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cthomer5000 05-13-2006 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
Poor Libby.

Her whole backstory with Hurley is for nothing now.

Agreed. I'm sorry, but in my mind the DUIs had something to do with these characters being killed off. What a waste to build up the Libby/Hurley storyline to then end it so abruptly.

cthomer5000 05-13-2006 09:06 AM

Also, the guy in the Orientation video introduced himself with a different name than in the prior orentation video.

gottimd 05-13-2006 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Agreed. I'm sorry, but in my mind the DUIs had something to do with these characters being killed off. What a waste to build up the Libby/Hurley storyline to then end it so abruptly.

Why are you sorry?

Also, I thought the guy introduced himself as the same, something like Marvin Candle?

cmp 05-13-2006 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd

Also, I thought the guy introduced himself as the same, something like Marvin Candle?

His name was Mark Wickman in this one.

gottimd 05-13-2006 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by gold101
His name was Mark Wickman in this one.

His evil twin.

Desmond 05-13-2006 11:02 AM

Agreed on the Desmond front. Love the show big time & I assume that all will be taken care of eventually but Jack meets this mystery guy and then just happens to meet him on the Island and not only does he let him run off but he don't seem to have a second thought about him the rest of the season.

rafini 05-16-2006 11:47 AM

Better news for next season ...

New Shows, Fewer 'Lost' Repeats on ABC
By Gary Levin
(May 16) -- ABC will unveil 11 new series to advertisers today as it seeks to rebuild its comedy lineup and expand its stable of hit dramas Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy and Lost. Biggest change for viewers: Anatomy's move to a new night (possibly Thursday) so it can be used to launch a new series.

Lost fans will find fewer repeats interrupting its intricate mystery: Original episodes will be clustered in longer chunks after an October start. Housewives remains on Sundays at 9, and Dancing with the Stars gets its first fall berth but will also switch nights.

Yet none of the new scripted series introduced last fall will be back, including Commander in Chief, Invasion and Freddie. Hope & Faith is also a goner, leaving According to Jim and George Lopez as the network's only returning comedies.

Spring tryout What About Brian, from Lost producer J.J. Abrams, will return, and the Mission: Impossible III director has a third show in the lineup: Six Degrees, about interconnected lives of New Yorkers.

ABC also needs more programming come September after the loss of Monday Night Football.

•Dramas. In addition to Degrees, ABC has Brothers & Sisters, a family soap starring Ally McBeal's Calista Flockhart and Rachel Griffiths (Six Feet Under); Men in Trees, starring Anne Heche as a shrink who moves to Alaska, where she's surrounded by eligible men; The Traveler, a thriller about two grad students framed as terrorists in a national security emergency; Ugly Betty, about a homely girl hired at a fashion magazine; The Nine, about another group of strangers — freed bank-robbery hostages — from Without a Trace creator Hank Steinberg; and Day Break, an action thriller starring Taye Diggs as a cop on the lam who is framed for murder.

•Comedies.Let's Rob ... stars Donal Logue as leader of a group of blue-collar guys who try to rob Mick Jagger, who will occasionally appear; Big Day, a series built entirely around a young couple's wedding day; Notes from the Underbelly, centering on expectant parents; In Case of Emergency, with four high school pals who unexpectedly reunite as each faces a crossroads; and Help Me Help You, starring Cheers' Ted Danson as a group-therapy shrink.


Bearcat729 05-16-2006 12:25 PM

Can't say I'll miss any of the shows not returning next year.

Kodos 05-16-2006 12:47 PM

The disappearing smoke monster thing annoys me too. They need to be more consistent. Those first days on the island, it seemed like the monster was always lurking just beyond the beach. Now, let's go for a walk in the woods. No danger! Merely the presence of the others should discourage wandering too far from camp...

BrianD 05-16-2006 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Kodos
The disappearing smoke monster thing annoys me too. They need to be more consistent. Those first days on the island, it seemed like the monster was always lurking just beyond the beach. Now, let's go for a walk in the woods. No danger! Merely the presence of the others should discourage wandering too far from camp...

Aside from the pilot getting eaten in the first episode, these "monster" have shown themselves to not have any teeth. People seemed to get less afraid of them once they realized they were only smoke and noise.

Kodos 05-16-2006 12:56 PM

Didn't Locke almost get dragged down a hole? Or was it Jack?

BrianD 05-16-2006 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Kodos
Didn't Locke almost get dragged down a hole? Or was it Jack?

It was Locke, but he was convinced that he wasn't in any danger and that being dragged down would be a good thing. I suppose that should have scared Jack more than it did.

Bearcat729 05-16-2006 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by BrianD
Aside from the pilot getting eaten in the first episode, these "monster" have shown themselves to not have any teeth. People seemed to get less afraid of them once they realized they were only smoke and noise.

The monster fears Eko now.

cthomer5000 05-17-2006 08:45 PM

I want my son back.!!1!!!!!

Give me my son now!!11!

We gotta get my boy back!!!1

cthomer5000 05-17-2006 09:05 PM

That episode was pretty much a non-event. I hope the finale provides some satisfaction.

sachmo71 05-17-2006 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
That episode was pretty much a non-event. I hope the finale provides some satisfaction.

yeah, michael's motivation was a total mystery. :)
finale looks like fun, though.

Easy Mac 05-17-2006 10:24 PM

I'd have to agree that the episode didn't provide us with anything we hadn't already figured out. The flashbacks even basically told us everything that had been inferred earlier in the episode.

The whole Walt "I love you" thing was a bit sad though. I don't think he had ever said that, since he never really felt like he was his dad. Otherwise, the Locke/Eko switch is a bit interesting...

Rizon 05-18-2006 12:12 AM

Anyone have a screen shot of the names written down on the piece of paper? I'm wondering, since they made a point of showing it, that there isn't some type of word spelled out with a certain patern of the names.

kingfc22 05-18-2006 01:33 AM

Someone please slap that whiny bitch Michael. My tivo cut off the end. Who or what was up with the boat scene?

Sublime 2 05-18-2006 03:05 AM

I could've sworn that during the burials of AL and Libby that when Hurley turned to Micheal, he knew and was gonna end him.

Subby 05-18-2006 07:33 AM

Absolutely fantastic episode.

Sayid is a bad motherfucker.

gottimd 05-18-2006 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Rizon
Anyone have a screen shot of the names written down on the piece of paper? I'm wondering, since they made a point of showing it, that there isn't some type of word spelled out with a certain patern of the names.

Its the same piece of paper Mrs. Clue gave michael when he was at the others campsite.

gottimd 05-18-2006 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
Who or what was up with the boat scene?

A boat was seen floating near shore when they were holding the funeral for Libby and Ana Lucia. My guess is that is Desmonds boat. Or didn't michael say something about getting a boat to Mrs. Clue?

I wonder what the comment "They are not who they say they are!" by Walt meant. In Claires flashback, all of the others were clean cut, and they even found disguises in that abandoned hatch. Why are they pretending to be dirty homeless people, if they are so clean cut in another flashback?

Draft Dodger 05-18-2006 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
A boat was seen floating near shore when they were holding the funeral for Libby and Ana Lucia. My guess is that is Desmonds boat. Or didn't michael say something about getting a boat to Mrs. Clue?

yeah, I assume that's Desmond too.
the boat Michael wants is the boat they catptured Walt with.

Raiders Army 05-18-2006 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Easy Mac
The whole Walt "I love you" thing was a bit sad though. I don't think he had ever said that, since he never really felt like he was his dad.

Up until that point, I really had a strong dislike for Michael. There was nothing redeemable about him...even after that, I didn't have much respect for his character.

The whole story was somewhat unbelievable to me last night. Michael making demands like he was in charge when he was captured was way out there. Nobody but Sayid questions why Michael wants Hurley (the big fat guy) to go but not the member of the Imperial Guard or the hunter of the group (Locke) or the guy with the Jesus stick (Ecko)? I'd rather take the hobbit over Hurley. At least the hobbit killed one of the others.

If I had to take five, it would probably be:

Michael (has to go)
Ecko (he stared down the smoke)
Sawyer (badass Han Solo character)
Charlie (has already killed an other)
Sayid (Iraqi Army guy)

Jack, Locke, Jin, and Kate fall into the backup category since all of them have certain handicaps. Jack is a pussy. Locke can be somewhat flaky. Jin doesn't speak English well. Kate was already captured by them. The guys I picked above are far more ruthless. I know the inclusion of Charlie would raise some eyebrows, but the fact that he was willing to beat up Sun and the fact that he killed Ethan in cold blood shows me that he's ruthless enough to get the job done.

Oh, and my favorite part from last night was:

Sawyer: I screwed her.
Jack: Why are you telling me this?
Sawyer: Because you're about the closest thing I have to a friend on this island.

moriarty 05-18-2006 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
A boat was seen floating near shore when they were holding the funeral for Libby and Ana Lucia. My guess is that is Desmonds boat. Or didn't michael say something about getting a boat to Mrs. Clue?

I think it's Desmond's boat. It looked like the type you'd sail around the world solo (or whatever desmond was doing when he crashed) in. I think we may even find Desmond aboard.


I wonder what the comment "They are not who they say they are!" by Walt meant. In Claires flashback, all of the others were clean cut, and they even found disguises in that abandoned hatch. Why are they pretending to be dirty homeless people, if they are so clean cut in another flashback?

I think they are keeping up the island pretenses for purposes of deception. They probably have modern facilities ... maybe even easy access into/out of the island (assuming they're on an island at all ...

sachmo71 05-18-2006 08:53 AM

i've forgotten who desmond was. can someone refresh my memory?

Raiders Army 05-18-2006 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by sachmo71
i've forgotten who desmond was. can someone refresh my memory?

He was the dude in the hatch before Locke et al came in. He also talked to Jack back in the states when Jack was running the stadium steps.

Draft Dodger 05-18-2006 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by sachmo71
i've forgotten who desmond was. can someone refresh my memory?

the guy who had been pushing the button

Draft Dodger 05-18-2006 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Oh, and my favorite part from last night was:

Sawyer: I screwed her.
Jack: Why are you telling me this?
Sawyer: Because you're about the closest thing I have to a friend on this island.

you forgot the "we got caught in a net" line. I was lol at that

Raiders Army 05-18-2006 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger
you forgot the "we got caught in a net" line. I was lol at that

LOL. That was a good line!

stevew 05-18-2006 09:08 AM

In short, is this show even worth watching live? Should i just wait and get the DVD's, I get the chance to see/or remember to watch about every 3rd-4th new episode. I'm the one who is Lost this year.

cthomer5000 05-18-2006 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by stevew
In short, is this show even worth watching live? Should i just wait and get the DVD's, I get the chance to see/or remember to watch about every 3rd-4th new episode. I'm the one who is Lost this year.

I guarantee you the show is more enjoyable to be able to watch on DVD. You don't mind the weak episodes as much when you don't have to wait 4 weeks between them.

stevew 05-18-2006 09:12 AM

Hmm...that's kind of what I figured.

panerd 05-18-2006 09:25 AM

A small pet peeve of mine is Jin and his Korean speaking. He is aware that his wife speaks perfect English and is back is good graces with her, so why doesn't she translate for him whenever he tries to talk to people in Korean?

That said, I thought it was a pretty good epiosde last night. The flashbacks were actually to events that took place on the island and a couple of the plots really moved along. I can't wait for the finale next week as there are always at least one or two bombshells to get us to tune in next season. Then we can sit and speculate all summer about what is going to happen.

colt45 05-18-2006 10:07 AM

How did they know about Claire's baby? When Michael was captive and the woman asked? Is Claire one of them/'others'?

moriarty 05-18-2006 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by colt45
How did they know about Claire's baby? When Michael was captive and the woman asked? Is Claire one of them/'others'?

The girl (who asked about Claire's baby) was the one who helped Claire escape when they were peforming medical experiments (or whatever) on Claire and/or her kid while Claire was preggo.

Syrinx 05-18-2006 10:09 AM

I thought it was a good episode; it filled in what we all thought happened. No real surprises with the Michael story line, but at least now we know.

I figure Walt’s shouting of “They aren’t who they appear to be”, or whatever his line was, was more to the point that he had been inside their Hatch, saw they had technology, an the whole rough clothes, living in huts thing was just a scam.

And yeah, Michael’s insistence that Hurly go instead of Sayid should have thrown of big warning bells in everyone’s head!

Also, the previews for the finale had Desmond running through the jungle in it, so I think it pretty much has to be his boat.

So, does anyone have any theories on the Hatch the others have (it had a rectangle symbol), a guess at its name or purpose? Where it is on the Blast Door map?

As to watching it live vs. DVD. I much prefer live, but only if you catch each episode. I have a friend who accidentally missed 2 episodes in a row a while back, and decided to give up until the DVD’s. I figure I can’t talk to him all summer long ;). There are some weak ones (often focusing on Charlie, I find) and too many repeats, but I like the building suspense with each new episode, and going out to the web and finding stuff I missed (ex: logo on the shark!) the next day or so.

Draft Dodger 05-18-2006 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by colt45
How did they know about Claire's baby? When Michael was captive and the woman asked? Is Claire one of them/'others'?

that's Rousseau's daughter - she helped Claire escape from the Others.

BrianD 05-18-2006 10:12 AM

What is the deal with the magnet in the hatch. There was no mention of it for a number of weeks, but it came back in this episode. Oddly, it was shown right before the alarm went off to push the button. Is the button somehow related to the magnet? Is it possible that the magnetic field is somehow related to why the planes crashed?

Syrinx 05-18-2006 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by moriarty
The girl (who asked about Claire's baby) was the one who helped Claire escape when they were peforming medical experiments (or whatever) on Claire and/or her kid while Claire was preggo.

Yep "Alex", who is believed to be the French Woman's (Rousseau) child who was taken 16 years ago.

jbmagic 05-18-2006 10:22 AM

That magnet makes me believe something is going to crash from the air in the final. That in my opinion will be the cliffhanger going into season 3.

moriarty 05-18-2006 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by BrianD
What is the deal with the magnet in the hatch. There was no mention of it for a number of weeks, but it came back in this episode. Oddly, it was shown right before the alarm went off to push the button. Is the button somehow related to the magnet? Is it possible that the magnetic field is somehow related to why the planes crashed?

Speculation a while back (when Jack and others were exploring the mechanics in the tunnel) is that if the button is not pushed in time, a giagantic magnet turns on. Speculation was that someone forgot to push the button a while back which magnetically grabbed hold of the plane causing it to crash on the island.

BrianD 05-18-2006 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by moriarty
Speculation a while back (when Jack and others were exploring the mechanics in the tunnel) is that if the button is not pushed in time, a giagantic magnet turns on. Speculation was that someone forgot to push the button a while back which magnetically grabbed hold of the plane causing it to crash on the island.

I had thought of that possibility, but it seems an odd coincidence that the one time someone forgot to push the button, the plane was in the right spot to be sucked down. And would that have happened twice to bring down the drug smuggling plane? Is it possible that there is always something trying to bring planes down and the button pushing keeps that going? That same magnet may have also brought in the Rousseau's science vessel, Desmond's sailboat, and the hot air balloon.

moriarty 05-18-2006 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by BrianD
I had thought of that possibility, but it seems an odd coincidence that the one time someone forgot to push the button, the plane was in the right spot to be sucked down. And would that have happened twice to bring down the drug smuggling plane? Is it possible that there is always something trying to bring planes down and the button pushing keeps that going? That same magnet may have also brought in the Rousseau's science vessel, Desmond's sailboat, and the hot air balloon.

I'm not sure it would bring down a hot air balloon. But regardless, I think the counter argument people used at the time were that the 'others' seemed to know the airline passengers and had specific uses for some of them (re: Walt). So their being brought to the island seemed something other than a random occurance.

judicial clerk 05-18-2006 11:09 AM

A new plane crashes because the magnet activates when the people can't push the button. They can't push the button because Locke destroys the computer

samifan24 05-18-2006 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by judicial clerk
A new plane crashes because the magnet activates when the people can't push the button. They can't push the button because Locke destroys the computer

I sincerely hope that you did not just ruin the finale for us.

Toddzilla 05-18-2006 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Subby
Absolutely fantastic episode.

Sayid is a bad motherfucker.

Hells yeah. As soon as Michael went up to Sayid to ask him not to go, I turned to my wife and said, "Big mistake, Sayid will figure this shit out in a second." And as soon as Michael turned around and Sayid had that look on his face, you just knew he had Michael pegged. He's my favorite character on the show, although Sawyer - whom I was intensely annoyed with through much of the first season - has quickly turned into the best, most complex character on the show. Last night sealed the deal - "Now we get to go kill someone".

judicial clerk 05-18-2006 01:10 PM


I sincerely hope that you did not just ruin the finale for us.
Total guess on my part, but it sounds pretty good. I would only add that the new plane that crashes contains the harlem globetrotters.

OldGiants 05-18-2006 01:10 PM

What's with the rock with the rectangular hole on the cliff above the fake castaways' village?

Is it the Black Rock?

So Walt did 'really' appear to Shannon the night she and Sayid did it. And Ms. Clue is head of the Dharma project trying to figure out how Walt does that trick. Hence the DNA sample from Michael.

It could be 'Astral Projection' idea taken from Gene Wolfe's 'Sun' trilogy of series (Urth of the New Sun, Book of the Long Sun, Book of the Short Sun)

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