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MJ4H 04-09-2008 06:57 PM

I would hope one's opinion of a performance wouldn't change after hearing someone else's performance. Come on guys.

Vince 04-09-2008 06:59 PM

Well, it most likely won't change my opinion. I thought Castro's performance was pretty ok. Nothing amazing. But the way a couple of people have panned his version, I might need to go give the original a re-listen...might be even better than I remember :)

MJ4H 04-09-2008 07:21 PM

Well I'm just saying my opinion that Jason Castro did really well last night is not going to change after watching someone else do the same arrangement of the same song. And it shouldn't. I don't think it was "novel" because it wasn't really. I think it was a good performance.

Flasch186 04-09-2008 07:25 PM

that Heart/Fergie was sick. I dont even think Fergie is a good singer but she killed that. Well done.

EagleFan 04-09-2008 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Arles (Post 1701788)
6. David C - Got too full of himself and tried to do a song that's really not right for this show. Maybe he's doing his "Daughtry" mail in now.


Buccaneer 04-09-2008 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 1702627)

Chris purposely tanked so he can get (relatively) more freedom than to be shackled with being an Idol winner, or something like that.

Flasch186 04-09-2008 08:14 PM

200 Million $$$$$$$

from England? Holy shit!!

20 million mosquito nets at $10 each

EagleFan 04-09-2008 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Buccaneer (Post 1702634)
Chris purposely tanked so he can get (relatively) more freedom than to be shackled with being an Idol winner, or something like that.

Amazing how he purposely "tanked" yet had the top rated performance ot the night by many forums/fans when he got voted out.

korme 04-09-2008 10:50 PM

Damn, I've watched Live Aid a handful of times on Youtube and definitely didn't think about the homage, too bad.

Danny 04-10-2008 02:55 AM

I heard the version rowech is referring to before hearing Castro and I still liked it.

Buccaneer 04-10-2008 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 1702674)
Amazing how he purposely "tanked" yet had the top rated performance ot the night by many forums/fans when he got voted out.

No doubt, but it wasn't to the fans that he tanked but to the producers and powers-that-be to not continue to an obvious win.

MJ4H 04-10-2008 09:12 AM

"an obvious win?"


Buccaneer 04-10-2008 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by MattJones4Heisman (Post 1703021)
"an obvious win?"


I had to double-check to make sure that I didn't mix up the seasons and saw he was on the year they had Hicks, McPhee and that Yamin dude. Yeah, I would say so, depending how much they wanted to push McPhee and whether she was up to it. Still thinks that Hicks winning was embarrasing.

MJ4H 04-10-2008 06:58 PM

Hicks winning was ridiculous. McPhee was obviously better than both all 3 of those others.

ISiddiqui 04-10-2008 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Buccaneer (Post 1702634)
Chris purposely tanked so he can get (relatively) more freedom than to be shackled with being an Idol winner, or something like that.

Always found that to be an amazingly silly conspiracy theory. People seem to forget that Idol has most of the top 10 locked up.

ISiddiqui 04-10-2008 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by MattJones4Heisman (Post 1703700)
Hicks winning was ridiculous. McPhee was obviously better than both all 3 of those others.

In hindsight, definitely looks like it. However, at the time, IIRC, Hicks was being pushed, and pushed hard, since the semi-final round. I remember when they told each individually if they'd be moving on and he was doing that harmonica thing that everyone loved.

MJ4H 04-10-2008 07:08 PM

I'm kind of, um, shocked at this song choice???????

rowech 04-10-2008 08:01 PM

I'm shocked who got the boot. Didn't see that one coming at all. Thought it was for sure one of the other two.

MJ4H 04-10-2008 08:09 PM

I called it when Ryan said it would be an "emotional" conclusion.

Eaglesfan27 04-10-2008 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by rowech (Post 1703761)
I'm shocked who got the boot. Didn't see that one coming at all. Thought it was for sure one of the other two.

Definitely a surprise. I thought top 5 at least for who got the boot.

korme 04-10-2008 08:20 PM

Great I acc. delete the DVR recording of it and now ya'll are being vague! Someone spoiler tag the eliminated contestant for me

MJ4H 04-10-2008 08:23 PM


korme 04-10-2008 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by MattJones4Heisman (Post 1703778)


Buccaneer 04-10-2008 08:30 PM

First time I have ever seen Jim G. missing the call.

RedKingGold 04-10-2008 08:46 PM

Did anyone else think it was a dick move for Seacrest to say, "Last year, noone got voted off during Idol Gives Back. This year, Michael Johns is going home?"

Kodos 04-10-2008 09:33 PM

Yeah, that was kinda dickish. Get his hopes up falsely. I thought Brooke should have left.

MJ4H 04-10-2008 09:36 PM

I thought Syesha was definitely the one that needed to go, myself. Syesha and Kristy Lee Cook are the two that are holding on for dear life as far as talent is concerned at this point.

Swaggs 04-10-2008 10:13 PM

I think tonight's episode confirmed that Castro is, in fact, a stoner.

When Michael was announced to be going home, all the other contestants were standing up and clapping and/or crying. Meanwhile, Castro was still sitting down, looking out into space.

IrishHand 04-10-2008 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by RedKingGold (Post 1703806)
Did anyone else think it was a dick move for Seacrest to say, "Last year, noone got voted off during Idol Gives Back. This year, Michael Johns is going home?"

As soon as he said it, my wife said "I was starting to like him more this year, but that was a total dick move!" I concurred.

Lathum 04-10-2008 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by RedKingGold (Post 1703806)
Did anyone else think it was a dick move for Seacrest to say, "Last year, noone got voted off during Idol Gives Back. This year, Michael Johns is going home?"

I liked it. I have zero respect for johns

korme 04-10-2008 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 1703968)
I liked it. I have zero respect for johns

Why? I don't understand how you can have zero respect for someone who you see about 10 minutes of on a weekly basis, as a guest on a reality show.

Lathum 04-10-2008 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1704001)
Why? I don't understand how you can have zero respect for someone who you see about 10 minutes of on a weekly basis, as a guest on a reality show.

do you know the backstory on him?

korme 04-10-2008 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 1704009)
do you know the backstory on him?

That he was in that shitty band? Who cares?

Lathum 04-10-2008 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1704015)
That he was in that shitty band? Who cares?

no. That he stole those bands songs and attempted to market them as his own?

thats the story I heard anyway

Arles 04-11-2008 12:41 AM

disappointing that Johns left before Castro, Carly, Syesha and KLC, but he wasn't going to win anyway. The competition looks to be between Brooke and the Davids. So, until we get to that bottom three, it really doesn't matter what order the others go in.

law90026 04-11-2008 02:03 AM

I would be surprised to see Brooke last till the top 3 actually, she's been looking out of her league in the past 2 weeks or so and I think people will get tired of her doing the same thing over and over soon. I'm not saying she's bad, just that she probably would find it hard to last another 6-8 weeks.

Ksyrup 04-11-2008 07:49 AM

Not much of a surprise to me that Johns got voted off, but then, I'm all about knowing the inside scoop, as you guys know.

Here is a summary of what Nigel told Sirius yesterday morning:

…Tonights results might surprise quite a few people and reminds people that its important that the singers do well each week and that someone can be riding high at the top of the pack and the next week be gone. He mentioned Constantine who had never been in the bottom 3 and had been a star with BR and then just like that he was eliminated…

Given those comments and his reference to Constantine having never been bottom 3, and factoring in the DialIdol results, the only logical conclusion (unless Nigel was flat-out lying) was either MJ or David Cook. And I figured as bad as DC was, there's no way he would drop THAT far. And then factor in MJ had the dreaded #1 spot (Brooke was #1 last week, and ended up bottom 3, and someone has compiled the numbers over the years, and basically, most people get voted off when they perform early in the show), and MJ was the no-doubter. And really, he deserved it. Bad song choice for the AI crowd (even Steven Tyler doesn't sing that song with much melody, and MJ's falsetto was horrible), and I thought the performance was worse than most people rated it.

Not a huge deal...he wasn't going to win anyway. To some extent, he was a better looking, better singing version of Robbie Carrico - Simon and Randy mentioned it Tuesday, he keeps trying to be Rocker Guy but he'd be better off as a Robert Palmer type (blue-eyed soul singer). He could have totally played the suave, sophisticated crooner dude, but he kept chasing the wrong dream.

Oh, and as much as I love her, I'll be shocked if Brooke makes the top 3. However, Castro, Carly, and Syesha should leave before her, so you never know. I think she's got 2 more weeks, tops.

cuervo72 04-11-2008 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1704127)
he'd be better off as a Robert Palmer type (blue-eyed soul singer). He could have totally played the suave, sophisticated crooner dude, but he kept chasing the wrong dream.

Heh, right when I got to this line, iTunes shuffled up Simply Irresistible.

edit: damn, it's been a while since RP was in my sig

Danny 04-11-2008 08:29 AM

Sucks that Michael went before others who should have went. Cook is my favorite though, so hopefully he goes to the end and loses in the finals.

Rizon 04-11-2008 08:51 AM

The phony "I'm-shocked-who-is-going-home" look on the contestants each week makes me want to beat them with a plank.

rkmsuf 04-11-2008 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Rizon (Post 1704180)
The phony "I'm-shocked-who-is-going-home" look on the contestants each week makes me want to beat them with a plank.

I think that Carly might be mentally unstable.

Although her face after they announced Johns was quite funny.

Mustang 04-11-2008 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Rizon (Post 1704180)
The phony "I'm-shocked-who-is-going-home" look on the contestants each week makes me want to beat them with a plank.

I really think some of the weeks though that some contestants honestly think they are going home so, I don't think it is all phony.

Ksyrup 04-11-2008 10:23 AM

Personally, I don't think the contestants know anything more than what we all can find on the net. I think Carly knew she was last in votes (when she raised her hand) because she goes to Dial Idol. And same with KLC knowing when she'd be bottom 3. You notice she didn't make a peep last night, because she knew chances were she was safe.

Also, because I keep track of things like this, Ryan specifically called MJ the bottom "vote-getter" last night. That's a phrase he rarely uses.

Eaglesfan27 04-11-2008 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1704327)
Personally, I don't think the contestants know anything more than what we all can find on the net. I think Carly knew she was last in votes (when she raised her hand) because she goes to Dial Idol. And same with KLC knowing when she'd be bottom 3. You notice she didn't make a peep last night, because she knew chances were she was safe.

Also, because I keep track of things like this, Ryan specifically called MJ the bottom "vote-getter" last night. That's a phrase he rarely uses.

I noticed that phrase as well, and you have convinced me of your conspiracy that the bottom 3 might not be the bottom 3 vote getters. However, do you think they kick off people who don't have the least number of votes?

Ksyrup 04-11-2008 10:32 AM

Yes, I do believe they vote off the lowest vote-getter (or to answer your question, no, I don't think they screw with who goes hom). I don't think they'd risk the backlash (not to mention potential legal issues) if they did otherwise. But certainly, I think they screw with the bottom 3 from time to time. Carly a couple of weeks ago is a good example of someone I believe they put in there to generate sympathy and votes for (because she's one of the presumed finalists, but isn't really developing a strong following). They may not be able to save her, though. Which, of course, is probably why she bombed as a solo artist in the first place...she isn't all that likeable and doesn't perform all that well. This week wasn't the first time she's looked like a murderer over-singing a song.

rowech 04-11-2008 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 (Post 1704336)
I noticed that phrase as well, and you have convinced me of your conspiracy that the bottom 3 might not be the bottom 3 vote getters. However, do you think they kick off people who don't have the least number of votes?

I've believed for a while now that two of the three are last and next to last but the third one is someone they want to put a scare into.

Alan T 04-11-2008 03:49 PM

I don't know all of the legalities of a "game show" being fixed, but I believe it is somewhat illegal to tamper with the actual results of the show so as to fix it for a certain winner. If they did that, it could cause alot of problems for them.

I think it is likely they just do as others mention, and try to shape the contest the way they want by the light they present people, the songs they have them sing, how they "advertise" certain contestants over others and even not being completely honest with the bottom 3 even.

My guess is as long as they don't violate the "rules" of their contest, and kick someone off that didn't lose, or award someone who didn't win, they aren't liable..

I could be way completely wrong however as I am not a lawyer, but I just remember some stories of other game shows getting in big trouble over this type of thing before long ago.

IrishHand 04-11-2008 03:57 PM

They can do whatever they want. It's not a game show, at least not in the "Quiz Show" way. It's a reality show. All the votes are "free", so no voter has any legitimate interest in their vote. The only people with a vested interest are the contestants, and I'd be stunned beyond belief if their contracts didn't basically say (in legalese) "Idol is for entertainment only and the show's producers are free to do whatever they want and retain whatever performers they want during the duration of this season".

I would guess that they dump the lowest vote-getter, then dick around with the other two in the "bottom three" to build storylines and create drama like any sensible reality show does. As a live show, that's the only thing they can really script - other than the judge's comments, which is a completely different animal.

Alan T 04-11-2008 04:02 PM

You may be correct there then, but then I guess I am confused what the difference between a game show where you compete with others for a prize vs a reality show where you compete against others for a prize differs. I thought I remembered back in early seasons of Survivor that they said they wernt allowed to try to influence who got voted out or such, and simply just tried to script the tv cuts to make it the most compelling tv around what happened.

I could be totally offbase though, which is why I stated I don't know what I'm talking about! :)

Buccaneer 04-11-2008 06:25 PM

I think part of the odd reactions come from multiple takes and editing, which comes from a live taping. It's no different than any of those home make-over shows where they are showing the new home to the surprised participants (we've had two done locally and they reported how the filmed and edited the shows). The reason comes from lighting, camera positions and blocking.

AI is taped live on the day-of but editing to present a slick package to the viewers in the different time zones. It also serves to edit out anything that would be objectionable. Remember Paul Pott's famous audition performance on UK Got Talent? He did do the full 2 1/2 minute version of Nessun Dorma but they edited down to the required 90 seconds.

Here's something from Billboards


The segment with the phone calls and McPhee's performance? It was taped before the show started, requiring audience members to be there at 4:15 p.m. before the live part of the show started at 6 p.m. It might not be a surprise to eagle-eyed viewers out there, who could have spotted the incongruity of Syesha and Kristy being back on the couches when they panned over the contestants.

As far as the votes and bottom 3, I still go back to the disclaimer shown in the credits. That can be interpreted different ways but I believe it gives them an out, compared to real game shows.

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