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Breeze 03-09-2017 08:27 AM

March 9, 2017

The blood work came back with all readings registering as within normal limits. Thank goodness for green tea and lemons. MRI and CT scans in about 2 and half weeks...

BYU 14 03-09-2017 09:57 AM

Great news my friend!!

JonInMiddleGA 03-09-2017 10:43 AM

Woot !

CraigSca 03-09-2017 12:20 PM

Wow! Great news!

PilotMan 03-10-2017 10:31 AM

Great news Breeze! Happy to hear it!

JAG 03-10-2017 12:13 PM


MizzouRah 03-16-2017 07:54 AM

Great to hear!!!

Kodos 03-16-2017 09:35 AM


Breeze 03-23-2017 02:52 PM

March 23, 2017

I have my second MRI follow up tomorrow. The first one about 12 weeks back went well showing no new spots, one of the treated areas showing no signs of cancer and the other fading significantly following the Gamma Knife treatment. Hopefully, this one will show the second spot to be gone and no new spots!

Breeze 03-27-2017 07:35 AM

March 27, 2017

CT Scan today...

BYU 14 03-27-2017 08:50 AM

Sending positive vibes!

Breeze 03-29-2017 02:36 PM

March 29, 2017

Started cycle 8 today. Also I got the result of my MRI yesterday, and today I got the report on my CT Scan.

The MRI was clean, showing no signs of any problems. I was quizzed about headaches, vision issues, tingling and numbness, but I checked out ok on all of that as well.

The CT Scan showed no new spots, no new growth and a slight reduction of the mass on the pleural lining.

So things are still looking good. I'll continue with my currently treatment for now (and hopefully for much much longer).

bbgunn 03-29-2017 07:42 PM

Excellent! I'm really happy for you.

PilotMan 03-30-2017 08:32 PM

Wow! That is great news Breeze! Very good to hear.

Kodos 03-31-2017 08:11 AM

Very good report! :)

Cap Ologist 03-31-2017 09:07 AM

Great news!

JAG 03-31-2017 10:07 AM

That's great news.

SplitPersonality1 03-31-2017 02:11 PM

Very good news.

JonInMiddleGA 03-31-2017 04:38 PM


Breeze 04-18-2017 11:50 AM

April 18, 2017

I start cycle 9 tomorrow. I've still been feeling good. In fact, I've started walking most nights to get exercise (I read somewhere that cancer patients that exercise tend to do better on treatments). In total I'm walking between 12 and 20 miles a week, typically walking 5 of the 7 days.

I am a little concerned with traffic getting to and from the Emory location as I'll go right by the section of 85 that collapsed recently. It looks like my normal exit is still open, just not sure how many people are going to be forced to get off with me now, which could create a good deal of congestion on some surface streets.

Breeze 05-09-2017 08:13 AM

May 9, 2017

Things have been an extremely difficult lately. My health has been ok, with the exception of the stress that Brett has created. He is really struggling right now. His up and down health this year, combined with my diagnosis really has been hard on him. In fact, the wife and I believe that he is struggling with borderline depression. We have even taken him to a psychologist who it appears from his questions has the same suspicions. Making matters worse, his girlfriend (effectively his first ever) is manipulating him in a way that she appears to be the only thing in his life that is good. He has basically given up swimming, stopped doing things with his friends, and he'll now probably fail several classes - all because the only thing he wants to do is talk, text, or spend time with the girlfriend.

I start my 10th cycle tomorrow as long as my CT scan from the 5th comes back with good results.

JonInMiddleGA 05-09-2017 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Breeze (Post 3159233)
all because the only thing he wants to do is talk, text, or spend time with the girlfriend.

I'm reminded of what a veteran Scout leader said about how important it was for prospective Eagle Scouts to complete their requirements as soon as possible
"They gotta do it before the fumes hit"
"Yeah. Car fumes and perfumes"

Breeze 05-12-2017 08:48 AM

May 12, 2017

The scan came back with good results. I didn't get a chance to talk with the Dr. so I have to go by what I was able to determine from my copy. Apparently, the spot in my lung remains the same size, there was no mention of the thickening of the pleural lining (not sure if that was an oversight or it wasn't present in the scan). Also the pleural effusion is gone - so no more water between my pleural lining and the lung.

Also got some interesting insight into the trial. I found out that I am currently 1 of 2 people still on the trial. They are still trying to find more subjects but they are having a hard time. Also, apparently, I'm the star patient. My good response to the treatment, along with my minimal side effects has proven the two drugs can be taken simultaneously, and it has bolstered the optimism of the researchers that this may be a viable first stage treatment in the future.

Kodos 05-12-2017 09:00 AM

Good to hear!

Breeze 05-30-2017 12:19 PM

May 30, 2017

11th Cycle starts tomorrow. Hopefully, this will be a quick visit, given there are no extra blood draws and no scan results to go over...

BYU 14 05-30-2017 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Breeze (Post 3161994)
May 30, 2017

11th Cycle start tomorrow. Hopefully, this will be a quick visit, given there are no extra blood draws and no scan results to go over...

Continued good vibes buddy!!

JediKooter 05-31-2017 10:45 PM

Oh man, just read some of your posts in this thread and I'm very happy to hear that you are giving the Big C the Big Middle Finger!

Breeze 06-01-2017 09:54 AM

June 1, 2017

It wasn't a quick visit by any stretch, but labs continue to be good and I'll continue with my standard treatment.

CraigSca 06-16-2017 02:16 PM

Still reading this and still rooting for you!

Breeze 06-20-2017 06:26 AM

June 20, 2017

Last week was the rescan portion of my treatment. I had my MRI on the 12th and my CT scan on the 16th. I'll get the results of the CT on Wednesday when I go back to Emory for my next infusion, but I got my MRI results yesterday. Unfortunately, there is a new small spot on the brain. However, the spot is very small which means there are a number of things that might happen, and given the uncertainty of the situation, the doctor is currently just planning to monitor it. The only current change in my treatment due to this new spot appearing is a shortening window between scans. My next MRI will be in 8 weeks now rather than 12.

Breeze 06-23-2017 05:55 AM

June 23, 2017

The CT scan came back clean. So while the MRI led to some concerns my treatments won't change. I'm good for another 6 weeks...

BYU 14 06-23-2017 08:11 AM

Awesome!! Great to hear.

JAG 06-23-2017 11:38 AM

Very glad to hear the CT scan was clean.

Breeze 06-23-2017 01:32 PM

Sorry I just realized that I probably was misleading with my last updated...I guess my terminology could use some work. When I said clean, I probably should have said no change. Given the bad news from the MRI I more than half expected to be told the cancer was growing. When it wasn't I was too quick to adopt the "clean" label. Basically, because no change from the previous scan means I'm still doing pretty good. In fact, I'll be thrilled to have this same scan for the next 20 years. As long as things don't get worse, I get to continue with my treatments "as is", and given that the side effects are minimal, I'm ok with that.

Breeze 07-13-2017 06:07 AM

July 13, 2017

Started cycle 12 yesterday. Weight is up (going to need to start getting more exercise again) and blood pressure was a bit higher than normal, but still ok. The labs continue to look good as well.

JAG 07-13-2017 01:17 PM

Good deal, appreciate you continuing to update us.

JonInMiddleGA 07-13-2017 02:18 PM

Rock on.

Breeze 07-24-2017 06:32 AM

July 24, 2017

CT Scan tomorrow right before heading off on vacation. Will get the results on the 2nd when I have my next infusion.

Breeze 08-07-2017 02:28 PM

August 7, 2017

I am in Cycle 13 now. My treatment on Wednesday was fine. Took 3 tries to tap the vein for the infusion, which was unpleasant and I have some really nice bruising on my arms to show for it, but otherwise it was fine. The results of the CT scan were good. Still no new growth and no change to the cancer in my lung. I'll continue on with the status quo.

I do have my next MRI on Friday. They will be taking a close look at the small spot on my brain they spotted 8 weeks ago. Saying my prayers that is it gone or at least not any larger. I'd rather not have to get the halo for the gamma knife screwed into my head again yet.

Eaglesfan27 08-07-2017 02:46 PM

Wow. I never read this until now. You will be in my prayers.

PilotMan 08-07-2017 03:28 PM

Pulling for you big time!

Breeze 08-08-2017 07:37 AM

Thanks again guys. Appreciate the well wishes...

Kodos 08-08-2017 08:20 AM

Here's hoping for a good result. Keep on clearing those hurdles!

Breeze 08-15-2017 06:38 AM

August 15, 2017

The MRI results from last week showed 6 spots on my brain that will require immediate treatment. I'll be undergoing Gamma Knife surgery again within the next 2 weeks. The good news is all 6 spots are extremely small, the bad news is one of the spots is in my brainstem, which means there is a possibility of some sort of permanent damage (paralysis, loss of feeling in a part of the body, memory issues, etc.).

Moreover, this will likely end my participation in the clinical trial. While the Crizotinib has worked well on my lungs, it is known to not cross the blood/brain barrier well. Given how many spots popped up this time around, I'm expected to be pulled from my current drug and placed on the Phase 2 drug which is supposed to be better at keeping the cancer in the brain from propagating. I won't know for sure how this will play out for a while, as the two doctors have to discuss the plan on moving forward. Obviously, I'll update the tread when I know more.

PilotMan 08-15-2017 08:14 AM

Shockingly bad news. You and your family are most certainly in my thoughts right now. I know they are suffering too and this news will be hard to handle. Hang in there.

chesapeake 08-15-2017 08:39 AM

Very sorry to see this. Keep battling!

Eaglesfan27 08-15-2017 03:19 PM

You and your family will be in my prayers!

MIJB#19 08-15-2017 03:46 PM

Darn, that's a setback.
Best wishes for battling this, Breeze.

JonInMiddleGA 08-15-2017 05:30 PM

Well ... fuck :(

Battle on.

BYU 14 08-15-2017 08:21 PM

Damn, sorry to hear. Wishing you all the best and keep swinging brother!

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