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JeeberD 04-21-2009 11:49 PM

Fuckin' Roy. Going back to Houston 1-1...

Groundhog 04-22-2009 02:27 AM

Shame about Mutombo. :(

Eaglesfan27 04-22-2009 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Groundhog (Post 1999080)
Shame about Mutombo. :(

Yes it is. ESPN and company usually overhype things, but Mutombo deserves all of the coverage for all he has done off the court as well as being a very good defender.

Passacaglia 04-22-2009 05:40 PM

Just watching the end of the Lakers-Jazz game on my DVR. What was Kobe thinking on that pass with 1:40 left?

Passacaglia 04-22-2009 05:46 PM

Oh man. And they praise him to no end when he's getting a technical, too? "Oh he's just trying to psych himself up for Game 3?" Jesus.

JeeberD 04-22-2009 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Groundhog (Post 1999080)
Shame about Mutombo. :(

Yeah. I lived in Denver in the mid-nineties, so I've followed his career for quite a while. He deserved better than to go out like that...

Neuqua 04-23-2009 01:25 PM

Really enjoyed this article by Bill Simmons, looking forward to the game tonight:

Bill Simmons: Why Celtics-Bulls could be one for the ages - ESPN

rjolley 04-23-2009 02:19 PM

Good article by Simmons. I could barely hold my laughter on point 10 and the end of point 7.

Eaglesfan27 04-24-2009 09:29 PM

Another nice shot by Iggy. I wish they had taken better care of the earlier big lead, but overall this has been a fun game to watch.

EagleFan 04-24-2009 09:34 PM

Bad turnover there...

EagleFan 04-24-2009 09:37 PM

If they could make free throws this half it would have been over.

sterlingice 04-24-2009 09:39 PM

No kidding


sterlingice 04-24-2009 09:46 PM

How was that not an intentional foul? I guess they never call those, realistically


Eaglesfan27 04-24-2009 09:48 PM

Thaddeus Young!!

EagleFan 04-24-2009 09:48 PM

Sweet finish, not sure how there wasn't a foul there but I'll take it.

cuervo72 04-24-2009 10:50 PM

Provisionist history? Really, Van Gundy?

Philliesfan980 04-25-2009 06:19 AM

How is Orlando not running away with this series? I predict a monster game for Howard in game 4.

EagleFan 04-26-2009 07:32 PM

Did the league issue a mandate that the Magic have to win tonight? How many fouls has Howard gotten away with tonight?

stevew 04-26-2009 07:36 PM

Celtics/Bulls was a good one today.

Eaglesfan27 04-26-2009 08:09 PM

Great pass by Iguodala to Dalembert. I can't believe the Sixers could go up 3-1 on the Magic.

Edit: Darn. :(

Dr. Sak 04-26-2009 08:11 PM

Wow that was some shot by Turkalo

Big Fo 04-26-2009 08:12 PM

Get in there Hedo

miami_fan 04-26-2009 08:13 PM

What a shot by Turkoglu

Big Fo 04-26-2009 08:15 PM

2-2 and Orlando has home court again, hopefully they can win it now. That winning shot might be what Turkoglu needs to get him back on track, he also had a nice layup + foul with a few minutes left.

miami_fan 04-26-2009 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by stevew (Post 2004033)
Celtics/Bulls was a good one today.

Despite the loss, Rondo was amazing again. I really have enjoyed seeing the improvement in his game.

sterlingice 04-26-2009 10:46 PM

Can I petition the NBA to remove about half of the timeouts in a game? :(


Karlifornia 04-26-2009 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 2004168)
Can I petition the NBA to remove about half of the timeouts in a game? :(


I try to defend the NBA when I can, as I truly feel that the league has made improvements in the past decade, but I can definitely agree with you there.

It is supremely exciting to see a team hit a shot with a little time left, and see the opposing team immediately inbound it and rush down the floor.

Cut each team down to one timeout in the last two minutes, as you do with fouls. If that seems too strict, give them one full and one :20 timeout. I'd rather just let each team have one full TO in the last 2 minutes. It would add a breathlessness to the end of games that would be invigorating.

EDIT: redundant adverbs

mauchow 04-26-2009 10:57 PM

I still can't get over the rule that allows you to call a timeout and get the ball at the other end of the court at the top of the 3-point line.

sterlingice 04-26-2009 10:58 PM

Yeah, it was just brutal watching the end of the Rockets-Blazers


stevew 04-26-2009 10:59 PM

The TV timeouts in the last 2 minutes are way too taxing. I know that they probably make a shit ton more money for those slots(Jon?) but for fucks sake, it shouldn't take 20 minutes to play less than a minute of game action. Let them have the timeout, or halfcourt advance, but not both. I think that would fix the tediousness.

JonInMiddleGA 04-26-2009 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by stevew (Post 2004180)
I know that they probably make a shit ton more money for those slots(Jon?)

To some extent possibly (never bought the NBA) but while there's some placement available on a national basis (think season-long advertisers who want a guaranteed 4th quarter spot) it's relatively minimal since it's hard to guarantee there will be anything more than X number of spots available You can't buy something like "last timeout" because you don't know when the last timeout will actually be.

whomario 04-27-2009 07:12 AM

Homer Post coming :

Rockets sure escaped one yesterday. For a analytical observer (coaching) Yaoīs play has been stellar, donīt let the numbers fool you. The guy is dictating everything the Blazers are doing on both ends of the courts ever since that 7/7 first quarter.
Yesterday he also made a smart adjustment, getting early post position (seriously, a 7ī6 guy was often the first or 2nd player up the court) and instead of getting into arm-wrestling matches to get position from behind just sidestepped the Portland Bigs and then sealed them off. Still the Blazers played great defense on him, although at some point should have realized that for once the referees actually blew their whistles when they basically wrapped him with both hands.

Plus he challenges everyone driving at him, isnīt the least bit rattled when teams attack him. Like in game 3 when Oden tried to draw a foul on him and tried to back him down at all costs he didnīt move an inch and all 3 tries resulted in Oden not even getting of a coordinated shot. Just cause he doesnīt jump high and manically screams at people doesnīt mean heīs not a tough and very good defensive player.
Because for all the credit Artest and Battier deserve defending Roy and Scola defending Aldridge, itīs only possible because they can channel Roy right into Yao (and where Yao is doing an incredible job moving his feet and challenging up top instead of reaching down) and because Yao gets over to pick Aldridge up everytime he makes a move.
Or all the times tonight Outlaw beat his man off the dribble only to see Yao coming up and then stop to shoot a jumper.

Yeah, iīve long been a fan of the guy, since he entered the league basically, and if you want to call me a homer go ahead...

But seriously, his impact is so much bigger than when you look at him averaging 15/11 this series.

His offensive impact is just invaluable to all the other Rockets. Tonight again he created a ton of open opportunities for the Rocket 4-men, Van Wafer was wide open everytime he put the ball on the floor because of Yaoīs presence and in the 4th quarter those offensive rebounds were in large part due to the Blazer concentrating on Yao, allowing guys like Scola, Landry and Artest to come from the weaskside and crash the boards.
And then heīs much more patient on offense, never gets frustrated. He doesnīt stop working just because he doesnīt get the ball, doesnīt foul out of frustration and forces the issue but just does his part. Thatīs sth you canīt value high enough in terms of team chemistry.

Heīs also presenting himself as a leader more than ever before. In games heīs directing traffic, talking to guys when they are in a slump and outside his interviews are pure determination.
And then last night he plays 44 freaking minutes as a 7ī6/310 behemoth working his ass off on both ends on every single posession. Iīve seldomly see a big Center work as hard as he does every night. I canīt get over the fact that on a couple of occasions he was basically the first one up the court.
His teammates will throw themselves in front of a bus for him, heīs their leader now and not just a talented player.

He really is that teamsīs foundation and just for his sake it would be great for the Rockets to reach the 2nd round, he flat out deserves it.

Heīs not the only deciding factor and thatīs great about the Rockets. They are a team without a true superstar (Yao isnīt, he has too many limitations really) but with a ton of hard-nosed players that know their role and execute. A couple sparkplugs, a couple decently skilled offensive players, a few very good defensive players. And then Yao Ming in the middle of it. And Ron Artest whoīs an idiot. But a fun idiot that for some reason adds to that team and is well established. Go figure. Ah well, as long as it helps the others play better : chuck along, Ron.

And how great is Battier ? Seriously, coaches would kill to have that guy on their team. Just unbelievable. They should start giving out a new award and name it after him. "Shane Battier Award for Team Player of the Year" or sth like that.
That guy will make a great 2nd career at whatever he chooses, be it Basketball (coaching, scouting, TV) or whatever else he chooses.

Overall theese Playoffs have been a ton of fun thus far.

How about Boston-Chicago ? What a great series ! Although both teams defense is borderline pathetic, especially in transition. The Coach in me throws up a little every game ... Rondo has been spectacular, averaging 23/11/10 in the 4 games. Not bad for a skinny PG without a jump shot to speak of ;)

JeeberD 04-27-2009 09:40 AM

Hey, another Rockets fan. How about that?

sterlingice 04-27-2009 09:49 AM

Yeah, who knew :)


Big Fo 04-27-2009 09:55 PM

Denver is up 50+ on the road, unless's scoring updater is messed up. Shocking.

JonInMiddleGA 04-27-2009 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Big Fo (Post 2004911)
Denver is up 50+ on the road, unless's scoring updater is messed up. Shocking.

That does not appear to be an error.
Denver Nuggets vs. New Orleans Hornets - Box Score - April 27, 2009 - ESPN

Denver was up 61-39 at the half, outscored 'em 50-16 in the second half so far.

Big Fo 04-27-2009 10:04 PM

This has to be some kind of record for a road playoff win depending on how it ends.

edit: Tied for the largest margin of victory in NBA playoff history. 121-63.

Lathum 04-27-2009 11:34 PM

The Nuggets can make a serious run at LA if they keep playing this way and Billups continues to be such a solid leader

Neuqua 04-27-2009 11:39 PM

So, I attended the Bulls/Celtics game last night.

And I took a date, who jokingly told me on the way inside that she was bad luck. I thought she was kidding but I noticed everytime we sat in our seats, the Celtics kept making a run. And then when me and her would get up to get some beer or make a bathroom run, we'd come back and the Bulls would be leading. This went on during three seperate occasions when in the 3rd quarter, somehow this girl (and a few beers I'm assuming) convinced me that in the best interests for the Bulls winning, we better leave our seats and watch the game in the bars on the lower level of the stadium.

So I watched the entire 4th quarter and both overtimes at the Budweiser Pubs in the 108 section. But we won.

So I'm confused, do I ask her out again even though she caused me to miss sitting in my seat and witnessing in person one of the best games in recent times? Or do I take the fact that we ended up winning the game once we left those said seats as a positive sign.

I'll be at the game again on Thursday, what to do, what to do.

Lathum 04-27-2009 11:46 PM

did she put out?

Groundhog 04-28-2009 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 2004966)
did she put out?

Yeah, how can you expect an opinion from us on this matter when important facts have been left out?

Lathum 04-28-2009 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Groundhog (Post 2004972)
Yeah, how can you expect an opinion from us on this matter when important facts have been left out?


A handjob on the way home probably gets her into the next game.

MrBug708 04-28-2009 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 2004958)
The Nuggets can make a serious run at LA if they keep playing this way and Billups continues to be such a solid leader

They can push it to 6 you think?

LloydLungs 04-28-2009 01:04 AM

I was in the New Orleans Arena tonight for this debacle. I can vouch for the fact that the score is correct. Denver is playing really well, but they were fortunate to draw an imploding, crippled team in round one. Even if you put the worst team in the NBA against the best, if it gets beyond about 25 points then there is some quitting involved. So you can do the math on a 58-point loss at home in the goddamn playoffs. The Hornets are a mess.

It was interesting to hear Bill Simmons on his podcast, before the playoffs started, essentially picking the Hornets in this series. Neither he nor his guest had any idea how serious Chandler's injuries are. I find that to be the prevailing national opinion (judging from the completely laughable, uninformed reactions after the aborted trade). It's the only thing that gives me any hope that MAYBE we can find a gullible team to unload this lemon on in the offseason.

whomario 04-28-2009 06:42 AM

I sure hope Iverson has been watching last nights game out of old interest for his former team :

And no, thatīs not photshopped but actual ABC footage :D Yeah, i know Detroit did it for the salary Cap but it sure as hell is some cold shit by ABC :devil:

In other news the Lakers beat the Jazz to advance yesterday, not 100% convincingly but still an easy victory despite Bynumīs continuing struggles.
And Atlanta finally won a road game and showed some fight against adversity.

Tonight i hope for wins by Dallas, Orlando and Houston. Would be fine with either Bos or Chi as long as they make for another huge game ;)

sterlingice 04-28-2009 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Neuqua (Post 2004962)
So I'm confused, do I ask her out again even though she caused me to miss sitting in my seat and witnessing in person one of the best games in recent times? Or do I take the fact that we ended up winning the game once we left those said seats as a positive sign.

I'll be at the game again on Thursday, what to do, what to do.

Take one for the team. Bring her along but you're going to have to accept that you need to make a sacrifice for the good of your fandom as a whole and watch most of the game not from your seats.

Myself, my wife, and a friend of mine have a similar superstition at Royals games where if we got up in the visiting team's half of the inning to go to the bathroom, grab food, etc- they would invariably score. So, we had to always get up in the KC half of the inning to avoid this karmic wrath :)


EagleFan 04-28-2009 10:21 AM

Wow, I don't think that I have ever seen an entire team quit like that. In a home playoff game even.

EagleFan 04-28-2009 10:22 AM

dola: I just remembered the Mets in September these last two seasons so maybe I have seen one other team quit like that.

LloydLungs 04-28-2009 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 2005222)
Wow, I don't think that I have ever seen an entire team quit like that. In a home playoff game even.

I wasn't really thinking about this as a viable possibility before, but I just don't know how you can keep Byron Scott around after that display. I know he was COY last season, but when the team tunes you out, you're tuned out and that's that...

We'll probably take crap from the national media for it, but I just can't see how you can bring him back for another year after that.

miami_fan 04-28-2009 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by LloydLungs (Post 2005255)
I wasn't really thinking about this as a viable possibility before, but I just don't know how you can keep Byron Scott around after that display. I know he was COY last season, but when the team tunes you out, you're tuned out and that's that...

We'll probably take crap from the national media for it, but I just can't see how you can bring him back for another year after that.

I don't think COY will make a difference one way or the other. If they fired Scott, that would 6 of the last 7 COYs that are no longer with the team they won the award with.

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