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Warhammer 10-12-2008 09:41 PM

I seem to remember many more cheap shots in hockey when the NHL was trying to crack down on fighting.

bhlloy 10-12-2008 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Buccaneer (Post 1858948)
bhlloy, I follow collegiate hockey where fighting is a disqualification, I believe.

I don't and I have no interest in it either. Each to his own...

tucker rocky 10-12-2008 10:33 PM

18 teams in the NLCS have gone up 2-0.
16 teams have moved on to the World Series.

History is on the Phillies side.

1984(5 game series) SD wins 3 in a row after being down 2-0 to the Cubs.
1985 (7 game series) St.Louis wins 4 in a row after LA goes up 2-0.

tucker rocky 10-12-2008 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by tucker rocky (Post 1859034)
18 teams in the NLCS have gone up 2-0.
16 teams have moved on to the World Series.

History is on the Phillies side.

1984(5 game series) SD wins 3 in a row after being down 2-0 to the Cubs.
1985 (7 game series) St.Louis wins 4 in a row after LA goes up 2-0.

1984:1984 National League Championship Series

1985:1985 National League Championship Series

MrBug708 10-13-2008 12:57 AM

Good to see a Dodger finally throw a statement pitch

Karlifornia 10-13-2008 02:55 AM

I get what Buc is saying here. Sadly, he is fighting against a large group, and others might be lead to believe that the group is right. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't.

I, personally, don't think fighting is more necessary in hockey than it is any other sport. I definitely appreciate the fighting in hockey, much as I appreciate fighting in any other sport.

As much as I like defending the minority in most topics...I gotta disagree with Buc...the more fighting, the better!

Everyone is too sensitive about this shit. If you talk shit, and rub it in someones face, you should be ready to get challenged. Every sport besides hockey is much too weak when it comes to this. Nobody is going to kill someone else. We've all seen playground fights. Whoever wins knows when to stop. If you've got that person on the ground, and you're throwing uncontested blows, you know you've won.

It goes with the whole celebration crackdown in the football. This is supposed to be the toughest, most masculine sport of all, but somebody celebrating a touchdown is showing the other team up? Somebody trying to score a TD in the latter moments of a game is bullshit? You just have to shove it down their throats next time. Don't let them get away with it, but don't try to punish them by crying to authorities or media. You gotta fuck em up? FUCK THEM UP ON YOUR OWN TERMS!


miami_fan 10-13-2008 07:37 AM

[quote=Karlifornia;1859079]I get what Buc is saying here. Sadly, he is fighting against a large group, and others might be lead to believe that the group is right. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't.


Originally Posted by Karlifornia (Post 1859079)
I, personally, don't think fighting is more necessary in hockey than it is any other sport. I definitely appreciate the fighting in hockey, much as I appreciate fighting in any other sport.

I don't know if I would like fighting in other sports. I do want the other sports to allow teams to make "statements". If those statements lead to a fight, so be it.


Originally Posted by Karlifornia (Post 1859079)
As much as I like defending the minority in most topics...I gotta disagree with Buc...the more fighting, the better!

Everyone is too sensitive about this shit. If you talk shit, and rub it in someones face, you should be ready to get challenged. Every sport besides hockey is much too weak when it comes to this. Nobody is going to kill someone else. We've all seen playground fights. Whoever wins knows when to stop. If you've got that person on the ground, and you're throwing uncontested blows, you know you've won.



Originally Posted by Karlifornia (Post 1859079)
It goes with the whole celebration crackdown in the football. This is supposed to be the toughest, most masculine sport of all, but somebody celebrating a touchdown is showing the other team up? Somebody trying to score a TD in the latter moments of a game is bullshit? You just have to shove it down their throats next time. Don't let them get away with it, but don't try to punish them by crying to authorities or media. You gotta fuck em up? FUCK THEM UP ON YOUR OWN TERMS!


Ummm okay

Jas_lov 10-13-2008 04:33 PM

Boston fans are heading toward the exits as Jon Lester is getting bombed. Home runs by Longoria and Upton have put the Rays up 5-0 and Paul Byrd is warming up for some garbage innings. If the Rays hold this lead they will take back control of the series.

Big Fo 10-13-2008 04:34 PM

Loved how everyone was building up Lester as some kind of unhittable super pitcher before this game. Go Rays.

digamma 10-13-2008 04:53 PM

About to head over to Chavez Ravine for Game 4. Still hoping for a Dodgers-Rays WS.

Young Drachma 10-13-2008 06:35 PM

Awesome job for Rocco to go deep. That's too cool for the native New Englander, probably would only be better if he were on the other side, but I doubt he minds this result either.

miami_fan 10-13-2008 06:37 PM

I am still nervous if I am a Rays fan. I, for one, trust no lead in Fenway.

miami_fan 10-13-2008 06:59 PM

I hate agreeing with Chip Carey but Paul Byrd did a really good job keeping the bullpen fresh tonight. Hopefully it does not pay off later on as I would like to see the Rays win.

ISiddiqui 10-13-2008 07:02 PM

Alright!!! Rays win 9-1 to take a 2-1 series lead! Not over by a long shot yet, these being the Red Sox and all, but very nice by Tampa! :)

EagleFan 10-13-2008 07:06 PM


Why exactly does Victorino get a fine for yesterday? For getting a ball thrown at his head by the pussy Dodgers?

MrBug708 10-13-2008 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 1859767)

Why exactly does Victorino get a fine for yesterday? For getting a ball thrown at his head by the pussy Dodgers?

The ball wasn't thrown at his head.

MrBug708 10-13-2008 07:30 PM


MrBug708 10-13-2008 07:35 PM

It could have been much worse

Logan 10-13-2008 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 1859767)

Why exactly does Victorino get a fine for yesterday? For getting a ball thrown at his head by the pussy Dodgers?

What a complete crock of shit. Victorino's normally valid point means absolutely nothing when his teammates first threw over Manny and then again over Martin. Want beanballs to be safe? Make sure your own teammates know first.

Lathum 10-13-2008 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by MrBug708 (Post 1859810)
It could have been much worse

yeah, big double play there

MrBug708 10-13-2008 07:49 PM

Man, that was probably the "worst" great hit that could have happened there

MrBug708 10-13-2008 08:16 PM

New shirt better pitcher

BishopMVP 10-13-2008 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by miami_fan (Post 1859760)
I hate agreeing with Chip Carey but Paul Byrd did a really good job keeping the bullpen fresh tonight. Hopefully it does not pay off later on as I would like to see the Rays win.

Paul Byrd should have been pitching in Game 2, preferably in relief of Beckett or at least in the 11th instead of Mike Timlin. Instead Tito brings in Lopez to face one batter in the 5th inning, only has Masterson pitch .2 and Papelbon throw less than 20 pitches when we had an off day the next day. I know it's weird to keep harping on the deficiencies of a manager who has won 2 WS in 4 years, but Francona can't manage a bullpen, has too much faith in "his guys" (aka veterans - specifically the Timlin/Cora/Varitek crew) and tries to push a starter through 5 innings so he "get his win" even when its obvious they don't have it.

Nice to see the Manny strategy in full effect down in LA. I'm surprised/impressed they still pitched to him down 3 balls 0 strikes in the 3rd.

EagleFan 10-13-2008 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 1859814)
What a complete crock of shit. Victorino's normally valid point means absolutely nothing when his teammates first threw over Manny and then again over Martin. Want beanballs to be safe? Make sure your own teammates know first.

How does any of that get Victorino fined?

The Martin thing was a crock of shit. Moyer hits him with a change up that was an obvious mistake and the other pitch was on the inside corner and only high. If Martin wants to stand right on top of the plate he shouldn't be a pussy when a ball comes close.

MrBug708 10-13-2008 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 1859968)
How does any of that get Victorino fined?



The Martin thing was a crock of shit. Moyer hits him with a change up that was an obvious mistake and the other pitch was on the inside corner and only high. If Martin wants to stand right on top of the plate he shouldn't be a pussy when a ball comes close.

Are you for real?

MrBug708 10-13-2008 10:18 PM


MrBug708 10-13-2008 10:24 PM

And that's it for the Dodgers

EagleFan 10-13-2008 10:27 PM

Yeah!!!! Stairs hit that thing a mile.

EagleFan 10-13-2008 10:40 PM

Now that's when you want Manny batting, 2 outs and no one on.

RedKingGold 10-13-2008 10:44 PM

I want Matt Stairs to impregnate me. k, thanx.

RedKingGold 10-13-2008 10:47 PM

The freaking ghouls are out tonight at Chavez Ravine. No matter what happens, this is a pretty damn near classic LCS game.

RedKingGold 10-13-2008 10:51 PM


Three more outs to go, but Lidge used up a lot of pitches.

RedKingGold 10-13-2008 10:54 PM

For the Mets fans in the audience....I think I found a team I despise more than the Mets.

From Manny's appearence, to Derek Lowe's tantrum, to Russell Martin's constant jabbering to the home umpire, to Larry Bowa leaning in from the 3rd-base line to try and steal signs from Ruiz, to obvious empty seats in Dodgers Stadium, to consistent booing of Shane Victorino (for what? asking to get beaned in the back rather than in the head?).

That's only off the top-of-my-head. I almost don't want the Dodgers to win as much as I want the Phillies to win.

RedKingGold 10-13-2008 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 1859968)
How does any of that get Victorino fined?

The Martin thing was a crock of shit. Moyer hits him with a change up that was an obvious mistake and the other pitch was on the inside corner and only high. If Martin wants to stand right on top of the plate he shouldn't be a pussy when a ball comes close.

Don't worry. Joe Buck is on our side.

He's still a blood-relative to Jesus, right?

RedKingGold 10-13-2008 11:02 PM

Shit. Game 5 of the NLCS, up by two runs in the 9th inning, and Brad Lidge is pitching.

Albert Pujols doesn't play for the Dodgers, does he?

RedKingGold 10-13-2008 11:09 PM

Hell of a game. Dodgers are a heck of a good team. I'm hoping we can close em' out on Wednesday.

I'm guessing the rotation for 5, 6, 7 is going to be Myers, Blanton, Hamels. Who knows though. Charlie is stubborn enough to put Moyer out there again at Game 6.

MrBug708 10-13-2008 11:21 PM

Isn't Moyer in line to pitch in game 7? Not that it will happen, but still.

Doubt the Dodgers can come back now

RedKingGold 10-13-2008 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by MrBug708 (Post 1860084)
Isn't Moyer in line to pitch in game 7? Not that it will happen, but still.

Who knows what Charlie will do? That'd be ass-backwards in terms of logic, but Manuel just might do that. Hamels "should" have pitched tonight, and went Blanton in 5 and Myers in 6. But, Manuel ain't the best when it comes to that stuff.

However, I think with a 3-1 lead, it just makes too much sense to save your ace until Game 7. Hamels might pitch Game 6 (a la Beckett in World Series), but I think that Blanton would make more sense with a 3-2 series lead (assuming Myers can't close it out on Wednesday).


Doubt the Dodgers can come back now

Maybe it's from being on the opposite side of the fence, but this series has been a lot closer than the 3-1 series lead would indicate. The Phils are probably only three different pitches away from being down 3-1 instead of up 3-1.

I'm not taking anything for granted until Philadelphia wins that Game 4.

EagleFan 10-13-2008 11:31 PM

Talk about a conflict of interest. I have tickets for game 6.

RedKingGold 10-13-2008 11:34 PM

I really don't want to hear any shit about Philly fans,

From the ESPN MLB Playoffs blog:


Dodgers fans still don't like Victorino (8:35 p.m. ET)

The players, managers and coaches may say the right things, that the problems between the Dodgers and Phillies are behind them after the Game 3 shouting match that followed a high, inside pitch from the Dodgers' Hiroki Kuroda at the Phillies' Shane Victorino.

Fans aren't over it. A few seated in the upper deck, which is where the auxiliary press box is located at Dodger Stadium, shouted "Hit him in the head" and "Kill him" when Victorino came up to bat in the first.

He grounded into an inning-ending double play, so the fans will have to settle for that.

--Nick Pietruszkiewicz, baseball editor

I was in the upper deck at the NLCS game. I heard people loudly calling Manny an asshole and an idiot (favorite sign: "FOX: Make sure to follow Manny in between innings when he doesn't get lost."), but it didn't cross that line.

Philly does have asshole fans. But there are asshole fans ALL OVER MLB.

Lathum 10-13-2008 11:39 PM

The difference is a Philly fan would punch the guy wearing a Manny jersey in front of his kids.

ISiddiqui 10-13-2008 11:45 PM

Wait, so one incidence of asshole fans from someone else magically wipes away years of douchebaggery?

MrBug708 10-13-2008 11:51 PM

Michael Irvin says Hi

Lathum 10-14-2008 12:00 AM

classic example of classy philly fans


EagleFan 10-14-2008 12:01 AM

Because that Devils' fan was probably a saint...

MrBug708 10-14-2008 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 1860109)
Because that Devils' fan was probably a saint...

You missed the point pretty badly

Lathum 10-14-2008 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 1860109)
Because that Devils' fan was probably a saint...

regardless of what he may have said that isn't any excuse for headlocking a guy 20 years older then you while everyone around you laughs and others struggle to get in on the action.

It's deplorable.

stevew 10-14-2008 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by RedKingGold (Post 1860087)
Who knows what Charlie will do? That'd be ass-backwards in terms of logic, but Manuel just might do that. Hamels "should" have pitched tonight, and went Blanton in 5 and Myers in 6. But, Manuel ain't the best when it comes to that stuff.

However, I think with a 3-1 lead, it just makes too much sense to save your ace until Game 7. Hamels might pitch Game 6 (a la Beckett in World Series), but I think that Blanton would make more sense with a 3-2 series lead (assuming Myers can't close it out on Wednesday).

Maybe it's from being on the opposite side of the fence, but this series has been a lot closer than the 3-1 series lead would indicate. The Phils are probably only three different pitches away from being down 3-1 instead of up 3-1.

I'm not taking anything for granted until Philadelphia wins that Game 4.

I'd throw Hamels out there on Wednesday. I can't believe they would consider pitching anyone else. Win this shit on Wed. and rest for a week.

BishopMVP 10-14-2008 12:57 AM

Ortiz 4-27 7 BB's, only 1 XBH (a double) in the postseason. Not only is he probably injured, but he clearly misses Manny (who is now 11/22 with 10 walks.)

Ellsbury, Ortiz, Varitek, Lowrie/Cora (our 1-3-8-9 hitters) are 1-47 in the ALCS. Time to flip Crisp back in for Ellsbury, or at least move Pedroia-Youkilis up to 1-2, with Jason Bay getting moved out of the 6 hole up to cleanup. We have 3 catchers on the roster, Varitek is 3-21 in the postseason, yet he and Cora are batting instead of someone like Sean Casey pinch-hitting for them late?

stevew 10-14-2008 01:02 AM

Yeah, it never ceases to amaze me when managers refuse to pinch hit for obvious poor hitters. Especially when they have replacements available on the bench. It's gotta be +EV to pinch hit for Veritek after the 5th inning with runners in scoring position. ESPECIALLY when you have 2 more catchers available.

The guy who listened to Jack Wilson bat with RISP far too often in close games.

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