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Eaglesfan27 10-18-2008 10:13 AM

Besides loading times, Defining Moments are my only real gripe with the game. Unfortunately, I don't think there is anyway to turn them off. Despite those flaws, I'm still enjoying the game and am playing right now.

SportsDino 10-18-2008 09:41 PM

My gripe at the moment is the playbook editor is very poorly done.

All they really need to do is:

- Formation editor (pick what personal gets on the field, say 2 TE, 2 RB, WR, QB, assume line is fixed)

- Create a play by formation, the 194 pages of run plays for instance is just dumb.

- Make every option and player editable. Make a giant scroll list for all the running types if necessary.

Currently on year one of Falcons, redid the offseason and without trying managed to draft 6 power players in the first two rounds (was offering all my roster up for trade practically, traded down and then back up). Huge draft, but no playbook knowledge, and trying to build a run happy offense from scratch is slow with their editor (trying to create a system where QB, RB, FB are all running threats).

Game has potential, they need to streamline a lot of workflows though. And of course generally improve the engine (the defining moments thing seems like it still is in alpha).

SegRat 10-18-2008 11:06 PM

I love this game. I have hardley touched Madden this year because all my game time has gone to Head Coach.

I had one game I was playing prepatch. I was the Falcons, playing against the Panthers. My Falcon team had only won 2 game up to this point. We were tied at the end of regulation 28-28. We get the ball to start OT. Drive down the field with little problem. We get inside the 20. I figure just run the ball up the gut and kick the field goal. First attempt goes for 3. Second attempt McFadden fumbles the ball. The Panthers pick it up and return it for the win. The controller fell out of my hand as I sat in disbelief.

It has been a long time since a game has grabbed me the way head coach has.

rowech 10-19-2008 09:21 AM

Some classic defining moments this morning:

Down 7-0 in the first quarter, 4th and 2 from my 38 yard line and I have to either go for it or lose approval from everyone.

Score to make it 31-21 with 14:30 left in the game and I have to onside kick or lose approval.

My approval has gone from 82 down to 11 in a three game losing streak versus the Jets, Steelers, and Jags. The definining moment thing is really starting to weigh on my patience.

Shkspr 10-19-2008 11:22 AM

In your team philosophy, how do you have defining moments set - aggressively or conservatively?

TroyF 10-19-2008 11:23 AM

If you know the defining moment thing is coming up, go to quick sim mode and sim one play. That'll override the defining moments.

thesloppy 10-19-2008 12:47 PM

Another precious 'defining moment':

Up by 7 with :32 to go in the first half, 4th and inches from my opponents 3.

I am given the 'defining' choice of kicking the FG or going for the TD. I go for it, and get 2 yards giving me a first and goal, which I plug in for a TD two plays later to end the half.

My approval drops dramatically because I went for it, but didn't score on that particular play.

dubb93 10-21-2008 10:18 AM

Yea defining moments are absolutely broken. I had a great one today.

1:32 left in the second quarter down 10-7 we have the ball 4th and 4 from our opponents 5 yard line. I have the choice to either:

A: Kick the easy field goal to most likely tie the game at halftime. If I choose this option the fans, media, coaches, players, and my owner will all feel that I've made a horrible call and my approval will drop dramatically.

B: Go for it. The fans, media, coaches, players, and my owner all feel this is right the call.......

Another great one. 3:52 left in the 4th quarter we have ALL of our timeouts left. We just punched the ball in the endzone to make the score 17-14. We need just a field goal to tie the game. We basically have no choice but to onside the kick and give them the ball basically in field goal position as a result of a defining moment.

I think these moments should be rare. It feels to me these are in the game to make you coach a certain way EVERY GAME. A certain way that goes against conventional wisdom. I find it hard to believe that any coach they have on this game would make these calls on a regular basis.

Big Fo 10-21-2008 11:19 AM

What's funny about it to me is that the defining moments force you to take a lot of risks in order to keep your approval rating high, but the AI teams tend to play it very safe in my experience. They rarely go for it on fourth down, even fourth and inches on my 40 yard line where in real life it's almost assumed that an NFL would go for it. Down by two scores in the fourth quarter, they'll punt unless there's only two or three minutes left.

Defining moments, the load times for emotional reactions and fatigue based substitutions, the inability to look at the player cards in trade or free agency pop-ups, and the inconvenience of trying to make run plays in the editor are my main gripes with the game. I'm still playing it a bunch and can get more into this than FOF but if there's an NFL Head Coach 10 and these problems are fixed it would be an amazing game.

Big Fo 11-14-2008 01:56 PM

My super effective 11 man coverage man/zone combo third down defensive play just caused a bug in the game. Matt Schaub has now been standing in the backfield, not moving, for several minutes as all his receivers are covered. I guess I'll have to quit the game and just sim it.

rowech 11-14-2008 02:20 PM

The more I played, the more awful the defining moments became. I need to trade this in while I still might get something for it.

Big Fo 11-14-2008 02:24 PM

If the number of used copies in Gamestop and the stand-alone version being slashed to $30 at Best Buy mean anything, you might not get a bunch of money for it.

Yeah I just got a defining moment to go for it on 4th and 18 with a minute left up by a touchdown.

Eaglesfan27 11-14-2008 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by rowech (Post 1886996)
The more I played, the more awful the defining moments became. I need to trade this in while I still might get something for it.

The defining moments are 99% of the reason I'm not playing this regularly still.

Carman Bulldog 11-20-2008 01:24 PM

With NXE, it is pretty sweet upgrading this to the hard drive with much faster load times. I'm not sure what it was, but my in stadium announcer wasn't working before and now it is, so that's great.

However, while I haven't had the game long, I've been frustrated by two things:

1. Like everyone else, the stupid defining moments

2. The end of game logic. Is it just me, or will the computer march down at will and score on their last possession at the end of a close game.

Also, just a question. Is there a certain way to run a hurry up offense where you QB calls the plays, or will it always go to the clipboard for you to call the play? How about the QB audibling at the line?

mattlanta 11-20-2008 02:36 PM

I was told to download the patch as soon as I get this game. (I asked for this game for Christmas.) What's the difference with or without the patch?

Big Fo 11-20-2008 05:09 PM

It crashes less often for one. Also, it lets you call plays in two minute situations on offense so you don't have to either rely on the same play to get you down the field or burn your timeouts too early.

There's a bunch of other stuff too IIRC.

Sweed 11-24-2008 05:56 PM

Just saw Wal Mart's after Thanksgiving Friday morning add.

Head Coach09 for 360 or ps3 for $10! Thinking it's time to give this game a try.

MizzouRah 03-01-2009 03:10 PM

Anyone still playing this game?

Pumpy Tudors 03-01-2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by MizzouRah (Post 1957066)
Anyone still playing this game?

Nope. I probably would if I had the bigger hard drive so I could install the game onto it, but the load times just made me put it on the shelf. If I can magically afford a 120GB hard drive in the next couple of months (not likely), I'll probably play again.

MizzouRah 03-01-2009 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors (Post 1957077)
Nope. I probably would if I had the bigger hard drive so I could install the game onto it, but the load times just made me put it on the shelf. If I can magically afford a 120GB hard drive in the next couple of months (not likely), I'll probably play again.

Considering I just bought a 60GB HD and finally got around to installing this game on the HD, it's so much faster now, it's enjoyable again.

judicial clerk 03-01-2009 09:50 PM

I'm playing it and really enjoying it. Defining moments are dumb but I don't have trouble looking past it.

MizzouRah 03-01-2009 10:51 PM

I had no defining moments in my last game.. hoozah!!!

judicial clerk 03-02-2009 06:59 PM

I'm rebuilding the raiders and i have developed a strong defense with the additions of terrell suggs, tommy harris, cap casualty vernon gohlston, and draft pick chris long. It has been fun

in my last game against indy i had a defining moment option to bench jamarcus after he threw his third pick. i let him stay in against everybodies wishes. i wasnt gonna let the media or fans dictate how i run my team. he finished the game with ten interceptions.

Pumpy Tudors 03-02-2009 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by judicial clerk (Post 1958025)
in my last game against indy i had a defining moment option to bench jamarcus after he threw his third pick. i let him stay in against everybodies wishes. i wasnt gonna let the media or fans dictate how i run my team. he finished the game with ten interceptions.


MizzouRah 03-02-2009 09:14 PM

I'm with Pumpy jc.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

MizzouRah 03-02-2009 09:14 PM

I really do love how the game gives you options instead of having to mess around all that much looking for things.. they really did a great job with the interface.

ColtCrazy 03-23-2009 08:00 AM

I'm thinking of picking this game up now that I'm seeing it cheap around places.

I see some gripes with the play editor though, has anyone made any plays and loaded them into Madden? Figure if they work, that's just a bonus.

Honolulu_Blue 12-14-2009 01:25 PM

So, I picked this game up for $8 on New Egg a few months ago. A buddy of mine came over on Saturday and we decided to fire it up...

18 hours later (12 pm - 6 am), we had totally revamped the Lions and were 3-2 after 5 games.

We're having a ton of fun with the game. It definitely has limitations. The defining moments are very stupid, but I can overlook them. It has a few other issues, but overall it's a ton of fun and I look forward to getting back into it. Though, if I play another 18 hours straight Lady H_B will be most seriously displeased.

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