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cthomer5000 05-18-2006 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by OldGiants
What's with the rock with the rectangular hole on the cliff above the fake castaways' village?

Is it the Black Rock?

Black Rock is the name of the ship they got the dynamite from. It even said "Black Rock" right on it.

Draft Dodger 05-18-2006 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by judicial clerk
Total guess on my part, but it sounds pretty good. I would only add that the new plane that crashes contains the harlem globetrotters.


sachmo71 05-18-2006 01:44 PM

the black rock was a ship.

Samdari 05-18-2006 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by judicial clerk
Total guess on my part, but it sounds pretty good. I would only add that the new plane that crashes contains the harlem globetrotters.

Its too bad Bob Denver is dead. I think it would be really cool if at the end of season 3, you finally got to see the HE that is leader of the others, and it was Gilligan.

Raiders Army 05-18-2006 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Samdari
Its too bad Bob Denver is dead. I think it would be really cool if at the end of season 3, you finally got to see the HE that is leader of the others, and it was Gilligan.

The Professor, Ginger, and Mary Ann are still alive.

Edit--Maybe the whole Walt thing would be an attempt to bring Gilligan back from the dead.

jbmagic 05-18-2006 02:27 PM

The new cast of Survivor will be on that plane crash.

chinaski 05-18-2006 02:33 PM

its just shane on that sailboat trying to find his way back to boston.

samifan24 05-18-2006 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by OldGiants
What's with the rock with the rectangular hole on the cliff above the fake castaways' village?

Is it the Black Rock?

I believe last season that the "Black Rock" which Rousseau mentioned frequently turned out to be the ship wreckage where Jack, Locke and the others found the dynamite to blow open the hatch.

sovereignstar 05-18-2006 02:49 PM

What's Black Rock?

samifan24 05-18-2006 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by judicial clerk
Total guess on my part, but it sounds pretty good. I would only add that the new plane that crashes contains the harlem globetrotters.

Whew, thank you! I was afraid that you posted a major spoiler!

rexallllsc 05-18-2006 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Toddzilla
Hells yeah. As soon as Michael went up to Sayid to ask him not to go, I turned to my wife and said, "Big mistake, Sayid will figure this shit out in a second." And as soon as Michael turned around and Sayid had that look on his face, you just knew he had Michael pegged. He's my favorite character on the show, although Sawyer - whom I was intensely annoyed with through much of the first season - has quickly turned into the best, most complex character on the show. Last night sealed the deal - "Now we get to go kill someone".

While I didn't think the episode was AMAZING, it was clearly the best in a while, and yeah, that Sawyer line was great.

Sayid is a great character.

Easy Mac 05-18-2006 05:43 PM

I tried to get my girl to name our dog sawyer because I wanted him to be a fucking badass (and the dog has the whole blond hair/black facial hair thing going). We settled on baxter though (after the dog in anchorman).

jbmagic 05-18-2006 09:04 PM

Are they going to explain Walt Aging?

He sure look older.

rjolley 05-18-2006 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
Are they going to explain Walt Aging?

He sure look older.

Ok, I thought it was just me...

duff88 05-18-2006 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
Are they going to explain Walt Aging?

He sure look older.

Yeah, at some point I even wondered if it was his real voice because he seems like way too old to still be speaking like a kid.

Must suck to have a kids that age in a series where every year of filming pass 40 days in the serie...

cthomer5000 05-19-2006 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by duff88
Yeah, at some point I even wondered if it was his real voice because he seems like way too old to still be speaking like a kid.

Must suck to have a kids that age in a series where every year of filming pass 40 days in the serie...

I think they manipulated the voice in processing to make it higher. To me, it almost sounded too high.

Kodos 05-19-2006 12:26 PM

Kill him off. Problem solved.

cthomer5000 05-19-2006 12:27 PM

I think Walt is a great character though.

Kodos 05-19-2006 12:32 PM

Great for me to poop on!

DanGarion 05-19-2006 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Kodos
Great for me to poop on!

Get it right.

First you poop on the blanket and then you put it on the tv.

mgadfly 05-19-2006 12:39 PM

I must be the only one that thought they did a good job with Walt. I couldn't really tell a difference.

I thought the episode was a bit weak because it seemed forced that doc would just go ahead and let Michael call the shots. It also seemed a little fake that the only one who noticed Michael had an agenda was Sayid.

Also, shouldn't Locke have already told Sayid about the ?-hatch? Sayid should be down there repairing things and finding out what else they can watch with those cameras.

Draft Dodger 05-19-2006 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by mgadfly
Also, shouldn't Locke have already told Sayid about the ?-hatch? Sayid should be down there repairing things and finding out what else they can watch with those cameras.

yet again, these 40 whatever people are the DUMBEST people on the planet. they deserve to be marooned there forever.

moriarty 05-19-2006 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
I think they manipulated the voice in processing to make it higher. To me, it almost sounded too high.

Leave the poor kid alone, he's just hitting puberty that's all. :D

Raiders Army 05-19-2006 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by moriarty
Leave the poor kid alone, he's just hitting puberty that's all. :D

Hopefully it was that or they made his voice higher digitally. The only other option is to kick him in the balls before he says his lines.

Swaggs 05-22-2006 10:42 PM

Bump... whoops.


LOS ANGELES (AP) - Actress Michelle Rodriguez, who served five days in jail in Hawaii last month for drunk driving, must serve 60 days for violating her probation with that arrest, a spokesman for the city attorney said Monday.

Judge Rex Hesseman also sentenced the former star of television's "Lost" to 30 days of community service with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, stints with the Mothers Against Drunk Driving victim impact panel and the city's hospital and morgue program, said spokesman Frank Mateljan. She must also attend an alcohol education program.

The 27-year-old actress is scheduled to begin her jail term on May 31, Mateljan said.

A message left with her attorney, Henry Holmes, was not immediately returned.

Rodriguez was arrested in Hawaii last December on the drunken driving charge. She pleaded guilty last month.

The Honolulu arrest violated the three-year probation term the actress was given in 2004 after pleading no contest to charges of hit-and-run, driving on a suspended license and driving under the influence of alcohol, Mateljan said.

Her probation on those charges has now been extended until June 2009.

Rodriguez's "Lost" character, Ana Lucia, was killed off in an episode broadcast earlier this month. The show's producers have said that plot twist had nothing to do with her arrests.

OldGiants 05-23-2006 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by samifan24
I believe last season that the "Black Rock" which Rousseau mentioned frequently turned out to be the ship wreckage where Jack, Locke and the others found the dynamite to blow open the hatch.

That's only one of the many 'black rocks' that has turned up. The most recent are the black rocks Bernard used on the beach to try to spell SOS. Clearly, there are more out there, including THE black rock, whatever it turns out to be.

Swaggs 05-23-2006 01:48 PM

I am surprised that sov didn't change the title of this thread in honor of the best quote of the season (from the last episode): "I screwed her."

Draft Dodger 05-23-2006 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs
I am surprised that sov didn't change the title of this thread in honor of the best quote of the season (from the last episode): "I screwed her."

sov isn't exactly the freshest coconut on the tree, if you know what I mean

Easy Mac 05-24-2006 10:03 PM


cthomer5000 05-24-2006 10:04 PM

meh... this show pretty much sucks donkey balls these days.

sachmo71 05-24-2006 10:14 PM

i enjoyed this episode.

MrKordell 05-24-2006 10:17 PM

So minus the bogus cliffhanger I thought the episode was good.

That cliffhanger was ridiculous though. FU Lost writers.

Bearcat729 05-24-2006 10:25 PM

It was solid,but they need to stop teasing me into thinking Eko is dead

cthomer5000 05-24-2006 10:29 PM

The last 15 minutes were awful. What in the world was the behavior by Charlie? We go from daytime insanity and Charlie stumbling onto the beach to nightime. So, Charlie doesn't/can't explain where Eko and Locke are and no one checks out the hatch? Huh?

The show feels like it's written by the same people behind "The Scary Door" on Futurama.

MrKordell 05-24-2006 10:41 PM

There are about 10000 things that I hated about the last 15 minutes. The writers had a chance to give us some answers.

But instead we learned that the Others think they are the 'good people'. And we learned nothing about what happened to the hatch. We learned nothing about where the Others actually stay. Nothing about what happened to Walt. Nothing about why they wanted Jack, Kate, and Sawyer.

These are plots they started in season two and should have been answered in season two.

Joe Canadian 05-24-2006 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by MrKordell
There are about 10000 things that I hated about the last 15 minutes. The writers had a chance to give us some answers.

But instead we learned that the Others think they are the 'good people'. And we learned nothing about what happened to the hatch. We learned nothing about where the Others actually stay. Nothing about what happened to Walt. Nothing about why they wanted Jack, Kate, and Sawyer.

These are plots they started in season two and should have been answered in season two.

I don't understand why people get mad that plotlines go for more than one season... it's not a sitcom. Anyways I didn't like the last 15 minutes very much either, but not because it left unanswered questions.

Honolulu_Blue 05-24-2006 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
I don't understand why people get mad that plotlines go for more than one season... it's not a sitcom. Anyways I didn't like the last 15 minutes very much either, but not because it left unanswered questions.

Agreed. If what you want is just a bunch of answers and a completely linear plot might I recommend the following shows:

CSI: Miami
CSI: New York
Law & Order
Law & Order: SVU
Law & Order: Criminal Intent

Some of those shows are great, some are decent, and some are not so great, but you're almost guaranteed (with a few exceptions sprinkled in here and there) to get all of the answers to all of your questions with about 8-10 minutes left in the show.

Honolulu_Blue 05-24-2006 11:08 PM

I didn't mind the last 15 minutes. I didn't necessarily enjoy the "artic pole" scene all that much, but the rest was fine. It's looking more and more like Charlie could be infected, who knows...

cthomer5000 05-24-2006 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
I don't understand why people get mad that plotlines go for more than one season... it's not a sitcom. Anyways I didn't like the last 15 minutes very much either, but not because it left unanswered questions.

Because the writing has become bad. Insulting to my intelligence bad. They throw in 500 twists, pay off 1 of them, and have every character act as far from realistic is possible.

Joe Canadian 05-24-2006 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Because the writing has become bad. Insulting to my intelligence bad. They throw in 500 twists, pay off 1 of them, and have every character act as far from realistic is possible.

Meh, for you that might be the case, but for others it's because this isn't written like shows that are episodic in nature. And while I agree that the writing has gone a bit downhill this season, it was very good (IMO) last year during that finale... and people had a huge problem with that because it left unanswered questions.

This show is about mystery and suspence... they've answered some questions and left others unanswered, thats the whole point of the show. If people have a problem with that, then you're watching the wrong type of show (see HB's post for shows you might enjoy more).

cthomer5000 05-24-2006 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
This show is about mystery and suspence... they've answered some questions and left others unanswered, thats the whole point of the show. If people have a problem with that, then you're watching the wrong type of show (see HB's post for shows you might enjoy more).

Yes, and they've done so at the expense of any semblence of reality.

Jack and Sayid were once screwing around in the "basement," they didn't find the shut-down switch down there?

They found their orientation film on the shelf and Ecko had the missing parts in a hollowed-out book. Despite that, Desmond's rubber band-bound book still sat on the shelf untouched?

Sawyer, Kate, Jack, and Hurley all find out that Michael is leading them into a trap AND he just killed romantic interests for two of them... so naturally, no one flinches. The guy would have had the living shit kicked out of him, on natural reaction alone.

I'm fine with them not paying off a lot of the mystical stuff with the island, but the moment you have people not even acting remotely human, it becomes tough to tolerate.

I'll probably pass on season 3 until it's completely done airing unless they tighten up the airing schedule significantly.

Swaggs 05-25-2006 12:26 AM

I thought it was a great episode. It closed some doors and opened a few new ones. We now know what caused the plane crash.

We know what happens when the button is not pushed (pretty clearly explained by Kelvin and then demonstrated at the end). We found out where the pneumatic (sp?) tube sends the results of the observations and can now suspect that it might have been the placebo (unless you believe they are, or were once, picked up periodically). We found out what happened to Desmond and how and why he is there. We got to see Michael and Walt reunited. I am pretty pleased with the "results" of this one.

And now we have some new storylines opening up. Michael's directions to leave let us know that there is, presumably, a way out. Pen and her resources give us someone on the outside looking for the island now (and I suspect her father is involved or the CEO of Dharma?). We will be wondering all Summer what will happen to Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, Echo, Desmond, Michael, and Walt (I'm guessing that some of them will not be back). There is the possibility that more people could be added to the island from this system failure.

I can understand people not caring for the last 15 minutes, but I liked the Penelope twist.

Joe Canadian 05-25-2006 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Yes, and they've done so at the expense of any semblence of reality.

There's a mysterious smoke monster that shows images of people's past... that stuff always happens in real life!! :)


Jack and Sayid were once screwing around in the "basement," they didn't find the shut-down switch down there?

The shutdown switch was covered up by a latch... easy to miss.


They found their orientation film on the shelf and Ecko had the missing parts in a hollowed-out book. Despite that, Desmond's rubber band-bound book still sat on the shelf untouched?

Desmond told them what book the film was in, they looked for that book... no reason to go searching through every single one.


Sawyer, Kate, Jack, and Hurley all find out that Michael is leading them into a trap AND he just killed romantic interests for two of them... so naturally, no one flinches. The guy would have had the living shit kicked out of him, on natural reaction alone.

I was only suprised with Sawyer's non-reaction, Hurley's was understandable
since he seems nonviolent.


I'm fine with them not paying off a lot of the mystical stuff with the island, but the moment you have people not even acting remotely human, it becomes tough to tolerate.

Even if I agree with everything above, what does any of this have to do with people not liking this show because it isn't episodic?


I'll probably pass on season 3 until it's completely done airing unless they tighten up the airing schedule significantly.

It will be shown in three "bursts" of shows next season, to end the confusion from week to week.

timmynausea 05-25-2006 01:10 AM

The second season was nowhere near as good as the first season, but I liked the finale tonight. I'm absolutely certain I'd really enjoy the show more just waiting and watching the DVDs (as far as season 3 and beyond), but I don't know if I could stand the wait.

Joe Canadian 05-25-2006 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by timmynausea
The second season was nowhere near as good as the first season, but I liked the finale tonight. I'm absolutely certain I'd really enjoy the show more just waiting and watching the DVDs (as far as season 3 and beyond), but I don't know if I could stand the wait.

Agreed. The constant commercials kill the show... I'd wait and buy the DVD's... but it's really hard to miss news and entertainment programs ruining plot lines.

larrymcg421 05-25-2006 03:31 AM

The idea that we should expect no answers or we should expect CSI or Law & Order is ridiculous. I don't want EITHER of those. I don't want everything answered in every episode. But each season should have some kind of overriding arc and "some" of the questions should be answered in the finale.

This season was just a mess. Every single episode seemed to be some kind of pointless exercise until they could get us to the twist in the final 5 minutes. We didn't learn much more about the characters from season 1, they killed two characters that had just started to become very interesting, and they ignored other characters.

If the writing was good, they would be able to provide lots of answers, while coming up with plenty more questions at the same time. The sad thing is it seems like the writers have run out of ideas, so they can't afford to answer anything. I mean, last week we got a whole damn episode that spent an entire hour telling us what every viewer with half a brain already knew.

cthomer5000 05-25-2006 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
There's a mysterious smoke monster that shows images of people's past... that stuff always happens in real life!! :)

I think you're missing my point. I love an enjoy sci-fi, but people still have to act basically human to make it worth watching. LOST is losing that fast.


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
The shutdown switch was covered up by a latch... easy to miss.

It was in a pretty sizable dharma-shaped object. Unlikely they would miss while looking around for exactly this sort of weird stuff.


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
Desmond told them what book the film was in, they looked for that book... no reason to go searching through every single one.

They've been in there pushing the button for at least a month. You don't think you'd be taking an extensive look around the hatch while killing every 108 minutes? I know i would have listened to every record, checked out every peculiarity about the place, etc. And I would certainly open a bound-up book to see what the hell was inside, especially after two important pieces of info have been discovered in or hidden behind books.


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
I was only suprised with Sawyer's non-reaction, Hurley's was understandable since he seems nonviolent.

How about Kate or Jack? Kate got sideswiped by all of it, and I really don't think Jack knew Michael had murdered two of them until that point. It's ridiculous that they would do nothing and keep following that clown.


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
Even if I agree with everything above, what does any of this have to do with people not liking this show because it isn't episodic?

Don't know and don't care. I never introduced that point. You may be debating yourself on that one.


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian
It will be shown in three "bursts" of shows next season, to end the confusion from week to week.

Perhaps I'll watch then. I still may just decide to wait for DVD because I hate commercials.

Draft Dodger 05-25-2006 06:18 AM

well I'm still enjoying the show very much. You have to suspend disbelief at times, but really it's been like that from day one.

so, I'm starting to suspect that the Others ARE good guys; rebels in the Star Wars vein trying to bring down some sort of evil world takeover plot from Dharma.

jamesUMD 05-25-2006 06:29 AM

The shut down button was under a hatch covered by a set of computer equipment inside the room with the computer. I don't believe that's the same area (or had access to the same area) as where Jack and Sayid went.

Raiders Army 05-25-2006 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Swaggs
I thought it was a great episode. It closed some doors and opened a few new ones. We now know what caused the plane crash.

We know what happens when the button is not pushed (pretty clearly explained by Kelvin and then demonstrated at the end). We found out where the pneumatic (sp?) tube sends the results of the observations and can now suspect that it might have been the placebo (unless you believe they are, or were once, picked up periodically). We found out what happened to Desmond and how and why he is there. We got to see Michael and Walt reunited. I am pretty pleased with the "results" of this one.

And now we have some new storylines opening up. Michael's directions to leave let us know that there is, presumably, a way out. Pen and her resources give us someone on the outside looking for the island now (and I suspect her father is involved or the CEO of Dharma?). We will be wondering all Summer what will happen to Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, Echo, Desmond, Michael, and Walt (I'm guessing that some of them will not be back). There is the possibility that more people could be added to the island from this system failure.

I can understand people not caring for the last 15 minutes, but I liked the Penelope twist.

I agree. While I was one of the detractors from Season 1's finale, I liked this one a lot. They gave us some answers finally. The only thing Swaggs missed was that we found out that "Henry Gale" was the leader of the Others or Hostiles.

I agree with DD that the Others may be the good guys.

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