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ISiddiqui 11-06-2020 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by JediKooter (Post 3312093)
One thing is for sure, I'm curious to see how much bigger of crowd will be there for Biden's inauguration than trumps.

Unfortunately COVID may hamstring that a bit.

Ben E Lou 11-06-2020 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by ISiddiqui (Post 3312094)
Unfortunately COVID may hamstring that a bit.

I think more than "a bit." If Trump doesn't admit defeat and/or quit in a huff, we're in for 10 weeks of chaotic government, protests, riots, etc., during what would already have been the worst possible time for virus spread. I find it hard to imagine that having a large gathering of any kind on 1/20 is going to be a good idea..

sterlingice 11-06-2020 03:43 PM

Let Trump have this one


SackAttack 11-06-2020 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by JediKooter (Post 3312093)
One thing is for sure, I'm curious to see how much bigger of crowd will be there for Biden's inauguration than trumps.

I think it's unlikely Biden gives enough of a shit about inauguration size to hold a major rally. Even if he did, Trump would still be all over social media about how his was bigger.

He's probably going to be sworn in privately, with cameras in attendance, rather than risk a super-spreader event for no good reason.

Castlerock 11-06-2020 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Radii (Post 3312084)
There's so much dysfunction around climate change that I've pretty much lost hope and I don't think this change will do anything to fix it. The longer we go the more urgent it is that we implement something like the Green New Deal as of yesterday, and I think a lot of moderates don't actually have it in them to make hard decisions even if they are backed by the entirity of the scientific community. I think we lose here, and I fear that Biden won't even make a push for what is necessary, but even a more moderate push will probably fail.

But - at least get back into the Paris Climate Agreement and undo a lot of the executive orders that we've heard about over time that Trump put into place that weakened the EPA, things like that.

We can't even agree that COVID is a real thing when it's here right now and people are dying right now. I have absolutely zero hope that some far-off danger of climate change will allow anyone to do much of anything.

sterlingice 11-06-2020 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by SackAttack (Post 3312103)
He's probably going to be sworn in privately, with cameras in attendance, rather than risk a super-spreader event for no good reason.

Actually, this would be a great way to try and start setting the tone for COVID response.


JPhillips 11-06-2020 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3312096)
I think more than "a bit." If Trump doesn't admit defeat and/or quit in a huff, we're in for 10 weeks of chaotic government, protests, riots, etc., during what would already have been the worst possible time for virus spread. I find it hard to imagine that having a large gathering of any kind on 1/20 is going to be a good idea..

There were over 1600 deaths reported today. With the holidays and two more months of fuckitall from the government, things good be really bad by mid-January.

Edward64 11-06-2020 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by SackAttack (Post 3312103)
I think it's unlikely Biden gives enough of a shit about inauguration size to hold a major rally. Even if he did, Trump would still be all over social media about how his was bigger.

He's probably going to be sworn in privately, with cameras in attendance, rather than risk a super-spreader event for no good reason.

Good solution.

Brian Swartz 11-06-2020 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by sterlingice
Don't worry - looks like you got it covered

Hey, I only began my post with snark. At least there was more to it for most of the post :).


Originally Posted by Radii
I think he can renew faith in our acquisition and distribution of equipment for front-line workers, making sure that the proper orgs are in place and ready to help as needed if we reach the unfortunate case of hospital overflow/overcrowding, just basic logistics

Good post. I'm surprised you didn't mention a national mask mandate. Do you not expect that to be tried?


Originally Posted by Radii
My areas of interest politically don't really fall here, but I assume there will be some active efforts to try to restore relationships with allies that have been harmed,to re-establish deals that had been set up, to try to work with China to re-establish trade agreements that are closer to neutral and less antagonistic.

I'm actually kind of surprised by this. Ignore this if you wish, but from my perspective you can't address climate change without the global piece - it doesn't matter what the US does all that much if you don't get other countries on board as well. It also seems to me that issues of what you term equality are in a somewhat similar boat; there is much greater suffering around the world than there is in America and therefore drastically ramping up foreign aid for example, global enforcement on human rights, basic infrastructure and medical care in various places around the world, etc. is where the front line is on those issues.

Edward64 11-06-2020 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Brian Swartz (Post 3312117)
Good post. I'm surprised you didn't mention a national mask mandate. Do you not expect that to be tried?

It's debatable whether any President has that ability. But with that said, he can certainly be the leader-in-chief-cheerleader.

Brian Swartz 11-06-2020 04:50 PM

I don't think he can enact it by executive order or anything, it's more the kind of thing that I'd expect him to push for and then see how far that goes. .

Edward64 11-06-2020 04:50 PM

Biden to speak tonight. Doesn't look like any additional MSM is ready to call it yet.

He's good with declaring victory without actually declaring victory. I think he'll do that tonight.

JediKooter 11-06-2020 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by ISiddiqui (Post 3312094)
Unfortunately COVID may hamstring that a bit.

How I totally blanked that out...I guess I got a little too excited.

JPhillips 11-06-2020 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3312124)
Biden to speak tonight. Doesn't look like any additional MSM is ready to call it yet.

He's good with declaring victory without actually declaring victory. I think he'll do that tonight.

Now may not because nobody is calling it.

GrantDawg 11-06-2020 05:26 PM

I would imagine he will encourage local officials to follow the CDC guidlines, and then not try to edit the CDC guidelines. Novel, I know.

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miami_fan 11-06-2020 06:35 PM

The fact that we are actually discussing possible policy positions is a welcome change for sure.

kingfc22 11-06-2020 10:00 PM

Nice to see empathy from the leader of the free world.

molson 11-06-2020 10:25 PM

It's just completely surreal to have a competent human being with some level of decency getting ready to hold that position. He's old, he's shaky, I can't imagine what he'll be in 4 years if he makes that long, but he will fill his administration with non-super villain human beings and I just can't wait for that.

Radii 11-06-2020 11:08 PM


Good post. I'm surprised you didn't mention a national mask mandate. Do you not expect that to be tried?

I feel like as polarized as we are right now that the best we're going to be able to do is to try to calm things down a bit and appeal towards reasonableness via a calm, consistent message. A national mandate I would expect gets people in AR-15's in the streets in many states.


I'm actually kind of surprised by this. Ignore this if you wish, but from my perspective you can't address climate change without the global piece - it doesn't matter what the US does all that much if you don't get other countries on board as well.

Hm when I was thinking globalization and the like I was thinking global economics more than anything, which I feel is a very weak subject of mine. If nothing else I feel like the US should lead by example when it comes to the environment. You're definitely right in that we need global buy-in, but up to this point we have been at our best participants and at our worst antagonistic on climate change. I'm sure many things could happen simultaneously but I would make my major focus of climate change to do our part in a very visible and aggressive way, and definitely as we do that to work with the international community in any capacity that we can to be world leaders and to get others to come along with us. Thus far though this has only been a weakness of the US, so until we're doing it ourselves, I'd expect global conversations on climate change to be mocked.


It also seems to me that issues of what you term equality are in a somewhat similar boat; there is much greater suffering around the world than there is in America and therefore drastically ramping up foreign aid for example, global enforcement on human rights, basic infrastructure and medical care in various places around the world, etc. is where the front line is on those issues.

What I term equality is very heavily biased towards the treatment of blacks in the united states going back to 1619 (and many of those things work to harm women and other minorities and LGBTQ+ folks and of course indigenous americans). But that systemic oppression is really based on power. Our system of government is designed to keep those in power, in power. Solving issues of oppression would help you and me - straight white males who are not in power, in many ways as well. There is, in my view, an unbelievable and overwhelming effort to make at home to take care of our own people. Those issues can be addressed internally - obviously, without extra layers of international diplomacy and potential military conflicts to address inequality and suffering around the world.

But it's not an either/or situation. But I have spent a significant time learning about oppression within the United States, and I have concrete ideas about what's happening here. So my focus when it comes to my own activism is entirely built around this. I've just made it my issue and my focus.

We should absolutely work to address world hunger and genocide around the world. But I believe that we should dramatically shrink our military budget and remove ourselves from many places that we exist today. That's where we find a lot of the money to clean our own house. But at this point we're talking far beyond what Biden could do (or would want to do, remember I consider him to be on the side of the oppressors, when it comes to systemic rascism). We're also far out of my wheelhouse. I see the issues, hunger, medical care and violence throughout the world, but we know that in war torn regions getting food to the people that need it is problematic, and we know we have a weird way of deciding when to intervene militarily and when not to, and we tend to cause a shitton of problems when we do, and those are problems I don't really know how to address. So yeah, I'm in favor of spending a ton more on humanitarian aid, but the reality of how that would work I'm not smart enough to speak on. And I would argue that cleaning our own house should be a top priority.

Vegas Vic 11-06-2020 11:09 PM

Pretty good read on the past relationship between Biden and McConnell.


And perhaps most importantly, Biden and McConnell have a real relationship — forged over the years as Senate colleagues and combatants. McConnell was the only Senate Republican to attend the funeral for Biden’s son Beau in 2015, and he's largely stayed away from GOP attacks on Biden’s other son, Hunter.

“They have negotiated big things before. They’ve come through some very hard and even bitter fights over judicial confirmations,” Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), a close Biden ally, said in an interview. “But I think they’ve managed to stay friends or have a working, professional relationship even in the hardest of times.”

America’s new power couple: Mitch and Joe

Radii 11-06-2020 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 3312244)
It's just completely surreal to have a competent human being with some level of decency getting ready to hold that position. He's old, he's shaky, I can't imagine what he'll be in 4 years if he makes that long, but he will fill his administration with non-super villain human beings and I just can't wait for that.

+1. "non-super villain human beings" - holy shit the bar is low isn't it? :D

bhlloy 11-07-2020 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Radii (Post 3312252)
+1. "non-super villain human beings" - holy shit the bar is low isn't it? :D

I started watching the West Wing again, the first time I watched it through I'm not sure I'd even been to the States (maybe I'd visited my then-GF one time, I'm not 100% sure). And at the time being from abroad the office of the President of the US just seemed like this incredible institution, and the leader of the free world shit and all that.

It's insane to look back on that now and think what Trump has done to the office and the US' standing in the world. It's funny that watching a TV show made me think about that, but holy hell. How on earth did we get to that place, and even worse to a place where he was (or still is) a couple of coin flips away from being re-elected.

stevew 11-07-2020 03:45 AM

I just wanna go 6 weeks at a time without thinking about what insane shit the president and his evil henchmen are cooking up. For the past 4 years it's been like, what the fuck, but like what the fuck all the time. I drive a ton, all I see are trump signs, flags, tributes, etc. And it just gets my mind going, like why the hell would someone put a Trump, No More Bullshit flag in front of their house. I don't see how almost anyone could possibly like this wanker, let alone put random tributes to him out there. Trump is like a Full Screen DVD. You'd wonder who the hell would buy the pan and scan stuff when widescreen versions were available. Until you'd invariably come across a friend or acquaintance who was like "I hate black bars" and your opinion of that person was forever tainted.

So I hope that Biden does a good job of Eternal Sunshine-ing me of giving a crap about politics. It's an incredibly low bar.

Edward64 11-07-2020 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Vegas Vic (Post 3312251)
Pretty good read on the past relationship between Biden and McConnell.

America’s new power couple: Mitch and Joe

I saw this and glanced through it. After 4 years of Trump drama, I'm ready for the smoked filled, backroom handshake.

I think McConnell did what he had to do to survive and what his constituents wanted. I expect him to continue to be conservative etc. but have to believe he has reconciliation & bargaining in mind.

Maybe the McConnell-Pelosi just doesn't work vs McConnell-Biden.

JPhillips 11-07-2020 06:55 AM

Damn. Mitch is already laying the groundwork to blame everything on Biden when he blocks everything. I thought we'd be able to work together, but the radical left, blah, blah, blah.

There's nothing in Mitch's past that even remotely suggests he's looking to work across the aisle.

bronconick 11-07-2020 07:02 AM

Mitch got everything he wanted Tuesday. He had already written off the White House. He's almost definitely going to keep the Senate and can block any left wing Cabinet members, to say nothing of judicial nominees again. Plus, he has a group that can start talking about debt, again. He's not suddenly going to actually negotiate

Edward64 11-07-2020 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3312266)
Damn. Mitch is already laying the groundwork to blame everything on Biden when he blocks everything. I thought we'd be able to work together, but the radical left, blah, blah, blah.

There's nothing in Mitch's past that even remotely suggests he's looking to work across the aisle.

Other than what was said in the article? Yes, I can see both the radical left and radical right being a problem.


“They have negotiated big things before. They’ve come through some very hard and even bitter fights over judicial confirmations,” Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), a close Biden ally, said in an interview. “But I think they’ve managed to stay friends or have a working, professional relationship even in the hardest of times.”
Both old bulls of the Senate before their time at the highest rungs of American politics, McConnell and Biden will have to rekindle their old give-and-take almost immediately. Biden’s entire Cabinet will be at the whims of whether McConnell even puts his nominees up for a vote, and his appointments are sure to be more centrist than if Schumer were in charge of the Senate.

JPhillips 11-07-2020 08:40 AM

I'm very comfortable predicting that the next two years won't be a golden age of bipartisan deal making. We have evidence of how Mitch worked with Biden. He's almost certainly going to do the same thing again.

The open question is whether Dems repeat the mistakes of 2010-2016 or deal with the problem differently.

kingfc22 11-07-2020 08:53 AM

Or the Dems sweep the runoffs in GA and this is hopefully a moot point.

At 50/50, who is named the Majority Leader in the Senate if that occurs.

larrymcg421 11-07-2020 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by kingfc22 (Post 3312284)
Or the Dems sweep the runoffs in GA and this is hopefully a moot point.

At 50/50, who is named the Majority Leader in the Senate if that occurs.

Kamala breaks the tie.

kingfc22 11-07-2020 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by larrymcg421 (Post 3312285)
Kamala breaks the tie.

I know she breaks the tie on votes, but was more curious if a Majority leader was named. Looks like it would default over to Schumer in this case.

A 50-50 Senate: Democrats in power but not control - Axios

larrymcg421 11-07-2020 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by kingfc22 (Post 3312286)
I know she breaks the tie on votes, but was more curious if a Majority leader was named. Looks like it would default over to Schumer in this case.

A 50-50 Senate: Democrats in power but not control - Axios

I was answering your question on who would be majority leader. Kamala would break the tie to name Schumer majority leader.

Edward64 11-07-2020 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3312279)
I'm very comfortable predicting that the next two years won't be a golden age of bipartisan deal making. We have evidence of how Mitch worked with Biden. He's almost certainly going to do the same thing again.

The open question is whether Dems repeat the mistakes of 2010-2016 or deal with the problem differently.

I don't disagree, there will be plenty of compromises.

But that is shifting the goalpost from your original statement. He has worked with Joe before.


Damn. Mitch is already laying the groundwork to blame everything on Biden when he blocks everything. I thought we'd be able to work together, but the radical left, blah, blah, blah.

There's nothing in Mitch's past that even remotely suggests he's looking to work across the aisle.

From Foxnews so take it a grain of salt, but here's a list of things that both worked together on.

kingfc22 11-07-2020 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by larrymcg421 (Post 3312288)
I was answering your question on who would be majority leader. Kamala would break the tie to name Schumer majority leader.


sterlingice 11-07-2020 10:02 AM

I can't wait until the negotiations where the Dems look for a $2.5T stimulus bill to keep the economy from falling back (further) into the gutters, Mitch counters with $500B and won't move over $1T and we can hear all about how the Dems aren't negotiating fairly or in good faith


jbergey22 11-07-2020 10:25 AM

CNN calls it for Biden

sovereignstar v2 11-07-2020 10:28 AM


JPhillips 11-07-2020 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3312294)
I don't disagree, there will be plenty of compromises.

But that is shifting the goalpost from your original statement. He has worked with Joe before.

From Foxnews so take it a grain of salt, but here's a list of things that both worked together on.

I'm saying the same thing in both quotes. Mitch isn't going to be looking for compromises with Biden. He's going to block everything he can just like he did with Obama/Biden. Biden's relationships and skills didn't matter then and they won't matter now.

CrimsonFox 11-07-2020 10:58 AM

I've been physically ill for 3 days....frozen in fear and dreadful expectation. :(
Afraid to turn on the TV and look at a webpage. Day after election I saw someone whining about Biden and his brother knows everything blahblahblah...Saying "Biden was done"

I stopped reading.

I saw yesterdfay morning a little article link saying trump is waging legal war in wisconsin and michigan...that gave me a little hope. Then I heard on the radio "Biden will address the nation tonight..." that didn't sound good to me....

I can't take any more of this :( I feel like i could die

in other news I got a job as a salesman for a massage therapyp company. I get a free massage a month and cheaper extra massages....i can see i'm going to blow my paycheck

Edward64 11-07-2020 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3312312)
I'm saying the same thing in both quotes. Mitch isn't going to be looking for compromises with Biden. He's going to block everything he can just like he did with Obama/Biden. Biden's relationships and skills didn't matter then and they won't matter now.

We'll agree to disagree once again (re: what you said) and leave it at that.

Edward64 11-07-2020 11:04 AM

Any notable tweets yet?

And let's see which world leaders are first to congratulate Joe.

EDIT: Trudeau, Mayor of Paris, Boris

CrimsonFox 11-07-2020 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Qwikshot (Post 3311928)
You think Ivanka pulls a John Snow?

if this involves headchopping, I'm in

Swaggs 11-07-2020 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3312323)
Any notable tweets yet?

And let's see which world leaders are first to congratulate Joe.

EDIT: Trudeau, Mayor of Paris, Boris

BoJo has congratulated him and looks forward to working with him on the climate.

Swaggs 11-07-2020 12:30 PM

If JEB! isn’t planning on running again (he will be 71 in 2024, so could certainly contend), I’d like to see him co-chair a commission to improve voting turnout and legitimization.

NobodyHere 11-07-2020 12:55 PM

A random thought:

I bet Mayor Pete is going to be lobbying hard for a position in Biden's cabinet as it is his best chance to pad his political resume. His other options would require him to win a state-wide race in Indiana (like senator or governor), which is an uphill battle.

Edward64 11-07-2020 01:01 PM

CNN said Biden will have coronavirus task force (12 people) on Mon.

It will be nice to hear how Biden & team plans to attack this. It will be good to hear reality & facts again. You can't fix a problem unless you admit there is a problem, and that, has been the Trump admin problem for the past 2-3-4 months.

(But admittedly, I also want to start traveling and earning points again)

NobodyHere 11-07-2020 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3312365)
CNN said Biden will have coronavirus task force (12 people) on Mon.

It will be nice to hear how Biden & team plans to attack this. It will be good to hear reality & facts again.

(But admittedly, I also want to start traveling and earning points again)

I'm wondering about this too.

Right now I'm pretty resigned to the fact that life is going to be like this until we get a vaccine.

Hopefully Joe's team can come up with something.

sterlingice 11-07-2020 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3312361)
A random thought:

I bet Mayor Pete is going to be lobbying hard for a position in Biden's cabinet as it is his best chance to pad his political resume. His other options would require him to win a state-wide race in Indiana (like senator or governor), which is an uphill battle.

That's been my thought, watching him make the rounds the last month or so. And, really, it's the right move for him


Jas_lov 11-07-2020 01:15 PM

Will Pete be VA Secretary or UN Ambassador? I'm guessing Ron Klain is Chief of staff. Susan Rice at State, Sally Yates or Doug Jones at AG. Not sure about the others. Probably can't take any dem senators with an R governor(Warren, Bernie) out of the Senate.

JPhillips 11-07-2020 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3312361)
A random thought:

I bet Mayor Pete is going to be lobbying hard for a position in Biden's cabinet as it is his best chance to pad his political resume. His other options would require him to win a state-wide race in Indiana (like senator or governor), which is an uphill battle.

He's really great with messaging. Wherever he ends up, he needs to be able to be in front of cameras a lot.

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