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illinifan999 02-22-2010 11:57 AM

I'd rather be lucky and win than be good and lose.

MikeVic 02-22-2010 12:02 PM

I give credit to the U.S. for playing their game last night, they had a better plan and working better together. I think Canadians are just upset that we played aggressive, were attacking a lot, and yet still lost 5-3. It just feels like we shouldn't have lost.

I'll bring up the Juniors finals again, in that the U.S. played a great defensive game.

sterlingice 02-22-2010 12:08 PM

Martin is just good for Canada


Butter 02-22-2010 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by FrogMan (Post 2228669)
Did a search for a few keywords in this thread but could not find anything about it.

Slovenian cross country skier Petra Majdic fell into a ditch, more like a 10 foot high ravine, while warming up for her cross country sprint qualifying race last Wednesday. She was helped up and was in pain, what nobody knew is how much pain she was into.


Winning a medal in CC with a collapsed lung is a top 5 all time play through pain moment, PERIOD. Hats off to her. I heard about it as well and am just amazed.

Fidatelo 02-22-2010 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by MikeVic (Post 2228685)
I give credit to the U.S. for playing their game last night, they had a better plan and working better together. I think Canadians are just upset that we played aggressive, were attacking a lot, and yet still lost 5-3. It just feels like we shouldn't have lost.

I'll bring up the Juniors finals again, in that the U.S. played a great defensive game.

I agree completely. Canada was weak in a couple key areas last night: in net and on defence (specifically the old guys). The US were young and hungry, and played to their strengths. The US earned that victory, and Canada (and many Canadians) need to get their heads out of their asses that skill = victory.

It's kind of funny, it's almost like we are the soviets of the 70's and 80's now. What happened to just getting shit done and the end result being all that mattered?

DaddyTorgo 02-22-2010 12:38 PM

yay for classy canadians

RedKingGold 02-22-2010 12:59 PM

You stay classy Canada.

sterlingice 02-22-2010 01:03 PM

This hit is probably the game for the US.


sterlingice 02-22-2010 01:03 PM

Dang- just couldn't get them both :(


Mizzou B-ball fan 02-22-2010 01:04 PM

I forgot to mention this. While watching the game last night, I jumped up after a U.S.A. goal in excitement. My 3 year old daughter started clapping along with me. She heard the chant of "U.S.A!" on the TV and started chanting "U.S.A! U.S.A.!"

I admit it. I was a very proud papa. You don't forget moments like that.

johnnyshaka 02-22-2010 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Sak (Post 2228675)
They did have a lot of the play in the American's end for long periods of time but you are a being bit contradictory in your statements. The American's played to their strengths, they know they can't match line for line with the talent the Canadians have so they did what they had to do and yes they were the better team, the scoreboard showed it at the end.

Up two goals late in the third, really what did you expect the Americans to do but hunker down and try and block everything? They weren't going to take any chances.

I'm not only talking about the last 10 minutes of the game...the US was hemmed in their own end for much of the game...again, watch the game again if you like...I'm not being a "homer"...that's just stating the obvious.


We (Americans) all knew that we would have to ride Ryan Miller to the gold. How is that any different than what New Jersey did with Brodeur for their cup runs? They didn't have my offense, so were they not the better teams all those years they won the cups just because they had the better goalie?

Comparing Team USA to the turn of the century Devils is rather silly. The Devils had barely any offense and a bunch of muckers who knew how to clog the neutral zone...Team USA is definitely a better team than that. Where the Devils excelled was in minimizing chances in their own end and while Brodeur was asked to do a lot...making 45 saves every night was not one of them.

If Team USA was emulating the Devils last night...they failed miserably. They didn't limit the scoring chances whatsoever played the majority of the game in their own end. Ask any Devil's fan if that game last night looked eerily familiar and I think they would say no.

On the other hand, ask any Oiler fan, and I think you would see a lot of nodding heads. :(


Pronger and Nidermeyer looked their age last night, and Brodeur did not have a good game at all. The US has done a better job than Canada (as of this moment) putting the right line combos together. They have two above average scoring lines and two checking lines. Guys have defined roles on the team, unlike Canada who IMO believe that they are just going to roll over teams with their superstars. Russia found that not to be true against Slovkia.

At the beginning of the Olympics most thought that the Shark line combo and having two Blackhawks that play together were going to be a huge plus for the Canadians, but Joe Thornton is treating the Olympics like he does the playoffs every year and has become MIA out there.

I agree that the old guys on defense have looked out of place and Brodeur didn't play well at all but the Sharks line has been one of the best lines in the tournament...including Big Joe. While he isn't flashy, he's the catalyst for that line and both Heatley and Marleau have looked good because of him.


I'm sorry but I'm sick of hearing on sports shows etc about Canada being the better team, no they weren't. I heard after their close call against the Swiss that America better watch out because that game woke up Team Canada.

With all due respect Canada didn't win the game therefore they weren't the better team, in that game. That doesn't mean that if these two teams meet again in the Gold Medal game that Canada won't win, but I am just getting tired of it seeming as if the American's lucked their way into that victory last night.

Ask any player/coach/hockey guy, the objective heading out onto the ice is to out-chance the opposition...if you do that then you have a very good chance to win. The Canadians did that in spades last night...and against the it it whatever you want...Canada out-chanced and out-played both of their opponents in their last two games.

And if you keep hearing that it was a "lucky" win, then don't you think there just might be a little hint of truth in there?

Samdari 02-22-2010 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by johnnyshaka (Post 2228722)
And if you keep hearing that it was a "lucky" win, then don't you think there just might be a little hint of truth in there?

I hear defensiveness and denial on the part of Canadians who will (justifiably) think there is no reason for them to exist unless they are univerally regarded as Earth's best hockey nation.

But if you want to call that truth, and it makes you happy, feel free.

Dr. Sak 02-22-2010 01:13 PM

In the end you didn't win the game therefore you weren't the better team. You can explain how Canada controlled the play until you are blue in the face but they still lost. That is the only score that matters. Swallow your pride for a second and give credit where it is due, heck Fidatelo and MikeVic don't have a problem with it.

We can just agree to disagree on this matter and maybe this Sunday there will be a rematch.

Honolulu_Blue 02-22-2010 01:19 PM

I dunno.

I'm an American and I thought Canada was the better team overall last night. They out shot and out chanced the US 2-to-1. Over all, I thought the US played pretty sound defensively. They had trouble getting the puck out of their zone on multiple occassions, but, save for a few breakdowns, managed to keep most shots on the outside. Other than some defensive efforts, no US forward really stood out.

Going into the tournament, I thought Canada's strength would be its defense, but they have looked a bit disoganized at times and Brodeur didn't seem to trust them.

I have watched enough hockey to know that the team that wins the game wasn't always the best team on the ice. There is no single player in any sport really that can change the entire outcome of a game like a hot goaltender. Miller was very good last night and was the difference. I don't think he's the only player on the US squad that deserves credit, but he was the key factor.

johnnyshaka 02-22-2010 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Samdari (Post 2228727)
I hear defensiveness and denial on the part of Canadians who will (justifiably) think there is no reason for them to exist unless they are univerally regarded as Earth's best hockey nation.

But if you want to call that truth, and it makes you happy, feel free.

If Canada was outplayed last night, then I'd gladly tip my hat to the better team...but IMO, that wasn't the case.

Travis 02-22-2010 01:21 PM

Sweet mercy guys, it wasn't even an elimination game. How about we save the accolades for the team that actually finishes the highest at the tournament? Declaring either the "better team" based on one game is premature at best, especially when, while important, it was still in the seeding portion of the tourney.

And I'm not saying that to defend Canada or anything of that nature. I didn't even get to see the game (had one of my own to be at). But trying to use one game as a be all end all in judging the quality of a team, well, that's a pretty damn small sample size to base that claim on.

That said, the US certainly have a head start in that race due to their win and the subsequent seeding they achieved. Would be very interesting to see a rematch though if Canada works their way into one.

Fidatelo 02-22-2010 01:22 PM

This article is hilarious: No first-place finish, COC admits

My favorite is this part:


He added that COC officials did not anticipate the strong showing by other countries such the United States, China and South Korea.

Really COC? You didn't think China and the US would have a strong showing? Really? Holy shit...

johnnyshaka 02-22-2010 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Sak (Post 2228728)
In the end you didn't win the game therefore you weren't the better team. You can explain how Canada controlled the play until you are blue in the face but they still lost. That is the only score that matters. Swallow your pride for a second and give credit where it is due, heck Fidatelo and MikeVic don't have a problem with it.

We can just agree to disagree on this matter and maybe this Sunday there will be a rematch.

I'm Canadian, I checked my pride at the door with my shoes and can I get you a beer? :)

Dr. Sak 02-22-2010 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by johnnyshaka (Post 2228735)
I'm Canadian, I checked my pride at the door with my shoes and can I get you a beer? :)

The bar I was at had $0.86 Molson drafts all night!

DeToxRox 02-22-2010 01:27 PM

Did Canada outplay the US last night for long stretches? Absolutely. That said, we all know shots do not mean much in hockey, it all comes down to scoring chances and the US had as many scoring chances in Canada.

Canada's D is just not good and being exposed. I thought they'd be good coming in but Neidermayer cannot compete on the National level, especially logging as much time as he did. Pronger looked out of place last night, and even the Chicago duo was very meh.

Outside of Crosby and Nash Canada just doesn't look that good right now.

Now you can say the US was lucky, but having the best goalie in the world is not luck.

No one will dispute that if Miller was in net for Canada right now Canada would likely be 3-0 and steamrolling to the Gold. It isn't like I am putting down any of the Canadian goalies, but Miller this season is on a different planet and that is what it all boils down to.

whomario 02-22-2010 01:31 PM

US beats Canada again, this time in the ski jump team competition ! Well, finishing 11th and 12th (out of 12th) propably takes the importance down a bit :D
Austria dominating, Germany on course for a silver medal with 3 jumpers to go :)

In the singles Ammann won both competitions, did the same 8 years ago in Salt Lake, first to win 4 gold in singles competitions and doing it 8 years apart is pretty amazing.
One of my all time favourites in Janne Ahonen was jumping injured and didnīt get the medal he so badly wanted :(

Canadaīs coach kinda told the story of how important/developed the sport is, sporting not a team jacket but a hockey jersey :D

sterlingice 02-22-2010 01:32 PM

Kindof reminding me of the year when Hasek pretty much stole the Olympics show for the Czech Republic. Let's see if Miller can keep this up.

On the other sheet of ice, Canada just finished pummeling the US in curling. That Canadian team is just something else.


DeToxRox 02-22-2010 01:33 PM

Dola, I should add I think Canada can still win and are obviously the better team talent wise. That said their D is going to be an anchor for them unless the younger guys see a ton more time and Neidermayer and Pronger start seeing more bench.

I do think as far as overall team play goes, the Swedes are the best. Henrik is playing well, their D is stellar and they have three lines that can do significant damage.

I still don't know if the US is a Gold medal team based on the fact it'll take Miller continuing to play at an insanely high level, compounded even more by the fact the team D still gives up way too many odd many rushes from being overly aggressive. They can lose to the Fins and Czech if they don't clean things up because their margin for error is razor thin if Miller isn't disguising himself as Superman even one period from here on out.

Carman Bulldog 02-22-2010 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Sak (Post 2228728)
In the end you didn't win the game therefore you weren't the better team. You can explain how Canada controlled the play until you are blue in the face but they still lost. That is the only score that matters. Swallow your pride for a second and give credit where it is due, heck Fidatelo and MikeVic don't have a problem with it.

We can just agree to disagree on this matter and maybe this Sunday there will be a rematch.

By this logic, the Tampa Bay Bucs are a better football team than the New Orleans Saints, seeing as how the Bucs beat the Saints in the last meeting between the two teams.

Dr. Sak 02-22-2010 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Carman Bulldog (Post 2228748)
By this logic, the Tampa Bay Bucs are a better football team than the New Orleans Saints, seeing as how the Bucs beat the Saints in the last meeting between the two teams.

So we should just stop keeping score and vote on which team was the better team. Would that make you feel better?

Oh wait we already have that and people complain :)

GoldenEagle 02-22-2010 01:49 PM

Canada sucks.

MikeVic 02-22-2010 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by GoldenEagle (Post 2228753)
Canada sucks.

You're so fucking original, kudos you awesome champion you.

GoldenEagle 02-22-2010 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by MikeVic (Post 2228757)
You're so fucking original, kudos you awesome champion you.

Ha. I was waiting for the first reaction. :)

sterlingice 02-22-2010 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by MikeVic (Post 2228757)
You're so fucking original, kudos you awesome champion you.

And to think, yesterday someone said they didn't care because it was just a prelim game and doesn't really have any meaning ;)


Galaxy 02-22-2010 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by DeToxRox (Post 2228743)
I do think as far as overall team play goes, the Swedes are the best. Henrik is playing well, their D is stellar and they have three lines that can do significant damage.

I still don't know if the US is a Gold medal team based on the fact it'll take Miller continuing to play at an insanely high level, compounded even more by the fact the team D still gives up way too many odd many rushes from being overly aggressive. They can lose to the Fins and Czech if they don't clean things up because their margin for error is razor thin if Miller isn't disguising himself as Superman even one period from here on out.

I agree with you on the Swedes. I think they have a great balance of scoring, grit, and role players. I think that maybe one of the problems with Canada and Russia is they don't quite have the balance. Too many scoring egos.

I think the U.S. play a lot better last night in terms of not making mistakes and physical play.

Lathum 02-22-2010 03:29 PM

Just announced it on the womens game, Luongo gets the start tomorrow

bhlloy 02-22-2010 03:45 PM

Nice to see everyone is seeing what CR and I have been suffering through this season. Niedermayer just isn't the same player as he has been in the past and I'm willing to bet he's made more mistakes with the puck in 2/3 of a season than he has his entire career. He's clearly cost the Ducks a couple of games this year with horrendous turnovers or just allowing his man to skate right past him. He's going to get really badly exposed against Russia if they keep throwing him out there against the top line.

I don't think Canada has many better options though TBH. Other than maybe Weber I've been very underwhelmed with the play of the entire Canadian blue line. I don't think Doughty, Keith or Seabrook have been great to this point. Canada is in a bad spot on D where the vets are getting past it a bit and the young guys are in their first big tournament and it shows.

As a side note I've always wondered just how great Brodeur would have been if he could eliminate the need to try and make plays with any puck that comes remotely close to the net. I know it's his "thing" and it's probably a part of his game that is largely positive and cuts down somewhat on the chances the other team gets, but damn whenever I see him struggle it's usually because he's given up a couple of soft ones trying to make plays with the puck. I can't help thinking if he was just content to be a goalie he'd have even more eye popping stats.

gstelmack 02-22-2010 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by johnnyshaka (Post 2228663)
Miller and the "collapse to the net and block as many shots as possible" gameplan won that game for you...not being the better team.

Heck, the Hurricanes made it to a couple of Stanley Cups on that strategy. What is not legitimate about it? I agree that much of the ice time was in the US end and Canada's offense controlled the flow, but the gameplan worked well for denying them goals, did it not?

Lathum 02-22-2010 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by bhlloy (Post 2228816)

As a side note I've always wondered just how great Brodeur would have been if he could eliminate the need to try and make plays with any puck that comes remotely close to the net. I know it's his "thing" and it's probably a part of his game that is largely positive and cuts down somewhat on the chances the other team gets, but damn whenever I see him struggle it's usually because he's given up a couple of soft ones trying to make plays with the puck. I can't help thinking if he was just content to be a goalie he'd have even more eye popping stats.

I don't think so. He is essentially a 3rd defenseman at times and has probably saved more goals than cost himself.

BishopMVP 02-22-2010 04:07 PM

Am I the only one that doesn't think the Swiss are a complete pushover in the quarterfinal? It's defenitely better than getting the Russians/Canadiens/Swedes, but Jonas Hiller is fantastic in international competition, they stayed with the US and took Canada to a shootout (despite Canada outshooting their opponent 2-1 in that game too). Beating Canada in a prelim game was great, but let's not let it go to our heads.

DeToxRox 02-22-2010 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by BishopMVP (Post 2228828)
Am I the only one that doesn't think the Swiss are a complete pushover in the quarterfinal? It's defenitely better than getting the Russians/Canadiens/Swedes, but Jonas Hiller is fantastic in international competition, they stayed with the US and took Canada to a shootout (despite Canada outshooting their opponent 2-1 in that game too). Beating Canada in a prelim game was great, but let's not let it go to our heads.

Swiss are scary no doubt. That said if the US cleans up their defensive game at all, they will win at least 2-0. I say this because the Swiss had a ton of odd man breaks vs us the first time around from over aggressive D. Hopefully this extra time tightens it all up.

Honolulu_Blue 02-22-2010 04:21 PM

The Swiss are probably the 8th best team in the tournament and with Hiller in net they are capable of stealing one game from almost anyone. Definitely not a "pushover" or a "gimme", but I'd rather face Switzerland and Hiller than Russian and Ovechkin/Datsyuk/Malkin/Kovalchuk/Nabokov.

Chief Rum 02-22-2010 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by BishopMVP (Post 2228828)
Am I the only one that doesn't think the Swiss are a complete pushover in the quarterfinal? It's defenitely better than getting the Russians/Canadiens/Swedes, but Jonas Hiller is fantastic in international competition, they stayed with the US and took Canada to a shootout (despite Canada outshooting their opponent 2-1 in that game too). Beating Canada in a prelim game was great, but let's not let it go to our heads.

Hiller ain't too bad in the NHL neither. ;)

He's made Niedermayer and company look better at times than they have really deserved this season.

johnnyshaka 02-22-2010 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by gstelmack (Post 2228819)
Heck, the Hurricanes made it to a couple of Stanley Cups on that strategy. What is not legitimate about it? I agree that much of the ice time was in the US end and Canada's offense controlled the flow, but the gameplan worked well for denying them goals, did it not?

Would you tell a pitcher to throw nothing but fastballs straight down the middle against the best home run hitting team in the league and reassure him that he's got the best defense in the league behind him?

Sounds like a risky strategy to me.

Johnny93g 02-22-2010 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Samdari (Post 2228667)
Canadian refuses to credit hockey talent of another nation. Stunning Development.

Wow, really. There are 7 amazingly talented hockey teams playing in an tournament to decide olympic gold. Sweden, Russia, Czech, Slovakia, Finland, USA and Canada can all win this thing.

Nothing anyone said, Canadian or otherwise, disputes this.

Johnny93g 02-22-2010 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by GoldenEagle (Post 2228753)
Canada sucks.


DeToxRox 02-22-2010 08:28 PM

Sums up Canada last night pretty well.

EagleFan 02-22-2010 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by DeToxRox (Post 2228980)

Sums up Canada last night pretty well.

I still say... Why the whistle?

Galaxy 02-22-2010 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 2229000)
I still say... Why the whistle?


EagleFan 02-22-2010 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Galaxy (Post 2229028)

The ref could determine that in the half second before he blew the whistle?

Warhammer 02-22-2010 09:27 PM

How in the world did Canada dominate the game aside from shots? They never led. The US went up very quickly every time the Canadians tied the game up, and they did not give Canada a lot of good shots.

Johnny93g 02-22-2010 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Warhammer (Post 2229046)
How in the world did Canada dominate the game aside from shots? They never led. The US went up very quickly every time the Canadians tied the game up, and they did not give Canada a lot of good shots.

Some excepts from an article about the game: (yes, it's a ctv article, but I just read it and it was fresh in my mind)

"In the glass-half-full version of events, Canada did many things well. They swarmed the net around U.S. goaltender Ryan Miller, who held a decisive edge over his Canadian counterpart, Martin Brodeur. They held their own in the speed department against an American team that had been trumpeting its edge there."

I think everyone would agree with that. The US has a very fast team. I thought the older Canadian defensemen had a bit of a problem dealing with it.

"Physically, they punished the U.S. team, with Rick Nash leading the way in dishing out major open-ice hits. "

I would say that Canada was much more physical.

"That 19-6 edge in first-period shots for Canada was indicative of the play, but as all the players know, engineering a scoring chance is one thing, finishing them off is something else again."

Yes, the US did give up alot of good shots. Ryan Miller was the difference.

"In fairness, Canada out-chanced us two-to-one for most of the game and our goalie played excellent," said Wilson. "We've still got a long ways to go here. There are some great teams out there. Personally, I think Canada is the best team - and Russia is right behind them with all the skill they have up front."

Is it possible to dominate a hockey game and lose? Yes. It happens enough that isn't shocking. Kudos to the Americans for scoring 4 times against Brodeur. That usually doesn't happen. Kudos to Ryan Miller for having a fantastic game. He was the best player on the ice and when your goalie is the best player, it often doesn't matter how the rest of the team looks.

I was pretty happy with the effort, and the game within the game. I like our chances if there is a rematch, but regardless of what happens, I still feel there are 7 teams that can win this thing.

sterlingice 02-22-2010 11:27 PM

Poor John Schuster. After a bad shot in the current China-USA game, he is overheard saying "I'm sick of this stupid game". I feel for the guy after this bad week and all the crap people are giving a guy who is a bartender for his "day job".


EagleFan 02-22-2010 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 2229143)
Poor John Schuster. After a bad shot in the current China-USA game, he is overheard saying "I'm sick of this stupid game". I feel for the guy after this bad week and all the crap people are giving a guy who is a bartender for his "day job".


Caught that too. I don't envy him, that's for sure. On the bright side, I bet that barely anyone remembers him in a couple months (or maybe even a couple weeks).

Mizzou B-ball fan 02-23-2010 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 2229143)
Poor John Schuster. After a bad shot in the current China-USA game, he is overheard saying "I'm sick of this stupid game". I feel for the guy after this bad week and all the crap people are giving a guy who is a bartender for his "day job".


The feeling is mutual for most fans. I'm sick of seeing him miss routine shots. It's been painful to watch.

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