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Maple Leafs 06-30-2009 10:13 PM

Heatley is a done deal, apparently.

Maple Leafs 06-30-2009 10:15 PM

Everyone focus on this one fact: We're going to get to hear Bryan Murray say "Ladislav Smid".

Tekneek 06-30-2009 10:15 PM

Penner (fine, don't care), Cogs (may not make it to his potential), Smid (really hate this part), for Heatley (great goal scoring, black hole where his heart should be).

johnnyshaka 06-30-2009 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs (Post 2062354)
Everyone focus on this one fact: We're going to get to hear Bryan Murray say "Ladislav Smid".


Maple Leafs 06-30-2009 10:36 PM

Now some reporters on twitter are saying Heatley may not have waived yet. Keep in mind, he has until 12:01 tonight.

If he backs out now, it will be the worst thing he has ever done to anybody.

Tekneek 06-30-2009 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs (Post 2062376)
If he backs out now, it will be the worst thing he has ever done to anybody. :)

Might be doing the Oilers a favor by not agreeing to it. Not sure he would fit in well with that bunch in Edmonton.

johnnyshaka 06-30-2009 11:16 PM

Well, TSN is now saying Heatley didn't waive his NTC in time. Hmmm.

Tekneek 06-30-2009 11:22 PM

Good. I hope he retires.

johnnyshaka 06-30-2009 11:31 PM

Looks like the deal doesn't have to be done by tonight, if the deal is still on...tomorrow by midnight is the deadline the NHL says the Sens have to transfer the roster bonus to which ever team.

chrisj 06-30-2009 11:31 PM

TSN is reporting that the deadline is actually midnight on July 1st. If the trade occurs prior to midnight then, the $4 million payment can be transferred to the new team.

DeToxRox 06-30-2009 11:32 PM

I am reading on HF that Heatley rejected the deal.

chrisj 06-30-2009 11:33 PM

I don't think he did yet - he hasn't waived it yet. Sounds like he wants to go to New York, but in the end might accept a trade to Edmonton if they can't get one done tomorrow.

Tekneek 06-30-2009 11:34 PM

Yeah, this deal is dead. Heatley did not waive the NTC for a move to Edmonton. The door may be open for other teams, but he is giving the finger to Edmonton.

I'd rather not have him on the Oilers, myself, so this works for me.

Chief Rum 06-30-2009 11:49 PM

You know, I dislike the Oilers as much as Flames fans do, but if Heatley doesn't waive his NTC after making such a big fuss about wanting out, that makes him a piece of crap, IMO. I guess this is par for the course for a guy who, IIRC, dodged his civic responsibilties in Atlanta following his conviction, and in general doesn't show up when his team needs it. Edmonton might be better with Heatley the player, but they are without a doubt better without Heatley the man.

RomaGoth 07-01-2009 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 2062414)
You know, I dislike the Oilers as much as Flames fans do, but if Heatley doesn't waive his NTC after making such a big fuss about wanting out, that makes him a piece of crap, IMO. I guess this is par for the course for a guy who, IIRC, dodged his civic responsibilties in Atlanta following his conviction, and in general doesn't show up when his team needs it. Edmonton might be better with Heatley the player, but they are without a doubt better without Heatley the man.

Not sure that Heatley = man...

Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 08:57 AM

While Heatley has come across like a jerk, you really can't blame him for exercising his contractual rights. The Senators agreeed to including a "no movement" clause in his contract, so they really have no one to blame but themselves.

Still, I feel bad for the Oilers.

The main reason to be pissed at Heatley is because he's depriving us of this:


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs (Post 2062354)
Everyone focus on this one fact: We're going to get to hear Bryan Murray say "Ladislav Smid".

Tekneek 07-01-2009 09:10 AM

I do find it quite odd that players can put in a trade demand, but then get to pick and choose which teams they will go to. An absurdity within sports. If you put in a trade demand, that should be an immediate waiver of any no-trade/no-movement clauses.

Fidatelo 07-01-2009 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Tekneek (Post 2062512)
I do find it quite odd that players can put in a trade demand, but then get to pick and choose which teams they will go to. An absurdity within sports. If you put in a trade demand, that should be an immediate waiver of any no-trade/no-movement clauses.


Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Tekneek (Post 2062512)
I do find it quite odd that players can put in a trade demand, but then get to pick and choose which teams they will go to. An absurdity within sports. If you put in a trade demand, that should be an immediate waiver of any no-trade/no-movement clauses.

While demanding to be traded and then nixing a potential deal because you don't like where you'd end up isn't at all flattering to the player, I don't see any reason why asking to be moved should nullify a contractual right, unless, of course, that's written into the contract.

GM's throw these "no trade" or "no movement" clauses into deals all the time without ever really thinking about the eventual consequences (see, e.g., Toronto at the 2008 trade deadline).

Logan 07-01-2009 09:54 AM

What's the best site to keep refreshing

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 09:57 AM

Yeah probably TSN. I have XM Home Ice on and I'll post anything I hear.

Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 10:00 AM

I tend to go to It acts as a pretty good clearing house for information.

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 10:23 AM

Sendins resign with Vancouver. 5 years, 6.1 mil per. Per TSN

Draft Dodger 07-01-2009 10:24 AM

that's a lot more reasonable than 12 years.

sterlingice 07-01-2009 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Sak (Post 2062549)
Sendins resign with Vancouver. 5 years, 6.1 mil per. Per TSN

That whole saga has just been cool to see and glad to see it continue at a fairly reasonable rate. I was trying to explain this to one of the guys in the office that doesn't follow hockey about how it would be like the Clippers somehow finding a way to trade up to #2 in this year's draft to get Taylor Griffin and then both playing well for the team for quite a while.


Draft Dodger 07-01-2009 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 2062557)
That whole saga has just been cool to see and glad to see it continue at a fairly reasonable rate. I was trying to explain this to one of the guys in the office that doesn't follow hockey about how it would be like the Clippers somehow finding a way to trade up to #2 in this year's draft to get Taylor Griffin and then both playing well for the team for quite a while.


and for Griggin to be a twin and after several years in the league they'd have EXACTLY the same number of points.

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 11:16 AM

Ohlund signed with the Lightning

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 11:24 AM

7 years....3.5 mil per.

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 11:46 AM

TSN is reporting Hossa has been in talks with the Blackhawks. Maybe he can negotiate for the nut that Patrick Sharp took from Lidstrom.

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 11:54 AM

Kovy back to Montreal.

DeToxRox 07-01-2009 11:59 AM

On HF guys are saying some station in Montreal is saying Hossa gets 60 mil over 6 years which obviously cannot be right. I bet it's 60 mil over 10 years if nothing else, but how do they do that with Kane and Toews both becoming RFA? That is going to be bad, bad news for the Hawks because if those two are not locked up before they test FA someone will sign them to massive sheets.

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 12:16 PM

Colton Orr to the Leafs...Maple Leafs is in love.

Logan 07-01-2009 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Sak (Post 2062613)
Colton Orr to the Leafs...Maple Leafs is in love.

DGB might crash!

DataKing 07-01-2009 12:23 PM

The Chicago media will tear the Hawks front office to shreds if they let Kane or Toews leave. They absolutely love both of those guys.

bbor 07-01-2009 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Sak (Post 2062613)
Colton Orr to the Leafs...Maple Leafs is in love.

I don't get this...i mean...i understand Burke want to get tougher....but the Leafs had a perfectly good goon that could play 3-5 minutes a game in the minors and they did'nt qualify him.So why spend 4/1M on Orr?Can he play more than 3-5 min a game without hurting you?

Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by bbor (Post 2062624)
I don't get this...i mean...i understand Burke want to get tougher....but the Leafs had a perfectly good goon that could play 3-5 minutes a game in the minors and they did'nt qualify him.So why spend 4/1M on Orr?Can he play more than 3-5 min a game without hurting you?

This is why:


Originally Posted by Brian Burke
We require, as a team, proper levels of pugnacity, testosterone, truculence and belligerence. That's how our teams play."

Apparently that goon in the minors does not give the Leafs a proper level of one of those four things.

Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by DataKing (Post 2062620)
The Chicago media will tear the Hawks front office to shreds if they let Kane or Toews leave. They absolutely love both of those guys.

I am sure the Blackhawks feels that they can sign Hossa to a $6 million type deal and still keep those two. Assuming the cap doesn't drop drastically, I think they could pull it off. Both Toews and Kane are young enough that they could sign them to ridiculously long, front-loaded deals that give them a ton of money but spread it over a long period of time to make it more cap friendly, like the Zetterberg and Franzen deals.

If they were really hard pressed, they could try to trade or waive Brian Campbell.

Maple Leafs 07-01-2009 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by bbor (Post 2062624)
I don't get this...i mean...i understand Burke want to get tougher....but the Leafs had a perfectly good goon that could play 3-5 minutes a game in the minors and they did'nt qualify him.

No, they didn't.

The Leafs have lots of guys who will fight (Ondrus, Deveaux, Newbury). But none of them are very good at it. There's not a single guy in the Leafs system who can look sideways at a legit heavyweight, let alone claim to be one.

(Until now.)

Damien Cox on twitter just said the Leafs have dealt Kubina, but gave no details.

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 12:43 PM

I heard that Kubina will be delta and Beauchemin will be signed.

bbor 07-01-2009 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs (Post 2062636)
No, they didn't.

The Leafs have lots of guys who will fight (Ondrus, Deveaux, Newbury). But none of them are very good at it. There's not a single guy in the Leafs system who can look sideways at a legit heavyweight, let alone claim to be one.

(Until now.)

Damien Cox on twitter just said the Leafs have dealt Kubina, but gave no details.

I disagree about Deveaux.... read Coxs' twitter? :eek: :eek: :eek:

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 12:46 PM

Kovy's agent says he's still on the market.

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 12:48 PM

TSN Reporting Hossa to Chicago.

DataKing 07-01-2009 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 2062631)
I am sure the Blackhawks feels that they can sign Hossa to a $6 million type deal and still keep those two. Assuming the cap doesn't drop drastically, I think they could pull it off. Both Toews and Kane are young enough that they could sign them to ridiculously long, front-loaded deals that give them a ton of money but spread it over a long period of time to make it more cap friendly, like the Zetterberg and Franzen deals.

If they were really hard pressed, they could try to trade or waive Brian Campbell.

The Hawks actually have more cap room to work with than I realized. They were paying Havlat 6m. They'll miss him, but he's not worth 6m. If they can turn that same 6m into a Hossa signing, that would be worth it. Campbell and Huet are both overpaid, both other than that I don't see anything truly cap-threatening on their books.

Logan 07-01-2009 01:00 PM

Heard Brashear is headed to the Rangers. Gross, especially after what happened with Betts in the playoffs.

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 01:09 PM

On other board I am hearing the Hawks are close to dealing Huet.

DeToxRox 07-01-2009 01:09 PM

Hossa is a 12 year deal with a 5.2 cap hit.

DeToxRox 07-01-2009 01:10 PM

Here's a rumor that makes no sense ..

Havlat: 8 years, 8 mil per to LA. Apparently some radio station reporting it.

Pyser 07-01-2009 01:10 PM

oh good. hockeys gone crazy. 12 years. nice.

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 01:12 PM

Crap..Ty Conklin to the Blues.

Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by DeToxRox (Post 2062650)
Hossa is a 12 year deal with a 5.2 cap hit.

That's a very reasonable cap hit for a guy like Hossa. Very reasonable. Probably just a little bit outside of what Detroit could offer.

It will be really interesting to see what all these teams with players with 10+ year contracts look in the next 6-8 years.

Tekneek 07-01-2009 01:18 PM

Sign a 30 year old to a 12 year guaranteed contract? Hmmm...

bronconick 07-01-2009 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 2062655)
That's a very reasonable cap hit for a guy like Hossa. Very reasonable. Probably just a little bit outside of what Detroit could offer.

It will be really interesting to see what all these teams with players with 10+ year contracts look in the next 6-8 years.

I'm not 100% sure on how the buyout system works, but I wouldn't be surprised to see some push from owners/GMs who have these decade long deals to make it so that a buyout's cap space is equal to the actual amount of money being paid out then, thus allowing these guys to get out with only a $1 million hit or something.

Hell, they've got 1, probably 2 CBA's to work on to get it.

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 01:24 PM

Roloson signed with NYI

Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 01:26 PM

The Hawks also signed Marian Hossa's Slovakian BFF Tomas Kopecky. I bet that was part of the arrangement.

DataKing 07-01-2009 01:31 PM

Sports radio in Chicago should be entertaining the next couple of days.

bbor 07-01-2009 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Sak (Post 2062664)
Roloson signed with NYI

Toskala to the Oilers?:D

RomaGoth 07-01-2009 01:49 PM


Can't say I will miss Hossa all that much. He notoriously did what he does best; disappears in the playoffs. I do believe that his playoff performance with the Pens was an aberration, not the norm.

I also do not believe this makes Chicago all that much better. During the regular season? Possibly. During the playoffs? Not so much. They are an up and coming team and will be a serious contender. However, I don't see them challenging the Wings yet.

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 01:49 PM

Knuble to Washington for 2.8 per year for 2 yrs.

Maple Leafs 07-01-2009 01:58 PM

bbor 07-01-2009 02:10 PM

Nieds signs with the ducks...1/6M

RomaGoth 07-01-2009 03:14 PM

Good article about Holland and the Wings

Around the Rink – NHL Free Agency Edition « Official Blog for the Detroit Red Wings

Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 03:19 PM

Buhlin-Wall to the Oilers. 4 years/$15 million in total. You do the math.

RomaGoth 07-01-2009 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 2062728)
Buhlin-Wall to the Oilers. 4 years/$15 million in total. You do the math.


Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by RomaGoth (Post 2062742)

Nikolai Khabibulin

RomaGoth 07-01-2009 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 2062744)
Nikolai Khabibulin

Oh, never heard that nickname before. Wow, bad move for Edmonton IMHO. Did they give up on Toskala? :p

Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 04:02 PM

Hal Gill is a Canadien: 2 years at $2.5 m per

Mike Rupp is a Penguin: 2 years at $825K per

Ian Laperriere is a Flyer: 3 yerars at $1.17 m (I'm surprised by this. Isn't this pretty close to what Colorado offered him?)

DataKing 07-01-2009 04:03 PM

Burnside is underestimating the effect on the Caps of losing Federov.

RainMaker 07-01-2009 04:12 PM

Pretty pumped about the Hawks getting Hossa. I liked Havlat but he just got injured way too much. Not sure how you guys can think that's not an improvement considering they make the same amount. It also takes away a 40 goal scorer from their biggest conference rival.

Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2062763)
Not sure how you guys can think that's not an improvement considering they make the same amount. It also takes away a 40 goal scorer from their biggest conference rival.

I think it's a huge improvement. I'd much rather have Hossa than Havlat and he's cheaper (cap-wise) to boot. I think the Blackhawks will be good enough to challenge for the Central Division title for sure (for whatever that's worth). They certain closed the (already narrow) gap with the Wings.

RomaGoth 07-01-2009 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2062763)
Pretty pumped about the Hawks getting Hossa. I liked Havlat but he just got injured way too much. Not sure how you guys can think that's not an improvement considering they make the same amount. It also takes away a 40 goal scorer from their biggest conference rival.

I don't disagree with the Havlat/Hossa comparison, but who is going to play goalie? I also think the Hawks defense core is sub-par. Just my opinion though.

DataKing 07-01-2009 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by RomaGoth (Post 2062768)
I don't disagree with the Havlat/Hossa comparison, but who is going to play goalie? I also think the Hawks defense core is sub-par. Just my opinion though.

I really felt like Seabrook stepped up come playoff time, and helped to compensate for Campbell's disappearance (relative to his 7m cap number at least). But I agree that goaltender needs to be addressed. The book is wide open on Huet, and the Wings picked him apart.

MikeVic 07-01-2009 04:32 PM

I love Khabibulin to the Oilers. Jets goalie to my current fav NHL team.

Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by DataKing (Post 2062771)
I really felt like Seabrook stepped up come playoff time, and helped to compensate for Campbell's disappearance (relative to his 7m cap number at least). But I agree that goaltender needs to be addressed. The book is wide open on Huet, and the Wings picked him apart.

Despite struggling in Game 4, Huet was great in Game 5.

I think the Hawks are set up quite nicely for many years to come (assumign the cap remains relatively static).

Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 04:34 PM

Pavel Kubina to the Thrashers for Garnet Exelby.

There's more to the deal apparently, but those are the main parts.

RomaGoth 07-01-2009 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 2062774)
Despite struggling in Game 4, Huet was great in Game 5.

I think the Hawks are set up quite nicely for many years to come (assumign the cap remains relatively static).

I see Huet as another along the lines of Jose Theodore. Did pretty well in Montreal but when he left, the flaws in his game seemed to become apparent in a hurry. I am not sold on him.


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 2062775)
Pavel Kubina to the Thrashers for Garnet Exelby.

There's more to the deal apparently, but those are the main parts.

Kubina really has fallen hasn't he?

Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 05:21 PM

Komisarek to the Leafs: 4 years at $4.5 million per.

With Orr, Exelby and Komisarek, I think Brian Burke is finally getting the type of team he wants.

TurnerONU22 07-01-2009 05:36 PM

Jackets join the fray, by signing Sami Pahlsson to a 3 yr deal at 2.7 per.

Expensive, but I think the Jackets still have to overpay to get anyone to play for them.

CR or Hawks fans, how's he looked the past season? He seems like the perfect 3rd line center in a Hitchcock system.

JonInMiddleGA 07-01-2009 06:06 PM

:( on the Kubina - XLB (and Colin Stuart) trade.

There's little reason to think the Thrashers won't suck again next year as we prepare to watch Kovy depart, but at least Exelby was popular. At worst he was probably the second most popular guy on the team with the fans, despite frequently being out of position, he was at least entertaining to watch at times.

This trade could revolutionize the way people struggle to find any reason to go to Phillips Arena as long as DW is the GM.

Draft Dodger 07-01-2009 07:30 PM

Gaborik to the Rangers, 5 years, $5.75 million.

Think he regrets turning down 10 / 78 million from the Wild last fall?

EDIT: neverming, TSN had it wrong. it's $7.5 per.

bbor 07-01-2009 07:38 PM

Cammy to the Habs...5 years/6mil a year.

bbor 07-01-2009 07:38 PM

wow...Cammy got more than Gaborik???

Suburban Rhythm 07-01-2009 07:38 PM

More I didn't see yet (i scrolled thu quickly)

Cammalieri to MTL $30M over 5 years = $6M per

Komisarek to Toronto $22.5M over 5 = $4.5M per (is that not what they gave Finger!? Komisarek worth as much as Finger? WTF)

Gaborik to Rangers $37.5M over 5 = $7.5M per

Spacek to MTL $11.5 over 3 = $3.83M per

Cole stays in Carolina $5.8M over 2 = $2.9M per

Greg Zanon to Minnesota $5.2M over 3 = $1.73 per

David Booth (RFA) stays in Florida $25.5 over 6 = $4.25M per

Bunch of other minor junk: Garon to CBUS, Strudwick to EDM etc

bbor 07-01-2009 07:40 PM

SR i think Finger was 3.5...i may be wrong though.

bbor 07-01-2009 07:40 PM

Spacek to the Habs hurts the Sabres IMHO.

Suburban Rhythm 07-01-2009 07:40 PM


Just reading now Gionta to Montreal

So, when the Habs win the Cup, Gionta will sit on Gomez's shoulders, and Gomez on Cammalieri's that someone can hand the Cup to Hal Gill.

bbor 07-01-2009 07:43 PM

Jon....what's a Colin Stuart?

Suburban Rhythm 07-01-2009 07:43 PM

Is the Kovalev staying in Montreal thing false? I saw it earlier at work as $8.8 over 2, but was that simply rumor?

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 07:43 PM

His agent came out saying that it wasnt true.

Suburban Rhythm 07-01-2009 07:56 PM

I don't understand the Rupp move at all for Pittsburgh-

Right now we have about 80 bottom 6 forwards, still need (at least) 1 top 6 wing and another D.

Adams, Dupuis, Staal, Kennedy, Cooke, Godard, Rupp, Talbot, Dustin Jeffrey ready in the AHL, plus about 5 other guys in the AHL who got 3rd and 4th line minutes last year.

My hope is Pascal Dupuis is being moved. He's a team guy, but he's on the 4th line and making $1.4M for the next two seasons. We can't afford that.

I really wanted Zanon, as I think Scuderi's gone, and the $1.7M price tag makes it even harder to take. Scuderi is getting probably $1M+ more than that a year.

EDIT - Zanon's deal is $5.8/3, not $5.2. So cap is $1.93 a year. Still could have fit under the Pens cap.

Suburban Rhythm 07-01-2009 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Suburban Rhythm (Post 2062866)

Just reading now Gionta to Montreal

So, when the Habs win the Cup, Gionta will sit on Gomez's shoulders, and Gomez on Cammalieri's that someone can hand the Cup to Hal Gill.

Gionta $25 over 5.

Habs add over $17M per year against the cap today.

Suburban Rhythm 07-01-2009 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by bbor (Post 2062865)
Spacek to the Habs hurts the Sabres IMHO.

Sabres got Steve Montador $3.1 over 2 years. Not going to replace Spacek's minutes, but I like Montador. Another guy I was holding out hope for in Pittsburgh if Scuderi can't be kept.

Suburban Rhythm 07-01-2009 08:10 PM

John Madden to Chicago 1 year $2.75M

Steve Sullivan stay in Nashville (how did Montreal miss this short dude?) 2 years $3.75M per

Chris Neil stays in Ottawa $8M over 4 years

General Mike 07-01-2009 08:52 PM

Have the Rangers had a good free agent signing in the last 15 years?

JonInMiddleGA 07-01-2009 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by bbor (Post 2062870)
Jon....what's a Colin Stuart?

It's a journeyman (at best I guess) forward that finally made it to the NHL for 33 games last year after being drafted in 2001 (and finishing 4 years at Colorado College before turning pro in 2004). A speedy 6'2", 205 lefty, hasn't broken the 30 point barrier since 1999 in the USHL. Has a knack for scoring short-handed, all three of his five goals last year came that way. One of three pro hockey playing brothers (and a sister playing at BC) including Mark Stuart of the Bruins.

edit to amend: I guess I should say "roleplaying forward" instead of "journeyman forward"

Honolulu_Blue 07-01-2009 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger (Post 2062858)
Gaborik to the Rangers, 5 years, $5.75 million.

Think he regrets turning down 10 / 78 million from the Wild last fall?

EDIT: neverming, TSN had it wrong. it's $7.5 per.

Ah, the Rangers... They just never, ever learn, do they?

If Hossa can be had for $5.2 million, how can they justify Gaborik at $7.5?

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 08:59 PM step forward...two back.

Fidatelo 07-01-2009 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 2062902)
Ah, the Rangers... They just never, ever learn, do they?

If Hossa can be had for $5.2 million, how can they justify Gaborik at $7.5?

I can't say Gaborik is worth the money, but keep in mind that Hossa's deal is for 12 years rather than the more reasonable 5 that they gave Gaborik.

That said, what a crap signing. Damn you Sather.

Pumpy Tudors 07-01-2009 09:46 PM

So the Devils lose three forwards today... do they plan to bring any in at all? Or do you get past the top line and then it's just the Dainius Zubrus show? Can somebody just punch me in the mouth now and get it over with?

Dr. Sak 07-01-2009 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors (Post 2062923)
So the Devils lose three forwards today... do they plan to bring any in at all? Or do you get past the top line and then it's just the Dainius Zubrus show? Can somebody just punch me in the mouth now and get it over with?

Stop over I'll do it for you. I'm not going to work tomorrow so anytime tonight is fine with me. Wear your Crosby mask and jersey.

Travis 07-01-2009 09:52 PM

TSN is reporting that Havlat has a verbal agreement with Minny.

So who complete's the sniper shuffle?

Hossa went to Chicago. Havlat is going to Minny. Gaborik went to the Rangers. Gomez went to Montreal, so maybe Kovalev signs on the cheap with Detroit to close the loop?

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