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QuikSand 11-18-2019 09:41 AM

Nice old find, enough time has passed to make this a necromancy candidate.

13 years later... where are we now?

NobodyHere 11-18-2019 09:58 AM

Anthony Daniels (Star Wars) or Stan Lee (MCU)

Flasch186 11-18-2019 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Bee (Post 1313821)
Jenna Jameson

early in the thread and already ended it. Game over. Well done.

QuikSand 11-18-2019 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 3256805)
early ... and already ended it. Game over.

fitting, for her genre

Maple Leafs 11-18-2019 11:13 AM

Had a version of this conversation a little while ago, and I stand by my way-back-when pick of Tom Cruise. Dude might be crazy but he makes good movies.

Samuel L. Jackson would get you most of Marvel, plus Tarantino and some Star Wars, although not the good ones. And Harrison Ford remains a strong call.

(Although at this point I wonder how many people would get clever and go with John Ratzenberger to get all the Pixar movies.)

NobodyHere 11-18-2019 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs (Post 3256815)
(Although at this point I wonder how many people would get clever and go with John Ratzenberger to get all the Pixar movies.)

And a Star Wars movie!

Izulde 11-18-2019 12:33 PM

Question since I didn't answer the first time: is it just movies, or does it include TV shows as well?

QuikSand 11-18-2019 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 1313811)
So, you're stuck on a deserted island, with all the standard trimmings that come with it according to legend. Well, this isn't [i]Lost[/o] so there won't be a population of six thousand different factions and monsters or anything - you're just here, on your own, for as long as you can imagine.

You find the inevitable magic lamp, and soon the genie appears. Great. But he's a union genie, and his work is subjected to a series of restrctions resulting from the latest Intergalactic Brotherhood of Embottled Omnipotents #136 CBA. So, here's his "make a wish" offer to you, complete with provisos and what-have-yous befitting a tedious negotiation:

You may be entertained during your interminable stay here by viewing the catalog of films including one actor. You get to choose the actor. However, your only option is to watch each and every film, with full attention, start to finish, in chronological order -- you don't get to pick and choose your favorites, you don't get to skip over your dislikes -- you simply watch them all, over and over again, forever.

So, given that setup... you choose...?

seems to be "films" so I'd say just movies, not television or other media

sabotai 11-18-2019 02:08 PM

John Cazale gets you a short list of nothing but classics.

The Godfather
The Conversation
The Godfather pat 2
Dog Day Afternoon
The Deer Hunter

That's all the movies he did before dying at 42 years old.

cuervo72 11-18-2019 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by kurtism (Post 1313961)
Wow, hard to believe we are on page 2 of this thread and cuervo still hasn't suggested either of the Shannons! ;)

Upon reopening this thread, I thought of Harrison Ford, then after seeing "we have no women mentioned"...Shannon Whirry.

Radii 11-18-2019 05:38 PM

Robin Williams was never mentioned in this thread, does he have too many bad movies to make it worth the pick? Good Morning Vietnam, Dead Poets Society, Awakenings, Alladin, The Fisher King, The Birdcage (I liked it at the time at least), Hamlet, Good Will Hunting, some of the comedies that aren't rated so well I still was okay with. Other highly rated RT scores for films I haven't seen.

I'm not sure I'd necessarily pick him but I think there's a decent case there.

I think if I didn't pick Williams I'd end up with Pacino or Hanks.

EDIT: Decisiveness is always more fun in these threads. I'm taking Robin Williams.

Radii 11-18-2019 05:39 PM

Looking at character actors who are in everything, John C Reilly has an incredibly impressive catalog looking at his rotten tomato scores.

PilotMan 11-18-2019 05:55 PM

Nobody wants the vast catalogue of Nick Cage?


korme 11-18-2019 08:35 PM

Adam Driver

Groundhog 11-19-2019 02:42 AM

I'm going to say Toshiro Mifune, because he covers a large percentage of the greatest Akira Kurosawa films, plus a bunch more Japanese period dramas from the 60s/70s. I even like some of the cheezy US movies he did in the 80s in a "so bad that they're good" kind of way.

AnalBumCover 11-19-2019 08:37 AM

Matt Damon

He's got Ocean's movies, Bourne, Rounders, Saving Private Ryan, Good Will Hunting, Departed. Even a cameo on Thor: Ragnarok (uncredited, however).

Izulde 11-19-2019 10:32 AM

I'm going Paul Bettany. Gets you a surprising number of MCU movies, the underrated A Knight's Tale (his best performance), Wimbledon (one of my favorite romcoms), Solo (not the best Star Wars movie but one), and just a wide variety of films in general.

Scarecrow 11-21-2019 12:51 PM

My first reaction was Will Ferrell, but there's too many really bad ones I wouldn't be able to sit through.

Off the top of my head, I would have to say my Mt Rushmore:

Bradley Cooper
Harrison Ford
Stan Lee
Alan Rickman

cartman 11-21-2019 01:20 PM

Tom Hardy would be a great updated pick.

I. J. Reilly 11-21-2019 01:34 PM

Steve Martin? Scrolling through his IMDB, there's a whole lot of crap there. But you're alone on a deserted island, a mindless feel good movie might be kind of nice.

Butter 11-21-2019 01:35 PM

If I wanted a LOT of films and a lot of variety in the types, I might go Tilda Swinton. She's been in Avenger films, Coen Bros movies, comedies, erotic dramas, Wes Anderson films, Narnia. She's by no means my favorite, but she's almost always interesting.

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