, but as I haven't seen the movie I can't be possitive. The name of the movie is definately food for thought.

You are correct, the movie was "The Others."

I don't think it means anything it's just something the writers put in for the diehards to check out.

gottimd 10-06-2005 08:12 PM

People are finding things all over these new sites that popped up. The training video that was shown in orientation is apparently up, and it is a lot clearer than what they showed on TV last night, but no additional stuff.

I cant get it to work.

kingfc22 10-06-2005 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by NoMyths
I don't know that it's Locke's dad, but I am harboring a certain suspicion that Locke's dad is the con-man who Sawyer's been looking for.

I haven't finished reading this thread yet, but I was under the impression that Sawyer's con-man was the guy who sent him to Australia to kill the vender.

gottimd 10-06-2005 08:21 PM

better screenshot of what Jack was looking at

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