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FBPro 04-11-2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by sabotai (Post 1440047)
No more almost naked Haley. :(

Sadly we still get to hear the shreks of Suckjayha.

adubroff 04-11-2007 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by sabotai (Post 1440047)
No more almost naked Haley. :(

Just set your DVR for Cinemax, April 12, 2009, 2:30AM.

Ksyrup 04-12-2007 07:00 AM

Akon was terrible. No reason for him to have been on this show twice already. I don't get what people like about him AT ALL.

J-Lo's performance was fun. I felt like I was watching Sabado Gigante. It was fun interpreting her passionate rendering of words I didn't understand into a completely different context. Even my wife was laughing, which doesn't usually happen (she just hits me and tells me to shut up).

Easy Mac 04-12-2007 07:36 AM

So since Pumpy ruined my pic request, does anyone else think Sanjaya looks strikingly similar to a certain Tudor?

JeeberD 04-12-2007 07:44 AM

Personally, I think Sanjaya has a Seth Bullock kind of thing going on. The way he looks up through the top of his eyes, and his new mustache and goatee. It's kinda freaky...

wade moore 04-12-2007 07:55 AM

Can't complain too much about the results. Sanjaya has his niche and I figure I won't be surprised to see him make it longer than Phil, maybe Chris R., and possibly even LaKisha... So that would mean top 4.. .but I can't seem him lasting past Melinda, Blake, or Jordin - who knows though...

For Phil - it seems like either what someone mentioned that he wants to go home to his baby (since he knows he won't win), or what I thought is he just personally doesn't know how he's still there.. he seems to be a bit cavalier each week assuming that he's the one going home.. as he keeps staying, it just gets weirder and weirder seeing him act like he knows he shouldn't be there.

rkmsuf 04-12-2007 08:32 AM

what like you sing in Spanish, no one knows what the fuck you are saying therefore it's good?

oh and nice tablecloth you were wearing j-blow.

what a night, acorn too.

Ksyrup 04-12-2007 09:21 AM

*Weekly Conspiracy Report*

Just wanted to point out that, once again, there was no specific tying reference made to the number of votes and who placed in the bottom 3 of the votes. In fact, it was even more vague last night than I recall from previous shows, because he just picked up from a commercial break by going through each contestant and telling them they were or were not in the bottom 3, and then at the end made some mention of 35 million votes.

rkmsuf 04-12-2007 09:22 AM

what better simon man boob talk or acorn

Ksyrup 04-12-2007 09:22 AM

You know, I remember reading something about this a couple of weeks ago, but forgot. Turns out Akon's performance wasn't live, it was 3 weeks.

"Akon performs first, except not really. This was taped the night of the Top 10 results show."

Easy Mac 04-12-2007 06:35 PM

well its not quite a haley sex tape (thank god), but ....

Olivia Mojica (season 2) extremely explicit sex tape.


It seems there is a trailer on the website I hxxp'd which has some explicit aspects, so you just has to placate your fanTastic Ego somehow else.

dfisher 04-12-2007 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1440409)
*Weekly Conspiracy Report*

Just wanted to point out that, once again, there was no specific tying reference made to the number of votes and who placed in the bottom 3 of the votes. In fact, it was even more vague last night than I recall from previous shows, because he just picked up from a commercial break by going through each contestant and telling them they were or were not in the bottom 3, and then at the end made some mention of 35 million votes.

Except he said that he will ask the three people with the lowest amount of votes to go to the center of the stage.

Ksyrup 04-13-2007 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Easy Mac (Post 1440955)
well its not quite a haley sex tape (thank god), but ....

Olivia Mojica (season 2) extremely explicit sex tape.


It seems there is a trailer on the website I hxxp'd which has some explicit aspects, so you just has to placate your fanTastic Ego somehow else.

Never heard of her, but I didn't watch the show back then.

Ksyrup 04-17-2007 01:58 PM

Bitter much?

And, oddly, Paris Bennett has joined Vote for the Worst in their quest to make Sanjaya Malakar the new American Idol. Paris says, she “and a few other contestants” are using the Web site to “screw with the results.” “We want to see him [Sanjaya] win because it’ll kind of prove that ‘American Idol’ is kind of losing its taste….it kinda isn’t going for talent anymore and more for popularity.”

Ksyrup 04-17-2007 02:41 PM

Tonight's rumored song list from MJ's Blog:


Logan 04-17-2007 02:57 PM

Why am I not surprised that the eyebrow-raising head-bopper would select that shit song?

wade moore 04-17-2007 05:02 PM

I haven't looked at the spoilers yet (I'm assuming it's country which is good for country fans like me), but i love this.

At the end of PTI TK says - "Time to see if Melinda can turn a country song into a showtune"


Mustang 04-17-2007 05:11 PM

Sanjaya may sing that?

Good god...

Solecismic 04-17-2007 05:56 PM

That list has been making the rounds. I got burned the last time I used a new source for a list, so I'm not going to write a preview based on that one.

All I can say about Sanjaya's choice is that he's showing more than a little hubris if he goes in that direction. He may be cementing some of his fan base by trying to be cute, but he'll be losing the momentum he gained by sounding half-decent the last couple of weeks.

Nice job by the eternally mediocre Paris Bennett. With her first album just out, I have to wonder where she took PR lessons.

adubroff 04-17-2007 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Solecismic (Post 1445057)
All I can say about Sanjaya's choice is that he's showing more than a little hubris if he goes in that direction. He may be cementing some of his fan base by trying to be cute, but he'll be losing the momentum he gained by sounding half-decent the last couple of weeks.

I think Sanjaya should have done "Friends in Low Places" if he was really looking for irony.

I'm suprised that there wasn't a fist fight for Jordin's song.

Logan 04-17-2007 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by adubroff (Post 1445067)
I think Sanjaya should have done "Friends in Low Places" if he was really looking for irony.

I'm suprised that there wasn't a fist fight for Jordin's song.

Speaking of, how do they decide who gets which song? Is there a picking order?

Solecismic 04-17-2007 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 1445071)
Speaking of, how do they decide who gets which song? Is there a picking order?

Little known Idol fact: fist fights.

How else did Scott Savol make the final five?

Logan 04-17-2007 07:16 PM

I'll probably be in the minority, but I didn't like Jordin's performance there (the song posted above was obviously wrong), and I'm a fan of hers.

And yep, Simon said that she has now shown she could win.

Easy Mac 04-17-2007 07:26 PM

Finally, Simon has decided to just say Sanjaya was horrible, which he was.

Logan 04-17-2007 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Easy Mac (Post 1445140)
Finally, Simon has decided to just say Sanjaya was horrible, which he was.

People will undoubtedly say that he was too mean, but come's been a farce for a while and when you keep trotting him out there, you should expect it to get ugly.

And by the way, maybe he could have done a halfway decent job with that if he wasn't cozying up to the backup singers and running around the entire time.

Easy Mac 04-17-2007 07:39 PM

Chris is singing like he has a rat in his throat.

Logan 04-17-2007 08:00 PM

Liked: Phil (wow), Melinda

Disliked: Jordin, Lakisha, Sanjaya, Blake

Continue to fucking despise: Chris

sabotai 04-17-2007 08:07 PM

Good to see Sanjaya being Sanjaya again.

Drake 04-17-2007 08:11 PM

No one should sing "When Stars Go Blue" except Bono & the Corrs (but I'll give Ryan Adams a pass since he wrote it and all). And yes, I'm looking at you, Tim McGraw.

adubroff 04-17-2007 08:13 PM

My ranking:
1. Blake - liked him better than the judges
2. Melinda - stretched genre a bit, thought she was good
3. Jordin - rebound performance by me
4. Lakisha - better than the judges thought
5. Phil - worse than the judges thought
6. Chris - he stinks
7. Svenjaya - he really stinks

I predict Chris goes home.

Flasch186 04-17-2007 08:14 PM

some producer deserves a raise because after Simon rolled his eyes at Chris' VT comment it was a quick save for him. Im sure someone piped in with some pertinent info regarding Simon's callous behavior.

Easy Mac 04-17-2007 08:24 PM

That was an atrocious night.

Lathum 04-17-2007 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by adubroff (Post 1445209)

2. Melinda - stretched genre a bit, thought she was good

is this a surprise?

adubroff 04-17-2007 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 1445307)
is this a surprise?

I should have expounded. I thought Melinda stretched and sung something outside her genre, something which she is frequently criticized for not doing. I generally don't have that big a problem with her not doing so, so I probably am not the best one to praise her for pulling it off.

MJ4H 04-17-2007 09:43 PM

I was gonna say if people are complaining that that wasn't country enough, there is no pleasing you guys.

Easy Mac 04-17-2007 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 1445211)
some producer deserves a raise because after Simon rolled his eyes at Chris' VT comment it was a quick save for him. Im sure someone piped in with some pertinent info regarding Simon's callous behavior.

I did the same thing. Chris may have meant it deeply, but it just came across as pandering.

Solecismic 04-17-2007 10:22 PM

Country night, like many other broad-based themes, is a tradition on American Idol. Unlike most years, none of the 24 semi-finalists were native country singers. Yet, as always, the theme went fairly well. Country music is pleasant enough and accessible.

I am thankful that none of the seven reamaining contestants pandered to the audience by wearing a cowboy hat. That could have something to do with the recent Don Imus controversy, though hair straighteners and extensions are more the rule for the African American ladies currently dominating the competition - not really a nappy thing going on there.

Overall, it was a hit or miss night. Three hits, four misses. I was expecting better, though overall it was a light, mildly enjoyable show.

On to the ratings:

1. Melinda Doolittle. Already her seventh top score in the ratings, tying the record set by Katharine McPhee last season (I'm sure if I did these back in the days of Kelly Clarkson, the record would be much higher). Again, I find myself going back to old commentaries and wondering how to critique a professional singer in an amateur competition. She showed off her lower register with a very controlled and nuanced performance. Score of 93.

2. Jordin Sparks. After two down weeks - her first of the year - she picked a singer's song and interpreted it neatly and cleanly, letting the strength of her voice and purity of her notes stand on their own. Jordin never knocks me out or overly wows me, but she clearly has enormous talent and belongs among the elite in this competition. Score of 87.

3. Phil Stacey. What the hell happened? Fester can sing country. I had no idea. He honestly should switch genres immediately and never question that decision again. Score of 86.

4. Blake Lewis. A huge drop down to number 4. I found his choice of songs very indulgent. He missed far too many notes, his falsetto needs practice. I was bored, didn't enjoy that rendition at all. And it didn't even sound country - I may have been more likely to excuse him had he kept with the theme. This was his worst showing of the season. Score of 64.

5. LaKisha Jones. We criticize people for not leaving their comfort zones, and LaKisha deserved a lot of criticism in the early weeks for that reason. Well, she heard the criticism, and the last three weeks has left her comfort zone. It didn't work tonight. She had more trouble with pitch, and never understood the pacing of the song. Local girl may be in some trouble now. Score of 57.

6. Chris Richardson. Please forgive me, but we all feel horribly about what happened at Virginia Tech. Spending a few years on the other side of a big state does not give you any special insight into what's truly a global tragedy. Reminding us where you live just sounded like you were pandering for votes, and did a great disservice to your fellow contestants. I thought it was entirely appropriate that the show opened with a reminder. No more needed to be said. Ranting aside, this was an excruciatingly disjoint, uninteresting performance. And telling America that you're intentionally producing a nasal sound reminiscent of a dehydrated goat does not help your chances. Score of 52.

7. Sanjaya Malakar. After a couple of decent weeks, the bottom fell out again. It really defied criticism - at one point I thought he was trying to use the song to badly parody a gay man coming out of the closet, but that really wouldn't make sense as he seems to prefer the cuddly bad boy personna. I think he just mailed it in this week, maybe the pressure of being hated is getting to him. Score of 25.

Expected bottom three: LaKisha, Chris and Sanjaya.
Who should go: Sanjaya.
Who will go: LaKisha.

wade moore 04-18-2007 05:38 AM

On Melinda - I give her tons of credit this week. She went out of her comfort zone and completely nailed it. I'm still not a huge fan of hers, but I can't deny how good she was last night.

On Chris R. - This is more to what Jim said. A TON TON TON of kids from the Hampton Roads area go to Virginia Tech. Chris R. is a pretty young guy who is a manager at a Hooters in VA Beach. I have no doubt that he personally knows a lot of students that go there and could very well know someone directly impacted. While Ic an see how it's perceived as pandering, I have little doubt that he meant it and is more impacted than other contestants. Yes, it's a global tragedy, but sorry - those of us in VA are impacted more just like those living in and near NYC were more impacted by 9/11.

wade moore 04-18-2007 05:39 AM


For someone who has been a Chris fan through most of the show, I thought he was TERRIBLE last night.

lordscarlet 04-18-2007 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 1445129)
I'll probably be in the minority, but I didn't like Jordin's performance there (the song posted above was obviously wrong), and I'm a fan of hers.

And yep, Simon said that she has now shown she could win.

I was amazed they didn't mention any of her bad notes.


Originally Posted by adubroff (Post 1445313)
I should have expounded. I thought Melinda stretched and sung something outside her genre, something which she is frequently criticized for not doing. I generally don't have that big a problem with her not doing so, so I probably am not the best one to praise her for pulling it off.


Originally Posted by MattJones4Heisman (Post 1445316)
I was gonna say if people are complaining that that wasn't country enough, there is no pleasing you guys.

Yes, she finally went out of her comfort zone. However, I'm very disappointed that in a genre that is so incredibly popular she managed to pick a song no one has ever heard of. I think this has at least a little bit to do with people not feeling uncomfortable hearing an unfamiliar version of a familiar song.

and, I totally agree on what Wade said. Chris R. had to say something about Va Tech. Just as the Washington Nationals donned VT hats. Just as the vigils popping up all over Northern Virginia. New Yorkers have laid claim to 9/11 despite the fact that Virginia was hit by a plane as well. This is a huge tragedy for us and people be damned if they don't like Chris saying something on the show.

wade moore 04-18-2007 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by lordscarlet (Post 1445463)
I was amazed they didn't mention any of her bad notes.

I'm admittedly often accused of being tone def, but I only heard one bad note (a longer note unfortunately)... I thought all and all for the level of difficulty it was an outstanding performance and Jim gave a fair ranking imo..

Ksyrup 04-18-2007 07:04 AM

Obviously, my spoiler list was all wrong. Well, it wasn't my list at least. But I do think one thing was correct in there - the whole Blake/Jordin switcheroo for next week. Apparently, Jordin was supposed to close last night's show with a different song, but in the end decided to save that song for next week and close next week's show, so she switched with Blake for this week. Given how good Jordin was and how blah Blake was, I'm fairly confident that he wasn't initially intended to close the show. I'm floored that they didn't criticize his weak vocal. Way too many missed notes, not to mention that he basically has given the same style of performance for at least 3-4 weeks in a row (hey, if we're going to get on Melinda, he deserves it too). Finding your comfort zone and not simply copying yourself from one genre to the next is a fine line, but his performances are starting to feel a bit too much like a trademark at this point. It's like he's on auto-pilot, and it doesn't matter what genre they're doing, the performance is the same. It's been like that since the Who's Your Daddy song.

I thought Melinda was very good last night. I'm glad she did something different. I was expecting something from Oklahoma.

Jordin was fantastic, and I think she's #1 in my mind right now. Again, not something I'd ever want to listen to, but at her age, and with an obvious pop sensability that can cover several genres competently, she not only deserves to win, she'll probably be the most successful of the remaining bunch, too.

Phil could be the Josh Gracin of this competition, although he didn't really come into this saying (or knowing) he was a country singer. But if he wants a career, it's his only choice.

Sanjaya...I almost wish he had done Boot Scootin Boogie. Or maybe a medley. That was simply atrocious.

And don't even get me going on the "nasal is a vocal style" comment from Chris R. I almost came out of my seat and put a fist through the TV when he said that. You know, I guess chipmunk and cookie monster are vocal styles, too, but not ones most people enjoy listening to. And I don't agree that he had to say something about the VT thing, because I think it is wrong for one contestant to do it, and not the others. I don't see why they couldn't have done something very quick at the beginning, either after Ryan's intro or with him, and just let it go. The way it came off, though, was even worse, because he took some criticism and then blurted that out, and it came off looking like "I'm in deep trouble up here, let me deflect the criticism by bringing up VT." I'm sure he was going to do that regardless of the reaction to his performance (and again, I don't agree with it), but unfortunately for him, it came off even worse than the idea itself. Not that I wouldn't mind to see him gone, regardless of the reason.

wade moore 04-18-2007 07:10 AM

On Chris R. - I'm not saying he had to do it, but I think to call it disingenuous is unfair baed on how closely he is likely tied to the situation..

I agree on Blake - he's been my favorite and I didn't like this week. FWIW, his rendition of "When the Stars Go Blue" was actually pretty copy-cat of Tim McGraw in my opinion... I have commented for a couple of weeks that he needs to beat-box again.. he's gotten away from fun-creative Blake to this singing style that he seems to like and is trying to "show off his voice" which, let's face it, is not what got him here...

He needs to go back to being the fun guy that beat-boxes and dances rather than mr. echo-driven crooner or whatever you want to call it.

Ksyrup 04-18-2007 07:26 AM

Yeah, the brooding, mysterious Blake character works well in small doses, but that shouldn't be the shtick he brings every week.

And I don't think Chris R. was being disengenious, but it came off that way given where he inserted the comments, and like I said, I have an issue with 1 contestant bringing it up when the others were silent about it. I think Ryan's comment at the beginning should have been it for the night, and I wonder if that was the intent of the show or if Chris R. even told them that he needed to say something. And I think Simon's comment at the end might have been a reaction to his rolling eyes thing at Chris' comment, and not necessarily planned either.

Who knows...either way, I'm hoping Chris R. goes home tonight. The "nasal is a vocal style" comment is one of the most ridiculous comments I've ever heard a singer make in my life.

wade moore 04-18-2007 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1445498)
Who knows...either way, I'm hoping Chris R. goes home tonight. The "nasal is a vocal style" comment is one of the most ridiculous comments I've ever heard a singer make in my life.

Well, and we know how well lashing back at the judges has worked in the past (read: often it bites you in the ass)...

As much as I liked Chris R. early on, I haven't liked him lately and think he will likely go and is the most deserving person to go not named Sanjaya... Although I could see Jim being right and LaKisha going, I think she has been "exposed" recently...

Something no one has mentioned about LaKisha... throughout the show she has done an ok job of hiding her lisp in her songs... but when she sings a song where she says the word "Jesus" over and over it was just so glaring to me... And really detracts from the song... I'm not trying to insult her as I'm sure she can't help it, but let's face it, hearing a lisp in singing (this was a mild problem with Chris S. also) is just not appealing...

Flasch186 04-18-2007 07:34 AM

Whether or not Chris was being sincere wasnt my point. I was just pointing out that Simon getting caught rolling his eyes on camera was dangerous territory and whatever producer got in his ear about it did a good, perhaps even great thing, business wise.

wade moore 04-18-2007 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 1445501)
Whether or not Chris was being sincere wasnt my point. I was just pointing out that Simon getting caught rolling his eyes on camera was dangerous territory and whatever producer got in his ear about it did a good, perhaps even great thing, business wise.

I was more responding to what Jim said.

Ksyrup 04-18-2007 07:47 AM

I pretty much don't care one way or the other about Lakisha. She's got a good voice, but isn't that great of a performer, and her style is nothing I care about. I don't necessarily want her to go, and I don't care if she stays. She's clearly fighting a losing battle with Melinda and Jordin, though, and it's usually around 5-6 contestants left that we see the similar-style people start getting picked off. The only thing that could save her this season is the weak batch of contestants. I don't see how Phil, Chris R., and Sanjaya are not the next 3 to go home (in which order, who knows). Lakisha is teetering on joining that group.

I'll be shocked if Jordin, Blake, and Melinda are not the top 3. Well, maybe not shocked, but for the show to have any credibility, Lakisha is the only one of the other 4 who could be in the top 3 and not make the show look bad.

Eaglesfan27 04-18-2007 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1445483)
Jordin was fantastic, and I think she's #1 in my mind right now. Again, not something I'd ever want to listen to, but at her age, and with an obvious pop sensability that can cover several genres competently, she not only deserves to win, she'll probably be the most successful of the remaining bunch, too.

Phil could be the Josh Gracin of this competition, although he didn't really come into this saying (or knowing) he was a country singer. But if he wants a career, it's his only choice.

Completely agree re: both of these comments. Jordin was my early favorite, and I think she has the best shot of winning this whole thing and being successful afterwards.

Phil was a shock as a country singer. I thought he was going to be bad, but that was his best performance by far.

I would rank everyone the same as Jim did, but I would give Blake about 10 more points. I enjoyed his performance for the most part. This is the first week, where I think it will be very ugly if Sanjaya doesn't go.

Lathum 04-18-2007 08:34 AM

I think Blake may be tonning it down on purpose.

He is definantly much more entertaining when he is beatboxing and "freestyling" more but if he had been doing it all along he would be criticized for that.

I think he knows he hasn't been in much danger to this point and he is just waiting untill they get to the final 4-5 before he goes back to being the old Blake, at which time everyone will praise him and he will gain more suppot because of it.

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