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cthomer5000 09-29-2005 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by BishopMVP
I'd guess it's a timer that has to be reset every 108 minutes, or else the underground place blows up. So maybe if Jack pushed the button without putting in the numbers that would blow up the place as well?

Yeah, my gut feeling was that either the hatch/underground lair or perhaps that and more blow up if that timer isn't constantly reset.

Also, Desmond has clearly been there a while based on all the scratch marks on the wall that show he's been marking days. It's getting kind of interesting to me now, because I almost get the feeling that although he's been there much longer than the crash survivors, he may not even be among the original group of inhabitants. It's tough to tell at this point.

gottimd 09-29-2005 06:19 AM

Ok, so I saw that the shark is branded from rewatching, but the thing I was wondering is, if animals are branded with this label, doesn't it seem more like it is pointing towards some sort of experimentation island? Although not sure if the polar bear was branded. Maybe he was and we just didnt see it.

Joe Canadian 09-29-2005 07:40 AM

I haven't read any other posts yet, so I'm not sure how much of this has been covered yet.

My first thought was that the hatch is some kind of Cold War bunker... but that idea goes out the window with the countdown and logo on the shark. I'm assuming that the countdown is some sort of self destruct thing so Desmond can't leave (although after re-watching the episode, it's weird Desmond got so destracted with Kate & Locke).... and the branding is also on the food in the hatch, and seems to be some sort of security system. So if it was a bunker, why wouldn't the person ever be allowed to leave?

My mom says the answer to Desmond's question to Locke about the snowman is: Can you smell carrots? Is that some sort of clue, or it it simply the "password" for the hatch people? The hatch was made for two people, and by Desmond's reaction to Locke it doesn't seem like the other person has been there yet.

... However, the protein shakes and ??steroids?? (injection stuff) would explain Ethan's strength. But how did he get out?

A friend of a friend, who watched the show with her Korean friend said that one of the words Jin said when running from the forest was "infected." Take that speculation how you will... but it did seem like those people were a tad crazy in the preview. Are they "the others" the french woman was talking about, or are they infected survivors & not all of them (Michelle Rodriguez) have been infected?

I've heard two explanations for what Walt said in the premiere:
- Don't press th buttons the numbers are bad.
- Press the buttons, no numbers are bad.

Walt's connection with the polar bear continues...

The timeline doesn't fit for Desmond being down there since the 80's, at least I don't think it does. I seem to remember that Jack and his fiance didn't know each other for that long... that puts the accident in the early 90's... but in order for Desmond to be there the whole time he had to been there since at least 1988 (french woman has been there for 16 years). So that brings me to the question of... is that Desmond or a twin? He didn't seem to recognize Jack, and you'd think he'd remember the miracle the performed. And if it is him, and my timeline is correct, how does this fit i with the french woman and her boat?

The magnet answers the questions about the compass in episode one & two, the weird piece of metal swooping down and blowing up the engine in episode one... and the plane crash. At least I think it does.

So there's my random thought so far this season... and does anyone no where I can re-watch the preview for next week?

DanGarion 09-29-2005 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
It wasn't anything I was looking for and I caught it easily on the first watch. Same logo as all the other stuff Desmond had.

Ok I thought I was crazy but I saw that too.

My understanding is all that logo is in real life is a Feng Shui logo.

Joe Canadian 09-29-2005 07:50 AM

Ok, I'm watching last weeks episode around the part Jack scans the painted wall... and it appears that the word "oui" is written on it... does that mean the french woman or her friends were there at one point?

gottimd 09-29-2005 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Canadian

My mom says the answer to Desmond's question to Locke about the snowman is: Can you smell carrots? Is that some sort of clue, or it it simply the "password" for the hatch people? The hatch was made for two people, and by Desmond's reaction to Locke it doesn't seem like the other person has been there yet.

Where did she get that from, is this some known riddle?


... However, the protein shakes and ??steroids?? (injection stuff) would explain Ethan's strength. But how did he get out?
Not so sure Ethan and Desmond have a connection. I think ethan was part of the others that was on the boat. I think the others are infected which may give them some sort of strength.


A friend of a friend, who watched the show with her Korean friend said that one of the words Jin said when running from the forest was "infected." Take that speculation how you will... but it did seem like those people were a tad crazy in the preview. Are they "the others" the french woman was talking about, or are they infected survivors & not all of them (Michelle Rodriguez) have been infected?
Could the word "infected" be lost in translation? Maybe infected as in crazy???? How would he know they are infected, last time I checked jin wasn't a doctor and I don't think he has any knowledge of there being a virus or something on the island.


I've heard two explanations for what Walt said in the premiere:
- Don't press th buttons the numbers are bad.
- Press the buttons, no numbers are bad.
I heard on one of those entertainment news stations, and they played it back, it did sound like he said "Press the buttons...." If that is true I would be inclined to think that the buttons do halt some sort of self destruct mechanism. But that brings up the question as to why walt didn't want them to go down there in the first place?


So there's my random thought so far this season... and does anyone no where I can re-watch the preview for next week?

Try...(inviso text for those who dont want to see)

gottimd 09-29-2005 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by dangarion
Ok I thought I was crazy but I saw that too.

My understanding is all that logo is in real life is a Feng Shui logo.

The logo is called the "Bagua".

Joe Canadian 09-29-2005 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Where did she get that from, is this some known riddle?

Apparently... some of my friends have heard it as well...


Not so sure Ethan and Desmond have a connection. I think ethan was part of the others that was on the boat. I think the others are infected which may give them some sort of strength.

I'm leaning that way to, it was just some speculation.


Could the word "infected" be lost in translation? Maybe infected as in crazy???? How would he know they are infected, last time I checked jin wasn't a doctor and I don't think he has any knowledge of there being a virus or something on the island.

Quite possibly, yes. I heard it, it sounded interesting so I posted it... personally I need more than a translation from a friend of a friend to go on, so I too am on the fence on that one.

gottimd 09-29-2005 09:00 AM

I heard another answer to that riddle is "Freeze"
Hurley told the joke in Season 1, so Hurley can answer that riddle, is he the one Desmond is looking for? Why? I would say he saw him on TV, but then he would know who he is looking for bu appearance.

Raiders Army 09-29-2005 09:03 AM

*shrug* I thought the answer was going to be something like "Raise it up" or whatever he said in the first episode to Jack in the stadium.

You guys are going to think I'm crazy, but just as I thought Season 1's finale sucked balls, this episode was extremely good. The acting on the raft was terrific, especially as dawn broke and Mike was crying. You could tell Sawyer was thinking about his dad and how he would've liked to have a father who cared for him like Mike does for Walt. Again, my expectations were not high for "moving the plot along" so I thought it was a great episode that moved the plot along while standing still in time. It reminded me a bit of Ender's Shadow, which is essentially the same story as Ender's Game but told from a different perspective.

NoMyths 09-29-2005 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
Secondly, I don't think this "new" group is the other half of the plane because they show Michelle Rodriguez' character locked up with Mike in the previews. Why would the other half lock up their own.

Because I think there's some crazy Lord of the Flies shizzle going down on the other side of the island. I've no doubt those are the other survivors, from the tail section.

John Galt 09-29-2005 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by NoMyths
Because I think there's some crazy Lord of the Flies shizzle going down on the other side of the island. I've no doubt those are the other survivors, from the tail section.

I'm not so sure. Who was Ethan then? He wasn't on the manifest at all.

I think there are many groups on the island. There is the group that Ethan was part of that I believe is related to those on the boat (I belive these are "the others"). I think this group my be infected with some plague (that may also empower them in other ways). There are the other survivors which may have run into trouble with "the others." And then there is Desmond and the island security systems (monster, shark, etc.).

But I could be completely wrong.

gottimd 09-29-2005 09:09 AM

So if the numbers play an important role as we all think, the tail section would include just row 42???? Because Jack was in row 23 I think. Unless row 108 survived too, if there was a row 108. But even if there was, what can there be, 3*3 or 9 people per row? Just thinking out loud.

Raiders Army 09-29-2005 09:10 AM

After taking the bullet out and swimming with the shark, I gotta say Sawyer's the fucking man.

NoMyths 09-29-2005 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by John Galt
I'm not so sure. Who was Ethan then? He wasn't on the manifest at all.

I think there are many groups on the island. There is the group that Ethan was part of that I believe is related to those on the boat (I belive these are "the others"). I think this group my be infected with some plague (that may also empower them in other ways). There are the other survivors which may have run into trouble with "the others." And then there is Desmond and the island security systems (monster, shark, etc.).

But I could be completely wrong.

Ethan's name wasn't on the manifest. Every other name was. Including the dead and the missing...who we'll discover on the other side of the island, chasing Piggy. :)

(And yes, perhaps it's because they're infected somehow)

gottimd: No 108 (the last row was 42, I believe), but 108 is the sum of the string of 'lucky' numbers.

NoMyths 09-29-2005 09:14 AM


My sense of trying to figure out what's happening is based a lot on trying to figure out a) what's possible on TV, b) what's likely on TV, and c) what would generate the most conflict. If it were just a mysterious group of hellions, it's not nearly as interesting as if the tailsection cats went savage, esp. considering their future interaction with the midsection folks.

'Course, I could be completely wrong. :)

gottimd 09-29-2005 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by NoMyths
gottimd: No 108 (the last row was 42, I believe), but 108 is the sum of the string of 'lucky' numbers.

I know that about 108, but I was just thinking about if the numbers played a role as in who survived, that if they were truly in the Tail section, row 42 would be the only row there, which at most could be 9-10 people, tops.

Raiders Army 09-29-2005 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by NoMyths

My sense of trying to figure out what's happening is based a lot on trying to figure out a) what's possible on TV, b) what's likely on TV, and c) what would generate the most conflict. If it were just a mysterious group of hellions, it's not nearly as interesting as if the tailsection cats went savage, esp. considering their future interaction with the midsection folks.

'Course, I could be completely wrong. :)

It could also explain what the sickness is. I don't think that it makes you die, but it makes you go hinted by the French Lady.

Honolulu_Blue 09-29-2005 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
The certainly could have made it a 2-hour premier (and probably should have for our sake), but for ratings they're going to want to drag this out over as many weeks as possible. I guess I can't blame them, it's all in the game. Still, I'll admit some weeks can be pretty frustrating. I would rate this episode a C , after rating the season opener an A+.

I guess it all depends with why you watch/enjoy the show, but I have yet to be frustrated by the show for not revealing enough of the mysteries or answering enough questions. If anything, I enjoy how each episode sorta of works to deepen the mystery allowing fans of the show to try and hash out what exactly is going on and how one thing related to another.

I don't think the show has done anything stupid to delay answering questions. It's not like one of the characters suddenly got anmensia for a few hours, or a cougar appeared out of nowhere, or the guy with the answers to the questions was suddenly put upon and killed by a gang of rednecks in downtown Los Angeles. Unlike "24" (from which all the examples above are taken), the writers haven't gone off on any superfluous frolics or detours to extend the show or obfuscate the mysteries. Each scene either further developes the characters, deepens the mysteries, answers some small part of it, or some combination of all three. The plot and story are moving along at their own pace. The characters are great and deep and I enjoy watching their stories unfold on screen and seeing how one thing connects with another.

Take last night's episode for example. I thought the scene from Locke's perspective was great. The clock, the riddle, the "are you him", the interaction between Locke and Kate, Kate crawling through the air ducts (hubba hubba!), all of that. I would much rather see all of the details and the mysteries from each angle and let things deepen, than just sort of a "set 'em up, knock 'em down" approach to questions in the show.

So long as the characters remain believable and true and the quality of the writing, acting, and directing remain top notch (as they have been throughout) I am more than happy to sit back and enjoy the ride.

Raiders Army 09-29-2005 09:24 AM

Hey, is it just me, but when the camera jerks around does it annoy anyone else? I know that since Saving Private Ryan came out directors are doing the "realistic" jerky thing with the camera, but this has annoyed me from the first episode of Season 1.

gottimd 09-29-2005 09:25 AM

HB, well said.

And outstanding use of the word obfuscate.

Raiders Army, I hate that too, but I don't see it as much here as much as NYPD Blue.

Honolulu_Blue 09-29-2005 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
It could also explain what the sickness is. I don't think that it makes you die, but it makes you go hinted by the French Lady.

Exactly. The French lady seemed to imply that the sickness drove her crew mates to go mad and then kill each other or themselves. The sickness would appear to be tied to the whispering voices in the jungle. I could see where that would drive people mad.

It appears as if there have been a number of "disasters" on the island which leave people stranded there (The Black Rock, The French Woman's expedition, etc.). Perhaps the "others" were from some other disaster or some conglomeration of people from various disaster, drove made by the sickness.

I can't wait.

gottimd 09-29-2005 09:30 AM

Could the sickness be a true virus or just the way to describe the fact that they have all gone nuts, and they have attributed it to some sort of virus?

EDIT: I know the hatch said quarantined, so maybe there was a virus that used to live out there but is now gone, just like how desmond was shocked that there was a civilization still out there.

gottimd 09-29-2005 09:33 AM


For those who missed it, here is a preview (not spoiler) of the next episode.


Honolulu_Blue 09-29-2005 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Hey, is it just me, but when the camera jerks around does it annoy anyone else? I know that since Saving Private Ryan came out directors are doing the "realistic" jerky thing with the camera, but this has annoyed me from the first episode of Season 1.

I don't mind it that much. If it's over used, then it certainly can get annoying, but I find it an effective way to convey a sense of confusion or agression. Like any tool for a director, when used right and in moderation it can be very effective, but when over used it can become distracting or cliche.

I thought the final scene last night, with Jin running out and then the shot of the "others" was simply brilliant. Though, I can't remember if there was camera jerkiness in that shot or not.

Raiders Army 09-29-2005 10:01 AM

I tend to get used to it so it isn't as noticable as it was when I first watched the show, but at certain times it's somewhat annoying. *shrug*

cthomer5000 09-29-2005 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
I guess it all depends with why you watch/enjoy the show, but I have yet to be frustrated by the show for not revealing enough of the mysteries or answering enough questions. If anything, I enjoy how each episode sorta of works to deepen the mystery allowing fans of the show to try and hash out what exactly is going on and how one thing related to another.

I don't think the show has done anything stupid to delay answering questions. It's not like one of the characters suddenly got anmensia for a few hours, or a cougar appeared out of nowhere, or the guy with the answers to the questions was suddenly put upon and killed by a gang of rednecks in downtown Los Angeles. Unlike "24" (from which all the examples above are taken), the writers haven't gone off on any superfluous frolics or detours to extend the show or obfuscate the mysteries. Each scene either further developes the characters, deepens the mysteries, answers some small part of it, or some combination of all three. The plot and story are moving along at their own pace. The characters are great and deep and I enjoy watching their stories unfold on screen and seeing how one thing connects with another.

Take last night's episode for example. I thought the scene from Locke's perspective was great. The clock, the riddle, the "are you him", the interaction between Locke and Kate, Kate crawling through the air ducts (hubba hubba!), all of that. I would much rather see all of the details and the mysteries from each angle and let things deepen, than just sort of a "set 'em up, knock 'em down" approach to questions in the show.

So long as the characters remain believable and true and the quality of the writing, acting, and directing remain top notch (as they have been throughout) I am more than happy to sit back and enjoy the ride.

I'm a gigantic fan of the show, don't get me wrong. I just personally find Michael to be the least interesting character on the show, and I've been generally bored with all his episodes. We should be safe from another one for a while, which is good.

Honolulu_Blue 09-29-2005 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
I'm a gigantic fan of the show, don't get me wrong. I just personally find Michael to be the least interesting character on the show, and I've been generally bored with all his episodes. We should be safe from another one for a while, which is good.

I couldn't agree more. I find Michael uninteresting, boring, and, to be frank, a giant asshole. He was a prick to Jin. He was a prick to Sawyer. Walt is cool, but his dad's a dweeb.

Cringer 09-29-2005 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
I couldn't agree more. I find Michael uninteresting, boring, and, to be frank, a giant asshole. He was a prick to Jin. He was a prick to Sawyer. Walt is cool, but his dad's a dweeb.

I think his back story shows why he is that way though, at least partially. I understand why you don't like him, but I guess not everyone can be likeable. And Michael is not the only one to be a prick to Sawyer. :)

Honolulu_Blue 09-29-2005 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Cringer
I think his back story shows why he is that way though, at least partially. I understand why you don't like him, but I guess not everyone can be likeable. And Michael is not the only one to be a prick to Sawyer. :)

This is very true. Sawyer is everyone's whipping dog. Well, he did put some of it on himself, as he often acted the ass. But he's such a good guy, he just likes to pretend he's not.

Michael's wife was a bitch too. I found her very unpleasant, especially since it appeared she hid all of the letters Michael had been sending to Walt. Shameful.

Raiders Army 09-29-2005 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
I couldn't agree more. I find Michael uninteresting, boring, and, to be frank, a giant asshole. He was a prick to Jin. He was a prick to Sawyer. Walt is cool, but his dad's a dweeb.

Frankly, this is why (can't remember) is a good actor. I thought the same thing when I watched professional wrestling before it became the tongue-in-cheek mockery it is today. Those wrestler that you hated were actually some of the best performers because they caused you a strong emotion. Same with the guy who plays Mike. He plays it so well and personally I agree with Cringer. He's a three-dimensional character who has his reasons for being the way he is. That to me, is good.

Yossarian 09-29-2005 11:31 AM

Quote: hinted by the French Lady.

Those Minbari... always talking in riddles.

Cringer 09-29-2005 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
Michael's wife was a bitch too. I found her very unpleasant, especially since it appeared she hid all of the letters Michael had been sending to Walt. Shameful.

Yes, his wife was a major bitch to me. All the talk about how he should let go of Walt because it is what is good for him, and what is good for him is all that matters, not them. This is true, but she clearly didn't think this way because she wanted the better job, the higher salary, and everything that came with it.

This is one reason I do not have a problem with Michael. He has his reason's for acting the way he does with his son and other people.

cthomer5000 09-29-2005 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Frankly, this is why (can't remember) is a good actor. I thought the same thing when I watched professional wrestling before it became the tongue-in-cheek mockery it is today. Those wrestler that you hated were actually some of the best performers because they caused you a strong emotion. Same with the guy who plays Mike. He plays it so well and personally I agree with Cringer. He's a three-dimensional character who has his reasons for being the way he is. That to me, is good.

I disagree. The character is completely two dimensional ("I'm angry! arrghhh!") and I think he is by far the worst actor of the major cast members.

Joe Canadian 09-29-2005 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Cringer
Yes, his wife was a major bitch to me. All the talk about how he should let go of Walt because it is what is good for him, and what is good for him is all that matters, not them. This is true, but she clearly didn't think this way because she wanted the better job, the higher salary, and everything that came with it.

I disagree with your take on the wife's objective... but regarding that situation last night. When you usually have custody battles on TV, there's usually that "private" talk without the lawyers they had on Lost... but usually there's some sort of comprimise. Michael was dead set against what she was trying to do... then he just gave in and gave her everything she wanted? There was no common ground reached... he just let Walt go.

IMO, the way they set Michael's character up, he would never do that.

rexallllsc 09-29-2005 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue

I don't think the show has done anything stupid to delay answering questions.

I think they are...after all - the scene w/ Desmond ended in the same place it did last week. The only difference is now we know Kate is in the room, and that there is some countdown than Desmond has been manipulating for a while.

But anyways, yeah - we ended at the same place as before!

Honolulu_Blue 09-29-2005 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by rexallllsc
I think they are...after all - the scene w/ Desmond ended in the same place it did last week. The only difference is now we know Kate is in the room, and that there is some countdown than Desmond has been manipulating for a while.

But anyways, yeah - we ended at the same place as before!

But seeing what happened in the shaft from Locke's perspective was excellent. We know a lot more than that. The clock, Kate in the airduct, the seal that's all over the place (including the shark), the riddle, and the whole "are you him?" question. Then you have the cool seen where Locke slips Kate the knife and all that. I didn't find any of those scenes superfluous, dragging, or annoying in any way.

Subby 09-29-2005 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
I disagree. The character is completely two dimensional ("I'm angry! arrghhh!") and I think he is by far the worst actor of the major cast members.

Heh. And I think he is one of the best. :)

He does a good job of conveying lameness, anger, frustration, impotence, imcompetence and bewilderment all at once. He drives me up the wall while making me empathize with him at the same time...

VPI97 09-29-2005 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Subby
Heh. And I think he is one of the best. :)

Me too. But then again, I've really liked the guy's acting ever since he was on Oz.

jamesUMD 09-29-2005 05:27 PM

Arts, Artis, or whatever his anem was, was the only awful actor I have seen. I love the show and while this episode was slower, I liked it.

I think of it as a marthon, not a sprint, but it does seem that today's society is really into that instant gratification. I think had this been the 6-8th episode of the season, there would not be as much argument over it. I think after a full offseason, people just have not gotten enough of their fix, so they are on a binge so to speak.

I 2nd that I think that there are multiple groups on the island, and the ones that got Jin are from their flight but have been infected. Desmond did ask how many of them were infected. I also think that Desmond was not alone either and some of his team were also infected (large stores of food, bunk beds, etc, etc.

timmynausea 09-29-2005 05:33 PM

I liked him in Oz, but I'd have to say he comes off as probably the worst character in Lost whether it's due to acting or writing.

Raiders Army 09-29-2005 06:00 PM

Again, your dislike of him means he is doing a good job acting. :)

cthomer5000 09-29-2005 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Again, your dislike of him means he is doing a good job acting. :)

No, it doesn't. I can tell the difference between someone acting so convincngly that I hate them (Philip Seymour Hoffman in The Talented Mr. Ripley, for example) and hating a character because of a combination of bad writing and bad acting. Michael's character is the latter for me.

Again, I'm not complaining about the pace of the show. I'm one of the show's biggest fans, and think it is by far the best drama i have ever seen on network TV. I'm just not into Michael's character or backstory... I think it's easily the weakest of everyone's on the entire show. So for me he makes it a C quality episode, while most others are in the B-A range.

Looking forward to next week.

Samdari 09-29-2005 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
I disagree. The character is completely two dimensional ("I'm angry! arrghhh!") and I think he is by far the worst actor of the major cast members.

Really? He's a professional actor and Evangeline is a professional pretty face. Or hadn't you noticed her acting skills yet?

cthomer5000 09-29-2005 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Samdari
Really? He's a professional actor and Evangeline is a professional pretty face. Or hadn't you noticed her acting skills yet?

She sucks as well, but the character is quite low-key by comparsion. They're playing to her strengths.

kingfc22 09-29-2005 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Wouldn't that be Kate, since she was the first to go down the shaft but something came up?

Very nice catch. I did not hear her in episode 1, but in episode 2 you know she was yelling for Jack before the music stopped. This is the kind of stuff that I love about Lost.


Originally Posted by rexallllsc
It also seemed to me that the opening scene was daylight shinign through to the bunker, and then there was the explosion...but it was nighttime up above, no? Hmmm. Unless the explosion was a different incident entirely.

This was also cleared up last night when Locke noticed that the sunlight was all artificially done.

rexallllsc 09-29-2005 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue
But seeing what happened in the shaft from Locke's perspective was excellent. We know a lot more than that. The clock, Kate in the airduct, the seal that's all over the place (including the shark), the riddle, and the whole "are you him?" question. Then you have the cool seen where Locke slips Kate the knife and all that. I didn't find any of those scenes superfluous, dragging, or annoying in any way.

I enjoy them too - I just think it's annoying because all they're doing is telling the story out of order...

sovereignstar 09-29-2005 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by panerd
Ah... Tivo. Anyone else with Tivo rewind and watch Kate's cleavage in the AC Vent in slo mo. Or am I just too much of a pervert?

You are not a pervert*

*cleavage ensues.. view at your own discretion

gottimd 09-30-2005 10:20 AM

So in the previews next week, it showed them being assaulted by some other people. Not sure if this was discussed yet, but do you think its possible, if you a firm believer that those maybe "The Others", that they are in fact the tail section suvivors who believe Michael, Jin and Sawyer are "The Others" and vice versa?

DanGarion 09-30-2005 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
So in the previews next week, it showed them being assaulted by some other people. Not sure if this was discussed yet, but do you think its possible, if you a firm believer that those maybe "The Others", that they are in fact the tail section suvivors who believe Michael, Jin and Sawyer are "The Others" and vice versa?

I just don't think it will be them because the French lady knew of the others for a long time before they crashed on the island.

Ksyrup 09-30-2005 10:41 AM

I'm not reading this thread at all, but if the title was changed to keep that damn song out of our heads, then I applaud you.

Glengoyne 09-30-2005 10:59 AM

I'm in the camp that feels the Michael character/actor is THE weak link among the key roles in the series. I can't relate to him, and I don't think his background scenes are all that well put together unless they include Walt. I feel the writing and character development are probably more to blame than his acting, because I have liked him previously. It has reached the point that when they flash-back Michael, I don't care. I watch, but I don't care unless Walt is there.

In fact the people/person in this thread who talked about his acting on the raft brings up a good example. I just thought he was more annoying in ways that I don't relate to at all. Maybe I'm too obtuse to follow his character.

gottimd 09-30-2005 11:12 AM

Who are you calling obtuse?

timmynausea 09-30-2005 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Glengoyne
I'm in the camp that feels the Michael character/actor is THE weak link among the key roles in the series. I can't relate to him, and I don't think his background scenes are all that well put together unless they include Walt. I feel the writing and character development are probably more to blame than his acting, because I have liked him previously. It has reached the point that when they flash-back Michael, I don't care. I watch, but I don't care unless Walt is there.

In fact the people/person in this thread who talked about his acting on the raft brings up a good example. I just thought he was more annoying in ways that I don't relate to at all. Maybe I'm too obtuse to follow his character.

I agree with this, and think that he may be the next to go because he doesn't bring anything to the show. It'd be a big deal for him to die, though, still, because of Walt.

Samdari 09-30-2005 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
She sucks as well, but the character is quite low-key by comparsion. They're playing to her strengths.

Sitting there looking pretty? You have a point.

judicial clerk 09-30-2005 07:15 PM

I thouht it was interesting that Terry Tate is on the island.

Samdari 09-30-2005 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup
I'm not reading this thread at all, but if the title was changed to keep that damn song out of our heads, then I applaud you.

Change it back! Change it back! Change it back!

Yellow5 10-02-2005 12:50 PM

Complete Visual Analysis of Hatch Interior (+ Maps!)


Lots of screen caps and spoilers from the last episode. This guy actually mapped the hatch complex and appears to have far too much time on his hands.

Poli 10-02-2005 12:58 PM


NoMyths 10-02-2005 01:22 PM

And for our British friends: here's the trailer they're using to promote Lost. It's also incredibly cool.

Poli 10-05-2005 08:56 PM

Err, did Desmond just say he wasn't married to broken back girl anymore?

timmynausea 10-05-2005 09:01 PM

Holy shit!

cthomer5000 10-05-2005 09:01 PM

This show is so frustratingly good. :D

moriarty 10-05-2005 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
Err, did Desmond just say he wasn't married to broken back girl anymore?

He said Jack wasn't still married to her, and Jack confirmed.

Thought it was a bit of a lame ending w/ Jack making "the decision".

But very interesting preview for next week involving Jin.

Easy Mac 10-05-2005 09:03 PM

now that was a great episode.

cthomer5000 10-05-2005 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by moriarty
But very interesting preview for next week involving Jin.

interesting is an understatement. damn previews!

NoMyths 10-05-2005 09:06 PM

Knew those cats were other survivors of the crash. :D

VPI97 10-05-2005 09:06 PM

This episode kicked ass.

I came twice.

Poli 10-05-2005 09:16 PM

And, ehm, how does Desmond plan to leave the island?

Celeval 10-05-2005 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by moriarty
Thought it was a bit of a lame ending w/ Jack making "the decision".

The open question is, did he do it in time. The clock went to 0.

BishopMVP 10-05-2005 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
And, ehm, how does Desmond plan to leave the island?

He was sailing around the world (Vendee Globe would be my guess.) His boat still has to be there somewhere... he'd probably have a much better chance of sailing away from there than Michael/Jin/Sawyer.

Also, I've been wondering since the first show approximately how big the island is. I think it only had that one mountain, so it can't be that big for all the different groups running around and never meeting up. We know that Sayid/Charlie could get across the island to the smoke in a few hours tops when "The Others" were coming, and we know Michelle Rodriguez was on the plane, so why didn't she/possibly the rest of the people she is with come towards the huge bonfire that was the plane for the first couple days?

And what exactly did Jin say again during the preview?

panerd 10-05-2005 09:25 PM

Calling all students of religion. Is there a famous Bible verse 10:8 about faith? (I will be doing an internet search but don't know where that will lead) I get the feeling we are headed to a science vs. faith showdown between Locke and Jack and maybe 108 on the clock is a hidden Bible reference. (I made this up on my own. So either I am really intuitive or really reading way to into this. Like the guy with the virtual hatch website)

panerd 10-05-2005 09:32 PM

Result of search: Romans 10:8 has something to do with taking a leap of faith. But my guess is about 50% of the Bible deals with that same subject.

cthomer5000 10-05-2005 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by BishopMVP
And what exactly did Jin say again during the preview?

Something to the effect of "everything is going to change now" i think.

John Galt 10-05-2005 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by NoMyths
Knew those cats were other survivors of the crash. :D

You were (I was wrong on that one). I still believe there are other "others." Otherwise, Ethan is a mystery and you have to discount the French Lady entirely (which you can do, but I think some of her story has got to be true).

Bearcat729 10-05-2005 09:45 PM

Have fun

Bearcat729 10-05-2005 09:48 PM


Although this doesn't seem to do much

BishopMVP 10-05-2005 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by John Galt
I still believe there are other "others." Otherwise, Ethan is a mystery and you have to discount the French Lady entirely (which you can do, but I think some of her story has got to be true).

There's no way crash survivors could have built the boat that took Walt.

cody8200 10-05-2005 10:04 PM

Jin can now speak english apparently saying,. "theres a lot of changes around here" or something to that effect. WTF man, he hasnt been able to speak english this wehole entire time. Damn he kept that charade up forever.

kingfc22 10-06-2005 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by timmynausea
Holy shit!

Holy Shit Indeed!!

Damn that was a freaking good episode. Jin speaks english clearly now?

I think Jin is going to go to the "dark side", just a hunch. Somebody has to switch sides, right?

The "others" are from the back of the plane? But, then how does Rosseau know about them?

kingfc22 10-06-2005 01:21 AM

And did the film say this was station 3 of the whole program, or just station 3 of the island? Going to have to watch this episode again.

Woot! Favorite show on TV. :D

Schmidty 10-06-2005 04:08 AM

I hope they kill off Jack. That dude is annoying as hell.

sovereignstar 10-06-2005 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by Schmidty
I hope they kill off Jack. That dude is annoying as hell.

Now now, have some faith in him.

timmynausea 10-06-2005 04:18 AM

Everyone probably already knows this but originally Jack was supposed to die in the pilot. That would've been pretty sweet.

gottimd 10-06-2005 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by John Galt
You were (I was wrong on that one). I still believe there are other "others." Otherwise, Ethan is a mystery and you have to discount the French Lady entirely (which you can do, but I think some of her story has got to be true).

If you look closely in the promo and in the beginning of this episode when they see the four presumably others (the four people standing on the rock when Jin, Michael, Sawyer come ashore), the guy on the far left is wearing relatively modern clothes and the fourth person on the back right was Michelle Rodriguezs character. (Picture is here: hxxp://

Still confused as to how Jin all of the sudden knows perfect english or why he was hiding or pretending not to know it. Obviously they did a background story on why his wife did. Maybe he is repeating what someone said to him?

Raiders Army 10-06-2005 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
Holy Shit Indeed!!

Damn that was a freaking good episode. Jin speaks english clearly now?

I think Jin is going to go to the "dark side", just a hunch. Somebody has to switch sides, right?

The "others" are from the back of the plane? But, then how does Rosseau know about them?

I agree that Jin will get "infected" and go to the dark side. I also think that the ones who captured Sawyer, Mike and Jin aren't the others.

That means there were these groups on the island:

1. Jack's group from the front of the plane

2. Girlfight's group from the back of the plane

3. Rousseau's others (who were ones who took Walt...remember they wanted the child)

4. Rousseau

5. The hatch people

6. Possibly another group that could've been with the pilot

gottimd 10-06-2005 06:16 AM

The one that Desmond spoke of, named Kelvin, his old partner, do you think that could possibly be he Hurley befriended in the Psych ward? Does Desmond believe Kelvin is dead because he ventured outside of the hatch and never returned?

timmynausea 10-06-2005 06:28 AM

The guy from the psych ward was named Leonard Sims, but there was more to it. I don't really remember that well.

Honolulu_Blue 10-06-2005 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Schmidty
I hope they kill off Jack. That dude is annoying as hell.

He has been acting like an ass.

gottimd 10-06-2005 06:38 AM

Jin speaking english was probably a dream sequence. Why wouldn't he have used it before? Why not speak to his wife in english when she spoke in english? Why was he so clean (like just showered up) when they showed him saying that in the previews?

timmynausea 10-06-2005 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
The one that Desmond spoke of, named Kelvin, his old partner, do you think that could possibly be he Hurley befriended in the Psych ward? Does Desmond believe Kelvin is dead because he ventured outside of the hatch and never returned?

Ok, I looked it up. This is all from Hurley's episode last year, 1.18. The guy from the psych ward was Leonard Sims, and he told Hurley that he heard the numbers from Sam Toomey in Australia. So Hurley heads to Australia, but finds out that Toomey is dead.
I think you're probably right that there must have been some connection between Toomey and Calvin or Kelvin or whatever, though.

moriarty 10-06-2005 07:48 AM

All right, so what's the odds that the Dharma project is funded by Locke's father? The mysterious guy that we only could hazily see through the office window???

QuikSand 10-06-2005 07:50 AM

I'm so lame - I can't even read this thread because all three episodes are sitting on my Tivo, still unwatched. Maybe this weekend.

damned poker, screwing up all my dumb old habits...

moriarty 10-06-2005 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by QuikSand
I'm so lame - I can't even read this thread because all three episodes are sitting on my Tivo, still unwatched. Maybe this weekend.

damned poker, screwing up all my dumb old habits...

Dude, you have to catch up to at least last night's episode. All of a sudden things started moving in fast forward ....

timmynausea 10-06-2005 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by moriarty
All right, so what's the odds that the Dharma project is funded by Locke's father? The mysterious guy that we only could hazily see through the office window???

I considered that as well. It was hard to tell, though.

gottimd 10-06-2005 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by timmynausea
I considered that as well. It was hard to tell, though.

Possible, yes, likely, no.

G-Man 10-06-2005 09:06 AM

Romans 10:8.....
"But what does it say? "The Word is near your mouth and in your heart";that is, the Word of Faith which we proclaim;"

This is from the Modern King James Version.

I hope that whoever had this idea about the scientific vs the spiritual (what some call "religious") does indeed refer to this verse because then maybe that would lead to verse 10:9 "Because if you confess the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." Now that's powerful good stuff:)

judicial clerk 10-06-2005 09:23 AM

Is it just me o have they moved the story forward more in the last three episodes then they did all last season?

Also, in every scene with young Locke, I keep waiting for some catastrophic event that paralyzes him.

gottimd 10-06-2005 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by judicial clerk
Is it just me o have they moved the story forward more in the last three episodes then they did all last season?

Also, in every scene with young Locke, I keep waiting for some catastrophic event that paralyzes him.

Yes, but that is because the first season, we as the viewers were being introduced to the island, now we are beginning to learn its secrets. The only thing I hope they do not do is reveal too much too fast where the mystery portion of the show is eliminated and it becomes just another sci-fi series or something like that. Just reveal as much to keep you reeled in and wondering and talking about it.

judicial clerk 10-06-2005 09:37 AM


Yes, but that is because the first season, we as the viewers were being introduced to the island, now we are beginning to learn its secrets. The only thing I hope they do not do is reveal too much too fast where the mystery portion of the show is eliminated and it becomes just another sci-fi series or something like that. Just reveal as much to keep you reeled in and wondering and talking about it.
my thoughts as well.

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