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Easy Mac 05-03-2006 09:45 PM

At what point can we start throwing out our theories, because I have plenty, but work will probably preclude me from sharing.

samifan24 05-03-2006 10:46 PM

Wow...what an ending.

Ok now what's the point of the commercial? I went to the website out of curiosity but I quickly closed it out because I don't want even the slightest hint as to what will happen in the last three episodes.

And in a completely unrelated note, ABC is now showing a new episode of Lost online the day after it airs on TV.

jbmagic 05-03-2006 11:54 PM


Did you see Sawyer in Lucia flashback?

kingfc22 05-04-2006 12:59 AM

Uhhhh wow

Now I hate Michael even more. I'm going to go with the he is an "other" now theory.

jbmagic 05-04-2006 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
Uhhhh wow

Now I hate Michael even more. I'm going to go with the he is an "other" now theory.

This was a big shocker at the end.

I guess because of the DUI charges in real life.

Who do you think is Jack's sister?

kingfc22 05-04-2006 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
This was a big shocker at the end.

I guess because of the DUI charges in real life.

Who do you think is Jack's sister?

I'd say yes to the DUI and I have no clue who Jack's sister is. Hurley better go ape shit on Michael, but from the preview it didn't look that way.

Raiders Army 05-04-2006 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by jbmagic

Did you see Sawyer in Lucia flashback?

It connected Sawyer's flashback from Season 1 where he talked to Jack's dad in a bar.

DUI stuff killed the Hurley/freaky chick storyline. They could've at least finished it off...unless they're gonna bring her back for some flashbacks. I liked the promo of Michael being the puppet master. Hopefully this will payoff in the season finale.

Draft Dodger 05-04-2006 06:19 AM

my guess? Michael was captured by the others and released to do a task for them in exchange for getting Walt back. maybe that task was just releasing Henry, but I think there's more to it.

Jack's sister is on the island. No point for that flashback otherwise. I would assume Claire, making Jack now a protective uncle (or half-uncle). dark horse candidate would be Libby, but if she's dead, that might be tough to reveal.

I didn't see the preview for next week. AL is dead for sure, I assume. She's been rumored to be getting the axe since day one. But is Libby dead for sure? Seems like a ginormous loose end for her to die now, although I guess they could work her story into a Hurley flashback. Maybe all the cans of food she was holding stopped the bullets? The title of the episode, though, would lead me to think that two people died.

jamesUMD 05-04-2006 06:41 AM

I also think that Libby is alive, but will be in coma or some other type of incapacitated state. The preview for next week, they say, "she's dead", not they're dead. Hurley seemed more relieved in the preview that Michael was not killed, rather than totally distraught that Libby died, which lends me to believe she is alive.

I beleive my sense of purpose for watching the show is clear now. Michael must die!!! ;)

Bearcat729 05-04-2006 07:02 AM

I don't think they will kill off Libby, but (and without revealing anything more concrete) there was something in the previews for the next few episodes that might make me a little mad if it really happens.

I don't think they will kill Libby just yet, they have to show that she has some kind of resolution over what ever happened in her past before shee dies.

larrymcg421 05-04-2006 07:07 AM

Cynthia Watros is in a new pilot (a Tom Cavanaugh vehicle) for next season. Now the casting announcement listed her as a recurring guest star, but some people think that was to avoid spoiling her character's demise.

gottimd 05-04-2006 07:23 AM

Upcoming in the next TV Guide apparently is an in depth interview with the creators of the show. Not really a spoiler so i didn't invisotext or spoiler alert, but this is an excerpt from that interview about Michael.

"...The May 17 episode fills in the blanks on where Michael's been and what he's been doing. "He has gone through an ordeal that significantly changed the way he's acting and what motivates him," Lidelof says. " there anything a parent won't do to get their child back?"

Raiders Army 05-04-2006 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger
my guess? Michael was captured by the others and released to do a task for them in exchange for getting Walt back. maybe that task was just releasing Henry, but I think there's more to it.

Agree with you there. I think the whole "I'm sorry" before he shot Fight Chick proved that he's not one of the others.

While Libby may not be dead, she's at the minimum incapacitated, otherwise she'd rat out that Michael shot Fight Chick in the next episode.

DanGarion 05-04-2006 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
It connected Sawyer's flashback from Season 1 where he talked to Jack's dad in a bar.

DUI stuff killed the Hurley/freaky chick storyline. They could've at least finished it off...unless they're gonna bring her back for some flashbacks. I liked the promo of Michael being the puppet master. Hopefully this will payoff in the season finale.

Actually she has been signed up for a full time gig on another show next season.

DeToxRox 05-04-2006 10:13 AM

Michael wishes he were Augustus Hill still.

Castlerock 05-04-2006 10:45 AM

Didn't Henry say to Ana-Lucia "You killed 2 of us..." ?
Goodwin was one, who was the second? Or am I remembering that conversation wrong?

Or did he mean "you" as all the Losties? In which case, he is probably talking about Goodwin and Ethan. That would infer that all the other people who were killed were not part of Henry's group but some third (or more) group.

Raiders Army 05-04-2006 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Castlerock
Or did he mean "you" as all the Losties? In which case, he is probably talking about Goodwin and Ethan. That would infer that all the other people who were killed were not part of Henry's group but some third (or more) group.

Mr. Ecko killed one (or two?) as well. That would make three or four of the others they've killed.

sachmo71 05-04-2006 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Castlerock
Didn't Henry say to Ana-Lucia "You killed 2 of us..." ?
Goodwin was one, who was the second? Or am I remembering that conversation wrong?

Or did he mean "you" as all the Losties? In which case, he is probably talking about Goodwin and Ethan. That would infer that all the other people who were killed were not part of Henry's group but some third (or more) group.


Poli 05-04-2006 11:04 AM

She killed the girl when the Others came back.

Thomkal 05-04-2006 11:13 AM

Well that kinda sucks if they killed those two off due to the DUI stuff. Especially because it spoils the Hurley subplot. Like the others (no not THOSE Others), I think Michael was coerced into freeing "Henry" and he would have killed anybody to do that. Ana Lucia and potentially Libby were the unlucky two. I also am beginning to think "Henry" has some mind control powers. Got AL to not kill him, Locke to think he was coming to get (save) him, maybe even Michael shooting himself. In any case those last couple minutes were quite shocking.

Claire seems the obvious choice for Jack's sister, since the woman was Australian.

Cuckoo 05-04-2006 11:30 AM

Don't know if this is a spoiler or not, but I'll preface it with that and then space down since it was in the previews for next week...

Am I the only one who thought it looked like Michael was locked in the safe room in the preview? I agree with the others who posted that it's somewhat telling the line from the preview is "She's dead" and not "They're dead."

I would think it's at least possible that Libby is fine and gave up Michael as the killer. Him shooting himself was to make it look like Henry tried to escape, I'm guessing.

jbmagic 05-04-2006 11:40 AM

I wonder why Henry told Locke he was coming for him.

what was that all about?

LoneStarGirl 05-04-2006 12:00 PM

man, I thought last night's episode was another repeat so i didn't bother watching! Is it coming on again?

Castlerock 05-04-2006 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Mr. Ecko killed one (or two?) as well. That would make three or four of the others they've killed.

There have been plenty of people killed. That's why I found it interesting that he said "two of us". Can anyone confim that he did say that? If he did say "two of us", then that would imply that Henry does not consider the other people killed to be part of his group.

Castlerock 05-04-2006 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by sachmo71

Yea. Ana-Lucia killed Goodwin and Shannon. But I thought Henry said, "two of us". Why would he include Shannon in "us"? Or maybe I am remembering the quote wrong.

Poli 05-04-2006 12:29 PM

Second time I'm posting this, Ana killed a girl at the first camp they were at.

Castlerock 05-04-2006 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
Second time I'm posting this, Ana killed a girl at the first camp they were at.

Ahhh. I thought you were referring to Shannon but after rereading your post, I see that was not the case. Thanks.

samifan24 05-04-2006 04:38 PM

Who was Goodwin again? Someone please remind me.

mckerney 05-04-2006 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by samifan24
Who was Goodwin again? Someone please remind me.

Basically he was the Ethan with the Tailies.

Swaggs 05-04-2006 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by samifan24
Who was Goodwin again? Someone please remind me.

He was the "Other" in the tail end section. I think Ana-Lucia impaled him, if I remember correctly.

cmp 05-04-2006 04:45 PM

Finally, a moment that completely shocked me. The show had been getting too predictable as of late.

sovereignstar 05-04-2006 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by gold101
Finally, a moment that completely shocked me. The show had been getting too predictable as of late.

I agree. I was expecting Rose and Bernard to be the fuckbunnies.

LoneStarGirl 05-04-2006 05:02 PM

Damnit, I can't read this thread anymore, I am so confused!

sovereignstar 05-04-2006 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by LoneStarGirl
man, I thought last night's episode was another repeat so i didn't bother watching! Is it coming on again?

Uh, I can hook you up with the online version. I can either send you the torrent or if you've got AIM I can send it to you through that (I think - I've had problems sending stuff to people before).

Easy Mac 05-04-2006 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by sovereignstar
Uh, I can hook you up with the online version. I can either send you the torrent or if you've got AIM I can send it to you through that (I think - I've had problems sending stuff to people before).

or he can just watch it at

sovereignstar 05-04-2006 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Easy Mac
or he can just watch it at

Oh? That's nifty.

Draft Dodger 05-04-2006 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Easy Mac
or he can just watch it at

or she can

LoneStarGirl 05-04-2006 06:52 PM


Raiders Army 05-04-2006 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by LoneStarGirl

That's what she said.

Ooops. Wrong show.

rexallllsc 05-04-2006 07:03 PM

Purgatory theme or some such theme resurfaces. A-L decides against killing him, and is shortly thereafter killed. Hm.

samifan24 05-04-2006 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs
He was the "Other" in the tail end section. I think Ana-Lucia impaled him, if I remember correctly.

Ah yes, I remember now, thanks. Goodwin was the guy that Ana-Lucia suspected of being an Other so she locked him up in their little pit before eventually killing him.

sovereignstar 05-04-2006 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by samifan24
Ah yes, I remember now, thanks. Goodwin was the guy that Ana-Lucia suspected of being an Other so she locked him up in their little pit before eventually killing him.

The guy she put in the pit is different from the guy who she eventually killed.

kingfc22 05-04-2006 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by sovereignstar
The guy she put in the pit is different from the guy who she eventually killed.

Yep. The guy she put in the pit was on the flight but she was certain he was an other. Goodwin pulled him out of the pit at night and killed him.

Ana later realized that Goodwin was the real "other" and she impaled him with a wooden spear.

OldGiants 05-04-2006 08:24 PM

I was wondering when/how AL and Libby would get the ax. It was a bullet instead. Still, it was a shocker when it happened, even if I chuckled moments later.

As to NotTheHenry telling Locke he was coming to take him away (ha-ha, hee-hee, etc.) because Locke is one of the good ones, why didn't he come for Rose, too? I suspect NotTheHenry is lying once more.

Given the way the writers tease us with false info in the teasers, I doubt the fellow who appears to go over a cliff will actually do so. Hurley didn't, either.

NotTheHenry was very upset about AL killing Goodwin in particular. He mentions what a great man Goodwin was, doesn't he? That made me think of Michael as brainwashed, not as someone who is doing so to get Walt back.

NotTheHenry seemed sincere in his fear that he would be killed for getting captured, however. That should be an interesting revelation. Will we see NotTheHenry again soon?

sovereignstar 05-04-2006 08:28 PM

Do people really think a DUI had anything to do with yesterday's events?

jbmagic 05-04-2006 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by sovereignstar
Do people really think a DUI had anything to do with yesterday's events?

They won't admit to it.

Daimyo 05-05-2006 10:00 AM

I think it's very likely that Michelle Rodriguez's character was originally intended to only be a one season thing and the DUI had nothing to do with it. Libby dying is kind of strange because of the Hurley storyline, but I wouldn't be surprised if she hangs on for a couple more episodes so that she can have a flashback and Hurley can remember her before she dies.

DanGarion 05-05-2006 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Daimyo
I think it's very likely that Michelle Rodriguez's character was originally intended to only be a one season thing and the DUI had nothing to do with it. Libby dying is kind of strange because of the Hurley storyline, but I wouldn't be surprised if she hangs on for a couple more episodes so that she can have a flashback and Hurley can remember her before she dies.

They've already said it had nothing to do with the DUI and that Michelle signed up for a part role from the begining.

OldGiants 05-05-2006 12:11 PM

Perhaps the two women got the news they were being written out of a hit series, and then went out and got drunk. Filmed the episode later.

Draft Dodger 05-05-2006 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by OldGiants
Perhaps the two women got the news they were being written out of a hit series, and then went out and got drunk. Filmed the episode later.

since the incident, I've assumed they were at a cast party together or something (I know they all like to get together to watch the shows).

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