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JPhillips 04-04-2008 09:58 PM

This is what's going to kill the game for me. Many of the Tallahassee players played over 170 plays. I'm sure this is a feeder club for another team that just quick levels and moves players through to the parent club. It's the same problem with all multiplayer games, once the players figure out how to beat the code the fun is largely lost.

BYU 14 04-04-2008 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by dbd1963 (Post 1699273)
Our kickers are good. But we just had our starting 7th lvl QB quit on us and take his 7th lvl WR and G with him. We went from a 24 overall back down to a 21. So Richmond is definitely ripe for a beatin'. I hope its a good game. Good luck to Chilton and may our rivalry grow!

You made the right moves today, we could not stop the run at all!! Smart strategy with the beasts you have up front and a new QB.

Good win.

King of New York 04-04-2008 10:44 PM

Alright, Let's give this a try.

I created an all-purpose Level 1 TE, Dunc Meloche. He's faster and more agile than you would expect of a big man. Let's see if I can get him on a team.

Arles 04-04-2008 10:49 PM

If anyone wants to help Stonewall Cruiser develop and use my referral link, I would appreciate it:

Eilim 04-04-2008 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Arles (Post 1699707)
If anyone wants to help Stonewall Cruiser develop and use my referral link, I would appreciate it:

My brother in law has shown an interest in the game and I'll send him your link to use as the points aren't a big deal to me at the moment (already dumped the cash for a batch myself.)

We Stonewalls have to stick together.. ;)

At some point down the line, we'll have to see if we can get the two on the same team.

Alan T 04-04-2008 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1699688)
This is what's going to kill the game for me. Many of the Tallahassee players played over 170 plays. I'm sure this is a feeder club for another team that just quick levels and moves players through to the parent club. It's the same problem with all multiplayer games, once the players figure out how to beat the code the fun is largely lost.

I read somewhere that experience is capped at 90 plays a game to prevent this type of thing from occuring. Might have been just speculation, I don't remember but think I saw it in one of the advice threads on there.

twothree 04-05-2008 12:50 AM

If you look at some of the posts made my both Bort and DigitalDaggers they are aware of these issues and will be putting in fixes. So, XP gained from playing time will be tweaked. And, I am sure they will do something about thing like playing out of position to gain XP, owners with multiple teams trading all their good players and money to just one of their teams, the use of farm teams, etc.

The game is still in beta, so in a way it is good that there are this many users already. I imagine most everything about the system that can be exploited and goes against what the designers intended as fair play will be quickly found out by them, and more than likely fixed.

If you want to read some of their posts, just do a forum search with their user name. You get back only two pages of replies, and not all of their posts are included (the search function still needs a little work it seems), but it is usually informative, if not funny, reading.

WVUFAN 04-05-2008 02:24 AM

Hey, Larry:

My player, Robert DeMinas, doesn't seem to be doing all that hot in the MLB position. Anything I need to focus on in terms of tactics to help things out?

JPhillips 04-05-2008 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by IrishHand (Post 1699560)
Some OL wisdom:

One of the C's on my team (MARY MARY) has been performing obnoxiously well.

Pancake totals for the three games I've owned the team for Mary: 4, 10, 16
This beast has 35 pancakes in 4 games on the season - best in my league by a massive margin and I would suspect among the best in the game.
League Leaders for West Europe AA:
Player Pancakes
Tony Ramos 12
Thurmun Munson 9
Vicent Vega da Silva 8
Gabriel Placce 7
Kiante Tripp 7
Crazy Killer 6
Broon Zinger 6
Kole Epperson 6
No Name 6

Here's the interesting part...the build:
Physical Attributes Football Skills
Strength: 61 Blocking: 25.25
Speed: 8 Tackling: 11
Agility: 11 Throwing: 8
Jumping: 7 Catching: 8
Stamina: 11 Carrying: 9
Vision: 11 Kicking: 7
Confidence: 11 Punting: 8

Pass Blocking Abilities 11000
Run Blocking Abilities 11111

I have very liberal (sub-happy) substitition percentages and rotate at nearly every position...and Mary played 61 out of 80 offensive plays in the 16-pancake extravaganza. I watched the replays and on basically every play, Mary would neutralize one or two defenders. (I play Mary out of position at RG.) Their NT may as well have been the training sled.

Naturally, my entire o-line is going "strength-only" development for a while.

Using the same sort of setup, Myguy, a center in the Canadian pro league has 64 pancakes.

QuikSand 04-05-2008 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1699688)
This is what's going to kill the game for me. Many of the Tallahassee players played over 170 plays. I'm sure this is a feeder club for another team that just quick levels and moves players through to the parent club. It's the same problem with all multiplayer games, once the players figure out how to beat the code the fun is largely lost.

I'm increasingly of the opinion that this game, especially with the pay-to-get-ahead model, is going to implode at some point. At first it will be some fun for everyone... then it will be fun for the real addicts who pour cash into it to make extra players, buy teams, and whatnot... and then eventually it won't be fun for anyone as all there is to do is spend money to do incrementally more stuff.

Not that I think the makers are dummies... getting people like us talking about pouring 20 or 40 or more bucks into a game this profoundly shallow and presumably very inexpensive to run is really clever and I presume profitable. But I can't imagine that a no-cash-thanks guy like me (just running one free player who got a few referral points) is going to be interested in this game at all in another few months once my guy slides into some weird limbo far behind the cash-payers and ahead of the latecomers.

JPhillips 04-05-2008 09:51 AM

Agreed. I'm on Macro's team in the Canadian pro league and we're enough levels behind the top clubs that I can't see any way of us ever competing for the championship. The first place team is actually farther ahead of us now in levels than they were when Macro bought the team. With the limited tactical choices there isn't any way to compete against a club that's on average three or four levels better than you.

I'd like to see level restricted leagues or a cap on total levels gained per season, but it doesn't sound like those will happen anytime soon. I'm still into the game right now, but if the second season is a replay of the first I don't see myself sticking with this.

Ben E Lou 04-05-2008 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1699799)
I'd like to see level restricted leagues or a cap on total levels gained per season, but it doesn't sound like those will happen anytime soon.

If a critical mass of people are willing to pay the relatively low cost for maximum leveling every season (8 bucks every 40 days, right?), there's absolutely no motivation for the creators of the game to restrict leveling up. It's probably in their best interests to make sure everyone is trying to keep up with the Joneses.

JPhillips 04-05-2008 11:14 AM

I guess I'm more in line with QS. It's a great short term strategy, but as it becomes impossible to keep up with league leading teams I would expect more and more players to stop throwing money into a lost cause.

I'm thinking a system where you have to move up each season, but at no point can you get stuck in a league where you'll always be at a competitive disadvantage no matter what you do. You'd still have the keep up with the Joneses idea each year and this way you'd actually have a chance at keeping up. What fun is it to be the Arizona Cardinals of GLB?

twothree 04-05-2008 11:30 AM

While there isn't a level restricted league, it is sort of what they had in mind when they set up the initial league structure with promotions up and down. The top level players were suppose to be on the teams in the top leagues. That is why the top level teams had more money. However, the game's user base grew faster than expected, so right now I think the structure is jumbled. We will see if the new restructuring, whatever it ends up being, and the addition of more teams will get things in better shape for next season.

Also, their plan is to put in a salary cap with a luxury tax. I personally don't think it will help the "free" teams and players compete with the paying teams and players, but it might.

As for the game being shallow, it has so far kept my interest, and I think my $38 dollar investment has already paid for itself. Since I am easily down to a cost of around $0.30 per hour of entertainment and that ratio is still falling. The game is still in beta and if you read the sticky post in the suggestions forum, they still plan to add quite a bit of new features:


Originally Posted by Bort
We are working on lots of stuff to make this game bigger and better every day. Things are mostly functional enough to play the game right now, but there are some pieces that we really want to get put in.

Below is a list of things we have planned for the future, and things we are finishing up soon. We have some more stuff floating around, but this is what I could think of right now:

HIGH priority
- Finishing the team stadium stuff (mostly done)
- Adding an achievements and milestones page for players
- BIG tactics update (
- Penalties (start with holding, offsides, encroachment, facemask)
- Player Game Log (game by game stats)
- Tactics option to ignore energy requirements for certain situations (going for it on 4th or 3rd down, in the red zone, last 2 minutes of a half)
- Show "remaining salary" on team finance page
- Sub-forums

MEDIUM priority
- Team owner announcements on players' home pages
- Adding trading block so teams can mark players as trade bait.
- Adding achievements and milestones for teams
- World hall of fame, records (all leagues)
- Team chemistry
- Adding a training history page for players
- Highlight your player in the PBP (or any selected player)
- Salary Cap with luxury tax
- Take out a team loan
- Individual team stats page (top players on a particular team)
- Transfer player between owned teams without having to balance the deal, but disallow cash transfers (10-day rule still applies)
- Forum search
- Forum update - mark all as "read"
- Sortable roster page
- Transaction history per player and per league
- Allow sharing of tactics and current XP point levels
- Team advertising and fan appreciation day
- Add pancakes to PBP

LOW priority
- Adding more features to the forum such as smiley images and sigs, same-page editing
- Forum update - add a page that shows all recently posted unread threads
- Player injuries that reduce stats for a game or two (no season long ACL tears or anything)
- Buddy list that allows you to share stats and see who's online
- Player numbers, and number retirement
- MVP voting
- Offensive/Defensive/ST player of the week on league page
- Add Lead Blocker identification to PBP (beyond watching the replay)
- Showing which equipment you own when you go to the purchase screen
- Recent team forum posts on home page
- Player notepad/scratch pad area that can be private or public

Other ideas that are in the works at some point
- Allowing team owners to set the colors for their team page (team colors)
- Allowing team owners to upload a team banner (more than just logo image)
- Allow players to buy status symbol items (cars, cribs, a posse)
- Players gain reputations that affect their opponents' morale and play style
- Chat room type option for teams

And yeah, I think the buy status symbol items, is a stupid idea, but they are trying to make money. Personally, I think the NFL or EA will have a similar MMORPG football game on the market in a year after they see the growth of Goal Line Blitz. I don't know if it will be any better than what we have now.

Bort and DigitalDaggers also have plans for a baseball MMORPG...

Ben E Lou 04-05-2008 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1699827)
I guess I'm more in line with QS. It's a great short term strategy, but as it becomes impossible to keep up with league leading teams I would expect more and more players to stop throwing money into a lost cause.

Oh, I agree with that part 100%. What I'm saying is that it *looks* like they've got a system that is going to bring them a very nice short-term cash-in, and enough people who'll stick with paying for it to make it profitable in the long run. I'm not one of those people, though.

Poli 04-05-2008 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by SkyDog (Post 1699852)
I'm not one of those people, though.

Not to stir up trouble, but you do have your own team and four or five players above level 7 already, right?

Ben E Lou 04-05-2008 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Poli (Post 1699860)
Not to stir up trouble, but you do have your own team and four or five players above level 7 already, right?

Yup. I had some forgotten cash sitting in my PayPal account, and spent some of it on this. My thinking there was that *IF* it becomes a long-term fun game, it'll be the most fun for the people who got in on the front end with fully leveled and equipped players. I guess I should clarify my statement: if they go the route that I suspect they're going to go, I'm not one of the people who will ever pay again. I have a relatively large, disjointed, not-on-FOFC contact list. Based on the flex point allocations for referrals that they've given so far, I think I can keep up without paying any more money for another season or two by being smart about how many people I tell about it at one time. At that point I suspect we'll have a much better idea of where this thing is headed. If I had to make a guess, my guess would be it's not a game I'll play long-term. I felt that the potential, though, was worth the small investment risk since it has seemed pretty clear from the start that the people most likely to get long-term fun out of this are the people who leveled up early and often. More than once, I've paid more for a computer game that I played for 15 minutes one time and never opened again than I've spent on GLB so far.

Poli 04-05-2008 12:58 PM

Duly noted. I've added quite a bit to my flex points through referrals in other forums as well.

wade moore 04-05-2008 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by lordscarlet (Post 1699559)
I need some guinea pigs!

I don't know if any of you are familiar with Greasemonkey, but if you have it (or have Firefox and are willing to install it), I have created a hack to hide the game scores so that you can check things out a little more "real time." The code is very poor and slapped together, but it works.
  1. Install Greasemonkey (if you don't have it)
  2. Load
  3. Go to your GLB home page
  4. The score of you latest game should say "Hidden Score", click on this link
  5. Here's the tricky(ish) part. Greasemonkey runs javascript once a page is loaded. So, if it loads slow enough, you'll see the score flash. You may want to look away for a few seconds until it has loaded and had time to hide the scores.
  6. You can now click on the play by play (same caveat as above). You can reveal each quarter/ot/final by clicking on their headings.

Please let me know your impressions. I obviously need to add things, such as hiding the scoring summary on box score, but this should be a quick hack to hide the score before you've seen the pbp. Please post here or PM me with any problems/suggestions/etc. I would love it if someone could IM me as they test it (AIM or gtalk with my username).

Happy hacking!

Pretty freakin' sweet - I'll be happy to have this in the next game. Will actually make me enjoy this game quite a bit more.

Anthony 04-05-2008 01:50 PM

i paid $4.50, used the flex points to create another guy so i have 1 guy going every day, and leveled up my QB to lvl 2. that's all. i may throw in another $2.50 every once in a blue moon, that's the cost of a bottle of beer. i'm not thinking i'm gonna compete with the upper echelon. as with anything re: MMORPGs, you're either gonna be one of those who are hardcore and do-what-it-takes to be at highest lvl or you're gonna be a casual couple nite a week kinda player and you're not gonna have any dreams of rolling with that crowd since you're not willing to invest the time/money to get to that lvl.

the thing is, as it is for any game of this type - is there enough for both types of players to make this fun, or are the casual players wasting their time? there isn't much to do on a day to day basis so i'm not gonna pump much money in. the makers were smart to have games every 2 days, you get so anxious to get content you wind up spending some money, however small, just to have another couple guys to follow - cuz again, there isn't much really do to with just 1 guy.

but i can see myself shelling out $2.50 once a season. this might just be like cyberdunk, one of those flavor of the month things that quickly loses its appeal. if this has lasting power like how everyone went crazy for hattrick then i'll increase my investment.

IrishHand 04-05-2008 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Hell Atlantic (Post 1699880)
the thing is, as it is for any game of this type - is there enough for both types of players to make this fun, or are the casual players wasting their time?

With the tiered leagues, I've got to think that the potential exists for them to create a football (soccer) style hierarchy...guys who don't pay to maximize their levelling up would largely populate the 2nd and 3rd tier theory it would be fun and competitive there for that genre of player.

However, there are too many easily exploitable loopholes that they have no financial reason to close - people owning "farm" teams, people populating their own teams with their own players (would kill the effect of a salary cap if you can pay your own guys peanuts). There are good solutions to all the loopholes I can think of...but they all would limit the developer's income...and there are enough stupid people who'll pour money in, at least in the short-medium term.

gstelmack 04-05-2008 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by IrishHand (Post 1699914)
With the tiered leagues, I've got to think that the potential exists for them to create a football (soccer) style hierarchy...guys who don't pay to maximize their levelling up would largely populate the 2nd and 3rd tier theory it would be fun and competitive there for that genre of player.

However, there are too many easily exploitable loopholes that they have no financial reason to close - people owning "farm" teams, people populating their own teams with their own players (would kill the effect of a salary cap if you can pay your own guys peanuts). There are good solutions to all the loopholes I can think of...but they all would limit the developer's income...and there are enough stupid people who'll pour money in, at least in the short-medium term.

I mostly agree, but I suspect they'll have enough leagues that casual players will find a fun spot, and competitive players will find a fun spot. Time will tell however...

Mustang 04-05-2008 08:07 PM

Right now, there is no carrot at the end of the stick (so to speak) So, you level up, get to a point and that is pretty much it. Money is pretty much pointless and anything beyond just enough to cover your contract costs are pointless.

I own a team and all I'm trying to do right now is build a community of players. Almost following a little league style where everyone plays and the outcome doesn't matter.

There are alot of holes that need to be filled to make this more interesting, that is for sure.

Anthony 04-06-2008 11:20 AM

yeah, i got a decent contract for my lvl 1 CB and i i don't know what to do with the money. my initial $2500 was enough for me to afford the equipment i wanted. it seems this games relies too much on flex pts. i wish you could use your in-game money to purchase flex pts, that'd make money more valuable. i don't know that many people who would be interested in signing up to make flex pts by way of referrals a viable option.

Mustang 04-06-2008 12:10 PM

Any owners want this guy? I cut him so, he is available. His player's name is hunned grand

I kept trying to tell him, Dude.. 12 stamina.

"u kno wat.......if u dnt wanna make any smart decisions.........cut me......i mean cum on......i get no carries......dats crazy.....if dats how u wanna b den jus cut me"

It really seems like it would be more effort to type like that...

Raiders Army 04-06-2008 12:37 PM

Gave the guys $10 and leveled my FB to 7 and made a SS and leveled him to 4. The game has been worth $10 at this point to me, so no big deal.

wade moore 04-06-2008 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by lordscarlet (Post 1699559)
I need some guinea pigs!

I don't know if any of you are familiar with Greasemonkey, but if you have it (or have Firefox and are willing to install it), I have created a hack to hide the game scores so that you can check things out a little more "real time." The code is very poor and slapped together, but it works.
  1. Install Greasemonkey (if you don't have it)
  2. Load
  3. Go to your GLB home page
  4. The score of you latest game should say "Hidden Score", click on this link
  5. Here's the tricky(ish) part. Greasemonkey runs javascript once a page is loaded. So, if it loads slow enough, you'll see the score flash. You may want to look away for a few seconds until it has loaded and had time to hide the scores.
  6. You can now click on the play by play (same caveat as above). You can reveal each quarter/ot/final by clicking on their headings.

Please let me know your impressions. I obviously need to add things, such as hiding the scoring summary on box score, but this should be a quick hack to hide the score before you've seen the pbp. Please post here or PM me with any problems/suggestions/etc. I would love it if someone could IM me as they test it (AIM or gtalk with my username).

Happy hacking!

Bump for today's games. I tried this out yesterday it's quite helpful for enjoyment imo.

IrishHand 04-06-2008 02:55 PM

I managed to free two of my lvl 6 players (one WR, one SS) from an immature, poorly-run team. I'd much rather play on an FOFC'ers team if possible. I don't care about salary, just situation.

Lvl 6 WR Rod Tidwell:
Physical Attributes Football Skills
Strength: 10 Blocking: 9
Speed: 43.66 Tackling: 9
Agility: 16.66 Throwing: 8
Jumping: 11.66 Catching: 21.56
Stamina: 21.66 Carrying: 12.5
Vision: 14.74 Kicking: 10
Confidence: 12.5 Punting: 9

Lvl 6 SS Roy Drage:
Physical Attributes Football Skills
Strength: 13 Blocking: 10.84
Speed: 30.76 Tackling: 17
Agility: 10.84 Throwing: 10
Jumping: 10.84 Catching: 11.9
Stamina: 26 Carrying: 10.84
Vision: 16.99 Kicking: 8
Confidence: 10.84 Punting: 9


hawk4669 04-06-2008 02:56 PM

Silverbacks with another blowout win: 30-0!


jaygr 04-06-2008 03:24 PM

Joey Flabbus got his first TD. I'd like to say it was an amazing run, but look at the blocking on the play. The line stands them up and the FB and TE both come in to seal the holes and all Joey had to do was walk it in. Not to mention the WR holding up the CB. Nice job guys!

bhlloy 04-06-2008 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by jaygr (Post 1700279)
Joey Flabbus got his first TD. I'd like to say it was an amazing run, but look at the blocking on the play. The line stands them up and the FB and TE both come in to seal the holes and all Joey had to do was walk it in. Not to mention the WR holding up the CB. Nice job guys!

Very cool play and congrats on the first TD!

TazFTW 04-06-2008 04:26 PM

DeMarcus Lott preserves the shutout.

Eaglesfan27 04-06-2008 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by wade moore (Post 1700254)
Bump for today's games. I tried this out yesterday it's quite helpful for enjoyment imo.

Worked great for me! I found the game much more enjoyable and I avoided this thread until after I watched the game to avoid spoilers ;)

Good win, team. Great to see how well everyone played today.

Poli 04-06-2008 05:20 PM

Touchdown for Poli, I mean Caesar!

Peregrine 04-07-2008 08:08 AM

Really great Greasemonkey script, lordscarlet, I like it a lot so far.

Alan T 04-07-2008 08:47 AM

With the xp points coming tonight from off-game training, I should hit level 8 just before our next game. I expect with the new changes to equipment that can come at level 8, I should be able to really boost up my STR before next game and become more dominating in the middle!

sabotai 04-07-2008 03:10 PM

Got to level 8 after the game and just got done upgrading my equipment including adding a custom item. Ready to start pwning all.

Synovia 04-07-2008 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Hell Atlantic (Post 1699880)
as with anything re: MMORPGs, you're either gonna be one of those who are hardcore and do-what-it-takes to be at highest lvl or you're gonna be a casual couple nite a week kinda player and you're not gonna have any dreams of rolling with that crowd since you're not willing to invest the time/money to get to that lvl.

The problem is, MMORPGs have a way to seperate the two... PVP servers, etc. Bort and DD have made it very clear that there will be no leagues where people can't dump a ton of cash.

Also, this game is NOT in beta. People are paying for it... theres a good chance it never gets out of "beta".

I see a season or two going by, and then the people who aren't willing to dump enough for 3 levels a season just getting crushed, quitting the game, and there not being enough people left for the boosters to have anyone to play.

SirFozzie 04-07-2008 08:40 PM

100 yard day for my WR :)

ColtCrazy 04-07-2008 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by IrishHand (Post 1699560)
Some OL wisdom:

One of the C's on my team (MARY MARY) has been performing obnoxiously well.

Pancake totals for the three games I've owned the team for Mary: 4, 10, 16
This beast has 35 pancakes in 4 games on the season - best in my league by a massive margin and I would suspect among the best in the game.
League Leaders for West Europe AA:
Player Pancakes
Tony Ramos 12
Thurmun Munson 9
Vicent Vega da Silva 8
Gabriel Placce 7
Kiante Tripp 7
Crazy Killer 6
Broon Zinger 6
Kole Epperson 6
No Name 6

Here's the interesting part...the build:
Physical Attributes Football Skills
Strength: 61 Blocking: 25.25
Speed: 8 Tackling: 11
Agility: 11 Throwing: 8
Jumping: 7 Catching: 8
Stamina: 11 Carrying: 9
Vision: 11 Kicking: 7
Confidence: 11 Punting: 8

Pass Blocking Abilities 11000
Run Blocking Abilities 11111

I have very liberal (sub-happy) substitition percentages and rotate at nearly every position...and Mary played 61 out of 80 offensive plays in the 16-pancake extravaganza. I watched the replays and on basically every play, Mary would neutralize one or two defenders. (I play Mary out of position at RG.) Their NT may as well have been the training sled.

Naturally, my entire o-line is going "strength-only" development for a while.

Small world. Cool to see my team's owner on here. Mary Mary is a beast. No wonder we rush so well.

WVUFAN 04-08-2008 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by lordscarlet (Post 1699559)
I need some guinea pigs!

I don't know if any of you are familiar with Greasemonkey, but if you have it (or have Firefox and are willing to install it), I have created a hack to hide the game scores so that you can check things out a little more "real time." The code is very poor and slapped together, but it works.
  1. Install Greasemonkey (if you don't have it)
  2. Load
  3. Go to your GLB home page
  4. The score of you latest game should say "Hidden Score", click on this link
  5. Here's the tricky(ish) part. Greasemonkey runs javascript once a page is loaded. So, if it loads slow enough, you'll see the score flash. You may want to look away for a few seconds until it has loaded and had time to hide the scores.
  6. You can now click on the play by play (same caveat as above). You can reveal each quarter/ot/final by clicking on their headings.
Please let me know your impressions. I obviously need to add things, such as hiding the scoring summary on box score, but this should be a quick hack to hide the score before you've seen the pbp. Please post here or PM me with any problems/suggestions/etc. I would love it if someone could IM me as they test it (AIM or gtalk with my username).

Happy hacking!

This is an very, VERY nice add-on. Great job, Lordscarlett!

Icy 04-08-2008 10:19 AM

Fuck I'm so addicted, I have 13 players created already and over $100 expended on them.

Crim 04-08-2008 10:32 AM


ddrrbb 04-08-2008 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Mustang (Post 1700021)
Right now, there is no carrot at the end of the stick (so to speak) So, you level up, get to a point and that is pretty much it. Money is pretty much pointless and anything beyond just enough to cover your contract costs are pointless.

I felt the same way about World of Warcraft. Once I reached level 60 (the max, back in the day), there was nothing more for me to do, except do the same missions over and over and try to get rare weapon sets (the only thing I could spent my money on at auction). Then, I just stopped playing and never thought about the game again.

If players retire, though, winning championships is the goal (like IRL) and maybe trying to be a HOFer or a multiple ProBowler or something like that. And when that player retires, maybe you have another guy or few guys who are only half way through their careers that you can really concentrate on. And so on and so on. Unfortunately, people have created 10-15 guys for themselves and haven't thought about creating more characters in future seasons. (unless they make 50-60 players, which seems more a pain in the butt than fun, but we'll see)

Anthony 04-08-2008 10:39 AM

the website was blocked at my job. that's just great.

Icy 04-08-2008 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by ddrrbb (Post 1701137)
I felt the same way about World of Warcraft. Once I reached level 60 (the max, back in the day), there was nothing more for me to do, except do the same missions over and over and try to get rare weapon sets (the only thing I could spent my money on at auction). Then, I just stopped playing and never thought about the game again.

If players retire, though, winning championships is the goal (like IRL) and maybe trying to be a HOFer or a multiple ProBowler or something like that. And when that player retires, maybe you have another guy or few guys who are only half way through their careers that you can really concentrate on. And so on and so on. Unfortunately, people have created 10-15 guys for themselves and haven't thought about creating more characters in future seasons. (unless they make 50-60 players, which seems more a pain in the butt than fun, but we'll see)

In this game, once your player has reached around 10 season, he retires and can enter in the HOF etc. Then you get 70% of your expended flex point back so you can create another player. This way at least you keep your investment for a long time.

Fonzie 04-08-2008 01:50 PM

I still have 100 unused Flex Points, so if anybody needs a non-glamour position player just let me know.

Crim 04-08-2008 02:52 PM


QuikSand 04-08-2008 02:53 PM

Another game result posted (no spoiler).

Anyone else suspect that the opposing team is basically all populated by one guy doing some sort of IP Spoofing to set up multiple free accounts? I mean - the Tecmo-based concept is pretty amusing, but I don't see how you get that many guy organized unless all of "them" are just "you."

Poli 04-08-2008 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Icy (Post 1701122)
Fuck I'm so addicted, I have 13 players created already and over $100 expended on them.


Rather quiet day for me after back to back 11 reception games. I throw in 3 receptions for just 19 yards. I missed 3 tackles as well. Two on just one play, and the last missed tackle allowed Deadmonton to take the lead for good.

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