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rkmsuf 04-13-2006 09:01 AM

That episode sucked ballsacks. Worst one I can remember. Totally uninterested in the couples story and nothing happened until the last 2 minutes.

And it's starting to make almost no sense now. And 3 week hiatus.


DanGarion 04-13-2006 09:17 AM

I thought it was a good episode, not every episode should furthe main plot.

Swaggs 04-13-2006 12:06 PM

On the one hand, I liked the backstory and thought it was pretty well done. On the other hand, now we have another story branch going in another direction, with no end in sight.

Thomkal 04-13-2006 03:05 PM

I thought it was an Ok episode. Not much really happened in it to further the plot along with the exception of the return of Michael. I was happy to see Rose's and Bernard's backstory, but wasn't as caught up in it as most of the others. Did like the scene between Rose and Locke though.

Draft Dodger 04-13-2006 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Thomkal
I thought it was an Ok episode. Not much really happened in it to further the plot along with the exception of the return of Michael. I was happy to see Rose's and Bernard's backstory, but wasn't as caught up in it as most of the others. Did like the scene between Rose and Locke though.

++ to all of this.

Henry is a lot of fun. I already called the earlier twist with him (they'd find the wreckage...and then find out that he wasn't the real Henry). So I'll speculate here that Henry is not one of the others, mostly because they seem to be doing so much to make him appear to be. Why he's being deceptive about his past, I don't know, but I have a feeling he's going to turn out to be rather benign (maybe he's the missing button pusher?).

Has Harold Perrineau (Michael) been collecting paychecks all season to not be on the show? How many episodes did he miss? Did he even need to be in Hawaii during that time?

Speaking of spoilers, I think I stumbled across one today (or at least a hint of one) and I'm quite annoyed about it. It's dubious enough for me not to put a lot of stock in, but I hate having any advance info on the show. oh well.

rexallllsc 04-13-2006 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
Kids these days... They just can't handle character development and a well-spun yard. Everything's gotta be zip! pow! bang! Now! Now! Now! I reckon MTV's to blame.

Not at all. I just think it's completely obvious what they're doing with this story (stretching time to sell ads). The only reason I watch is because my gf is/was into the show. I guess this is the problem some people had with JJ Abrams' other show.

The Bernard/Rose story, while cool, could've been explained without skimping in 4-5 minutes.

All that to tell us basically how they met, that Bernard is a man of action, that Rose is an emasculating b!tch, and that the island has some sort of force (duh!).

Raiders Army 04-14-2006 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by rexallllsc
The Bernard/Rose story, while cool, could've been explained without skimping in 4-5 minutes.

All that to tell us basically how they met, that Bernard is a man of action, that Rose is an emasculating b!tch, and that the island has some sort of force (duh!).

Ummmm...this may be a little strange, but I disagree. I think every background story could be told in 4-5 minutes. I know I'm probably one of the most vocal people against the absolute slowness of this series, but I enjoyed Rose and Bernard's story a lot. Didn't a lot of us complain about another Hurley story or another Charlie story or (gasp!) yet another Jack story? At least we learned something about two people we haven't had a background on yet. Glass half full.

Even if it wasn't that, I think it explained things very well. I was a little confused as to why Rose wouldn't hope they would be rescued...especially since she held out her hope that Bernard would be okay just after the crash. It didn't seem consistent within her character; however, after the story played out, it made her actions seem very plausible. I don't think you could do that within 4-5 minutes.

Overall, I think it was a pretty good episode and much better than the previous ones so far.

DanGarion 04-15-2006 11:22 AM

Possible spoiler on the numbers.

And a funny comment.

"All the numbers are also retired Yankee's jersey numbers.

And they add up to 108 which is the number of stitches on a baseball. And the number of beads on a rosary.

The numbers have no basis in reality, they pulled some random numbers, perhaps for all we know, FROM the yankee's retired jersey list, just because they needed 6 numbers. "

ThunderingHERD 04-15-2006 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by dangarion

It's pretty funny that the guy who wrote that is convinced that he's uncovered anything, let alone enough to justify this statement: "I'm kind of sad now that I have solved it, no more mystery."

" The numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 are points along the Becker-Hagens Planetary Grid System." Yeh, so are the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14...

The only way to that grid looks even remotely interesting is because 42 is in the ocean near Australia. But it's in the Indian Ocean--a flight to LA would be going in the opposite direction.

Doc Jensen(linked in that article) has some pretty solid spoiler-free Lost theories, though.

OldGiants 04-16-2006 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by ThunderingHERD
The only way to that grid looks even remotely interesting is because 42 is in the ocean near Australia. But it's in the Indian Ocean--a flight to LA would be going in the opposite direction.

Except the plane turned around to go to back to Sydney and then flew way off course. I seem to remember '1000 miles off course' as what the dying pilot mentioned. It could have been more than that. Does anyone remember? So the Indian Ocean would not be far-fetched. And much closer to Eko's African cocaine plane take-off point. A twin engine Beechcraft (or whatever) going from Africa to the mid-Pacific--even with refueling--strikes me as less possible than the Lost Island being in the Indian Ocean.

Also, mark me down as thinking Not-The-Henry is An Other, in the sense that the Others are not the Dharma project people. The Others are other people who have washed up/crashed on the island over the years--some before Dharma, others after. Not-The-Henry has had run-ins with both groups and fears the Dharma folks the most. He does have some knowledge of the Big Secret, but is keeping it to himself because he trusts no one.

He also does not know Walt and has never met the boy. He heard Jack say the name Walt as a potential trade and simply used the name to mess with Jack's head, much like he's messing with Locke and the numbers. He likely genuinely believes there's no possibility of a trade, but wants Jack to think he, Not-The-Henry, knows much more than he does. He vacilliates between saying he knows stuff and messing with the Losties because that's the kind of nasty little sh*t he is. But he knows nothing of Walt except as a name Jack used.

OldGiants 04-16-2006 12:29 PM

I enjoyed seeing Scorpius from Farscape (Wayne Pygram) as Isaac Urulu, the healer Rose went to. I closed my eyes to listen to his voice. Very creepy, in the way Scorpius was when he was in Ben Brower's head. If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch the Farscape reruns on WGN.

On the boring versus interesting debate, I'm going to pontificate a bit.

There are two basic ways of telling a story, plot-driven and character-driven. I broadly call these 'action-thrillers' (plot) and Romance stories (character). Most folks prefer one to the other.

Now LOST starts out with a plane crash, monsters and mysteries. This a classic 'thriller' plot development. Those of us who like this expect fast action, fights, and plot twists. If LOST were a movie, it could have been done in 2 1/2 hours, like the Bourne Idenity or Jurassic Park. However, LOST will be at least 66 hours of TV (three seasons) and the network wants those who prefer character-based stories (I'll call this group 'women' for lack of a better term) to watch, too. So we get back stories and love interests, despite those story lines having little bearing on the main plot of what's going on.

So the very success of LOST makes its plot-driven basis impossible. It would already be over if they stuck to the main mystery. Thus, like all long-term TV, it becomes soap opera. There is simply no other way to stretch it out.

What all this means is, there is going to be lots more 'character' padding along the way. The best we can hope for is interesting back stories that mention the magnetism of Ayers Rock and Bernard picking up black rocks and Locke seeing things on lock-down doors and Not-The-Henry lying in interesting ways. The story is unfolding very slowly because it has to follow TV rhythm, not movies.

Raiders Army 04-16-2006 03:40 PM

It would be weird if the series were 108 episodes and the writers had that idea in the beginning.

jbmagic 04-26-2006 10:34 AM

Lost News:


'Lost' Actress Chooses Jail Over Service
Tuesday April 25 6:05 PM ET

"Lost" actress Michelle Rodriguez pleaded guilty on Tuesday to a single count of driving under the influence, choosing to pay a $500 fine and spend five days in jail rather than do 240 hours of community service.

Rodriguez, who portrays police officer Ana Lucia, and cast member Cynthia Watros were both charged with drunken driving after they were pulled over Dec. 1 in separate cars within 15 minutes of each other.

On Tuesday, a judge gave Rodriguez the option of jail time or community service.

She was to surrender to authorities at Kaneohe District Court later in the day.

Watros, who plays Libby on the ABC castaway drama, pleaded guilty to drunken driving in January and was fined $312, ordered to undergo an alcohol assessment and 14 hours of counseling. She also had her license suspended for 90 days.

Both Rodriguez and Watros were spotted weaving on a road in Kailua, on the island of Oahu, where "Lost" is filmed. Both failed field sobriety tests.

Rodriguez recorded a blood-alcohol level of 0.17, more than twice the legal limit of .08. Watros had a blood-alcohol level of 0.10.

In 2004, Rodriguez pleaded no contest in Los Angeles to three traffic violations, including drunken driving. She completed a three-month alcohol program and is serving a three-year probation term.

Swaggs 04-26-2006 10:46 AM

Do we have a new episode tonight?

Draft Dodger 04-26-2006 10:48 AM

next week, I think. then it's 4 in a row to the end of season.

don't quote me on that.

John Galt 04-26-2006 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger
next week, I think. then it's 4 in a row to the end of season.

don't quote me on that.



jbmagic 04-26-2006 10:51 AM

Tonight episode is a recap of season 2 so far. There going to show highlights.

gottimd 04-26-2006 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
Tonight episode is a recap of season 2 so far. There going to show highlights.

According to TV guide its new.

John Galt 04-26-2006 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
According to TV guide its new.

Recap episodes are always "new" because the recap has never been aired. I hate recaps.

BrianD 04-26-2006 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by John Galt
Recap episodes are always "new" because the recap has never been aired. I hate recaps.

Recap episodes are useless. If a person cares about the show, he/she will record them and never recap. If a person doesn't care about the show, a recap won't make him/her care.

Raiders Army 04-26-2006 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by John Galt
Recap episodes are always "new" because the recap has never been aired. I hate recaps.

ditto. Waste of good time.

rkmsuf 04-26-2006 01:28 PM

Plane crashes. Weird conincidences happen. Walt disappears. Michael yells.

Recap over.

Bearcat729 04-26-2006 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs
Do we have a new episode tonight?

I like to check this site to find out the answer

Raiders Army 04-26-2006 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf
Plane crashes. Weird conincidences happen. Walt disappears. Michael yells. Claire has baby. Baby gets stolen. Claire yells.

Recap over.

Fixed it for ya.

rkmsuf 04-26-2006 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Fixed it for ya.

ohh, and hurley eats

Raiders Army 04-26-2006 02:21 PM

No doubt.

Swaggs 04-26-2006 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat729
I like to check this site to find out the answer

Is that for real? I mean, they could never update the site and it would be accurate like 75% of the time. :)

rkmsuf 04-26-2006 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
No doubt.

Kewl, the Gwen Stafani guest star episode a la the Gilligan's Island Harlem Globetrotters...only kewler.

Raiders Army 04-26-2006 02:27 PM

And hotter.

rkmsuf 04-26-2006 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
And hotter.

why couldn't they have crashed on an island inhabited by hot chicks instead of others

and how come there is nobody playing with themself. I watch Jarhead and the guy is wanking every 5 minutes. Nobody on this island goes to the bathroom either.

gottimd 04-26-2006 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf
Nobody on this island goes to the bathroom either.

its just like 24, no one ever poops.

Oh wait, didn't hurley poop in like season 1.

rkmsuf 04-26-2006 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
its just like 24, no one ever poops.

Oh wait, didn't hurley poop in like season 1.

I don't recall hurley feces.

I mean one day I can buy. 4 months? That's just cooky talk.

rkmsuf 04-26-2006 02:44 PM

wtf, does the hatch even have a toilet? and if so what if they need a plumber? and where does the shower water come from?

ice4277 04-26-2006 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf
wtf, does the hatch even have a toilet? and if so what if they need a plumber? and where does the shower water come from?

The castaways are all too busy not talking to each other about important things to think about things like this.

Bearcat729 04-26-2006 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs
Is that for real? I mean, they could never update the site and it would be accurate like 75% of the time. :)

You could check again next week, but I have seen it change to no for new episodes.

gottimd 04-26-2006 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf
wtf, does the hatch even have a toilet? and if so what if they need a plumber? and where does the shower water come from?

The Ocean is one big toilet.

rkmsuf 04-26-2006 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
The Ocean is one big toilet.

How about menstration. They need these hard hitting issues.

rkmsuf 04-26-2006 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by ice4277
The castaways are all too busy not talking to each other about important things to think about things like this.

Every time I watch I am amazed at the lack of communication and teamwork. It's like they are all going for the same promotion and not STRANDED on some island.

SFL Cat 04-26-2006 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf
wtf, does the hatch even have a toilet? and if so what if they need a plumber? and where does the shower water come from?

If you ever watched Gilligan's Island, you would know the answers to ALL of these questions. :)

rexallllsc 04-26-2006 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by ice4277
The castaways are all too busy not talking to each other about important things to think about things like this.

"Oh yeah, we found another hatch with a fake beard"

Writing has been miserable this year.

rkmsuf 04-27-2006 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by SFL Cat
If you ever watched Gilligan's Island, you would know the answers to ALL of these questions. :)

yeah but they had the professor. that guy was a genius.

jackyl 05-03-2006 05:40 PM

I've always wanted to bump this thread...

Anyway, new show tonight. Matter of fact, new shows every Wednesday night for the rest of the season.

From wikipedia:

Two for the Road
Announced air date: May 3, 2006
Flashback: Ana-Lucia Cortez
Written by: Elizabeth Sarnoff & Christina M. Kim
Directed by: Paul Edwards
This episode is yet to be aired. The official description for this episode, as found on ABC Medianet website is: Jack and Kate bring an exhausted Michael back to the camp, and with him, news about "The Others." Meanwhile, Ana Lucia attempts to get the prisoner to confess, and Hurley plans a surprise date for Libby.

Check out hxxp:// by the way.

kingfc22 05-03-2006 06:30 PM

Finally caught up. Of course all the repeats made it fairly easy to do.

I really hope they listen to the fans and run the series straight through ala 24.

Sublime 2 05-03-2006 08:54 PM

Love the Hanso "commerical!"

mckerney 05-03-2006 09:03 PM

Um, wow.

At least Michael's doing something other than screaming "Walt!"

Bearcat729 05-03-2006 09:03 PM

The number rings busy right now.

The moral for tonights episode is not to drink and drive folks.

Sublime 2 05-03-2006 09:06 PM

Ummm, Knights of Columbus!

Easy Mac 05-03-2006 09:21 PM

Holy fucking shit. The first 40 minutes was alright, but the last 5... fuck beans...

Draft Dodger 05-03-2006 09:41 PM

well, that was interesting

flounder 05-03-2006 09:41 PM

Lots of new stuff up at

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