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RainMaker 03-03-2024 06:32 PM

After 10 years of trying, a Palestinian woman had twins. An Israeli strike killed them both | AP News

Edward64 03-28-2024 05:20 PM

Sounds good to me. If Israel believes Hamas-Palestinians is an existential threat, then this is a good idea (same with Taiwan who recently changed their draft from 3-4 months to 1 year).

I get some special stuff needs to be done to accommodate their religious beliefs but at the very least, train them & put them in some isolated watchtower overlooking someplace.

High Court: Israel must freeze funding for haredi students not drafted - The Jerusalem Post

The High Court of Justice on Thursday night issued a blockbuster decision endorsing a universal draft, including the Haredi sector, starting April 1 as a matter of principle, while in practice deferring most enforcement until August 9.The decision largely accepted the recommendation of the Attorney-General’s Office on these issues, invoking a legal universal draft immediately but providing months of transition time for the institutions to adjust to the new reality.

RainMaker 03-28-2024 07:02 PM

RainMaker 04-01-2024 06:27 PM

Edward64 04-01-2024 08:51 PM

Seems like a major escalation taking out the Quds no. 2 guy (and his deputy) in Lebanon. Pretty darn good intel, wonder if it came from the US.

Israel accused of deadly strike on Iranian consulate in Syria

Iran's Revolutionary Guards says seven officers have been killed in an Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate building in Syria's capital, Damascus.

Brig-Gen Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander of the elite Quds Force, and Brig-Gen Mohammad Hadi Haji-Rahimi, his deputy, were named among the dead.

Iran and Syria's governments condemned the attack, which destroyed a building next door to the Iranian embassy.

RainMaker 04-02-2024 08:01 AM

Assassinated aid workers, including an Amerocan citizen. Also finished up their atrocities at the hospital that people claimed for months would never be intentionally attacked. Pretty eventful day for the country.

Super Ugly 04-02-2024 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3429939)
Assassinated aid workers, including an Amerocan citizen. Also finished up their atrocities at the hospital that people claimed for months would never be intentionally attacked. Pretty eventful day for the country.

The most moral army in the world.

Corny_1 04-02-2024 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Super Ugly (Post 3429943)
The most moral army in the world.

Army with the least war-crimes be like:

Corny_1 04-02-2024 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3429939)
Assassinated aid workers, including an Amerocan citizen. Also finished up their atrocities at the hospital that people claimed for months would never be intentionally attacked. Pretty eventful day for the country.

Most friendly army in the middle-east:

*I meant to quoate this instead of the above post, still relevant though

RainMaker 04-02-2024 11:18 AM

Biden: ‘If You Harm an American, We Will Respond’

JPhillips 04-07-2024 10:17 AM

Watching CBS pester the head of Doctors Without Borders as to why the WCK deaths have raised such an outcry while other aid worker deaths haven't.

And nobody ever mentions that CBS didn't spend half of a Sunday morning talking about the other deaths. It's like the media has no role in how much coverage events get.

Edward64 04-12-2024 08:04 PM

Still waiting on Iran's response. I think Joe has done all he can to "warn" Iran about sending missiles into Israel.

Hard to know what Iran will do and how Israel/US will respond. I think Iran has to respond somehow (seems fair to me) but this reminds me a little of back in Cold War I and how people were saying a "miscalculation" could start a nuclear exchange.

It won't get to that, but it could escalate the fighting & tensions around that region even further. And draw the US in more.

Edward64 04-13-2024 03:26 PM

Supposedly a bunch of drones/UAVs launched from Iran, crossing Iraq and heading to Israel. Early guesses is this is the start of the retaliation.

RainMaker 04-13-2024 03:41 PM

Israel getting what they want. They've been trying to draw Iran in for awhile. Bad news for Americans.

GrantDawg 04-13-2024 03:48 PM

The President did a sudden return back to Washington earlier today. I guess we had an early heads up that it was coming.

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RainMaker 04-13-2024 03:58 PM

Seems like them sending warnings and drones with plenty of lead time is a form of de-escalation. Most of them will be shot down. They had to respond. It sounds like the attacks are against the illegally occupied areas too and not actually Israel.

Flasch186 04-13-2024 05:33 PM

How do you know where a flying drone was targeting?

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GrantDawg 04-13-2024 05:45 PM

Well, first Iran announced it. That usually tips you off. I have a feeling that the US and/or Isreal have a solid network of signal intelligence in Iran. The President was returned to the White House before anything launched.

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Edward64 04-14-2024 08:03 AM

Lots of fireworks but (apparently) no real damage. Good to know the billions we spent on weapon systems worked this time.

RainMaker 04-14-2024 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430677)
Lots of fireworks but (apparently) no real damage. Good to know the billions we spent on weapon systems worked this time.

As a thank you they executed a USAID worker on a public street in the West Bank.

GrantDawg 04-15-2024 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430677)
Lots of fireworks but (apparently) no real damage. Good to know the billions we spent on weapon systems worked this time.

Reports say up to 50% of the 150 missiles launched failed at the launch site or never made it out of Iran. THAT was billions of dollars wasted.

Edward64 04-15-2024 07:04 AM

Bibi should "take the win" as Joe suggests.

... unless he has the ability to take out key nuke targets in Iran. Pretty good "casus belli" as any. But he better really take them out (and set back the program another 5+ years) vs take out some regular military assets.

Edward64 04-16-2024 08:13 AM

Separate votes is okay with me. Friday is the day.

House GOP leaders plan to move on four separate bills as Johnson faces pressure over aid to Israel and Ukraine | CNN Politics

Speaker Mike Johnson announced Monday evening the House will take up separate bills this week to provide aid for Israel and Ukraine, heeding demands from the far right to keep the issues separate as the threat of a vote to oust him from the speakership looms.

The long-awaited decision by Johnson marks a pivotal moment for the Louisiana Republican as he has faced intense pressure from his conference over how he would handle foreign aid to the key US allies.

Johnson predicted the House will vote Friday evening on the separate bills.
Not sure what the convertible loans for humanitarian relief is about but like the other 2 requirements.


Among the ways GOP leaders plan to address Ukraine aid: a bill to seize Russian assets, a lend-lease program for Ukraine military aid and convertible loans for humanitarian relief.

RainMaker 04-16-2024 01:11 PM

More war crimes. Tough to keep count.

Edward64 04-16-2024 02:41 PM

Good thing we have wiki which keeps track of war crimes (some alleged) from Hamas, Israel & both.

War crimes in the Israel–Hamas war - Wikipedia

RainMaker 04-16-2024 04:32 PM

It sounds like the Rafah slaughter is about to commence. Some of the videos coming out are really bad.

RainMaker 04-17-2024 11:53 PM

Edward64 04-18-2024 06:11 AM

Good ole TikTok & Twitter news reporting.

For something like this, I'll wait for some MSM press to confirm (or deny) this.

RainMaker 04-18-2024 11:39 AM

Yeah best to wait and see if the NYT can find another Israeili intelligence officer to write a story that blows up under a tiny bit of scrutiny.

Edward64 04-18-2024 11:57 AM

Better than assuming a JDAM strike based on acoustics or it’s a Ninja Ginzu chopper thingy based on a tweet. Don’t trust TikTok or Twitter without verifying

RainMaker 04-18-2024 12:08 PM

Verify with who? The journalists that were systematically executed in Gaza? All we have to go on is from the people who were there.

Also feel like after Israel leveled every hospital in Gaza that people would stop denying they fired rockets at Al-Shifa. But there are plenty of rubes out there.

Edward64 04-18-2024 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3430913)
Verify with who? The journalists that were systematically executed in Gaza? All we have to go on is from the people who were there.

Definitely not the “journalists” that participated on Oct 7.

Yeah, the on the ground people also claimed JDAM and the ninja, ginzu thing. Get me western MSM reporting for some level of credibility.


Also feel like after Israel leveled every hospital in Gaza that people would stop denying they fired rockets at Al-Shifa. But there are plenty of rubes out there.

Sounds like the simpletons who don’t believe hospitals were used by Hamas terrorists or that only Israel committed war crimes.

RainMaker 04-18-2024 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430917)
Definitely not the “journalists” that participated on Oct 7.

Yeah, the on the ground people also claimed JDAM and the ninja, ginzu thing. Get me western MSM reporting for some level of credibility.

Which journalists participated?

Western MSM can't get into Gaza without Israeli escorts and you aren't allowed to be embedded unless you run your stories by their government first. It's only state media. Journalists who don't abide are summarily executed (often with their families).


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430917)
Sounds like the simpletons who don’t believe hospitals were used by Hamas terrorists or that only Israel committed war crimes.

Why would Hamas use a hospital? I know they're not a terribly sophisticated militia but they've probably learned over the years to stay away from those types of locations. I can't believe there are still people trying to sell the human shield crap. Even Israel gave that shit up months ago. Someone tell them there are still morons who believe it.

HerRealName 04-18-2024 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430917)
Sounds like the simpletons who don’t believe hospitals were used by Hamas terrorists or that only Israel committed war crimes.

At least we can all agree that Israel is committing war crimes. That's progress of a sort.

GrantDawg 04-18-2024 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by HerRealName (Post 3430923)
At least we can all agree that Israel is committing war crimes. That's progress of a sort.

Honestly there was never a doubt. Both sides have very little respect for the idea war crimes. They commit atrocities while screaming about the atrocities of the other side. It just seems that most that have strong opinions on this conflict only care about the war crimes of one side, and justify the crimes of the other. Worse is both sides also flood the zone with fake new so a bunch of time is wasted on arguing what is real and what is not.

RainMaker 04-18-2024 02:15 PM

I think the issue is that our tax dollars are funding the war crimes. I would be opposed to giving billions to Hamas as well. And the scope of the crimes is something we really haven't seen since the Nazis in WW2.

Edward64 04-18-2024 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3430920)
Which journalists participated?

Western MSM can't get into Gaza without Israeli escorts and you aren't allowed to be embedded unless you run your stories by their government first. It's only state media. Journalists who don't abide are summarily executed (often with their families).

EXPOSED: Gaza Photojournalists Shared Call to Infiltrate Israel on Oct. 7 | HonestReporting

Note that 4 MSM outlets denied knowing about the "journalists'" affiliations before using their photos but not the underlying reporting of the Palestinian journalists participating in Oct 7.
Also, see Nov post about this claim


Why would Hamas use a hospital? I know they're not a terribly sophisticated militia but they've probably learned over the years to stay away from those types of locations. I can't believe there are still people trying to sell the human shield crap. Even Israel gave that shit up months ago. Someone tell them there are still morons who believe it.
I think its pretty obvious why they would use the hospitals. Because they use it for cover.

There has been western MSM that have documented tunnels under the hospital compounds. There's been MSM reporting that hostages have been taken, with armed guards, into the hospitals etc.

Edward64 04-18-2024 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by HerRealName (Post 3430923)
At least we can all agree that Israel is committing war crimes. That's progress of a sort.

As GD said, acknowledgement a long time ago. The real question is do some here also concede that Palestinians committed war crimes?

Israeli-Hamas War (Oct 2023) - Page 9 - Front Office Football Central

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Israeli-Hamas War (Oct 2023) - Page 5 - Front Office Football Central

RainMaker 04-18-2024 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430950)
EXPOSED: Gaza Photojournalists Shared Call to Infiltrate Israel on Oct. 7 | HonestReporting

Note that 4 MSM outlets denied knowing about the "journalists'" affiliations before using their photos but not the underlying reporting of the Palestinian journalists participating in Oct 7.
Also, see Nov post about this claim

Front Office Football Central - View Single Post - Israeli-Hamas War (Oct 2023)

HonestReporting is a pro-Israeli NGO run by a former IDF soldier. All the news outlets have denied the report. Even HonestReporting said they have no evidence after they received legal threats and are now claiming they were "just asking questions".


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430950)
I think its pretty obvious why they would use the hospitals. Because they use it for cover.

Why would you hide in a place that Israel routinely targets? This is a country that has a long history of targeting aid organizations, schools, and hospitals. Hiding in a hospital is one of the dumbest places you could be.

Edward64 04-18-2024 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3430955)
HonestReporting is a pro-Israeli NGO run by a former IDF soldier. All the news outlets have denied the report. Even HonestReporting said they have no evidence after they received legal threats and are now claiming they were "just asking questions".

Pretty sure you are wrong about your bolded and my quote below. Note the nuance in the "denial" below. But please prove it by providing a western MSM source.


Note that 4 MSM outlets denied knowing about the "journalists'" affiliations before using their photos but not the underlying reporting of the Palestinian journalists participating in Oct 7.


Why would you hide in a place that Israel routinely targets? This is a country that has a long history of targeting aid organizations, schools, and hospitals. Hiding in a hospital is one of the dumbest places you could be.
Because they had deep bunkers & tunnels underneath the hospital compounds. Hiding in a tunnel & basement under a hospital is one of the first places I would hide (unless it was a zombie apocalypse) unless I could get the heck out of dodge.

Question to you: do you accept or deny there were tunnels and rooms under Palestinian hospital compounds?

RainMaker 04-18-2024 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430956)
Pretty sure you are wrong about your bolded and my quote below. Note the nuance in the "denial" below. But please prove it by providing a western MSM source.

No, HonestReporting now admits that those outlets had no prior knowledge. They retracted their report on that. You're trying to take a side that doesn't exist. Both sides agree on the issue. Here's the link since you can't seem to figure out Google.


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430956)
Because they had deep bunkers & tunnels underneath the hospital compounds. Hiding in a tunnel & basement under a hospital is one of the first places I would hide (unless it was a zombie apocalypse) unless I could get the heck out of dodge.

I have no doubt that you would choose to hide in one of the dumbest places possible in Gaza.


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430956)
Question to you: do you accept or deny there were tunnels and rooms under Palestinian hospital compounds?

Yes, Israel built a bunch of tunnels there a long time ago.

Edward64 04-18-2024 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3430962)
No, HonestReporting now admits that those outlets had no prior knowledge. They retracted their report on that. You're trying to take a side that doesn't exist. Both sides agree on the issue. Here's the link since you can't seem to figure out Google.

The report is saying Palestinian "journalists" did participate in Oct 7. The MSM used their pics and MSM is saying they had no prior knowledge ... not that the "journalists" did not participate in Oct 7.

Again, let me provide you my quote for the third time.

Note that 4 MSM outlets denied knowing about the "journalists'" affiliations before using their photos but not the underlying reporting of the Palestinian journalists participating in Oct 7.
If you have a MSM source that contradicts HonestReporting and says those identified "journalists" actions were taken out of context (or were not there participating), please provide it.


Yes, Israel built a bunch of tunnels there a long time ago.
My bad for not being explicit and detailed enough in my question. Let me rephrase.

Questions to you:

1) Do you accept or deny that Hamas used the tunnels and rooms under Palestinian hospital compounds?

2) Do you accept or deny that Hamas built new tunnels and rooms (in addition to what the Israelis built) under Palestinian hospital compounds?

RainMaker 04-18-2024 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430963)
The report is saying Palestinian "journalists" did participate in Oct 7. The MSM used their pics and MSM is saying they had no prior knowledge ... not that the "journalists" did not participate in Oct 7.

Again, let me provide you my quote for the third time.
If you have a MSM source that contradicts HonestReporting and says those identified "journalists" actions were taken out of context (or were not there participating), please provide it.

Contradict what? HonestReporting says they have no evidence of the claim. They were "just asking questions". This report you're talking about doesn't exist. It's a figment of your imagination.


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430963)
1) Do you accept or deny that Hamas used the tunnels and rooms under Palestinian hospital compounds?

2) Do you accept or deny that Hamas built new tunnels and rooms (in addition to what the Israelis built) under Palestinian hospital compounds?

How the fuck am I supposed to know? All we have are the words of people who worked in the hospital who said it was not being used as a base and the IDF which lies about pretty much everything.

Again, it'd be nice to have some independent reporting in the area but Israel keeps executing journalists. Usually not something you do if the facts are on your side.

Edward64 04-18-2024 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3430964)
Contradict what? HonestReporting says they have no evidence of the claim. They were "just asking questions". This report you're talking about doesn't exist. It's a figment of your imagination.

Please quote the specific text where Honestreporting said they had no evidence of Palestinian “journalists“ participating in Oct 7. Quote them. It’s down to your reading comprehension or mine, so quote it for the benefit of this forum.


How the fuck am I supposed to know? All we have are the words of people who worked in the hospital who said it was not being used as a base and the IDF which lies about pretty much everything.
There are western MSM evidence that Hamas did both. See prior posts in this thread.

But go ahead and depend on your TikTok videos and tweets, without western MSM, for your accusations.

RainMaker 04-18-2024 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430965)
Please quote the specific text where Honestreporting said they had no evidence of Palestinian “journalists“ participating in Oct 7. Quote them. It’s down to your reading comprehension or mine, so quote it for the benefit of this forum.

Learn to Google before you post more dumb shit.

Media watchdog says it was just 'raising questions' with insinuations about photographers and Hamas | AP News


The executive director of an Israeli media watchdog organization says it was simply “raising questions” by publicly wondering whether Palestinian photojournalists who documented the Oct. 7 Hamas attack in Israel — and sent some of the first images of its aftermath to a watching world — had been tipped off in advance that it would happen.


Gil Hoffman, executive director of HonestReporting and a former reporter for The Jerusalem Post, admitted Thursday the group had no evidence to back up that suggestion. He said he was satisfied with subsequent explanations from several of these journalists that they did not know.

“They were legitimate questions to be asked,” Hoffman said. Despite the name “HonestReporting,” he said, “we don’t claim to be a news organization.”

You're so caught up in defending a genocide that you're just making up shit that even the group your citing denies reporting. Seek help, you've got some serious fucking problems man.

Edward64 04-18-2024 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3430969)

Thanks for your quotes. I'll put this down to your reading comprehension.

Let me provide the evidence.

I said, you said sequence below ...


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430917)
Definitely not the “journalists” that participated on Oct 7.


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3430920)
Which journalists participated?


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430950)
Note that 4 MSM outlets denied knowing about the "journalists'" affiliations before using their photos but not the underlying reporting of the Palestinian journalists participating in Oct 7..


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3430955)
All the news outlets have denied the report


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3430963)
The report is saying Palestinian "journalists" did participate in Oct 7. The MSM used their pics and MSM is saying they had no prior knowledge ... not that the "journalists" did not participate in Oct 7.

In summary ...
  1. I have consistently said Palestinian "journalists" participated in Oct 7. Honestreporting has also said "journalists" participated in Oct 7. They have provided evidence in their article.
  2. I did not say the journalists had prior knowledge. Just that they participated.
  3. Your 2 rebuttal links doesn't rebut the question if the journalists participated in Oct 7 or not. Nor do they question the evidence provided by Honestreporting on their participation (see the tweet below). They both simply say the journalists did not know before hand.


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3430969)
You're so caught up in defending a genocide that you're just making up shit that even the group your citing denies reporting. Seek help, you've got some serious fucking problems man.

Not making shit up. Hopefully, my quotes and summation is evidence on your lack of reading comprehension.

RainMaker 04-18-2024 08:48 PM

The guy who runs HonestReporting says he has no evidence they participated. He says he was just asking questions. You can read his post that's still online where he admits to having no evidence. The guy's words cannot be expressed any clearer.

Maybe you know more than the guy who actually wrote the post. You can contact him directly and tell him that he's wrong about his own writings and statements to the press. But I'm not going to keep playing this tired routine of yours where you say some dumb shit and then argue inconsequential semantics when someone corrects you.

Being genuine here. Seek some help, you've got some problems to work out.

RainMaker 04-18-2024 08:50 PM

Somberly remembering the time that CNN, NBC, FOX, ABC, and CBS participated in the 9/11 attacks on our country.

Edward64 04-18-2024 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3430974)
The guy who runs HonestReporting says he has no evidence they participated. He says he was just asking questions. You can read his post that's still online where he admits to having no evidence. The guy's words cannot be expressed any clearer.

Please quote the text where the Honestreporting guy says there is no evidence the "journalists” participated. I frankly think this is a reading comprehension issue on your part.

But yes, I may be wrong. So I am asking your to quote it directly. Your 2 quotes, if you read them carefully, does not support your statement.

Below is your quote and see the bolded section. "Did not know" is not the same as "did not participate". Honestreporting did not take back their accusation about participating, just knowing before hand.


Gil Hoffman, executive director of HonestReporting and a former reporter for The Jerusalem Post, admitted Thursday the group had no evidence to back up that suggestion. He said he was satisfied with subsequent explanations from several of these journalists that they did not know.

“They were legitimate questions to be asked,” Hoffman said. Despite the name “HonestReporting,” he said, “we don’t claim to be a news organization.”

Edward64 04-18-2024 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3430975)
Somberly remembering the time that CNN, NBC, FOX, ABC, and CBS participated in the 9/11 attacks on our country.


But did they participate like this guy? All grins and giggles?

P.S. to be clear, he is one of the “journalist” that Honestreporting said participated in Oct 7. This video is one of their evidence.

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