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gottimd 02-09-2006 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by NoMyths
Charlie as a violent pseudo-kidnapper of Sun?

Didn't Charlie say he wanted Locke to feel embarassed and powerless, and he saw that by going along with Sawyer this would be accomplished.


Originally Posted by NoMyths
With Sawyer behind it, even though he'd sailed away with the woman's husband, the same guy who helped save his life later?

Sawyer is a grifter/con man who cares for no one but himself. You are thinking as a "normal" person would.


Originally Posted by NoMyths
Jack saying "Does it matter?"

Just to show how Jack is pushing for an army. Shows how his character is quick to judge that the "Others" did this, and not think about it. Basically telling everyone who cares why she was attacked, the point is, is that she was and we need to defend ourselves now!


Originally Posted by NoMyths
to why Sun was attacked?

See above


Originally Posted by NoMyths
Locke NOT noticing that Charlie was following him (esp. if he was nervous about moving the guns), when he'd let Charlie follow him for an hour in an earlier episode and led him in circles?

Because, as you noted before, he let charlie follow him and led him in circles. This time Locke was not aware Charlie was following as Locke was more concerned about hiding the guns from what he thought was eminent danger. Little did locke know, in his rush to rehide/stash the arsenal of weapons, that he was being followed.

Cuckoo 02-09-2006 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by NoMyths
I was actually quite disappointed in this episode, as most of the main players were acting against their characters. Charlie as a violent pseudo-kidnapper of Sun? With Sawyer behind it, even though he'd sailed away with the woman's husband, the same guy who helped save his life later? Jack saying "Does it matter?" to why Sun was attacked? Locke NOT noticing that Charlie was following him (esp. if he was nervous about moving the guns), when he'd let Charlie follow him for an hour in an earlier episode and led him in circles?

I understand that narratives rely on conflict and have to generate new and sometimes irrational conflict in order to thrive, but these felt like character missteps to me. I hope there is a solid payoff, but can't say I wasn't disappointed in the new turns.

I agree with you. Although I liked this episode much better than the last one, this kind of character inconsistency, almost irrational, has been present the past two episodes.

John Galt 02-09-2006 10:36 AM

I agree with Cuckoo and Nomyths. To me, when the story has been survivors v. island, the characters seem natural and interesting. With the new survivors v. survivors story, the characters seem forced and silly. I certainly expect tensions and conflict, but the underlying freakiness of the island should be a much more unifying force than displayed in the last 2 episodes. And Charlie's bizarre turn in particular seemed a little strained in my mind (is there anything in his background that would indicate he would have the stomach and desire to kidnap a friend and hurt her as much as he did?).

gottimd 02-09-2006 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by John Galt
And Charlie's bizarre turn in particular seemed a little strained in my mind (is there anything in his background that would indicate he would have the stomach and desire to kidnap a friend and hurt her as much as he did?).

In terms of hurting someone he recently met, what about that part of his backstory from season 1, where he was stealing from that rich girl he was dating, I think to feed his heroin habit. Although not kidnapping, I guess you could say if someone can steal from a friend/lover,etc and con them (essentially hurting them in another way that is not physical), pseudo kidnapping isn't too far out of the realm of possibilities for revenge.

John Galt 02-09-2006 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
In terms of hurting someone he recently met, what about that part of his backstory from season 1, where he was stealing from that rich girl he was dating, I think to feed his heroin habit. Although not kidnapping, I guess you could say if someone can steal from a friend/lover,etc and con them (essentially hurting them in another way that is not physical), pseudo kidnapping isn't too far out of the realm of possibilities for revenge.

I think you are trying wayyyyy too hard. Stealing to feed an addiction is VERY different than kidnappying/beating of a friend when completely sober for petty revenge, IMO.

Castlerock 02-09-2006 10:57 AM

I agree that a lot of the characters have been acting "out of character". NoMyths is dead on.

Just a theory... could this be a symptom of the "madness" the French Lady spoke of?

jbmagic 02-09-2006 10:59 AM

Could it be that Charlie is back on drugs again for the way he is acting the last 2 episodes?

John Galt 02-09-2006 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
Could it be that Charlie is back on drugs again for the way he is acting the last 2 episodes?

Given he refused the statute with heroin in the last episode and there is no other known stash, I would say not.

gottimd 02-09-2006 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by John Galt
I think you are trying wayyyyy too hard. Stealing to feed an addiction is VERY different than kidnappying/beating of a friend when completely sober for petty revenge, IMO.

I agree with you, I didn't say they are one in the same, I meant that he has demonstrated in his past that he can hurt people that he knows. Also, I wasn't sure the Sun mentioned he beat her, I guess I missed that part, but it sounded like she said a bag was put over her head and she was kicking and screaming (while being dragged), and got away. Is it possible, the Charlie didn't give her a few jabs to the forehead, that she suffered those injuries from being dragged on the ground?

Also, why do you call it petty revenge? He was embarassed and hurt, and seemed very pissed about it. Also being that they are on the island and there is no escape, he is only left to ponder that moment, which would probably infuriate anybody beyond forgiveness, making it more than just a petty revenge for someone.

gottimd 02-09-2006 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Castlerock
I agree that a lot of the characters have been acting "out of character". NoMyths is dead on.

Acting out of character? We really don't know that much about each character to assume they are acting the way they normally do. For instance, Sawyer, who yes, we knew was a grifter/con artist, no one thought he would be conning everyone on the island to be in control. I forget his animal analogy (Stripes on a horse or something), but maybe that is what everyone is doing. Acting a certain way to gain trust with the group, but in the end they will end up acting like who they truly are.

Basically my point is that we are assuming everyone is a certain type of character, and now they are beginning to act differently. Who is to say that from the beginning they haven't been acting like themselves, and will now start to do so?

rkmsuf 02-09-2006 11:38 AM

What a great show to be on. 80% of the cast has like 2 lines a week.

oh and I'm having withdrawls so.....


NoMyths 02-09-2006 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Basically my point is that we are assuming everyone is a certain type of character, and now they are beginning to act differently. Who is to say that from the beginning they haven't been acting like themselves, and will now start to do so?

I'm assuming nothing. I am speaking as an expert on narrative development. :)

There is still plenty of depth and surprise to be mined with each character. But the developments of last night's show were serious missteps, in my opinion. I'm not attacking the show...I'm attacking that script.

Toddzilla 02-09-2006 12:09 PM

Did anyone notice that the music playing when Sayied hooked up the radio - "Moonlight Serenade" by Glen Miller - was the same song from that famous Twilight Zone episode? In the TZ, a guy in a nursing home had an old radio that broadcasted that song, but it was being broadcast from the 1940s. Everyone in the home thought the guy was crazy. Kinda neat for Hurley to make that TZ reference: " or from another time".


timmynausea 02-09-2006 01:24 PM

I don't think of it as character missteps. I think of it as us learning more about the characters and/or character development. Locke beat and shamed Charlie in front of everyone. Charlie has been a little weird in some of the backstories and now he is basically a complete outcast. He lost things that were really important to him in Claire and the baby. I don't think it's completely unreasonable that he would do this, knowing that Sun wasn't actually going to be seriously hurt.

It'd be worse if the show just pretended that what happened to Charlie last time was nothing and he would just go on exactly the same as before. I'd rather have character development that sometimes goes in irrational directions than have a sitcom type environment where the characters never change and you just plug a new situation into the show's "formula".

NoMyths 02-09-2006 01:49 PM

Here's one way that I can see allowing the characters to act oddly: remember that "virus" that the French chick talked about, and everyone assumed was just craziness? I could see folks being affected that way. But it would still point to a specific reason for a change, rather than just needing to interject more inter-survivor conflict.

John Galt 02-09-2006 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Castlerock
Just a theory... could this be a symptom of the "madness" the French Lady spoke of?

I think Nomyths has you on ignore. ;)

gottimd 02-09-2006 02:21 PM

I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it...but what about the virus?;) :)

jbmagic 02-09-2006 02:28 PM

will Michael ever come back?

OldGiants 02-09-2006 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
will Michael ever come back?

Yes, in a two-man episode in which the dialogue consists solely of :

Michael [shouts]: WALT!!

Jin: Gun!

Repeated for 60 minuts, minus commercials.

Castlerock 02-09-2006 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by John Galt
I think Nomyths has you on ignore. ;)

What did I ever do to him? :)

John Galt 02-09-2006 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Castlerock
What did I ever do to him? :)

First Rule of FOFC: Don't diss NoMyth's poetry.

Bearcat729 02-09-2006 04:17 PM

Hmm something interesting from the preview.....

Yeah watch out there's a possible spoiler ahead

Okay so apparently in the preview last week they show the timer running down to zero. People on the The noticed that the clock they show in the preview has 3 numbers while the actual clock in the Swan bunker has 5 numbers.

mgadfly 02-09-2006 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by John Galt
I think you are trying wayyyyy too hard. Stealing to feed an addiction is VERY different than kidnappying/beating of a friend when completely sober for petty revenge, IMO.

Well first off, he didn't kidnap and beat her. In her explanation she said she had the bag put over her head and her hands tied. She started running and tripped and then couldn't remember what happened (something along those lines). I don't think it would be out of line for Charlie to tie her hands and put a bag on her head in order to get back at Locke. If he had beat her, it would be a little more difficult to believe (but not a lot since I really only know a very little about him--basically, that he is an okay guy as long as he gets what he wants, the girl, the baby, his heroin, etc... but he has been a pretty demanding and irritating character when he hasn't gotten what he wants--like an explanation about what is in the hatch, the peanut butter when Hurley was in charge of the food, etc...).

Plus, if Locke had done that to me, steal my girl and my baby (I know it isn't really his baby, but that isn't the way he sees it) I'd have kicked his ass somehow. Since Charlie is a pussy I don't see him passing up Sawyer's offer especially since Sun wasn't supposed to trip and hurt herself. And I'd want to kill a man if he stole my wife, so I don't think Charlie is being too petty considering who he is or has been made out to be.

The thing that bothered me the most was that Kate (the super criminal that the marshal had needed 5 guns when tracking her down) was so easily duped that she even suggested that Sawyer go tell Locke to move the guns.

Rizon 02-09-2006 09:29 PM

Did nobody catch the Glen Miller connection?

NoMyths 02-09-2006 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Castlerock
What did I ever do to him? :)

Heh...missed your statement. :)


Originally Posted by John Galt
First Rule of FOFC: Don't diss NoMyth's poetry. :p

Though this certainly still stands. ;)

VPI97 02-09-2006 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Rizon
Did nobody catch the Glen Miller connection?

Yeah, I did.

spleen1015 02-10-2006 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by VPI97
Yeah, I did.

Care to explain?

gottimd 02-10-2006 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by spleen1015
Care to explain?

Hurley on the beach and Sayid approaches...he shows Hurley the walkie-talkie and Sayid tells him not to get excited - it might not work...They get static, then Rousseau's message...THEN Glen Miller's "Moonlight Serenade"'s so clear, Hurley thinks it's too clear and it's close by...Sayid says it could be bouncing from anywhere in the ionisphere and they just enjoy the music...

rkmsuf 02-10-2006 08:48 AM

More Libby, less Hobbit please.

spleen1015 02-10-2006 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Hurley on the beach and Sayid approaches...he shows Hurley the walkie-talkie and Sayid tells him not to get excited - it might not work...They get static, then Rousseau's message...THEN Glen Miller's "Moonlight Serenade"'s so clear, Hurley thinks it's too clear and it's close by...Sayid says it could be bouncing from anywhere in the ionisphere and they just enjoy the music...

When Sayid says it could be coming from anywhere, Hurley ends it with "Or any time..."

I caught that. I thought you guys were talking about more.

John Galt 02-10-2006 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by spleen1015
Care to explain?

Well, Glen Miller was on the radio. . .
And we know Miller is the King of Beers . . .
And Swayer is the new King of the island . . .
And like Sawyer, Tom Sawyer had a rough childhood . . .
And Tom Sawyer was a character in a story by Mark Twain . . .
And Mark Twain once said "A round man cannot be expected to fit in a square hole right away. He must have time to modify his shape."

So, we know Hurley will get stuck in the entrance to the hatch in the next episode. It was obvious, really.

John Galt 02-10-2006 08:50 AM


or it could be that Glen Miller's plane famously disappeared over the English Channel. ;)

spleen1015 02-10-2006 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by John Galt
Well, Glen Miller was on the radio. . .
And we know Miller is the King of Beers . . .
And Swayer is the new King of the island . . .
And like Sawyer, Tom Sawyer had a rough childhood . . .
And Tom Sawyer was a character in a story by Mark Twain . . .
And Mark Twain once said "A round man cannot be expected to fit in a square hole right away. He must have time to modify his shape."

So, we know Hurley will get stuck in the entrance to the hatch in the next episode. It was obvious, really.

That's brilliant.

VPI97 02-10-2006 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by spleen1015
I caught that. I thought you guys were talking about more.

There is...Glenn Miller went 'lost' during WWII when his plane went down while flying from England to France late in the war (over the English Channel, I think). Neither any wreckage nor any bodies from that flight were ever recovered.

Edit - What Galt said...

spleen1015 02-10-2006 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by VPI97
There is...Glenn Miller went 'lost' during WWII when his plane went down while flying from England to France late in the war (over the English Channel, I think). Neither any wreckage nor any bodies from that flight were ever recovered.

Edit - What Galt said...

I didn't know that. Thanks!

gottimd 02-10-2006 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Bearcat729
Okay so apparently in the preview last week they show the timer running down to zero. People on the The noticed that the clock they show in the preview has 3 numbers while the actual clock in the Swan bunker has 5 numbers.

Raiders Army 02-10-2006 11:57 AM

Maybe it's a different countdown?

rkmsuf 02-10-2006 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Maybe it's a different countdown?

Man you are quick.

John Galt 02-10-2006 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf
Man you are quick.

Burn! :D

sovereignstar 02-10-2006 12:48 PM

gottimd, maybe you could honor the wishes of guys who don't want anything to do with what they show in previews? Is this too hard to ask from guys?

Raiders Army 02-10-2006 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf
Man you are quick.

They call me Fast Raiders Army in these parts.

gottimd 02-10-2006 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by sovereignstar
gottimd, maybe you could honor the wishes of guys who don't want anything to do with what they show in previews? Is this too hard to ask from guys?

huh??? Someone else brought up the subject, all I did was post the pictures from what was shown on the previews. Did it really give away the ending or anything else bsides that it is a different clock? oooooooooh, can you solve the lost puzzle now?:D

rkmsuf 02-10-2006 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
huh??? Someone else brought up the subject, all I did was post the pictures from what was shown on the previews. Did it really give away the ending or anything else bsides that it is a different clock? oooooooooh, can you solve the lost puzzle now?:D

Raiders Army figured it out in a matter of seconds.

Raiders Army 02-10-2006 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf
Raiders Army figured it out in a matter of seconds.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on there cowboy. It took me a good few minutes to figure out what the top pic was let alone the bottom pic.

Bearcat729 02-10-2006 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
huh??? Someone else brought up the subject, all I did was post the pictures from what was shown on the previews. Did it really give away the ending or anything else bsides that it is a different clock? oooooooooh, can you solve the lost puzzle now?:D

I actually avoided posting the picture for that reason. I didn't want people who aviod any and all possible spoilers to get upset. It's also why I put so much space in the post to give them a chance to ignore the post.

sovereignstar 02-10-2006 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat729
I actually avoided posting the picture for that reason. I didn't want people who aviod any and all possible spoilers to get upset. It's also why I put so much space in the post to give them a chance to ignore the post.

Yeah, as you can see gottimd deleted the rest of your message in his quote.

gottimd 02-10-2006 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by sovereignstar
Yeah, as you can see gottimd deleted the rest of your message in his quote.

Aw come on now sunshine, cheer up! That picture doesn't give away shit. I'm sure no one solved all the riddles from that picture. Wow, there are 2 different clocks, or could it be a dream? Who knows...either way that picture isn't a spoiler........we know there is a clock, how do you even know what the other picture is of, it could be a timer on an old oven timer or an old alarm clock?? It almost gives away as much as this one.....

Look, its Sawyer with a gun, but it isn't the rifle he had in the last episode....:eek: :D

rkmsuf 02-10-2006 03:08 PM

I'm eagerly awaiting Raiders Army's conclusions based on this.

sovereignstar 02-10-2006 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Aw come on now sunshine, cheer up! That picture doesn't give away shit. I'm sure no one solved all the riddles from that picture. Wow, there are 2 different clocks, or could it be a dream? Who knows...either way that picture isn't a spoiler........we know there is a clock, how do you even know what the other picture is of, it could be a timer on an old oven timer or an old alarm clock?? It almost gives away as much as this one.....

Look, its Sawyer with a gun, but it isn't the rifle he had in the last episode....:eek: :D

Rub it however you want. Some people want to go into the next week's episode knowing nothing. Sure, the picture doesn't mean shit, but you knowingly quoted Bearcat and got rid of the spoiler warning.

gottimd 02-10-2006 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by sovereignstar
Rub it however you want. Some people want to go into the next week's episode knowing nothing. Sure, the picture doesn't mean shit, but you knowingly quoted Bearcat and got rid of the spoiler warning.

Okay, I just didnt see it as a spoiler since it was shown in the previews and ads for next week, and that it technically gives away nothing.

If it was a picture showing Jack killing Locke or something, than I could see it as having/needing a spoiler tag. This picture would just be like showing Locke on the beach during the day, then Locke at night in the jungle.

Castlerock 02-10-2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by gottimd
Okay, I just didnt see it as a spoiler since it was shown in the previews and ads for next week, and that it technically gives away nothing.

If it was a picture showing Jack killing Locke or something, than I could see it as having/needing a spoiler tag. This picture would just be like showing Locke on the beach during the day, then Locke at night in the jungle.

I don't want to sound like a whiner but I will and then shut up. I would rather not know anything about next weeks episode. I don't watch the previews and I don't watch the ads. I learned about the clock from reading this thread. I don't want people to feel like they can't discuss things here. Just mark it as spoiler so I can ignore it (although a picture is hard to ignore). Everyone is happy. I guess the definition of "spoiler" was the issue. I would like to include previews and scenes from future weeks as spoilers.

Not a big deal. Just increases my enjoyment of the show.

Raiders Army 02-10-2006 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by rkmsuf
I'm eagerly awaiting Raiders Army's conclusions based on this.

I'm sorry, but I was a bit busy this afternoon. From what I can tell, Sawyer looks like Kate gave him a golden shower and now he's gonna give it to her with his gun.

VPI97 02-10-2006 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Castlerock
I would rather not know anything about next weeks episode. I don't watch the previews and I don't watch the ads. I learned about the clock from reading this thread.

No offense, but just don't click on the thread. If you don't want to know anything from the previews prior to seeing the show, then it should be your actions which ensure one else should bear the responsibility of censoring things for you.

mgadfly 02-10-2006 05:17 PM

I agree with VPI97, previews should be fair game. However, if someone has some special knowledge derived from some special source, I'd still appreciate a heads-up that a spoiler is approaching.

sovereignstar 02-10-2006 05:34 PM

Previews are for pussies that can't handle their shorts for a week.

jbmagic 02-10-2006 05:37 PM

this thread is open for spoilers and non-spoilers discussions.

sovereignstar 02-10-2006 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
this thread is open for spoilers and non-spoilers discussions.

oh, okay

ice4277 02-10-2006 05:44 PM

I would also cast a vote for not discussing previews; even though I watch the previews for 'Lost', I can understand why people would choose not to.

Seems kinda pointless, anyways; we know the previews are doctored to look totally different from what actually happens.

Toddzilla 02-10-2006 07:04 PM

Asking that we not discuss the previews *which were broadcast immedialtely after the current episode* is pretty mush asking people not to discuss the last 5 minutes of the program, or discuss everything except certain plot twists. In reality, the producers choose the content of the previews specifically based on what was just shown, so the amount of "spoiler" material in them is negligible at best. Remember Jin speaking English? Big spoiler? Um, no. And this weeks preview which included (AVERT YOUR EYES IF YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW! ZOMG!) the clock counting down to zero was another red herring - it was clearly a different clock than is in the hatch. So, our dear readers who wish to avoid the "spoilage" that is brought on by the previews should pretty much just avoid this thread for a week.

Pussies ;)

Rizon 02-10-2006 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by John Galt

or it could be that Glen Miller's plane famously disappeared over the English Channel. ;)


Raiders Army 02-10-2006 08:14 PM

Jin can't speak English? :D

Desmond 02-11-2006 11:35 PM

Well, I loved where the Sawyer ended up, I didn't like how he got there. I didn't think they were very inventive at all this week with tying things together.

As for Charlie, I dunno. I didn't really think it was in character for him except to say that he may be losing his mind, which could be interesting, but so far im not digging it cause he just isn't imposing enough physicaly or hasn't shown me the acting chops to pull off "crazy".

Something else not touched yet in the thread is the reasoning behind Sawyers actions. I know he explained them on the show but i've got a real sense that he intends to lead whatever action against "the others" that is taken. He wants a piece of Zeke and he's going in as a general, not as a grunt.

Im looking forward to Johns reaction to what Sawyer did because I have this sense that John is trying to bring whatever is out there too him, and not vice versa.

As far as the spoilers go, I too don't watch the previews. I just don't wanna know Anything about whats coming up. Is it really so hard to put up a simple tag? I know you might not feel like it's a big deal, but previews are previews because they wanna hook you for the next episode, so they do carry importance, no matter how insignificant they are to you.

ThunderingHERD 02-15-2006 08:37 PM

Locke is facilitating torture now? That's really in character. :rolleyes:

cthomer5000 02-15-2006 08:41 PM

LOST: Less interesting every week.

Noop 02-15-2006 08:42 PM

I want to bed Kate.

Bearcat729 02-15-2006 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Noop
I want to bed Kate.

Rumor is she's carrying a little hobbit inside....

Bearcat729 02-15-2006 09:07 PM


So how long until the next episode? I know it's not next week based on the preview.

gottimd 02-15-2006 09:16 PM

2 weeks I think.

Toddzilla 02-15-2006 09:16 PM

Dammit! That dude playing the felled baloon pilot has been in Lost before - last year? when? I just know I've seen that guy before.....

And can anyone translate heiroglyphics? My glyph skillz are weak. I think it translates as "Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine"...


gottimd 02-15-2006 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Toddzilla
Dammit! That dude playing the felled baloon pilot has been in Lost before - last year? when? I just know I've seen that guy before.....

And can anyone translate heiroglyphics? My glyph skillz are weak. I think it translates as "Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine"...


Never seen the Balloon guy before.

sovereignstar 02-15-2006 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Toddzilla
Dammit! That dude playing the felled baloon pilot has been in Lost before - last year? when? I just know I've seen that guy before.....

I recognize him too, but I doubt it's from Lost. Someone needs to figure out the actor's name.

sovereignstar 02-15-2006 09:42 PM


sovereignstar 02-15-2006 09:44 PM

Swaggs 02-15-2006 09:55 PM

Was that Kate in the picture the US Army guy was holding?

Perhaps the pilot's wife?

spleen1015 02-15-2006 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs
Was that Kate in the picture the US Army guy was holding?

Perhaps the pilot's wife?

That Army guy with the picture was Kate's dad, obviously with a pic of Kate.

Swaggs 02-15-2006 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by spleen1015
That Army guy with the picture was Kate's dad, obviously with a pic of Kate.

Ah... I had forgotten about that. We saw him in his recruiting office in the Kate-centric episode, right?

Good eyes.

spleen1015 02-15-2006 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs
Ah... I had forgotten about that. We saw him in his recruiting office in the Kate-centric episode, right?

Good eyes.

That's right.

cthomer5000 02-15-2006 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by spleen1015
That Army guy with the picture was Kate's dad, obviously with a pic of Kate.

Ah yes... the "not her real dad" dad, right?

sovereignstar 02-15-2006 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by cthomer5000
Ah yes... the "not her real dad" dad, right?


Honolulu_Blue 02-15-2006 10:31 PM

I thought it was a good episode. I liked the last one too.

Swaggs 02-15-2006 10:37 PM

I noticed that the preview didn't say "Next" Wednesday. Checked my Tivo guide and there are no new episodes on the queue. :(

This is turning crappy. I am considering not watching it anymore until it comes out on DVD. This season has been a killer for momentum--the episodes have been very hit and miss and the breaks are killing me.

spleen1015 02-15-2006 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs
I noticed that the preview didn't say "Next" Wednesday. Checked my Tivo guide and there are no new episodes on the queue. :(

This is turning crappy. I am considering not watching it anymore until it comes out on DVD. This season has been a killer for momentum--the episodes have been very hit and miss and the breaks are killing me.

I didn't start watching Season 1 until 3 days before Season 2 premiered. After catching up, I had 3 episodes of Season 2 to watch.

I agree. Watching them all at once was much better. I got to see everything within a small time frame.

Celeval 02-15-2006 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Toddzilla
Dammit! That dude playing the felled baloon pilot has been in Lost before - last year? when? I just know I've seen that guy before.....

And can anyone translate heiroglyphics? My glyph skillz are weak. I think it translates as "Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine"...


An early post from a different userboard uses:

and says the heiroglyphics translate to syaid or some such... which given that they're shuffling when Locke resets it, implies that it's heading for "Sayid"... which is just funky.

Celeval 02-15-2006 10:47 PM

Also, dunno if it's a writer's nod or an actual clue... but the guy arrived (supposedly) in a hot air balloon and is named Henry Gale.

Dorothy Gale is the famed Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz... Henry is her uncle (the other half of Auntie Em).. the Wizard left the Emerald City by hot air balloon. Just sayin'

spleen1015 02-15-2006 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Celeval
An early post from a different userboard uses:

and says the heiroglyphics translate to syaid or some such... which given that they're shuffling when Locke resets it, implies that it's heading for "Sayid"... which is just funky.

I don't believe it if that site is correct. The symbol that was on the far right is not one of the symbols you see when you type Sayid into it.

Celeval 02-15-2006 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by spleen1015
I don't believe it if that site is correct. The symbol that was on the far right is not one of the symbols you see when you type Sayid into it.

I'm not sure either, but I don't have a picture of the heiros, and didn't DVR it tonight.

cthomer5000 02-15-2006 11:03 PM

Draft Dodger 02-15-2006 11:28 PM

the symbols mean: cause to die

Draft Dodger 02-15-2006 11:39 PM

so, I don't watch the previews, but I saw the pictures of the clock on page 25 which seems to be completely different than the clock that was in this week's episode. and the picture of Sawyer with a hand gun? did I miss that in this episode? I know he had a pistol in the jungle with hurley...but I don't remember anything that looked like that pose.

I don't think those are anything other than production issues, but it's pretty annoying

mgadfly 02-16-2006 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger
so, I don't watch the previews, but I saw the pictures of the clock on page 25 which seems to be completely different than the clock that was in this week's episode. and the picture of Sawyer with a hand gun? did I miss that in this episode? I know he had a pistol in the jungle with hurley...but I don't remember anything that looked like that pose.

I don't think those are anything other than production issues, but it's pretty annoying

I don't remember Sawyer with the gun from last week's preview, I think someone just put that up. I could be wrong, but I don't think that was in the previews at all.

The clock does look to be different though, which is a bit troubling. Hopefully I'm missing something.

I liked Kate's dad being in this one. I'm also wondering if the guy that gave $ to Sayid at the end will be returning in future episodes.

Raiders Army 02-16-2006 03:47 AM

Took me about a minute, but I realized the guy who gave the $ to Sayid is the head guard in The Shawshank Redemption.

cthomer5000 02-16-2006 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Took me about a minute, but I realized the guy who gave the $ to Sayid is the head guard in The Shawshank Redemption.

He was also a major, major character in the HBO show "Carnivale." This makes back-to-back weeks of HBO series actors popping up. The woman who plays Joanie Stubbs in Deadwood was the woman in Sawyer's flashback last week.

gottimd 02-16-2006 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger
so, I don't watch the previews, but I saw the pictures of the clock on page 25 which seems to be completely different than the clock that was in this week's episode. and the picture of Sawyer with a hand gun? did I miss that in this episode? I know he had a pistol in the jungle with hurley...but I don't remember anything that looked like that pose.

I don't think those are anything other than production issues, but it's pretty annoying

You had to know that was going to be the case. They almost always try and throw you off on the previews (aka Jin speaking english but only a dream) and make it seem like something else.

As for the picture of Sawyer in the jungle, that was my fault. It was in response to me getting yelled at for posting a picture of the clock, saying that it didn't do anything spoilerwise, it was in the previews and a picture of sawyer with a gun in the jungle (I believe was from Season 1) would be just about as much as a spoiler as a clock.

gottimd 02-16-2006 07:05 AM


Just a thought but the clock looks like the "flipping numbers" are not encased in glass, and Locke just saw some weird symbols that it flipped to. If I was Locke, I would get some sort of ladder, and see if I can flip the things to those symbols to get a better read on them and go from there.

I assume Locke will just forget what he saw and carry on. When the countdown went to 0, it sounded like some huge machine was warming up and about to activated, could this be some sort of huge magnet (pulls planes, boats, other metal objects to it).

OldGiants 02-16-2006 12:52 PM

I liked this one, but am weary of the weekly interruptions.

Favorite bits this week came from Sawyer crushing the cute little frog in his bare hand and giving it to Hurley. Sawyer saying Hurley's Ranch Dressing habit would be "all over the coconut internet."

Least favorite: Hieroglyphics on the clock.

WTF is with that? I mean, the computers are old, but not that old. What could possibly be the point of ancient Egyptian writing on a pre-LED era output device?

mgadfly 02-16-2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by OldGiants
I liked this one, but am weary of the weekly interruptions.

Favorite bits this week came from Sawyer crushing the cute little frog in his bare hand and giving it to Hurley. Sawyer saying Hurley's Ranch Dressing habit would be "all over the coconut internet."

Least favorite: Hieroglyphics on the clock.

WTF is with that? I mean, the computers are old, but not that old. What could possibly be the point of ancient Egyptian writing on a pre-LED era output device?

I saw somewhere else where a bunch of people were up in arms about Sawyer crushing the frog. Why would he!? How could he? For no reason. Boo hoo. Animal cruelty puts him as one of the lowest forms of people ... as if stealing and murdering didn't already put him there.

I also wasn't impressed with the hieroglyphics. Unless there is a time machine or worm hole to ancient Egypt burried behind that cement wall, I don't see why there would be glyphs on the countdown. (There is one idea that I have, but I'm not quite sold on it and don't want to ruin it for people if it turns out to be the case... but at anyrate the odds are they just want to keep people wondering why w/out any legitimate reason.)

I am kind of tired of people complaining about stuff being out of character as if people react consistently with their character (however that is viewed by the outside world) all the time. I understand why a bullying, petty, thief like Sawyer would crush the frog (to send a subtle message to Hurley who had just stood up to him). I understand why Locke would be against arming people yet be for torturing the captive.

I will be very disappointed if they let the captive get away (or killed like what happened once already). And if I were there I would have Sayid in that room until he gave up all the secrets.

I also like the idea of a Sayid ran army a little better than a Jack ran army since Jack is apparently unwilling to actually hurt someone.

OldGiants 02-16-2006 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by mgadfly
I saw somewhere else where a bunch of people were up in arms about Sawyer crushing the frog. Why would he!? How could he? For no reason. Boo hoo. Animal cruelty puts him as one of the lowest forms of people ... as if stealing and murdering didn't already put him there.

I also wasn't impressed with the hieroglyphics. Unless there is a time machine or worm hole to ancient Egypt burried behind that cement wall, I don't see why there would be glyphs on the countdown. (There is one idea that I have, but I'm not quite sold on it and don't want to ruin it for people if it turns out to be the case... but at anyrate the odds are they just want to keep people wondering why w/out any legitimate reason.)

I am kind of tired of people complaining about stuff being out of character as if people react consistently with their character (however that is viewed by the outside world) all the time. I understand why a bullying, petty, thief like Sawyer would crush the frog (to send a subtle message to Hurley who had just stood up to him). I understand why Locke would be against arming people yet be for torturing the captive.

I will be very disappointed if they let the captive get away (or killed like what happened once already). And if I were there I would have Sayid in that room until he gave up all the secrets.

I also like the idea of a Sayid ran army a little better than a Jack ran army since Jack is apparently unwilling to actually hurt someone.

I agree with your out-of-character comments and would add that Sayid addressed that issue in his last speech with Charley. He said he didn't think he had being a torturer in him until he did it, so you never know what you can do in life. That's part of 'Lost'--finding out what you're really made of. Some folks become heroes, others chicken out or go feral.

Raiders Army 02-16-2006 04:47 PM

With Mike gone, Jack is increasingly the most annoying character. He outstrips Ana Lucia by a long shot.

Swaggs 02-16-2006 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
With Mike gone, Jack is increasingly the most annoying character. He outstrips Ana Lucia by a long shot.


He is a very good candidate for a bitchslapping.

gottimd 02-16-2006 05:45 PM

Is it ok to post pictures from this last episode yet? Pictures that have stuff that you may have missed? Wanted to ask before I post a picture about the episode that was already aired.

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