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Jim G. 02-19-2008 11:01 PM

This season, I'm putting the rankings on the Frontier, just because the editing interface is a lot easier.

An introduction:

February 19, Boys, Round of 24:

korme 02-19-2008 11:02 PM

David Archuleta has a terrible voice, what is the love for this kid about?

Rizon 02-20-2008 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by cuervo72 (Post 1663451)
These guys...some of these guys are not too good.

Pretty terrible tonight. I'm hoping it's because it was bile/60s week, or else this is going to be a really long snoozefest.

rowech 02-20-2008 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1663475)
David Archuleta has a terrible voice, what is the love for this kid about?

He's 16 and his voice will be gold for himself and somebody. If he doesn't get dumped early, he's only going to build more confidence. He's the one to beat.

Vince 02-20-2008 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1663475)
David Archuleta has a terrible voice, what is the love for this kid about?

Are you kidding? Maybe he's got the love-fest going on a bit, but to say he has a terrible voice is going a bit far.

Vince 02-20-2008 05:28 AM

Dola -- I also happen to think that David Cook's performance was so amazing that I almost forgot that he pinned a small woodland creature to his head and smeared it with Crisco.

korme 02-20-2008 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by Vince (Post 1663539)
Are you kidding? Maybe he's got the love-fest going on a bit, but to say he has a terrible voice is going a bit far.

It's not pure, it's raspy and too deep. It's garbage.

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 06:42 AM

I had the exact same bottom three as Jim - Haley, Menard and Yeager. We're now in season 7, and I can't believe people still have issues picking songs. I'd like to know how they choose them, actually - what "help" they get, if it's more like prodding/forcing them to take certain songs - because I can't for the life of me believe people are willingly picking songs this horrible.

The 60s was a great decade of music, and Yeager picks Moon River? And worst yet, instead of at least attempting to update the song (which would probably have been hopeless anyway), he goes out of his way to get into character, changing his hair style to resemble Rob Lowe playing a snooty frat boy in an 80s movie. I hope Granny enjoyed that performance, because it should be your last. And Danny...I love the attitude, watching this show for 5 months I need comic relief, but...have you learned NOTHING about how well those types of songs fair on AI? When I heard the choice, I knew he was going to get destroyed.

I can't believe Chikezie Un-Eze had the nerve to talk back to Simon. The only thing that will save him this week is the fact that 3 people we hardly saw - Menard, Yeager and Haley - were terrible, meaning there's about a 99.998% chance that the 2 guys cut will come from that group of 3. Deadly combination.

I was really hoping that Haley guy would be good, because he looks so much like a 70s pop star it's not funny - the Robert Plant hair, the androgynous look highlighted by his cheekbones, the Karen Carpenter voice. Dude should have a serious retro thing going on. In fact, he reminds me a little bit of Roger Manning from Jellyfish - frail body, high pitched, feminine-sounding voice, 70s looks...but missing the talent. Oh well.

Thomkal 02-20-2008 07:17 AM

David Archuleta was the tops for me last night-I can't help but smile at his reactions to the judges and Ryan playing with him after the judges comments. May get a bit old after a while, but for now I think he's the one in the driver's seat.

I would put Michael Long, Robbie Carrico, and David Hernandez a step below right now. I do not understand the love for Jason Castro-I hate the hair and I don't think he has a particularly good voice.

I like the sound of Luke Menard's and Jason Yeager's voice, but sadly both looked out of their element last night especially Yeager who seemed to look amazed to be on the stage during his performance. Sadly one or both could be gone which is a shame, especially with Menard who I think could be a darkhorse to watch.

I wouldn't be particularly sad to see any of the others I didn't mention go home this week, but I'm rooting for Chikeize, who probably doomed his chances by arguing with Simon, and Garrett Haley who showed absolutely no personality and very little originality in his performance. Surprisingly his voice did sound a lot like Neal Sedaka, so there may be some potential in there, but it's buried deep.

Overall not a very good first night for the boys, but week one seldom goes well due to nerves and performing in front of a large crowd for the first time for some of them.

Eaglesfan27 02-20-2008 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by NoSkillz (Post 1663456)
Maybe it's just me but I thought some of the guys were just awful tonight.

Garrett, Jason Yeager and Luke made me cringe.

David Archuleta was the best of the bunch and I liked Michael John and Jason Castro too.

Those 3 were my bottom 3 and top 3 respectively as well with the other 6 sort of blending in the middle (although Chikeze was very close to my bottom 3.) I think nerves are making Garrett sound worse than he is, but he sounded the worst by a wide margin last night and is my only sure bet to go home unless voteforthewost saves him.

Eaglesfan27 02-20-2008 08:03 AM

Dola -

I'm not a huge Elvis buff, but didn't Suspicious Minds come out in 1974. How did that qualify for 60's night?

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 08:04 AM

I think this fairly sums up Jason Yeager's performance last night:

I give him a 15% chance of sticking around for at least another week because of his kid, and because there are several other deserving candidates to be sent home this week.

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 (Post 1663594)
Dola -

I'm not a huge Elvis buff, but didn't Suspicious Minds come out in 1974. How did that qualify for 60's night?

That one, and I thought Jailhouse Rock was from the 50s.

EDIT: According to Wiki, Suspicious Minds was released on August 26, 1969 as a single. And JHR was released on September 24, 1957. So not only was it a bad song choice, but it shouldn't have even been allowed. They could have saved Danny from himself!

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 08:09 AM

With JHR, my guess is it was re-recorded during the 60s by Elvis or someone else, meaning it qualified on a technicality. Didn't that happen the year before last? They had to do songs from the 2000s, and someone chose an old song that had recently been covered?

rkmsuf 02-20-2008 08:11 AM

what a fucking freak show. there is zero reason to watch the male portion of this competition unless you really dig that danny. not that there's anything wrong with that.

danny noriega for president

Pumpy Tudors 02-20-2008 08:18 AM

You know, while Chikezie's "lounge act" wasn't great last night, I actually kinda liked him as a singer. Then, he mouthed off to Simon and I was done with him. I mean, it's your first time out there for votes, and you immediately cut Simon off and argue with him? How does that help? Yeah, we know Simon's not tactful, but if you want to win the competition, you at least have to let him speak.

Maybe if Chikezie had built up some kind of personality over three or four weeks, he might come off like somebody who's just having a semi-friendly banter with Simon. Right out of the gate, though, it just makes him look like a jackass who can't take any type of criticism. I think everyone knows that Simon knows the right things to say to nudge a contestant out of the competition, and if Chikezie doesn't get real humble real fast, he'll be gone as soon as the truly terrible performers are out.

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 08:24 AM

Most interesting thing for me tonight/tomorrow will be how the Carly Smithson thing plays out. She has been at the head of all the "controversy" stories I've seen in the past week - and I'm not just talking about Idol-dedicated websites, I'm talking USA Today, Yahoo, AOL, CNN, MSNBC, etc. And then last night after Idol, I'm watching the local Fox news, and even THEY'VE got a story on the possible backlash regarding her past and the fact that she's recently from Ireland. I'm thinking she has to hit a HR tonight, or she could be gone quickly.

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 08:34 AM

If you're interested, here are the DialIdol results...


Ksyrup 02-20-2008 08:42 AM

Interesting catch from last night's show - where's Carly?

rkmsuf 02-20-2008 08:46 AM

in the shitter

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf (Post 1663647)
in the shitter

I forgot to check the Stalls thread.

Besides, I don't even see a chair for her.

lordscarlet 02-20-2008 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1663602)
With JHR, my guess is it was re-recorded during the 60s by Elvis or someone else, meaning it qualified on a technicality. Didn't that happen the year before last? They had to do songs from the 2000s, and someone chose an old song that had recently been covered?

That was last year. Melinda Doolittle did it the entire season.

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 10:48 AM

Guide to the top 12 girls:


In the Amy Davis paragraph is a link to her modeling portfolio. I'm not sure I find her all that attractive (exotic, definitely), but she's got a nice body.

INDalltheway 02-20-2008 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1663633)
If you're interested, here are the DialIdol results...


So do you think this puts Luke Menard in decent shape to make it back for another week? I've never watched the show, but I know Luke. I didn't think he did very well, but you could hear how good of a voice he has. The music was almost too loud for his voice though.

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 12:16 PM

I'd say Luke's low enough that I wouldn't be shocked if he was voted out, since 2 of them are going home, but my bet is his looks will save him for at least another week.

Yeager clearly appears to have benefited from his son's appearance on the show. And Eze appears to be suffering from the "snipe back at the judges and you're gone" issue that has plagued others in the past. Danny gets a pass on this because he was hilarious doing it. Eze came off poorly because he started in on Simon before Simon could get a full sentence out, and he seemed angry and ready for a confrontation. Big mistake, especially combined with performing second and generally sucking.

rkmsuf 02-20-2008 12:20 PM

why did I create this thread?

serenity now

Pumpy Tudors 02-20-2008 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf (Post 1663950)
why did I create this thread?

serenity now

Don't you dare delete it, either. If you do, I'll be up your ass so far, I'll taste your dinner before you do.

rkmsuf 02-20-2008 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors (Post 1663962)
Don't you dare delete it, either. If you do, I'll be up your ass so far, I'll taste your dinner before you do.

Now, you are trying to STOP me from deleting it?

Pumpy Tudors 02-20-2008 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf (Post 1663965)
Now, you are trying to STOP me from deleting it?

I want this thread, and I want you.

rkmsuf 02-20-2008 12:34 PM

take me

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 12:37 PM

If you delete this thread, we'll just move to the other one that was started before this one. Plus, I still have mod powers, I think, so it's useless to delete this one.


rkmsuf 02-20-2008 12:38 PM


cartman 02-20-2008 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 1663577)
David Archuleta was the tops for me last night-I can't help but smile at his reactions to the judges and Ryan playing with him after the judges comments.


Glad I missed it last night!

MikeVic 02-20-2008 12:38 PM

Get a room.

rkmsuf 02-20-2008 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by MikeVic (Post 1663998)
Get a room.

Wait, other people could read that!?!?!?!?

Pumpy Tudors 02-20-2008 12:41 PM


rkmsuf 02-20-2008 12:42 PM


MikeVic 02-20-2008 12:43 PM

I don't even watch American Idol. Why am I here.

NoSkillz 02-20-2008 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1663641)
Interesting catch from last night's show - where's Carly?

Yeah, I noticed this last night and mentioned it to my wife. There were only 11 out there all night.

My guess is that Carly was sick.

Arles 02-20-2008 03:13 PM

Ugh, there's so much grizzle on this steak it's almost unbearable to digest. The boys were pretty bad and really only 2-3 should have a chance to win given their state last night. All that said, everyone gets "reprocessed" by the show and I'm sure a couple extras will find the one think they don't stink at and rinse/repeat each week.

Johns and Archuleta look like the best, with Castro and one of the faux rockers (Cook, Carrico) having an outside chance to stay around. The rest of varying degrees of boring - with one having the ability to rise to the top 4 each week based on the theme and/or an implosion by one of the above guys. I agree with Jim that Hernandez was the best of this sad crew last night, but that's the old "tallest guy at a midget conference" compliment. Menard and Haley were dreadful and should go - but Berry or Eze could get fewer votes. For some reason, I think Yeager has the John Stevens crowd and could stay around for a while. Menard may try his best Ace Young impersonation to stay if he somehow gets a week reprieve.

Either way, Tivo should link to the next 3-4 episodes (with this one highlighting) as a top marketing campaign. Between the commercials and somewhat unwatchable performances, I can't imagine watching these next few weeks without the assistance of DVR.

cuervo72 02-20-2008 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Arles (Post 1664131)
Ugh, there's so much grizzle on this steak it's almost unbearable to digest.

The steak is veteran?

Eaglesfan27 02-20-2008 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1663633)
If you're interested, here are the DialIdol results...


The 4th and 9th place people on that list are surprising. Otherwise, that is more or less in line with what I expected.

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 04:04 PM

I'm not all that surprised about #4, because the voters have tended to rally around contestants who get attacked by Simon, especially when Simon went out of his way to reference his performance several times through the rest of the night. Not to mention I think he got some votes because he was legitimately entertaining (however you choose to define that!).

#9 was a surprise, though.

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 04:20 PM

Definitely don't feel sorry for Josiah. The dude I know in Nashville says he recorded an EP last week, had a friend riding around with him a couple nights ago (in his "home" I guess) who says that during the ride he got calls from 2 labels, and that Josiah told the guy who recorded the EP that he made $35K in 2 weeks just in downloads from his website.

korme 02-20-2008 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 1663577)
David Archuleta was the tops for me last night-I can't help but smile at his reactions to the judges and Ryan playing with him after the judges comments. May get a bit old after a while, but for now I think he's the one in the driver's seat.

I would put Michael Long, Robbie Carrico, and David Hernandez a step below right now. I do not understand the love for Jason Castro-I hate the hair and I don't think he has a particularly good voice.

I like the sound of Luke Menard's and Jason Yeager's voice, but sadly both looked out of their element last night especially Yeager who seemed to look amazed to be on the stage during his performance. Sadly one or both could be gone which is a shame, especially with Menard who I think could be a darkhorse to watch.

I wouldn't be particularly sad to see any of the others I didn't mention go home this week, but I'm rooting for Chikeize, who probably doomed his chances by arguing with Simon, and Garrett Haley who showed absolutely no personality and very little originality in his performance. Surprisingly his voice did sound a lot like Neal Sedaka, so there may be some potential in there, but it's buried deep.

Overall not a very good first night for the boys, but week one seldom goes well due to nerves and performing in front of a large crowd for the first time for some of them.

Garrett - no personality? He's the only one that actually took what the judge's said and called it what it was - constructive criticism. You could tell he was actually listening instead of just the deer-in-headlights-in-one-ear-out-the-other look. He seemed to have more personality than a lot of those guys out there, and he's just 17.

korme 02-20-2008 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by INDalltheway (Post 1663924)
So do you think this puts Luke Menard in decent shape to make it back for another week? I've never watched the show, but I know Luke. I didn't think he did very well, but you could hear how good of a voice he has. The music was almost too loud for his voice though.

If you are going to quote a spoiler tag, please reply with a spoiler tag. Thanks.

Thomkal 02-20-2008 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by cartman (Post 1663997)

Glad I missed it last night!

I knew somebody would make a joke about that. :)

Thomkal 02-20-2008 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1664233)
Garrett - no personality? He's the only one that actually took what the judge's said and called it what it was - constructive criticism. You could tell he was actually listening instead of just the deer-in-headlights-in-one-ear-out-the-other look. He seemed to have more personality than a lot of those guys out there, and he's just 17.

I agree he was very cool with dealing with the criticism. But in my opinion there wasn't much personality in the performance. He doesn't seem like a natural performer like some of the others. It may develop over time, if he stays past tonight.

Vince 02-20-2008 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 (Post 1664169)
The 4th and 9th place people on that list are surprising. Otherwise, that is more or less in line with what I expected.

My feelings exactly. If you flip-flop 4 and 9 on that list, it's very close to what I have.

I can't freaking believe that I'm into American Idol *shivers*

GrantDawg 02-20-2008 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Arles (Post 1664131)
Ugh, there's so much grizzle on this steak it's almost unbearable to digest. The boys were pretty bad and really only 2-3 should have a chance to win given their state last night. All that said, everyone gets "reprocessed" by the show and I'm sure a couple extras will find the one think they don't stink at and rinse/repeat each week.

I agree with your statement, except that 2 or 3 should have chance to win. If they don't get better (which I'm sure they will), I'd say none of them would have a shot at winning. There wasn't a stand-out in the bunch, really. Johns was decent only compared to how bad the rest of the performances were. As others have said, the first night is usually rough, but I'd have to say this was by far the worst first night of any season.

Logan 02-20-2008 07:12 PM

The first girl singing seems smart.

adubroff 02-20-2008 09:08 PM

Not too much to write home from with the girls either....probably a little more depth here...Carly/Alaina/Syesha were the standouts for me. I liked Katy a lot more than the panel. Amanda was the clear trailer for me but the second loser is very debateable in my mind.

My rankings:
1. Carly
2. Alaina
3. Syesha
4. Katy
5. Joanne
6. Asia
7. Alexandrea
8. KCook
9. Ramela
10. Brooke
11. AMyDavis
12. AmandaOvermeyer

korme 02-20-2008 09:15 PM

I thought Kady Malloy was excellent, really surprised about the reactions from the judges.

Scoobz0202 02-20-2008 09:17 PM

Is there anywhere I can watch tonights show online, or if I miss it am I shit out of luck?

korme 02-20-2008 09:17 PM

adubruff, interesting- think your doin a severe injustice to Ramiele

also- Alexandre wins the award for best turnaround in the looks department

GrantDawg 02-20-2008 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by adubroff (Post 1664422)
Not too much to write home from with the girls either....probably a little more depth here...Carly/Alaina/Syesha were the standouts for me. I liked Katy a lot more than the panel. Amanda was the clear trailer for me but the second loser is very debateable in my mind.

My rankings:
1. Carly
2. Alaina
3. Syesha
4. Katy
5. Joanne
6. Asia
7. Alexandrea
8. KCook
9. Ramela
10. Brooke
11. AMyDavis
12. AmandaOvermeyer

Don't quit your day job. Amanda? She was top 5 or 6, and one of the few distictive voices the show has ever had. If they lose her early it would be a major disappointment.

The girls were over-the-top better than the guys. I honestly wish they'd drop 4 guys instead of cutting any of the girls, because the bottom 2 girls are better than at least 6, maybe even 8, of the guys.

I just couldn't get over how the judges were killing some of the girls performances that were better than any of the guys performances. Kady would have won the night against the guys, yet they all panned her. Alexandrea showed a lot of personality, and yet Simon kills her. Don't get it.

Kristy was disappointing tonight, and so was Carly. They didn't shine like I hoped (for Kristy) or expected (for Carly). Amy Davis had the worse performance, followed by Joanne. Yet, I'd say both just had off nights, and both have potential to improve. I can't say that for 80% of the guys.

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 09:45 PM

Amanda was so bad tonight, I broke out the comparison to Sanjaya doing You Really Got Me. It was that bad. She doesn't have a distinctive voice - what she has is an annoying, affected attempt to sing like Janis Joplin and other bluesy, barroom-type singers. But she has no voice of her own...she's just singing like somebody else, and doing it poorly. That performance was an out of tune, horrible, screaming mess. I've heard death metal singers with a better sense of melody.

I desperately want a rocker to do well and continue on in this competition, but she is terrible.

She was so bad, I don't really have much to say about the others. A couple did well, most were blah. I disagreed with Simon on that Lushington chick, thought she was decent.

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 09:47 PM

Agree with GD on Amy Davis. I thought it was bad at first, but it got worse during the recap. And her recap seemed to go on for 10 seconds longer than everyone else's, too.

Ksyrup 02-20-2008 10:26 PM

This looks like a boy band put together from the cast of an after school special. And they all look like they're 5-10 years older than they should be.

Arles 02-20-2008 10:36 PM

Ramiela, Asia, Carly and Syesha were solid. The rest were either original and crappy (Amanda, Kady), confident and crappy (Alaina, Alexandrea, Amy) or timid and crappy (Joanne, Kristy, Brooke). Kristy was the most disappointing and I was literally afraid she would forget the next line during the entire song.

Was it better than the guys? yeah - mostly because of the last 3 performances. Up to that point, I was seriously thinking they might have even been worse. From a group that's been touted with all this experience, this top 24 looks like the greenest so far.

Not to beat a dead horse, but I think Tivo will be our best friend for the next 3 weeks. There are going to be some dreadful performances. Then again, maybe the 60s theme has an impact on this. My hope is they will be better with more shows and a more current theme.

Vince 02-20-2008 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Arles (Post 1664488)
Then again, maybe the 60s theme has an impact on this. My hope is they will be better with more shows and a more current theme.

I think this has a lot to do with it. I've been extra-interested in Idol the last two days, mostly because of the '60s theme. You see, I happen to be in a '60s Tribute Band (shameless plug: ), so watching these kids perform has been very interesting, to say the least. I can very much relate to younger people having to perform music that they don't know, and might not care for. I'm 26, and this band is playing music that I was at least familiar with, but in no means was I well-versed in before I started playing. I think this has a lot to do with why I think that the cover of Happy Together was phenomenal...that's a song that I lead sing :)

Having to tackle songs and styles from a completely different era is difficult enough when you have a template to do it (tribute style); to have to take someone else's music and make it your own and/or contemporize it is another step entirely. These are also kids who are largely new to the music scene (although everyone's touting this group as experienced because of past record deals and such, their performances to date have shown anything but experience).

I'd expect the performances to get better from here on out.

Jim G. 02-21-2008 12:07 AM

Tonight's roundup posted. Definitely a hard one to write.

JeeberD 02-21-2008 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by GrantDawg (Post 1664332)
As others have said, the first night is usually rough, but I'd have to say this was by far the worst first night of any season.

Do you remember last year's first guys night? Now THAT was a disaster...

Ksyrup 02-21-2008 06:51 AM

Two constants every year:

AI: This is the most talented group ever!

Fans: That was the worst set of performances ever!

Ksyrup 02-21-2008 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Vince (Post 1664520)
IHaving to tackle songs and styles from a completely different era is difficult enough when you have a template to do it (tribute style); to have to take someone else's music and make it your own and/or contemporize it is another step entirely. These are also kids who are largely new to the music scene (although everyone's touting this group as experienced because of past record deals and such, their performances to date have shown anything but experience).

I agree, and you know why I think this is? It's that most of these people are singers, not musicians. This is why I enjoyed Rock Star so much...most of those singers, while not great, were actively involved in arranging the songs they performed. Here, most of these contestants haven't done anything but sing songs they like, or sing songs they don't know at someone else's direction. Carly may have "experience," but her first attempt at an album in 2001 was so bad, they scrapped it and brought in 2 guys from The New Radicals to write another set of songs for her. The point is, she probably has barely more "experience" with arranging songs than Alaina Whitaker.

Jason Castro stood out not just because he performed with an instrument, but because it was clear that he had a vision for what his song choice should sound like for him, and not what his family/friends or Ricky Minor thought was best for him. Ricky Minor and whatever other vocal/song coaches they have for this show are probably more responsible for the crappy performances we see than the contestants are. And it's because only a few of these people know enough to be able to take control of their performance, instead of just doing what someone else suggests. That's why Brent or Bert or whatever his name was from last year stood out, because he knew what he wanted to do with the songs he chose, and he went entirely outside the box to do it. As a result, the fans responded. Daughtry was the same way, except he was smart to pick songs that had already been covered by rock groups and just copied their arrangements.

As much as I hate that Josiah kid's style, maybe he would have been good for this show, because he appears to have the talent/ability to arrange stuff. It's just that in his case, everything he'd arrange would sound like Snow Patrol. But you can bet he'd be telling Ricky Minor what he wants, not just sitting there being told what would be best for him.

Eaglesfan27 02-21-2008 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1664430)
adubruff, interesting- think your doin a severe injustice to Ramiele

also- Alexandre wins the award for best turnaround in the looks department

Agreed. I'd have Ramiele in my top 3 vocal performances of last night which I thought were generally disappointing. The other 2 who I thought did well were Alexandrea and Carly. Alaina and Brook were ok and everyone else was forgettable or terrible. I was disappointed with Kristy's performance.

Ksyrup 02-21-2008 07:26 AM

I thought Kristy's look was as a disappointing as her performance. I think she should stick with the natural look, instead of all the makeup and styled hair. And for someone whose has sung in front of big crowds before, she seemed the most affected by nerves.

MJ4H 02-21-2008 08:12 AM

Carly and Alexandrea were my favorites tonight. It really wasn't very close, either. Oh, the one right before Carly, Syesha maybe? Lots of potential there. A couple of others have a shot at doing some good, maybe Brooke. Lots of disappointment, with the rest, though.

rkmsuf 02-21-2008 08:32 AM

Could there be a more boring show and group of people on television right now?

I may have to delete this mess and pass on Pumpy's bone. Tough call here.

Ksyrup 02-21-2008 08:46 AM

You started a thread about a show you don't want to watch, and when others are discussing it, you now want to delete it? LAME.

Anyway, on to the spoiler part of my post, the DialIdol results:


rkmsuf 02-21-2008 08:51 AM


Ksyrup 02-21-2008 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf (Post 1664694)

I know you do, El Lame-O.

rkmsuf 02-21-2008 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1664699)
I know you do, El Lame-O.

Hey, I don't call you names for obsessing over this horrid show.

Don't make me come down there for you, sizzle chest.

Ksyrup 02-21-2008 09:06 AM

Just back away from the thread with your hands where I can see them. Now turn and slowly walk away, and don't ever look back.

Eaglesfan27 02-21-2008 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1664687)
You started a thread about a show you don't want to watch, and when others are discussing it, you now want to delete it? LAME.

Anyway, on to the spoiler part of my post, the DialIdol results:


I'm surprised that the 10th place person is that low, otherwise, no surprises. Also, I forgot to mention that I also liked Syesha's performance. It wasn't a great song, but she performed well and you can tell she has potential.

Ksyrup 02-21-2008 09:21 AM

Ha! This was posted by someone on another board I post at:

"I worked with Chikezie Eze. He quit to go on American Idol. GOOD FUCKIN RIDDANCE! We liked to refer to him as Chikazy Lazy. One of the most useless sombitches I have ever had the misfortune to know."

lordscarlet 02-21-2008 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1664450)
Amanda was so bad tonight, I broke out the comparison to Sanjaya doing You Really Got Me. It was that bad. She doesn't have a distinctive voice - what she has is an annoying, affected attempt to sing like Janis Joplin and other bluesy, barroom-type singers. But she has no voice of her own...she's just singing like somebody else, and doing it poorly. That performance was an out of tune, horrible, screaming mess. I've heard death metal singers with a better sense of melody.

I desperately want a rocker to do well and continue on in this competition, but she is terrible.

She was so bad, I don't really have much to say about the others. A couple did well, most were blah. I disagreed with Simon on that Lushington chick, thought she was decent.


Eaglesfan27 02-21-2008 12:21 PM

Agreed. Amanda was my 2nd biggest disappointment last night and I wouldn't be surprised if she went home tonight.

Ksyrup 02-21-2008 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 (Post 1664929)
Agreed. Amanda was my 2nd biggest disappointment last night and I wouldn't be surprised if she went home tonight.

Not gonna happen. Way too many people thought she was good. I think she may outdo Danny as the lightning rod of the competition. My guess is he becomes the comic relief contestant, and she becomes the love/hate contestant. I expect her to turn in one or two good performances, but if her high energy performances are all going to be like last night, I'm going to choke on my own vomit or declare myself a lesbian in protest of her continuing on the show.

rkmsuf 02-21-2008 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1664935)
. I expect her to turn in one or two good performances, but if her high energy performances are all going to be like last night, I'm going to choke on my own vomit or declare myself a lesbian in protest of her continuing on the show.

Can I delete this shit then?

Pumpy Tudors 02-21-2008 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf (Post 1664937)
Can I delete this shit then?

Can I delete you?

rkmsuf 02-21-2008 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors (Post 1664941)
Can I delete you?

Depends what you mean by "delete".

Pumpy Tudors 02-21-2008 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf (Post 1664942)
Depends what you mean by "delete".

I might mean "hatefuck."

Ksyrup 02-21-2008 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf (Post 1664937)
Can I delete this shit then?

Only if you promise to wait until my wife reads the note in my wallet and officially notifies the board that I'm dead.

If I declare myself a lesbian, I'll post pictures in this thread, guaranteeing that it will be deleted.

So either way, you win.

rkmsuf 02-21-2008 12:48 PM

and then I get hatefucked by pumpy.

man, how depressing

Ksyrup 02-21-2008 12:50 PM

Cheer up, I'm sure pumpy will hatefuck you long before I die.

Glengoyne 02-21-2008 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1664957)
Cheer up, I'm sure pumpy will hatefuck you long before I die.

Is there an over/under on that?

MJ4H 02-21-2008 04:40 PM

Top 3 Girls:
1. Carly
2. Danny Noriega
3. Alexandrea

EagleFan 02-21-2008 04:53 PM

So he starts the thread. Complains about the show. Keeps watching the show, complains some more. Then threatens to delete the thread.

I think someone has HA complex...

Drake 02-21-2008 08:58 PM

My wife pointed out to me that Danny Noriega bears a striking resemblance to Jessica Alba.

I'm pretty horrified by this revelation.

Critch 02-21-2008 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1665534)
My wife pointed out to me that Danny Noriega bears a striking resemblance to Jessica Alba.

I'm pretty horrified by this revelation.

Horrified, but strangely aroused?

korme 02-21-2008 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1665534)
My wife pointed out to me that Danny Noriega bears a striking resemblance to Jessica Alba.

I'm pretty horrified by this revelation.

Thank her for ruining the rest of my 20's

cartman 02-21-2008 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Glengoyne (Post 1665149)
Is there an over/under on that?

I'm pretty sure Pumpy likes it on top.

Drake 02-21-2008 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Shorty3281 (Post 1665561)
Thank her for ruining the rest of my 20's

She already ruined my 20's, so I suspect she's just going to find that flattering.

Thomkal 02-22-2008 04:32 AM

well Colton was a mild surprise to go home over Chikieze, but otherwise no surprises with the other three. And I can't believe no one's talked about Paula Abdul's return to "glory". :)

MJ4H 02-22-2008 08:06 AM

That was an easier FFWD than the commercials were, honestly.

Eaglesfan27 02-22-2008 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 1665734)
well Colton was a mild surprise to go home over Chikieze, but otherwise no surprises with the other three. And I can't believe no one's talked about Paula Abdul's return to "glory". :)

Yes. No real surprises there.


Originally Posted by MattJones4Heisman (Post 1665814)
That was an easier FFWD than the commercials were, honestly.

That would have been for us, except for some odd reason, my wife wanted to watch it. Afterwards, she wished she hadn't.

Pumpy Tudors 02-22-2008 08:12 AM

I was at least hoping that the Paula Abdul thing would be a different song. I had already heard it once at some point during the Super Bowl pregame a couple of weeks ago. Strangely, it had a completely different video then. Anyway, Paula still has some pretty good dance moves, but why does she sound like a robot during that song? How much did they process her voice? Ghastly.

rkmsuf 02-22-2008 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 1665244)
So he starts the thread. Complains about the show. Keeps watching the show, complains some more. Then threatens to delete the thread.

that's right

I still may delete this mutha.

Ksyrup 02-22-2008 09:13 AM

Good choices to go home. I thought Simon's shot at Colton was unnecessarily harsh, and made the show look bad for putting him in the top 24 to begin with. How can they go through hundreds of auditions, pick a guy, and then have Simon say that he shouldn't keep trying to sing because he has no chance at a career? Then again, my guess is that this was Simon's way of saying "I was right and you were wrong" to Paula and Randy for choosing Colton over that geeky Kyle guy. But I kinda felt bad for Colton that Simon made that kind of comment to him, instead of making a comment about the other two choosing the wrong person. At least it wouldn't have been so direct and harsh. But hey, that's Simon.

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