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MJ4H 02-28-2007 07:29 PM

Melinda Doolittle freaking rules. Unbelieveable.

MJ4H 02-28-2007 07:32 PM

dola i hate that song and that freaking owned

MJ4H 02-28-2007 07:33 PM

dola get on the melinda bandwagon bitches im dolaing this board into oblivion and you better not get in the way

Poli 02-28-2007 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by MattJones4Heisman (Post 1406012)
I winced at least twice to out-of-tune notes. My memory tells me he was sharp both times, which can be overlooked by some people. When somone misses flat, it is much more noticeable.

What does a band director know about being in tune? :rolleyes:


MJ4H 02-28-2007 07:42 PM


Drake 02-28-2007 07:42 PM

When Antonella sings, I want to stab myself with a fork. Every time she opens her mouth, it is the longest ninety seconds of my life.

Drake 02-28-2007 07:43 PM


Now that I think about it, maybe I should just have sex every time she sings and put that ninety seconds of endless time to good use.

MJ4H 02-28-2007 07:44 PM

To be fair I listened back to Sunjaya when I got home today. Was actually better than I remember intonation wise, but there are definitely some wince-moments. Definitely not every note spot-on. That said the guy sang like a wet noodle.

There isn't anyone else on this show like Melinda Doolittle. This season or otherwise. Good heavens that was amazing.

Eaglesfan27 02-28-2007 07:56 PM

Agreed with the praise for Melinda. She has been the best so far, tonight.

Pumpy Tudors 02-28-2007 08:35 PM

hay gina omg

mtolson 02-28-2007 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by MattJones4Heisman (Post 1406403)
To be fair I listened back to Sunjaya when I got home today. Was actually better than I remember intonation wise, but there are definitely some wince-moments. Definitely not every note spot-on. That said the guy sang like a wet noodle.

There isn't anyone else on this show like Melinda Doolittle. This season or otherwise. Good heavens that was amazing.

My favorite version of that song is Chaka Khan's. When she first started singing I knew she was going to do good. The song allows you to stretch your vocals a little. With that said, she KILLED THAT SONG. She sang the hell out of it. Chaka is sitting somewhere with a big ass smile on her face. I think Lakisha would have also done well with that song but she didn't select it so my vote goes to Melinda. She could have easily attempted to over sing it but she keep it right on the line of power versus yelling.

She is so mature and aware of her abilities I don't see her making a stupid mistake with song choice.

wade moore 02-28-2007 09:26 PM

On Melinda - I still think she's too "old" in so many ways for this competition and at this point I'd be shocked if she wins..

Logan 02-28-2007 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by wade moore (Post 1406605)
On Melinda - I still think she's too "old" in so many ways for this competition and at this point I'd be shocked if she wins..

Agreed. She has a nice voice, but her lack of a personality (and let's be honest, a neck) is going to finish her off. She's way too boring.

I didn't think Antonella was that bad for the second half of her song (when she apparently blended two verses together)...but the first half was a disaster of epic proportions. She didn't pause at all and was way ahead of the song.

Arles 02-28-2007 09:55 PM

Once again the girls steal the show. here's the abridged version of the women rankings:

1. Melinda Doolittle - She was the star tonight on both vocals and song selection. Even though she has no neck, she has one heck of a voice.
2. Jordin Sparks - I know some will think this is too high - but I can't help but think she will continue to evolve as the show mvoes on. She's like a Kevin Garnett type talent at her age and really sang a tough song well.
3. Lakisha - Great voice, not the best outfit though. Fabric is her friend.
4. Sabrina Sloan - Did get close to shouting like Simon said, but I thought she did a nice job.
5. Stephanie - Pretty tough song but she handled it well.
6. Gina - I like her, but tonight wasn't her best night. It also seemed like the background vocals really drowned her out (common theme on the weaker performances).
7. Leslie - Not a big fan of hers but she atleast tried to add a little spice to a song. Should stay around for one more week.
8. Haley - Not bad, but not great either and had the most forgettable performance. She could be gone if the 15-20 year old boys vote in masses for Barbarella.
9. Wet T-Shirt - She actually did do better but seems so overwhelmed on every song. Should be gone on talent/performance, but could stay another week for the novelty factor in voting.
10. Alaina - Ugh, yuck, just awful. The only thing that may save her is that she was so bad she may have unseated Waterfall girl for the "Vote for the Worst" title. Maybe Sanjaya will actually get voted off as a girl and that may help save her as well.

MJ4H 02-28-2007 10:51 PM

Close to agreeing with you Arles. Here's mine (I have to wait until there are fewer singers to do mine normally because they all run together to me).

1. Melinda - booya
2. Sabrina - weak in spots but a very good performance
3. Lakisha - not as big a fan of her as some
4. Jordin - wish I could've put her ahead of Lakisha but out-of-tune too often
5. Gina - almost decent. the song is awesome.
6. Haley - I liked this better than most, I think.
7. Stephanie - what a terrible song.
8. Leslie - I really want to like her
9. Alaina - not. good.
10. Antonella - don't make me comment. better than last week though, Simon was wrong about that.

Solecismic 02-28-2007 11:09 PM

Unlike the guys, the girls are divided into distinct camps this season: those who can sing and those who can't - there's maybe one or two in the middle here. The real question is whether it's fair to judge them on the same scale, and whether Melinda deserves an entirely different scale of her own.

For the 32nd time in the last three years, as I put these ratings together and try and collect my thoughts, I wonder if I'm actually changing the world for the better. Or if I'm just one oversized salmon-colored sweater away from a pitchy demise at the hands of thousands of rabid text-sim fans?

Hey, girls. On Celine, On Whitney, On Mariah, On Beyonce? On Janet, On Barbra, On Diana, On Christina? Just follow the salmon sweater to glory, and don't forget to dedicate a song or two to your grandmama along the way.

Here are the week 2, girls' night out rankings:

1. Melinda Doolittle. What do you say to someone who's already a polished, professional singer? Hey, nice job, Melinda. You knocked them out again, you know exactly what you're doing and you really don't need American Idol right now. It's quickly becoming a bit uncomfortable. I do get the feeling she won't win this, because she's not a screamer, she's not sexy in the slightest, she doesn't motivate rabid fans. But there she is at the top of the list again. Score of 93.

2. Lakisha Jones. Local girl stayed on formula again, stuck with the power, charmed the audience. I noticed she is very good at adjusting minor pitch flaws. That and her diva voice will carry her into the final three, no doubt. Score of 85.

3. Leslie Hunt. It goes almost without saying that it's gutsy to open a cappella. And it probably should be said that the Idol format rewards the more powerful voices. I don't know if she'll last long enough to grab any sort of fan base, but of the non-diva voices, I like hers the best. Score of 84.

4. Jordin Sparks. Her emotional reaction led to a very breathy performance of a song she should be singing in her sleep. She should concentrate less on showing off her range and more on featuring the melodic qualities of her voice, which are considerable and would help move her into the elite group this year. I agree with the judges, just scary talent for her age. Score of 83.

5. Sabrina Sloan. Okay, quite a bit of talent here, but I wonder when she's going to lower the volume and start singing for real. Who is Sabrina? Will she last long enough to find out? As one of the older contestants, I'm a little disappointed with her so far. Quite a gap between 4 and 5 this week. Score of 74.

6. Stephanie Edwards. Now is not the time to channel Beyonce. I'd like to be nicer to her, because there were some good qualities about the song, but she didn't sell it early and she wasn't trying to put her own stamp on the performance. A disappointment from someone I thought was a solid contender last week. Score of 72.

7. Gina Glocksen. The truest "tweener" in the group - I have no idea if she can sing right now. When Carrie Underwood did this song two years ago, there was no question it helped propel her to the top. Tonight, all I could think was, "hey, it's a tough song, don't hurt yourself." For all the hype, and the judges have it exactly right again, this tiger has no edge right now. Score of 71.

8. Haley Scarnato. Just close the mouth for a minute, and let us look at you. I have no idea where this was supposed to go. I don't think she did, either. I think she was trying to be fun, trying to work the system, but she lacked energy and damned near quit at the end. Score of 58.

9. Alaina Alexander. There's a lot to like about Alaina. Unfortunately, her singing prowess isn't really at the top of the list. I'm trying very hard to remember what she sung. I do remember her looking up toward the middle and fighting off tears, as if she knew it wasn't going well and was trying to get through it. No question she's gone. Score of 51.

10. Antonella Barba. There's guts, like Leslie showed. And then there's just blind ego. I have no idea why she tried a power diva song. Maybe it sounded really, really good in the shower. In the end, it was just karaoke. A note to all you teen boys who are voting for her in masses - she's never going to sleep with you. Really. Score of 49.

Who should go: Antonella and Alaina.

Who will go: Alaina and Haley.

lordscarlet 03-01-2007 06:42 AM

I was very surprised by Leslie's song and I think I liked it the best. I don't think it was done the best, but for me and my tastes it was the best last night.

Pumpy Tudors 03-01-2007 07:17 AM

Agh. Leslie's performance didn't work at all for me. Also, I can't tell Alaina and Haley apart. In my opinion, they're both rather forgettable as singers, so I guess it doesn't matter.

I have to admit that I didn't pay much attention to the dedications before the songs. What was Jordin so emotional about? Something to do with her brother? I didn't even realize she was breaking down until several seconds after the song had ended.

Thomkal 03-01-2007 07:20 AM

I think the girls seperated themselves last night. Leslie, Haley, Antonella, and Alaina either should or likely will be the next four voted off, unless Antonella's pictures keep her on again. I still like Haley and wish the judges had given her some praise for trying to change the image the judges didn't like with her first song.

MJ4H 03-01-2007 08:14 AM

Haley is a very pretty girl with a birth mark on her face the size of Saskatchewan.

Ksyrup 03-01-2007 08:29 AM

I agree on Melinda on all accounts. She's hands-down the best singer this show has ever had, period, and she has no shot at winning. That was a clinic last night. She sang a "standard" like Sanjaya and did everything right that he did wrong.

In fact, with her and Brandon being former backup singers, and recalling the discussion we had on this board about last season's Survivor (the one where they split them up by race) where it appeared the cast was California-based and included a number of people generally in the entertainment industry, I'm wondering if Melinda and Brandon aren't the recipients of that kind of pre-audition talent search by the AI people? Maybe we're seeing AI move toward the "professional singers who haven't yet made it" contestants, since the true undiscovered talent well is probably running a bit dry this many seasons in. even Chris Sligh, given his band's fairly polished sound, could fit that as well.

Just a thought...

lordscarlet 03-01-2007 08:36 AM

Not of the top female singers do anything for me. I recognize which ones are the best, but they all sound very similar (in style) and just really aren't for me.

On Melinda: There's a reason she's in the business but in the background. It's a tough break, but we as a race are not good people. Her "different" look and shy personality will keep her in the background.

Eaglesfan27 03-01-2007 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by lordscarlet (Post 1406889)
Not of the top female singers do anything for me. I recognize which ones are the best, but they all sound very similar (in style) and just really aren't for me.

On Melinda: There's a reason she's in the business but in the background. It's a tough break, but we as a race are not good people. Her "different" look and shy personality will keep her in the background.

Don't you think that this experience of being on American Idol and getting all of this praise could boost her confidence and help her become less shy. I don't think she'll ever become arrogant, but I could see her becoming much more confident as this competition progresses and making major strides in her career, even though she does look odd.

Ksyrup 03-01-2007 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by lordscarlet (Post 1406889)
It's a tough break, but we as a race are not good people.

Explain/clarify please.

lordscarlet 03-01-2007 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 (Post 1406897)
Don't you think that this experience of being on American Idol and getting all of this praise could boost her confidence and help her become less shy. I don't think she'll ever become arrogant, but I could see her becoming much more confident as this competition progresses and making major strides in her career, even though she does look odd.

It's possible, but I don't think so. Maybe short-term success, but I am far from a music expert. :)


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1406911)
Explain/clarify please.

The human race has a bias towards pretty/prettier people.

Ksyrup 03-01-2007 09:13 AM

So you're saying that you think black people are generally not good looking?

Klinglerware 03-01-2007 09:16 AM

That's not what he's saying...

lordscarlet 03-01-2007 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1406926)
So you're saying that you think black people are generally not good looking?

By "race" I'm referring to humans, not skin color. Melinda Doolittle is someone who looks (even if slightly) different from most people. She is also meek, which doesn't play well as a celebrity. Someone outgoing (like Jordin or Lakisha) or someone attractive (like Stephanie or Sabrina) is far more likely to win even though they don't have the same talent level. I think the tweener, Gina, is also hurt by her lack of attractiveness (and her flaws in talent were exposed this week). Certainly someone like Antonella can't skate by on looks alone (although, look at Pickles), but I think everyone who has won idol has had some charismatic factor and that's not going to change even with as clear a talent difference as we're seeing here.

Ksyrup 03-01-2007 09:27 AM

I got you, I thought by race you were referring to yourself among black people (since I have no clue what most people on this board look like!). I thought you were commenting on her chances on the show because she's black. Sorry!

lordscarlet 03-01-2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1406937)
I got you, I thought by race you were referring to yourself among black people (since I have no clue what most people on this board look like!). I thought you were commenting on her chances on the show because she's black. Sorry!

I can certainly see the confusion.

I'm about as white as they come, fyi. :)

Swaggs 03-01-2007 09:45 AM

I wonder if Haley cost herself votes by talking about her boyfriend or fiancee in the snippet before her song.

Danny 03-01-2007 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs (Post 1406955)
I wonder if Haley cost herself votes by talking about her boyfriend or fiancee in the snippet before her song.

she broke my heart and lost my vote!

Eaglesfan27 03-01-2007 07:28 PM

I think that is the first time a contestant just lost it in singing his/her goodbye song.

MJ4H 03-01-2007 07:41 PM

did kellie always have those? good heavens

Flasch186 03-01-2007 07:41 PM

Stick Pickler?

Ryan Seacrest is on point corny as he is and played out, he is sharp as a tack.

shoes. shoes. "anything else?" LOL

MizzouRah 03-01-2007 07:41 PM

Whoa Kelly.. where did those come from?

Lathum 03-01-2007 08:33 PM

Kelly looked awefull.

Who lost it, I always fast forward past the exit song.

Lathum 03-01-2007 08:34 PM

dola- and todays show was a travesty.

LoneStarGirl 03-01-2007 08:52 PM

I picked all four of those people to go home.... Sanjay wouldn't cuz he is young and Indian and the Antionella wouldn't cuz she is hot and hot.

MJ4H 03-01-2007 08:59 PM

MizzouRah 03-01-2007 09:26 PM

After tonight, I really have lost all interest in AI.

Eaglesfan27 03-01-2007 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 1407652)
Kelly looked awefull.

Who lost it, I always fast forward past the exit song.


Lathum 03-01-2007 09:52 PM

I'll have to wait for it to hit youtube

Thomkal 03-01-2007 10:01 PM

Well I don't think any of the four who went today would have made it to the Final 2 or 4, so while I'm not too heartbroken over them leaving, I'm not too happy about who stayed. Votefortheworst is a real factor this season it seems.

I'm thinking no Idol contestant will ever sing that one song again after it eliminated two people. :)

And Kelly looked pretty awful, especially with the lighting when she was singing. Made it look like she had grey hair and was about 20 years older. Song wasn't too bad though.

Logan 03-01-2007 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 1407724)
Well I don't think any of the four who went today would have made it to the Final 2 or 4, so while I'm not too heartbroken over them leaving, I'm not too happy about who stayed. Votefortheworst is a real factor this season it seems.

That site's traffic is so low compared to the amount of people who actually vote, I'd say it's nearly impossible for it to have an effect.

law90026 03-01-2007 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 1407728)
That site's traffic is so low compared to the amount of people who actually vote, I'd say it's nearly impossible for it to have an effect.

Depends on how you look at it I guess. I don't think they ever announce how many people actually vote, just the number of votes received. If so, the traffic volume on the site may not be as relevant.

I have to admit, I started out with some scepticism towards VFTW but their faves do seem to get further than they should.

cmp 03-01-2007 11:52 PM

I don't see any problems with the 4 who were voted out. None of them had a chance to win so what's the big deal.

Danny 03-01-2007 11:58 PM

Indeed, the two worst contestants are still in the competition, but the four who went home were nothing special

Ksyrup 03-02-2007 06:57 AM

Sanjaya has officially become John Stevens - every time he's not voted out, he looks embarrassed as hell that he gets to stay while someone who performed better goes home. I don't think he'll last as long as Stevens, though.

And Antonella is now #2 and fast rising on my most-hated list. She's still got a ways to go before she tops Mikaylah Gordon, though.

Regarding Pickles...I'm glad I'm not the only one to wonder if those breasteses were there before or not. Even my wife mentioned it. And that hair...oof. She looked like a cross between Patsy Cline and Hilary Clinton. In other words - NOT GOOD!

Ksyrup 03-02-2007 08:03 AM


I forgot to comment on Leslie being voted out. Her looks obviously scared away voters, but I have to say, after her couple of comments right as the show was going off the air, I would have granted her a reprieve. Right as she got to the scat section of the song, she started to do it like she had performed it the night before, then stopped, and yell/sung, "Why did I have to scat?" and "American hates jazz" or something like that as the show cut off. That was awesome!

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