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Johnny93g 04-10-2004 08:35 PM


Maple Leafs 04-10-2004 09:11 PM

Eddie's the man tonight. Roberts too.

What did you guys think of the Varada hit on Sundin? I thought it was questionable, but not that big a deal. I'm a little surprised at how much talk it's getting after the game.

Johnny93g 04-10-2004 09:54 PM

As much as I think Ottawa is the dirtiest team in the NHL, I dont think there was any intent on Varada's part to hurt Sundin.....Varada was coming hard....Sundin was circling pretty fast...and sometimes, thats what happens....very happy Mats wasn't hurt....


RPI-Fan 04-10-2004 10:02 PM



I completely agree.


On a much more important note, Go Isles and Go Ricky!!!

Johnny93g 04-10-2004 10:33 PM

There is nothing mediocre about Gary Roberts....the only way anyone would say that is if they havent seen him play in 10 years....

Maple Leafs 04-10-2004 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by RPI-Fan
I am an Islanders fan and can be completely disregarded.

On a much more important note, Go Isles and Go Ricky, please become a great goalie so Milbury can trade you at the draft for a prospect.

Fritz war!

bbor 04-10-2004 11:25 PM

Eddie is god :D

bbor 04-10-2004 11:29 PM

Varadas' hit did'nt look that bad....the cross check to the face of Marchment by Alfredsson looked worse.For someone who spoke out so much about the stick work in the NHL(and by the Leafs in particular)he yeilds that bad boy like a sword sometimes.

Pumpy Tudors 04-10-2004 11:30 PM

The Devils are finished. :(

EagleFan 04-10-2004 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors
The Devils are finished. :(

We can only hope. :D

klayman 04-11-2004 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by bbor
Varadas' hit did'nt look that bad....the cross check to the face of Marchment by Alfredsson looked worse.For someone who spoke out so much about the stick work in the NHL(and by the Leafs in particular)he yeilds that bad boy like a sword sometimes.

Yeah, but it was Marchment, so nobody cares ;)

Maple Leafs 04-11-2004 12:34 AM

Anyone who's even mildy surprised about the Sens sticking people in the face hasn't been paying attention. Chara's crosscheck/crosscheck/slash/crosscheck was par for the course as well. Nice to see the refs finally nail the Sens on a few diving calls, though.

Klayman, agreed, Bryan Marchement has long since abandoned any right to complain about cheap shots. He's a Leaf and I'll begrudgingly root for him, but he's the dirtiest player in NHL history.

klayman 04-11-2004 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs

Klayman, agreed, Bryan Marchement has long since abandoned any right to complain about cheap shots. He's a Leaf and I'll begrudgingly root for him, but he's the dirtiest player in NHL history.

How true. Well except for the Leaf part and you rooting for him. I don't really understand that cheering for the Maple Leafs thing you got going on, not that there is anything wrong with it mind you... :)

And dammit, where's our Shady Players?!? I tried playing a round by myself but it was just way too easy. I don't know how bbor finds it so challenging. :D

RPI-Fan 04-11-2004 01:02 AM


Anyone who's even mildy surprised about the Sens sticking people in the face hasn't been paying attention. Chara's crosscheck/crosscheck/slash/crosscheck was par for the course as well. Nice to see the refs finally nail the Sens on a few diving calls, though.

Not to mention Havlat kicking rather violently at Cairns earlier in the year and getting 1) no penalty and 2) the equivalent of no recess for one day.


There is nothing mediocre about Gary Roberts....the only way anyone would say that is if they havent seen him play in 10 years....

Trust me, I saw him two seasons ago in the playoffs. And I don't want to see him again. Note the ":D" in my post.


Karim 04-11-2004 12:41 PM

I'm curious to see what the reception will be like at the 'Dome tonight. Management caved into public pressure and opened the "upper" upper nosebleeds so it will be close to 20,000 tonight. It will be nice to see the C of Red back.

The players will have a hard time containing their emotions and I think Vancouver could pounce on them early. They've owned the Flames this year at the 'Dome.

It was funny hearing Matt Cooke saying Calgary fans won't be able to match Vancouver fans. Yeah, I guess we won't be beating them up outside the 'Dome like they did at GM Place.

Tekneek 04-11-2004 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Johnny93g
As much as I think Ottawa is the dirtiest team in the NHL...

This surprises me. Prior to reading this, I've only heard Pat Quinn call them a "dirty team." They can't be any dirtier than the Leafs, Devils, Avalanche, and Stars.

Tekneek 04-11-2004 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by bbor
Varadas' hit did'nt look that bad....the cross check to the face of Marchment by Alfredsson looked worse.For someone who spoke out so much about the stick work in the NHL(and by the Leafs in particular)he yeilds that bad boy like a sword sometimes.

I am mildly surprised that anyone would take exception to anything that is done to Marchment. With his suspensions, and bad record anyway, there is little doubt that Marchment is indeed the dirtiest active player in the NHL. If something is done to him, it is a good bet that he did something to deserve it.

Tekneek 04-11-2004 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Karim
It was funny hearing Matt Cooke saying Calgary fans won't be able to match Vancouver fans. Yeah, I guess we won't be beating them up outside the 'Dome like they did at GM Place.

Matt Cooke is out of his mind. I'm not sure why he wants to pump up the Flames and their fans when the series is actually tied...but then again, he has not seemed like the smartest of hockey players this year.

Tekneek 04-11-2004 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by RPI-Fan
Not to mention Havlat kicking rather violently at Cairns earlier in the year and getting 1) no penalty and 2) the equivalent of no recess for one day.

"no recess for one day" =

TORONTO -- Ottawa Senators wing Martin Havlat was suspended for two games by the NHL on Friday for kicking New York Islanders defenseman Eric Cairns.

The suspension will cost him $16,667 in salary, and he will miss games against Washington on Saturday and Tampa Bay on Tuesday.


Tekneek 04-11-2004 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs
Anyone who's even mildy surprised about the Sens sticking people in the face hasn't been paying attention. Chara's crosscheck/crosscheck/slash/crosscheck was par for the course as well. Nice to see the refs finally nail the Sens on a few diving calls, though.

Chara doesn't do anything that is not done by other players in the league during every game...especially the playoffs. In other games, they call this "being a dominant defenseman." I guess it all depends on what colors the guy is wearing, or what country he is from. Somebody playing like Chara but being from Alberta gets praise. There is no defenseman out there in the NHL that breaks more rules than Chris Pronger, but the praise almost never stops for that guy.

Maple Leafs 04-11-2004 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Tekneek
Chara doesn't do anything that is not done by other players in the league during every game...especially the playoffs. In other games, they call this "being a dominant defenseman."

Doing it in front of your own net to clear the crease is being a dominant defenceman. Doing it in the neutral zone, off a faceoff, away from the puck when you're already short-handed is just an inexcusable brain cramp. I don't care where you're from, taking a penalty like that is just a brutal, selfish play.

Chara uses his stick behind the play as much as any defenceman you'll see, is too slow to use his size in the open ice, and he's also a noted diver (which works against him, since it kills his ability to intimidate when he's flopping on the ice every shift).

All that said, he's a top ten defenceman who's solid in his own end and better offensively than he gets credit for. I'd take him on my team in a second. I'm just trying to paint a realistic picture of what you get with this guy.

Vince 04-11-2004 05:29 PM

Go Predators :)

Their goalie is making some ridiculous saves, and they just put one in on a nice 3-on-2 to go up 3-1.

RPI-Fan 04-11-2004 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Tekneek
"no recess for one day" =

TORONTO -- Ottawa Senators wing Martin Havlat was suspended for two games by the NHL on Friday for kicking New York Islanders defenseman Eric Cairns.

The suspension will cost him $16,667 in salary, and he will miss games against Washington on Saturday and Tampa Bay on Tuesday.


Kicking is about the dirtiest thing you can do in hockey short of McSorley and Bertuzzi. Had Cairns, a known "tough guy", kicked Havlat violently, he would have gotten at least 5, probably closer to 10.

Chubby 04-11-2004 05:51 PM

Preds won, yay! I hate Detroit.

Honolulu_Blue 04-11-2004 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Chubby
I hate Detroit.


Maple Leafs 04-11-2004 09:41 PM

I love Game Threes. There's just something about them. Maybe it's because the home team crowd is fired up after watching their team get booed for the first two games, but the fans are usually ballistic for Game Three. I'm watching the Flames game now, and the place is going nuts. Same with Nashville and Montreal, and wait until tomorrow night's game in Ottawa.

Speaking of Nashville, is there any finer hockey playoff tradition than "The City That Doesn't Really 'Get' Hockey and Never Really Supported it's Team Very Well, Then Suddenly Gets Hockey Fever for One Playoff Run, Causing the Announcers to Pretend Hockey is Really Succeeding in That Market (With the Eventual Playoff Defeat Inevitably Followed By Another Season of Zero Fan Support)"?

The Panthers in 1996, the Ducks last year. It will never be done better than Carolina in 2002, but the Preds are trying. God bless them.

RPI-Fan 04-11-2004 09:43 PM

Maple Leafs: Nice comments. The only team that won't happen to is Columbus whenever they get there.

But yea', it was a great atmosphere in Nashville - here's hoping they bust the trend and continue their success and fan support.

bbor 04-11-2004 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Tekneek
I am mildly surprised that anyone would take exception to anything that is done to Marchment. With his suspensions, and bad record anyway, there is little doubt that Marchment is indeed the dirtiest active player in the NHL. If something is done to him, it is a good bet that he did something to deserve it.

I agree...Marchy is a dirty player...BUT...i think for the most part he is quite open about his dirtiness......It's guys like Alfie that complain about all the dirty shit then turn around and whack someones teeth out with their twig that pisses me off.

bbor 04-11-2004 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by klayman
And dammit, where's our Shady Players?!? I tried playing a round by myself but it was just way too easy. I don't know how bbor finds it so challenging. :D

LOL....I bought NHL players from A to Z...anyone that's ever had a shift in the NHL....i'll throw up some shady's soon.

Maple Leafs 04-11-2004 09:50 PM

I'll try to do some Shady's tomorrow, although I can't guarantee I won't repeat most of the old ones.

RPI-Fan 04-11-2004 09:51 PM

What are "Shady Players"?

Ksyrup 04-11-2004 09:51 PM

I've been switching back and forth between Giants/Padres and the Canucks/Flames game. What happened to Cloutier? I saw him being helped off but didn't see the play he got hurt on. Looked fairly serious, as he couldn't put pressure on his right leg.

Ksyrup 04-11-2004 09:58 PM

Just saw it. He didn't get hit, but he folded his right leg under himself reacting to a potential shot. His knee might be in bad shape.

RPI-Fan 04-11-2004 09:59 PM

Smart move for Cloutier - isn't this a contract year? He's trying to keep his playoff stats respectable while he can.:D

sachmo71 04-11-2004 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Vince
Sharks look pretty good...I wish that I could watch these games :mad:

Stars don't, and I wish I couldn't. :(

sachmo71 04-11-2004 10:12 PM


you could shoot Marchment in the gut and it wouldn't be dirty. He is exempt from dirty play claims. If Alfredsson hits him over the head with a stick, or chops his face off with a clever, I would not have a problem with it.

bbor 04-11-2004 10:19 PM

First player listed alphabetically in the league. A.A

Born in the Czech republic.....drafted by Toronto by Hedberg/Fletcher.Led the AHL in scoring in 93-94 with 53 goals.Had a cup of coffee with the Caps before going home to Europe. P.A

Started his career as a FA signing for Boston.Scored 27 goals in 88-89 with Detroit.Eventually moved to N.J as compensation for Detroit signing Troy Crowder.Retired in 97 to coach in the IHL. D.B

Debuted in 86 as a goalie for the Winnipeg Jets.Played in tandem with Pokey Reddick,nicknamed "The Bandit" D.B

Scored 53 goals in his last year in JR.Drafted by Pittsburgh,played 10 seasons there,but more as a checker rather than scorer.Played on Lemieux wing for a few seasons.Won a cup in Pitt in 91.Also had stops in Buffalo,S.J,Dallas,Detroit and the Rangers.He is now a colour analyst with the Penguins. B.E

Vancouver draft choice in 92.Shut out the New Jersey Devils in his first NHL start.1 of only 18 Keepers to register a SO in his NHL debut. M.F

Good luck...some tough ones there...i think.

bbor 04-11-2004 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by sachmo71

you could shoot Marchment in the gut and it wouldn't be dirty. He is exempt from dirty play claims. If Alfredsson hits him over the head with a stick, or chops his face off with a clever, I would not have a problem with it.

Tell us how you really feel :)

Tekneek 04-11-2004 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by RPI-Fan
But yea', it was a great atmosphere in Nashville - here's hoping they bust the trend and continue their success and fan support.

Ok. I have been to three games in Nashville and the atmosphere is ALWAYS great there. The place might not be packed, but the fans are more vocal and involved than the games I've been to in Detroit, D.C., Carolina, or Atlanta.

Tekneek 04-11-2004 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by bbor
It's guys like Alfie that complain about all the dirty shit then turn around and whack someones teeth out with their twig that pisses me off.

Tell me who else he has done it to. Doing it to Marchment does not count, for the very reason you agreed with.

Tekneek 04-11-2004 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by bbor
First player listed alphabetically in the league. A.A

Must be Aaron Asham.


Born in the Czech republic.....drafted by Toronto by Hedberg/Fletcher.Led the AHL in scoring in 93-94 with 53 goals.Had a cup of coffee with the Caps before going home to Europe. P.A

Patrik Augusta?


Started his career as a FA signing for Boston.Scored 27 goals in 88-89 with Detroit.Eventually moved to N.J as compensation for Detroit signing Troy Crowder.Retired in 97 to coach in the IHL. D.B

This one was tricky for me... Dave Barr?


Debuted in 86 as a goalie for the Winnipeg Jets.Played in tandem with Pokey Reddick,nicknamed "The Bandit" D.B

This one is easy. I actually saw him play this season in the ECHL. Daniel Berthiaume...


Scored 53 goals in his last year in JR.Drafted by Pittsburgh,played 10 seasons there,but more as a checker rather than scorer.Played on Lemieux wing for a few seasons.Won a cup in Pitt in 91.Also had stops in Buffalo,S.J,Dallas,Detroit and the Rangers.He is now a colour analyst with the Penguins. B.E

Now a color analyst with the Penguins... B.E.... I can only think of one guy with those initials anyway... Bob Errey.


Vancouver draft choice in 92.Shut out the New Jersey Devils in his first NHL start.1 of only 18 Keepers to register a SO in his NHL debut. M.F

Ah. I remember this kid well. I thought he was going to make a career out of it... Mike Fountain. Seems like he spent some time with the Flames organization, but I'll let you check the reference for me...

RPI-Fan 04-11-2004 10:42 PM


Now a color analyst with the Penguins... B.E.... I can only think of one guy with those initials anyway... Bob Errey.

I don't think it's the answer, but just in case, Brian Engblom.

bbor 04-11-2004 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Tekneek
Must be Aaron Asham.

Patrik Augusta?

This one was tricky for me... Dave Barr?

This one is easy. I actually saw him play this season in the ECHL. Daniel Berthiaume...

Now a color analyst with the Penguins... B.E.... I can only think of one guy with those initials anyway... Bob Errey.

Ah. I remember this kid well. I thought he was going to make a career out of it... Mike Fountain. Seems like he spent some time with the Flames organization, but I'll let you check the reference for me...

Nice job....but the 1st answer is'nt correct:)

The rest are bang on.

Johnny93g 04-11-2004 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by bbor
First player listed alphabetically in the league. A.A

Anti Aalto?

Very curious to see how the fans react tommorow in Ottawa....During the regular season finale, Allferdsson was booed just like he was playing in Toronto...I know the tickets have been onsale a while, and Ottawa fans bought most of them up before Leaf fans knew they would be playing in it, but Im sure the Leaf fans that do manage to get there will be very vocal, and will drown out all the Go Sens Go chants....


bbor 04-11-2004 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Johnny93g
Anti Aalto?


I am eager to see how the Leafs react once they are in Ottawa.

I have a feeling they will be better on the road where they don't need to put on a show for the fans.

Tekneek 04-11-2004 11:16 PM

I used to like Ohlund, but what was that? He boards Iginla, and then he doesn't throw a punch *UNTIL* the linesman has grabbed Iginla. Mighty brave there, Mattias, to let 'em loose when the other guy can't respond. You wanna board somebody, you need to drop the gloves, too.

Fidatelo 04-11-2004 11:28 PM

Cloutier's injury is the best thing that could've happened for Vancouver's playoff hopes. Lets hope he's seriously injured, Hedburg is ten times the goalie Cloutier is.

Hurst2112 04-11-2004 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Vince
Go Predators :)

Their goalie is making some ridiculous saves, and they just put one in on a nice 3-on-2 to go up 3-1.

um yeah, that's dithsgustin (ladies man style)

Damn...good game, good series. Wings got to get some more shots.

Darien Hatcher, my 7 year old nephew called. He wants to show you how to clear the zone the right way. The wall is your friend...use it.

I have stopped drinking for these games...too damn stressful.

Karim 04-12-2004 02:28 AM

Thankfully Iginla wasn't seriously hurt on that play.

We're really hurting now - Lydman apparently got concussed again by a cheapshot from Linden. I didn't see it but Sutter was alluding to it in the post game and people are talking about it. Simon, Warrener and Conroy all got banged up tonight and we sure are missing Yelle and McAmmond, neither of whom will be back.

The kids - Saprykin, Lombardi, Kobasew and Leopold - are really making the future look bright.

Hopefully we can push it to another home game.

RPI-Fan 04-12-2004 05:45 AM

Isn't Donavon one of your brighter prospects, too?

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