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Jas_lov 07-30-2009 11:37 AM

Ortiz and Ramirez Said to Be on 2003 Doping List -

David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez were on the 2003 steroids list. Not surprising at all.

molson 07-30-2009 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Jas_lov (Post 2085397)
Ortiz and Ramirez Said to Be on 2003 Doping List -

David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez were on the 2003 steroids list. Not surprising at all.

No-brainer. The only guy I'm sure wasn't juicing from that (or any) team is Curt Schilling (not because he's a fatty, just because I believe his rants about steroids are genuine).

But even as a Sox fan, I wouldn't disagree with anyone that says that the '04 World Series win was tained. That's what the players union and the owners did to us, and every fan.

But these guys are going to have a hell of lawsuit on their hands if we ever find out how these names are getting released.

Jas_lov 07-30-2009 11:48 AM

Yeah, and I hope this doesn't keep going where one or two names come out every few months. Just release the whole damn list and get it all over with or destroy the list. Everyone used steroids, we get it so let's just move on.

Crapshoot 07-30-2009 11:53 AM

Meh, don't care, but it makes it all the more fucking ridiculous how Bonds gets blackballed, while people the writers like get free passes. Face it - this is primarily an issue for old farts to whine about the "sanctity" of the game.

ISiddiqui 07-30-2009 11:55 AM

What's with all these little by little released names? For drama's sake?

Btw, I'm with Crapshoot.

PackerFanatic 07-30-2009 12:04 PM

I think it'd be more newsworthy to announce people that HAVEN'T juiced. The fact that they keep throwing out a name or two at a time is just stupid.

molson 07-30-2009 12:09 PM

Presumably, it's not the same person deciding which names to announce every few months. These are sealed documents. Some lawyer (or intern) sees them, calls a sportswriter, and maybe tries to get free tickets for a game or something.

Certain lawyers may have access to part of or the entire list. Lawyers working on the Giambi stuff probably knew only that Giambi was on the list. Same with Bonds. So those names were leaked then. Maybe these particular lawyers only had access to Manny and Ortiz, for whatever reason.

One things for sure, when they leak a name, it's a blatant violation of court orders.

Ronnie Dobbs2 07-30-2009 12:10 PM

Unsurprisingly disappointing.

MikeVic 07-30-2009 12:13 PM

I hate when steroids are brought up. It always makes me think "why do I still care about baseball?" And then I try ot decide whether I should just drop the sport altogether.

ISiddiqui 07-30-2009 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 2085413)
One things for sure, when they leak a name, it's a blatant violation of court orders.

Yep. And that's highly disappointing... but, of course, people think its ok, because they are outing a player for using roids, ugh.

watravaler 07-30-2009 12:47 PM

Let the subtle, but obvious, "sweeping under the rug" by ESPN, MLBPA, the owners, the agents, etc... begin.

Olympic-style drug testing is the ONLY solution to this mess, but we all know the greed of the involved parties will never allow the most effective testing program on the planet to be used(of course, it isn't going to catch everyone, as the millionaires involved in baseball can pay to stay a few steps ahead of the testing, but it's certainly better than the joke of a piss test we currently have). Like Ben Johnson(Canadian Sprinter, "former" Olympic Champion), the records of these "greats" should be removed from the books once the proven cheat hangs up his/her the very least, the Sammy Sosa/David Ortiz's of the world should be listed with an asterick next to their name in the official record books.

I understand most think this is way too harsh, but I do believe the Olympic program is ideal. In a perfect world, a first offense would result in a two-year ban from baseball, a second offense? Find a new job/league...

The powers that be shouldn't have silenced Frank Thomas when he claimed this was a serious issue in the early 90''s too bad his name will be linked with these asterick-clowns.

stevew 07-30-2009 12:49 PM're telling me that David Ortiz....a guy thats 1.5 times the size of David Arias......juiced?


And agreed about them needing to leave Bonds alone, it's not like he was the only high profile guy doing this.

gstelmack 07-30-2009 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by stevew (Post 2085437)
And agreed about them needing to leave Bonds alone, it's not like he was the only high profile guy doing this.

Bonds is the only one to break the home run record, but he's also generally a jerk who brought most of this upon himself. Mark McGwire and Roger Clemens did not come out of this exactly unscathed, however, so to claim Bonds gets particularly nasty treatment because of steroids isn't really true. The most that's come down on him because of that was scorn over the homerun record.

Easy Mac 07-30-2009 01:25 PM

Per Ortiz, earlier this year:


Ortiz said that testing should not be random, and that every player should be tested three to four times per year. And if those players test positive? "Bang them for the whole year," he said.

I'm sure he'll voluntarily take a year off.

Alan T 07-30-2009 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Easy Mac (Post 2085467)
Per Ortiz, earlier this year:

I'm sure he'll voluntarily take a year off.

I am guessing back in June and before many of the Red Sox fans probably were wishing he took this year off. :)

ISiddiqui 07-30-2009 01:28 PM

Wait... did he say "bang them" or "ban them"... because that changes a lot! ;)

Warhammer 07-30-2009 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Easy Mac (Post 2085467)
Per Ortiz, earlier this year:

I'm sure he'll voluntarily take a year off.

I thought he was already taking the year off.

Coffee Warlord 07-30-2009 01:54 PM

Apparently Kevin Hart has drilled 4 people this inning for the Cubs: 2 Astros and the Umpire (twice).

JonInMiddleGA 07-30-2009 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord (Post 2085488)
Apparently Kevin Hart has drilled 4 people this inning for the Cubs: 2 Astros and the Umpire (twice).

I'm sure it would be too much for me to hope that Bill Hohn's crew is working this game.

DaddyTorgo 07-30-2009 01:57 PM


I'll wait for more than one source, but :(. Not Papi!


Originally Posted by NYT via
Slugging stars David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez, who helped deliver the Boston Red Sox their first world championship in 86 years in 2004 and a second title in 2007, are among the names on the list of 104 players who tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs in 2003, according to the New York Times.

The Times, citing lawyers with knowledge of the results, reported on Thursday that Ortiz and Ramirez were found on the now-infamous list which, it was revealed in previous months, also includes Alex Rodriguez and Sammy Sosa.

While Ramirez was already linked to baseball's ever-widening steroids era after failing a drug test this season and serving a 50-game suspension, this is the first time Ortiz has been connected to performance-enhancing drugs.

According to the Times, the lawyers did not reveal which drugs the players tested positive for. Ortiz said "I have no comment" when asked about the matter on Thursday by a Times reporter in Boston. When Sports Illustrated reported in February that Alex Rodriguez had tested positive for steroids in 2003, Ortiz said any player who tested positive should be suspended for an entire season.

ISiddiqui 07-30-2009 01:58 PM

Post 3601 dude ;).

DaddyTorgo 07-30-2009 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Jas_lov (Post 2085397)
Ortiz and Ramirez Said to Be on 2003 Doping List -

David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez were on the 2003 steroids list. Not surprising at all.

still fewer Sox juicers than Yankee juicers

DaddyTorgo 07-30-2009 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by ISiddiqui (Post 2085495)
Post 3601 dude ;).

yeah i apparently missed the new page when i clicked "new posts" it took me back a page so i didn't realize it was up on here yet

Ronnie Dobbs2 07-30-2009 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2085497)
still fewer Sox juicers than Yankee juicers

Probably not a good road to begin walking down.

DeToxRox 07-30-2009 02:07 PM

Just an update on Halladay:

Detroit was told it'd take Rick Porcello, Ryan Perry and Casey Crosby for Doc. As much as I say you have to trade prospects for a guy like him, I am glad this was turned down. Our system is lacking depth, but Crosby seems very legit at this stage. Meanwhile Porcello is 20 and going to be most likely a 12-13 game winner already while Perry has the potential to be dominant in a year or two out of the pen.

Plus Doc can't hit which kills us because we just don't score runs.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-30-2009 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2085497)
still fewer Sox juicers than Yankee juicers

Is that really saying all that much? I do know that the Royals woefully underachieved when it comes to juicers. No wonder we can't win.

Ronnie Dobbs2 07-30-2009 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2085511)
Is that really saying all that much? I do know that the Royals woefully underachieved when it comes to juicers. No wonder we can't win.

Probably not a good road to begin walking down.

Steroid Nation: Kansas City Royals in the 2000s: Dugout of juicers?

stevew 07-30-2009 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2085497)
still fewer Sox juicers than Yankee juicers

Thats something to be proud of!!!!!

stevew 07-30-2009 02:16 PM


By my count that makes 5 tainted Boston championships in the 2000s.

Good work fellas!

Logan 07-30-2009 02:34 PM

The only player who deserves the benefit of the doubt when it comes to steroids, in my mind, is Frank Thomas. Everyone else is presumed guilty.

molson 07-30-2009 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by stevew (Post 2085518)

By my count that makes 5 tainted Boston championships in the 2000s.

Good work fellas!

What about Kevin McHale helping out an old friend?

As a fan, I'd rather have 6 tainted championships than 0.

stevew 07-30-2009 02:47 PM

true true.

McHale helped out everyone though, so I don't think that one counts.

Galaril 07-30-2009 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2085493)

I'll wait for more than one source, but :(. Not Papi!

Yeah no kidding not Big papi:(................And if so he should have fired his trainer/dealer since he sure did not get the same stuff Arod and the NY Yankers
took (take) from the looks of his gut.

Galaril 07-30-2009 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by stevew (Post 2085518)

By my count that makes 5 tainted Boston championships in the 2000s.

Good work fellas!

Strong words from a Pirates fan:)

Swaggs 07-30-2009 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 2085531)
The only player who deserves the benefit of the doubt when it comes to steroids, in my mind, is Frank Thomas. Everyone else is presumed guilty.

I still have same faith in Griffey and Jeter.

stevew 07-30-2009 03:07 PM

Griffey being a cheeter would basically be the only thing that would make me sad. The rest of these guys, i basically have no attachment to whatsoever.

DaddyTorgo 07-30-2009 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Ronnie Dobbs2 (Post 2085502)
Probably not a good road to begin walking down.

true. but neither was Jas being a douche

MikeVic 07-30-2009 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by stevew (Post 2085561)
Griffey being a cheeter would basically be the only thing that would make me sad. The rest of these guys, i basically have no attachment to whatsoever.

That would crush me as a fan.

ISiddiqui 07-30-2009 03:38 PM

He was being a douche? Where?

stevew 07-30-2009 03:54 PM

Where not?

ISiddiqui 07-30-2009 03:57 PM

So apparently the Mets have won 5 straight. I'm not exactly sure how that happened.

sterlingice 07-30-2009 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by k0ruptr (Post 2083890)
Mark Buehrle's first gift to the team : here is DeWayne Wise' personalized:

I hadn't seen this before. Cool gift :)


sterlingice 07-30-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2085184)
What the hell does Zack have to do to get a win. He's without question the best pitcher in baseball, yet the Royals continue have issues giving him any sort of run support. In 5 starts in July, he's given up 9 earned runs. His record during that stretch? 0-3. I'm going to be SO PISSED if the Royals offense manages to steal a Cy Young award from Greinke.

Royals are now 10-11 in games pitched by Zack this year. Sad, just sad.


molson 07-30-2009 04:07 PM

Jose Canseco says there's a current HOF that used, but wouldn't name him.

Jose Canseco not surprised by report on Manny Ramirez, David Ortiz - ESPN

I would assume that's Ricky Henderson, but I don't know why the guys that their primes in the 80s but played through the 90s are always given the benefit of the doubt - Ripken, Murray, Sandberg, Molitor, etc.

RomaGoth 07-30-2009 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2085497)
still fewer Sox juicers than Yankee juicers

I guess if you can't have 26 World Series titles, this will do, right? ;)

RomaGoth 07-30-2009 04:18 PM



Ortiz told a Times reporter on Thursday morning that he had no comment on the report.

Whenever anyone says "no comment" to a story, you know it has to be true. I mean, how hard is it to say, "These accusations are false, I did nothing wrong, and I will prove it."

stevew 07-30-2009 04:21 PM


John Grabow and Tom Gorzellany to the Cubs for supposedly Ryan Theriot and Jay Jackson.

Maybe others, maybe that's the wrong two. I know those two pirates are traded to the cubs though.

RomaGoth 07-30-2009 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by stevew (Post 2085605)

John Grabow and Tom Gorzellany to the Cubs for supposedly Ryan Theriot and Jay Jackson.

Maybe others, maybe that's the wrong two. I know those two pirates are traded to the cubs though.

I heard a rumor that the Pirates were offering their stadium for a single A player to be named later (presumably Pumpy Tudors) and cash. Is this true?

molson 07-30-2009 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by RomaGoth (Post 2085602)

Whenever anyone says "no comment" to a story, you know it has to be true. I mean, how hard is it to say, "These accusations are false, I did nothing wrong, and I will prove it."

So I guess he's not going to go the taking responsbility route.

He deserves the jeers he'll get on the road and the questions about the legitmacy of his career.

stevew 07-30-2009 04:25 PM

I'm telling you what, I'm tired of watching the Pirates dismantle this 67 win team brick by brick.


molson 07-30-2009 04:25 PM

I'm waiting for some team to send prospects to the Pirates with the express agreement that the Pirates will return the prospects to the sending team the second they accomplish anything in the majors (for more prospects).

stevew 07-30-2009 04:26 PM

I was thinking, the ideal trade would be Zach Duke to a team for an above average prospect, and a ptbnl(Zach Duke)

Rent our guys out for the rest of the season, and then get them back next spring.

Ronnie Dobbs2 07-30-2009 04:27 PM

I like what the Pirates have done. Outside of Bay (and that's even debatable) have they traded anyone you would build a team around? Or even close?

RainMaker 07-30-2009 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by stevew (Post 2085605)

John Grabow and Tom Gorzellany to the Cubs for supposedly Ryan Theriot and Jay Jackson.

Maybe others, maybe that's the wrong two. I know those two pirates are traded to the cubs though.

Are you sure? Why would they send our starting shortstop who's hitting nearly .300 for a couple of lefty relievers?

Neuqua 07-30-2009 04:29 PM

I'm pretty sure The Riot is not going anywhere.

stevew 07-30-2009 04:29 PM

Aramis, Jason Schmidt....After that we're talking nobody since the early 90s who's even been good.

And now that Aramis makes the big bucks and has like 8 homers, he's probably not even a franchise guy anymore.

stevew 07-30-2009 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Neuqua (Post 2085615)
I'm pretty sure The Riot is not going anywhere.

That part is probably wrong then. Does he normally get double switched out of the lineup?

EagleFan 07-30-2009 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by RomaGoth (Post 2085597)
I guess if you can't have 26 World Series titles, this will do, right? ;)

I love it when Yankees fans say this, as if they were actually around for all of them.

RainMaker 07-30-2009 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by ISiddiqui (Post 2085247)
"Without question the best pitcher" in the American League. Not in all of baseball. Greinke has an ERA+ of 207, but in the National League, Dan Haren has an ERA+ of 206 (and Haren has a WHIP of 0.858 :eek: ) and Matt Cain has an ERA+ of 202. So, yah, both of them have an argument.

The AL is a much tougher league than the NL with a DH to contend with.

RomaGoth 07-30-2009 04:32 PM

Steroids, PED's, and HgH has become such the norm in MLB these days that I am numb to it. It is kinda like watching the evening news and seeing the typical house fire, murder, and/or robbery.

How sad that this once great sport has fallen so far. I am much more interested in minor league baseball these days, at least as far as attending games is concerned.

RainMaker 07-30-2009 04:32 PM

Curse of the Great Bambino? Finally the Red Sox get off the hump and win a couple titles and then have it tainted by their best players being implicated in the steroid scandal.

stevew 07-30-2009 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2085614)
Are you sure? Why would they send our starting shortstop who's hitting nearly .300 for a couple of lefty relievers?

Grabow is a type A free agent.

RomaGoth 07-30-2009 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 2085618)
I love it when Yankees fans say this, as if they were actually around for all of them.

That would make me....ummm.....86 years old. So, theoretically, I COULD have been around for all of them. Alas, however, I was not. :(

Neuqua 07-30-2009 04:43 PM

The Pirates are receiving SP Kevin Hart (who won the game today) among two others.

RainMaker 07-30-2009 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by stevew (Post 2085622)
Grabow is a type A free agent.

But then we have no shortstop on a team that has struggled on offense. Just doesn't make much sense unless there is another trade in the works. Our lefty guy out of the pen has also been better than anyone we're getting in the trade.

k0ruptr 07-30-2009 04:51 PM

I agree on the what the Pirates are doing. why not just load up on prospects and hope for the future. but what about when some of these guys blossom and they can't afford em?

k0ruptr 07-30-2009 04:52 PM

Dola they are getting Kevin Hart (not bad at all) + Jose Ascanio and Josh Harrison

RomaGoth 07-30-2009 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by k0ruptr (Post 2085634)
I agree on the what the Pirates are doing. why not just load up on prospects and hope for the future. but what about when some of these guys blossom and they can't afford em?

They trade them for prospects.

k0ruptr 07-30-2009 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by RomaGoth (Post 2085637)
They trade them for prospects.

LoL its the revolving door of Pirates!

stevew 07-30-2009 04:59 PM

It would be nice to get to that point first

Originally Posted by k0ruptr (Post 2085634)
I agree on the what the Pirates are doing. why not just load up on prospects and hope for the future. but what about when some of these guys blossom and they can't afford em?

molson 07-30-2009 04:59 PM

The Pirates should focus on putting together the most dominant AAA team ever. Maybe that can be the first step towards a tiered league with relegation.

k0ruptr 07-30-2009 05:01 PM

I'm pretty sure thats what they are doing, lol.

ISiddiqui 07-30-2009 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2085619)
The AL is a much tougher league than the NL with a DH to contend with.

Are you unfamiliar with the concept of ERA+?

RainMaker 07-30-2009 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by k0ruptr (Post 2085635)
Dola they are getting Kevin Hart (not bad at all) + Jose Ascanio and Josh Harrison

I don't like it for the Cubs. Hart has been real solid for us this year and looks like he's come into his own as a starter. With Lilly out, Dempster struggling since coming back and Harden bound to get hurt, I'd like the insurance of Hart.

Alan T 07-30-2009 06:23 PM

Just drove home from going out biking with my nephew and niece and WEEI sports radio is just horrible to listen to today.

Nothing like caller after caller of people trying to defend David Ortiz when it was likely the same people who were bashing Arod and Manny earlier this summer.

Coffee Warlord 07-30-2009 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2085659)
I don't like it for the Cubs. Hart has been real solid for us this year and looks like he's come into his own as a starter. With Lilly out, Dempster struggling since coming back and Harden bound to get hurt, I'd like the insurance of Hart.

Hart was never that particularly good. He's had a decent stretch, but I'm not that big on him, especially if it nets us what we've been lacking for a good long while: A lefty you can rely on in the bullpen. Sean Marshall has been good, but he's likely a better starter, if they stopped bouncing him back and forth between the rotation and the pen, and isn't really that dominant lefty force.

JonInMiddleGA 07-30-2009 06:50 PM

BALTIMORE -- The Kansas City Royals have acquired outfielder Josh Anderson from the Detroit Tigers for cash.

The trade was announced Thursday before Kansas City played the finale of a four-game series against the Baltimore Orioles.

The 26-year-old Anderson hit .242 with 16 RBIs and 13 stolen bases in 74 games with Detroit this year. He was designated for assignment by the Tigers on July 24 when Carlos Guillen was activated from the disabled list.

Anderson is a career .283 hitter with three homers and 39 RBIs with Houston, Atlanta and Detroit. He is expected to join the Royals on Friday in Tampa.

RainMaker 07-30-2009 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord (Post 2085680)
Hart was never that particularly good. He's had a decent stretch, but I'm not that big on him, especially if it nets us what we've been lacking for a good long while: A lefty you can rely on in the bullpen. Sean Marshall has been good, but he's likely a better starter, if they stopped bouncing him back and forth between the rotation and the pen, and isn't really that dominant lefty force.

I just don't like trading guys who are currently helping the team. Hart has been great this year in his spot starts and having him as insurance down the stretch is big in my opinion. I'm all for giving up prospects to win now but am a little leary of giving up a player who has been helping the team.

If Harden goes down tomorrow, what's our rotation look like?

stevew 07-30-2009 07:24 PM

Grabow is a solid pen arm. He has his moments with too many walks. He does a fairly good job of working out of jams.
He can be pretty effective in multiple innings. And he's not just a LOOGY.

Galaril 07-30-2009 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by RomaGoth (Post 2085597)
I guess if you can't have 26 World Series titles, this will do, right? ;)

And I guess if you got a small peepee that will also do right?:)

miami_fan 07-30-2009 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Alan T (Post 2085674)
Just drove home from going out biking with my nephew and niece and WEEI sports radio is just horrible to listen to today.

Nothing like caller after caller of people trying to defend David Ortiz when it was likely the same people who were bashing Arod and Manny earlier this summer.

You aren't surprised are you? After seeing highlights of the cheering after Ortiz hit the game winner today, I had to make sure I was not looking at AT&T Park. It just the way fans are.

JonInMiddleGA 07-30-2009 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2085694)
If Harden goes down tomorrow, what's our rotation look like?

What? The notion of Jeff Samardzija as your fifth starter isn't filling you with optimism?

Neuqua 07-30-2009 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2085694)
If Harden goes down tomorrow, what's our rotation look like?

I would think you'd just promote Marshall to being a starter.

JonInMiddleGA 07-30-2009 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Neuqua (Post 2085736)
I would think you'd just promote Marshall to being a starter.

Wells becomes the 3, Marshall becomes the 4, and that still leaves The Gipper for the 5 slot.

Coffee Warlord 07-30-2009 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2085694)
If Harden goes down tomorrow, what's our rotation look like?

With the way he's pitching? It looks like 1 more win than we'd normally have every 5th game.

hoopsguy 07-30-2009 08:40 PM

Zambrano, Lilly (back in two weeks), Dempster, Harden, Wells
Marshall would probably get stretched out in the event of an injury.

The Cubs get to find another spot starter for the next two weeks.

Kevin Hart = Sean Gallagher? I don't think he has more long-term upside than Gallagher, and the Cubs have not missed him all that much. They just need their four starters that they are paying 8-18 million to take their starts down the stretch.

hoopsguy 07-30-2009 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord (Post 2085759)
With the way he's pitching? It looks like 1 more win than we'd normally have every 5th game.

He has been lights-out his last three starts. If you want to change the argument to the way he looked in the first half of the year then you might be onto something.

Coffee Warlord 07-30-2009 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 2085761)
He has been lights-out his last three starts. If you want to change the argument to the way he looked in the first half of the year then you might be onto something.

Well color me Not Really Noticing his last few performances.

I'm still a touch bitter about, well, pretty much the whole team's mediocrity in the first half. :)

RainMaker 07-30-2009 08:56 PM

Marshall has been so good out of the pen that I wouldn't want to risk moving him to the rotation.

This isn't to say that Kevin Hart is a great talent. It's just to say that he has helped the team and is someone I consider an asset. He's a guy who can give you a spot spart or just eat up some long innings in relief. A great guy to have on the roster in September. I don't like removing pieces that are helping you unless you are getting a major upgrade somewhere. Grabow is a nice piece, but I'd prefer to have just given up another prospect than a guy who can actually help us make the playoffs.

If we had a bonafied, stable rotation, I'd be fine with the move. But we have some big question marks.

Lilly - Shoulder injuries are not something you just come back from. We don't know what Ted Lilly will show up. We also know the Cubs organization has a history of lying about injuries and underplaying them to the media.

Dempster - Looked real bad in his first start back and is still someone who I think is just mediocre.

Harden - We all know he's due to get hurt.

Wells - Has been solid but will enter a stage where he'll throw more innings than he ever has before. Does he hold up down the stretch or would a fresh arm like Hart be a worthy replacement? I just have trouble trusting rookie pitchers late in the year when they enter inning territory they've never seen.

The only guy I'm sold on as solid is Zambrano. The rest have question marks. With starting pitching being our biggest trump card in the division, I would do nothing to weaken it. Making our starting staff weaker to make our bullpen stronger just seems like a wash with the potential to backfire if one of our starters goes down.

hoopsguy 07-30-2009 09:02 PM

Agreed with the worries on health. If you look at the Cubs starting rotation from the beginning of the year four of the five starters have spent time on the DL. The fifth, Marshall, was moved to the pen because it was a disaster.

Randy Wells has pretty much saved their bacon and Hart did a nice job in his starts. But the division, and anything more, is likely going to have to be won by the guys you are paying the dollars. If the rotation is in a spot where they needed a Kevin Hart to be winning big games in September - or, god forbid, October - then it just was not meant to be this year.

We'll see how the deal plays out, but I'm guessing that the rationale is something pretty close to what I'm suggesting.

hoopsguy 07-30-2009 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 2085773)
Marshall has been so good out of the pen that I wouldn't want to risk moving him to the rotation.

Dempster - Looked real bad in his first start back and is still someone who I think is just mediocre.

The Dempster signing is a problem, as they threw money at a guy coming off a career year. That one is going to haunt them for a little while. At least with the Z signing you were investing in a guy who had a track record, a high ceiling, and little history of injury.

Marshall's future is going to be in the rotation. He was doing a decent job there before he had to get shifted to the pen. I hope that they are healthy enough in the starting rotation that they can leave him there for the remainder of this year but the team does need a better medium/long term solution for bullpen lefty. It clearly was not Cotts, Viscaino (sp?), or any of the other guys that they have run through over the last 100 games. But if they are not then it probably will be Marshall getting the "Joba" treatment down the stretch.

RainMaker 07-30-2009 09:18 PM

There is some buzz on the radio that the Lilly injury is way worse than they are letting on and the move was made so that they would have a lefty in the rotation down the stretch. I know they've been saying 4-5 starts, but the Cubs lie a lot about injuries.

sterlingice 07-30-2009 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 2085687)
BALTIMORE -- The Kansas City Royals have acquired outfielder Josh Anderson from the Detroit Tigers for cash.

The trade was announced Thursday before Kansas City played the finale of a four-game series against the Baltimore Orioles.

The 26-year-old Anderson hit .242 with 16 RBIs and 13 stolen bases in 74 games with Detroit this year. He was designated for assignment by the Tigers on July 24 when Carlos Guillen was activated from the disabled list.

Anderson is a career .283 hitter with three homers and 39 RBIs with Houston, Atlanta and Detroit. He is expected to join the Royals on Friday in Tampa.

Well... he was a former Brave and, as someone on MLBTR pointed out "the .282 OBP sealed the deal."


Crapshoot 07-30-2009 10:38 PM

Suck it Charlie Manuel; suck it hard.

Crapshoot 07-30-2009 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 2085829)
Well... he was a former Brave and, as someone on MLBTR pointed out "the .282 OBP sealed the deal."


I genuinely feel for the Royals; for the love of all that is holy, the Pirates have a better plan. Is there a more pathetic franchise in baseball (well, the Nationals perhaps)?

Atocep 07-30-2009 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 2085829)
Well... he was a former Brave and, as someone on MLBTR pointed out "the .282 OBP sealed the deal."


Dayton Moore apparently has decided he won't hide his hard on for tools this season.

Any rumors of him not being around next season?

sterlingice 07-30-2009 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 2085841)
Dayton Moore apparently has decided he won't hide his hard on for tools this season.

Any rumors of him not being around next season?

I think he's going to be on the hot seat next season and if the team doesn't perform, he's gone. But I don't think we're there yet.

Also, the bolded line can be read so many different ways and all are wrong ;)


stevew 07-31-2009 12:58 AM

Lets get back on topic.

Manny(who we already knew was) and Big Papi are both cheeters. Funny how A-Roid gets a 300 post thread, and Papi doesn't get equal time. And no noob even bothers to start a thread about it.

I can't wait for the rest of this list to come out.

bhlloy 07-31-2009 01:23 AM

Other than Pujols, I can't think of a single guy who I would find it significant that they were confirmed to be a steroid user. I guess finding out that Griffey used would be sad. But at this point, my feeling is that everybody was using and so be it.

If I'd have had to pick a list of 5 likely clean players Manny would have been on it and now he's been busted twice...

As for Big Papi, who was stupid enough to think he was clean? I think that's the big difference between him and Aroid, people thought Rodriguez had enough natural talent to actually be doing it without the drugs and the fact that he used was actually a surprise.

DeToxRox 07-31-2009 01:29 AM

Honestly there aren't many guys who'd really shock me if I find out they juiced.

Curtis Granderson, Derek Jeter (Yes, I really would be shocked if Jeter ever failed a test for PED), Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling.

That's about it.

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